A Look into Pranapada Lagna II



Pranapada Lagna has not been dealt with as much insight as necessary. Why does Pranapada Lagna moves at a rate of 20 times that of Bhava Lagna? Why do we have to add the longitude of Sun to the kona chara rasi to get the corrected longitude of Pranapada? Why do we calculate Pranapada like this and what does Pranapada stand for. This article tries to introduce the concept of Pranapada. This is the second part of the article.

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A Look into Pranapada Lagna -II

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A Look into Pranapada Lagna -II

©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Page 2

ContentsContentsContentsContents As in BPHS ...................................................................................................................................................3

Commentary of Verses 73 to 87 .................................................................................................................. 8

Case Studies ................................................................................................................................................. 9

Thakur Ramakrishna Paramhamsa ........................................................................................................ 9

Birth Chart ........................................................................................................................................... 9

Calculation of PP ................................................................................................................................. 9

Analysis of PP ...................................................................................................................................... 9

Swami Vivekananda................................................................................................................................ 11

Birth Chart ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Calculation of PP ................................................................................................................................. 11

Analysis of PP ...................................................................................................................................... 11

A Look into Pranapada Lagna -II

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As in BPHSAs in BPHSAs in BPHSAs in BPHS

This article should is a sequel to the article titled “A Look into Pranapada Lagna” and should be read

in conjunction to the mentioned article.

The version of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra referred in this article is the translation by Pandit

Sitaram Jha. This is the most reliable version I have come across on this text, especially in matters of


In the Aprakasha-Graha-Phala Adhyaya of BPHS we see a continuation of the hint that Parasara

gave us in the interpretation of Pranapada in the end of Chapter 3 [Graha-Guna-Swaroopa-Adhyaya].

Just to recollect, let me revisit those verses [73, 74 of Chapter 3] –

Sphutam pranapadakhyam tatlagnam gyeyam dwijottama

Lagnad dwi- kone turye cha rajye pranapadam tada - 73

The resultant degrees obtained earlier should be added to get the Pranapada Lagna, O best of the

twice born! From the Lagna, if Pranapada falls on the 2,5,9,4, or 10 Bhavas then…

Shubham janma vijaniyat tatha eva ekadashe api cha

Anya-sthane stitham cheta syatat tada janmashubham vadet - 74

Such a birth is considered auspicious. Also 11th House placement of Pranapada should also be

considered for auspicious birth.

If Pranapada is placed in other Bhavas from Lagna, the birth is not considered auspicious.

So, to summarize, 4, 10-5, 9-2, 11 placements of Pranapada with respect to Lagna is considered good

while other placements are not considered good.

In Chapter 25, Parasara details the result of such placements. In verses 74 to 87, Parasara writes about

the result of placement of Pranapada from the Lagna.

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Lagne pranapade kshano rogi bhavati manavah

Mookonmatto jadangastu heenango dukhitah krishah - 74

When placed in the Lagna, the native will be weak, diseased, dumb, lunatic, dull-witted, handicapped

and melancholic.

Bahudhaanyo bahudhano bahubhrutyo bahuprajo

Dhanasthanasthite prane subhago jayate narah - 75

When in the Dhana Bhava, the native will have abundant grains, wealth, many servants, many praja

[subordinates, can be children too] and shall be fortunate.

Himtsro garvasamayukta nishturo-atimalimluchah

Tritiyage pranapade gurubhaktivivarjitah - 76

When in the third Bhava, the native will be aggressive, will be haughty, hard-hearted, very unclean

and without any devotion to the teachers.

Sukhasthe tu sukhi kantah suhrudramasu vallabhah

Gurau parayanah sheetah prane vai satyatatparah - 77

When in the fourth Bhava, the native will be happy, good-looking, friendly, liked by friends and

women, devoted to Guru, soft and truthful.

