· A; M; Edition — T H I, V0L.13. NO,...


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A ; M ; Edition —

T H I, V 0 L .1 3 . N O, 204'-_ ,


— S a n Frano IsM C o u rt P lans

to . H o ar T f ira e r H ackm an,

T w in F a lls , a n d A ttorney

' G enera l Vy. D. Glllls, F iler

*' • (Br TtJ» AisoclitetJ PrtH)

B o i s e , D c(t 1 — A b a ttle . w hich m a y a ffc c t th e R rad in? a n d b randing

<’ rcffulations o f 38 s ta te s will b e fo u g h t ou t F r id a y in fed-

:--------c ra l- s ta tu to ry - c o u rt - in '-S a n. F rancisco betw een th o s ta te

o f l M o a n d P . H . D etweiler and o th e r Tw in Fa lls region Srow cra an d-deale rs w ho a re ann ien ted iv TUiscr K. Ibu^mai), Tirlh M is U«7er. J' - >

Tba lult w u Isunehed MAlut the = coiutltutlonaUty ot the Idftho p>d« -■

------- iBg' in a 'BriBainyiier o f i iro. Jum? n i0. 0 . a m a h or led tn l dliWet I,I court. upheJd th« act ind lb# Twin U' ralU troup appttled to Ihd higher court,

‘n w tro«tr> tlUclud thft te l on . four prtDdpttl ground*, that I t wm ■

.a burdtn on Inttnlato eooinmec. t iu t tt deprlrtd clUtens of Uulr

■“ SSS’i s r a r r . j K socontract, and that it It an untilr dUerimlnJUJon-in .faror of th# Wtrt Idaho or early potato mcUoq, anti

. «Kaliul tho balance ot tho poUto crowing aecUons tncludics Twin '

■ ttlU . .I t w u ehaised opcratios of the «

act renlled In r u t quantities of po> rqi tatoee pf poor gradei being foreed ne< to be Imuded u eulli and go on the n t r t» t under a lUgma whleli later* jns lerod with their u le . The law fur* sni ther prwenU Ihlpment of field run u* iQbuUtltw upTotated.andU niirt* m lutts la idded expenie ot baadUng. uoi

, Stato Bepliet ' EIn rtplr. the itate eonteaded the hai

grading and branding aet w u ' a the . proper pollee rtgulallon acd eren toi

thomhaallKhtburdenon Inlenlate bel —>-commereo w u not wtndently lo lo hai -A 'lJu tU y l u m ocaU oa AboUUoD ot-ier V '(h « g ra d e< ,ltw u u fu « I .-w iM ld rf -1

m lt ln m |a -e t th « m u l« ( |0 Xdabe dki ' . poUtoes. A t preieot a : p ^ u f f l U Lm

n u u placed on Uw a v k e t on an u e equal fooUng, it Wu » u ^ the h i,

- apeclal demand for Idaho potaloei . Riutted in noTlng the crop rapidly ^ with direct benent io all I d a h o l? growen. ^

Tbe regulaUoni, f in t tonnally pro*------ inulgated ln - im by Uje-departtnint —

of agriculture sder le rertl vean . . . - ' isveitlgation, have meant "mllUonj NE

of dollan annually’' lo the itale. It w ucontendel Tbe resulalloni were -

• .enecled Inlo law by Uie l u t leglila- tu re.' • t

V . T healtackonlhatpartof Ihoiaw which y rmtti^ wettem Idaho grow* Rir

and u n i^ d x l w it hy Ih^reply tha t all leclloni of the itale n aoouldihlpearlypotatoalnthiiman* otcioer. Although Bdmliun; Ihtl Kctloa ooaot ptrbapi bcnetlled the a irwtitem a n a moil, the Italo Iniiiteit .ddIt could .not be branded ns dlicrlm- qu,,

. A t t ( S * atiUi. NOn e r . will leare. tomomw (or Sen i rnoclico to represent ihe iiate. lie > aald ilmllar produce mulatloni in sa lU te i might,be upiet by a decliloa ^ W

(ConUnued'On Page 4, OcH 4) duo

. I i i i i l l 111

V ' ■ r *' N eQ otiations. For, S e ttle -

. . m en t o f Stril<V Involving

■ 7 0 .0 0 0 W o'rkinBmen F a ils ,

, LONDON. Dee. 1 W>--Hegolu:. . tloni for.ietUement ot lha itrike la ^

; Ute ScottUh coal. Ileldi, where 70,.. ' 000 of the 90,100 mlnen hare q iit ^

. work, tailed today.High hopes were baaed on todays

peace negoUatiooi and n e n ot Iheir 't l lu re camed keen diiappolnlmeat.

, 8onis anxiety w uexirtiaed tw t t te ^ trouble might extend 'm the flouUi ^ W ala dlitrlct. where a ihutdnm co P™

' a gIganUe aeale w u k natiowly arerted orer tbe week-end.-Thai far meh abatenllon* trom

w«rlc u hare occoned outside 6eol* HOI land hate been on a imall Ittle . One that h u maled muth toncensli the In

- , refuul of halt ot lUO m lntn cm- . ployed a t a coUlery at Trebafod,

, - Boutt Waka, lo work oting,to al*• • lewdly CommunOt agllaUon. , W

• PubUo .opinion Ingtneial remalni auta enUnly uanquU. 5« t]• Ulll reason the proceedings of TwloUw floottlih mlnen, delfgalea houj]

• terenea a t Glasgow tancno* will be au watched wUh Ihe c lw it attention.■Atter coOapM ot today'! negoila-. port. Uonc a t Olaigow, Jamea Doonao. boon prealdenfdt Uw nallonil tmion ot 1 ^

, 'V anc«unced he i t a i^ ; .h a d tito d t te men to atand tlrm and CIUt( T >*>It furth'er oegoUaUoQi. He ad*|Md n ded ,-tow tw , ba'iRpefUd UwTst* ca»4

\>oU atlou to taka iatb a form tin t Alt lat le u t a'U tbpontjr'ieUleneat n t un .


Ef jn n tn w nu tm a z n of

■Aa ao c u T rD m a a ■

Rose Queen [



-MABY-LOIHVADELWO.- 7 « •« chosen queen o t the. n annual T o u rn a m e n t o f p Rosea festival to bc hold <, •In Pasadena, California,' j, January 1.—(/P) Photo.

. . . ' ______^..1 T

H I S l i e ^J ______ , II

So lu tion o r D l S p p e a r a S ;

o f . W iggins School T e a - j;

c h e r A ppears R em ote

PORT MOBOAN, Cola, D cf tiw i ,LBoluUon of the myiterlous dIsap* ^peanujco of M la Enid Marriott, Wig. " glnj.-Ootorado,Khool teachcr. mln-ng alnce Norember lfi,-tonlght itUl P'appeared remote a fl» a day i Inrt*- “ UgatSon 'prored two new and en-mraglng dues wittout lubetanUa- ..

' Search In the Wiggins region w u ll lalted temporarily today atter au- Jjorlllea bad reedvtd « report trom Independence, Kansas, that a gtrl beUered to be Uw mtalng teaiher had been touod Uure apptnoUy n f* lerlng from in abbewtloo.-,- — T> ' '■ ; ? « th c r . InmtlgaUon.' bownwl

M r e s ’A'iSssS(h it. m b , n .

M w artllo. rtllMB jn four ojlo- « mdo d i t a towheUitr Uw .finding o f . wver d ^

_ ( c m i i j a j < a i . , n b j , . » L j i _



IDAHO PALL8, Oee..J WV-The bo Dialit of ,Uw Upper Snake Ui

(Urer Valley (^peraU re Creamery _

U a h o - W l I i i^ ^ iS S r T lS la m ^ Fw s built by 3000 memben of Uu stganiaUon and li ralued a t 1110,• I )o a ;i t il equipped to tum out a - million poundi et buUer per year In - addition lo ciiMse, milk powder and }Uier'dalt7PiMuct& '


PLAN TO c u r t a il WORK

WAILACE. Idaho, Dec. I'WVTero If the leading.lUrer-tint-lead pr»- lueen of thli Coeur d'Alene region rere on eurtalled.iebedulet today Kcauu o( the weakened metal toat- " tet. -

IL 0 . Wuhbum, manager of the Fedenl Mining and Smelting com- '• any. operating the Momlng and ?age mlnei, u id effecUro tU i week lU mlnei. mllli, imelter'and lurfaee ' rork Kill be ihut down Saturday md Sundays, reducing the output ipproxlmately X per cent. -

Tbe Itecla Mining company al* 'cndy had accepted th li ichedule. -



-IDAH0 PALL8, Dec. 1 WV-Por- • n t rangen of.the CaHboii naUonal orest brougbt about the arrest of hree men here today for potKsion if'threo truck loads of'erergrten Teenicuttrom forestlands In'tbls ounty. *nw men cut' t te trees wltt- u t pemlBlan. t te rangen charge, lu y hate ths choice i t paytng to ha toreit department Ute retaU eiM'of tte tn e f or l«ng.lhem..The erergreeni were to be used In

daho Palis, Burley, and Twin Palls.


INJURY AND d e a t h TO


NEW VORk I Dee..I tf l - The JtonobUe and Uw .hor« brought uUi and Injunr to t t e Baldwin

IS. wlttin the space of two jun yesterday. ^Alton! wai thrown Iro a Ms ' ount near hia home In Eatt North* irt,,New Terk. late la - t te after* no and w u taken , to On R ost, g ^ hospital w ltt a fractured ufi. Betore .th# 'w n went down, :ltford w u ruA'.dowB by a truck .Id w u pronounced dead a t t t e mS IniUtuUaa.Although Alford probably will Y. he b u not been totd ot the ' sU io Ih lt lvls.

/ '

------------— T B B o m r n s

vm -],V N w :

i lF D I I lW ' M B TO IGE

- B i t t im iD r- - ■ — ' I

F o r Second T im e in Y ear

' H lg li. T r ib u n a l ' R enders

Decision In F a m o u s San

Franclseo B om bing C ase

S' (D rT lw A noditedPfcu) 'AN FBANCISCO, Bte. .1 —For the sccond t^mc this year tho California «

supremo court refused today t to recommend a pardon for i WflrrsirKTBIllings serving a T life sentenco for bombing a Preparedness day parade here r ln‘1916 killing 10 penions and c injuring 40. ,• / ^

The dfciiion' Ukewlso a f f e c ts j: ‘Hiomu J. Mooney, also senlng a ? Ufe term tor tte'bomblng. Uooney. Z at Ban QuenUn, and Bllllnn, at ToUMnrMnm n y wtra'not'iu riirHtd ' - b y t t e d ^ n . P

The co^rt'i refusal to TKommend a pardoft w u baied oa the con- « tenUon BlUlnc< bad not made a » ease or materially altered t t e status ot tto case sUjcette prcvlous ded- . Sion. ._nie-decision-wu-forw arded to ■. Goremor 0 .0 . Young w ltt a letier ' whiih said certain sections of tte pubUo and press appartoUy hsd u - sum ^ tte bearing whleh preceded thoUedilon » u a new trUl w ltt t t e lUusI prc5umptioa of Innocence on the part ot tbe accused..ThiL It w u pointed out. w u not

't te cue. Instead t t e leUer eaid. Billings had been fairly and constl- tuUenally,tried and t te burden ot , proof ot innocence In hU petlUon L

" (^ tln u e d On Pago 4, Col 3?/

iDiiliisyiiEiS i i T m S s

: SOME, Dee) I W -Idaho’a high Jj Bboolsenlon like men teachen best. , a iB rT eynpo rted t^byW .D .V ln . y e ^ ,e o ( m ^ o a e r of educatlon,.n7

N per cent Uk(d owa teachen best, . 3U Uked iroatn best, and » per ^ o n t liked either. .

The aame surrey dUcloied 40,7 pe r;« cent coniidered books tho moit ra l* N uible tealure of hUh lebool while T 43,3 per ceot- gare precedence to so- bi clal wnUcti. Ftnirteen per eent ti valued Ihem equaUy. ■

At to prcfennce of book* or i»- hi cureontaeti.~tt6**tua«nu“ varted w widely t>T dUtrlirU, In tba -extreme T North Idaho dUtrlct 50 per cent rot- a ed tor books tod it.i pra cent t o M social contacts. In the Soutt Cen* st Iral dlitrlct » . l per cent roted for ri booki aod s u p e r cent torioclal con- di UtU. . ■ fc

Jr r ~ r ,rtij

'' I

r* ,

.. ■ ;,V ■ . .

A S S O C rA T E D ^^ P R E S S 'N E ^


Turmoil Break And Outside C

j^-Gongjessmin-L eg isla to rs Go T h rougii F o r- C

m a lltic s o f O pening a n d _

' P a r ly L ea d ers S triv e [o '

' w lirk O u T o rd e r ly P ro B rB ’} ■ • ' 1

\ (ByThe-AuoeialedPre*) - •

W-ASHlKGTON,Dec. l - ^ I Turmoil prevailed botn insldo’ and outslds t t e

I capitol today ns the election- n: tom ranks of the seventy- or firs t congress rei^ e m b le d fo r sir fhin!oni!inlln{r ahorl' seu luu . "oI While Communist* battled ai• pollco on tho capitol plaza and tl

congress when through its n: brief opening formaUUes, harassed

, party leaden Inside were sirivlag toworkoutofaJumbledlegUlaUredoc- ^

' ket an orderly prognm tha t could "I be t«»pltted by U u th V ' ^t /- ly »»ii, ip.; P<

peared to be on drought aad unem4 “ ployment reUefiegUlallon. ; ] «

> Tbe t in t meuure proposed deelc „• r tih drought relief. Senstor Robin- Mn, Arkaniu, t te Democrstle lead*

> rr, «ho yesterday auured President le

(ConUnued on Pago 3. OoL ») 1.I ' —

i i a m o i s i i; " i i f i " .J18

N I ■

L abor O rganization P lan s Hi

Final T r ib u te to 100 - '

Y ear-O ld L abor C ra s a d r r

WASIONGTON, Dec. 1 WV-Ac*' companled by a group of “her boji." Pp tte body of Mary -(Motter) Joctt! tb 100-year*old labor' crusader :who: T i dTed last night, ■ wlU . bo started W

' Wedileiday nlgbt b n ,t te trip M> Oi• Mount OUre, llUnbli, where aha wm> r» ' be 'burled-w U h-otten’ wbo gara ; -I• tttlriUvea tor Uu^worklngtoan.''/-^ A

Burial in tte UoDnt 'Ollre c e m e * ^ , tei7 w u denmtely d e c i d e d , ^

sI-M otter Jones spent her lait daya. I Tbe American PedtnUon ot Labor aU> auttorlsed Mn. make aU adi funenl arrangemenls.' • pa

Dnder present plant, requiem tt( Mgh mass wUI be said Wednealay ' •monilng-at-Btraibriel»-cbnrcli.- iee Tha loutwy wtslwetd wUI hegUi la m a special car a t 8 P. M. Arriving at ■[ Mount Olive Nday, tte IMy of tte stauneh cbanptbn of tte ' worker'a ^ rights wiu Ue In state tor a tew j i , d m w ltt Interment K t tentath'cly f o rK o n ^ .

, ' =

The A n i m a l Lovers


m s P A P E R m f w m F A i


ks Out Inside | Of Gapitol As i^e-Assemble-

C om m unlsls C lash W ith O f-

' l i t e r s On B road P l a ia ’

o f N ational E d illce a s

Solons C om m ence L abo rs

(By Hio AiaoelatM 1 ^ ) T t tA S H I N G T O N , Dec. 1— W Several hun d red com- i ' ' m t'inlsts picked th e mo­

m en t o f ^ho' convening of, congrcAK today to s ta g e a ^vIld j scenc on t h e b road plaz a o f t ho c tnpitoH iB foro itc a rB W lw u ib s ' \ and policem en's s tick s-d ro v o t th c n i- f lw a y .in -a - jjtr a g g lln g , c m nrch. , . t

Dispersed w ltt compsraUn ease, p tte demonitralon n'ererttelea lett behind ttem a tear otfurtterrBprls- « l i . Capllol pollee, t« u n Ulerwttd. patroIledttelrstaUonsequippedwlth « army rides, whllo Washloglon blue- di eoats inttered tn knots near t t e Pi White iiouse and loured'tte d ty In u pcrtlee^ean.- • J

Many ot tte Communists, howerer, g, left tte cipttol before nighttaU in

(Continued on Page 3. CoL"7)“

' = = tr

l lF M 8 G i_ JLDSMmLp

High C b i i r t 'A f f l m s 'C ^ o - Z

J i m of j a s s l M i L ow e,

O nejTinie^County Em ploye J

B()18E, Dec. 1 W HIdahol n^- 'preme eourt today afflmud tto eon- --rlcUon ot MIm Viola Lowe, fonner ■T rln PaUs eounty school superin- . , |ffldcnfsclerk.thirgedwltt4orgeiy •titan order for a achool district war- *™ i>-l . ■ ■ ■ . £; .^Us S

nd « u te n » d io rio U 7 ea n 'ln '.U w ' penltaoUiry. sbo appealed from an th. onler. o t 't te district court refusing b e rm iw trU l. * ' (,,

In her appeal ahe contended otter «t: aUeged'torgerlea ihould hare been er adm lited 'u erldence to ihow t t s t ed peraoni o tter tta n herKltcommlUed un ttetonleriea. cu

The aupreme eourt upheld the con- gu! ieoU4o“ortte-|tate,-ho*eTtr.-ttiflt w WUber handwriting OR Uw onler. b« •QtatoallegedsereraiUwuianddoJ* ■ la n ot tuch orden had been forged and M !ti,hare been itarled by tte dlitricU agalnit banks tthlch paldj ^

(Continued On Page 4, OoL 4) jcoi

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\ ^'J S m r W' - . hell

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... .‘ j a j nigl

a tn- \ ■' chu

J• ' U “

Istn• trot

^ . “ . B r t ................. , ^ I -Uot

kito-W -H M sockXtttoai, ine.. 't a n

A L lSC O V m Y —

A I L Ii i o ~ n

Dis mnmCHlEfLDSi

, R eports Ind ica ting P rim ary

: E xpend iiu res .In B ehalf

’ o f Ticl<et t o ta le d $ 6 2 5 ,-

0 0 0 n e s u l t s . . in Action

By The AMoelited Prees)

WASIUNGTON. Dec. 1 - Rciiolutlona to w ithhold th o onth of o fflcc from Jnm e.1 J . Dnvis ns a K epubll-

' cnn se n ato r f r o m Ponnayl- ■ vaiiia~u'cro under consldcra-

tion ton igh t n f te r th e Nye cam paign f u n d s com m ittee received r e p o - r l s in d la t ln g p rim a ry expendlturc.i In be­half of t te Oirls-Brovn Ucket had

more ttan 1S3S.OOO.I t h u beerctipeeted tM conlt«t -

would be Initiated today, but Davli ~ deterred appearing In the senate, lo f present hii credentials pending t i- I amlnUon of tte . addlUonal espen- U dlUire reports by t te Nyo inresUga- ton. He Indicated, however, t ta t he might appear to bo iwom tomorww.

•I w u intonned.- DavU said In a italement, “that Senato*«re xlshtd to study turther tte pAlter of con- tribuUons In Uu sftent Pennsyl- ranU election. consultation M

JudBlMconfet^«Si8enatOT.N>'e, . 4tseenl«l to mTbeat^to witthold my credenllalf'iiftUl Chairman Nj-e lud time to niwe his examlntalon. Uut

WIU Coepenlo "In tte meantime.'' Da\'1s added, Ni

"I desire to say t ta t having netting v« whatever lo conceal. I fully eoun re;

(ConUnued on Page S, CoL 1.) ^

SM llM SE s JillDEillTllMi

_____ ' ' UjDENVER. Dot l - (« -- ‘n 'o etate'i Ue

case against Pearl-O'LoughUs. ae- Ri eusedofslaylngherJO-yoar-oldatsip- ml daughter, teima, w u ouUlned tp a Cl

4bafr.*'we wUI show e h e b u a d m i t lo ^ .• -V* J«

BtatemenU Mn. O'Loughlln n u f t ' to pollco In 'tte ardous grilU np'to j whkh aho w u subjected tborUy aft* j er her arrest, Mr. WetUngel tadlcat- * ed in hto opening remarks; wUl be n U M du5w baiU oI.w hatU M pnae- , cutloa eonaklcn an. rrfmlttlon of jj, guilt of slaying t te child whoso body u] wu-found-la-Berkeley-Iake.-Octo-: ■» ber 17. • ' _ “

T lu t tte defense wUl attempt to of rebut claims ot (ho state's wltneesea u that glais -wu found In Leona'a gu atomaeh w u admitted tonight John M. KeaUng, dilet of defease counsel esl

. mi------------------------------------------ Cl:umirFii"!l i i [ f l G i 8 |

. ____ . . . Ua

S a lt • Lal<o C i ty . O f f i c e r s !»

B elieve" A rre s t a t O gden -

' R ounds’ Up L a s t o f G ang 75

SALT LAKE Cm r,.Dec. 1 M V J Salt U ke a ty . police were’ o t tto opinion tonight t ta t all lour mem- ben o ta gang of burglan who locked tte manhal In his JaU at. Downey, ldahe;before looting ftre Itores haro ^ been taken Into cuitody w ltt t te arr rest of-Henry Taylor, 30, fCTmtr Otah f ” au te prison Inmate. .

Tbe arrest w u nude a t Ogden to-

here.” poU cr«ld T ijl^c o o fe ae d a part In the Downey burglaries and admitted compUelty In two holdups here.-Osden-aulhoriliea wbo made tho arrest said Taylor j r u prepared to flee from t te stato w ltt part o l t t e r " loot'taken U'Downey. Tne ex-coo- r iaw u te p u g h t back hero today.. Three d tter men who poUeo aay took'partlatteburglariesare.belng ' held here. They are Bcrt Hannl. i t RbtUna Haxkty and Hany Edwuda. Ht Ibey »Tre -released ^ m the t7lab R Itate prison latt lummer. - .‘ Neuly'aU ot tte property a t ^ . tua been reeorered, oTtieea • aaid. «L IbetourmenwUIbeUkan loDowr ».MCoono». ■ . .

m a r s h a l p r o 'besW s e I


'HEWTOIUC.Dtc.iw>:-P0lIoeto- ' npTtued belief t t i . t . fire i l l Vhieh'swept -ttrough tbo upper ttructura ot historic St. A utraw t . tt'ureh.'ln dty haU plaM, u u slsg IIOOMO damage, w u of t a e e n ^ ^

n e f la m e t SUried la t t e beirryot ^;&e edifice eneted hi Iloe aod known ^ ifT bePriaten 'ehurch-forlta in ia .stnUoot to newspaper typgnphen n sn o aeartiy Park Row. Fu« M anhal n t e ^ . ttgilgU began a a 'ta r titig i.

tJe .taoM uoU churth w u g i ^ r £ tV flro laU T i Hit

u n io m Atmrr ntrnxAO OP oinoui.AT]OKa

D e a t h S t r i k e s

MABY (MOTHER) JonM, ! noted l a b p r leader f o r - ( th reo B core'j 'c fl-r.B .-w ho died Sundoy n igh t. ~ f/P) i P hoto . ^ / / ;

' E

B il l fM P |llE S S i

M em bers F rom Buhl, p u rley ,

O oodlni),-Jerom e, K im ber-

ly a n d j w i n F a lis 'A lte n d

nUFERT. Dec. 1 (SpecUi b Tbe News)-Knowo u a •Moe-day eon* venUon," deroted to world thlisions, representaUva from C h r i s t i a n eburthes ot SOutteast Idaho gatter- ed Bt t t? ChrisUan enurth In Rupert loday to hold Uw tlrst rally of a series ot ttree planned for tto itate. The o tten wlU be eonducted la'Boln and Lewiston w ltt Dr. EUlottl. Os­good, tomier mlHlonaiy toTtilna. conducUngaU oC tte conmUons: £Is senT ouD or'ttat purpCM by;the Unlled CbrisUaa'Mlsalonaty sode- Ues. AzsisUng Dr. Osgood Itf 'tte Rupert n lly wtre M lu Grace Young, misioaary to T l^ t. whou home Is CUrbtoo. WMdngtan, and, Rer. c;

ceorenuea'verfyu iw o t t b y 't t t ! Joeal.paslor. Rer. Orea Onhood..'' VliiUag members wcn bera from- FeeaUUe, Idaho tfiU. Twta FaUt,'

. B aH OeodlBg, R ln b e^ , Jerom and Barley. Atteodance approxl* naled tOC penens. • AtttemcroingsesiIonatlOtfclock ~

Dr. Oigood w u Ihe main ^ a k e r

u& m tdltalmlalfinaryorerapcrted °otSOj-ean. Going Into t ta t country *u a young n\jinhU ftn t work w u of “surgery, tie tound-it neeetsaiy to ^ampuUtethehandofayoungnaUre. *lo u re tte youtt'a Ufe. This fuUy .eitabtiihcd hU repulaUon. he aald, *>making lasUng friendt of tte.young l<Chinaman and his family, who were >'tlnt-suipldous-and skepUeai-when -IheidtaofampuUUonwupropoaed. It

Tbe attemoon aesslonwu occupied tlwlttU]ksbrMluYoungaodMra.N. piK.Jenten, Rupert. sUlo president ot wtte Women'a ' UluionVT aod«lT. nSpeelal musle w u tumlshed by Her. Viand Mrs. O .W .K uK ohottto Chris- uUan ehunJiot TwinPalls, who ren- tcdered a roeal duet, Mrs. Oren O ra- Bhood. Rupert, accompanying. pi .In Mlu Young'a.addrcss, ahe told

(ConllnuKl on Psgo .8, CoL 3) . «


IDAIIO PAUS, D ec i (;T}-6er- G enty-rire head of Iambi were T drowned in M^d Lake canal afler '' they hsd been crowded tnlo t te ca- nal by sheep attempUng ,to get to Uu water. Betweeo 4SM0 and 60.*000 sheep, 'largely trom Montana, are being ted In the ttud Lake sec­Uon. affordlRg a market tor hay In the bolsted dUtrict.' ' g



IDAHO PALLS, Dee. 1 ( jT ^ u a r- ien prwldfd In t te new miihldpal ' buUdtng fcr Uie American. Legion vtre fomslly accepted aad dedlcat- ^ ed tonlghl a t a reeepUon giren Iv the heads of clrlc. commercial and T. patriotic organliaUona.- g

a v i a t r i x t h o u g h t d e Ad „


HASSAO, B ilum u . Vta. 1 m - ^Un. J. M. Reltt-MlUer. Australian „iirUtrix. who lett tU rar.a'tor Miami, ~Prtdftj- and had stace been giren up «,ror-loit,-aniv(d-her»-today-after-a ^ ihrilllng forced landUig'In a gale?ridar. • n

Mn. Kdtt-MUler w u forced to ^and on tto Island of Andros, vblch ^ s.puToftheD ahamangoup. •



DBAHaEViaK,Idi*0. 1 ( f l to jury to try Oeorge Richards; 6S, :

haiged wltt flrrt d^ ree aarder tn i onaeeUon w ltt tbe deatt ol Janus ao daion-Kerr sear R lalns. JiIay:4, -: n s aelected toalgbt.. - laRichards, a . worker '.on ;S e n ^ sp!

«neh.lsBccnsedottbooUnghiscm- t t

niddih T--L ' IB

m m■ 10 PA G ES,-6-O EgH S.^V j

i i i J i i i t i i i : ; ■ n FDSTH.

— n i T C A ^ f l i r I r T T r n n __ L

RIITMIPS^A ppalled 7 7 9 ,0 0 0 ‘ '

D efic it, P o s tm a s te r Gen­

e ra l S p e a k s O ut to Pro-

fo r th a t old a g g ra v a t lo n - th o ' posta l doflcl^—ia to chanro n

h a lf c e n t m o r e to deliver, . , thoso le tte rs now m ailed o u t- .

- side th o locality f o r 2 c en ts . ' — A ppalled by th o ?58,779,000 '

by w h i c h th o d e p ar tm e n t' : tound UseU behind toe t te year endu­ed last Jtme. be spoke out today to

I PcetldeaV H w tet la hU aomul K -

12 2 , 6 8 5 , 9 4 0 D e a d • .

II L e t t e r s P i l e U p

■ WASHINGTON, Dee. I W>- Int« t iu t harbor ot «• maay - lest bopea-the dead leUeroffieo.

I - th e re dri/led tW SSWWIera > daring tbo IMO flseat y e a r . . , . :

d A ? S erery effort to d d l r t f u bad faUed. PMtnaster.General'B t m (aid, Uw letten were op-.'

0 ^ a n d 1 tp e re e a to ( t te l lO &. one teond la carrtaey, and M- L per eeat e t t te cheeks and,n dmfli.toUlllngl5Me.UI, w en! .,

retemed to' t te seaden. t . — ' a BUBAL CABaiEBS OF , .

LAND IR A T S, FAB,'* WAfintNGTOK. D «. 1

ttere qsleker, ba t'tte eld dob-‘' ' "1 UBswboptlitbeBaQ sorertto. .'/•'< I rsral rtratea w ent'tm rtterlast> / ., year-^iideeatkaK --. . ;? . iFostoiuter Genenl Bitwn .' oU auted today la Ua a a a n l \


; ;N^'Oat‘e « l i i o ^ ‘m « ^ V » ^ ' v ^ < t te arrlral of the nU l n a a (re^

^ : s s t e ' a s « ; 4 ?

\ -The ncommeadatlon w u 'tor '.'a - :I two-and*a«baU centa pet ouMe n to .I- fer-flntTelaarBaU-ofr«-l>on»1oealr^

deiuuuos. while tte '3-ceot ra te ., would remain in effect for local der - '

Urerie?. TWs “only, prartloil-rem -. '•: edy, under tte leflslallon piopw d, •’ would go tnlo effect next April ,j;.. r L arty tar’srettlpU -rH C hedtm .-'i' - L 4«4/)00. Despite .that tnmendous-f loUL tto detldt exceeded ttatpoC- :5 i9 a b y $ W 3 W .' • , / r .J - .The.department.sbould.eonduet..,L lU strictly posUl-opeioUons wlttout.1 tUundal loss." w u Browns stutlnc '-..‘‘i. point. He esUmated t te i n c r ^ .■t would.booit iDOome l&SMOMO.on*''. nually: and recommended nomOul -. -. h« iiono ttecs‘tefm oaeyorden,ln- .. tured and regUlered elasses ot msll -. tonetaaaddltlonal$8,000,m0 yesrly .v-.. Postcard rates would rtmala u - a t .

I *"” ** Under larejigaUoiC " ■• . The poeUnutcr general alio Urm-; - , ' .

ed leasing ot poital quirten a t at^

I (ConUnued On Page 4, CoL 7) ! ' .1

: l i l l i ; imii i i ;

E ng ljieo r F acing .D eath Sen - '

te n ce F rank ly P re d ic ts .

S o v ie t 's Produc tion Fu tu rb '

' MOSCOW. Dec. 1 'trjrO ne i f tiie eight Russian engineen on-trial t « , ^ high treason toijlgbt exprtssrt' t te beUet t t a l Gorlet Rusla would not ... gel ahead of tto United SUtea. in . . tetimlcal producUon tor qjasityean.. --.' Tbo defendant.«-oJd A l a - ' ,

■nyt»T F«dolor. had been ..

Aw lto lp Amtrloa would sueeeed^ .' Anotter wlUiesi;aBld tbat Amerl* cu ^U e 'm aehineabsd 'lM en 'd ls- ..• carded by t te oonijiraton t o r l ^ - . ,Ush maehUm of an V p e . >TO ^W lel^'AleIel;KlrpoJenlto^'*7^,^^

e x p ^ and a contederata o t ^ Pedotor taW .work *f tab S B iipM been «*»*«< to conlirm iolaa-«tlM.-.'..,^.';A’ defendanfa itttements. .. :'-V;.( R e d k l;t tl« 'u d ,t tea to ld '« -,tb a" ^ ’.'^

aoUrUy.,'-Fedotor.cwwSSiW Gilg^ ^

>a tta

f a

u TTniiiiin/ p rmriiiir

f f F i U E S Iv n i i E i u

F e d e ra l P un ishm en t F a lls

M ore H eavily On B ooi-

le g g e r a n d R um -R unner

D uring L a s t F is c a l.Y e a r

'(D7 'nM A*od*W PW ») WJ»BHIHaTOH. Dte. J WV-Fed-

cmi punlilutKBt Ml -laon b n tiv oo the booUcn»^ nnd nim*ninner

__ iaU )elM tJlw «ly«r.OontrcM Ttatred Uie Udlngt to*

M3 throw h the uu ratl rrport c( Attomey OetKral Ultchell. «t)leh

' ' Mid enfotcesneDt u rtllKUd In • - iroesnitisw .im pnm dorn’ IKC.

■ "ErldeBUy the wmnwrelill TloUt- o r w havlns more of his dty In eourt" « conUnutd. •‘JiU «nd prli- on aenteocn v m Imposed in 37,700 CMM in 1M&-U01 more thtn. In tPX. The avtraee' lenfth o! i«n* (cnce* fnereued >n pnpoC’

______ Ihan did tha numbtrJ!-----------------Monorer,» TctttU v e n MBed (or

puUelpaUn; In ■ re rtn l of “tho Uqnor R ^ U n f b u ilo m 'u con-

' d u e t^ on the hUh w u to d In our ---------ta n to m n n w n r '‘w n n t four m n

The report did i » t embrtce tbe . prohibition u n ltl u UtUIm, ttaoe • (hoe rcnuOntd under TrtMury Jur- JidlcUon untU the cloM ot thD flieal

' ye*r on June JO.-Of the M.U7 proWWUon ce*M ter-

mtmtecf. new]/ 7< per eeei bnvtM piUty pl«M, ebout H pw cent w re

, . diimUMd u d - th e remfttnder had■ Jury trl»l*. ■»# rttlo of comikUooi

by Jiiry; ranMned.conittnt, 71 per

’ A a U tu t Attorney O n tm l eb u re c j cflfMceratDl. 1*14

the work l}»d been emberuM d “by some ot«(«.(u)d nunSelpAl.ottktn who. tmder the cover of their o<-

. . fioe. w e aeUvcly..Tk>Mlnt .the.Uw theouelne." such off leen cooTlct« ed numbered te, tn d S5 cwee wtt*

■ pendtJ«n*enih tprtfcn tllK *Iye«

The Tctt'f ptdlocUsc* nunlKred j • BM l,ftttlnot3<9toverlheprtTloui

y n r . A loUl of U.WJ *uch ctee* ; r* were comnwnccd. , <

M«oheM*heIed u unsolTed;the preWem of "eonitetlon in Mtne ot

. the fedenl dlitilet court*, p M c u -., terly in Itr te eotmopoUton dutrlcu."

. He .mKtd'nrorUon for iddltlont! Jud(ee,'tnd that Mepe be' Uken to I Hipplement budegutte forte* in the ,

-o tnM itf .United SUUa utomeri- , The ooncetUon m * lllutrtled by

ft npo rt of the /udicftJ conrerence ' held iMt October. wrlUen by Chief -i

wero pendlnt upon the docktu of ' dlitHct couru 1M,750 CUM. mbre th*n 7000 orer.the prerlou* Tt»r.

‘■We <ra t i n in/omecf.-' J tw u i wrote. nhM W -lhe 'M M e d m ®

■ CM(t pendlnt on June 50, S » jf ihIR were Included 3},t71 cu t* under the -

- .m tloDti prohibition wt.'r ' , Bepert Cifei .. '

tsilittnt* jU eraay.'jenertJ , .reported'l»0,SlS'C«stt'TCrep(hdlnt ' before the customs court. S rm tjcr •a tl- tru it cteet 'wetv ptndli«; tod 3117 crtmlotl u m were InitltuUd

WhUe tltT f tw . , ■ . ,1 r. ,*:n the cowt of.^cltlmi S38 neir S c u e t were IniUtuted. I n r o : ^ ; cWnu tgjre»tU nj *;

f,Mllche»-»li> dealt tdih mim i

w n « * tl« . offerln(-i* one eohiUon fth e d e re ltrp ra en t^ w ste n ’tttprla-

. U r te nuD ^«r'.i)riM ner> '^ not dlrequ^-cnartoeoejitla wtUed prU- U on*,", he ttld . “Outdoor wotk to - p r w Uwm phyiietUr'and b m U r « to d t tn i iu in t'.(ub»ttnU*l a t Ik r

. fn ^ n » to 'th e 'r> » e m m e n t.“ «i . On June 30, u» re were 77« ptU. 1" “m e n to Umm ctmp* tn d before Uie ni . number wlu ^

■ •»* hide hll loK tl

. l<ethlmityhewutomewhereeIie ta _ t t Uie Iteie of th* robbery. Let him of

, & n s i h s „

!M M I *n.

10a m u n M u I l 'S . ' If



TcmpUr tn d their Iidlet ?!

*<nred. The comraltlee oq enter- ***(•loment for tbe erenlnc il cooiMi- ' e d ,jfM d U ri.8 . a i W » . =

A. Jobnioo, »tr. inrt

■ I

, - ; SINUS lN FECn(^N ;h o M §S E Ie c lH c A ’ V

' ;T r e a l m a l a' : B e i i l N o l H i 1

: ' ' . v . e l i i n i n i ' l ^ ' |

, : - D R t t W .H I L L . iI.':;.. ■;

P«»e T yo . , , , ~

- X h e ^ a t h e *' - to w b :a 5t t o b t o d a y anbII TOMORBOWikOandr: Ik*I n«w< U la wrUj aad we*t portJ«n» pJ *Ut«; I moderate U apenitBrt. >.

IT itlnlmum Umpenture- in Um' tI- I clnlty of Twin M l* n * 12 desrtei I abore tero In the at>hour period pre*

c td ln t« p . M. yeiterdty. aeeordlns to U># report i t U» jom nm m t

„■ wetUierob*errerbere. RUiImanJor [IS UistaaieperlodWuSTdctreta. The

• d*yw ut*lr. i». l o n * to n 8und*y.duitatacoiT»-

*poodlnf period, wa* 13 dtjree* and (tp bl|he* tw aiU . The day w u fair.

