A Guide for Parents Guardians - Brock is one of the most ... · At Brock we strive to create the...


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A Guide forParents &GuardiansJoining the Sixth Form at Brockenhurst College

We are pleased to welcome your son or daughter for the next stage of their education. At Brock we strive to create the ideal study environment and aim for your young person to enjoy a pivotal learning experience that primes them for success going forward.

Parents and guardians have a key role to play in supporting students, and we look forward to working with you to ensure the success of your son or daughter. This guide has been created to give you all the important information you need about the College.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or if you need any further information. You will find a contact list at the back of this booklet.

WELCOME toBrockenhurst College

COVID-19 and our timetableIn response to COVID-19 we have altered our timetable structure to help us keep students and staff safe. We have limited overall numbers on campus but have allowed for flexibility if government guidance changes.

The College day will now run from 09:30 – 16:30. Importantly, the later start allows students who use public transport to travel outside of peak times. Both Network Rail and college bus services will operate closely around our hours to ensure travel time is kept to a minimum.

Every student will have an individualised timetable, and a typical programme will be 15-20 hours of classes per week. These will be split between remote learning and classroom learning. Hours will vary depending on the course but will normally comprise one day a week of remote learning followed by fewer than usual but nevertheless FULL days of classroom learning. There will also be timetabled directed study.

As always, we expect 100% attendance at timetabled classes. We will register students at every lesson, but do not require them to be on site outside of scheduled classes. There will remain ample study and social areas available for students to use when not in class. For example, our Learning Resources Centre will be open 09:30 – 16:30 every day that the College is open.

AS/A Level AS/A Level students normally study three subjects. Following the national overhaul of the A Level curriculum and structure, courses are now two years in length, with exams at the end of the second year. We recommend students study three subjects unless they are academically strong or need to study four subjects for a reason.

One-year AS Levels are still available in some subjects, with assessment at the end. Students will generally take an AS Level in a subject only if they are not intending to continue studying into the second year. Students taking A Levels will complete internal examinations in the summer term of the first year.

Level 3 Extended Diplomas (BTEC and OCR Cambridge Technical)These are advanced level vocational courses that make up all or the majority of a student’s timetable. Depending on the subject area, the College offers either the BTEC Extended Diploma or the OCR Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma. Both are equivalent to three A Levels and will be accepted for entry to higher education with equivalence to A Levels. Vocational qualifications differ from A Levels in that they are based on continuous assessment across the programme. Some, but not all, programmes have externally assessed modules.

Note: Some curriculum areas now offer a Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma, which is equivalent to one A Level and allows students to combine a BTEC course with A Levels or GCSEs.

MAIN programmesThe two main types of programme are outlined below, and you can find full details of individual courses at www.brock.ac.uk or in the Prospectus.

Level 2 Extended Certificates (BTEC and OCR Cambridge Technical)These are one-year Level 2 vocational courses. Depending on the subject area, the College offers either the BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate or the OCR Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate. Both are equivalent to two GCSEs and will form part of a Level 2 study programme, which will also include work experience, Enrichment and in many cases GCSE English and/or Maths.

Other Vocational qualifications including NVQ Levels 1 & 2 These courses may be taken by students studying Marine Engineering, Construction, Catering, and Complementary and Beauty Therapy. They are practical training courses and must be studied in a work environment.

Foundation Learning and Level 1 Courses Foundation Learning and Level 1 courses are for students who have lower grades at GCSE and who need to develop their skills in literacy and numeracy alongside their main course.

Continuing Education This programme is for students with specific learning difficulties. The course aims to develop students’ skills and support their learning to enable them to progress onto other courses within the College, or into employment.

Supported Education At Brock we are committed to maintaining access to our courses for all learners and will offer the level of additional support necessary to make this possible. If your son or daughter has additional needs, please ensure we aware of this so we can make suitable arrangements for support.