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Sukhibhak sukriyopetastapacharadayanvitah

Panchamasthe pranapade sarvakamasamnvitah - 78

Pranapad in the fifth bhava makes the native happy, do good acts, kind, and makes all wishes come


Bandhushatruvashsteekshano mandagninirdayah khalah

Shashte pranapade rogi vittapolpaayureva cha - 79

Pranapad in sixth makes the native subdued by his enemies and relatives, rude, have defective

digestive fire, wicked, diseased, wealthy and short-lived

Irshyalu satatam kaami teevra raudravaouhu narah

Saptamasthe pranapade duraradhyah kubuddhiman - 80

When Pranapad is in the seventh, the native will be jealous, lusty, and fierce in appearance, will not

be worth any respect and will be evil-minded

Rogasantapitangacha pranapade ashtame sati

Peeditah parthivaidukhaihimritya bandhu sutodbhavaihi - 81

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When Pranapad is in the eight bhava, the native will be afflicted by diseases, troubled by the king,

will be miserable on account of servants, relatives and sons.

Putravan dhanasampannah subhagah priyadarshanah

Prane dharmasthite bhrityuhu sada adushtah vichakshanah - 82

When Pranapad is in the ninth bhava, the native will be endowed with sons, wealth, be fortunate,

charming, will always serve others, will not be wicked and will be skillful.

Veeryavan matimaan daksho nrupakaryeshu kovidah

Dashame vai pranapade devarchanaparayanah - 83

Pranapad in tenth makes the native heroic, intelligent, skillful, expert in carrying out royal orders and

makes him worship gods.

Vikhyato gunavan pragyo bhogeedha nasamanvitah

Labhasthanasthite prane gaurango matruvatsalah - 84

When Pranapad is in the eleventh bhava, the native will be famous, endowed with virtues, learned,

and indulging in pleasures, fair-complexioned and dear to his mother.

Kshudro dushtastu heenangah vidweshi dwijabandhushu

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Vyaye prane netrarogi kaano va jayate narah - 85

When Pranapad is in twelfth bhava, the native will be mean, wicked, handicapped, will hate

Brahmins and relatives, suffer from eye diseases or be one-eyed

Itiaprakashakhetanam phalanyuktani bhusura

Tatha yani prakashanam suryadeenam khacharinam - 86

Tani sthitivashat tesham sphutadrishtivashat tatha

Bala abala vivekena vaktavyani sharirinam - 87

These are the results of the non-luminous planets, O Brahmin. Before declaring these results, the

effects of Surya and other planets should be examined wisely by their positions, relations, aspects,

strengths and weakness of the Grahas.

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Commentary of Verses 73 to 87Commentary of Verses 73 to 87Commentary of Verses 73 to 87Commentary of Verses 73 to 87

As detailed in the part 1 of this series, Pranapada is related to Hridaya Spandana [Heart Beat]. It

measures the flow of blood from the Heart to the Brain [Sahasrara Chakra] and is thus a measure of

what stirs increased heart beat in us, humans.

If we observe the verses of Parasara carefully we will see that among the Kendras, 4th and 10th Houses

are considered auspicious. Konas [5th and 9th] are considered auspicious. 2nd and 11th are also considered


The question is the same eternal mindboggling “Why”.

There are four pillars of human life – Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. Man like rest of the animal

kingdom is genetically tuned to reproduce. If we carefully study the animal kingdom we will see most

of the animal kingdom dies out after giving birth to their offspring. Kama reduces Ayu. This was

known to the sages and thus they stressed on celibacy for people who have a lot of karma to fulfill

and needs to live longer. However, that is a whole different discussion.

Pranapada in Kama Bhavas like 3, 7th will cause heart beat more when Kama situation presents itself.

However, 11th Bhava has the connection with brotherhood, friendship and gains so it is not as bad.

However, 11th Pranapada placement can make a person’s heart faster in matters of money and wealth.