" F i m i rI INpSESSi^ O fficers E xpec t to Conduct

*" S p eedy Invesligatlon i'V ic -

I ; to ry S a n d e w D isappea rs

*■ •SlZOSiioNEr De& 1 (Special to

Ih e Newsl-lnquHt ia Uw c*M of 1 John Miter and U n n K«v1>y, Rich-

^ jsooaiMne Uguor on Ttiankiglvinfc " ere, will be held probably Wednea-

day,-It w u alaUd lu t e m ln t by " 7rMUlwlM<put|-«heiUt-oC.Uncota

^ Punm l*'of boUi youns mtn will, " ltUundentood,bebeldfoIltnrln(lhfl;* iwiuett, whleh will be beld u toon ,

u a- r e M 1* recelred from Uio I“ lU U e b ^ a t Bolte on ttmple*; tent lo htm la tt rrldty. The report ^ li«xpeeted to arrtre tome time Tue*-

J 'Meanwhile Oerald Mumper, nicli- ^ fle]d,.who U held In cuitody oii Uie i th e^U iathem ayharetom ekim ]-

ed it of or connecUon wlUi Uu nip-

sgwffi'.sssii's;I ” O ffteraw e tetriiilnf for VWoty ;* Sandeen who w u brooiht here Ftl- ‘ d v ^ R l c h l l ^ ^' tobetfeiyaeriouicoodlUoQUwuslit* to be Uie remit of'drtnUns liquor ' ot *taJUar aoatest. io that vhleh . MlKt tnd Nevby-tro tuppoted to ° htve.consumed «dUi sueh unfortu- f n tu effect Some Ume Sundty Ban-■ dMn tllenUy tUpped out o( Uie hot- •' piul, erldently’much recupented,« and h i l not returned, n i l said Uiat■ Jt v u hoped Jhat be. and Mumper :■ mitht'bave been able to thed tome , llsht on bow Miter tn d Newby ctme1 Into poiMtilon of Uie liquor tnd2 u n e th ln t about Uie touroe of tupply thich. tt U *uipeeU<l.'U. or w u, ij^aU d In Uie riclnlly ol IlaUey.'

I : ■ : ;— ' k

i l U l S i l ’I! ■ ------- 1

M inute B odies o l.C h ro n n o -

i , so m o ! C oppera ls ,. iy tjen 15 Cellular 'U n its Dlvi^Je II '' ' ' I '’ rASADENAi CaL, Dee. I. (AVfln !

nomul reproducUoo'of Ilrlnt «1U. , tayi Dr. Calrln B. Br<i(iRa cf iho CaUfomla IniiKulft ot Itehnolocy. i “each chromw)me>vtha bell n n t

The chrooiCMome* are Uny b o ^ lorem lnt heredity. T

etch part then enlen,ojie oflUn t n dauihUr cell-bodlea produced by dirlilon ot t he ortitnal body ceU, i on- Unue* Dr.’Bridiet, tddtni: / ' ' X

•TUrUier, Uie eridefice In d k iW .l t h a r « ^ of Uie Uoy parUelee tilled * cenes, wUeh make up chrtnMomet ( iilv a s trtn t of betd*,'b reproditet t In extcUy Uia orlglntl potllion In Um ■ vnew chroRioaome itrtnt. • ' \

‘ I tm e a n j Uiat e tch |c n eh u ,< l attended to IU OWI repfoductton. i ^ 'i l i e sBiUSt'IIST*tlmplett bodiu in Uie ceil Uiat are P deflnftelyknowntollretUfeotUuir • own in Uie ltr8ti,bMy'of the e e lH ' “indeed, UiQjiHitlnett bt >■ to sorem a u ^ U c tU y Uw ifotDp f of the larger body. ^ ^

"The ttn tf make ra tt numbers or ” celli coopente to build t n eye tha t IsM ueorabra inU iatU iM b."',,.,

. ~ ' • '! . n


.■ • ■ rt'

OROFINO. Idaho. Dee. t U W b U le o ftu ffe r ln ru h o -i tn ic s led 38 c houn In Uie Dick creek wudenets d w u told by B sh n m , » , deet' r

Inshram ,w hol(xthU ric)itltrbe- n low the knee te ren l yean a(o» w u t ti member of a hunUnj party but w u h lott, «}ien he atirted in pursuit of tdeer h i wounded earir y«rterday. t

Hts Tight hip w u Uirowa eut o( U


CoB ^ fr(B ktUt mty l t d te i kkwi trooUa Y«a caa tiep tbea li BOW wili OMsraUea, aa etnddM t

t•(abed bv sedleal tuberiUca b

tInlutkat. CrcegnlilMi-oomt!t& la U tM lttoje.ct*M ote,;b<hr b m u tl

^ CaiiseOver-horeet Evils of DepiIlns , — - =

te B a y S ta te - S t a t is t ic i a J ' R e g u la t i o n s A ( ^ H a v e " O u

U s e f


I I I Tlie crtatMt le rrin consreta oout I U render Uilt coonuy «-ould be t I I a oeaS and modtnr Uw ant^-trui

law*. The orlslnal purpote.of Uu* ht^ w u to p r o t ^ J ^ y

ICt ouUlred tbelr uufulotu.'Im tead 0 proUcUns Uie people Utey are on

j r . ot the main c«uM* of orer produc Uos. esMilrcr m t of dIttrlbutloE

"■s •“Induttiy todty, wlU» tU modem m t

. chtneiy tnd m au produoUon tnetti W ods, U an enUnly dUferent etnie

ture trom what It vaa In ItOO vtiei ^*1 the ehennan lav w u p*wed. a

3w lendfacjr ol podm i time* J* Jner. ^ ^ b ly tovard latter untU In indoi*

~By-aaylnc-to-tho~oorpor*tlonB; Tou)nuitnotmeiFovlUiyDurcoo* peUton," Uie anU<trti*t law aayi In effect: "You ahall duplicat* erery

® I bit ot plant and e<iu!pmcnt UMt your K I oompeUt9r bulld*. or you ahalt tall

behind in Uie raw and ercnttully ” looutotbufine**."

In Umbo dayt ot induitrlal siaat* ,, tb a t meant Uie pourlns of bUlion* L': ot dollan Into new plant tn d et[uip- 7 ment whleh UAUreiyunDceded aad

unw metnt Uiat w^ h tre V built up uemendoua esceet oapac* ^ Ity, whkih It one of Uie chief causes

of recuirlnt petlodt of oi«r*pro- M duction, buiineas depttation aod ^ wldwprewl unemployment.^ ,

g* • lo d u l^ >^Uy Orertinllt 'h t The two principal reatons why or we orerbuUt our Industrial capacity ih were, tint, Uw World war; and t«c- to ond. tbe anU-Uutt iawa. AlUMUgh n- manufacturenliQuidaledUKlrexcet* n- (tocks of commbdtUcs tollovlng Uie t - war, Uiey liare nerer titjukUMd d. Uielr excees pUnt capacity. Jnetead • t Uiey hare added lo U u t capacity. tr Cempttiton iffre b rtn jin t out new w product*, new InrenUon^ aad new » machlnen-, w that each manufac- «1 lurer w u ohllied to meet.hts com- ly peUtor WlUl new planu, machinery

and .products of hte own! TIm lof- ' teal movement tovard consolidation

ot Jnlm tU and tenpplttg^ot extm equipment haa,bten-hampered on ei-ecy iMe by few ot the anU>trust Itwt.

WhatUtbertiuU? Americanthoe _ factorlrt are equipped to tum out

SOO/XOM pain ot tliee* annutlly, J* buMhe people CM u*« wily one-iWrd J th*t number. 8t* l M asU .hart a• capacity for ^ , 000,000 ton*'* year,

but In the mott protperous year erer known they produced only,M.OpO,000

I The woolen mUI capadty U nearly n ihitejljDMa^tTeataaUjetoaiump-

illon Of woolen loodi.. Thero 1* 35 fl per cent excei* capacity in tho ma­

chine lool Industry, and 39 per cent in Uw oU Industry. There tre enou|h

;pCoal BUnu-ln.UM oountry^p todu» |> nofioo/m lont a.year, but wo ean ^ use only tOOMxm Ions, in an tt - '" .to rt to te t lower labor caiU, the !; 'cottoQ textile InduiUy haa built up• tremendous pUnt equipment In the <>,South in addlUon to the already tx-

Iceisctnacltr ln th e tto r th . All our• bailc I r i i l u ^ are similarly ortr- .b u ilU .y Brtedt Oeprtulen a .. E tceu capacity has tottered orer-

producUoa'which I t lu te ly blamed s for Uw tm e n t ideprettlon: We d ipeeded up Um output or toodt.tut*• eri than wt Increated w r contump- 1 ttc k jfa tu n llr surptoa tood* plied B .up, factories betan to clote dovn,

luncitiploymant t r e i r t a d butlneu i deprealonw uupoatu. There wen

^ ^ u e t lc n in s f O T m S ^ H r are we to a n td the saoM th io r 2n I Uw future? n u useleu. to exhort I indlrldual manufaeturen to rettrlct i their output. When butlntM Is rli- . Int erery manufacturer teela Uiat I he mutt expand h it output o r lote . h it ahare of Uw trade. _

r O nlhe o tte r haad. werw 11 act ter tha rltld anU'trust laws many a o n manufaeturen would tladly o e ite Uwtr eanpames-wiUr-oUwrteilhe tamo line. I t jM actual raetter,

;■ Umii *«iwmenU m u l a t ^ produ«-

) place, he tald, u he ttU orer a ptleM rocka. u« bnced'hlmselt betwecs tvo boulden aad toceed tii t booes

I back toceUitr. Then h» started I cnvU nt Uiroush Uie snow. «Aner I dark he took reluct under a lediaot I* rock, a n j spent Uw night.I Early today he ««umed his enwl- > Ins and had tr tn lled about two• mile* when his eoniptiiloni found I him. l i t w u broucht to a h ^ U l I hert.t Ke w u sutferfait fron thock and

expoturt aod h it toet and h it r l |b t [ thumb w n t froten.


eleaeitt wUcii te tiU taa lietl I k l a S t ^ B ta lm e t aad nop ik« b> t l a i K wUlt Uw creetM* tot* oa te

'^ C :S S 2 *u ‘ S L a ' i ^

I r a t ^ Iniittlesi, tad It excdlcat



Auction and Odier pression in Businessr i a n i a n d E c o n o m i c S k y i

A g a i n s t M o n o p o l i e s .

D u t l i v e d T h e i r . .

e f u l n e s s ’.'

U4n TOild be M .iw o t Kconplbh I - m(T.l. I t would b« poulble, Irttl

mikt letl burdensome u u u lawt, to te » to cure mere ,ctrectlre aod IntellEteo trust cccivnlJi>n...bei««fo produem ti hne gaucoUwllraltaUoDsof.markeUanc jrom irtedule w tput to accord wllh Uioii

d o t WoBld Bwtore Contldeoce' one Enlightened induitrlal leadm o:

ditf. Uiil counlry know how wasteful thi Uoo, rndlestdupllcaUtm of plant aod ma- eeo* ehlnery U In our eeonomlo Ule. Yd

ctp lu l lean to canMne Uwte In- ma* tereiU Itf eUmlnate dupUeaUon, ai etti- lo v h Um anU*tnu(lawa Uueato rue- all lucIl efforu. Tn thort Uw pr«tbt lien Uws destroy confidence ot builneii ,-cr and flnaiieunetdeis'la'tny.'eftbtti w n latelligentty to control Uw n U cf 'Hie nvauHIsnr-Modltieatloirof-Uieig w r- r»irJctloni would do m on Ulta any- loi- thins else to glre caplUl renewed

eontldcnce. aod Uiat is sunly ooo ot n a r the tre tte tt Beeds-of-tho prceeat DO* butlneu tltutUon.I ln In Uie oM days of “tru it bU8tlo«~ rery Uie raUroad* and tracUoo* wett *pe- tiur cUl tarteU. TTiero was some Justl- tall flctUon a t lhat Umo fdr.curblot Uw ally railroads because Uwy affotded Uw

. only meant o t tran^wttaUon and laU in tomo eaau abuted Uielr prlrll- on* eet*. Tbdty, bowerer, tha raUt aod lip* tnctiont - are ttmstUnc actlntt lad many vorleUea ot compeUtloa. Mo- tr e ior trucks, automobUe motor busea, «c* taxlcaba and alrplaot* a n euttinc isea Into Uieir builneaa. Moreorer, - Uie ro- IntenUtooooimem eommlttlon and Uld Uie Italo uUUUea commlsaSon retu*, late Uiem to Uie BUi decree, sunty

’ looser heed anU-truit law* tor them. 11m pows, Uftht aod caa

^ companlet are natural monopoUei' ^ and u iueh a n re«ulated to title 2 ' commlulona. The anU-truit U vt Jons

*tnM ftUed to corem tuch oontoll* ^ daUons. Now what Is needed Is leta ^ rlcU lawa attecUnt oomUnaUons ot ^ induitrUl coneems. The old law ot ^ tupply and demand wlU ntuU U lii* ^ duitry' beUer Utan toy IcflsltUon ^ thatoinbederlied.

T m t CempeUUon Abrud <„ American. Industry Is forced to „ compeU WlUl Uie huca lodutultl " “etrtels" and UwU of Burope. Not 2 ; only a n Uiete -earteU' 'larger ttian I* anyUiUic wo hare in Amet1ea,’but M tome of Ihem are intmaUonal In _ scope includiot eereral- Buropean J., countries. In one croup, tln len Uie

l a n aealm t oomblnaUona In the ^ UhlUdSlalcaaninodlfled^weiUnd

to loae a .Iarte part 'ot lourJorelsB II, Irade In ctiemlcala. eteet and oUier

batlt producu to Uw foiticn traeU.A TTie rigid aaU*tnist laws may bare

btea-all r lcht wben Uw country wat ,.J economically small tod.ptoducUre 0 ) capacity Insutfldeot lo Uu needi ot

a trowtais populMlon;-lMay, how- rl, erer, the probUtn U lo unify'plant Z capacity rtUwr. Uiati Inertate It. 15 U rge unlU In Anwrlcan Indust^ ^ a n abeolutely. neceoary to compete n t wiUitorelcncounl(leswfaoIlyotgan« •I, ised Qn t : Uvst baalt. SOHwnie

fortes demaod elUier Uw eoUn n -

h i r t t ls t tn 31 per-oei* bdow nonnal •, X- eompartd with 0 . p e r . cent tielov ur oertnal a t UiU Ume a year ago. -

it- - •• • ..................

; : 5 S A ]n. . ■'In ■ • /

5 I B e a u t i f u l l y F r a m e

!i O n e a M a i

S : ■ 39 " ■ - / :

J ■ B r i g h t j C h e e r f u l i l

; : p a p e r . A T r i b u t e ^

n ■' ■■ A s L o w

5 ' ' k i» 4 T P

I* ; . . P e r s i t f f

: >N EV ER B E F O R E SUCH. !

j L iq u id ,V ene«r, p e r q a a r t

it . Jo fin son 'a W u , pound

. B e n n e ll’B V w nlBh SU ln , p e r

M orphy'fl B rash tiiK L aeqaer.

. J lI tirp h s^ sQ a lc k V e lre tE n K n

Z07« o f f i>n a ll p ic tu re f r

I D iscoants U p td

. B U T N

I TWIN FAL r .; , &PAU,j ' . lS9Shod>6ae.i



D r. F . T . H a r r is C om m ent

' On L ow B a o te ria l Coun

In R epo rt a n d Councli'A ot

:----------G n - M a t t e r s - o l - R o u l inJA - _____irtthu . TrlbuU.toUwmUk.tupplrbyDi n n t T. IlatTls, mUk and dairy in

tpector was Uu ouUtandlng fcaUit and orttiemettlntof.theTwlji'FallscIt Mte counell Ust erenlnc. whlcb confine

lu woilt largtly, to Uit r ta ip t of n ports and lo.Uia ptyment o r bUI

l o t t g p t t a t ) n f | l 3 7 W 7 . , the Dr. ! I ) ^ tald that seme oT Ui

ma- tample* Icjmled-Uie loweat :eubl Yet eenU ffleU nrolun^ 'ofbtcU rU '^ In- iie h id e n rh a d o eo a ilo n to le t t;^ , u th tt UwKoouncIi tnlght..UiertfM i ^ - r u t asturtd .br UlU strlkl,n|>ptoo : * t U ittllw m llkofT w lnP tU iJa-n^. le tt u lnedatam perlerriaadard.''i t t t ‘ TJint wen-lU U d:a*:fonm rQ «nI c t eral. tl03I.57| labor,'»sa45: ttree w v tepsruntatrtlTD JO hniffs liOlfcW oy. poUee, IKOO^O;- admlnUtnUoo r td >7«9J0; taniU ry.’I lN : nUk-.anc lo t dairy Inipectlon, t300}liSr4:ilepart- «Bt mentr^W ll«rUhrtry)-f850;.*tnei

UshUnallllBJO..'-." I*;.' ,,v .. Report Of PoUce Judg»7{-I>> R«ed

pe> thoved coUeeUoht of f m aod cortJ '« • tg jre g aU n t* O J^ . l - ' " - - . '. Ilw ReporU of R.7:. Ulgblon, chief ol Uw police thowed r i o l i t ' o f t s dty m ordinancet; US vMaUona of tratflc rli- otdlaancet: II etitM ot lntoslaUcn; M tvo tearch warranU aerved: 1J7 n t meals tumUhedlat JaU; tvo .flru ; >0- right cars stolen and Uie tame num- Ka, ber relumed: 19 bicycle* stolen tnd Ac 17 leeoreted: 39 beds tumlihed to Ae oUien Uun 'prUoner*. aod tln u oto | B ilk indsco ]lee ted ,|912 .----------ru- Total vater.renu coUected netUd •ty »577>.03-Uie nport of O.-M. UeEl- *» wab, d ty treuurer, ihowW. •IW Permit w u gnnted to Oeorge

XiontooUi to-oonitnKt a ttOOO reti­cle dence, frame, one ttory 28 to SO tte t «U jodlmcntlooibiBloek«lnUieMur. D* uugb orchard addltkxi, and to Mn. » 11. C.Schurter to conitruct a garage I'i a t Lot 6, block 101, Twin-Fallt a t

if . •

“ HIGESimJiiNn OF e n i !

■ V .When PWik-I* ftigtweJJ, jw prl-

^ ctor ot CectweU-a T in and Serrice Z tUUon, <09 Main arenub e u t, tln- ^ UhA changing Uie oil In an auto- ” mobile for two youns nwn about» „ o'clock Ust nl«ht And n tu n u d tc 7 hU unguarded ottlce and laletroun. J he found the c u b regliiercpea tad u about$40mUtlng.'. ■ . '!: PiiUco offleen who oVerhaultdUw ,t two cuitomen a t Uuy were'letrlng, ■: found a piitol and. two eut*down I leaUier riding milrUwiUi thot-load- I ed handles in Uwlr car. .4 The,two ctutom tn to d two other ; Jhe o rw h e ld lu tn lg b tfo r.tu ru w r I. iorxtUgaUon..


v m ? .- C V rtB M im olIJW O M P.W M lY .

T T ] l # :TEffi

L r i l gn e d . P i c t u r e ^ E a c h , a s te fp ie c e . '. . ^

w - E a c h v ' " - ' - ■

I P a t t e r n s o f W a f l - - ^ Y o n r G o o d T a « t e . w A s

t c - ' :


^ • 1

» r q n a r l -------------

ier.- p e r q u a r t _____

am ei, p e r q u a r t .— : _ . f 1 .1 9

fra m e o rd cra Ih to weeit;-

t o 5 0 P e r ( ^ V


LLS GLASS NT CO.i e .S tn * l E M l


i T U R M O m M

P ’ ~ ” ' C O N ^ E S S M

IT U L e s ls la to rs Gb Tltron'Sji Fo i

L l l l j i i a l i l i e s o f O p e n i n t a n

P a r ty L e a * r a S l r i r a t

■''’® ’W o ri(b u tO rd er ly .P rb g ra r Hint —. (Contloued.ftTO Page One)

iOtS Of lupport i t t a bi-partiu

l i n e S S l S i i S & ^ T i MpubUeani .ln Uw houte and lenat

, haitcntd to 'adnnc« tlmUtV leglilt Dr. Uon. . . ' *

- In- Out' the organUation ofcthe put .ture Uo'buUdtng}. rotd'eootlruhlon tn d t r drougbt'relterprogno'awBtU th Ined recomOfodaUou to be tiibmttted t 'r e - congrea tom onw '.to .I Prtaldeo bills Hooter,. : ; i •; •, •:

- 'Amont Uie outer ptrpItxlUef'Uu t t e *rote u.congttsu met .wu «beU»

uble Benator*Be«t Darls,vrennsylranii U ut « « t* Kf- D trtt failed t ^ put ia hls appearuc& ud.the ttn X a te.cettaonia w en.orer In 30 mlQ

u t a . •.-ToUiaioluUoaotUiU'coatTOTen;

' indth«Tiroblem'of.wtaat>to;dow1U UW'WorldGOurtprotoeei-*UeU>ret

S t ident ttw rer ha* .dedded. to tulimJ ^ to.Uw.ttnaU,.U>»J»*publlcan.lead

enblp bent itself In o^ereoce to

aahtad. leaden w en tUlT^blous u:

^ thtlr *baitTtatonM lia txtn.ta- S i lo n l n U w ip r l ^ .^ . - , - , - ^ , . . ” •-'ReprttenlaUrs TlUon*., ConilecU; .’af cut, tbe RepubUeaa leaider, announc- L f; cdbew ureadytobeglo .n lgh t M f ( f i llon with a rlew to ckarlnt up al! ^ cjMitrorertles. i

7cnort<ig{bednnoRftnUoa bythe i ” : CommunltU, early crowdt filled the

gaUerle* In Ihe tenaU and house lo ^ waUh the opening. AnlaosiUea ol “ the campaign. togeUier wiUi iU Joys ^ and torrows for tbe membenhip, ” teemed torgotUn to the coBcrettlon-

r r miSfrsih-»sSMiaJook»a.<ia^^ . Atler Uw prayen et tbo ehaplaint “ aiid 'the opening roU caU*, newly ^ elecied memben w tn awom in to ^ compleU unexpired term*. .A c « -

miUee Including Uw RepubUcan and Demoentlo leaden ot each .branch RV sent to Hw WWie Hoiuc to la- form Prttldent Hoortr'lhttooogrtti w u In tettlon..

Buiineas wUl be pw order In both tbe tenite and home lomorrow. Tho p r^den t't message U expecUd at nooa ■ • .

In addlUon to 'D tn i.^A t(er*eI« l Owlght W. Motnw. Ntw Jersey, ttll*

III ed to appear to take Uw teat lell ( I vacant by Walter £ Edge, tbe am* 11 batudor lo Fnnce. lUa credenUals

will be ready on Wednesday vben it U undentood be 'vtll appear to be

rl* Ivors. . . . . ■ ,ce .'On the-houie tide, RepTtienUtlrel n- Ttlion, ConnecUcut, -the majorily I 0- leader.'called a mecUng ot the un- 9 ottlclal tleering commtUeo for to­

te ihomw moming to map out a leg- a . liUUre prognm.Ul ' Tilton u id plan* htd beta )sld,lci ' expedite acUon on-. Ihe annual tup*

m 14-

K • ■ .1

I ism’HDonHtry the Gas 1

w lien you axe giW tis ' eelora, nam ea sn d ta r i

^ . jio pei;6Dade I t to g ir t

After— ; ' r

- j f i l i j V o u r f a n k . w

m o t o r w i l l d o t i l l

p i l l s , d o n ’t t r y t

, ’ f i n d , i l l t h e l o n g

d i e t f o r y o u r c a

P u r eQ a s o l i n e

- A n d i f y o u w a r

--------- Cli s i i a j e 3 i o : c l i

w e ' s t i l l t h i n k i t

' ■ Drin in todv - . sa tisfaeU oa. K , a l a n y hcitir o f

Und A' T f iB F IN B S l ANU O fflcc and Shop: PhoBi

, O fficial Beech M a sn r . ;S a te i iB d 8 e rT lc i i8 U ll


^ S ^ O U T M S I D E ^

U E N . I i E - j ^ E M B L

'o r - C om m unists C lash W ith .0

and f lee rs on Bftia d . P ta

t o ol M a l t a ) 'E d i l l c e ' ;

a m Solons C om m ence L abo

. (OonUnued Ftcm P a n Ont)tpedal botHs beaded towvd N<

Re- reported. At leatta lso tlbe ln im laU ber rtmabied ta) Jto , wbUe one I lla - qulrsdboqiitaltrtaUaenttorBbro

'• cn'note.,>u»; nw ueueU ynocQ when tbs'd »wl m onttnion sa d a Uielr f ln t moi

thouUnf aod'DQ^gVdetniDdatd 1 1?. pueardsftanwuaUkU>etreotU.i

' Ihedlsplayefpltiei^lippti^ h4dbt«n.Uieslgna!'awaltedb)!p U ce.tertw noD crw m .Uicy tboi

X He added Uiat'dltpeaal of Muie ^ s i i s n m o id be a tuiiutcwn m it

in the bouse aflq the confeno

and would like to tee it sold. He adc ” ed Uiat hfwanUd to SN I t derelope .(■. "because I t Js . 000 ot tbe'great n

.all - ■- '■ '' ."‘' l i " •

Ihe I • ..■■■■■■iiS;he I ■ , ■

I ■s 7 t r e e .“ -------------- f r o m i" . w h e r e '

; J -------------------o ^ G h r i s t« - a r e o n d i” w is h -y o u w£ , a n d lo o k u s e

w il l f i n d a dii; ! ^ v c b i l e m d p o p i5; s t a tio n e r y , l e aS g if t s o f q u a l it y , f» s c t s j g i f t d

i . ^ - O o s B q

)t ■ II ' ■ " I

M o t o r

C o l o r B

ytoDisguis You Usetiy Buiut Ilit uf-nell'ptiHotetiM g K fbe'.best 70a can bof in..O arious other camonflages are bf. ire. 70a the i a l In power, sUn

All, I f s ^ Tliat Countiw i t h p u r e , u n c o lo re d gs h e r e s t D o n ’ t t r y t o fe e i t o f o o l i t ^ t h ][nediocre

I g r u n , t h a t s t r a i g h t g a i c a r * . V - . an d " i t -c o s ts n r

m t c o loried'gas, w e h a v e i ehoasfl^fro m . W e ’ ll c o lo r; i t ’ s a r o t t e n .t r ic k t o p la y

By . V. fill’«r up and Remeaber. we’re all w f to fti of the dny or night

A u t o m o b i le C o im » £ S T EQ UIPPED . G A R A 6I jnelMlele . TiMkaiiliM , - ,Byit(

- aod bytlandcn. ~. As Ult dtmoastraton mored d o n

5___ _ CLOlUunbiijJoUcwifbHtdS^IT n and nigbUUcks-upon Uicm. . . . .

a l l S l K i S - S S D J o u rtyea, l i t Uiem see i t r WhUe Ult B ta

. f l f . "down WlUl unpertallimr and* “down WlUl Uie dbty eowanlil".4il' a u , . aniw trtotbouU trom U ieipeetatw r ia z a to ‘ take Uiem away.“ poUoe rtte rfo :

ftnaUy. w tft calltd aod Uie general } ' fiS richuacfiopped. serertJdoseacaa-

uunltfs mortd up PennsylrtpU t r t . Jbo rs hue towtrd Uie WhiU. Iioute but

htlUd btfeca r^kcblnc U xn. , UetawhUe, Chairman FUh t f Uie

Z ___ OoamualiU’-lDrMUnUnc.cotnmll-I N tv tte. announced he would graot a

imm- VriUlam Z. m tw , O o ^ t ^ s T o S ? u n - <U<taU for president b i Wt. Xtnel brok- Amtff, hetd of Uie ntUeeal eoofer-

ence forthe protecUon o t Uie f trelia M X ., bora, aod Boris Vlraky, bead o t \ t

Ruuitta F r t* Bureau, wtte araoog- f f i those named to tuU ft- .-..™ ::. j --.

The demontuauoa a t tba ctpltll• ( , ' w u under Uwttisplets of Uu c r t-

r^nettar.U ieproU ctlon .c tfen iinbom ,d tlm ed toberrp rt«n taU n*W»cetanisaUoniwiUiro,OOOpitt4<

l«idcnoftbeoonf<Teo»h«!M *o""'* pared-t-1tngU9BUtemeot.lobepr4., S S S tented to eoosreu,demandtntamotiB

otbnthtaici tboaboUihmentof.vaU RstricUon* oh ' immlgnUoa' W- eluding Ui» .“cKluiloa ot Cbinetj,

E S i Japanuiand.H tadui.-—:______ UIt deataded a lto a itHTiUng

S S” 2 2 flpiie*e«»anliedttnw B aB )t,-::_^ . 'xL. Doder oorer Ot the exdUnxalk *

o u m n l^ beaded to K ob tit Neif-

^ Spe.kerLonni>Ith«omee; AnoUitr 1 5 . CDpTWMt.taa.toUllMiat,.byEIta

p . y ' * “ I” -

I ' 'a m a h r i s t m a s

e . l i a m e -

r t h e s t o r e ~

1 t h o u s a n d s '

i s t r a a s - G a r d s - . -------------------- ^

d i s p l a y . W e

w o u l d c o m e i n ■ , _

i s o v e r . H e r e y o u ' " - .

d i s p l a y o f w o r t h - . /

j p u l a r p r i c e b o o k s ,

B a t h . « r a n d m e t a l j ' , f o u n t a i n p e n s , d e s k ’

t d r e s s i n g , e t c . • "

I I I '

I I I '

•ook Store ^F a l l s , I d a h o . r

J l i n d -

Ise _ j

1 .th e m x o f foeL ubf. no u se w hen y o u w ant, ' - 'J la r t in g a n d perfom U Bcei"

Q u a l i t y

g a s o u n e . . . y o u r « e e d i t s u g a r - c o a t e d . ■ ■-

a r e g a s o l i n e . Y o u ’l l

j a s o l i n e i s t h e b e s t

n o ' m o r e r r . ' j u s t — ;

p e r

, G a l l o n

re a fin e se lection '' ! I Ir tP i'fr f n r y n t T j h tlfc H

ay onyour m otor', , ; ^

I f o r a j a n k f r f o f .V • Ug lr e y e a * e r? ice . ■ ■

ompany UI

■' . ' 1 '

Suction Of;, M

■ ■■

- i,. .i-l',. .


— m p i lI iiThesc p ic tu res s lr ik ln g ly depie !' tw a se s w ilh v io len t ra in , th e n J t , j tfcbn iska to rn ad o .. . /

ItBr iiow A no w . d u k e s i x e nw <AasocI#l«l r n n Sclcnco Editor) 'iNKW VOUK. Dcc. I - l f looki Ukc tioi

»mII(-lonRRTitlt{n:«ukM)Utltik uei]• - rifillynalurc’ab lg ses tcirtW ynm - «riI rfeuum tubc. . Co I I iTtil] cpilomlzes brlcfljr'vhBt manI l4Jow*of the dcjiructlre to n a or th#

.Jh n u id o . . o nI / i l t ueounts (or Uio frrkbi o t tiie ttri

. Ok]Ahomat«madMa,vhlc>iturejujt tme tiken nnothrr icore ot tlvtt. '■

• ifWflHotlced > Jieavr ctoud In tlie Jng. HM." » j a Mr*.-. Roy Hpmer ot thn

qothenbur([. Nebra.^ka, dctedblns t and’ l^rnado whlcli prtccdcd the Oklnho- “J

tuElSTDieE S. iiGOMiGiii ■

' r; ' • ■ ____ :.liVASmNOTOX, l)cf. 1 Ml - f.

4 galrm an Ucne of the tarm board T*niljKLU)ft_iKO_Orfjon'Mnalor» uih

. Ilk J tbo-rra'Ji*|tbllltttilon co^poratfcn Id purthas-'Joi Mil wheat cn the Portland, Ore-! t th . cxcbanRe, to«tabllM'|{5 ))rteea.'‘ ^‘

- . iScnator Stelarer and UeNat}-. Ite-1 ^ ■ jAbllcani.; dUcu»Mililbe <iuc*tlon7 ™

with tllm and SamutlK. McKelvle. :»«>b • grain incober/flt the-tarn board.- ;ncr,

S W « r iaia Northwestern jraln him ' M *<rs did/not bcpeJlt trom pur> t

• , e w e a on Ifte Chliago exchange by »ht .tw .graln-^U JltiU oa corporaUon, Jacl

• ' ictWllM covered only fold

z lu i s i loId'Slelwer he Ij .folaff to CKlta«o today to talu up the question ,'h , irtTh Oeorse S. M llm ot the atablll- ^

, ^ i p f o orporaUon/ . ■ j ' j J J

' ® S 0 C 1 E T ,y/ | N 6UHLEY . i f J


. SVRiEV Dcc.: (Spfclai-to The readI^ it-M e m b e ia ot the Ladles* Aid brea•Mlity 4t the Methodist chureh hera t «n rt t lannlnic tor tho onnual'bizaar. r*iie

. t ^ held tht* year DcctmberO. Tho.nadbetJh lpb divided Into thre* dl. S TvWotu. whleli meet'at iUIed Inter- q,*,

^ A 'w h e n work III done on articles ti!({; i b t baz.iar. Tlie dlvliloni are .rliiictiatBe ot Mm. II. A. aroh(uky: nr

' liM L A. ]Iiuio:i and M ri Charles tl —ijj^K ed . ^ ^ . y a ’ dcfflated-tor

for church and chiritablo pur-' JJjjJ

^ d 'o ec em b er U a general teaion obtno l4dle*' Ald aodety will- be

- itmi a t the Mcthodltb:eliurch. A ' . c d ^ ^ h luncheon will be icrv- ™

_ M C T B E R S .O F J IA IL E Y .’S . . . : ^

- ^ w i c - c L u r H o n m m ^

; / S i lL H . D . r r T s i « u / i o T h . s l' ) ffn )-T h o tegular meeUas or the

V 4 » Civic club on Ptlday took the X a of a club pwtr. •• Mn. , T. J. S , ,

■ Kjbelcr tang .two weal aolo*. ae. ^ p an Je 'd a t U» piano by Merle

' S tfnatelt before luncheon. - tho luncheon player*

: tSlJi! ptacei for eliher 600 or bridge. “ • Anttw bridge gamu prlxea Vete = aM rdedtoM n.M .L.Shanatelland _ V A ’Romalns and a t sop to Ur*. J . S,1{elnly and U n . Oscar Thamm.

Mlu U try King. I3o1m , and Ura. T IR o c k w e l l . Detlevue, we.-« oiit-

■ e t> |(m guetta. y

■ ib n o o L qivEK D o c u u E N n BATON ROtrOE, La. U V A col*

leAon of oU plantaUoa dlarlct, iour* u S ,a n d rtcordi, and ConfedeM . .

. g imotq, da^ f r o . 1 ,g i

t S t r r i t y Ubmr by Oj# Do CJouet “ (|i /aCUy ol LaFayelte, Louisiana: .- ^


Huge FumMeteorologist Explains 1

; Pressure Causes 1 ing of S tn

. ' i , -

) ie i /a to rnado d e y c lo p m e n t^ tlic J t i l r i k e s e a r th a n d h u r ls d e b r i

isattoniuafewweck& ed“It eccmed to be moving rather ' ’

slowly, when a tunnel formed and ouItemed lo dart dovi-n to eatU) and butfrlko like a tnake and then return, exto the Ik}'. - . • :

“Wlienever Uils column would h ll mithoearth.ei-enalthedlataneootW toisr more miles, dirt and whirling ma- anterlt).would teem to be rising like noimoke In the air.- > t»- - tho funnel teemed to Jeap U

Ing ilows on our nelghbor't nuch 'Ihrough Uie air over our heads, com- ehutd atriklng a imall pond ot water, orl

“PrMtlcallyallUiewatcrwastuck* fU

S e n i o r R o c k e f e l l e r I

F l o r i d a H o m e J o l

, Q f 9 2 H a n d i n g C

OIWOND BEACH. R K Dec.' 1 dei [JHPhUosflplililnc. Joklna and dls- • UlbuUttg'Jils- lamoai c|imes-wlUi to. rouUifur enihuslasm, J o h n ‘D. u,) [tocketcller, ar„ iiearlns 03. nnlved »t.hls winteriJome hero Saturday.

He.had lUppcd awny unheralded ahi [nun hit nmmer home In the north, ou ibortly attcr his ‘TbanksElrlnc din- plJ icr, and’Uiero'WOT few 'to 'g ree t Uii Ilm.- • ..s , . - J

To an A.iaoelated Preat reporter Uv rho w u admlUed to Uio tr tln a t a r lacksonvllle, Mr. Rockefeller,, un- bu loldcd a typewritten theeU Uo aald wll mtsaage. .. ve -Inntalterlng.'vola, theuonagen- *® irlan.wtu haa Ktran many. mllUont ^ 0 benefit mankind, read a poem o? Jjout gUU. , «*■On ui’e sanio .aheei, waa a prayer:

ta. theme Uie Oolden Rule, atklng or guidance In giving to Uu m who leed. Ur. Rockeleller read UUa and nedlUted. Ue explained. Uial tbe lat: eadlngs-ars-aerved-hlm-wlUi-hlt ma reakfut eaeii morning. ■ aptTo a newipapermao, Mr. Rocke-

eller ahowed r aecoad typewritten h'fit. Inquiring it tho brochure wal nej M Je'nsUiy for publication,'the lenpaperman thought not.•The brochure.“Low your onetnlca. ’- llm u itb e th eW o taC tv lsU an the

> make lilt enemy lovely.“l l ' l i not u r tu n tm e builnets to

tcure ray aBety. Tut to rtteftVt tm ^ gllneiL He may only annoy me, ulholtdettroylnghlmtelf. Hemty c ilure my repulaUon: bul far wor*e, noi e li blljhUng h it own. character, ope •heretore, must 1 teek to remove Uie der reater Uilng, Uio corrosive malady and iblsownaouJ. X m uttm aksH m y 000 urpoae to recover hU Uveltneaa and 000, Mtore Uie mod Ukenea* ot Uio Lord. “And only love , can mako Uieio 0

^ dutywlU lall In Uie gradout _ w k. There U a lUialtoiJCh, a con- — ummale bloom, to wbleh duty can — ,ever alUln. and which U only a t- ^ alnable by lore. AUNlove'a ^ I t - T riMarflert*tlveonovellneM.Wher- r ver her tlnger rtlt*, aome Uiln« ex- ."T' uliltoUbom. Love Is a great m ^ Idan: ahe traqaforma Uie desert llo a garten and the makes Uie wll-

- Us

D O Y O O . V A L U B Y O U i i J E W E L R Y v

^and- J Y O U R F U R S

, 'S n ffid c n tly to sa fe g n ard

th em fro m I o n a n d d ( 9 - ' ^ tm cU on b y ta sn ran c e?