Please contact Tracey Miller, our Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Manager, using tmiller@brock.ac.uk, if you have information about your son or daughter’s needs that you feel may not have been flagged during their interview.

If you have questions about your son or daughter’s course choice(s), contact the relevant Head(s) of Curriculum by phoning 01590 625555 or emailing enquiries@brock.ac.uk

ADDITIONAL timetable commitmentsTutorialsThere will be a weekly tutorial where students will meet with their Student Support Manager and follow a programme of tutorial activities as well as obtain important information. Student Support Managers are also students’ first point of contact for any pastoral issues or queries. There will be remote tutorial sessions in addition to the face-to-face session for every student each week.

EnrichmentWe offer over 40 different Enrichment activities. These include team and individual sports, outdoor pursuits, charity work abroad, volunteering and performing arts activities such as music, drama and dance. Students can access details of Enrichment opportunities via our e-learning platform, eBrock. Enrichment is fun, helps students meet new friends and can add significantly to a student’s profile for pursuing higher education or employment. The full list of Enrichment opportunities is available at www.brock.ac.uk/enrichment

The College also has a Students’ Union, which students can join to help steer the direction of college life.

English and MathsAny parent will be aware of the importance of English and Maths for future employment prospects. It is mandatory that students who have not achieved English and Maths at grade 4 or above at GCSE must continue to study towards these qualifications while in education. We assess all students who have not achieved grade 4 in English and/or

Maths when they join us. We offer a variety of English and Maths programmes including Functional Skills and GCSE. Learners will be placed on the most suitable programme based on their prior achievement and our assessment.

Next Steps We have an extensive Next Steps programme of events throughout the academic year, which provides inspiration for students to maximise their achievement and plan their progression for when they leave college. Students keep track of their skills and achievements through a personalised portfolio, which helps them assess what employability and study skills they have developed.

Events include audiences with visiting speakers from local companies and universities, trips to university open days and local employers’ open events. Larger scale events for students include a higher education fair, apprenticeship fairs, a gap year fair, a volunteering fair and a work experience and recruitment fair.

Our Progression Day in June features over 100 speakers from companies and universities, among other organisations, who visit to inspire students about the opportunities that lie ahead.

Next Steps sessions will be advertised in the student newsfeed and during tutor periods. Students for whom an event may be particularly beneficial will be emailed directly, and parents will be kept up to date by email and via Parent Portal.

Main programmes continued

Keeping YOU informedWe are committed to keeping you informed about the progress of your son or daughter and about any problems that may arise. You can expect regular contact about current grades and attendance figures, plus information regarding any problems with attendance or performance.

Keeping US informedShould your son or daughter be unable to attend the College due to sickness or other reasons, please report this as soon as possible through our absence line, which is 01590 625530 or by emailing attendance@brock.ac.uk

Parent Portal (http://parents.brock.ac.uk)You can find key information relating to your son or daughter’s progress on Parent Portal. Login details will be sent to you soon after enrolment and we urge you to use this platform to stay up to date.

Parent Portal contains the following information: �� Parents’ Guide. �� Contact details for teachers.�� Timetable and live attendance

information. �� Progress information such as target

checks, performance dials and testimonials. �� Performance agreements and letters. �� Exam entries and results. �� Access to Brock Shop for paying for

travel/trips/equipment. �� Key dates and upcoming events.

Email communication We prefer to communicate with you primarily via email. Email contacts for all staff associated with your son or daughter’s programme(s) will be available through Parent Portal.

Target gradesAll students have target grades agreed at the beginning of their course, usually based on their prior achievements at GCSE. Students’ levels of performance will be assessed regularly and compared with their targets to monitor how well they are doing.

Target ChecksLecturers will assess progress on a half-termly basis using our Target Check system. They will indicate if your son or daughter is ahead of target (+), on target (=), or behind target (-).