Artha Kona is considered natural desire for most of humanity and has a good side to it too. 2nd Bhava

indicates family, sustenance; food etc and a person with Pranapada [PP] in 2nd will have his heart beat

faster in those matters. Similarly a person with PP in 10th bhava can be a workaholic. However, PP in

6th Bhava would make a person too focused on winning and defeating his/her opponents and is thus

not considered a good thing. His focus will be too much on victories and this may cause his demise.

One thing to note is that what causes our heart beat faster can also be the cause of stopping the

heartbeat, meaning cause of death. Thus, PP can show connection to death or death circumstances of

a person.

Dharma is always considered a good thing. PP in 5th will make the native very focused on his/her

children. Similarly, PP in the 9th Bhava makes a person very focused on his/her mission in life.

Moksha is related to relaxation, passage and death [sleep]. PP in the 4th Bhava makes the person very

home-oriented and comfort seeking and it is his/her mother or home that he/she is very attached to

and makes his heart beat faster. PP in the 8th makes a person a worry about his/her health and very

interested in the occult. PP in the 12th makes a person relaxed and lazy since sleep is what makes the

person’s heart beat faster.

What we desire most is what our heart beats for and finally it is the same thing that causes our

demise. We also have to keep another thing in mind. Aspects and conjunction of Grahas will PPLG

will also have a severe impact on PPLG. The slower the heart beat the better. Taking this into

account, Saturn, [Rahu], Jupiter, [Ketu], Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon will [in descending

order] help the PPLG. Keeping this in mind, let us see a few case studies.

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Case StudiesCase StudiesCase StudiesCase Studies

Thakur Ramakrishna Paramhamsa Thakur Ramakrishna Paramhamsa Thakur Ramakrishna Paramhamsa Thakur Ramakrishna Paramhamsa

Birth Chart

Calculation of PP

PP = Ishtagati [in minutes] X Rate of PP + Arka-kona

Sunrise Time on the day of birth of Thakur = 6:31:24 hrs

Time of birth of Thakur = 6:44:00 hrs

Ishtagati = 12:36 minutes = 12.6 minutes

Rate of PP = 1 rasi/6 minutes = 5 degrees/minute

Ishtagati X Rate of PP = 63 degrees = 2s + 3

Arka-kona = 7 degrees of Libra = 6s + 7

Thus, PP = 2s + 3 + 6s + 7 = 8s + 10 = 10 degrees of Sagittarius

Analysis of PP

PP is in almost in the exact degree as Lagna in the 11th Bhava. The sign is the Sagittarius [ruled by

Jupiter] and Guru [Retrograde] has 7th aspect on it from the 5th House. Saturn [also Retrograde] has

3rd house aspect on PP from the 9th House. PP is also aspected by Venus by Rasi drishti.

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Swami Lokeswarananda writes – “There is no doubt that Sri Ramakrishna took on the sins

committed by Girish, for he once said, 'Because I accepted Girish's sins, I have this disease.' The

Master was referring to the throat cancer which eventually took his life.”

Girish mentioned in the above quote was Girish Ghosh. Girish Chandra Ghosh was a Bengali

musician, poet, playwright, novelist, theatre director and actor. He was largely responsible for the

golden age of Bengali theatre. He can be referred to as the Father of Bengali Theatre. He was a

versatile genius, a scholar without having any formal educational background, an actor of repute and

a mentor who brought up many actors and actresses, including Binodini Dasi. He cofounded the

Great National Theatre, the first Bengali professional theatre company in 1872, wrote nearly 40 plays

and acted and directed many more and later in life became a noted disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.

What is to be noted here is that Girish Ghosh’s Moon was in Gemini in Ardra nakshtra.

Ramakrishna’s PPLG Lord was Jupiter [R] in Gemini in Ardra nakshtra. 5th house is the House of

Disciples in a chart of a Saint. Girish Ghosh was a revolt and extremely materialistic man [Gemini]

and Ramakrishna had to take away his sins to free his karma to bring him on the path of salvation.

This caused the PPLG to activate and finally became the reason of his death through a throat cancer

[negative Jupiter]. We also see here that Venus’ rasi drishti [Dramatics, Stage, Glamor] on PP

activated because of Thakur’s association with Girish Ghosh.