- •; . ' wb]

W hercver'There Is pf» Value • “JT-

There Should Be ^ Insurance

fin i

frrigated Lands Co.Jelm B. ItobertMo, M p . 2 ^

, In n n ae e Depl Tbomu M. Bebertam. ,8e«. •



• yA ■ ^

inels' Resultss How Reduction of Air !S Sudden Burst- tructiires y ______

tlie sky turns black, a funnel foi brls U s h into the a ir, a s tihown a

S S H S i atwundslolhetquareInch. nolonRer ac

ehlckenalsthu.^aceolmledforlnlhe• ac orles .advanced by/«omo meteorolo- to gists. The normal pressure Inside the rli

A rriv e s a t _ [] okingandatAge ; Out Famous Dimesderwis bloom like a rose.

“But nlicre aliall we get tho love t'< to. make cur enemy lovciy? >t«i;i-7' ■the great Lover hlmwlf. Wo Im-o wi becatue Ho llnt.1oi-ed.iui. Tlie great iover Uiu lavfc liilo ill, and 'c , too, }c •ahaU become fountains of lore,^ our love wU open 'rtver* In Uie high' . placca and fountains In the mldst.otUievaUeTi"' ' . .................... Mr. n^efeU er.w aa delighted a t „ Um prccpcct. ot playing golf Here again. Uo ipent tho attemoon rett- tag from the lonf trip. Tortlorrowhe wlUalUndchurchaervlccaandirUio u veaUier'Is good Uooday he plant to m gobutforgoU.-------------------------- Ol

& BANKS p r e p a r e ’ u


NEW Y O ^ . Dec. 1 M'V-Tho tJ Ult of tome $«SJJ)00.000 Jn OhrUt- _ muclubfundiWlll be distributed to - i aproxlmately J1MO,000 club mem- II ben by more Uun SOOO banklns In- sUlutloM’ throughout the country next week.

A survey conducted among Indl* • vidual memben bt tho clubs, Indl- Ne cales Uiat 3S per cent ot the tOUI. mi or. CiOfiOOfM. will be ipent during ■ J the hoUdayt lor Chrtitmas pur> Un Chose,. to

• NEW M E T > 0 B FRANXE Ba D tW m K . Pranoo'MV-Dunklrk JS

non litobccocne an Important Eur> wi opean port. Imprm-ements now un­der way pioTldlBg new docks, plen = and dikes lurtlctent to receive SOO,* _ 000 tona of oil a yew wltl cost «IS,- 000,000. .

Only ooa fool ipeclalltl In Twin'ram. nwna mo. or, roiUr. Adv.

m i s B i o s. C p jR F E E

ifs r a re f la v o r to th e p r in -

cipU y o u follow^ itf m ak ing I

^^maypanaise.^ iso the oil 4 littU 4t» trm to prevent tlu mayoanalse irom’ K^tin^. Hilli Bfot.,rotit thelr ■ ajffcc > Jtvt fmuU et.0 lim to' prcvait TariatJoa In flaror. That’i ivbf thit pxttfitcd', coottooouj 3foee« it ailed Controlled Rout ,115. No bolk-fljaitiag ptoecu em prodtM tuch a delidooi

s In Freaks'T

■ hi. • . - It.

' of. . ...... *r

--------------------------------- z r r r — IDI . - hi

HIJfl-------- - , l w

forni!i nn th e w lnd’fl speed in« vc n a t ex trem e r ig h t . T h is w as a ™

u|iA-ar<I. this rlsinR motion account- —

and bulldlnes ottch high In’Uie air.Its gradual dying down mlghl even

account lor sloijea ot rale, almost -Kl tolt, landing on earth atler a wild ride through the air.


------- . ■ : DoPAUL, D x. 1 ( S p e c ia l IoThe Wj'

Kcwi)-ArrlvaU luiil dcpsrlutr* of -Psul rcsldciia aad fiuoRsdurhig Uie

wfek-cnd wcro'as loUoa-s:I Wayne Hollenbeck drove to Poea- 'tello Friday momlng on a businta trip and returned U ul e 'cnlng. >

I Mr. and Mn. O sur Nelson nnd ’ daughter*. Helen and DoniUiy, drove

;to LAva Hot 6prlng« Tbankiglvlng.I niomlng to spend t^o day wlUi 'Ur. I and Mrt. Paul French. Mr. Preneh ” lasuperlntendentof poolsUiere.The * Neltona retumed lato Friday night,

Bishop and Mn. Davis Oraen, Mr. and Mn. Lee Ottenwtll. Mr. and Mrt. Fred Rush, Mr. and Mrs: aydo Ottenweli,-Mr.-nnd Mn.-KelUi'Uer<> rtlt, Kr. and Mn. Jac1c,Merrlll, Mr. r ' and Mrs. 0. 0 . Sandford, Mr. and i" , Mra. Ftank Denney ahd Ur. and Un.WUl!amSandforddnn-etoPslla, . Idaho, Friday evening to attend Uie poat-ijupUal a.’wwcr aC Uu bomo of JfJ U r. and Mix. A. 0. Taylor, honoring Alex Taylor and hij-brtde. {J*y .T H R E E OAKLEY/COUPLES

Ma r r y AT CEREM ONIES ,v___L - ' nel

OAKLEV, Dcc. I (Special to' The pat Newii—Three Oakley couples were married latt ww^. ' tall

Un were narrled In the Laltcr Day Salnta lemple a t Salt 'U ke .City. Aiabel hilrchlld and Verla K ^ a n -»TT>i.t/aw4>H_ln-thi.-rjiHyy n-iy __Salnta temple at Logan, and Haiello , Tanner and Dick Powell. ' Albion, were .ftiarrled at Burley by E. M. / Wright. . . , . Ph

U SE D (I t I s O n l y L o g i c a l 1 N o w I s t h e T i m e T

A u t o m o

E v e r y C a r L i s t e d I 1926 C h r y s le r .

1926^Spcclni'6 '.'"~N a sh R o a d s te r- . ----------------1925 M aste r 6 '-BuIck R o a d s t tr ,- . .---- --------lD 27\V hlppct

' 1928C oupo--------------------------------1926 F o rd .C o u p e _______ V----------------- i1 9 2 9 W c d c lA A ,

^~~fP n ick r^n )p lc te ...........■ 1928 S tudebaker

D ic ta to r C ou p o ..................—1929 F o rd S tandardCoupe ......................................

. 192J».Ford T udor______ : .......................

1925 F o rd .T o n .^ IV uck, com plcto -...w — .....

; • L I B E R A L !

U nion Me: Y o i i r F O R D

\ / T w i n F a l l s ,



AMSTERDAM. Dec. I (Special to * The Ne«-si—Many vlsllon anived here Wld w xra l local resWenU vls- U«l elwwlifw d-Jrtng Uio .Uianka- glvln^hoUdayi. ■ -

Olenn II. Kunkel, student a t Ui# touihcni branch of Uio Unlrenlty of Idaho, Poeatello. vltlted his par- r *nta durliiR llio holidays. ' . * 'J

haHnjf tpenl tej-eral daya hno wlUi her parcnlj, Mr. and Mn. 0. L. Kuni kcL

Mlts DorU Satlerlee and Mlti Doris Ward, traclien In Uie Ainiterdam Khool.'tpciii UieJTkanksekrliicJiol- „ Idai's a t UiclcJiomes netf.Twln.F&lb4” and Cwllcfird. ' 0

Many oUier- local Thanktglvlnc parties wcre the occatlon tor \-lsll4 ^ in this dlitrlct. , . . “I


• . Ia■nuhLEv;W e. l.(5jw lat"ioT iie J,'

N ea-tl-Sfit lUren vocallsta and mu-tlclahll ttlll tr r lv.» tn n ..f lo tnr « JJ ^e«rt-iiie-rtM‘nin/re/-D«tm bfr-Pfrom the University ot Idaho al Mo#- «eow. They Mil thow Uie moderolicd “ venlon ot a alee club a t Uie hightchool auditorium" here, - al'Tliry are the Idalio VandaJeers, ce

travfliiutjicmjbc-unlverslly-cam- 0pu»lninelriiiolXrcoach,«ndtourlns P<Uie principal c tub f t Southern Ida- wl

. ‘niTchorui ecimprisea nine young Inwomen andeljhtmen;wllh'thelrdl- 0reclV.Prolfc'wrCatlelonCummlngs, piwho U head ot thtW lvenlty mu.ilc codetpriment. Each 'member of tho cogroup ll be a capable w a l P.flololit. niHl many of them arc enter- J. Uliieta and plnyeri of musical Inatru- menl.1. '-Theywlllbe’toUicrtifldabbultTO wi

week.i.Rlvlm!C6ncerullrslalW elscr, «December 3. and clvlng a t Kam'iu, clDecemberl2. Tlieywlll?onorthonrt litcatt a« far a.1 Idaho Falls and Malad. *uTho afternoon of December 9, they ,alng a t Rupert, coins lo Burley for 1,,tho c ’cnlns entertainment.’ ' .p'


T O W IN COVETED RING “' ' i O'' KIMBERLY. Dec. 1 (Special. to ^

.Tha mem- nben ot the Kimberly Olrl Reserves 1.,(^..working tor tho Olrj ^ ^ ' 9 30

IwarlnRen. Ada 'OUnni Dorothy . .Requ#. Pauline Dobeon. .Dorothy “ Tlileroe,. Mario Lowe, Ruth Hamby.,D onthyjtttjua li clialrnlan of tho ^groupr Plans have been dlicuaed ' wlUiiMlia Clam Lanscland; OlrlRcseh'sK'crelary, for Intensive work,' |!*foll^wJns Iho Clulilmai leason.' _ g]

jSchooINews "An' Intcrcla.^ ba^etbsll tourna­

ment will bo hekl Ills year. It vo^ lUMd ye itad iy by U. N. Tem-, prin- dpU of Uw high tehool. Captains win ba telected/by Oie itudenta ot ctich.clait^aad-UiOH-wbo-pta^-to- try t e tho clan teams wtll practlco In Uio gym, some.tlmo In.Uie near future.

Donald Baoon w u eleeted caplain o( the tenlor clasa team of Uie Inter- class to u m ^ yeslerday at a meet- 1 Ing of All aenior bop Intensted'tn Uio game during the touiUi bour .la tho auditorium. /

• ; C ifnb OF ■rriANKs ,.We with to Uiank our frlendt and

nelghbon for Uielr klndn w and ij'm- paUiy aad brautUul Ikinl otfertnss. through ttae death o t our brother and;]ta th tr.^ . ' 7


- u n e . E.W . MILLER and

KINDUNQ WOOD Al Twin FaUt Fred & Ice Ca

Phono 191.—Adr.

C A R S—1 To Believe That To Purchase an

nobiled a t 1931 Prices

__1$125.00 . _ $150.00

$125.00__ $i25;oo

$175.00\ d » r r r - A A

- J —

= $ m o o ^$395.00

___ $350.00 $350.00 $75.00


o t o r C o .D D ealer ls,Idaho •

T O ■ '■

' i i l i TlETflniRSOI

Group Names Roy LaRuo TM aslsr ailll'Cmislilers T s r '

and Legislative Measures

nUPERT. D «. 1 (ap« l.l to The N ( w i ) ^ y - t .n u e j 'W w V-End’ ' araiiR’;, WAS e l e ^ m ulcr a r i h e ' ' annual meeting of Uie MlnWoka- Ca.\ila county Pomona arange Sal- urday, Norember 30 at Ihe E m e ^ J

. Other otflcert are: D. T. WJlton,' . Plonerr Orange, ove reeer: Leroy Fen­ton. Hopewell .Orange, tteward; and ’Mra. Warren Holllnger, I*k)neer Orange. lecturer. |

Mra. LUke WlUUuni, Rupert, chap­lain: Mra. Ocorco Donaldson, Run- frlytrraiurer! M rnIO w e’Flclaher, ' Rupert, tecretar}-: Mrt. J. A. Handy, Hopewell. satekttPcr:JitnLJJLJar.4 - I^CIatnnont^iIady.KuUl4uiUt(v-) . ard: nnd L. II. Swccttcr, Clalrmont, IattUtaoUlcward............. ................| .

DurlngthebuilneasteMlon,dlKnt-' alon df leglsUUve meaturet and pro-1 cedure claimed attention ot Uie' Orangera, A commltlee wa.i ai>-: pointed tor the purpou of conferring' wlUi the npreaehUUvo and lenator 1 fi«n.eMhj)l.Uie t«'p counlica u d to'l infonn. Ihe legliUton U ut th e ' Onnge favon an Income tax, a direct primary lav and a luxury tax. Tlie commlllee com-prliea: Minidoka', county-j. A. Handy. 0 .0 . Neleon, A.P. Amrji: CawlA c»unty-W .C. Paul, ■J. R. Taylor and Dean Wilcox. '

rollowliig a dbcusalon on butler 1 tubiUiuKt, tlio matler of the Oranso was utkcd to name a cominltteo to confer wlUi illnldoka county mer- chonls; iinrlne them nol to lake out lloentea for the'tale ot Uie'butterKllBtllUlfS.

Tlie highway eommlltie, compriz­ing J . A. Handy, J. R. Nlcholtoii and . T. 8. Eatlwood. w u aaked to invcall-, sate Uio poulbUlty ot oontoUdallng j iho ttireo highway dlilrlcta of Uio counly.

11 was announced Uial Stoto Orange Matler W. W. Deal won wUl be In this vicinity to complete ar- raiigcrtenta tor tlio State Otaogo annual meeUng lo be held January '30 to 20 ta Burley. )

In* UiA lecturtr'a hour the main i addr»*wa.i glvea by Bay McKalg,' Bolie. who ipoke on '“n ie Tax Pr& -1

^ * j^ c a l numben Ineludcd a plan»-' loguo' by Slilrley Holllnger, accom­panied by Wllma ConnDl: \-ocalduct. Oerald Pennxk and Wllmii Connell, - M is Theodora Nelson k ^ p a n y ln f . .

I'nEMSTrrOHINO,/Mr*. M o itt' ’ Steanu, 3S0 3rd AVe/NorUi. fhoae 1478.-AdV.- ••.. / • - - l l ;

. B yIn Order to ]

- Ernnt Room Suites, Beds, Dressers, Sprir ing Chairs, Diningv Kitchen Tables, Kitcl Pictures, Floor Lam Sets and Cedar Ches

WE a l s o h a

: Both Inside' and outald floor vamish, both coloi ]\Iaresa> kalsomine In 1 paper paste, oil cloth ar

.■ W E A R E G R

■ Auto Door Glass, . ‘ charge forgetting

' ■ . " .1

Don’t fail to see 0 —— pricesTcasonaWe

•. LA] 5 0 L am ps-

Get your presen

P a in t a

CEMBER'2, 1030

t s 'T a

Just ImcU n m J a n

M en’s a rsu m

OVERCI . . ' , ' ' ■

ristiri l lMove Our Lar

9. Bedroom Suites, Din ings, Jaattresses, u ig g s rvChairs, H igh C hairs ichen Cabinets, Linoleui mps, Table Lam ps, B d i s t k .

AVE A LARGE STOCKllde, In 30 ciilon, Including 4-1 lored arid dear, waterproof fo r I I bulk. We loan you a brush f r and vrindotr shades.

(VINGlb;j T020510FI

GLASS s, Windshields and Wir 1ST- ■.PICTURE FRAMING

our large stock of pietuIk --------------------- ------------------- ---

l M P S P I C I ^

5—$1 D ow n,:nt and have it paid fo r I

l b p i §a n d F u r n i i i ^ e I

r— .--rrr


7 ■ I V , j f J ,

; a g i W v ^ : ‘ -'

.n u a ry 1st j.i n a i B i y s ’ -

'S a i mCOATS

• . . . ■■ i ' • . ) :

W 8 } ^ e e k s : t d :

f P a y B a l a n c e ! I▼ '■ ‘ '

ExtrtordiaatxofferiCbeoM - f ro a wide aMettmeats,.oaa and two trouter ndts, tin*

. gle or double, b r u i t e d ' • aad from big btirl7 u lsten and belted and tmW ted orereoin In aew Fall and .Winter S tjies-taflored ta W art i p e ^ t l e u from . , ' ,W art ^ } e a t . ' O nlf f l ■ down tb il weik,


' & Co. /19 ' t w i n F A LIS, IDAHO

. f E-irge Stock oflining Room Suites,

%. K itc h e n Stools,!uni, Rugs, Mirrors, r f Lamps, Smoking.

3 K 0 F . j S S f ■■4-honr enamel, 4*hoQr . ir floors and woodwork, f m . Wall pap<r, .w all'


Window Glass. No

tu re mouldings-^

- ' - I ii , '$ l\V e e ktb y Christmas. '

S ® i lii-.j

'••i. - . / . —

^ ^ l i m t t S - S f t f t H f E W S

/ •''“ ' ^ • l uilliO TIO N B * m ? T ■ r* N jtW tlo 'iim aw ——— i

' o s i rwc - **j*' a i«U antM _ . ■ • -—

Oai uooui _- ■ l^ «" 'ia iiijM ^iioeod o tM -a w T o ^ , Apni 8. laii, »t u* ^ lo in n 111«u M li. uBto t£* act «> U u ^ }. >m. - . I• btiwd trtrr aeiBUt uMpt Tvta n iu . TviB IUU couBir. lO w » tb* Twta m il H tn PutdlUUsi Cf. Ise.

bUUltHM IM .[ ''"^ lE iiB n o r A saocim o r t tm •Tb* AMocikua rm » u iu ioukji fs;

UUM 10 Ul* UM for puuiauoa ol'*U ' a m atoptiebi* inA M te It. or Mt

oibmitM cradjud tn UU p * ^ *Dd 10^ a « T . ‘ » s M 4 s s s ^— - »kicM a«r*ui *Uo m y nd . ,

in o»i>» AmocUM Pnm,_______^Tb* K m a » BBswr of «* Aiiii: Dumu ot a tnlttloBi. tn o >b9m *11

. WBM*^D“*poUem^^ .r . . towutloa lupwftd locauij upea i*auai

^^y^mpOMlblliytnpb* or oUWeobtrlbuM auit«f AmclM ( U b ia lt t* d (or pubtiauos 46»iii B4it nctf^.ttimnimine wote*

J a Itatta taa tbould.J>« ceonatd teS K l S S i S S I S !S‘S S afS S:inf or dMD« 10 p«noBilluc* ttui aol

__ ' w ; poitw . ,I ' NARonu. u r a u i b r r A n m ^

- i — s ‘ ! ! s “ ™ 5 r ^ ' s . r s •i - —

I . CIIARIIY *Twin FalU Cotmty kdmlDlltnUoo,

itxndtns under hotiMl cowUtlau ' Mmcthlns nion Uun (n n (i’ Utou*

. md-dolUrs * .) tar tor ttU tf« poor ' ~<nd ne«]y pcrsoni, ij the CountT's

c etlM t ctiftrilAbls orsutluU^fl. j . With tmtnreney approprtitlon* 1

«h(n nteded Uld with Irte tc c e i to y _(liB CooDirt geaerai fio»pittJ, the , Countjr might nrr ((tectlrel; Uks t

- 'over all rtvpootlbUltx for aid to tU i UOttDts triUUa Uie CouMft bota- t darles. ' " ' . ,

Awunlne aueh RtpondtiUltjr, ihs CountymfghtTermUempIortratn* C ed and capable tnrettlgalora to maka I aun that charltjr waj dtipetued cnljr In mrU ir tuta, 't a i tba U ut oo « nwthy e**« thould be OTfrloekfd or p nrglKted. i g

. Thui. Uifl «dmInJ«tniUor or k M ^ / acUTlUia la Ihla County might be j,

p la ^ .o n a n u n economical u d q , man etlldtnt bult ■Uun b / a o r y

oihermeaaa. /,E r«7 elUKn' and'.tatpajtr q.

' haiv niaon to belfen that th m v t n no IttlUmate calla tor weltt; anco {Dint unheeded, and that when

’ hopaldhliU m hehadife iM hlitu ll part tofTtrd 'earlnff (or the poor, aod ,

-— s w — -------------------------". yet. unehow, tb a t arrangtmept

..acema to be ilmost.too e(tlclent.aad too hnpn*onal.too eold-blooded.per- hipa; to a 'te t ri^uttemenU ol t l^

. mental htm anlt;. l i wotikl deprive . m u t or tu Of the slow 61 tatlaf aetlon ' U d pleanire .that cornea with pcr>

acBial pertoimanee o(, »i| aet of c ^ ltj-m_on BpedaJljr whero the object

’ . . o( our charltjr It one vo:'iiaTo dU> covertd ouraelrea.

-------SorlonfrtlienrM 'lhU^elenjental •urgo peniits It would that'our nlleetlTe charity nuitoontlnufllobt Ui

: am oreorlctthaphaunlaiidbeU I* ^ ; •d e n t thing. Indlvlduala and organ-

ltttloaa,’not to be deprive of the da utUfactlon of weU-dolag, probtbly Cr Trtu {Mltaue lo aeek out im d ,^ tor ” leat fortunate pcTMDt. and. attaching on high Importance tb the thing they Mi tUY Uylog to do, they wlU m tln u e ^ io ,call tn ^ * o f aeeM upoa gf{ Uielrfelloiw.iolendaidandauppert ipc to that under.taKlng. . ^

. . ^ e t t h t r c , '. Uiough, • ' mltfdJe jSI ppuadmlghVb?fotind,whtre.lnad- gni dltlon to rb«tln« Uii demanda of pn

■■■ . our o ra -y -c tu m tjy . wrttiouu-be

than onw durin* th« year, our re- ter «pecUr« aharef In Ute ehariubia ua- ■

. cJeriaklnes of other Indltkluali and ^

' ' TTie elalsu of er« 7 gm ip that l9 ten ' ttylng to help make thlopbA ter tor daj

, others might well b« conaolldated ^ oD ceay tar.aod tlu tium tcM par- sit;

' celled out among ttwe^ who a it de- whl alrout ot doln* their bit. [}J®

That,- perhap*. Is the ld « of the • Community Che^t, • trei

I t might twli be given tome j t t t ty w» aerloui altenUon In Twin FalU rjiht BOW. • ' MU

— S n MAII. E A M I ', ; , g

Ttie Fottotflce department appears lo 'ezpcct butlneu aa u»ial In the

- ■l - n n t fewwttka. I t baa ahead/Uned ltJitguUr'%laUBaily,wrapSecure- . t t 3y, Addreaa H a to lT a d v ^ to Chriit- and mat giver*. gJ*

7 Hie “mall early"' campaign ta re- ^ . i —ctat-jtara haftlheta.8aiula{lyjucl flue / ceajful. ^u8*-»n»uata ot'io lliky ' » mall bar# been handled moro taslly ^ .“ ^ 'e f f lc l tn t ly on that^aceoonc toin

Foatbttlcs patrons bare done them- Line aelrea a Undneaa by avoiding waiting la loiw, tlrnocne llnet. They hare h helped Inauie the prOQpt, tafe airiral mati of Uielr parceU by ellmlnatlne Ui# ^ « Jatt-mlnute na h . They have made It p o o l^ for poctal eoployea to ner hare » UUle Chriitma* r tr t .and lait pleiuftrt. ICaDlni early it ft eoousoa

: M a f | t i |h ^ . t b a t docs’DO violence ^ ' t^ 'C fa ttff ii^ U m e iit . ' ' , Upei

- BOOU IK MOKTANA jdi^ ^ koRtaoa.&odoubt,iil>lti«Iydli- Ingi > .:tppoln t«d lfflu*hotteg 'lnU i8fed .J, i n ;

J la Uio U tt ten j-ears. lU percentage1 ol log U tttq tnd ooe-UnUi.ltt num- f berkM tUeJm nihousaod.lrohun- g dred aUty-mree." Uontana ttlll h u fke hundred » ' tWftr-eeren Uwiitand JniuWUnU, }. oorethan}<ewI2am:»hlre,ycnnont, _ belawan, Idaho, \Vyamlng, Kew

UaSo, iWwoa. Ulah or Nmfl#. >0. l} )en U cctuoiaUotr ln Uiat. Ih t

they teem fewer that] In oome ot tlie olhrr i l t l « bftausc Monlana t» to

>u much’ biggtr and Uie people are u tcatlered arouad to thinly. T hftttte ^ way be loittrtn fer f eritng btd ibout. hT: . • : ; ; =2 many a'populous it^tc, hoicver, T: the A m fnm Uontana R)Uft bring • ^ ttn te 'of’toUef. I t i t good (or Uie >• clty-bredfolktoIpamUiatthcreUat L )Mit one.IJnerblfr-bMUlirul-itato |I left la tlio;0nloa where .there Uttllll

Ipfeaty'orroom,where natunUwUd- b and aptclous and aQyane. treaty of I? jlooklng a t erovda and being btsnpe4 I* Itito’ on the itrM t can ttUI go and >* (Ind'ftpatefultolltude.

,TbU TCI7 fact may be rcauurlng ' to Uontana." Growing dUUite tor

crowfltmaydrirecrewditWUwT.The - -mountoln atate» wKh^eM'av»4wUk- : congeitl^ U the long run. their

^gp lev iv btre to goU ci to New EngUtia or the MUaU^ppt Valley tor

tlbow room u d fm h a ir . .

f W OR L i m i r n iNCg^‘ Die oUier day A m e |)^ nevtpa*

pwi carried a picture f t ^Ute Prince> M Jc h a e l '^ IU iim a r^ tt^> with Uie comment t in ih e enjoyed It ' aa much u any boy. Urifortutialely,’ Uisplcturererealed'UsatMlehaeltatI apart from oUier children. In a royal' boi all fKCed out irfthallkt and rugs

.ar.d luxuriout fumUhlng& I t didn't ) rtquM a'tecond glance U> make ooe ' feet,that ^ t was no way for a Ud I lc let Uie'ejrcus.’ A dlipateh from Vienna reveala

aome more of Ulchaei'i life. I t re­poria Uiat he U gtUIng too fat tor a grotvlng boy, Ih e royal famUy U taCd to be worried about (hU, know­ing ihat ll U not» healUiy eipaotlon. Otw of Uie reaaons advanced for hU gam In irelght It Uig fact Uut hit fnUier gare him an automobile ot hU own, and Uie boy hat ttopped tomp- Ing and pfaytag ta onfer to rtde around In Uie new car, ‘

Any parent on UlU tide ofthe At- , luU c could telt Kfnc Carol be't mak- ’ lngsomebadmUta1ie4taljrtnglngup l Uiatboy. SutUienKlngCarol^par* < enta'made mlitakea wlUi h ta , too. ‘

‘ {

S O C IE T Y iAKD a i m s . <>

U ta.« . B. W i m « Im a t m ■ ' . ^

— t) h

C om pU m entarrtot^'C .B ..Fot- o ler, outgoing worUiy maUon of Uie « Otder of the Eutem Star, otflcen ot Uie chapter entertained wlUt a h charmingly appointed dinner Satur- tl day evtntng at the hotne of Urt. (jmt h Crj'der on Poplar Avenue. ' Coren o were Uld for Cwchty-two a t one large oi and three tmall Ub1e»tentered WlUl _ orchid and whlle.chtyaanUiemumt. - Mra. E, A. Undon. with a pleating ipeecii In behalf bt tho hotU. pre- t Ktited U n . PoUer wlUi a beauUM !! gift to which tlie made giwclout r t- r ipoMj. Fbllowlng’ dlhner. Uie'ere^ " D hinna tpent pUylng bridge, favor ^ t o r ^ going to U m e . p. Aabury. ^ U n T ^ W. UcRoberta, p l t t worUiy f. grii^mBtion.fcndUn.s.J.M alaoe, ^ prwfcnt worUiy grand matron, were • ' atioguMU. .U ra..A .F,0tlund.Ui9. ... RecM U. wnUama and U n . U. T. „ m n 'iiuuMj auUUsl Utu. Oiyd tt tn g

s^lonoring Mrt. Robert Nelton, for- =

nKrlyUUaVclmaBeven»«- cent bride, Mlu Virginia S tan l^ en - u UrUintd rfth a kitchen tb tm r Tri- day evening a t her home on Walnut. The evening tn a tpent making a uouitcau tor a lonly doll, m b guett , maU itrtem sartfelffo/.theappartl. J •hen Uie clothing w«a completed and I Uie doll dretted I t Hi-aa pretented to thehonotte. A la lata hour refreah- nenCt were K tni. OuatU ot U>e evening In addlUon to Ura. KeUon artre U n. J. E. «Ump. M in RuUi ailmp. Ktra. Ray Berercombe. UUt ^atftiu Turner, Ura. O ur Tunter.MUt OoroUiy Parker, UUa lU a l 9 n tt, Mra. Harold NeUbn. Mra. L. C: rtpM. MUa Helen"Pipea and UUt “ 31adyi I^nloti.

-'Marian SUeet and UarrUt Nelun ■Utmilned vdUi a pretty parly Pri- t t f ertnlag for a group cl Meod*It Uie home of tbe former.- Oamet Itld canU fumUhed amusement and iriret wens won by Dick Uazwen and

ffeip. RefKahoKcCa were e m d a t Uie close or Uie ertnlng.

•^ . 'C a ro ly n SouUi, Wantla 8ew- ttt, BeUi iUtchJe, mDeet/Oimp- on. John Haydra. K tti^ ll ClMCT. _

Jnd. SIU Newman, Edward Heap " nd Dick KaiwtlL ' '

- . • V* ye* M n. Chatltt B. PoUef, worthy <>''*

lutroa OtTwln PalU chapter Order “ e fUiaQ «em SU r;«nC«r(alae(tfor vu fHcen Of Uie chapter and Uietr <a- . o tu at a beautifully appointed dla* nl[ ier a t her home od Uaple Ateoue u t erening. Coven for tb lrlr-tls An uetu wen tald a t two tablet tha t v ■ew, aUraettvely 'd tco t«*d with ^ hiyianUicmuBt In n te i : asd -rtd Uie tpeta. D « tn « ^ e ereaing Un, abo 4il* Sawyer.' grand worUiy matioa bf. r Uio Order ot Uie Eattem a ja r In th r Ubo. reUtM k rarUty of i& U rat- ef igudanualngeipcrtepeaatnoon- and KUoawlthherrtetnt'TUlUtkKito wel number ot north Xdaho ehapten: 8

ba. Effla BlatoD playvd » 'i«aao age


^ - H a w W o u L i

W j h l t c

^ [(Authorily'on Contrant. — :— ewfl#. T h e Bccond. o f th o season ’fut 'b e b r o a d c M to v e i 's ta tio n K(he 10:30 P .M .

** -A n exclusive account o f-i‘[® T ft-in .Falla.N civs th e day ifo‘te : , ■ X)ut F o u r b u ts ta n d ln y p la y e ra :

~ ySiflncy S .T :e T iih jw -y a rk r^a s dealer. H is pn ttn c r,w ill b

L ttH d r io ,V irB ln faU n d 'th ey w . . M orris Chubb, S ou th O range it^ C h ris tian . A . H er ty , Boston

illl ; ' :T h e h n n d 3 '4 V rw I ilh 6 U 1U4-. — —ot«1 I' ^“ ■ A d t i a n c e H a :

« i . B r i d g i

h'o ' ftailM,ac. - ____ - - - irpT rotttTilr ’ Altxudnw ■ "Wettb;

• ■aub* K


. . . Mut.w.'uonRiBCiiU8n' a- Ooulh OniDtf. h«* Jinty ce ' - kmi." hoidii . _ -«, K-J"*'*-: - ~lNoU n**m A a ip o ti .4_ suoesiii A Q )» — rrr

i ■ * . —l l . SIDKKr

; S M . I i

'a ottmoodf K. ■ . a u k Q

li ' ^

: - ■ I . . . .



I B i a iN G S ’ PARDON

^ . (O o o tlB U td P ^ ^ B O M ), ■

'• for a pardon Uy on b u n u d not Uu e M (e.7ltaeourtheM suehproofhad

no^ been produced.. tn Uie decUlon today Juttlco Wil­

liam H. Ungdon dUtented a t he• did U lt July on the around SUltnga 9 U enUlled to clemency. He prepared.. B'aepanU opinion. Tm other Jus-

ilcea. alUMugh ctmcunlsg, Ututd teparaU opinions;'

. '■ The dediton goes to Oovemor 0. O. Young In UiUorm ot a recom- mendaUoa Under Callfomla Uw a man twice convicted of a felony, as

• Bllllnga hat been, can nol appeal direct to the governor for a par­don, he mutt J im obUln approval ‘ o( Uie iutUett of tha aupreme eourt > acting as an advUot? p ^ p n board. ’ . Moaner has a plea &r a panten’ .

before Uie gowmor A o ^ as tald !- he wlil deal'WlUi M o o n 't eaae w ). cording to the decUlon In Uio BIU- >I ingt cate. j: The deeUlon'wu bated on a long j I hearing h e n last tummer In which• tha.Juitlcet, altUng oft bench, went , I Into-everr angle ot Uie bombing t I cue WlUiout hlndnnees indde&t to ii I ordlnM; court procedure. e > = s = = S ^ = : ^ = : number, and members of UiB-Eaitein * ' BUr quarUt compoted of UUa Le-

NeileBreeke'aridge.UUiDMsieCarl- ato n .U r& ff^ V o g e la o d U n .J .W ’. v

■ Bouton, aang.tenral;oumbert.wllb u . accompaniment a t Uie pUno by Mn. i

W. IL SUnley. Mn. P. W. UcRob- d era. past g t* d worUir matron, e*- p jiretsed for ttio guetuthetf appreci* i' aUeo and pleasure In (ho event. w

I —, - h' SZUs Broyh*-19, Alma, M tum i,' » Ipent 84 houn olantlngBMCutUvat- . lag ah. acre A liu illiun u u r - « s - tt m adeanetp ioflto tim JS . p

G a i i t e a - i e - P o u n d s ; ^ ?

H e a l t K R e s t o r e d i

f ;

u' O’



‘An actual gain of aUteea pounds and Um best healU P r t had in yean U what tha Sattoo tieataent , did for me.-NoUilng t n t anrprtted < me mor^ In my Uf« Uiaa iny quick aad rwaarkabU iapnrBtsast.

’The Bargoa PlUt ended my con- tUpaUon and my lU a h u eleaitd." - -M n . Leaa f tid y . W . Edgtwood Are, U aa a , Oa,

When lofteriag men and votnen flDd.a medlclae U ut helpa:Uieo Uiey' natuiaUy U l t Uielr frienda about Jt. and fn th lt war the fame bf. pargon U' rapidly'apreadhig throughout Uie length u d breadth ef Uie enUre American eonUaeat aad (0 many fcrttgn cooatriea as . well • I

Schramm-Johnton Dng, local' ” aceaU.-AdT, L .


L D J f O U P t A Y ?

TON C. WORK tract oii«I A nciioa Bridge)

on 's B ridec-by -E ad !o .sam es will K G IQ , T uesday, D cccm ber 2. a t

if- th Js wi)] a p p ea r In T he Ifollowlnjr tho b ro a d c a s t

rs fro m ns m any d if fe re n t s ta te s

fT w lll'o c cu p r th c S outh position1 bc M rs. Jo h n Munco, j r . . A lcx- •w ill be oppoacd by JIn i. W fsfar Ige, N'ow Je rsey , in th e W est a n d / m , M assachusetts,' in 'th o E a s t /

id fo llow : / . /

. a n d s f o r R a d i o

g e G a m e /

hi*. IIJO P. M, XGI4 • , .

odtr, Vitflau; . boldi: _ _

» .»* J J .

' cumsTUN A. maiToi.• JJsitoo ■

. ftoJdll •

------------- DUmoodt s

— " f a u n ‘ # 7 8* I-

IT a. LtKZ. . tl* ToutUll dulB, faoldn ''• ipoi 8 SK q J 10 I 1C J » T ■® .




(Continued F nm Page Cne)

M agalntt the Idaho Uw, tuch tUtes ut as Florida, oeotvla, callfonU and

oUien being affecUd., l a -a brief oompleted today tor

lUbmUtlon to tho court, he reviewed » the enUro'cste and eoncJuded with [* s trlbuU to tbe Idaho poUto.

. --Agcs-Bgo,, -the moun* z taint that overlook the valley Of the

Snake river, trom tmoklng c n tm tlfud over ttu pUlnt of Idaho a rith

J. Tolcanlo a th which nature had tt- 1. pecUUy compounded for the produc- 1 ft Uon of'tlM detectable tuber. U a n r s eaau, u d drawing .Uw tparUlng e J mountain-waten-from ' tbe river, I

tpread R upon and mUedU with Uie i J ath. The.reg«tail4‘U attar< d /rc- I t land waa planted lh long’ Krrled 1. rows.

*The in u n summer tun of tunny e2 touthem Idaho rested careuUig^ t > upoa them. A beautiful green cov- > - ered'U iB-Uadieape-that-for-eons r* had looked upoasUw purpU tage. n

Beneath tba field of green crovdcd B( great aetU ot beaut|tul potatoei.} "Here waa aUalned ptrtecUon of t potaUo form, conUnt and flavor. l u & 1 fame tpread to oUier lUtet u d . ) Unds. The wAfU'Idaho potato'be- "

cante the true o m tu n of perfection . for tbe beloved food ot Uie ’great ^ \ u d lowly.