Parents’ EveningsAt Brock we hold two Parents’ Evenings a year, normally in November and February. You will be invited into the College to discuss your son or daughter’s progress with their lecturers. We very much hope you will be able to attend these evenings because very useful information is often exchanged.

Note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the College will enable parents’ appointments with teachers to take place online, replacing our usual Parents’ Evening arrangements for Autumn 2020. Please see Parent Portal for the most recent information.

Written reportsEvery student will receive an annual written report detailing performance on each of his or her courses. Reports for students on a one-year programme will be sent out in April. An end-of-year report for students on a two-year programme will be sent out in July. This will include exam results and academic achievements, plus lecturer testimonials that will form the basis for college, university, or employment references.

The College does not advocate students taking holiday in term time because evidence shows this will adversely affect their learning and may impact on their final grades. College terms are normally slightly shorter than school terms, giving you scope to take advantage of cheaper holiday prices.

The College must be kept informed of any changes that might affect your son or daughter’s progress or wellbeing, so we can support them effectively.

This might include: �� Changes relating to medical conditions. �� Any new diagnoses of learning disabilities,

or changes that might require additional support. �� Bereavement or family issues. �� Changes to address, telephone, or email

contact details.

Please contact your son or daughter’s Student Support Manager about any changes.

SUPPORT for studentsStaff/student relationships at Brock are generally less formal than school, and students normally address staff by their first names. Subject lecturers are responsible for the learning, progress and attendance of their students. Your son or daughter should be encouraged to initially discuss any problems they may have on their course(s) with their subject lecturer. Parents are welcome to contact lecturers directly via email. Contact details for all staff teaching your son or daughter will be available on Parent Portal.

Student Support Manager Every student has a Student Support Manager and will meet with them weekly for a tutor period. This staff member performs a similar role to that of the personal tutor at secondary school. He or she represents the first point of contact for any issues, plus the delivery of a tutorial programme and important notices.

We run a comprehensive weekly tutorial programme of activities, which seeks to ensure students are developing the skills and knowledge to achieve their personal and academic goals. The Student Support Manager will also work with your son or daughter to help them make the most of their time at Brock. This might include working with them on wider issues that may arise outside of classes.

If your son or daughter is in the final year of their programme and is applying to university via UCAS, their Student Support Manager will guide them through the process and assist them in putting together their application. They will also take subject references written by lecturers and develop these into a formal reference from the College.

Skills DevelopmentSkills Development is based in our new STEM building, where support needs will be discussed during admissions interviews. All students will be screened at enrolment to help identify any additional support needs they may have. Where appropriate, a further assessment will be arranged and suitable support will be implemented.

Learning difficulties and disabilities and intensive supportThe College has a range of support available for students with additional learning needs. We work with you and your son or daughter to apply for additional learning support through the Local Education Authority, which will report back with a proposal for support, known as a Local Offer. Details of the Local Offer system can be found on our website at www.brock.ac.uk/localoffer

We also have an Inspiration Room, which is specially designed for vulnerable students who might require a quiet space. In addition, there is an Intensive Support Officer who supports vulnerable students.

Tracey Miller is our Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Manager. She can be contacted on 01590 625586 or by emailing tmiller@brock.ac.uk

College Counsellors/Emotional and Wellbeing Support Officer A free and professional counselling service will be available to help students with emotional or personal problems. Bookings can be made through Student Services. The College also has an Emotional and Wellbeing Support Officer who is available for students who may need more informal emotional support.

In 2020 the College will be providing its counselling both face-to-face and via telephone to support students as effectively as possible while COVID-19 restrictions remain.

College health servicesCollege nurses are available to see students either by appointment or on a drop-in basis at our Medical Room. The College also has a qualified team of first aiders on-hand throughout the week.

It is helpful for relevant staff to be aware of your son or daughter’s individual health needs, so we will ask you to complete a medical form. Please keep us updated about any changes that may occur during their time at college. All personal information will be stored securely and treated as confidential.

