A Letter to My Dog



Dogs know how to talk to us—they do it all the time. A pair of raised ears or a wagging tail can speak volumes to those in the know. In this heartfelt ode to the furriest of family members, dog lovers get the chance to say something back, sharing personal letters penned to their beloved companions. With gorgeous accompanying photographs by Robin Layton, this collection of letters and portraits features a wide range of dogs and their owners, including everyday people with remarkable stories as well as celebrities like Hilary Duff, Tony Bennett, and Oprah Winfrey alongside their pooches. Throughout, these tales of perseverance, love, and loyalty celebrate the deep and devoted friendships that humans share with their pups.

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Dear Sally and Sadie,

Thank you for being my personal alarm clocks every morning. Thank you for being my personal trainers . . . making sure I go for a walk outside every day. Thank you for being my bodyguards . . . barking at any small noises you hear.

I must admit, when I finally conceded to my son’s begging for a dog, my rule was that there would be no pets in the house. Well, that lasted about a month . . . at the most. Now, I am the one who makes sure you are comfortable on the couch, with pillows under your heads. I am the one who backhands a raccoon, and tears my shoulder up, to make sure you all do not get attacked. When my mother comes to visit, even she cannot help but scoot over in bed to make room for you. Obviously, the tables have turned.

You get the front seat on all our boat rides and road trips to the beach. You entertain me as you jump off the diving board and climb the ladder in our pool. You make sure we don’t have to eat leftovers by cleaning up what’s left of dinner.

I never imagined I would sleep with a dog, much less two of you, but you all never fail to keep me warm at night. I never imagined how much I would look forward to being met at the door every single night by your smiling faces. You never fail to show me your love.

I never imagined I could love a dog the way

I love the two of you!

Pat Summit: Sally and Sadie


My sweet, sweet love . . . I fell in love the moment I met you, so tiny and full of puppy breath. You’ve been described as having “Beverly Hills looks with a Compton attitude.” Seeing how happy you are swimming or running around at the park are simple moments I cherish most! I love you with all my heart!

Amy Smart: Oscar

Dear Abby,

I love you so much; you’re so sweet and friendly! I just don’t like it when you pee everywhere!! :) I love you! 


Willow Smith: Abby