' “But thera tame a time whea de- . altnlng men gave Uiought to the . profit which'jnight be alUlotd by I using that name 'Idaho potato,' and ' the ciotted.'the eulU atul tbs tua^ -

; dUcolored were aUo labelled and Uld - . claim to thU proud same. I t came ^ . lo aeem that every tuber la tho I

world had b(«n grown In Idaho. Tbe | houtewlfe to look upoa Uie ■

,, n f rnff with rotplriwy- — . a ' **n>en it w it Uiat g tUU, twklog f

prlud fliit^ lU repuUUon — and o e n to eshtnM lU people's prot- ’ peritr. enacted IIB (rtatutory Sim- • ber.of Uw aeU.-____ ' .|^

i i l i l K 'F A L L S G IR L " ' '


^ fCoaUaued IVom Page One) - |

oa Uiem.' ' . ' IPending further action whleh may. B

deUy her entnnee Into Uie pentlUni HUary. MUS UAre will be the Uilrd wo- »man InmaU, Uie oUier two being M n. &I ^ 8 n»ki,PocaUllo,terTbigaterm |

of a n n ^ n th te r In connecUon WUi f l. fatal autseiobUt accident, u d U n . ' *

l 5tta-6ooUtard.-Twln'PalU,-tervlng ■=* jo ttesee o t 10 yean to life lm- “ prUoaaent for tecond degree tnor-ifff {gip iiff huiboad. V'

._______ :___________________ kt= = = = = h

, , . I al lei

; B g BOOMBta a t Bridge B: . wbcp y « beU 100 W

‘jlc w , . .« * c 8 7 tntcotc • W a a a . ' . , a » l « b a JOB break Utaaealr C B ^ BCW packs of

COAIGRESSp i A y w G c y m s


d f f i r a m- -'V-Ult Loa ABgeleo-Ur. and Mn

. J .C .R « « 'le ft for ioiABgelet Bun- dty. .

. tUke* DtuineM T rlp -F nnk Ito). man lelt Sunday for Lot Aogefa oa biulncit

UsTM Fo^ OkUhotas-Mrs.’UyT- ■t tie Ma»«y lett Sunday for^Black-

well, OlOihoma.-

c DelM Ctrl MilU-UUs Kelcr • Olenn. Bolte. Li here vliltlng he:

aupt, Rae Smith. .

f ' Ileme to Dorlry-Mrs. Oltdyi

1 aticrv/slilng frlendt here.

; / v w t i ' a t Bobe-^Urt. Emma L> Witicn U tpending a> few dayt at1 / DoIm a t the home ot Mr*. 0. L.^ Lonsiey. , '

)Vlll v u t IiIeU>«r--Urt. R, W, Cochrwi and Mn. J. W. Trua* wlU

— icare-loday-for^OuUule,-Iowa,-lo visit Uieir noUier. .

Home ^ m B o L -R . E. Lelgb-■ loti,.chief of pollee, accompanied by

Mn. Leigliton, returned Sunday from Dolie a tu r a vUlt of teveral dayt.

■Ilotaa Frem Alblen-jdUt BemUe Oiteman retunjed Bunday frata Al­bion alter tpending' Thankagivlng

_ Mn. John O tu-

. nclsm From VU(~Ur. and I t e ’ Ctrl Domrose relumed Sunday atter , ipendlng Thanksgiving day wlUi

Uiflr daughur. Mrt. Walter Pleldt. at LaOrande, Oregon. ,

teaves For CaUfomUr-V. P. Deha leR latt evening for S u DUgo, where he will ipend Mme time, af Ur

— whJeh-lie-wiii-go-to.phoenlx,JM> ront, for Uie wlnUr.

lUme Frem Kania»-C. R.'D et- wller and hU tUUr. Mrt; C. U SmlUi, returned Sunday frem SmlU) Cen­ter, Kansat. where tbey were called by the dealh of Uielr father.

netam Frem N anpa-M r, and Mn. a a 'K ay ie r and Buri4«i E. Mono retumred Sunday after a vUlt 10 Nampa whero they atUnded tho

J Twin PatU-Nampa footbaU game.

; Got* to B ariey -H an r 'M eU alf left Sunday for BurUy to toke- charge of Uu Burley Uundry u manager In pUce of Oeorse Bate­man, retlgned. Ho took charge t»-

S , -.BsUberFUe* DecUnUoB - K . ^

Spltttr, Twin FalU, fUed declartUon -- In lb r olflce of Uie counly recorder ei hert yesUrday ot bU IntenUon to " ensace Jn busloets as a butchn* »»><

m nt dealer.X - i , tid Dean SblpmenU Increate — Ril- lh JoiiJng J) prrtod during wWcfi Uie«

wet& pracUeally no beU ' ahipmen*..1. about SO carloads were biUed' la t t ie wetk. from hot.-Shipm ent dioppe4 1 10 aero again yaUnUpr. r

? • Ponltry Speculiil Here - P r e n :- M oQ re,'ldaho;pM lU 7iit^ lM ar- n riivd>etlerdar'to «A 0uei''A 'd(»- g onttnUon' In tiirkeiy grading; kill- r, lnganddietihig.tobebeldatQ w lft e and Company's p lu t a t Buhl,at a— P. M. toitr.

Ucented to Wed - Marriage U- f centeS'were Uiued a t the odice ot t the county reoonferhffeU otdarfo . Mllo h. Rleko, 'Rria. FalU, and E.1 Patrlda-QuyetU.-Kemmerer.-Wyo- !. mlng. and to Sam Block ud 'A ona

Kober. both of m ea.

Jlere From Botoor-A.' M. White, u d daughter were la Twin,Palis— I— ■' ' ■ —

The »<wBitiiKy n o d - ' ~

« W llh P ao lina fifarkfl and B en L yon '

•' 0 1 h e r:F e a (a re s : Com edy, V a n d .N bre lty A cts . < ^

M a tb M 1 0 « a n d 3 0 i i ^Brfc 30<, 4 ^ . I


O Sunday to vUlt Mr!,and U rt. Alai n White. Ths l u t named couple on

t o . eounty. gtneraL boipltal.^. .___un- " I* I ■

Ifome From Callfomla—UUt Em- ■ ■ ma L. Wick. aitUUuit lecretarr 'ol

Iol- Uie Twin Poiu Canal company, re- on tuised Suaday.fion San FrucUoo,

wbtre the met her tUUr. UUs Satoli Wide. S u Bemardlflo, with Whoa

ijT- »be tpent a Wef vacaUoa ck- 1' ■ ' » -

Vltllt iB BeatUe-Mn. -W. W. Powell, Bergtr. who U in Seattle vU-

:len lUng lier tUler, Mn.' Fred Bart>er, her UexpecUdhomePriday, ShewUlbe

aecompanled by> her mother. Ura. J. W. Walklngton. who h u beea tbe

dyt guett of U n. Barber for tome time.

Stp(«Ud Teday-Dr. aiid Urtl C, . I t Scott are expected -home today

from Palo Atl«, CallfomU. where « Ui*r have been, vUltlng U nit ton. ^ Crawford Scott, who. U a trwmhfr of

Uw fajulty ot s u a to d unlvenlty. „ and WUlUm Bcott .who Is I ftuden:


■.‘® ” & t t i m ~ t r o H » ; 4 i r i r K « « Undford. who ha« be«8 the r w t «f

,h . berpaRatt.Ur.aBdlCr&O.P.Btro- beck, tor Ume monUis. left Sunday for her home.' She h u beea lu lor (2ie lait monlh <sd v a i tetotopto- led by her Bane.MUa M ntieT O -

Jt* mer. '.-i ■Al- . ' * » ,Ing Rae Btowosi' Casttt Ataru - U - Blowout of a flue a t the Yokohama

Os. the fire depar(men(.'.Jfothlnr w uUr IgnlU du a result of tha flurry, aadlUi Uw eompany did so t have to attach:di. lu hoM. There w loss.___

R eton t lo Pocatelle-Mln Rob- calello, where'ahe U .a ttudeW in

^ tho University « t Idaho, touthem branchralter-YUltlnf-her-pattntJ. U r^ a n d .^ l^ r t t o ger, over t ^

•t- wa*-eceompanled'oa-her'TUSt-here^ by MUt Helen amiUi, PoeaUllo. MUJ^ Kroger,hot been InlUtUd Into Iheett oaauna Della' Oamma recently.

qh none Frem Bebe-Ather B. WU- » ton. Twin PalU aUomey. Rlunied d t IsA-erenlog fro a .SoUr,' when he hn altendtd to legal butlnets. Mr. WU-

ion. tvho U Idaho Desuttratle na- tlooal oommliUenm told that be

Jf did not ^ upoa 0. Ben Host, gor- M. enot-elect. wbo U now In BoUe, u u til) undentood Uiat Mayor Ron h»l

to many who urgenUy w u U 4 to ‘ calf on hlffl that Ms time w u til ^ taken up.

a, A new' coach, a new team, a new0 <ytUm and a hard echedule-that's a Uie batketbaU program a t tbe Unl- 10 verslty ot Ktntucl?. 'Id ' --------------- ^-------r •

Alabama claims a . pair of Uu tmoUeit halfbackt In tha country—

1' Bal Bellini, IU, and Shorty lUlk. re Jli . 3hfy are rtterrefc

5 Of 18,WJ head of eatUo In MB 4 herds tuberculin .UtUd In AUUuaa

durtog October, only two'reacted ' n ■ 111 ,r

' ' '

Lnprove “Your Game

1 ' '^h M i l t o n C W o r k !

/ A u c t i o n a n d T

; ; TONIGHTj _KGia____



I^M(-l.Cn.WbtarMo(T(ia>ul)bi . South Otaage. N. J.iV S?iS =W irjo liH -l.Ii5«rjr—

. Alex«odtU.Va.CmI-;-CbrUtUn A Herter. Boitoa

• ♦ AQ 9 ti» 3

. - « MomA K j ia a K i

« 'K JS 4 t :« « i a f t , 9A t7* , „ _ i - VNtat OAQta o a e t t ’sg-« A > 6 4 e r ( s .

« C J » f

U to n ia wbat adt? W U c M m * dooUa? Doea D e d t f t r m a ta w '- tr«e» /,to ttl» htad txw. a l Aae-,

. tloa and Cntract. tbea cbeck yoitr r e g u Mtli.;the a p o t 't .Radki

W hat’s Y o n B tid p K B id k ip f

. . .

PECEM BER2,2830-



f ~ ~ H A T E S : O m H E R I

m- ' (ConUnued From Page One)'of — ‘ I ■ I M Ire- nual rentoU exceeding tSOCO ‘ ui 100, tcoaomlctl" Tho geoeral- tablet :ali bat been mlder teaaU'tavestigaUoi o o w lU iareponin Uwottlng.-Kear

while, the poatotflco departoent tre tftoro In IU report to hare formu

w Uted a plan for.uiumau ownenhl of aU quarten now cotUn;. o a

^ Iban 10000 a year, . be’ "N to g th u pretenl fln t cUt ,J . rates hare beta Uw aame tlncQlss; the except durln* Uu war. Brpwn argue

tor lbe Increate a t toUowi;------- ■ m r w id there, h a sb e f tm T nn en u e of C2.pcr.cent la Uia tKoad

c l tu r a U .u Increate o ra l per cen ^ in the.Uilrd-claia rate, aad # a a ter

Rge Inmate of 10 per' cent fa Uu p a r w l ^ r a u .

I., 'When thete U takca loto acMua Uiertducedpvchatlnc power o t Ull dolUr, the l-««nt' poetsco n te o. itSS U equivalent to SK oenU a t tbl

^ Ubor. tho l*«B t f»<4 o f , WSJ b «qulTileat to 7. wnU- I t the pietcni

■» ' ’ Whlla 1 higher roU t h u ' a«S ' « n u iw M bt HtUntd,> lets Ul# H eent la cm ie w aii U b

care o tm a defldt a sd balaoM the poA-otflco budget, cxoept, of coune

— {oreztraordlaairudaoo-poftaiex* oa pendlUires."at To Increase Uie ratea oa tecond ^ p u n n d - fo u r t h . flata jna tto_Jn« u altid of A rt d a t« B nm i contend- 3d ed. would'drive much 'of It out ot :h UumalU.Uu net m u lt being to In-

raUier U iu. decnase the det•

h. The total exceet of expendlturet L over lecdpU w u tfiS,SlS jiOO. as com- S ptred WlUl ttS .ia iW for 1B». De- „ ducUoa of WfaflOO troa thlt to-E sss&s'sss.vx» p ^ acUvlUet, tueh as oceu and r t air malt m W dlo, freo tnalllng prfr^ uU e«ei,etc.« To the IBS Congreariooal re«ad- ' Justment of r a lu oa cards u d tec-

ondary matter wot attributed re- , iponslUllty for much ot the defleit. 1- As to Uie departmenfa “general “ welfare" funcUont. Broim tald ob- ° vlously Uiere thould be so rate fa- '* create on account c t fuch son-poitBl

ftrtorj.;® The toUl amount avafl^Ie for It ' rd

. A Faramo«nt-l

B , Horn. «r PmwS T A R T S T C

; T H E L A S T w c ; Y o n T H FD i,D :

JT PleaBure-criizerf you J j Thrill'hunting beauti

j l l A romance as modem tomorrow. Better ei

■■I than' "Our D nhcfi• F M ‘ ____

( j l with• -^»~LAWftBNGE-GRA1




-■ . a n

D U (■ ' ■ f f e w i l i p a y l S ' / j c e

w e i g h t f o r f a t a

g e e s e a n d w e w i l l ]

f a t a n d f u U - f e a t h e

' i n g S p

; T h e s e p r i c e s a r «

. ^ e d n e s d

Carst]En Pj,' . KIMKRL1

■ ; PHON

COLORADO SLAYING. v " . r j . ' - . - R E M A I N S MYSTEftY

ERS- — < C c c tln u td lw fagff^>ne?T ^) charted bonea In Uie tumace a t u-— ■ Eadt,'Colondo. hotel., h id any wn- “un- neauon with Un u w h ^ a d b i^

r .lean^iiecUon. • u11 DlmlAaU Boaear a “ AathcrilJt* in C enw , (Mcnta nhlp Springt, Patblo u d Eads leaniw acre Uw lulteaee beUeved-U bav t'w n - •

Utned Uie bone*, was ahlpped to Pt:«bto Stem Colorado Springi, No-veober 18. one day betore U U s^to-

^ riottvanUhe<J.Bee*uteotttiUttfor. maUon, olflcen etlmlnaUdUw bone* n » t^ _ t t m n furUier connection

^ wlUj Ult Marriott cote. ■ ^If Uie bonce are Uwe <4. a

mao, and a chemical analytU will bohecetaair to eaUbUah thU fact.

“ * otnoeJBbelUTeUiey-wiUbeconfrwit- ed.wlUi a now muider myBtery. '

S ? : Seaithert cooUnued to explore u IfrigaUoo ditch five miles e u t of WlgglM, wbffo U tt week a eult- ’ ease aod artlclea IdenUfled u be- , londa(.toUUt.UarrioUwere.f0Und,.

r n but so new clue* were uaootered,n ' “ B heriff^ A, Jo h t^ p U n n o d 'W

m akea^m tnuteexam lnatlw ^the teacher^ hoUt room In h ^ of fh d - Jng jotne evidence of bnportanco

w«- wUch _max have been overlooked t g j when Uu w c tt wag flrr tme.lex- pubUo baUdlatt w u tsamOffX of’k

l o t ' Air HUU PopalarI In- Air maUiwas rtporlM In o w lag lr det- popular, with requetU lor • new

routes rtoelnd cocutonUr. A toui m t of 7,710,898 poundt ot mall i.were om? flownlainOoTer.l4,M9,«8,iiriloi;ni_ De- a ll — • rto- .WfUea contrKfs wera a inirtfd

reu under the merehant marine act dur> iOiF lnrthe-7eartobrtnrthe'total-U»4«,— and Tlie tUamthlp e t are requhe lto r t r ' ooaitru^ U aew Ktw2t.of apprexl-

■■ maWy 678««.gT0ii tons, a t a cdn- ad- ItrucUon coit etUmaUd a t lUO.- tec-H7AX. Subjtct to fu tun wndlUou, re- they are iv<tulfed to cocArtKt 10' - :lt. addlUonal veiseU to total approxU. eral maUly 1W,«« tont, a t a cott of MO.- ob- 750 100, and to remodcl-S8-ve»eU, at fa- a COJt cf H17X.M. The work goet Ital to Americu. ahlpyardt. The tolal

■ maU pay for Uie full contract Um ii for wlU approximau 1370*10,000.

at-Fsblbc Theatre

rOMORROW!'”~ ” '


t 'ou lh . ,lu ties. ® r ■ ^ 4 :sm aa t y

e re n • ViM r

I t .; _

N '


I — i

STE P:e s e . „ ■ \ 'm d

CK Sc c n f s - p e r p i ) B n d ,l l7 e

a n d f u l l- f e a t h e r e dI I p a y izyi c e n ts f o r . h e r e d .d u c k s , w e ig h -i pounds.

i r e g o o d ' b n t ^ n n i t i l , ■ i

s d a y n l g h ^ >

Packing Co.ILY, IDAilO p N E a O \

■' ....."■ ___ , " ' i

. ~ i

i c i y f i S ir s isB ,m i

i l i l W

\ If M a jo r P a r lie s , U o k

lo r ltle s , C ham pions o

■ . . A g ricu ltu re M ay

, ■ Hold P o w e r



11' „ N ew H o lde rs .o f ‘'B alanc i

/ P o w er” Come F rom L

* F o ile ttc Po lll-

ic a l S chool ■

.(By Vw Auoclaled P ro ii t t t A S H I N G T O N ,

^ ------------ W '^ T t t 'T o f thT K ondsi• » » c s tm c n in c o n f f rc s s ;

I a th ird , w ho n ever drinka I u o r , te a o r co ffee ,'loom n ' " b ff f 'fh rc e ’' o f cnplto l hill ' 1931.

■ • T hey a rc S e n a to r H er Sh lp stend nnd R cprescntnl P a u l J . K v a l e , Mlnnes

■ ftnner•U borltw . a n d Sen SmlUl Brookhsrt. "Lincoln lUi

'{ llcan,‘M o n a — tll membm ol ' ionn K c . . i

I Doth major HfartiM mny. Uc; iforUne majority In etUin’ hoiw

thcM U im ehunplons o{ the (o er** cauM may wield cslwordli

I power In the next congre^ . .AH three a n ot tiip La Uette

nucal echool-lndeDcndent and ' tlculate advemrlca o( ‘ ntrer

ed privKese." .Spookhrtrt, »•}» otun popt

\ Um llmeUgSa with a denunclaUo.*'MellqiiL>m-< ahd Wall etreet. Bald he muld tupport Uie Democ If they (poisared measura of I

L ef It to_f am en . 1110 rujged loi1 A extends IiU penonalI toUIlnn to coffee and tea.. . Ptormer MlnnwotA farm boy

i dectut. Shlpiuad came to ths i ^ ate In lo a by dcreoUns no Ies ( ad»eraary . Umn former Sen : ■ Phink-B.-KelIogffrBeef«i«y o f »

' ' ' . Jn U» CooUd;e admlnlttratlon.Kvale, 31, handtonie and ean

' Jeftped most ot liU poUUes from T fattier, the lato Rev. O. j.'K \

Lutheran mlnUter ami Former* ^ borer reprwenUUre. «1iom lie i

ceeded tn ip » ;/ n « onlr Fiuvitr’L^boiita la

' house, ho has sJnvn no prefen for elUier'malor party, although

' has Jusl defeated a Republican c (eader for hli uo t.

Uko Brookhort' and Shlpit_ _______ ^ -'has them guwstnj" where

TOte Wireo-cn-c^ose-Wuu:-----



* ^(Coritlnufd Prom I ^ e One>

” Vhatever furUit'r invcsilsaUan Be:lo^Nye cares to malie, and will opfawte wltli him ilhd Uie oomnH ” ' . '

---------- f-Clialrman Nye teihied.thc.Ioaaeoreuir'a action u i "gracious.’' ' Added he would be cDmpelled to i a delay IA accepUnee ot his eredi ilaU If he appeared before the co nliueo comoleted lU Invatlgat of reporu Ititcelred today from If

•fljiburi.. Begardl(« of when'Davls.appe

■ It.w as-alm oit certain lonlghl - *ould-bo asked toitepasWs pend

’ . . a *na te determlnaUon ot hls c< ., aenator Dili. Washington, a Dee

''i «ra(l9 member of the commit!\ _ • ^[fressed a wllllngneu lo offet

~i jfi ttsoluUonrif Nye dora nol. to 1 • ' Daiis and hls credentlalrrefcn

to the Nyg 'commlUee. t.Meanwhile, Senalor Qnindy.«

I was appointed to tht> teat dtn

. ^ ed^orthe nw S u tto if^ M D a ^ s I holds Uie t» it which has t U r ^ <

senate to heated debates for U j-d rt. ■

l'i ?>lye said It w u Jmpoaslble lo cJilB ooounlUee together a n ln on I

V 'qC the D ar tf Brown campaign co:

- ____ A vtn In PbUadelpha, will be ail

.j, . 4n' • to raa l sUtement, Uie Noi , J O akotu said he had not •ehallesi. ed-r Mr. Darts’ rtght to a eeat la tj t asikte.4 -".--IbaY edealredandgalned,"

aaid. ' a delay. In acUon upon 1 ctWenUafs to Uie end tliat (Ac

I m l^ t be alfordcd further oppottu' • Ity to determine Uie amounU whi

hare been expended In behalf of i \ . BKwn.Davis ticket In Uie p rim I . e l e ^ In Pennaylvania.-

Tote^mony of Vaiwlaln ind-flttx

I d a n c eJ f ' i j , T O I

I ' , i i K I M B E R L Y I

i A n d E v e r y T u e s d a

r r ' : LEE LOGAN'1 ^ ! ' T h e to ird vrlih

• • ••

“ T ) l ^ T

- ^ 9 1c M a-




of I B S.U -nrn '-T -Thc-votea .or th c se .lh ti , , m ean m uch in Iho n c x l ci

Sh ipstcad (upper ic f t ) ^

i s i a g s r - " -

; s i i i E B C i i “ ■ H S PLIUck a 1 ..juse, #0 • — 7 ^ I

S ' S e c re ta ry T erry G iv e s S

!tte po-1 je c t fo r D iscussionnd ar*« n d i . R ules in f D cclanialo

M Inu 'S®hM PfOBnms for the Idaho D. nocrats >hd Declamstory a.tUKlatlon fo >f ben- current scliool j-car have beer Iowan, by U. N. Terry, prinelp al toe- the Twin falls l)lgh'tchool a ^

rela'o' 0/ Hie Beolh Centnl m oy (ind U>e assoelaUon who Is mi IB sen* (0 Ow Prtnlepals of the dl IM an enlhlgbsehoolswlthlnlhedlsUI Unalor LengUi of time for delivery 0 )f stato tem porane^ i^akliig Li ]lmlt< m . /m BH Va-iram jinbulea. Tin unieet. act play Uils jta r will be a con « n Ills wiui a Ilmll ot one hour. In t "Ki'ale, • features ot Ihe tltclamBlory co ier<Lo> theUmillmltUlOmlmitrs.-Tlii w sue- bate tubject Is "Resolrrd. Uial

Chain Stores are Detrimental t< Jn Uie Btit ZnterrjUet'ttK Amerlein Terence pie."

Tlie folloaHng suhjeeU. ttsed wlnnemaredeUuTcd from tUfl:

S 'S I S T n V S L S S :-------- | ‘~1fumorou»=-“Jtmmjr8tudles:

' ogtaphy;- draraaUe-"The Zont ’lice;" oratortcsl-'TltB Cons . lion;" one act pUy-“prandma'l

R- Uio Ctrtnga.' ■ ," .Extemporaneous speakln* UM T E lw JW e;__^fkel«n;igJnO ur^

1,(1 . Uon;"‘-'ahandl and Civil Revolt-------- In JndU;“ “The Federal r trm BMna~ind>ani«i!<IRi:" "UJW HJipU

111 eo- to UiB Soufti Pole'- -Dirigibles mmlt- Their Plaee In Aerial Transpc

U o n r'fiu a la ’a -nT e Vear PUT f«w^:nduitrtal..A ielai:uidj.Eduw tl I." but Development;- -Equallatlon ot u u t ueatlonal Oppottunily In Ida reden- ■ThePlaceofMiulelnalllghSe ! « '" • Currleulumi“ TIib Jlower Di

' ■ .1Ifar* 1 . •CHRISTIANS GATHER

5 i'» L AT RUPERT SESSIOaiding- — —;------ --------------------------

(Continued Prora .Page One: idttee. or many Ihterestlng.happenlng3

“ herworkasheadnuiseofUieCli ■? > { Ilan hospital of Batang, Tibet, i ferred ij,e borter of China.

, referred eipeclally to the hardll: of Uio native Tlbetlans..

■f u l partlcuJafJ;

e»«nUal iSoJttU In eonnSlon 1 establUhlng new mlalons.

Dr. A. E. Johnson. Rupert, a ^ secretaiy cU he missionary soe M o » spoke brielly. w r f . The llnal teuton of the conren

took Uie form o ta 7 o'dock boni Mm. WTTed loU l yWUng reprcsenUl uk«d 'o d their families, membera ot t n i ^ R i^ C h r i r t la n chureh and ol

' ^ The erraJflf program waa gtrei North thebanquet room a lth e church lleng* nex. Dr. O. O. Siout was the m a the apcaker/ uuslowaatumuhedby

. ladlea’quartetteotUieRupertCl: j,-he.-«*n church. Mra. Nina Rlley. I n his R. A. WhlUey. Mr*. 0 . M. MItc; Uien and.Mra. D. U Carbon, Urs. 0 rtun- Orahood accompanying.' ,

If Ifie • 'imarr betoro' Use eommlUe* lu l May. 1

i l m

5 D A N G E9NIGHT . ■ . .

fSHADOWLAND' l a y a n d S j t i i r d a y N i g h t

.N'S DANCE BAND . ' ih ih e D ance R hylhm '


‘ • - » r . ........ ,


h r ee m cm licrs of th e farm bloc L congrcss. T iiey n reT S chato t' He ) o f &1innc.'Ui(a. S enator. Sm ith tK JQ w a,.a n d Jlc p rc scn la tlv e .I* n i

w i n n isi S ’ lK W I BJ Sub- Commerce Board's Diret n and j Authorize , Appomtr alories ol Chairmen ol Run

Debate I TBlii IMIls Clwniljcr ut CoimI for the dlrecicfji. incfiiii!: lic.t cvcnlm v m re- biiAtncM r * ton foUc

i T e K . polntmciil ot w cm l biittail c men todlrcelUie chamber's netl

mailing ‘‘“^n* the coming >-ear, lelt tx 8 differ- 0“ of “Sitt cL Bran* of tor >he jta r

re-elected Newell 8. Wtslii to

Decision as tolhemamier of V In oUiep Jng oul Uie chamber's iirOKTiaK . contest HvlUea for tlnf'year marked iTliede— PftrHw>-fnm.lhtJDcth9(Umplia t the fortwo:^arspastwhentheme>iII to Uio «hlp cxpreued lUelf on Uie M an Peo» by means of referendiun vWe.

of these, yeara. It was |»lnted . , „ tlie ehamber'a membership det

for virtually the same major c Uvea. This faet Is lo be lakefl

ated by. consideration ,In wotWnc.oui I’***'! new year’s program.

— Dlreciofa~«uUioHad“ m n : one JTJ- aienhan. neorlv.^lMtM nmlde omllw- ih e c ^ b e r . i .7 [ » ln t ih e s < naPulls .buTCBirchalrmcn.. Mpu. WlUi a number of propcdUon „ L ^ e contlderallon last crenlng L « S a . dlreclon tookdcllnlleBCtton I voluUon Ca«lt6 onlyone.whenUieyrarts 1 Bohrd ®” negaUve iBnlnsl

E ' 3 E , ' " ™ " 'isporU- Rivers and harboo improi'ci ’Ian'* of consider u Jn eonnee«on w: Mtlonat Unlted&UtcsCliamberolComn . of Ed-^efeitndiim, came bi for consk Idaho:" bleaUenUonlnvlewoflmiwrtan , Sehool Columbia rlvtr Improvement to

Danf." nlsli a waterway to the coast. .I Dlreetoisalsowerelnellnedto 'slder favonble U19 tequesl ol t Aberdeen, Idaho, cliambrr of (

i io N s■— i— prestwardura-eonneetlijn-onlhe- )ne) I eon Short Line main line a l or;------- ; MJnJdoJtt and Uienee by ray 0I n s e t WelU cut-off to Ban Franclseo ' Chris- Jet.It, near Directors who attended last ‘r,®"® ning’s meeting were'Pnmk L. 'dlhoofl, Phan, president; Prank L. Al

llarry Benoll, j . D. Orr, W. A .' Bngelen, MUes Btwnlni;, O; 0 .. itet, CurUs Turner and Oeor;

mwlUi WUey.

i, atato 1 Direct telephone' servlco beti society Chilean ajid Brulllan eubccr

won Will be feulble Uirough a rentJon cession granted' iHo-'TntemaU

lu u mof the ---------------------1 oUier

IrenJn . an-

s main

■r. M n .! ■ ’ .Utehell ; Oren

s I s a m b H

PRICE i lI : Arerrr . P | M u

‘ | 4 0 w « H E

n B i r a% II sm [ PISI ON, m i l^ ther of. Eight Child 8 ® , Pays Penalty loi- Fel(

Former, Odense FaMca. Oiorse Gordon,' 3 l ^ «

I B I mother of eight chlldrcmnust one lo fourteen years term Jr stale' prison tor jiasslng-a IlCtl ts check In T«'ln trills two yean

l l l ^ Judso Wllllnm A. Bnbcoek dee 3 O T In pronouncing Judgmenl in dL

I court here Monday allemoon. )ri«dl ■ Elgin members ot the Jury a V.1‘ttJ Iho felony chorRB'signed r pel

requesting the court lo admit

V /OX commulo tlio.sentence,.A ,y | with documematj' evltlenco L hand of IV IS-day lemrln the Cap J l - county Jail to which Mrs.. Ooi

iiHdff U» jjjinie W Mabel Ou Muleneed for forgery In C

)C mn> t«r_ , ^ 3. nabcock, expre H enrik regrctriatil ho had no oltematln ith W. '0 sentence the woman lo sen l>niii I I'flMn lerm. t n u t,J ., ehllrtren-OTc ln-cu»lody-o:

Koman'a JiusfMncl. aJio took I___ aa^v irom liero when eho was---------- tested and-he was-cltcd lo 1in cnuw why Ihey thould nol be 1 U milted lo tlte Idaho children's hII nicy returned nml wero In

• coiittroom for iisliorHlme durlni i n i R f l '.'Oman's ttint Monday cf fast Wl

lAHll Oordon was alleged to 1 I h V »«'• ‘he name of-Mrs. Burl t / iJ J I ll on il;c flcUllous check. Involve

this nctlon. She was arr«lcd 1 'lic.rclumcd after two ycnrs lo

re c to r s 1’“ '='** ‘*‘6 *I y viwi« obinin a set oi n lm nnl vanurc. i\ dollar raieli and twe lltllll ltt iiv(.c(iit wBleh chain on credit

nave lha name of Mm. Ray Aire' iUreaUS immedLitely follosln» her a

'hs npiwarcd aii a uliiieM for eoirnimenl III jifafcuDefl of n)

i>inin;rce Iftcrt bootlccger who »lie tald nliiL' fur ployed her lo rell wliltkcy for [oUwtns 0" » eommlulon b.isl.ijind Ijrd op- 10* money fhe relalntaa* hersII cliair- *rom lier by toree.nctlvliles Tlif ivcmui)'* home Is tald tt to bll- Blackfoot, buf, otflcers lay,Df a iiro- •"n'lly l“ '« l » rovlnj exist'ear, .and for several year*.

Ficmffl-SWEIE E J i S I B inember- _ _

Toui Riilley, itanren, tuclng

for allesed Illegal punlshii ^ llrlng flrecracftrs Irsldo I

wnwrate boundaries'early »'‘'l >'r}i« hU,claims to

I lodoy. according fo anlgnmenl r a n » n r trtal-announced brJudgeW.-Arl ildent ot cock lail week. '; stveral Oalley. who li rtpreicnlcil In

BCllon' by j ; 11. Ramea. 'Pain F attorney, denies validity ot the or

,1™ ' ?! ance iirohlbliln? firing or flitw 1"?: 11“ Jn u d e r whlcli he ttuswit.? , . J fined and commltlcd to

for non-.iittjTiiei1t of llio line., Harn- Benelll Tn ln Falls. Is


AccttTd of forgtry of it $9 el UslNovcmb*rl5,a.B.Ilmklcy: Umo to answer on arralgnmen

' p j ^ l a court here >'uten)sy,■ will enter his plea lo Uia chaig'I IQ A. M. today. He waa admllU .S fiJln In '■«'*')“ of.whJeli he was

ai#ndciLlo,l(fi6Jlitrifra.cuJlodi « ^ a r ■ ^ '®'

r o t Uie --------seo out-

■£?tTl PUBAtkW, HavltiR sold m y farm , li

A'V«5 - . o f the Five Po in ts (;ro< ; i « 1l l 8cit a t public sale

'.^VBDNESD/w rtben '

« JfO/WKS-1 Jeam aares,

. potmds! I Icam Bro-Jtt Man —■ (can grays, mare and geldlr

bay mare. 8 yeara eld, welglil eld, weJiht ponndi: t S

'poands; 1 saddle hotv, i ye;' years ofd.

3 CA'HLE-I lleUleIn eow, 1 CBenuey retr. 4 years old,

Shsrt II«m eow, 7 yra: 35 nOGS-S young breed lon

• f . • ’ weltJU I5CEtUNE0l)S-l node!

. V graJa bins; S feed grinders, r M . ' t t separator, bUcksnlih oull

DIPLEMENTS-S'SH-lnch :> 'WAGONS wim Jiay rack; 1 .

Q H 3 tlotloe beet and bean caUli BaUor bean caUefi i Oowili pUnter; t poUto calUnlert.