One of the most famous quotes of Thakur was –

My hand gets all twisted up if I hold money in it;

my breathing stopsmy breathing stopsmy breathing stopsmy breathing stops. But there is no harm in

spending money to lead a spiritual life in the world

— if one spends it, for instance, in the worship of

God and the service of holy men and devotees.

The difference between normal people and saints is

that they are divinely aware of what remedial

measures they need to do to fulfill their karma.

Although, both Guru and Shani aspects PP,

Thakur only lived till he was 50. Saturn and Jupiter

both were retrograde.

Ramakrishna was extremely careful never to

associate himself with any wealth.

Swami Ramakrishna died of throat cancerdied of throat cancerdied of throat cancerdied of throat cancer but what

is more interesting is how he contacted this cancer.

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Swami VivekanandaSwami VivekanandaSwami VivekanandaSwami Vivekananda

Birth Chart

Calculation of PP

PP = Ishtagati [in minutes] X Rate of PP + Arka-kona

Sunrise Time on the day of birth = 6:42:47 hrs

Time of birth = 6:33:00 hrs

Ishtagati = - 10 minutes

Rate of PP = 1 rasi/6 minutes = 5 degrees/minute

Ishtagati X Rate of PP = - 50 degrees = -1s - 20

Arka-kona = 29 degrees = 12s + 29

Thus, PP = 12s + 29 – 1s – 20 = 9 degrees of Pisces

Analysis of PP

PP is in the 4th Rasi but in the 3rd Bhava. PP is aspected by Saturn, Moon and Sun [Rasi Drishti]. In

the Bhava Chakra, there is no aspect on the PP by graha Drishti. The PP Lord is placed in the 8th

from the PP.

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Vivekananda died at ten minutes past nine p.m. on 4 July 1902 while he was meditating. The doctors

remarked that it was due to the rupture of a bloodrupture of a bloodrupture of a bloodrupture of a blood----vessel in the brainvessel in the brainvessel in the brainvessel in the brain, but they could not find the real

cause of the death.

There was another side to Vivekananda too. He honestly confesses in one of his writings – “Once in

me rose the feeling of lust. I got so disgusted with myself that I sat on a pot of burning tinders, and it

took a long time for the wound to heal”. [Reference - Sil, Narasingha P. (1997), Swami Vivekananda:

A Reassessment (Mississauga, ON: Associated University Presses).]

However, perhaps being bachelor and a celibate was best for him and thus Ramakrishna never

encouraged him to get married after his father’s demise.

Saturn shows good longevity but Moon shows short longevity. Moon also shows blood. Sun shows

death by heat or fever. PP in this case got afflicted by Saturn, Sun and Moon Rasi drishti.

Both Thakur and Vivekananda have predicted their own death. Thakur’s PP Rasi Dhanu was owned

and aspected by Guru. Vivekanda’s PP rasi was owned by Guru. A Guru connection with PP perhaps

makes an individual aware of his demise.

I would encourage earnest learners to do more case studies on known personalities.

The 3H shows courage or urges. According to

Wikipedia – “His tours, hectic lecturing

engagements, private discussions and

correspondence had taken their toll on his had taken their toll on his had taken their toll on his had taken their toll on his

healthhealthhealthhealth. He was suffering from asthma,

diabetes, chronic insomnia and other physical

ailments. The severe austerity he performed in

his youth had already sapped his physical


A few days prior to his demise, he was seen

intently studying the almanac. Three days

before his death he pointed out the spot for this

cremation—the one at which a temple in his

memory stands today. He had remarked to

several persons that he would not live to be


On the day of his death he woke up very early

in the morning, then he went to chapel and

meditated for three hours, sang a song on Kali

and then he whispered- "If there were another

Vivekananda, then he would have understood

what this Vivekananda has done!”

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Guru, AIAC

Guru Purnima

July 2, 2012

10:30 PM CDT

Chicago, IL