Student ServicesOur academic staff are backed-up by a range of support services. These services are based at the Student Services area next to Main Reception, and advice and guidance will be available throughout the college day.

Student Helpdesk The Student Helpdesk in Student Services is open between 08:45 and 17:00 every day to assist students with general enquiries as well as matters relating to financial help, travel, lockers and appointments to see specialist staff.

TravelThere is an extensive bus network providing travel to and from the College across our catchment area. Meanwhile, the mainline railway station is around a seven-minute walk from our main campus, enabling students to travel in from both the Bournemouth/Poole and Southampton areas with ease. Students can purchase bus and rail passes from us. Full details are available on the travel section of our website – www.brock.ac.uk/travel

Our Student Finance, Travel & Facilities Manager, Ben Thomson, can assist with any guidance required on travelling to Brock. He can be contacted on 01590 625533 or by emailing travel@brock.ac.uk

Student financeThe College may offer financial support to students in the form of bursaries where there is a low household income or students face challenging financial circumstances. There is no automatic provision, so students need to apply and provide appropriate evidence to enable the College to draw on bursary funds. In general, financial support is available for learners where net household income is below £18,000 excluding benefits. There is some flexibility, and if household income is a little over this figure, we may still be able to help. Support comes in the form of assistance with travel (50% contribution) and essential course costs.

Free meals on campus may also be available. There are separate qualification criteria for this. There are also additional bursaries available for vulnerable students such as those living in or leaving care, or those living independently.

Full details and bursary application forms can be found on the Financial Support page of our website – www.brock.ac.uk/bursaries

Our Student Finance Advisor, Debbie Griffiths, will be available to offer advice and practical assistance with any financial issue related to attendance. Debbie can be contacted on 01590 625328 or by emailing dgriffiths@brock.ac.uk

Careers advice Our Careers Advisor, Emma Fry, will be available for appointments, bookable through Student Services. She can help students identify job and career opportunities, as well as help plan and explore further and higher education options. Emma can be contacted on 01590 625463 or by emailing efry@brock.ac.uk

Equal opportunitiesAt Brockenhurst College we are committed to fair and equal treatment for all students. We always challenge discrimination and work hard to promote equal opportunities.

The College Charter and policies and proceduresThe College Charter outlines our commitment to your son or daughter. The Charter is available on our website along with a full list of policies and procedures and details of how to make a complaint. All of this information can be found at www.brock.ac.uk/collegecharter

Safeguarding The College is committed to ensuring your son or daughter remains safe while studying with us. We are also committed to the government’s Prevent duty, which protects students from the risks of radicalisation.

In addition, we actively promote British values of tolerance and fairness as part of the College ethos. Importantly, we have a dedicated Safeguarding Team, which includes a designated Safeguarding Lead who has deputies across the College’s functions. These comprise a Prevent Coordinator, a Health & Safety Officer, and a Student Liaison & Security Officer.

We will work to ensure your son or daughter is knowledgeable about how to stay safe across every aspect of their lives. Education on important issues will be delivered at induction and then through our tutorial programme. Throughout the year the College will host events to promote safety, wellbeing and equality and diversity. This includes All-ways Safe Week, which covers topics such as drugs and alcohol, relationship safety, sexual health, online safety, and the risks of radicalisation.

Please visit our website www.brock.ac.uk to view a range of further information. Policies and reports are available for browsing or downloading.

Other IMPORTANTinformation

Contact InformationTransport enquiries:Student Finance, Travel & Facilities ManagerBen Thomson01590 625533travel@brock.ac.uk

Financial Support enquiries:Student Finance AdvisorDebbie Griffiths01590 625328dgriffiths@brock.ac.uk

Additional Support enquiries:Learning Difficulties and Disabilities ManagerTracey Miller01590 625586tmiller@brock.ac.uk

All Other Sixth Form College enquiries:Main Reception01590 625555enquiries@brock.ac.uk