I • ■ Mlbmal beei plaster; : bee sew; 1 e-(L McComlck bind

' r a U drills 1 John Deere mo I Deero rake: 1 John Deere sli

n H ((acker and tw9 backraJus; 1 n to r : I 1*»* Knapp eomi

R H Deere Tandem disc; 1 3-teeUo N H row; 1 .3-seeUoa ipringtoelh

, . Deere two.wa

* 1 ■ TERIV1 ^ ! Luwcft stRveo n y


D A ltY NEWS, TWIN J A L i a J n

nim FUNERAL SERVICE F IIIIII MRS.WEIGHALLDELAiP R M O" of delsVcd anli□ Iiy relatives from Spokane who a; lU U II i-fciw here We<lncsday.funcra

(Ices (or Mn. AgnUia Wclgham n r '*■”* w . wciniiaii,[ IK I. • Creek, were poetponed >TSterd MIIU . tie'll Thursday a l 3 P. M., a n

be held at Iho Drake chapel hi that time. Serrlces will bo inc:

, . . ol Hll. I niter Hiiv BalnLi rHurcl nyiyiO* iwrniirHl *111 fce Ja Rixk i

cemeter)'.illdren, ^

“ J y p iL l s pjst eeneI In the w, L.,Tooley, BuW, plalnUff llbtUloui tutt for »5« irom Ed Abbl, •ara sgo. f-ViIli. growing oui of on exchan declartd 'roolcya land In Missouri lor / I district land m Tulu I'aui counly two in. aso.'muil be In district eouil Ity that ni'UW rilncjdayorinoi inthai guilty of uillptocevdwlinGuthtm,Judgo petlllon Jialxock lold 'Tpolcy's atlomey,

nil the aiujti'j'. iJulil/ycsierday. The pend or had te’tna.miAed for tnal ycstc

AblJU mtorii/ys, J. W.TSJIOV nee ot jijy •jfa-u. ^jjjcctt Canyon mot/un /or coiitlnuanciOordon, -I'oviej- ju/d on Abbl'a agree Ourner, i« jmj. iiiurat, laxu uit n Octo- U'rliumtcSaiieechargesonthe' pits*ln.t falL couiiiy land.- illTcbul —Ablji; IH liU croiS^eomplalnt,- lerro a for.rccioratlon of Uio ‘i'win y-of Ihc '“''‘I '‘‘"‘I T ? c tJwni (If*. ML.jouri, was mlsrepfesent' was nr- in,,, „,g n.#a,j,7eed i J siioa A%a!tcjiialtvulorrejtofatlono

'ounty land, whlc: * "w 5' valiiia at l i o m AWjl asks lo r :

iltllcrtncc tn the value of ring llie use of the 1t WCCK. sijg jof iitsexjKnscsln pen

iw S b'-'Wslloii oJ the Missouri land. 'J -JJOu lor Tooley's aacrtcd mablll ’i ‘leliver the Missouri land Jnio A

10 check


lid em- ______

tld ItiKi ^ )'ir5' ■" I'lfirlct courl hero :r share ‘"''"V awarded JmlEinenl lo

. Alin;. I'lyiin lor ilM frwn II d lo be 'I'liomey In iisyment for her ser :av fJie a.i’ltwiSfkreiOT In IJie TJioDiry J xljtence rtufln; lllcieM thal preceded '

Tlioincy.M <leath last August. Tlie' Jiir>-’s verdict conwlluti

e - reHnal of a probate court J _ meiiUtvJhcnL'I>i*yoLtrom^*

Mrt. nynii apiiealcd, ip iheHli

and'ftluilf later. - ■U,. ,niom ey testified that Mrs. P

imswJr hadieonsenled-toeomelohlsl i Z e n t and'take care ot hti family lr0 Han- ‘“"V for board nnd room, irly last - — to trialtrt here UienameofHanj'Hellcra.vpo)'! ent ot the check that was. made payib ArBab-r^Bd fMOcrranrt Is awerted 10 hav,

tempted lo pass Uie chcck-ata In this deparlment f l« c .

n Pnllf. J. J.' Hughes.- manager o l : c ordtn- Falls Credit assocUtlon, flgned reworks complaint. .ttna ar- _____ _________ :__________to Jail

^ — FGR-SAtE-EIN A u lo D oor G lass . . CASE .w indsh ie ld s and wjndo

EIoss. N o c hargc fo r p»i schccii ’ t in e .icy took

. .. MOON'S- - f f iS P a in tan d ,

F urniture Stort'forged

JBLICSALE /I, locatcd 2 m iles n o r lh and 2 wcs roccry, know n a s Iho l*ajjc Knncl a le all o f m y livcstoclc a n d imple

m ents. on ’

3AY, DECEMBER 3mentlnt a l H o'cieek ______________

res, sem J snd Usek, 5 y**M old, irelgl r tciding*, .7 and > yesn old, weight >» fares, » years old. weight » N poands; idinr. ■ yean dd, weight stoo poands; Iglil J6M poands; 1 sorrel gelding. 7 yeai1 gray mare, saooUi monlh, weight UC years old. welghi UOO peands; 1 rolle,

fd. wefgfit UM poandsIW, 3 yean old, giflng good flaw et mlUi old. glrlng good.flow of milk; 1 mUkln yean old. giving good flow ef mitk ■ lows bred le fatrow ftlarch 1st; 38 sbosi: teiglit 4D poands.del T Ford (reck, (wo IMO-bwhel s1« s, fanning mlti, rool caUer, D« LaVal N’l Dulflt, Hire netting aad posts, and tflbe atnsli'arilcles • .

h :ilOUNE WAOOKS wltb gr^n bed:; 1 John Deere beet and bean eallivalat sUlralori 1 International bean pUnler; wden polato d taerf I vUptnwaH potst n . Jgbn Deere; 3 poUto aorten; 1 Inler beet poUfrsi 1 7-n. John Deere blndet linder: I lloeder gralti drill; 1 Sflperle mower; 1 Deering newer; 1 lO.ft. Join

! side dellretj rake; 1 iDtematlenal bs; i; 1 AtfaUa renoTater; 1 (Marado eorni m gsler; 1 Ugbt.drall weeder; 1 Jehi eUon weodluurew: 1 3*ieeUbn ateel hsr olh batrow; 1 Cyelono weeder; 1 Jeht -wayplewi t Stag plows

RMS CASH ' . ,IY T»E MDIES’ W. S, S. CtVa '

i AGEJ, Owner"laetloneen . IL R. GR^VT, C l^


Factor IIFOR r— t— ----------------------

eral tcr- -----------;hall. « , ^ . r “ •I, Rock erday to and win hrre

n charge *

r r ? F ^ —

Uff bl a t>l, Ta'ln lange of iriro f lm l Jicro ■haicaw e—Igo W.A, . . ' ' ' /ry .J.H . / I’jiulinc Slairkc. IJarliiitr i i c ^ e ^ icn W an t." xl l!nivcr?l:ii■ io™ d lodiiy .and4o^or/u\v..: xlci'U,- ... --------- 1-

J^mcnt MUSICAL ROMANCE GOE h S w > : ON IDAHO'SCREEN NE ? “ Tpoley;$ In', the Iniesl musical romanc

Mflro-Oolilwyii-Mayer's dranuM •■n*' Alley," which will (" ,7 , '• lo Itie Idaho llicBlre toHiwrow.iileli he alor>'nta|)0|iutarfongconiiioAer OP tsjotr marrlM an heiress, luid renilnlin of thc romance of In'lng Berlin.'iHshn xew picturo shows the ln. ld»-ul i X a t 'nw 0 ol imrftjirt .nd iJ w Lawrence Oray ploy^ the tlUa « AifhK “''d Wyiiiio GIbwii, Helen Join

Leo Kolilmar, Kenneth Uior , ninlMayUfllcy,arcliilhecasl.ll

Ucaiinioni <ltrecle(t. Elaborate i r i i T htt.1 and Teclmlcolor ballets aro i I L n Kled with Iho drama. .IL.II'I "Tlie-mg-Trair.-l5-bwc«ron

O. EvarU' slory. and features . I nHlf Wnync. Mantuertle.Churchill. I r H i Rrendel, Tully Marshnll. Ty ' " " Powrr Wld David RolhiA i

M.OOO.iilaycrs were emiiloycd lii ifiaklHi;'of ihU super siieclaelc.

rro yes" n,i^ (iroducUbn tlip coiiiiIravetfd «00 mllr# lo various I

Henry ,|p,„ u,^-bofftjdarlni of s Western slates and Vejlo«tone j

y i»roe jj g^tu^lay mWnJgl.■a 'Mrs. H,ci<ijho theatre.-

tuM a Ont, OM lB,t ipecUUit In :

1 ih lS i **’• •m i c t ' T .: —

he day. ■nl 4 P. • -( n j io u r__________ _______________

I. Flynn • , . . is home ’ In K-

mjiieon . . .j'ible to. ' ' . .lavcat- • • -------------; a local .

if Twin ‘ • ned the

“ a n d

.1 - N e i

vest — . • / uch, ' \ 1 / .pic* ' • \ I /

righj X 7 “**** \ / * / \ I '

tl: 1 \ ^

UH ^

iilik; ,1 . T A f f V i t a l i s

2 ^ ■■'No. ' ,

Iher ■ . • •

^G, DECEMBER 2, 1930


S i i, :------------- —

mrn K e n t an ti lie n Lyon, in li i ' ic t u re showinK a t T h e Orpi

iPH H i■ t t j . ENISilEBSES!ince ofjMure,'!__________1,___ _tnift of Forty members 'o f ll ie Bu I come and Professional Women's clu w. Tlie Joyed a musical nnd literary wrwho cram In conneellon wllU n (I nitcenl last illght a t the club rooms, lln, Uie Tlie dinner was precedcil by > -w k- munlly tinging wllh Mrs. 0. L. rtVy!^ J?ln M planJsl, TJw rrsular ni

prottram Induded two i-ocal Ua rote lierii. ’'Momlng'. ond "0 Pr )hn»n. Me-, by Mr*. 0 , P. Duvall, wliH lomMM Ralph McClnlllln a t the plai .Ilofry flute and iilntio duel by Mr tc song Mrs. Jack Dwight, prcscnllng' ro'inlii- Rartait Pnstoniti.’' and ’'flit

Soiw''. two vocal numbers. ": cin-Jial lnif."-ana‘I’m Wcnrin Awa I s John U n d o’ tho' Leal.” with Mrs. lit. El Claffllii as pianist: and Iwo Tyrone seleclloiw. "Tnngo.” and "Tt

Over Rtaliiff Eun." by Mn. McCIi liiihQ All the above iiersons except

:Ie.' In Duvall and 'Mrs. Ilodgln are miliaiiy Jerome.s loca- Mm. I. ’E. Joslyn then ga f seven Ulk-on ’■Worth Wlilte Books-. 10 park, address ijvai arranged as a t Jglit e t wJUi sn o;milnr cotvse of n

• followed b y a cockUU ot r reading, a lubtton^Ul cours

1 Twin ttandard iion-llcllon. dcsser .A dv. inelry.andjtul^orilglilcomei

I. O W N U P

ied jik e /e Y i t a m l S s ^ J n i d T

. / ' ' s o MITCH a l k now • I ■ rcq u irc tn cR U o fcb ild t I fo rge t lh a l o u r o w n vij

I / jo y «n Jifd de p en d o o g , / / m ysterious new food c

/ / L ucicily , th e f in e s t s( '■ r cVsentiai vitam ios can • / . coun ter. Luckily, om Ii

/ / c o o k in g , wboU’Xvhea. / /■ M youngs

,— ' / ' ------ F o r 'ih ir ty y e a n its di^ * it a favorite W estern

“C a lifo rm V s .c h o ic c s i - i i n d iM 'cream y flakes simj " P g . N o w sc ieocc finds the a t ' . ' . , f in e s tk n o w o s o u rc c c - * • * * th e best cerea l sou rce t

'V itam ins A and B a g ro w th in y9u th a n d I

■ ■ I n e n e v iu lity , a n d bod [ |]D | 'V iia'inm E is th e mysii | | H ^rclicws vfulity^ ~

.T e tp p t y o u t fam ily 's i f f i th e ir h e a lth a n d eiBci ^ \ 'a m a t i b n W h e a t Duy

^Camatis p o N 0 r ; t H

' 0/^«rr:(lUU«AT10HMlt .. TtfUft ALBSRS riAFJAil

W « l$ or WHEAT, iNlTiW

\^ v lH 5^ ll C k)'

S S S iSB j IN lE^ lD 'ilSPll'

I MaJio'f supreme eourt ha* ^ / . firmed a dUtrlet court Judgment

favoi; of Alfred Page and hU n ■ 0 Sarah Page, defendants In a a f l f l l brought by W. W. Parisli f | n grounds of alleged fraud la o

iiwHfni » ith sale of Pate lai iiortiiwesl of 'Twin Falls lo Far

N | in 1D17.T h o tupreme court’s oplal

b b copies of which were received h I ^ B yesterday, rccltes Uut the Pa W ^ u owned S3I.70 acres of Und. of wh m t m c tl acres l ln west of the ctr ■ ■ line of Rock creek, nnd that tl

agreed to sell Parlsli all the U west o t nock eteek. eomprtstng: sens more pr less, for UOMO.

■ ■ It was’Parish's conlesUon I!llie Pages represented there w 3X3.63 acret west ot Rock creek which 3S0 aerts waa itlUble, whe

■ ■ a.1. In fact, ho asMrted, only 31 S S 3 acres' was tillable, and ho did i

dtscowr tlial unUI iJldlwhen. , sold the property to Burnell Broi

\M ial Prt, and they brought tull agal irpheum him charging mlsrepreienUitlon _______ regard to the area of the tract o

......“ ^"casb'wij'frled-.b{for«-Ju<T in t i ’ W.A. Babcock wllhout a Jury. W

M lets. Parry tmd Thoman, J.-J lU I r Keenan, <wf« nllomey* lor 1

:ciH ™”' I ' '■ . H.P.RARGE^ANNOUNCEl -itu .i.«» -REOPENING-OF-ROO*dub in- ' , f .. I

rary pro- u . p ; Bargerwnnotinced lost p a dinner ni,^f , im ] ,. |,b,j taken oyetf\

■ Hotel Banno» upslaln In Uib Ba; tr bulldlns a t the,comer o f /a

r. u Hoor jjicng Second-, fveiT niuuca) partJt. ahd tJiat t}»w m e »mM cal num- e ian » < rto Hotel Barger./Mr*.

8 e 3 ! ' f o r m e r m ^ e / o f I with Mrs. yponu, ^ a n tiMrl'mid M r - t U l e d . •<!,

ng "Hun- . I’'flhimtKr 's. "Hom-ra to the • •-.... . -Mn. Mc- ' ,XT 0 ^ » » N .O /

. . '

. B I G T R A I Li ' - s - V v . ' i ' y A ' . ' i i i i i . d J J '

« e rt otimedy. —

- J y

• . i x M l p i ■ •

H ta l i z iv l^ g

I r M i S e ^ s " ^

ow atlay s,ab o u t th e 'v itam ln ild re n ib a tw c o ld e rfo ik m a y . t v igor, h e a lth , efficiency a n d . a gdflTTotfS su]>pljCJ o f JJific id e lem ents. ' , . .

t s o u r c e o f th e th r e e m o s t can b e b o u g h t a t any fo o d ' n i n , f t is a de lic io u s,.q u ic k r htat c e re a l, a s too th so m e to ogstc rs— Q ir n a t io a W hea t. . . /

! d e U g h tfu lJ Ia v o C -lia s .D iad e _ :_ j.^ c m b reak fast. R o lle d from . c c s f .w h iie S o n o r a iv h caf, im ply ;n e l t in y o u r m outh, th e A w rt o f th e w h ea t is the : c o f V iu m in s D a n d E ,a n d ‘ " cc o f V ita m in A . . .

J a re ''n e r e s s a r y to n o rm a l , id to h e a lth , h e a r ty appetite , bodily v ig o r tf /tf //r f ;« - :A n d . y sterious life e lem e n t w h ic h - '

’'s a p p etites f n d s a fe -g u jird '’ ’ . [ |id e Q c y . . ‘..b jf g iv in g them • Juy i t to d a y a t y o u r grocc i s.

- A l b e r *MlUiCAINAllON O A T S /f s * i« i , ' 'r

■■■■ : i i n 'V i ; ;

— : r -

l i s i c f f f lT SClub a n d Churcli Society

i ■■ M eetings an il D inner Par,-

tie s Prove O ulstandinB

BURLEV. D(C. I (SptcUl to Tilt/ ' N tirg)-M «ettap of w o j:lubs, rf ' chunhwcletrM«^<}''»n'3lvodlnnefi ' i iw n j in rfoutiU i»Olng»>tlaNy*n«*^ Jn Burlfjf'ditflriK'Uifliltcr r* rt «

t h 8 « e t One of Ihe im»t »H»«Jye pulin

Of Ihe MMon wm enjoyed by * Wrjfl numbtr of iromtn Pridiy CYfnlnm J(ovAnber28,*henUt*.PrinkWirkf. Mr*. C. W. Kaar, Mra. Jolm Buntew ta d Mn. Joitph Lynch enuruuitd k l’« brldte dinner a t U)f NiUohkl hotel au«l#w eie*fited*t»be«u-

i UJully ippointed lonj Ubif. ccnter-• ' cd wllh cyclamen pUn(*-«ntf-*re«n- [ , lapert In peKter eandleibrums.

Plicei were matkcd for Si peraon*. i TIic place cuds. Ialll«-and-ni{nu ; • , earrled out the rtd tjjd peen color

Ktitmelnapleaatnstnanncr. After dinner tho pieata adjourned to tlis Parke liomo In Wio_ Romney apirt- pwijtKlJwe UiertmiJnderof Uieere- nlns was apent pIaylo« bridge. Tbe

•*---------^r6hrtni'tre~itnmic»llyrdewr»t«a^rlUj cyclamen awteJifj'unllvtmnntsr

i: , Lighted peeh l«*ra helped lo make I iTe room*. Hlgli.ieorer honor* vtre-woii by Mrs. J. Bchults

and Mra. Lortn Lewb. T hehl;heu t p ri» wtnt to MUa LotUe Schodde. and lucky dnw (o Mrs. Iforotd Octr-

■ dorf. *■.The eacfljawa club memberswere

tntertalned delljhUully b r" M ” - Otorge StanalDt a t h tr hcwne on Mil­ler ftTenue one erening during the

•weet THe ew nbs w u ipenl play-• Ing bridge at three tables. High cut

' , tKor vss aranlw l tc Hr*. D.' Jackwn. Mr*. C. A..B4uer^wu a ,• Club gueat. Tlie rooms were bertutl- 1 fully deeonted with the 'Hiank^lT- I Ing motif. Attheeloeeof thegatnes

» dainty lunch was *en-ed by the jioileu.

. ‘ The Mutual ImproYtmenl auoclt-• tion entertained a t a dancbg party• Wednesday eveste In'honor of (fte

FlntwardM utualattheA rtadla. A_______large cion-d attended. Tha hall wai •i: bcautlfully'Cecorat^. nelctalimtnu ' if • wereiervrt.S Mr. Mid Mrs. II. O. lUll and Mr.

and Mrs.- Tom Umbert entertaJned a numbfr of friend* as a farewell In }!OK?r bi'Mr. and M n. Ofonre Bate­man wlio are leaving toon to make their home In Ogden. Thd erening was spent Informally wltli muilc and gimcA AdalnlylunchwMserv-ed.

: ■liiSiiis. VISIT OiiGIDLMS

' MOUNTAIN VJBW, Dcc. 1 (Spe- : elal to n w Ne«il — TlianksglTtng

‘ and the lioUda>-t followlas v tre tt>e----------6wask)n for many ioclaI'*»enU and

' vUlu In Mountain View, Several students'attendlnff Ualw coUegta -

: . . . , 's p ff l^ ^ ^ ^ M l^ y » wtth TetoUm

. MountAln View puplU, under Uie■ direction of, Mr. and Mn. S m u t Meddarts, th tlr teochtia, pUastd a

— w ^ f ^ e n > w d ’«lU^■pn«^un(lUDualc . and rtellatlons a t a basket social one ertnlng lu t wetk a t the Oommun* > Ity cliurch. Proceed* Iron the af­fair will be used to purchaie play-

■ ^ “^ i S l l S o S s shower early In the wetk honored U n.irw lnBlaier, {ormtrly MIm MUdrtd-Ktlson, a t Uie

• . .home of her pamtU, atr. and Jtr*.N. V. NeUon. Mn. N. V. Ntbon and Mn. Vietor Nelson s^m tf refm h- mtnu.

' &tlss MoriotT O la n d o n ipcot . Thanbelrinc here WtU) her parents,

Mr. and Mn. J. IL OUndom fihe .. . was accompanied fro n the OolUve

of Uaho by her room-mate, Mlsa Dettafloas.-

MlsMk.MaiT AJlco and Bemlece ' ‘DlUer retumed Sunday to Salt Uke

: City to reeume Utelr studies a t Uie St. M aryt acadetnr, after having

% — n e n t Thanksglrlg-at Uie home of______t f t c im « n t l ^ ^ » n d J > ( r » . .n . J. .^ ^ ^ i t t e r .

drup and ^ l o t t A lUedcman .re- . turned Sunday, to AlUon nonnal aft- '-er haring/spent Um ihankiglrlnc

m U on M Uielr hom ^

TWIN FALLS mANVTsITSmountaInViewchurch

MoinJTAiN m w . V ti 1 (Spe- CIAI to Tlw N ew )-n«». J. B. waken, Dspllit minuter. Twin PalU. address.

• . ediLlaHfecoagT««*UonatUieCom- - . munlty chunh here Sunday'mom-

• A musletlfeature of Uie program w u \ Toeal duet, T ie lifted Mfc”

. by^MUeea Zvelyn-Bautr and lUiUi

CBRtSTUAS OREETINO 0AR08 ' are dow being dUplayed a t Uii olos

; Book Store QuaUty OUt Shop. Adr.

Only ooa (ect spedalUt ta Twte ■ r U i ; n te se M . Or. tmttr. Mr.


— S H O U L D E R P. V k .Th k o K o^ I W 1

w*«ita<r. In MB* csMi Ut*n Is iiU(«M n or (ortaaa to Uu naadta. mtk-

' iw .it dicnmc ta niM ia« am .

j ; ’W ;T irln FWIi dni* storer-Adv.' .


j r iig

L p T: : : O t * • '. '•

^ fM ^ ^S (ir 1


is. m L i r I

i. ' . I . , v \ .\ M k

fir/4:■ - M

' ' f e H M P vI

e TV . ‘ •i ■ _______ ■ -

! L i g h t U p .; F o r C h r i s t m a i

‘ t c t th c rc I , Christmas. A . homo is c h c c r

fortable. Loo: . . JntnpH now. I

> : . e m p ty so ck c tI lan)ps and pro

ex tnw for emer . , ' Ing Ihc holiday)

s , »I • — •II • ’ • •

i ' / , l U U gt IM

I ^ f t L

' i iHCll/n

^ r

* •


Hi—Jl ll ll I - 1' 11 I

i \ V lF l

• 0

7 — “ - — =---------- ---------0


a s - ;

e b c . l lR l i t on . i tA w ell lig h te d . • . . J l s e ry n n d « m - Ko o k to y o u r , ni, F i l l n i l th e . J *c e ts w ith n iw . provide Q few lerRcncics dur- ,ays.


SometHitig=E TS THAT .K I

90 app ro p ria te a n d so a t l r a c t io n value found ih fow ,g ift

-ceive-tlien i _ ' ' ' .

\VIicn you g ive Elfectrical o t e .tp rcssion—J’OU give sery l)cau(y and co m fo rt o f tht) h

-o lc a su ra b lo -a n d s itn p lify th e

F ro m tlio lim o w p ,g e t up a t n ig iit E lcc trica i Appliance t in e o f living a n d th e i r uscfi

Dccldc now to m ak e tliis thoso on your, g i f t l is t b y ch icc y o u r g if ts w ill b r in g will n ess a n d g(iod* ju d g m en t.

y .....................;

■ / \ k l

[LY KEW SrT^’lN f a l l s ; Ip A l

:EEP /Oj^ GR7______, _

' E l e C liuCAIi GIPacU™ th n l IKey c a r ry iv ith tl ifts. They b riiig hap p y honfs.

cat A ppliances y ou jiivo m ore i )riicp and convenience, th in ss ! homo and . a t th e sam e tim e iic-lasta o t-ho rae-m ak in f.—

np in lho m orn ing u n til i t ia I m es play a n im p o rta n t p a r t I ;cfn!ness is g re a tly app rec ia te

his C hris tm as one to be long choosing E lec trica l g if ts . Th iil Ik a co n s tan t rem in d e r o t

.' Seed

J M ^ A t J r o u t J E l e

^ A i l ' I d a b

I , ' VW lToiir, / I jla h o .P w rer

th e aplendW

— ”— ^ t o a m m g t

. M d s e le c t io

. BQjiply th e a

■■ on y e a r Chrle

. . ts M m ethlng

— ____________Malce your

•■there Is naip'

• • s to c lu o f Elee


I j D ^ ~

v\- J


....... ■ '

r “EvefTOli&

iN G ” .

[PTS a t« 80 n sefu l, th em a n app rec ia -

rg _t<^hose w ho r e ­

ft th a n m ere tokens >gs th a t add to tho n e m ake life tcioto' j

B tim e to go to bed t In o u t.d a ily rou* i t e a . .

ng rem em bered by, ; . • r h e y e a rs o f se rv - ' , , if y p u r th o u g h tfu l- '

tKe Displays EIectrical|'’ .ppliances .

l e e t i i f a l J D e a l e x i ^ h o P o w e r S to r e s

i r Electrical Dealer or oojf',' ■ er C o m iW store and see Id collection of Electrical _ i iged for yotur. inspection - -V . tloii. These diaiilayy will i

an w er to the -b^U pn , l lU l7 e 7 ” fo re T (^ n a 4 « iristmas list b e c a t o ^ e f t ; — .. 1 electrical for/everyone.

m r-8electlon_eariy;_SihilB______ _uple time for the proper m of each s if t and vhilb lectrlcal 'Applt|necs a re so


DECEJiBER 2,1030


_ _ H e r e A r e I

SuggestT o A l d Y o o I n

_ ' S u t o b l ^ e

G i f b

; • - E I ^ C T R I O I

; ■ ' . , T O A S T E l

, P E R C p i i A T

■ W A P F t E I I

■ ■ H E A T I N G I

, , I ' T R E E L I G H T O

C t l R L I N G I l

. .V IB R A T O

• . G R I L L S A N D 'i

' . • 'U H N .S E ';

. • A I R .H E A T i

' ■ E L E C T R I C . £

:— _ _ h A i r j i b i :

■ .V A C O T M C L E

S O L D E R I N G i

• C IG A R l l lQ H '

’■ E L E C T R I C . T l

• S E W I N G M O T O

— . - - i e l e c t i / i c W

R E F R I G E R A '

• E L E C T R I C J R I

.W A S H E R

■ Lo>| b i 7 id a p t i i

‘ has bees ferrettes Q ...ptlawM w lil be liT l

•errlM te Uwae who a: e o e^ h ta rterir* (Iten

• ■ mat. -

L- '

m BT T .

] p . « ' ■* | 7 V .

; H e l p f u l _

stions[ n C h o o s i n g

U e c t r i c ^ ____

f e ' . J '

3 I R 0 M S V _

? E R S

A T O M _ / : . ..

I R O N S ‘ •11


[ IN G S E T S

I R O N S ‘ , /

T O ^ s j

3 S T O V E S

j e t s ' . ■_

^ T E R S

. M M P S - - .

[ iE A N E R S ■

d i R O N S ' - ' . J . ;

3 H T E R S ■ ’■ ‘ . -

T R A I N S ” : " ' ' ■■

T O R S E T S - ■ -

r a n g e s ' ■

U T O R S ■ . ^

I R O N E R S ■

E R S '

^O ra iHer lbe 1 ' praetleabUiIfU ^: Q idrieal Ap- liT lac fslthf^« art fortnnata 'Iten <ra OiWf(«

^ T l '

3 "

p o u g f a R id e rs o f I

I S o u l t B e n d G e t ^

|i H e a r ty S e n d -O rf

r B r a v e - B leak ' o W b t r

j i ” A lle rnooh to Shoul, E n -

5 ! cou rag ing A dieu to T eam

• ^ l l I C A C O .D c c . l - B n l tc r . f l• ’ I . cd and wcarj-, yet filled { . w ith th n t fiRhlinj? sp ir it J t i i a t hn« carricd (hem onw ard r (0 v ic lo ry in 18 tilra iK hl foot*^ linll w ars, N o t r e D am e’s( RouKh R fdcrs (o d ay beganr Ih e ir W estw ard odyssey fo r “ I

7 |f ^ f ie l r c p i r s l r u ? g 2 « - w ^ t h - < l i e - dashlnR T rojanfj o f S o n th em

f ' c«UfornU!l Oheertd by *Ter»l huadred loytl

i fans, who brared % bltak Deetmber• »ilezwenJOAh«Jtesepu»«lnffJ*»- • . m u . ICnule Rockne losd(dhUcreBt

V crew of m den on Uulr tpteUi tn ln .( » «t Z:K p. M , tnd headed for the I “ land of K s a uut *un*hln# whero the To

■ M Kotrt Dome victory bubble, w elled he- by two ye»t> of triumph, will be Di ‘ pricked cr further InfUted next Bat* Ki

- > urdar alternoon.T hlrtj^lght .ptaytn, fhe full bii

• cooehlnir ctAff of fire men, n e n - 1• papenntn and fire coaches filled ,r«

wllh fMi* of all thspc*., aUea and of .iE««. surted the westwart Joumey. AJ>

...;...«hlch-wULen<l a t » 7 jS ,, PrWay J : -'when-tha ipeclal tn ln steams Inlo An

LoiAnstles. One stop wlU punctu* at* » Ui« }oumr uul ttJit WUJ be » t U«Tucson,-Artwna. where workouts bcj

, i- w'held'cn the Unlvertlty o r ipl : Arizona JtcW-one Wednesday after* La'

. : noon, one Thurtday momlnj and , t one Thunday afternoon.

. If Coach Itockne dreaded the In- 1 :• T#»lonoMheHou»ofTroy.hefaUed ed

to'reTtalll.a»he«teppcdaboardthe of' tmln today '- rw cl!. I think they hare a better bro .. •. ttsm th f t wc have right noa-," her ^ id . -My tioys’are pretty: weU bat- *ty i tred un SA a reiult of the la tt three - • :ames with Drake. NorthweJtem and Mt

he Army, but well be fwHns betler t'Fx• >7 the time we get Into Los Anjelcs. haj' mewMnsirofArlsmaAixtUjelcms' to

.S ride dbublles*ly a iu stir up the boy*, pea ^ ‘'Well needumo luck lo >i,1n this of

onebutmaybewe-Ilfietll.'Theshout. " T ed aa a tareatlL • / J""

■rhere w u no doubt that Rockiw U'l J expect^ anoiher rlctory. , m

I S o u t h ’I d a l i o G ir ls1 ( E n g a g e i n S p e c ia l ^

i j - S p o r t s a t A lb io n ™^ ALBIOK, Dec. H epeclal te The

New9)—"A team for erem ne and = • ' 3 ~Brerronron-»~(tam;*~Thtr-fi-tftg

i ;aloffan and Un aim of the new plan f/,* 'for athlcUcs anonc the RlrU'ot the

■’t ' Albion»Utenormalschoi^ Thenew ' « plan, will not encourage lnter<oN '\ 5 . W laU compeUUon; thU year the 5 ?

■« Albion oo-eds wlU not cocnpeto wllh " f . 1 theothercAlKscsof soulhera'Idaho •i .as b u been customary In fom er• year*. Tho new plan pw ldea for. u field d a n in which the teamt of the

'm vario^KhooU meet and displayi Ohelr ikUl but not in a eompetlUveJ fuWOn. Thli plan li aponwred bjr SK

»5 the Nallonal Educailonal auocUUoa g S ..3 ai]d la itp ladn j the compeUtlTC

J -iport* W many of the EaiUmichooU.J Tho edueatteaal athJeUcj a to io S '<1 adopt sim ei to girb and tliclr needt, Z n H aellTltlea conducted 1n tuch a way• u to allow the p e a tn t number to

: ^ participate, and to derelop an aeUve

making a record or'beaUog'M op*

Amig'thaadJvJU e*»poaw t\da» J ® ■ -uccer, fpeedball,. 4rehery, volley ! . ball" baiketball. baieball, tennU,

‘ S tumbling, eymnailmh work, and ed* M.ueatlaoat. danilog. Work on . the . \V<lucatloaal or natural dancing cul* 0 , : mlnatet.ln 'adaaeadrafaia.glrenln ^ S th a tp r in co f’thoyear.l '• A point «yateai..UDdilr tha dlrec- P "

' 3 tlon of Ihe Women's AthleUo ano- hlgr -V elation, piorldes for awanli^or ex* ^

eellency in any ot the labore named .‘ 5 •acUrlUci.'----- » I’ a , Tho l in t tcAM for tb« three ma- i

• ior sporu hare beea picked and are ., cqmpoMd of the. following tirls: . <1! Archeiy Uam — Vlolta. auwart.« .iitrUhu; SUubetit Dm. U a ii’ t lan:Vergle8IUer.nisciOpalW end- .

Ueh. Olenni Ferty; AnlU Weitoott. " " 1 n ie r; VaLoy FetUoglU. Bba; i tu r \• Weir, Parma; Maiy. Hairii. Albion;• lUetU7aIlert.-12owe; Abigail Ooode, ^ 'lU jby ; Lulu Oombi. W eten 'J o wii phlne nogh&rr. Oraee; Leoon Uc- •;i neynolds, nagennan: E ra Parwt]]:• Affler1caaFalU;'EitenaTribbla,Lara ‘3 not Sprtagi; Belne Ide, Albion; oer-t aidine Fine, Baaelton. - . ' Thomu; Ma- I•: 'lad: Lulu Combs. WeUer; .y ida I4 Thomas, sasiaria; Uaiy B anli, Al* I

blon: Thtlma UUmer, Eden; Uayme' I<• Andenon, WendeU; Ethel tM ant, r I

AmerJeaa Falli; Emma . glllton. J 4 -a^ooti.H arT lrt.M cCulloch..Bufc ^ 1


■ I

p d Ra|WH&<Hoo 6 0 I IJ 6 \R « W-OC0H6

•. J b e e r - r t i s r ffioM" p C N c e . COUX6 6 - H 6

rteN -D C or WIWT«A*Wt&t»

A n d erso n B iiild s ,, «

N o ire D a m e l i n e °

"H unit” C o n stru c ts One of j

B est F o rw ard W f T i i “

. 'G am e D espite D lfflou ltles |

• •_____ , • . 'By PAUL MICKELSON u

(AtsocUted P rtu BportA Writer) ut •60DTltaEND,lnd,.Dec.l-Wben 6;

Tom Llcb and most of the great line \t, he had coaehed-lo glory-left Notn » Damo lut,iprtng even Uie ahtewd di Knule Rockne ftarcd- Ihat Uie Irish lu of m q would'be Just anoUier foot- c» ball (cam. / ' 19

But like ,e\-etyono else, Roekn« *6 reckoned w|ihout Uje -Big Hunk" rk o fN oue.tem e, llaiUey (Hunk) mi

.Ilctdlng4e call ot his alma mater, • AndcnonilrcipedJjUooachlngrtlnJ “ a t BL L ^ ls unlvenlty, Jumped Into Lleb's ici and Rmitnicled one of Uie best forward walls In Uie gtme de- . iplie Uie louof auch s u n u Cannon, Law, Twomey and N ^ . •

Complex Syitem j 'The Notre Dame defewe.-ethter- sir

ed largely in tlie ferw*d'wall', k one toi ot the moit complex aO>nij*n In III football, a sys(etn reqolrtnTmore pf( bralna than b ra iu For e re ^ offen- toi lire play, thb j/l»h hare aMffftrtnt ba' atyle of Atiiui. . / po;

“We havefltW owntoartettyflne of art," Coaci /Andenon; /expUtaed. at f-For inalanct/ if the oppoilns team cui h u Uie btfl M It Is f ln t down and wt to to g o ,^ m e n sh lftln a oerUln potlUon fw/Uiat parUular amount ,

"If lt/bA«eond' do /it and nine j-ardat^g<ywedolldllteitnUy,’I f i t o f U 'lecoddioirn and i&bVto C«>> «e vai swap-aKfid again a ^ i d oh all'uie e«

^ I t a e . j g f f t ^ o ^ g ^

' ^ c ) L r h i t t j - a n ^ . " Outh P« R o ^ / t a ld In paying tribute to hU aniitjuiL ."i aiiift Uilnk n 'd hare . .

hu^&^*"' *’'^^iru *’!«*'! ™

ey; Opal Wtndllch.'Olenna S 'l^uUe-Manolng. Rupert;' 'Rowena T nw m u,P au l;A n lla ,W ^tt,P U cr. J,

Clogging team-Beth ^ t h , Em- - 'J nett; Josephine R o g h i ^ Orace; Srelyn Weuel, MontpeUer; Eva PS:- P ' rtU. Ameriean PaUi; Uarie Palmer, Ualad; Bemlefl_Bergmu_;.cnenni •lefry; VerJa S tk, OcUey; Rowena' *®' n i t ^ . Paul; Irene Coffin, Rich* leliTviola Reynwald, Idaho FalU; > le ip u llalght, Burley: Either Butli* » man, Burley; Bemleo Lang; Twin NOli; Helen KeUog; Deelo: Ntda K Jal'OUo, Rupert; J)onna Johnjon, S?} llipert; Koliena' Kellogg. Dtclo; and Coalei. Bellerae; BUiel Cql- flt, American Falls; Harriet 3e* hilloch. Burley; LeNore M c£y. . toldi, Hagerman; Made Onralt, T i rampa; Fnm ces^dden , MeriOUn; ren Jardlne. Roberts,

-ATtrnarwflTtfliwrrflOtrwftffl? mnrement tn Burnaby, SrlUih Co*' S umbla, ffftlffd Uw ateeiMiTaum- «r of Totea a t elwUon but w u de* eha eated beeau^ an eieetor bad wriuen CM arorablt'cemment on ft ballot. tan

—T-------^ bod:On Uie same day Notre Dame aad elgt

•saitUK pUytd before ^,000 spec- uoa alor«XA3.0W fans n w a footbaU tool lameatSaQFiMelioobetwtcn^oca; bod ilgb achool teams. - . 1 A

F i o 9 U ie p l f f c r a

Ewla.WD w °*ii!*W hn

imblersJ o h n F ,C o l lB i s _

P ilo ts R e d Sox

Former Chicago and'.Boslon OulllelJer. Slar Returns to American’League Team '

B O S TO N , D ee .i (iPWohn P. (Shano) Collliu, fanner White Sox and Red Bos outllelder atar. today rKurntd to Ihe American league m Ute lOJl manaeer of Uie luckles B«tonclub.

In announcing his appointment. Owner Bob Q uli^ wbo b u tried out three oUicr. plJoM.ftow.he .aauffwf oonuol.taU: " -

'CoUlM h u -made ». wondwful record u a minor leaguo'managp- and I aee no iteaon why be afioild not do well with the Bed Sox.” 1 > OoUlns tuccMds Charlea (Helnle) Wagner, wlio w u made manager Iu t i aeason when BUI Carrigao reUred. ; Lee ftohl w u muUger In IDS. when j Collins w « lu t JdSufled.wiUi Uie club. < j;

The new pUoH born in Boston W ~ yean ago. broke into profestlonal baseball in Uie now disbanded New England league a a a Pilcher ft quar- ' ter cf a eenlury aga An Injured ann _ ferent h to lo beama an lollelder - and he played t in t and aecond base is vnUI isio. when- he went from Ui« U Bprlnslleld club > of Uie Eaatem L league to Uie Chieago \Vhlle Box.He Uien-b«anifi-an-oatllelder ana- - during hla Chicago caner. whkh lasted It yean, he played on two championship tesmi. In 1917 and fM9. /fe tnu cne of Uie p la jtn ab- solrtd o( all blame In ttte world ee. rlcs acandal Uiat cmiMd Uie reUre- iti mentofieveralWhUeBoxstahfrom oiganlted buebolL ,


Steve Halslko. Aubum. New. York, n. smashed his s-sy to a brtiUant r l c ^ tory over Sammy Mandell. Roekfonl, ^ IlUnol*. fonner lightweight/ cham. 5* plan. In an efghf.rwmd baUlo here tonlgfil. The rising young aenpper battered hU more experienced op. „ ponent vllti a ripping left dab. Both ^ of Mandell-s eyea wero newly cloied ” a t Uio end of the bout and he had a ” cut lip and battered noie. Halalkj J wtlihtd 137, Kiandell l« . . ^

WOLQASTWINS . *»; iERSEY cmr, N. JiD ee. 1 wv- ..

‘fidget-’ Wolgast, Philadelphia, rec- ognlied In New York/and Pennsyl. ra n la u world'a flyweight champion, » cama biekfto^the ring tonight atler a long rest jind decUlvely oulpolni- ed Al Todisco, Jer«y Clly. In a 10. Ti mmi- boo t' Wolgast weJjbed JM poundi; Todlico U7, '

FBTEOStAK dETS DRAW ' u ! '••PITTSBnROH; Dee. 1 W>-Al Ptlrtman, Philadelphia, and Em- , meft/Roceo, Ellwood Clly, heavy- welBbU. fought ft lO-round dnw here ] U ^ h t . - Harold Beamey: Nllei, >,0 Obio.-outpo(n(ed-Karrr-WIlUami, [« CUictnnatl, Negro, In tls rounds. ^

I f l LITTHAN TSIUHPHS /MILWATOEB. w a . Dec. 1 wv- su

Talt LItiman, Cuddhy, Witconiln, bniWon.the-Jud^' declilon orer Vln- bocent Forglone.'Philadelphia, In a 'lO'Toand'bqut here tojUght— Lilt- itsman weighed 1MW-, Forglone 1«, ttu

/D ^K unw iN S ' . ' of NEW 0 B 1 .E A N 8 . Dee, 1 (A>- ebi

iWhur Dekuh,. ja H . Norwegian tM

Petenon, 307H, New Oriewu. In Um of' semUi round of a aChedultd 10 Ba mind fJght. toalght , ., ot

L e w is T r itim p h B ^ A g a i n s t F r e b e r g

S E A m s , Dee. 1 MVGd tBtrang- I»J J j r a t r hearywelght tuj champion, defeaUd John, Frebeig, tlai Chicago, bere tonight In ah Anttral- lan n le j .wretUlng match wltti a body tiam la tbo fourth round of an \ eight-round natch .' Freberg w u agt unable to eoottnue In Um iWH. Ha Or, to o k U n fln tfaU ln U ie th ln lc aB owi bodyiUm. . a I

Suniey Pinto. Kew Tork betry- eoo

yS i

: , T W m FALLS D A ^Y M

EnlrainThe End Oi

J U I s n i s i c C s t a l W a b t u n i 'Schwegfer, University o f M which Trojans won, 32 to 0.

