A Generic Platform for Movement Training t - EIT DigitalA Generic Platform for Movement Training ......


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A Generic Platform for Movement Training

Marie Sjölinder

Olov Ståhl

A Generic Platform for Movement Training

• What we wanted to do – the aim of the project

• Who we are – project participants

• How we did it – technical description and interaction with system

Background trends


• We are getting older and we live longer

• We need more medical care

• Long term therapy and rehabilitation costs money

• The ones who pay for the treatment (clinics, insurance companies) will become more

and more price sensitive

Information and large data sets

• Data in an increasing amount from all aspects of our lives

• Medical information and data from sensors measuring movements

Project Aim

• A platform that will make it easy to evaluate and compare rehabilitation


• Give support physiotherapists, clinics and purchasers of care

• The platform can handle information from different sensor systems and

relate these measurements to background variables such as age and


• A generic data-structure with connectivity even to new sensor systems

with unfamiliar data structures

• Gather data over long time periods - many sessions and from many


• Follow up results at both individual and group levels

• Allow for easy development of modules for targeted purposes

Partners in the project

• Research organizations:

• SICS Swedish ICT: Swedish institute for applied ICT research

• University of Oulu: Software engineering research group in the area of embedded

systems and software intensive systems and services

• Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK: The research unit E3DA - Energy Efficient Embedded

Digital Architecture works with Body Area Networks and Wearable Electronics

• Companies:

• Evalan: Develops, markets and sells services and solutions that use remote monitoring

and telemetry solutions

• CoRehab: Develops Riablo, a product for rehabilitation and sport training. Riablo uses

sensors to measure movements and games to motivate and guide.

Platform architecture overview

• Web application that can run in the cloud or in

a local installation

• Provides a REST API for clients:

• rehabilitation systems can use the api to

upload exercise data

• apps can use the api to download data as

well as inspect analysis capabilities and

initiate analysis tasks

• Data is encoded using JSON

• Access rights determine what clients are

allowed to do

REST api



Exercise info

Rehab set

Data model

• Rehabilitation sets

• Patient information and conditions

• Exercise results

• Settings

• Result summary

• Sensor data

• The platform does not dictate the

format of exercise result data, apart

from a few standard parameters

Patient condition

Patient info

Exercise info

Rehab set

Exercise result

Sensor data Sensor


Data analysis framework

• Pluggable analysis modules

• You install what you need

• More modules can be added later

• Analysis on sensitive data can be done

inside the platform

• Each module describes itself

• What does the module do

• What input values does it need

• What kind of results does it return

• Analysis tasks can be started and results

returned via the REST API

REST api

Analysis module


Web interface

• Javascript GUI for browsing data

• Simple analytics via data plots and graphs

• UI towards platform analysis modules

Data examples - Sensistep

Data examples – Sensistep contd

Data examples – Riablo

Analytics – single rehabilitation set

Analytics – multiple rehabilitation sets

Data analysis example

• Select which analysis module to use

• Fill in module input parameters and start


• View result when ready

Business scenario 1


Service: Support healthcare organisations to collect and analyse rehabilitation


Target markets:

• Health care providers (hospitals and clinics): A Software Cloud Platform (SaaS);

Software platform to run locally; Software Add-ons/Modules; Data/statistics;

Updates, consulting services, support

• Companies with sensor solutions for rehabilitation: Easy access to clinics and

increased value together with others (other sensor data on the platform);

Integration of their solutions, support, consulting

Revenue model: License packages based on for example number of users

Business scenario 2


Services: Access to data, data sets and data analyses. Analyses of data from various

sensor systems; Consumer Portal for manipulation and analysis of data sets

Target market: Healthcare providers, insurance companies, pharmaceutical

companies, municipalities.

Revenue models

• License for Private data sets including maintenance and support to customers.

• License for Public data sets including subscription and support to customers.

• Pay as you go - per data size or usage.

In a few years - needs much data and usage over a longer period of time.

Main outcome and future work

• A generic platform that can gather and process data from various sensor systems

• Possibility to upload data from different sessions and different users (not real time)

• Capacity for comparing and analysing treatments

Welcome to our demo in the exhibition!


Marie Sjölinder, marie@sics.se