. Photo: .

B u H M ain E v e n t ^

R e s id t e in D r a w ^ i.• we

. ------- • ihr

liilnjsworth and Gorman !S Fight On'Even Terms For 10 Rounds'ln West En d s

_____ ■ Bn• Rol

BUHL. Dee.. I (Special to Tbe Lat Newil-Blli Ullngxworth. 1ST, Tilla­mook. Oregon, and “NalU" Oorman, , 174, PorUand, fouftht fiercely to a draw In a Id-round maln*erent bout Pa» at Ihe American Legion buUdlng Par here tonight. About 400 fans wit- An ncued tho light. ,■ ' . Oli ' In a ilx*round «eml-flna1, "SpUu" C09 Oorman. 157. brother of "NaUs", won a dtdilon orer Carl BIggt, Po* 1 catello, IM.

BIU 0IUrtt,,IS9..CaiUeford. and, m-Red- Winn. tS9. Buhl, fought to a 11 draw In a four>round prellmlnaty boat. ‘

Ernie inil, IU, and Jack Lewis,147. bott) of Buhl, fought fiercely ,unUl Ernie Hin won on a jechnleal L knockout In Ihe curfatn raiser, j

Ted Kcpp.-IUmen, refereed t h n ^fln t two bouU and "Butl" T n r ls r P * Twin Palls, Ihe two main bouts. daj

—■ '’T- , , T

S ix -D a y B ik e R a c e S A t t r a c t s 'C r o w d sNEW YOIUCrDM^ I MV-Just J 4 l |S

houn aller ihe lU rt of Ne* York'a 7 fortrntatti-lnlemattonal-aix-day W-J vjv cycle race, a tull day-matkcd be Jams and spills, an offer f ft » 3 Cm cash prite fcr a one-mlle sprint ^ started Uie excitement af reth and , J : b rou^ t one oi Uie moit tUnlns' *7*' boun of Jamming of tha nee. ' ^

Tony Beckman took Uie prlae.-but ,- lU Influence vent furUier, c a r j ^ ttie Jamming on for a full hour and I keeping Uie 6000 ipcctators In a atato • of CQiutant' exctlemeat. PoslUoria' ebang^ wlUi great rapidity u Uie j “ teams ttole lap after Up. At 10 ^ o'clock. Uie-Amcrican-Belglan team' of 'Frcddy Spenctr and O enrd De- Bates w u In Uie lead, a lan ahead S of/eurrii'alteaau. , ^• ■ ■ ■

weight, dtfMlA Joe Rerioids. Balt Lako Clly, wlUi body tlami in Ihe fourth and fltUi rounds. ' ‘ m -O U f -O la n r^ n n e jo t ir —beary^TT? welsht, defeaied Jaek Manuel, Por- “ J t u ^ galnhW iwo /all* by body ‘ “I" tlama. . . ■ , —

PRIZE FOB neERACINO ' ' WEWOKA, Okla. tJP -Jlo eneour- ,

aga terracing to pnrenb soil erosion. ' ' Dr. W. E. Oriao, oU-fian aad land­owner, b u offeied IIOOO in prises for a te n e lc g cootcat tn Semlncdo coonty.

r N E ^ , TWIN F A U 5 , IDAHO.

tor Souof Oiie of Jim Musick’s ;


fnivcrslty o t S o u th e rn California ■^Viisinhjfton, In ThankafirM ng’''< O .S chw ^g lc rw ns th o (futatandini

M e r c h a n t s L o s e i n C

C i g i r V e n d o r T i l t '

Htmenwky and Moaer c l ^ store . bowlen a-oA from tho Idaho Depart* ment iUre.ywo gtmes to one. In a ihree-game Commercial league eer- * Itl a t tlio Slbno bowlicr:aUey here Co: last night. \ . ter

Olsl. who ckalked up 6N poInU, ^ wu'.hltli IndlvUutl icorcr. m...JOAUODEMBT^ieNTSTOBE. {;,Dummy________ 140 140 140. 4M (Dummy ’ 140 140 140 430 (in Bntegtauum — iSiXO IX 459 RobcrU-m!L— -IR-IM ISO 47S n . Lanen ---------183185 IM MS

Totals ___ W 7M 700 MW S IllEJtCNWAY AND MOSER ' ^

Paulson ^ ______ 153 151 Ml 44J i „PanlJh ... ........ 1&7 134 122. 413Anderson----------1 » IM IM 4»l „0 1 s t----------------153 108 200 , 530 ^CogsweU ------- 434 118 IM- 451 • ^

_ T o U lt____ 1 _ ToT tmI m I S ^' 1 • '■ tol

T r o j a n s P r e p a r e S

F o r R o j i g h K i d f e r s «

LOS ANOELES. DM. 1 “ j 'fenilre assJgnmenU were glren'Uie u - Dnlrfnlty ot-BouUiem-Callfomla 2 ? ^ U n In pracUce today lor Uieir gamf.wlih Noire Dame here.Salur- ^

. Two w m d r a t , la dummy- ^ Krimmageag^nit a reserve Uam Ul- ln® U »Coach^utcRocknepUyau teen by Trojan seniU Uiis teason. Mors of thU Is expecud agatn to- ' " momw when Audrey Derlne returns „ from Uw A my gamo wllh llnal In* viii (omuUon In regard lo Uie Ramblers. .

Tlie « tu m of Emy Pinckert, expert bteckfr'afhilf.*«Tved'ann-tncen« — Uvs lo Uie men ofTroy, although n Doach Howard Jonts spent a buiy _ iftenoon In'an effort lo itrengUitn ^


TULSA. Okla. {ff>-Oklahoma’s ^ IMOpocsncrop,nowbe(ntmafkfl«f, irtU tou i 8« 0,000 poiyidi, Uie tUU 3ot>repoiUng*erTleecsUn»Us.Ok-lataoma's l a r ^ t crop was 10.310,000 _ ?0u o ^ .ln ie 2«. • ■ “

D E C T s o y m r a B ^ o o T o m t ^SAN ANTONIO, T exu MV- A ^

pralrio dc» to ra 1» to bo wiptd out ^ » r# a t • coat of MOOO. Tho town *S« nrera 37 lectlona on ft lOO-secUon m »neh and Is estlmftted to oonUln ' I 100,000 animals. |

iiLooWiiM u n to tubdculin tulto* Pall ■»<

T H E H O M J. . Edilor-Boy:

■ , P linktt-W .

y^ L .2 ■ T U ESD A Y ,-D ECEa

30WD7 FOUE«-> t'Ajgua ll ft PleoM p f tia ( b e there.

lyipepsUtablets. >

W b o iir . l i n t e l m w turkey It tooked ike a U30 BoUs-' loyes..Wben t to Ust J ia lrw u backed away t looked Uks Ul# c h u . together to Def is ot a »13 Ford. -

Roy Montoot]

ha autumn learea off • ““t o h i e . l a w on to

_ It comes lo People knew-

rA T nE T lO 'nO tm i goods and t ta ttamoui turgeott reaion why tto

ituite (amUy found Pabco paint mh a t ‘be dldnt know regular IncrtauiQw .to dUJotot tbe. ' ' _ lankulTlng tn rb ^ . j ; ^

•— . ■ T b e o ld ': f uJu it fo r . tb s ia k to f moUier who u

■riety. one ot our teU her troubleseaden irlred f r o n t Lord, now taA n g l ^ t t a t Q U f t daugbUr who

H O M E L U M B E B ‘A N l i (

Sra«M ■ ; -P»&!

0 . TOESDAY h o r n i n g ; DECE

rthern Cis Drives p

I •

U . .a

s' L-I!! I ■■

UlS A r a l l i [ 0 u M iS B S x « B N I Wl

. ■” peila fu llback / bcIntr tncklcd by , •

Los Angcks, liiiff H u sk y on defense. — (/P) a i

• frt

C o r te z O u tp o in ts j T r a b o n i n B a t t l e S

I n S a l ^ a k e C i f y SSALT LAKE cnY,D eeil«>>-Joe

Cortez, Boise. Idabo, Mextcaa.wel* gn Urweight, handed Joe Trabon, atcn- tu 'C lty , ft senre beiUng to-wIA a P” 10-round decision here tonight. Oor* » I tea -weighed 147;-Trabon I37ii. . -

Cortex won every round exeepftt* •* flfUi, although- both b a i t l^ were „P badly bniiied during (he fln t three rounds. • CcrUs draped the Mis* ^ tourian to hU knees In the tecond ^ with a ihuhlwt right twing, and Tra* bon camo back with a terrifle two- W lUled ottack. He wuiunable. how- erer. to win Uie round.' Dy Ibo close or the Uilrd the Idahoan's right eye . J w u closed, whllo Trabon‘s left eye was badly swollen. |®

After dropping tho flfUi under a W Ihower of withering head and body ®*' blpwt. Cortex opened.wtUi an attack to th o b o ^ th a t 'h a d 'n a b o n onthe T ) defensive throughout t te remahidtr U

IiM he^wrenth. Ttabon talfettd ] an iQjutT to his left hand that alow-ed him appreciably and aide^ Uie .adrantago of Cortez. _

JuddyLoSalie. Salt Lake City ban-tam<relght, fought a game batUe “wlUi Johnny Burray, San D ltp ; to uend the 10 rounds seml*tlnal In a ' ,dnwi USallo carried the fight lo dihU opponent tn Uie early rounds, J* rtnnlngUOTfloftheflntflre.There-Ifter, M um y had t te local boxer on »Ibe run but wu'Unable lo landef- n[ecUrely. "

“Indian Johnny- SmlUi. Laa-Veg- . Pis, Nevada, and PaUy Wallaee.'S*- . , rannah Negro, fought alx rounds to id n w , Tbey i\;:e lightweights.

BEAt<8 c o n | U t A BtlBlIKL ~ EAST. LANSINO. Midi. (iP)-dli0 ^

ireraco <cist of pfoduelng • bwbsl Jt beans on a M ldilgan.fona U 1246, a- fo m y Aowt: I t ts found Ihat a yield of 11 buiheU t a ftcti U )M«Baw7 to iw * txpeaiartoi a iO-buihel yicdd wm n tu m a profit i ifglOan'aerei'

COUGHSstopped akMMt Inatantly

ts . wilj^;oiia8w ^ow o{ C t

rm mTboraob’a. D n « Stom . -Twin

?UU, Jerome and^ Ooodlng. Idaho, md ftll o tte r good dni« Sorts. _

[ | n e Wty !ffood W..l>;Kaylot

EMBE R 2,1980 NO, 64

a Uwyer her troublts to t Uw-

W w l jlp JCjrtn PaUa people « • ;IrtW H tUdr Mkl-

. In* problemi to m . - '

DoUi taya Let me belp yott toins beana a UlUe of Uia neck.*.butyou —0gt.' The HcnandtbeDBtk

Wbea a duck Uys an .r c M j w .W •»» :

I ^ ^ l' SJut-wben'ftbea'doe*-

' i ' S ' ‘4 : 1 ' ““ T***• . w e specify.ui* ^ ' s* d u e t t . .tiber tes. product begi ' -;ashloned Aoyons can teo Uany-

used to ona'awUe,ilestoUie Bow t t e bea c«t* U>«

b f ts ft trade beause ab*bo take* f-4ikes to odm U tb

y cO A L C O M P A N Yr. ^ and ^ _

CEMBER 271930 / ; • ‘

k I S C '

P i r a t e s R e le a s e j S c o u t o f J e r o m e

PnTSBUBOn., Dee, I w v - ' -Chlek- Pnser, PlUibtinh PlraU tecBt fer IB tetMns, w u rtUated imilght. The PtnU minacna*nt, .

■Jt.WU Hid. d»e* notjonitrapUle , flUlog b it pUM a t pmenL Fnucr. I .» f c m tr major.and minor leacoe pUyer, Ures a t Jeramr, Idaho.'

P u l i n a n s i ' e a m ”

L o s e s D o cu m en ts i'■ • <

Suitcase Containing D|a-1 grams oi Play for New j YeSr’s Day Disappears 1


N CT YORK, Dtc. I MV-Where, f the Washington sUte football team wanted to know today, are tbe'pa* } pen?

A suitcase conUlnliv diagrams of I tho playa which Waflilngton BUU c InUnded to uw In Its game tgainst. i AUbama, a t Uift Patadena Touma* t ment ot Rceea January 1, w u stolen p tn m WUUan Tonkin, the Uam's p quarterback, a t a New York boUl c Stturday night. - . •

If tbe loot had bten something b Irivltl, like radium or dlamondi, the c athletes wouldn't hare minded' to much. They were.only a illUe con- t- cemed m'er Uie Uidft of a gold waUh ‘ and 8)9 from Melrln Heln, Uitir cen­ter, c r v l t t Marrit Wenen't lou of C 8J«. . 1

But tbou football plays-tbo dla- e gr*na;Wer* originaU and Uiero ore c no copies. The sulUate .wlUi IU precloui freight w u fllched during tl a party the pltyen held to celebrate P Ihelr vtctory o%r VUlanora a t PhU- ti

Today the poUca picked up Jaoob n Ki:by, Bnokirn youUi, who sd n lt- b Ud he’d crashed ihe party but. who 1 laid he d ldn t have tba dlagranu. ^ Tho KulUase, he averred, wu'alolen “ by anolher Intruder whoto name lie ^ didn't know.. Kirt^a sentence' v u ^ suipendtd. ', ; i ^ Washington SUU team v u

\a- Waahlngtcn-the caplUI-lodoy 10 meet l>rt*ldent Hoorer, {wt lU ' loy v u dampened by Uie Ices of the C secret documenU.

D e a t h C la im s T w o M e n o n G r i d T e a m „

“ “ »■MONMODTH, m .D eo. 1 U V - fl

Football u u ttd two deaths wlUiln «i tha ranka ot Monmouth's elevenUilafalL ..............7 ~ - p■ Bob Sharpe, ccnUr on the team;', g died aereral weeb ago or blood w polionlni; which v u cauitd by i p ifgbtfboUnUshoe. Stmday.Ston- ley McOonnell. star McomoQUi' -. fullback, died trom ft broken neck I suffertd In tte ‘mtnksglrlng day d game against rf""*

QueratUod, AustraUa.*ar« ptam tns 0 lo UM an alcohol mixture u fuel 0 for raU moton.'

B lJILTfo); 7 ~ 7 ' 0 ]

H A R i g

Pairbanks-M orae.P

fo r Th«ir Dependi


,Your pumping req t e r large or small, a care of by Fairbapl eryoursourde.o f K

' la k e ,,stream; shall welf, ' t h e r e is a 1

' Home'Water.Syste] — youTierfectlyrCaps

■ 210 to BOOO gall

Carefully s e l e c t e numerous inspeciic piwiess of m anu fu

life and dependab:

'-P ro m p t DeUvery i

KREN'2 1 0 - 2 2 0 2 n d H A R I

Aye. So. H g rfr ia

^ B a s e b a l ls D ra f t I ,

I R n le F i g h tR a g ^

Bugabpo'-ol Malor.Hlnoii, Relations . Oveiihadowl

: ^ll-;Businp'_oCSesflOlip:M omoi, qmtn D». 1 OH

^ m a t bugaboo ot mtnJor«ilscr r»i C hUons, Uie draft, oveiahadowed oQ' ■

oUierqutsUonsu miner league own- e n and managen galhered bero day for Um annual m lo o t o( U»

, NaUonal Asaoctatlon of ProfeaslODa]'1- BasebaU Leagues.u TvociaasAA,non*<2rtftdrailU,i{M :

P a c i f i c ccait and Intem atloul leaguo, dei-otnt mott of tte tr ttma '

5 to A dlscuulon otUMdeoiaadoCUw motors that ttiey and three otber n^*draft leagues, sutrait. to Uw

( draft..Onleu Uiey do, Uio a a jc r s . ' n hai-o threatened to dlKonUnoo oU i . buslntas reUUcna wlUi tbein..

' N eltttr t te InUmatk»al nor tb*>f PacUlc coast leagues Mmo to any d f le clslon u to wheUier'or not ttey It. a'ould aocept (ha draft wlikh 'gtTM I* Uw maion Un right to piscbaso a :' n p la jtr from ft minor league elub by.-s paying a te t price. InaUad bott c r - ' . el ganUaUooa.dtelded to pcstpona anp.

aeUm unUJ after a aofenoo* s tomorrow vben tbe Amerlean atto> '« eUUon, t t e tt'lrd AA league, Joins 0 fortes v l t t tlw oUur two in aa a t-

tcm pt;to formulau tonw plaa of h ftcUon Acceptable to aU. ___• '.- 1)10 oUitf non^ratt leagoesrSS if CUu A Weetem and.tho Class B

Indtana-BlinoU-Iowa toaguel. t n • exptcUd to foUov Uw ttree Hgger a elrculU.- . . . a 1710 wbole' question anas vbea g Uie majora demandtd Uiat t te draft ' e principle be made unirertal. t p f t f '.- inff to all )niaor leaguea.

- B ott t to Padfkj cnit-Bnd-Jnurr:— : b naUonal leaguoa v«n untestcod td . be «pUt today co'tiie draft QunticB,‘0 Tho InUraaUonall stuloa, tai par*1 UcuUr, v u .ft b t ^ one, maifeed Q by hot'debau, M tt-nem box0 ahip understood to be ewnly « r td .4 eilonUiectuettion,4toi.BalttaavL:^ Montreal N S S r t f t n d B u f U te ^t repotted toU ^, acalnst tbs draft, ; >


1 LOS ANOEUS. Dte.' 1' CharUt.,Paddoek. (onacrir tM

vorld'j gdaUst t{ rti t« . t t t l ' fU A cee,M rs.N enPri*U iU tir,»4 • ednoUoeof InUnUontovtd. ‘. Charles H. Priik, P asadaa atv*«,

. ’ paper pubUiher, b a oaM d.lti* '-‘-4 ^ r n e n t of-hU d ^ t w - M f A ' J veeka ago. Tba v td d tu vfll tiM pUoe to P u ad eB a^ eS w u T ^ - ; Pa<!doi i:arafakoMipXtaM%i )

- - Jo u m a liit-a n d ^ b e v tilO .'U iK * ! ' MaUby gavt ber a g tu M . ^ v 9 i " ' dlrorced four y t tn

‘Ibe x m U e d S t ^ t a ^ S r 000 b a p of Mftee n h e d a t -.1 OOOMO from lo ttn Aaette* ■:

) r T E A R S


P u m p s A x e K a o w n ' ,

i d a b i l i t y a n d I « n g ~ ' T *

f V o r l d O y e t '

qnirementS; whetK- , caribe fully takert. ' ipk8#orse.'Whfeth- supply is a eistem ,'' allow well or deep ;1 Fairbante-M oisei ■ tem th? t will serve ■. pacities Tange:frpm— ^ allons per hour. . ; , v

l e d . j n a t e r i a l s ' a n a

i t i o n s d u r i i i g ( h e

E a c t u r e i n s u r e l o n g ■

i b l e p e r f o r m m ^ - p i

y a n d ln B ta l la t tM i-^

[GEL’S Ji p W A R R ' J j H ^ i jM ' S n p p l i e i g

. ..__ Tod»r' in r . d

Bscalmeil Markcl Finally S S Catches Enouoh Brcezo

. to Closc Wilh Net Gains £ '_ • “ W' , _________■ ItUJ

= =Harkel6:at;a:Glancit= i i• — • ■ c l e ^

NEW YORK. D «. 1 MV- . VuifU8K>ek»: ailvi»n«e l holdln

to S polnu. ^olk tBond#; ‘IrTcsuJar: '

. rtwdlw: t«asur>- a t new IMO u, 4 n hUh.

Curtc Dull: ElKtrle Bond »nd u i wBhiira strong. „ SouUx

Fortlun cxdi4n««: Easy; Cft- Cenlnnadlftn* t t par. * unli

Cotton: E «y: Southern *elUn8. divide; . susw : Steady: European buy-

■ L o w ; dbappolnUnj D lic ' BratllUn markeu.

decteaiedIblo' itibnly and unfi\'or*oio am ' veathcr. Norlli

Oom: fetcady: unall'spol olfw*lng» and <J«rcaM(l tlocM.

cauie: WcaU 10 lowr. ■ilo p : Lower.

-------------------- closed• Dr JOHN U COOLEV LlUert;

N E W yO flK ;D tc.l-A beealnifd Libert; itock market finally caught enough Libert: breeze today to cloao «iUi eeneral trtiufi not adrancca, but the atory ol Hie Trcaai

• Mialon *ai beat told by th« « • » Treasi total - only 1.107^^ aharea. the Trfast ■malleat roiumo for a full day alnec xrcan Aujuai 1. . - .

Advance* ol about a- point In Industriala wero Improvsl on W mani i»ll5 and a few uunue.% which node tfitlr b « t ahowlng In Uij aft-

: emoon aliCT a medtoero p e rf i^ - j j UK« In the momlns, Bomo ^ e r ^ ^

.Uiue$roio3to«polnta.8«'(cralwerB prin• up J, having the eompany.ota hand. _ j j„ ' lul of utlllUea and numerou* mrr>

. chandWng Itocks. ^ t,Tho Improvement a«mea lo come

trom ahort covering that v u bated , OD anticipation of ths pretldcnt'i

i&esueo to congres tomorrow. Ner* ertJieleaii .whaiovtr »ll- tho bear NE\ (action took In as a precautionary Slead] Sicuute vas ree l^ with little liaito lie.

' u td the principal tedturo of Uie day Inn « u the market's dullneaa. 60 ijulet Penna dldUieproreedlngtbefomethatiloor IISJO traden indulRcd In a bll ot horse- IHn: ploy durlnr tbe llnal hour, a iH»t In- rrequtht. occurenco In aomnolenl .Lea< Umts.. M-W:

Bw lnru Newt Seanl D ualnea-nen of lho day uus

aeaou Custom smelters wbo bad cut qui, copper to lOU centt put ths.prlce ^ back'to 11, vbere 11U sUll 1 cent be­low the producen' figure. Tan mem- bcr# or the KenneeoU-family de- " “ J

• elared regular quarterly dMdend*. lutd a regular disbursement was also

...<iu(horlzt<t by Amerlc&n Car and foundry, all of «hkh decltolna were NC\ reassuring. On Uie otiicr tldo ot the ar accoun|.clooaatewmorDbankclaa- ae^e^ Inga. Oce in Connecticut repreacnl- chang ed the clotetl approach of the epl- Ear dcmlo to. Wall ttreci, whlclj w Jar » « f'

. ttaa Ignored tuch trouble t............ tonc.-' Bonds v m ateadler. upeclaUy In pnpo the high gnuh descilpuoni. v lth u Ibi 'the volume UUle moro than nominal, oulcoi CaU moi]er held llrm u 9 p v c tnt tnca becauw>-ol*the*Deccmber iTctiulre- ket-wi nen lt. la 'U

Except for aomo heavlneas in the only: •arly tndlng, atocki tdgtd higher Ifiial without,intemipUon. By early alter- lfO"» soon a falr-aised attorHMiii ~lUBT rwotded‘galnsofapolntoriTi'0, but *U3. the best part of the alow rally w u ^tay. withheld until tho l u t hour. AUltd »'«■

. Numt


— fA »r-fli0 B E -r0R B O T m \ ’E : w n ST O qi AND rBODUCE TUAN Uut m e QUOTATIONS TDEX UIVE ECS 1 0 TU6 NOVS, AND SEILEBS 1

— ABE U B O ^ TO KEEP TUIS FACI IN MIND.■ » a ; a w , &

■ K ? ,Hnvy bulclim, :iO lo-UO IM___ tl.M TT' 'Undtnt(l«ni buUbtn, tU«lH llM. UM I'C!

s s - ' l l a ilH ii i i ;Vet] Ctltn unaiounn {[ttM

llav r Sru , 4li Ib>- up

Butt«f4t :____ .1?___________ JOC Prtcc!■tMd* , Dui

s s n ? ’ ^ * ** Efl• S f i t » ........ ..................!” 2I'jC

Cus* r ------MU

" l - z z ^ r z z ! " &nuiHta. No. I „avi Buucnuueth KO. 2— .................... Ona r t t t Hon^mi, n» . i I1-------a rr tiK e n iiw f ie .i— ———u a i Vie 1- . IITOtntlBO «»

• wiCTtlflftim rtport tfltjeio. not 6u; jyJ■;:‘" ” iga...«iu>»i . . . J

b » w - 1' Vsc ti

• qS ^S L lZ Z L k■ ifT:”

. APNa. butlut • • - «■” firm;Hy» pow ^^ fieeti). pquna— . 1 to ^


Ep•• • Ctictj-------- —V — to aM 100 tln u• / rroO»e* ^ SSet• ■ ' % iT s j

.- 7~^ I 'S.,' i ^ a lu a ^ UO '

' - — i ' a »£

, Pasc E igh t, _________ .

stock Market Averages | ~7 ‘

eomptayji ^ » « 'I'l* mail n.ii-<i» titii'i w iji

I I l i i i i" t S c » « » ! « ^

; m » v

fmwi-iTM pirtinilatly~ »tronc C 11 _Z»ln*nearly#polnuhlgh#r..UnlOT .:lflc climbed half a do«n polnu, ding about h»lf.o( the n > e . ^ ; ■ c and W«t*m. AtlanUfl O w t le. and MUwurl PacUlc.galn«l 34 net, while Atchison. D a l ^ e tI Ohio. MlMourl. Kansas and r - f/..'

new Ifaven, Bouthem Padlle. « lUvcm Railway, and Ne»' York \ llral wtre up 1 to 1 »\ Inllod State* Steel, telling ex-.Idead.- touched l« H a w j e ^ ^ m u ior a gain of Generalctrlc Eleetrlo Auio-Llle. National gg l. c u l t , InleroatlonaHUncster, . y Department Slor«*,B. Hi Macy. ____

M ' * S - ~lto gained I lo 3 net, and Amen- I TVlephone, Consolidated O u rOi American a couple of polnu. . /

COVEnNSIfST BONUS LIEW YORK, Dce. 1 HVUnlWd < .ico-govcrnmenl bonda (luouilons

e r t r i l r o u i i l M ^

asury l i 44*M — a2 a.asury 3‘i t « - M ______ .lioa.21 j S *aaury 3?.8 19«.43-------- MM-lO Am&HiUff 3%s ;4 3 .4 1 - .^ .4 1 « ^ 3 Anj^

■ MONEV . A m J|'b\V YOBK, Dp:. 1 TO C ^ ‘ Atfl.liney: Blewly: 3 per ceill ^1 day w mime loans: Easy: M imd W d a jj n tii ij SU: lour months,Vi:.» « and

7 " ‘ m S ( S ^ " " U 3

. tour lAoAtht 3i; to 3-, live and cbn 1■monthi 3'.i to 3!i.' g “ f

' —~ Chryw METALS

IEW YdBK. Dee. I on-Copper: ,idy : flectrfclytlc, tpol nnd future g ™ '

ion: Dull: No. 3 f. 0. b. eas^m gJ',"msylvanlA »lT,to IIB; Dulfalo cwiuJ0U>»10:Al8bama|10.MlolH. nro«3n: Ji« l •»» ■ » « » f f i S

future $MJ9.. , .'. la r»'i,ead: 8lead>': tpol New ^ « lt n i . r;0; E u t Bt. Louis M « . g j" Jinllmony tT.l3. . ' . um tline; Euy: EastSLl/iiiltspotaiid oiidduro HtfJ lo JUO. , ^ julckillvcr tlOS. _

i 'B A n S lL ^ B -----=JEW YORK, Dec. 1 M7-Dar tU-■ 3 t ! i e . , _______ •, . ‘o

- 'BUOAK '<BW YOIUC. Dec.,lW)*-Haw tug. ’ wia oulet again today and In ab- ^ kiToI builnea prlcra were un- inged a t U.M for »poU duly paid. Pci Sarly ateadlnfu In raw .luiurei cliolc 3 tolloKTd by a tlUle rcACtlonary ra! ie.-although iradlng waa ol imall 4^0 >portloni. with opentort Inclined llmlt-operatl6ni and aw alfthe '

Icome ot Ihe lUblllallon eonler* . . . . . e a abroad. The Urerpool mar* ' t-wa5 stcadl<rr«au*lng-ajtu)0.b eu — 1. ''lont a t the opening. Saletf were ' I ly 39^M toni. and of thete near- - iiaU.wero In the form ol exchanges rni tho near to the 'more dlsUnt llvehei. Cloalag price*: December J3. Januio' ll.w . iitareli tl.47, oil »y. »1J3, July J1.0J, Seplembet .j™ .ST. and next Dceember 11.74. unber 3 contncta wero iieglectcd. » Tliere unsnothlng’newm tlie re- „ i . , .79. wbllatecoiih hands were avftU- Ie a t from IfCO to l iU Kliii IllUe V builneu reported, but fair with- a.walj agalntt old contract*.

' LOd ANGELES PBODUCE ^ '1 LOS ANOELES, Dec. 1 (,T>-Pro- ftwt ce .exchange rttelpU; Butter'73,- 140 t } imiiidsi.'cheese 10,»0 pounds; io 3CE s W ---------------------------------^JOTuuuer In bulk l ie . . poun

Extru 33c: fln l freth 37c: medl te count 3Se: medlunu 2iei tmiU, m o

I^ lu y : Brollen 1 lo i » pounS Ca c :o n r.irjto 3 !tp o u n d i3 0 e :le |- elotli <m Iryert 2U lo'3 pounds 23c; ool- run i ed 3De: routers 3 pounds aod up prop e; leghorn hem under 3U'poundt *llh< c; 3U 10 4 poundi Ific; oter 4 able lundt IK; eelored heoa 4 pounda *13.7 d up SSc. Ducks; Young ISc; old comi c. Geeto 13c, TUrkeya: Young toms (13 ■ c»edl3poundi36c;)3pounda33e; abov na3Cc;dreaud:9c;iawlcr8pouBdi ahad c; old loma'SJc; dretted 360. *w»

- - ■ fetdt8,^^^.^•JUNCI.'IC0 PBODUCB !?* '

BAN niANCISCO. Dec. I' Wl - deral'itate market news aud grad- g amice quotations net wholesale. ,3 iccsi • . ' '< ,«,v,Dulter; P3 score 33c; fiO icore 31c. ^ Egp: No. I extra aihaU peew-veea ■jc; No. 1 candied extra 3SHe;Na candlriTittra medium 36Ue.Ctiixee; CallfomU fancy flaU17&

SAN rtANCISCO PBODUCb 'SAN FRANCIBCO, Dot, 1 Iff) t- JUcrlai36c. • • =Onlont: Jobbing tacked yellows c to coc; Urge DOS lo tt : red globes " e to 11; AuilraUan browna TJc II.IO. . < • '

Potatoes: Jobbing Stockton, loos iltei I1.U to m s cwt: poorer low Tz: ' GOc per sack; Waahlngtoo netted r~ mt t u s to >I.»S, . • U

c to37c; turkeyi JScto 390.’ ,

CIIICAG(M>B0011CB* ' , CmCAOO. Dec. |/ n - U n poul- . y: necelpu three cara,'13 trucka; ^ rm; lowi* ICe to Ific: tprlngi We ' 18e; roaten ISc; turkeyi 3Jc; . icks IG«; getse ik . SBuUer; Receipts 7 « l Uiba:. firm- ■X ; creamery extru 33'jc; ttaiidardi ^ e: extra fin u 30c to 3Ic:. lln t i 37c « 128’jc: aecondt 3S'Se lo 36c. f;Egga: ne.-elpu Iltl; eteady: extra -J tsu tfie lo Me; frah graded f in u j ie to 36e; treali current r«elpU 30e > 3Jc: ortJinary curreni recelpU aJc o37c; refrigerator flnU 20He; re- .. ig tratsr extru 33c.


; t\vi:n f a l l s d a il y n e

J]/ L o tu ^ /A B E fjrr. AS WIW4M K ^ SOUMG CPRO U tS : ’J:"

.HANOIMG AROUMO • ~ I H S FROM T o w e ' ' I

| \ ^ i S 6 E A S 0 N . J 'Ij

^ V J

~ n 'e W.. Y (

CLOSING I(Or .Thi Omt Hortb ny pf.

AMOdxtd nm t Omt Wnt Buitr.

tl Cin _______ l« n Int CBncnt

l i ■ a . ' S i i K ;nT .r.L T .1----- iw!i. K r« i .i iB ;_ —


. m i s Sm — S!J u w o u tiw iio piIJI I?(K :______ SI wont w«d — -S M l - f c S . ; r = f f i " £ . - x "

-Nt -DtlrT->^.~. rro dl riMO _ Nt nwcr li Ui-

n i i P _ J U _ «» North Am Co___

Ou t: B»c._ JT Itn ra PublU------im solrentt____ rtanev Co ■■■— so u iti.____ I i tn t i l i n ----------mt oil o( m i — lll i rrBifit nw.UDt,.

i r s f i i - -K S K ' u "

tI>Dnt d< Nrm..— O li S> im r 8wnt _ m t n nodtk _ iM i i Bt L 8 p nr — : r« m & u t____ .SMti^^nejburt _

rn Kre -1____ ~ Dbtll Ut:loiI“ -----Ml TooO*______ stll BUntnoni C o------•tl Uolori_____ M'i Blneltlr Con Oil _iwaMiCo-_____ e% Bxtiiv o u -----------jlflD iat_____ Oouin W Mlton.wdiicn n pT _m » ! j nouin Ptdm —ntiun Paijt____ 4!« BUtul DtvBdi _ _

*Ud npplca: Steady:' choice filic choli.ICic: fancy l l ’ic lo 13c. . BSiPninesTrsttady: CaUfonil* 4e-to Ive; :; Oregon 6c lo 7*ic . . AprlcoU:- Bteady; standardi fic:jolee lie ; extia eholee 13c. .• ^Pcacliea; fileady; eUndard 7!ic; ^nd lolce Be; e.Ttra choice 8!ic. . t o p iRalilni: Firm;, looae muacaUU load^e to Cc; choice to laney leeded iiamt>elofiU e:ie«dl(uS \c. most

------- thnx__________. ------------1-------tlve

r l i iS T il i l ie S - i-- --------- ^ --------- clly.

CNlCAOO LIVESTOCK ' j o incA do. Dec. I yp) lu s D a m k- m j: RecelpU 0,000. Including 33.- A>- » dlrtct; market eloted mojtly,30e ijo w ) 30e lowe^thftn Frlday-s average lOe I n wDlghu over 300 pounds: Ughter age; elghU sow early moatly 10c to lie bulk Itter. w i r top I0 .« l generous pro- to t Brtlon lale talei KIO to 300 pounds »7« 9,10 to U-U: few to teJJ; plainer 17^ indl down to 18; ihlppera look;l^. I1;W )0; esUmated holdoven «Oi};-.bulk • » 11 welghu t l H 10 W30; packing ^ 8 >wt to I1.M; good and choice 10 to IflO poundi W.15 to 18,40; 160 ed 1 > KO wunds ts.15 to t8.)o; 300 to held 10 p o u ^ W S 10 t83i; 3M to-350 »7-fc sunda 18.10 to IMO: packing aom, W ledlurn and good 375 to 500 poundt *009 I to I7.6S; Ilaughter p t o good and y » r D0k« 100 U) 130 poundi« to M ^ . « ] CaUle:Reee!pUJ7Wi.ealve93000: Wdd lotlng moiUi.60c lower on general ly * in led tteen and ytwllngs. liberal roportlon tlecr gruup unsold; tome f«d lUiout bids. Uils IndlcaUng a alxe- Pow b to h o ld o J e r j^ x tre n w ^ ^ H w

OT^ireUrely Iw . y t ^ ln n above tw 13 and rclaUveiy few heat? eleer* « •* bove tI3; bulls closed ttrong to 63-7: tiade higher: heavy lauiage offer- m«i 1C* selling up to 18; itocken and and ^tders strong. moaUy-naHvea sell- at«i ig ac MJO to tlMU alaughter cat^ hclfi le and « a len ; tleen, good and holce 600 to BOO poundi III to IH : _ » to IIOO joundt IIOJO to IU; IIOO J IMO pounds 110 to I1S.7S: 1300 to »<* MO pounds M.75 to<I3JJ; helters, ood and choice UO .to atO poundt fiJO to 113,73; cotri. good and cholec «»«' OJO1017J0; culten 13 to M; bulls.- ‘"g earimm excluded, good and dfolce P^> eef « 5 J to ISJO; vtalen, milk fed. ® 09dandcholceiaJOtotlIJO;aioc1c- .Bw: r and feeder cntUe, tteen, g ^ and mar

J U S T K i p s ' ■

u ^ L - T H e - \ v c s . ' t T i s"WetSOTHT I \ M U ST S(K< ■t s A vuu V i N E v e a s ^ w . i o v e c . - J ' t K M o a e M O f^ fB E A U T lF U U

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u i S d > lI p l- o i l attnd Ou A BIC- u*; poun<

s : :_ _ M _ >wwtft Wtm — i»!i ___ 317 *Gtuaei>tiier Com — a j i

= ! I s S l l i•oT d an ; uaioo pwine___u r ** >iJi M k UtUifd AJfertXt w a

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i f l l i i L S S f e p S J

' • rl — U NRW YOHK. D«. I tfl Mch ^cur!»quoui«n.doi.

B'i An Bup Powir Uli 113 fl= !1!! S S M S - - ? :] !! ! “ JS!!= a___ 10> itt9 Dndlonl a . tg.7]Attu- letft N itnrt liuiuon ^ tiU mMi

(Budlir KpptiMa tn d to Ir_ UU aniBB. DoUt IdtDs.)- ' i i j “ ___ lt<{ B k row * Lft open:

II _ i :n Am Fom-Po* wrot* av . ttead___n r . „ ; e^^Iio ii! *uwi5a“oM*inT!iSl JU J7J0;~ l«U iC O fpT naitb tr-- T abow

holce SOO (0 1050 poundi 17 to M iJ. J Bheep: Recelpl*33,000,cloalngaet- ST

killing fiUtea inoitly 3Sc lower: -Slieci ome rorly faVlamba lalcir oft more: 50c 1ceding Umba fully itoa<^! Uto M l- « l« ;ood U> choice. naUvo aod led Weal- er. ci m lam tiU t to IU 5 to packer; good yearl inda ^ I T J O to IMS; extreme ah«j DP MJ5, paid by clly butchen: one - Ho u d ouUUndtng ,.09-pound thom 10s j lamuahlrea I7J0: lew medium and' aven S t S e ta tk Umba 17 to 1755; bkU hrowouU Urgely MW 19.75; latna-. I7 jyIve ewea 13 to MJO: numeroua leads toM08. to ss-pound Mentona fredlng 17.90T O bM*7as:.oneJp^| 6i«c^ t o rices averaging n pouodi |7JS to bulk w n U ^ T u iT to p wUve lamta to Ca lly. bulchers J*‘ ;


i>-Hogi: RecelpU 10,0(»: openrt go ^ low:' fairly active, miutly heifeoe to 30o lower than_Prldaya aver- u ^ « ; top »7J5 on 300 to 250,poundi: o t 3 ^ k M lra b le 170 to 380 poundt I7M Ipi 1 0 »7i)0; -ISO to IM pounds t7J4 to cludl 7 « : pMking towa Heady, 10.73 t{i W tt 7 « : itoc t pigs ttead)-, 1733 to

’ a i e p ! 'Receipt* 7000; lamta t k . ,p SOC low r; aheep about tteady; I e ( ^ icaree: led clipped and w l - . 'IXd lambs I7J5 to I7J0; beal Umbs A ) -leM higher; most drlve-ln twUves 61fi;

C4tUe: '.BecelpU 3 i m calvei e n l 000: beUer, grades fed iteen and iteer earllngs «carc«, fully ttoady; pack- M ^ ngolncilowonahortfcdcffcTlngt: MJO Wdlng lower: aheitocltcompartire- MJ3 y Kttrte, iteady; built, v ta ltn and stoc) alvei little changed; itocken and cair eeders iteody;'\wo loadt choice 1133- nund long yearUnn III; bulk me- toutl Hum to good ahort fed tleen eligible . , u oae|l around l< to tlO; choice year- ng heifers 113; bulk butcher c o n 4.35 to I5.C0: low cutter and cutlen X7S to M; medium built 14 to 14.7): r a t f ta len ifi down; bulk ttoeken lod feeden UJO to ISM; best stock ! ^ , leer calves early M: choice stock lelter calves I t a .

OODEN LIVESTOCK" . OODEN, Dee. 1 UP) <U S D A ) - . .

Ion : RecelpU i»«7. Including 330 or market; early taW about Iteady; ew lo u 170 to 30ll poundf MJO: D A nixed welghU 18.13 to MJJ. includ- 333; ng package 100 plgt at M.15; tew to 3! lacklnc'iowt MJO to M.75. pour

cattle; RcMlpU 1081, includlne >N ; 00 toTAarket; quaUty motUy plain, lowe narket alow; early aales about Cl

. ~

“ • a m ' d o V UH ■[:;K.MOW VjHfiS I

t,i B E T i ! .



7 % d u s e e m t o 5 S - Hwe siweo our \ m»cOM E F O R -------SO U R S et_F . OR c o o a s B s o u /o ,-.KflAS M c n HAM6 ' « .y(AA.O 6 0 M U CH•TO C M O O S 6 L \ /* ,

^ F R O M

Mdy; few loU and pa rt loadi good tuUyeen 15.29 to MJO; tew part loa^ 1095Dd'odd lou medium aind good hell- MJOS 1329 to MJO: load good cows h m 153; part load common l3 J0 ;,p «u medium and good co*s pouiIJO; lev biiUs to »1J0. tea Sheep; RecelpU 7030, Inchiding na-for market: eight decto.,4^)und lambs 17; eight/decks 87 gj, >uwls 18.60: load 89 pounds MJO;irtc loads 8J pounds M. deck

O.MAIIA LIVESTOCK OMAIIA, Dec. 1 tf l <U S D A) - ogt; RecelpU ilow, mortly > ?k)wcr; top 17.00: early m1«» 180 ^ I :80 pound! 17.75 to 17.83; 100 to10 jxmndi 17.69 to 17.73; packing „ ws 16.75 to 17.10: smooth light » i n upward to 17.20: Iteder pigs IT T » ' 117.33Cattle: TlecelpU SOOO, calve* lOOOj earl] d stecn aud yearlings untvtn; beU .and 3 grades acUve. fUly Kead}'; me- heav lum grades slow, ateady to weak; fetdi le stock.ilow. 6tcsdy:.buUi tteady. priet 1 Itrong;.vealers ateady; itocker On nd {feder ateers aodve. tUxing to open lc hleher: few ateers and'yearUngs S ^ t luUy 19 to 113: choice 1337 pounds d t r : 12 few loadt choice yearllngt 11353 load 1113.50; latter pricea Included lOlfi- mtd: 3und and I073-P0und welghu; ted iellli ellen moatly 19 to IIO: bulk beef wlUi )«i KJO to 13,75; tew choice loUv load S.73 to 17; cuttor gradu 13 to t<: stocl icdlum native buUs 14.75 to M; hiovi ncUcal top vealera M: odd head uU i> independenU lio ; stocker aind sh wIert'.ccr3|7toM.75;yearUngal9. u le 6lie:p; Receipts 10.000; Umta i„ {, penlng around 60: lover: slietp [,tes( a n ' l M t n .U oni to l i . h w a ”” r; early tales natl«-e lamba 1755 £UO; bett fed H -ooled .^ ta heM di bo»*l1t75: aUughler e)Tu up to she< 1,75; leeding lambs up to 17.13. 3100

ST. JOSEPH UVESTOCK ^ ST.JOSEPH.Dee. 1(A1 (U S D A ) l | | ) liecp: Recclpu 3000; blddlnrfully a t i )c lower on la t lamta; no w rly ewd ile«; holding beet offering* M:oUi- Aau " UtUe a t Itarllngs 17; ‘Iwo-ywiokl to rt IS: leep and feeder nominal, llogi; Recclpu 4500; butcher hogs Bl ) 150 lower than Saturdaya ««ol renge; lato tono wtak; aome b te hopi kU I7J0 on good hogs: top early neu U S:.bulkotlerin«sl00poundtl7M ^> W.S5I IGO to IfiO pouiyis 17.78 to r.90; few 130 to .ISO poundt |755 ^

cattle:.necelpls'3800. calve* 7M; n S I t enough done on lUugtor'iteen nd yearllngt to mako market; tolk- J f ; ig 35o to 50c orm ore lower; early i w ties butcher helfen' about aleady; i ’5 » d Jed helfen.llO.75: oUier kUUng eifen around 1855: cows and'bulla " Dchangcd; heavy c a lm and vtal- ri 35c higher; eholee light ttoeken11 numtroui load 17 to MJ5; in- ludlng fcedlns.hlters a t t8J0:'U to aturday load oholee Hlfi-pound leen 113; load choice HfiS-pound — W SI13J0. . .. J

t o s ANGEUIS tlYESTOCK '2 ,W S ANOELES. Dee. 1 (;n (U 8 D ^ J-Catile: nceclpU‘aiOO.hoIdot,TriIfi,‘ tlow, mostly ttoady: tew aaleit ma IrroirrleadontitlhllUjfHlTpotina: ^n 19.75; (e w loadt. mtdlum to good « .leers (7J9^M .B3rload Idaho co«'t tl.955; bulk medium cowt u«IJO to M.75; cutton gnde* m o to >453: buIU M to M.7S: numero'ut .locker and feeder iteers unsold. (lalvti: Rtcelpla 900, holdoven 136; A)low: medium vealers. tfi to 111; loawthweitem calves wtak-to lowtr Rtit M53 to MJO.' . . . ..HuSheep: RecelpU 900; lUnig: Jour ‘ il»

ecka medium Utah lambs 17; ton peiaturday M. Il.iHogs: BeeelpU 1300: very-alow; Ra

ew eariy aales aleady; Uter u l ts llJnd bids 39e or mora lo w iritm load! r«:attemstoppedatllO.IO;UirteIoadi SU9,75 " to I9J5: sevenl'loads bid torouod I9J0; packing s o n M .. ^


lA W Io g s: RecelpU 3700: direct hs 33; bought lo arrive 375; mostly Itc bi 9 35c lower: four loads 130 to 145 « ound I^ o t l9 .7 9 to IIO: tarly load 0, 80 pound N evadu IIO,IS;.Uto 3tc lu )wcr! 10 loSas m uab lc . CatUa;RectlpUOOOjlargtlyste^ ^

liy . Iw. ,C«t W l. HtW ^


r - r o o L A T E 7

H,f s ju s r r s e s w \ ’Jl


? 1 P

^ tteady; teren loads 1000 to l i l l »5 pound ttevadu aod CaUfomUs yilL IJO; seven loads medium 1100 to H | lto pounders 17.75-to M; she ttock teady: odd good cow* IS; load lOST ■ ound medium cow* MJO; low cut- | \ n to (OTunon lASctire: Sev buiU II IJO. Calves; RecelpU none: quot- 1 MJO down: vealers absent.Sheep; RtcelpU-3900:-hoWort» ^ . U, dlrtct 1140; about ateady; two P r ( ecks 63 pound Idahos 1755 wltb 10 U er ccnt MJS;-’ deck medium 84 « ounden MM; package- 87 pound earUnK8M55;fewwemeraM;ewes r U O ted*3J0W «J0._‘ _ ____L

POBTLAND‘u v e s t o c k ' PORTLAND, Dee. IUR (U S DA)

-Hogs; RecelpU ISSO: alaughUr lusts' 10 to l3e Jjlgber: buUc and -YJ srly top Ughl butchers M55;;over nd ^ e rw c lg h U 19.15 • ,down; ^ tavles doim to M .afid below; no ^ w ltr pig* sold early: atklng steady

'S u itL jle c flp u 'iio o ,' talvei 80;. ^ ptnlngulM stctrandtheitocklook Mlo50ehlgher:tw(lloadsgoodun- t r noo pound i t ^ MJO wiUt one

elllng rtadlly up to $7:. cowt to IS rlUi 17.00 bid on on's ouUtonding ^ . »d : IndluUoni buUc desirable the c(]p( tockwillclearatM55up;IlUleearly ^ lovementof bulls, c i ^ o r vealers; tklng ileadyto higher prlcca.Sheep: Rectlpls 1830; only tarly

ale two decks under 70 pound lambs 1 feeder lUih tSJO to M.79: looks twilr. ___ • isoi

DBN>‘EIt6»EEP DENVER. Dec. 1 IffKU B D A )-

Iheep: RecelpU.ll,SOO; run Includes 100 through, supply contlsu ol bout two loada fat landM, ono load |M , balance (eedlng lamta; ahort ^[.1 B fat lamta to city butchen aleady t»-75; average 81-pound deck fa t ^ w ^ 8355: looks steady; noUilns ^ one cn feeding lambs; Indications ,lleu ttlead y ._ ^


i«ol !s very Ught bul a feeling ot lopelulnets Uiat Uie volume of busl- n.U{ lets may Increase In Uie near future -«ej I being displayed by membera ol Uie t c root In d l u a re iu lt of more numer- pato ma rtcelpu reeenUy. et um ple lot* ),uot tetlpUnUwUiJorclgiuinddcmesUo.^ cooU at Boston conUnue very anall.-^ yj®, )unnfUiewetktndlngNovtmbcrJ9, oUie tctlpuof'domeiUc vooUam'ounted ocea 0 300.000 pounds u e^p ared wlUi butt ,J85,100 poundt during prevloui but


' m i i i i i s . ' f :^ D«


?) Al - PoUtoesi Demand fair: Jullaarlitt daU: RaaseU Ns. 1 norily <^nll,(ew 9S«:Ns.2 areand60c.aome Dk lower; Rorals No. 1 17* to fite.

TWIN FAUSS Demand slows rJi}! matkti daBi BstseU No. 1 9Sc to OaU

eiiliiif lO 'M A IlK E T ~ ^ '" ' Jut CUIOAOO, Dee. 1 on 'tU S D

A) >- Patttoea: BecelpU 167 ear- ' loadi! en Vaek 357: toUl Unlled P( RUles ihlptnenU (Utordsy 659. tutu Hnnday 41: it*a(^..U»dlng ratoer ilaw seteoni et~wtalber! uekto, ^ per cwl; Wbeentla roand whlUs m 11.40 to IU 5. fan trU ib rr: Idabo RotteU No. 1 II.7S to S1J3. motUy i i j s to II.9S: No. a ti.4» to ilso; rolorsdo MeOarf*, best branded ^IJO to 11.90: alllbUy fcoun |L«0 >; to lI J S ., I

A.- N. Bonwttt et Cnrrj, Idabo. h u been appototed SALES BEP. BESENTATIVB fer Twin Falli and Jeremt Co. lor Uie SUbl Osldoee Enterprise Co. II waoi- Ing fabblU on Ihe ceolnel plan ]' I -

m c E E S3 6 L l A R S ™ « W H E N j ^


f o u L O o k c o J E S *

j l

EMBER 2,1530^-^ ^ . .

^ l H W JEN n ' BU T £ ) - « '» T O tO \

1KAS. h S T j \

o E E P e '* p o s s 3 ^ J e ^ e s e s - tyTRor*j& 1fe«lWOUTH AM O 0 4 I M -

{ PIC .U R B S L 6 ( J 0 6 « . / K f t AM O U T U E - y


l iT P I S lP

. dlrei

rices Hold St'eSdy in Faoe jJE

of H uge D eliveries On u

D ecem ber G ra in C on trac ts

- - • TlBy JOIIN P. BOUOUAN !!f„

AswcUted Press Martet'Wltort- ^ CJUCAOO. Dec. 1 - In Uie face *r> Ult tact Uiat wheat deUverlM pn “ ‘’J

•cember'conlracU reached a huge “ “ Ul of about 1S;000,000 busheb to- “ prlee. held attady, Uie-Alet U\l io n w u U atase x p tcW U ieb u tt N Uie mountain of wiieat apparent- tound lU way Into Uie strong

inds of g o v e rn m e n t- tp o n - ■ Kd agencies, and tha market toen- re k ^ an even keel fluctuations W belngm csU ytracU onaland ' flwlng no decided' trend. M ^ * « lllle, wm advanced owing to win- r weather, aod tmoUness of re- •“ ■j

S i ln g q u o l^ n s 'o n wheat were

;&S5SnSi;«S; ffiince, and'provisions varying from

5 u » w u .m lo lo * i c ^ p lm < - r tor Uie current •monUi was at anau City, whero Ute'.dtUrertes ^

le grtalest InltKsl u to Decembwulndtllverleaeeatored^iom uehI wheat u on com. IXi the sur- Wl

unttaiiee w u gtnerally taken u vIdewo Uiat nobody In Cblcago was tastlUlnc to let go ot eom unUl ooa- u , illltd to, or a t Itait w u glvtn tocne tstaiccial'Incentive.. TTo aome extont, wheat values 0 m - be' lUUiedatUmuwlUidownUimiot lotatlons at Clverpool and Buenos q Irn owing to favorable weaUw t v j t , io A r g e n U n r « t» rh ;^ O n - t te 1,-, her hand. Uie am ount'rtw hw tm ^xan pasiage ihovtdT3A<M0 i> |yu taUing o tt e o m p ^ -wlUi iT w te in S .U ie united SUUs heat vltlble tupply decrtastd 3,448,- 10 buiheU,'. , . nwIn the provblon market, lard thow- 1 -flrmnen- dtsplto dowstums of o ,. 3g raluts. • _ ■

m eat-i'Open,’’n iih i low Ctoae [)0C .-^74K 75 ' 74 74!i j nkJar.'___.TIK 77*; 77 77*4 “ e4 a y ___ 7m .79K- 78S 79!4luly’'__74 !i -14U - .73!i. 7411

y T * — 75H 78W 75>.i 73?i aar. _ 7 8 < i 78H 78 78« ,

Jec. ___34!i '34!i 34H.'’34»;' Jdar. , ^ 9 ' 38'i 38 , 38H Tie

___37<4 3T?i 3754 ^7»

POBTUND GRAIN • I PORTliAND, Dec. 1 VPKWheot 1 ituretclostd;Deoecnber87Kc.May I

J O I N ' ST he u n d e ra ljil td ' wlU « ] l a t Com d n in d i , 2 inU om iu lh nndth » h l « h w , '« r » » “ •

.U m io i J i r i d • WEDNESDAY, D). . . O .T .H n d io d ta n d G li

■■OwnenH o l l e n b ^ & SnlI{Tan, AnctSn;!

".t h e k i n d t i m

( P O O ft \I l o r a .. ,\ S H S 'S . , .

l | p S = ^ = =


MADISON, w u.. .Dec. : ^ f American a i l t U tpoken Ulbo^lTM.-000 pw lict to be c«Ddueted by tbe U nnlitle Sodety ot Amirlca under UreetlonolKPWl?lc«UU. •

The completed worlc.wlU be a Uo- • - aU u of the Uniwd Bute*

tnd Canada, according W Mllet L.Hanley, aitiitan t profettor of Eng- llih a t the Unlvenlly of p i ^ n and a jflembtr of U a eoasaUtee tn ,

' m * ‘eommlUe«lU worfc wKh definite I vtaws ot learning Influeiw* which havo tfwptd the Ungusgs of the t i ^ ( ^ , tlons. The work wlU c o w a period ot six yea n . i •

N i E i i i l l - - — ■ IS F J iliil lT ,MOLBERRY. Wd» Dec. 1 W>-

Wlnnlng 91 poInU out ot a possible lOO, aeveland Comta, St>na ot Mulberry. Indian*, d w e his nine*, hone plow team to Uie champion- thlp In a national blg.hlUh.contnt .•

While 330p ipectatocs a p p l ^ his cool predrion. Combi pMoUd his powerful team, hitched thrte abreut to a heavy gang Plow, with no more effort and for no lest eiftt- Uve plowing than 11 he were brew­ing land with a'two-horte walking slow., The award w u bued on Uie Uae required to plow one and oM-hall sert*.- honemanihlp and Uie quality v ef the work.- . ^


V IEN N A .DttTcw -A talk In'building Autirla'i loftlttt highway in the Alpt h u bten under­taken. •

•ms road a t lU hlghett'point win • be'C300 feet above the, tea. I t J l l be 30'mllet Ions and cost ll.TtOMO-

Crosslns the Orosilockner range.It wUI connect thd provtacM o( Salt- T>urr"«wI“ Carimma7-ttlmlnittiigPTesentJong.»toun.----- ------------


leal IniUtWe, to rtudy WrUi and , S o rlX ^ ^trtnds in Uie soviet / lon, ha* btcn opened W«^under t te All-Union Academy of Bdtnee*.

hard winter, northtm iprlng, west-

“ j t t ^ ? c a r ttce)pU:-Wh«*t B.

CHICA O O^U O BA IN!. CHICAOO. p ec. 1 (ff>-WheatLNo,------iT haW ^H e: NoTnforUitm.itahg

1-Tie to TJHc; Mo. 3 white 13c. -------^ ^ u i Ni. i white 3«H c:Ko,a*h!to36eto3«Uc.

rtjre: Nosale*. .•Barley:.,450 to 88c.

= ^ ~ ------ — = :k

S A L E , ja t publle u l e . a t (he H ay 5 i n d 2 m i le s W « lo f E d e n ,o n o r th a n d 2Vj m il ts c m I of M ige, on D E CEM BER 3

G Itn C oiad , E f la te

6 , H . E . G ttf tie lf ln g e t, G e rk


L x i s M Y .A P F L C , ____

- g o

■ ■

BINOMIflj “DmM Tnti't »» • U M rtikM tM U crdU llu lonnar.' h li wU*. *TOB to* f ln i “No.

S . ; ,

S " u “’. T ! 2iii.“ ,S S 2 S i

< M * * * e ,B a d D * T ld b « le |tf2 ; ii,o qherro

= , ■ ^ ^ 3 3 2 ^ ^ ^ : S tMd U U r u n r l>Kk im dcrJib ipoUec

r u n r i p ^ • a o a Ui ia WHb> •■Rei

S l ^ w l n b «nd’vroTet extmiwlr her ni twtmlar !a Mcitir tlWK> ' Brtsm* |j

. VrnbL tb i b B»di aQ Um m M m<

tMt,»tU>e,««plUL Pwiny

■ '■'.7“d ta p U rW - • " jw 7 5 ' T u t . B i a n OP D u cm iN B t»pu )

Dartd tn itelr rtMnted Jtanjf'* ,^01k .-dreoplnc <pinu. 119 told.hlaieU tU l i

. tha tPviarkdfflllM Uul U w u her eloM t own (ault U ut Uur vcra v hen Uier ^ were, yet »h8 nsKle Uttle or » effort *n il» to n ik a the bett or Uw iltuaUon.

And atter aU It v u no deiperat« ptt M hardship to Ure wlUi hU mother, to ^

There waj oo reil JurtUlcatlon ' tor Pinny-i k u f tace. Ito vould flhelto,

, hare tt out vilij ber. > w *"But Vhat hnve I doneJ- aiked «»ilT

Fanny. “lU w 1 eTer'tompUlDed»"]Why e . "Not In vord*. • Dut .Jour taee.-Uie u i your nuoner are .* eoDJtant re-,«niioi proich. im not M happy in the k : binlr; but I don>olteo rtouie about hrae. J f . **® 1

■•'I-m lorry, dear. I nerer dreamed ol reproaehlnj you.” ..s • • , " “ P*

“I’m lare ot Uat. But If* al- mort more lJ«n 1 caa bear to see ded. n J-ou unhappy hef# and know that I {JB Upi am poverlcM, tor tbo preient a t ber. leu t, tb take you away." ^ !•

Pinny'a llp< tKmbW ._'.fh«, M l.b e f« an orerpowertnc ttim ot talTure. « but She had promtoed heneU that Nld Ihould not piy 4k leeond time tor M v a

— herdellnQuenelef.-It^rt»-lKr-ca«--“ Uedleuneu and weakneu U ut kept them to Cloughbaire, dependent on ^ bi Uncle Judd aod MoUier Prwt’i beenr vhlmilc*. Tbe leait ih» could do, i»e re I f jh e « a .any food a t all, « keep C iria’i coutmo up., make hli DaiW . lioun a t home a period ot peace tw U Aiul efinleDtmcnt.' laaani

Bt» had tried; Ibe bad tr ie d -!c ^ W bu lihe muR not dweU oa that, i t . c b ^ v a i not Darld'i fault that hli moth* » id m

.r r did not Uke her.. II would pain Br hlm 'to. point out .to him the e tl. ba cto dentei of that unrcmlUln* and In- « / « ereulnj dlillke aod.dlttpprobaUon.,!*!** o But they vcTiJlke a black cloud,! At i aUtllM her, iffifhlnff her ■down.-M»-“ihrlveTlnj herega •

80 Pinny nimmonM ft rallin t young imUe,-auured Datld her Urer proS*.«J“^ ' «bly WM out of order, tniUted th it It w u couenie to aaume U ut ilie v u not happy. The nert crenlng ths oombed her hair wIUj ipetUl

' cire, put on a new claret>coIored dreu <D«Tld « u fond ot redi). hun;

be- Uie paper boy. but.Mn. F m t el* H llJI ready bad caught il ib t of ranny and

. aUed to ber 10 come Into the UTlng n l

” ^ ' t U a t a new d t» T " '‘■Yei.. I t w u ooe Julleito bought .

in Paris and.nirer wore. I ttr maid .BDF « made It orer for oe.” '. 'Kevi)

. '.'You hare Accepted a eenUy _ g o o d deal ttom JuUette. Are you g ir ttl

“.‘’f f M o t h f f ' . l . l o S i *“Your eottume leemi a IlUle lecRta

dreuy (or home. The color doe* not « ; Al become you. I ihould hare it dyed.- Jo n ^

"If* M daik if* aUtioit b lack - ' n v JulleUe Ihought tt tooked partleular* vlUi i lyveU onm e."' ••• oreT.a

’■JuUette. leemi to hare..a tute.reDtla: ' for the outre.'* .1

. DaTid, hoverer, w u gtatefnl, I i n r im lM a t her lovlogly, iqueetlnc HHL her hand under tbe table. Ai it UIHD rewoUng tbli.harmony, a battnony . m whlcb UDffllitakibly ueluded her. IU Mn. Fn»t Ihaltercd it. . ‘ 111

"TMi attemooa whco you vert

.“Oh. m - io lorry.” cried Panny.- I Jett her in Uw kltehen viUi Leo. S'*® *

"na'imdVljiinla. T trg tr j^ 'u io U P -" ; ;™ er bottle" u u w i

“Are y o u 'n n It w u SbeU ir *“4 ; , MkedDavid.

« "Tht botUt v u on lU ltd! bUt cmptled.^and BbeUa reeked ot tbe

* * ^ P ^ y elrcumitanUil etldenee. S'S'*!) “'b u t I'm atrald Uw youn* lady U

suUty. Panny. Tomi ta re to itand h e tlnaco tne r." . .' “I'm u n Ihe didn’t mean to be MUSI naughty. Sbt'a lo Jood ot pertumei >i| and I otten Jet ber nneU my itop* r l per. Undoubtedly the eUmbed up to m ell youn, MoUwr Prott, and BOT dropped thebotU t.-- Kew*)-

-Sht-t been attor It m enU tlmei. k p r « Only thU morninc I expretOy tor* Educai b a i t o . h e r t o t o u c b i t . * r . r . - .■ nmiei ^ i b t ’i »o UtUo. but r n taUt te her t j b

, _ i in t tbe ao taln* .'!^...:— lu jter ' “SbeUa U almoit tour~<iulto oU cailU

enough' to b t Uught Uu dKfercnet between right and'vi«B g. - ThU moml&c; Dartd. iho found, Mn. ‘^ e j flumm-i mnk oa 'hcr• petchr and w ' f i

, pound'It dovn-A ra t hole.-Teiter* i day. Ihe nnicrewed aad carried e tt 5 ^ the catohee on' M ti BrooW -cufr. ment wtodowiT■ • , ' ^ ..

“Had you heinl o t U>li. P m r i "Certainly." Mn. 1 ^ aniwered F

for Panny, “but Panny leemi to think Iho ha* dona her whole duty — by npticlng Uw . mloinc ■ aitlclu m

“I'm not certain ihe took Uw -------ierevi,'and Uu UtUe fleynoldi boy pot her up to pouting Uw mUk down De«

. the hole. He told her tbe ra t w u Plttibo hungiy. Her moUm were enUnly altruUtlc. Bbtlla may bare ta ber l a n r i

■Uwmiklngi o t a great. phlUnUtfo. TCar pltL * . ' , M.Kel

Dartd laughed, but hU InoUwr Add. laW drjly: - .

“X taa to iee leoU either o t r a - _• eroilty or phUinUtfopy la glrtng . Wan away v h it doet not belong to you. J. EBoi ^ b e ^ o w a la k e X luggeit Uut 10 9 M OheUa b» ipujktd r Uw th»n tea*

• .»on«wiUi m uie momlng."“i n puntoh SbeUa-but X could Wan

oet b u r .to.iptnk ber,': u id Paboy H asill .A lU U etrem iS .* - . ■. U ll .

IFA H TY l~^

tedM n-Proit. itw u X w b O B N I dliobeyed."— ■ vNo." ttld Pinny... J re i i In her 1 e m her roico w u banh and ^ xcesiarUyempbaUc. There were tf > r« l ipote on her cbeeka and I halt tOH trom ber chair. ■ .Ttwte U no leaMO." tald her Uxr-lo-Uw addly. “tor aMumlng < manner ot a Ugreti defending / •young. I t u b e o H u e l U i ^ w li eh j.U*odd»«ib torJ? i4 . .§.tre-to-iet-her-grow.Jip-into a iUed. forward chUd vhom ereiy- tiwUldtoUke"' IReally. Mother. I Uitok y«« » * I;erate," lald D artd .' ^SbeUa h u fr■ naughty ipelU. but u a rule [Lt la veil behaved and eaiUy n ^ - Wfd. Ferhipi ibe U a UtUe ipoUed ITsilt I'm atrald It -wUl w r t « t m!cr it- the dbclpUnlo* U lett to »myandmfc" • //,r

ijS Snc at'T iiiny . D artd ' ^t the w u trembUng and wry ^ le to tean. -Why d 3 h li motbtr'e to ipoU tbtcT enlngbybuU l^ - n Ibout SheUaJ But r t count i ^Ud: It. w u iu r p r i i t f ig i^ W d I . Jw'long- 'I iw a s a b w r d p f m take It 10 lertouily. Bed f«* den hU moUiecLto loterten-Wth Ua. and hto moUwr had taken ^ * / e i t in good part; w u al- ^

ly Ulklng o t ' lomeUting etu. y eouldnt Panny. Uie rtctw. do ume? He'd had hli tlU ot dto*

1 aod aalmoHtles a t the Tnln ,k: he eould bear no mora at Jfc • ' .TnlnIt patted'PannjrS-knee.itaiiur- Ttain iy. but u Uiey Jett Uif table he tapered authoriUUvely. "It'i all 4ed-let'a forget ll." Panny nod; T tm :. managed to imUo a t him when Upped her face baek and Uned T nln

k . i lw d ld n o t forgel. Year* >nw beaiheUyinbed.ezhinit*. Leave but-triumphant, with tbe Uiree* Airtn itoid.8beil* in her. atmt,5. ^ ( l — rd M n. Protf* heavy d ^ - L em ied.tteid.comlnKJoFnJbe_h*!!, ArrtTi my had toreieea a conteit over i baby.) Proia U u t in t Uien had

n ratloui minor iklrmtoha; sow Arnit| real bitUe had begua ' i^ctre

( Mn. rroet lived to danee at Arrivi rld i golden mdding Panny'knev t ibe would lUU wlte munvelcomeouUlderandlgnon liitenUy her th a rt In Dartd'* K I” Idrea. BheUa was tp be ihiped t molded, pattejl and ipanked Into f f ? ; Brownbeck pattern. Bhe would cloUied Bnd.Bhooled. mannered imaxlmed into her gnndmoUier'S I ot "a pertect UlUt Udy.",t .l6 the would bo 'aiklng ot a r-icliooteuto, "flut wbo U iheT’ ctlylnthom annerofthatabaird mg moll, Lily Brownbeck. In* X «« tably Uu day vould eome when " d » ' would^oMUon Panny. “But who

l you rtitbe rt Ahd who w u the ' ndmother tor 'w hom. I am Airtn oed r • . Lean

(CooUnued to Next Utue) L o n

iB i f lN C E I r SiS E L E C T fttS j

-----• - BENIDRLEY, D ^ X (Special to Tiit Wan ) -o tllee ao tP a u ia ra n g e ,re* M. H,Uy elected, aro u foUowa: Mir- P ^t t Keek, m u te r: Carl BUrk, over* WarJTluUrMeMmahTlcelurtifMfi: Marx eph Jone*, chapWn:-Berte-SUer.rttaiy; Henry Hackman, treasir* Blk tAlrtn Brown,- itoward; Jotejai . Wa

i^ .u d iu n tito w a rd ." ' ^t v u reaolved to ooopente foUy >016. h all oUier'Gnuigei In puttingr.a tucceu tu lfU toanngeeon* -illoo a t Burley In Januaty. [

bgeI E M ebs "NlLEyPOIliill“n’_______ ______ ___ olM ilAiTTJv, rw : 1 (epedU-to-The ^*5 ri)-M emben of the Effle Hunt* imUy held'a reunton in Rainbow “ J, I hera TIunkigirtng day. M n . ie Hunter, 10 ehUdrtn,' nearly all th*-M-Jirtnc.BraadehUdrtn.-,ahd M great gnndcbUdnn wera prn*

IwehUdranan: Mn.EttleWa1* ^ P O , Mn. Luela Price, Oyiua Hunl* ^ uH.Mabel(Uchlns, Nelion Hunt* ^ Mn. Manetto MarUndale. Mn. Mlooi nerera Emery. M n. Thurxa Pu* P nn t ; Edward Hunter, and Mn. Louu biddei h im . -.V ueoa


m y IN BAND IN B O I S E 'X ". TOtta:

tURLEY. Dec. 1 (SpecUl to ITie n)-B urley hlgb achool b u d w u ntenUd a t Botot. a t Uie Idaho uaUoa uwcUUon meeUng by tlx S ^ a

Twywttt: nichard Kaar.Wayot ter;aad-Etm . LewU. curlneu; f , V JUunUngton. trumpet; Max Oud*

barium , and Cie* Judd,

■beyptayedloCbVMleflOSpleffii. '^ ^ l i r t n e e O. ItovklnTBilt t t .a ty , who aeted u gueit con*

. ,o t 1■ ban

---------- ^ ------------ PrwReal E s ta te T ra n s fe r s J ! ! £

----- --------------------------------- IN^ ^ t o ^ l o u n w m i u i i j „ u „

-------- ...' , ••---------- SouNOVEBIBEB U In Ul

•eed ot Water Rlcbti-P(b)ilea* Ban tb(iTt»ftiutOo.toPeopJei-PllU* Noll gh I h u t Oo. U n d i 'la Bilmoa 8. IU er dlitrtct - ^ U teiZarru)tyD.«-RtxBuektoOrrUle appUc Celty. l i m LetS,B!k.l,8ealor rupto] 1. : • • allpo

: — i— .■ , ibowiKOVEMBIS<l'*!''rr pnya

raniiity XX-^Sdward Abbt to n . grant* O oaall. B W » lO liB lf N W In tab U t ■ ■ • . 3 tU d

, • • ,• , , mien,.' NOVEHBEB t s ' ' . UeuUl

'am oty D.—John K. a rie r t ■ te tbe o( e i a j n w n , » l o m WU 8W a -^Oln I. genenJSi SUabetb aptcu

MVr R«t> M itC i Thw M 0R W N 6- MS

V O O . YHI BfcBV C*j\ - 6 K - 'THKTl A t\

n y \ S l

m T m , \SebedoltforruM iicerTnlniaad ^ etor Biwc« r u ila g TbroBgti Iwta s =lUi. ' ------

OBEGON SaOBT U N F 1 I. - Eutbotmd 0

rain I t leive*________ 9:0$ F. M.ralo JM le im ________ 1:10 A.M.

WcttbeBBd'' ___i!n « I t iv ts___ ___ll :U P . M.■aia IM leavei______ 8 :« P. M. *“


^ 539 learet.:.— L uiao P. M.

l lo ato amvet______ S:M P. M- F O f!PICKWICK STAGES

Eutem Scbedolt . ONtCAve Eutbound______ 13:30 A M . ■rtw from EaU--------lJ ! 30 A Mr ~_ ..WeUera.Bebed«l«!are Wetlbound----------7:00'a. M. _ l lTlTe from.Wtit______ I3:0I.A_M. deli


rare________________ 1:00 A M LAR(■Hr* p. M. eon late— «: 15P. M. and.

Eaitbound 7 ^rrtve______________ :U40 A. M,* « ^ _ _ ^ 3 : M ^ ^ n ^

lare, , „ J : .» :M A M . sWEDOISE LOCAL* u t

rave------------------ i— .130 P. M. p e „rrtve----------------------- 8:15 p. i l keu

TWIN FALLS-BU88 —•tre________________7:00 A. M. I^ORtrtve_______________ l l : « A. M MC•are______________-6:18 P. M.rdve____________12:00 Midnight E. N,


' ■ ■ Mth'rann to Prank T. Renely. »1. LoU •IB, Blk 71, Twin PaU i;.W amnty D.—Tvln .Palto Rod & — m Club to J. D. Eirhart. IlOO. P t n : KE» I IT. ,,Wairanty D .-P»y O a to Miude . Hinkle, |1 . Lot S. Blk 3«, Twin

Warranty D,-Byion WllUami to “ arrE.-WllllimjrtlrW!i-8B-3«-10 —2 “ . P t NW.NB-SI-W48. l o u 11,13, k 7. Blue U k ei Add.Warranty D/-A«hle E. Maon to idnw B. Herron, |1 . W « NW 31


Legal A d v ertisem en ts emei------ ------------------------------------ proo

daycNOnCBOPSALE dayi

tbe ProbaU C w t ot the Oouaty g |fS »t Twin PaUi, BUto of Id ih a ' m U » Maiter ot Uw auirdlaothlp „ q1 Maty KaUiertne Proroit, Barban ^ iane_ProToit..DotoUiyj.«iUeinfe jom roit and Rogn Crow Proroit, mln«

HoUco U bereby glvea U ut in pur> ine« ot an order'of the PrOQato urt.oLTwln.fUto.County.Jdabo. .e,ui Ida no Uie 33nd day ot November, ug to. In'UwmaUcr ot lha guanUan* d e ^ Ipot Mary Kitherlne Proroit Bar* n tc j n Jane'.Piorott, DoroUiy LouUt oedt orett and Roger Crow Proreit, mSo loon, Uie undenlgned wUI ken at InU 'ca lt'to the hlgheit and bett . w Ider, and lUbJeet to Uit eontlnna> u i t : Q of n ld Probato Court, on or after J t h » 4th day. of December, ino , aU »rtght,UUeBndlnterettotthei*ld sidg U7 KaUierint Proroit. Barbara bSS ne.Provut, DoroUiy Loutoe |>ro* itandR ogercrow P rovoit,I^on. ^ tn aad to Oie toUowlng property, u i

■wlti. • ..ULUodlrlded .one-halt intorut la Adm d to to t “D-,Towniltc .of Hanien. « rta PalU County. Idaha ' • . ^ 9kU In n iU o f tor tald property D b t Retired by Uie-underaigaed Eita ttu o tfln o f Uie Probato Jod ttrio ~ u i I O n s t‘Boute, a t Twlo PalU, NoUto. • - .................. L__rw m iofiale: Caih. » “ :— DaUd November 33nd. lUO.

OLKNORAK.PROVOffr lardUn-ot Uw Eitate aHd penoo >t Mary KaUierine Proroit, Bar- » r i Jaae p roro it DoroUiy LouUe

aad Roger Crow Praroat,

IN B A m tip T C y NO. 4121

SouUiera Dirtdoa. ' "Ui« MaUer of Elmer B. Requa.

Bankrupt .HoUc« u hereby giren. U ut Bmer R«qua;bw'fU«d in' Uit' Cattod

Oea Dtotriet Court tor Idaho: hto pUaUon for dUcharce- In bank* I ptey. and U ut aU credltors'A at| penoni la totereit a n requlnd te ra ctu it i t aay Uiey^bare. why U» lyer ot aald.peUUon tbouid not be inted by tatertBTUtdr appevaaet tald pieoiedi&gi, ea or beton tba ■b day of Deetmber. ItJO.'aod with**Uwreafter. tUlng Ult par* uUr grouodi of Uieif-oppotiubii l a I otflee ot Uie aerie ot aald Court; 3lm-UDder ih t auUiorily-<(ltot • aerajflrtttaot *ald Oourt, and by 1 >ri«l ^|iii

„ TWIN PALLS D A I L T ^im , TWIN falls", IDAHO, Tl

f t i P GUM

/ 'THB t« 'r « w

CWlRlX&t- I ANO 5MAR-. «WSLU • H itV M - ^ V HE sJUS

\ A t M 6 -V - tM B P

V _ BV



AUWaBrAdiaUviaadaetlrt’aad,-U ie y briag Uw btiytt.; «AY .

■ PboaaM- ,■ • HAY-

5 r S a l e - F r u i t s ,V e 0 0 l a b I e s i = ^'. ■'------- •------- ------------- niES

NtONS SOUND LONO KEEPERS PeO) ak3JeperaAck.‘ 33l,7thaTe.NorUi. AUey.

PPLES A ^ N O . 3 OEM 8 ^ 3 , ] r ^ J ‘tmUes e u t on Kimberly Road^ . pteli

MCIOUBAPPLEBALLQRAPEB..i!!^ •< mUe souUi ot Kimberly, PJiooe.l w iin H4. , . • ; feet IVROE JONATHAN APPLES BZA* I i i i i i i eonablo. O .E .C elrrrt4 lhareE ut 'nvO Id Loeuit B t Phona 1B3M. e t iPPLE OIDER, WINTER APPLES. tquuh, onloni: whoIeuU aadre* BACR lU. A tD flryiloR . J.A ;Johnion.I Con

m s s TURNIPS, NO WORMS, ! p a .f ubbage and earraU,. applet and .— ;aci.fineydUlplck]et.'PubUoUar* FORi ! t • , - 3fc

OR'SALE-300 TONS CARROTS" exceUent to r n b b iu . eblekttii, j _ Ilty catUe or bonea.. Pbone l i n J 3 . . ^ R . .N, Hendenon. . . . f clol

PPLES POR SALB-YOUR’WIH^ -ler applu a n now m dy tor you ------

IE.L..Wonacolf*Orchird. 3m iltf HER: u tU iouU i of Twin FaUt oablgb*;^. lUi ay. All rarleUet a t Uito Ume. Como.oey, I i r ^ and get your choice... . AtPli

• • " - • • ' . i T win

Jth'diy’of Norenlber. i m '• ^ I OUY L. JCXNNEY, '• .<>«

Referee in Daokruptty. ,-« P■ — ^ Jng. ■

, IN BANKEUPTOY NOrlOtt—a tlie Dtotrlct Court ol the Unlled SUUI. for Uie Dirtrtct ot Idaho, ■ Bouthem DIrtilon. ■

n Uie MaUer ot R. A. Ring,' Btnk- ^

■NotlceUherebrgiren, U atR , A. llns >iu llled'ln’Uit UnlUd-^Utei ilitrict Court tor.Idaho, bto appU*. = Itlon for dtocbarge In baokruptey, nd Uut aU cred ltonud d l penou .ilntoreit are required to tbOw UUH ------' any Ihey hare,.why Uie m y n ot POR ildpetiUooahouldDOlbignoMby Set nlering Uielr appeannct Ui u id Whit roceedlngt, oo or befon Uw. 34Ui H aat ay ot December, 1130, and WlUUn ten ^ ayi tberaafUt, tUlng uie pinieutof round! of Uielr ^potlUon io U» , nice of Uie Clerk of laid Court ^ OIren under Uie auUiorlty of Uie

e n e n to n fe n o fu id c o ttr ta n d b r Kdal order ot Uie undenlgned, Uito )th day ot-NoremberrJWOrr - - r ^

OUYL.KIHNEY.. Refent la Bankruptcy.


Notlct U henby glrea by Uie un* r , " enignedadmlntolntororUieeiUte t Carrie N. Btone, deeeued, to the — redllon of atid aU penont hiring . ■ , tilmt agalnit Uw tald deeeated, to ^ xhlblt Uwm wlUi Uie neeeesary ouchen, wiUUa.ait monUu after (It t in t publlcaUon of Uito noUce, ^ sUieuldadmtatotntoritUwoffteo tE .L . Aihton. P in t Nallonil Bank ” “ 1 ildg,CltyandCountyofTwlnP»lto, }}»» Uto of Idaho, UiU being Uie pUee |™ » IxedforUietnniaellonofUiebusI* ‘n J " euo tia ideiU ie . . o t 'nDiled Norember 39.'1930. '

. CHARLE8M. BTONE, ,dmlnUtrator of Uie eiUle of Carrie W. Slone, dcceaied.

NOTICE TO CBEUrrORS ita to of Prank 0. WUUimi. de* Swee:' « u ^ ' -------------- :— -------------- '<««».HoUceU hereby glreo by Uie un*

^ = = r - ■— TH

iiiu ,

WANTED 1of Nl glten

-Qean— 1 Cotton I JAGS i

OFEICE -JI n t t

_____ ____g W.

\ I P S ~ r H E H A N D B

LIT i m r u fWlNt. Vou A R T - 'THKT t H i l b n e v e r yo

O PP OF MS - IUST ttcr THCfte ANB LOOKK& - AN& s m i l e d -

i P I R \ t TIM S HE

d s - B a r g= = : ^ = s s = = = ^ =

F o r Salo M iscellaneous


;a FOODS EVERY DAY. PUBLIO ROO: M a r k t t . __________ ^\Y DELIVERED, $13W PER TON. BOAICall tnaw._________________ _ An

\Y -FO R -B A IX DELXVSRED, STRICaU 337 Jitkion, » a ^

tra i l MEAt I n c h u n k s AT ROO; [>eopIu Market, next to Bpvling gar

lil:_____________________ — ROO!IR SALE-BABY BED COM- met >Jeto atoo high Chair. tOilUiAve. — tUu Phono 633W.HITE ROTARY MAOHTNK, PER- tfct aU atuchmenu IIOJW. Cily Ito Park. OolUgeM. ^VO A m CIRCULATOR HEAT* ^ era. M cement blocks. Wm. 0. ^ R jlbert. Phone 303J31.iCRinCE - WHITE ELECTRIC Con.<wIe, Uke'new, ISO; drop head HOU. nstr W.rColUge a Clly. Auto «» .tk. *22^

5n»BALE-DEEP.8TEAK IB TO POR 33e lb. OUier cuu aeoordtngly, „ iur ecUlonchunki. WhltoCllylCur- Seh»

____________ ' FOR}R_6AtE ~ BLACI^ teOAD* ^ln« clom Eniemble tur rnm m kooat l>omi edaanew. 131910th ArenueX ut ^ ion6 2(i3W. ^ERB8 - FOR SALE by, IL J . «hoo Raucli, good (or all itomach^ kid* ^ ly. bowel, liver and blood troublei, PlrBPolntitore.BlueLaku8lon,' r ig PaUi, Maho, - '■ >V- “ Sf

m SAL^WIND BHIELD AIID door gUu, Auto topa and curtain repair, canru-ar^d canru rtpilr- g, ThomeU Top and Body TOrtt. ^ck-otrDancttobd.- -----------FO It

■ ganiPOR SALE . Apat

UB'T'ONBHAYBYniESTACfc. ~Em eit Egin. U. 0. Ranch. TOR

Pli8BeOT«3,-Klmberty— ^

1 CaUt

. F o rS a le o rT ra d f l

3R8ALE0RTOADE-DELAVAL { S llSepantor neuly new, 13).- ^ phon -hito. Eden, 1 mile norih, '.i r a t —ioaen bridge. LONii ^ 5 " c O A ^ “5 rM O D 5 rF 5 R g : ^U wtock or prefenbly light truck, t ia B. Smith i'.i c u t north on (or x

tmberly Hlghvay. , Loog

3R BALE OR TRADE-HAVE A OALJ number of promiilng grade hcUen, -m e n$6$rvni.tflH e-(or m e ra r o u r towi trdalnUpiorlngarem aikibleln* n t* . e u t io hU diughUn’ production perpn e r their dimi. We are ntaUiUig ond . lly rcgtotered anlmitoi. E .J. Hunt = = ~8«.-ph0De'?SJ3, mile well- of . ' a rey . . ’= = = S ^ = | = = SEW nlf& cdadnantotntorotihtetU to FraokO.WIUUmAdeccutd.tothe MAI edlton ot and all penont haring He ilDU agalnit Uie lald deoeued, to ~ ihibit Uiem viUi Uw. necetiary MOI ucbeR.vlUilnibnnonUiiBlterUw m n t publlcaUon or Uito noticc. to — It taw admlntotntor at hi* olHco Ult Moorman buUdlnc in Uie city •

T w in Palto, Cctoity ot TvUi PaU*,Ato ot Idaho, Uito being Ihe plaee ue tedforU ittnm acU onofthebuil* ;— iu o t *ald eaUto. WAIDato(tOeeembertmr. 1P30. ' > or

• m . j , sWe eley , —Admlntotntor. EXP

reeley and Sweeley, •ttomeyi to r .Admlntotntor.— ~ ^

OTICE POR PUDLICATIOlil OP CAP TIME APPOINTED FOB PROV- IKO WILI. I I , . • . J " ”t Ult Probato Court, OBjmtyotTvia — iJU,SUto of Idaho. STEI Uio Matter'ot Ui» EtUto ot A. S. dli OuUt^eceaied. PalbPunuant te an order of Uie Judjte vor) : aald Couh, iBadeoQ'tbe39Ui day PaUi : Norember. 1930. noUee to hereby - - te n U u t Wednetday. Uie nUi day : December. 1930, a t 10 o clock A. M. ^ toi !« M day, atjuw Court Room ot tald oun, a t tn t uoQrr~niHiU'in tn r jjj** ounty of Tvln Patto, h u been ap* Mntod u Uie Ume and place lor — rortng tbe WU of latd A. E.'Outot, eccaied. and for hetring Uie appU* o fu tUoa o t 0. P; McNealy tor Uie totur o t V act to hlra ot k lte n ttftimeatary gire hen and'wben any penoo mty IP - Dec« M rao4eaotoatUitnm e. . M.-(DatMt Noronber 39Ui. R30. o t « ' O.A.BAILEY, Twti' ; v , : EK-otfldo Clerfc.^ bees

OT1CB POB P O B U anO N Olf ^ TIME APPOINTED FOB PBO- appl « t iK o w n x .B i e . ; U«u1 U u Probato Oourt-ot Ihe ooujity o t a •of Twlo PaUi. BUto of Idiho. - whe 1 tba MlUer o ttheD U to of Robert peu W. .Ben. Deeeated. , V -.Di P D i i a m i o u e ^ .o l t& t J u d ( « ( A



ja ins-0 ;F o r fle/il— F u rn ished f

» M FOR RENT. WlONE tSw'. 1 ^


5ARD AND ROOM AT IM OTH Arenue Nortli., ' 0001

ItlCrLY MODERN PURNISIIED box" jipartment 319 3rfl North. ____ ____30M, P U W A (i HEAT, BOARD. garage, ctoie Ui. Phoat 473J. i,ou«

JOM ANO BOARD FOR TVTO 5221 nen.- MO flth E u t Phono 1037. jo R

S p IN O ROOM POR RENT - tntleman prefehtd. Phone I3I3J.

iRNIBHEO ROOM, OENTLEMEN ^ preferred.- 333 3rd North. Phone'

^)R RENT-3*R00M FORNISH* i e n « cd apartment Bungalow Apart- IL P. a u , 3od a rt. e u t ■

OUSEKEEPINO OR SLEEPINO ,.X»* rbom,_printo entrance to.baUi Jh a j om. 4 « 8Ui Are. Ijorth.3R RENT-3 ROOM IIOUSE ALL Idahi tumtohed H mile eatt Wuhington —- Ihool U BouUi: Pbone 893J3. •

DR RENT-PURNISHEO SLEEP* undr Ing room, (Itst floor, modem 8 mil )mt, reuonable. Phono U7S.' weU,

X)U8 POR RENT - FURNACE hea^ lou ot hot water, clou to u q .

Phono 331, 331 7Ui NotUi. p,p ,

UREE ROOM^APa' r T M E N T ?"i« dovntU ln 418 Thltd A rt. Nortlu tione .W*Wci Pleait caU tren lng t ”

tXASANT P R O N T BEDROOM . for reo t Lady prefetred.'‘ Call omlng. Phont 133IW, 103 fU) AW. u t ■ • - \ • - 2)ItRENT-PURN18HEDAPABT-c n R ^ d roomt, heat Ught-watcr, n g e , attractive prict. O rtb tmg a .^ to U . Pboofl-»0«W. •_____ POO

JRNiaaBO COTTAOB A n . IflW chUdn&-tH0VMt:4Ui'Af«.-Ato S s e u n .h u t; tmitohed apt. AdaWfc ■ lUtomUAptfc Phew 1 1 . ~ •

OOM AND BOARD POR TWA POT fiimaot be*t, plenty of h o l t t t i r f t j

lont n m . V ■. ^

dNO-S AD X 6*nOOM MODOW ~boutt 130! 5 rooa SBodiro b o w ^ Ra ;:« joom houielJJ:l-room »od* “■a {urtly fumlibed heuu (uittW t ^ ir T oootn I t i . Ptioiw SO, A. K,» » . . • ■ bic(VLXPORNIA-BOffrON A P A R T . 7 '^ ioeoU.iUimbeateUetrieeoekla|, w nuw dT D o-lum tffT U fflbnuj ^ sw, one block odrtb of Peat ottlce. » p ^ p r io e t. Fboat 1606,360s e cidA rt-N orth.' - " LAY

. S i tu a t io n s W M te ti ;- ^

cwiNO M Ra m N S T A sb inT . — Phoctl<73J, ^ •

lA lSainTV N U R S IN O . MAE lOSI Hqrofr .-Phont lt93.________ »1

tOLUJB 'SMIZER. MATERNnY a n n ln f.. Phone «97Ri________ 30 ArANTEOt>™l»W0 OR CARXNO ta re h U d ^ Phont 1033J. ^

318. EMMA OAMMETER. PRAO* tleal nunt. Pbont lltsw . . 4 "

WANTED-'PAMttY LAUNDRY TOJ? orworkbyhour. Phont673J. H

XPERT DRESBMAKINa AHD RE- modeltng. Retereocei 3 0 SUt are;

^APABLE MAN WANTS WORK ON ab tarm bymoolhoryear.orwUlreot mon hero equipment U furaUhed on 10- u re . .Addt ^ Box 333, Twin PUU*. = = TgAny ;^ p i ^ w m . 'dle>gt mao.'wanU work'ln'Twln

tlto, Pller or BubL. Permanent t r t dctired. P, 0 . Box M, Tvla J ltm. ■ • • . . . WAJ

toachen.itenognphen.cJerk*.«sd ^ ouiewlrta,callforappolntmesUbe* u: wen-hoor-ot-^lgti^^nd-teo-A. M.- —- bon«319J,M n.rannle6UUan.., WAI

• kl

(u ld C o u H ,m id to n U u U )^ d iyt Norembtr. 1930, noUet U henby u,hIreo tba t Saturday, Uie 6U> day ot _lecnaber, 1930, a t 10:00 o'clock A. MOIL -ot u id day, i t Uie Ooort Room teit laid Court a t Uu eourtboute.ln be (i•wta PaUi. Oouaty el Twin P«U i,hu — een appototed u tb t time ^ c esrprortag Ult WUl ot u id Bobert W. ___teCdeeeaiedt and for bearlogiba oRl ppUaUoa ot Oarrte B.:BeU tor Ust 9uaneeteChktlf*E.Joo(^ofUUen t admlatotnUoa wlUi w u’u a n e d ,rhea and vb en any perwa B ty ap- MAlear and conteit Ull u m t . . Pi.Datod November 3SU1. leA.' bel;BMAU ■ ' I t a f i U O ^ C l e r t Hot.

IMBER 2,1980 • '

i U G H

) I m v r^ ^ ^ ^ 1 'V LAUOHEb RIW

i wiSit]

IpportuF o rS a le — R eal E s la fa f "

ISHARES" B ^ 'o N RnT O WA- er. I30M per than . J. 8 . Keel

IR SALE-aO ACRES 3 MILES ffe»t (rf Twin P ^ Phoae-817R3.

>OD~w ’aCRE fa r m 8 ‘M1LE&■ram Twin Falto, Idaho. WrtWxiM .- — I . ----------■IR BALE-MY 14 ACRE TRACT llimllatremeeaterDlttwn.New uie; go«l out buUdlngs. Phone ___

• . • ' '■■' 8DA >R SALE-AN EXTRA OOOD ilghty clou in well Improved might ^ a lder good twenty. Box 3I.Cire

R BALE-100 ACRES OOOD ind With aU modem ImproremenU jo n ll and Electrtelly, 6 miles to Hm* |o itto E d en . LookthU'Undorer. _ P. paul..owper. • ' BmilT o o b b BUYS IN JEROME . = Stotrict^iind.Nonb Side Und wiUi ■B tteit prilea and rery reaionable ^ ■nu to be hid. Bee Ooorgt R. )gihlre, W ut Matn S t. Jtrome, _ibft^_______ ;_______________ oon)R'SALE-1B9.4 ACRES. 3 MXLJffl c u t 6f OoodUig .on oiled road, ^.der Ameriean PaUs d tm . Aboul balnllesof theep fence, 6-room houte, g , iU,wUidmUl, ttonge tank. cenqMlUr trough, concnto granary, 3000 e s s. cioteliy. AU In aUiKa lo Mon- .oa WhlU bean dtotriet Priee 178 j- j- r acre. ttOOOO down, Urmi. In - AOT ire turtber c. B. Hea, OoodUig, Wtho. P. 0 . Box 837> .■*=

JST-HEAVY, YELLOW M l® waUhchaUi. Pbone WU. Reward, j f x

_ F o u n t l . _ i ^ ^

5UND-AN A R 'nC ii O P . T i ^ H t eaoM tttam ebyidenilfylM and F. A LrtMttetUitoad. Phone 810R3...

— F D T - S a l e ^ P o u I l r y '^ iS i

m aAU-Rli()DE ISLAND S , ,5 rrr», p toct 9>m . ■ : = MtiAL£3pUREBRSDBUCT0R- •togton Rottten. E. £ . Cnbtree. a ulecw UOtW._________________ _ r tft. R, RID OOCKEREia NEBIt

Cock tor breedUig UJO each dnrtbg iC J .lL S van . ' .

DR SAL»-MBOB, PINE PURE- ^ bktod&O.RedooeicmU. M n .0 . u o Brovn, Kimberly, Idaho. . . ei

edited Mirey, Phone 1173. J77J

^YIN(j MASH, li f t P R O r m u o HIO; 30% protoUi wlUi dry q, lUetmUk and Cod U rt r OU m s . Atti

F o r S a l e o r T r a ^ " ft

SHARES OP SOUTH SIDE CAN- 'mU ll Co, for u le br trade tor evei. r r 0 . Box 113, Murtaugh.

I ACRES Of WELL'IMFROVED Ult Centnl CiUtoniia Und tor Idtbq otfe •operty. Mn. A. E. Heuley. Jet- vUJ ne. Miho. Otn. Del. nw

? FOP Sale— D ogs ^

5 x r a S r a p u r e T 5 2 £ E A O T *i North WuhUigton School.

. Help W an te d - =

everal a mV i T X o u 8 B O raabout 14 yean otd to earn hoUday o-R oney. CiaatCaUtomliApartnent ,p

= = = = = = = = = = HOW anted^-M lscellaneous J

HAS. UNDERWOOD, POULTRY buyer, pboce.74. mmberly., , t ;

rANTED-PODLTRY. H. O. HUNT- J J cr.. Pboae'903W. , ’ -,'f,

WANTED - CORNfftALS CUT*Mr. Pbone WflH. ■ 10

ifANTED - POULTRY. OP ALL kUidi. J. A. Plynn. Pbont 11904. S

WNTED-WHEAT. WILXi'. P iY abore market Hayts Hl-Orade ■

' 100lORE OEESE WANTSD AT OARe^ : teni Packing Co. Klmberlj. M n t >1k

| g

P e rso n a l ; T

iRPHEUM SHOP AND S O H O ^ PermanenU tSM and lana 'P togw PU

■ireiSitandWe. S t u to U y t t t e t , ^ (ADAM. PAREESB'.'SPQUTUAI. ^ tochologtot ot lios Angttoi will POe l^ ^ rO T 'p io b le m s , Idahom# ioH R -8, •

IT U V i.H l^S ■ \ - l : l&HT OUT W U D .- . ' ' v i

m itie s

i B |Fro fess lonal ,• v f i :


}DAD4!00QIN. Boeoi 4 's ad -fc S Bank.aodTtuitBoUdUt.'Pbooe fc; - 7

IV. k DUNN-Roomi-g tnd 4 SmtmHlmnuUillBT- : :

X a OHUOrer Oloe' Book B m i v

IOBN W. a iA IIA H -U w ytr. Baak ' ' ' and BuUdlng. Phoat N»*W.

)WEELE«*8WEELST>Uwetfltee ' 'Moormaa Building. • - .

B u s ln e d ^

n o w PLUMBINa '* . HXATStG " T ' CO-sbow Room and Sbopi, 1 » ' '

tblrd e u t Pbooe 30., •

ULUNTTNB P L O M B lN f l:* --f DuUag Oa-Sheet Hetal Weita.' - *'/

■ IN80BANC*v.-.- .■

IDX0JN8UBANCB-An eaTtngtfc .

V .-™ "™ * ® '. 'i ''’C; WABBEXG IB A N B m .A .S n n t - ‘'iK'. AQB CO.-O0tf ta d wood. Pbooe V::I t t ' . . - vtfNICDOLS TKANSPB » 8T0K-.

AOt - O utage' bltiled: diQy^ ' . t Phene aoo. ' '


F. a: RO WAN-PalnUng, pipetbf« |- , big aad katooaUabig. .338 «tb

POR'PADrXTKO,' KALBOMINIJf<}'; v;and papertng aee Carter Bret.'A lk.

abwit our credit pUn. Phoat I » i ' MUaiO T E A C n« • . v ^

A u i r o r T R j S a ? ^ n m t S B ' C'-i rtaUnUtcber.'Phoat s m i ' .

■ ..L o an s - '

P A f w l i . o i 5 « w ^ f i vT ;-MONBY TO LOAR-POnXB. R ^

e iuu . . ; ;v ; 'Vp jd sr a c : pa r m -.lo a n s # H » ix r v 2

or34yean. J.W .McDowettPheia, i* I77J1. • 'MONBJt POR SniAM BT ZOAK8 ; .'<V

ea mederb booieilB'.Twln P ^ ; . - ArUntr L. Swim A Oa'OUR TBN YEAR PABM LOAM 0 1 - - '>3 - fen tbe bett Of Intorot ^ u t f -

npaysunt^rflegtfc N o c tib e c a ‘ . ‘ '.\’i■mtottoa LtUoh ai w n u ia i ; 'I AM OPFBRIRO-A VBRT 0H|AP..- !:K

and detinble tarm loaa I UUafc«,; 'Ult bett farm loaa propatHloa a w M ;. ottered oa tb t Twla,PaIl»;diei''H .- - w U JpiyyeutoiH m tbU onpU dnt tffiir loin 0. A Robiiuw. - ■ ..•;. v t.«i ' •;

' F o r Rent— F a r a i s - ; - K ; : ^ ^

POB RENT -W .A 0 R E 8 OASai'.''-,?

■ = = = = = = = S S = = = .• -A

F or R e n t-U n ru ra ls h e i l ' '

# .r 6 o u m o d b . r n h o u b r .^ . . '^ -,Pbone937. •

HOUSS POR R B N T -O E rrE W --S ';ReaJEiUto. ■

8-ROOM MODERN H O r a WIIB'. v',;

FOR RENT — TWO VptTfPlNB* , r '.'trootelftotroooi; cudeia.iteaBi hett O rpheum W .' ,

F o r S a le - U v e ^ o l t l ' i ' |

'lOO B W E 8 C ^ a .« ,W W f lE i< ^ ^ ^

■ ' T en _

PID1B..8IDM• OF l i i i l i

H en ry Jo n es, R esident He

51 Y cars 'and County’s L!

___ c e s t L ivestock and l^ai

O w ner, D ies a t Hospit

' lleiir)' Jonej. 71. floulh Idtho n Ident «D(1 lor ntsy*one yetn c!» SdtnillUd u ledgtilfr. luximan a b ink tr with lh li rcglon'i .dewlc ment. died cu lj’ Mondtr moml • t the eounty general hwpltal hiwhere he htd been ft W lent t o

■ T uw fil K n’lcei Wll be held• the OrosHTiln chajMl here t t J

M. Wedneidty. and will bo co! dueled by ner. Cecil P. Rlitow' . Twin PalljMeUiodlit cliureh. Thi! w n t tnd Ihrte (oni-ln-l»w will• • poll b e ire a Inlermtnt wll! >e

I Twta m i l eemeltrr-• Mr. Jonei WM for mtny yen

I r iled Ihli dlttrtsl'a larteit IndlrlUll tioekmin and ItRdOKncr, Ue w iireildent ot ihe Bank of KoIIlit and fonner preildenl of ihe Bii

• of Ktoberiy. During more Ihm1 litlf-cenlury In Idaho the Itml

horae had betn a t Ilock Creek, Kin■ berly and lloIlUier. A t(heed(e<

iDOthlUieut ot Jlollltter he built oi of Uis tlneit re«ldeneei In thU 'r

I glon and developed arteilan wel r - Oiero tortSamaM um and IfrieWw I ■ With hU brother. Albert Jone I . who lurrlrei him; Henry Jones can I . t o Idaho ir6m Mluourl In IBTD, ai: ' they tonned the Jdne^Draihen par

'nenhlp that continued unill 191 for the tJnU hm i « a n I

■IrelihUnc. ind.tlien 111 lioni an cattlo nlilnc. ’ • .

L:------ U a m Nine ChUdrenBeildet IUl'widow, who w u Wll

n o lh Qray, to whom lie va i mat ; • rJed a t AJMon, JiDuary a , IJM, 1

I t lurvlved by nine chUdren bom I .them. They ara Mn. Cora Melr tyre. Klmberiy: O n Jonei, HoUUlei

' . T. O. Jonet. Threo Creek; Pen Jonea, Roek Creek:.John Jonet, »o: Ibtcr: U n . Nom Fear, Klmberi] Jtn. Tamiey co*. HuIIiiter; Nqa

1 Jonei, HoUWer, and Tnimtn JoneHoUUter. • ----------. He le am «li6 two Ulten, Mr

Harriet aiocty, Albion; ahd Mn. ba bel nouM. Mltsourl. .

He'WM tom a t 2{IIan, MOieur seplember a . 1M9." -



J. H. Btfker, Buhl,'tnd A. i . Wile] Sprlngtleld,' havo been duly noml sated to lucceed ihemteWei u mem ben ot the board ot dlteelon ot tti

. American Falli reierrolr dUtrIc

..ceoonllns lo report ot E. B. Jobnw: ' u d ita n t lecretarr. yiitenlar, Th

I ' time tor nomlnallou ekatd Satui--------day n lih t - The election wlU be hei

n ert .Tueidiy between the houn t I A. U. B M 7 P. M. . .


The Pnimroie ReUkah lodge wl nue l T U e i^ erenlnc, December : Tfier« wUl bs tlectlon of oftlcen ao

' «U aem ben a n uried to be pttien!

Tbe Roek Creek elub wiU not met Sredaeiday, Deoember J.

T h i MounUln View ciub will met .‘Wtdofidiy wllh Mn. a W. Relde D icn.

- TboMackdYclub'wUlineettnth . .Su ilD euaod P rC t^onal Women' __cIob To6oi% r7:>rp . « , Member . u e requtited to (niiM oontribullah

.I c r Cbriitmu aerrlce work. Male rials for’handlcntt hour are tn Ttlopei,. lining paper, le luon am

. pule .

The BerlbWer’a elub hirs'poit pon. , ' ed their meeting until Mondty, Oe-

ctmber 8. when they irJIl be enter ttlned t t the home or Mn. D. n a m ; Cook.

Aicenilon Eplieopal aulkt wU n e e t Thunday. December 4, a t thi

• homeotMn.H.A.Brliee,onUncoli ;t ••*trcel.“ ,' “ ' , . .

The Counlry Wctnan'i club an tlvtne a while elephant Mto a t n ix t metUng tb be held December 3

' Ths Highland View elub'WlU m'Ml with Mis . Ployd Bandy Wednesdaj {or analldayteadon. Eieh membei la requested to bring t needle an« Ihlmble and t eorered dUh. and

'•-.'•MndwJehea.' .............. “

I i '

j I . By PayingU . A SM A LL D E PO SIT NOW a ) Y ou.C an H old A ny th ing in ; •! O o r S to re

' (Tntfl C h ris tm as •

II J .aU M B A U G H---- ------------- T JE W E L E R --------i-


' ■ R e t U e u , ^

« ,

. . T ie m ort w l i e W e p' .• * ; .

C ood J o r yonr Slo

, r l i r e l i m i C

Jflm u , By EOBEM QUttUm

Itand 1 Jiut **ld lee rrtam connrelop- food bot ll jnun't any #tTOlng bMlneai.

here - j -

iSllfOCIl'BiiEiS S M l-P Mll be • . ____ _w in . " ' ’ . .]

Wllh retunu almoil complcUi roial ifiembenlilp ot lho' Amefl

iCJlZ Red CroM Ulll year In the TwlniP dUlrlct «!1 ipproxlmtU! 750 i

iitur Itated •yeatcrday atiBan* I'y ®- WcCoy*' a Chairman and foil call chalrm

M n. MeCor Itated lhat tMi <!ot$ meaii lliat the tlnal checkup <

IB of ***0* “"'y ITJO .In cajh. ilnee n tona “ rlptlona were token all tlie i

from 2J «nU to »M. Memben* wriii payment lor ]

than 11, and Uioie who pay m ihW tH anUnnire--allb»^'only i

onei. membenhip. Mn. McCoy lald ll llle r a pteaied with llie Inlet

“'■d Ihown In the Red Crou. which opentei with the Auoclatcd Ch!

1919. ties and oUierallCTlaUnglgenclei n In .

'"■llfCOlinEE- t | , SWESillEJlSII:cln» ' — <JlefS Buppllei conUnue to eome In'

Ihe Asiocltled pharltlei headqui *“ **. te n under.lhe DeWIlt and Hai fW i ottlce In Ihe rear of the Perrlne I ’i '"* tel building, lacing Shoihone it^

wett. It w u announced yesterdiy, numbtr-of-tppllcalloni from tit

Mr*. Uea In need were reeelred. It > b a - Itated.

Tbe following organUatloni hi w n. w i»r btta lonaailjr card Indexed

actlrely coopentlng wllh tlie wo It-waa Ilaled; American Red Crt Methodlit EpUcopal church, Prttl terlan church, BaptUt church, L

n u ter Day SalnU chureh, Cathc church. Woman'a Chriitlan Temp anee VnUin. Royal HeUhbon, Tw< llelh Cenlury elub, Olrl Reun:

.*{?: Church ot the Drtlhren, 8al« ll lem.:the ••


rvden i -ProhlblUon agmU hi___ c«ra9Jnt4j)oii^en.of.|i_nsw ledi

• whea cooperating wlUi memben -zn j Uio'iheritra totte, .they took pi * ‘i' In t n ld on t noonihlnen' pU

" i on a mneh appnalmajely thi mUes east b t Roek Creek U it Bu day,

Otflcen.lound-DO one.Bt h« when Uiey trrlred, but. before » tllng down to wait.for Uie niip«

■ cd ItUl openlon, they destroyed nect big steam moonthlne plant togeth Ide- with four baireU qC maah tbo

ready to run Uiat Uiey found the ehlcken-houae. .

the inielr paUence waa rewtrded tl lenl » UW

^ c tn opened-ftn xhen tbe n e n dl ale. regarded Uie otttcen ctll to hi tn - tnd fled, awty fram where Uis-e and fleen Uter found Uie ear.

No ons out In t cUlm for \i car tf te r ifie oftletn stUed It. i t v

«n- lU ted T M t^ ^r- .De- • ----------- ^ .ler- - 5^ - - ^ — - =

H om ^M ade H an d -D ip t .

” ' “ j , C H O C O L A T E S

^ ' r i lb - B o t t tZ S a n d S O c

1 lb , D oxcs 45 a n d 60c

Sier V b so lii tc ly . F re sh M a d e ^tnd I ■ind I . S o ft C en te rs

i Varney’sIn P hone 1 5 6 9 ,

~4 Cor. 3rd a n d ShoshooeI . N o rth " ••

, ; D R IV E IN

r ^ ^ ^ ------N e r r o u s ? — .

" F i c g o ” ‘I p th u b le Coffee*So!Mtitut( • ;«Tek^btdiSlomach tn d your Nerre*

iC o n r t i i» t io D l . .I f f ^ p t j r i .to bigr tlie Beat

------ . ; / ’ ' .

3 i ^

r ■

aeaey. k .Irt WII ^ ■

= s ■IS ^

S f t T h i s w e e k b r i i

c a t k i n d a o f g rafler- ,>■

dlilrlet ^ ' ilrmiR. 5^WrtOt ^

' S S W A n o t l i e r i N e

6 B l a c k For leu ^’ -more Vlly oiie w — ------------— --------d U ut % Yes Uieie tre of UietiKrei: N UncUve ityle thal are ich CO- kh tur U of Ihe riiy betlChart" J l , wluei.

‘ " I - ^ -

In 'to 5

k 5 I | R | :iiy . A J I L '.in ft . . -

' *** SI hare 9 ^ I T . ,»<d a i 5 / / / 0 ■, JVIai:

^ / v H i l 1

• ^ TM S LIthoiie ^ 1 - a , ' h e re mptr- t f Xr»en- 1 w - ■ ■«rv«. t f« iion 1 ---------

lill S ' ' ^ ' t i o n e r y F o

VApUnt t f three 1 •S . . - 5 .


^ y 'yed .t ktth e r ^ )» - ••• • ••tbout k i n M ibtdM neaUy p

to O . b^TexeepUonal quaU

- ■■■■

'em ’ 5 ' S h a d o w]dU* 1

. S S ■ • ■ S l . if 9 t B T K T r ^ - -

!" E‘ | . ; i^ ' t f A dUUnctlre ahtdow i

— ^ — ■ _ ^ , P e n d l e t o n )

SS M U w -niaa Pwdjetot reit ta iu rtd Uitt th« i

1 . funnel wlUt-IoDg toll

J , w w .

r =t ^ T h e M a i n F lo <

V s t o r e F e a t u r e

_ J . E x t r a F i n e B a

— V S e t s a (

"1 JS . S3.9?' ' m M Theae tr e n n io pleti

' • . tor Uiey tn .of.U ie Jio' W , In tmart.'looUng p t l l

' ' k - . pleaae U u puttiitser (<, . J t n priced rlghll



101; I^S T O lr i n g s w i t h i t t h e , c r o w d s o

g i f t s f o r e v e r y m e m b e r o

: ■ . .

f t f l r S h i J m i e n t r B f t a d i e s ' ^

F u r - T r i m m e d C o a t s

_ m 7 5 _________ _ 1 ,he lame high quality and Uie lame de n to highly pnUcd by our cuitomen. 71 bett quaUty. SU}: citpe lining. Mighty fh

A L L - W O O L J E R S E Y


Tw o-Piece E ffe c ts w ith H igh

F o r Jfuhlora and M isses ' '

. Shv lleT ops

“ - $ 5 ; 9 a ;

aizci Capuiblnc, Jicd, 4ind N il reen . All-wool Jersey d resse s fo inlor o r m i i i 3 . ^ t h c new Rt)ss!a 'pc . Wo a ssu re you so m c rc a l value sre. Sizes 1 1 ,1 6 ,1 7 and 10. ’

i s s o r t m e n t o f P i

P o r A n y T a s t e ' -

S 8 c _ - _ _____________ ■

k - d ] ; ■

3 ' '

y ptcked'la Chtlilmas

f l S f f E verjI I rlasQ

y L a n i p s . . ™ ‘,i

L.98 i ■

IW lamp tifdi cotsr to ^

1 R o h e s F o r W o m e n .

Hoo appean o^ th». lDtldo-you may « gift wiU be tppncUled. P un wool ‘ oUcoIUr-ltlloredtype.' f I iead^(e .W w Dept,

l o o r M e n ^ s

i r e s S o m e

S a t h R o b e ■

■ ' / Mlette tn y l j tn —* _ilneit ffitleritU * ' ‘■tllemi. 'HiiyTl I O «*

r [oo-ror {I / J

©DepaW iis iiiJ lH

I f f lBE OTCI o t C h r i s t m a s s h o p p e r s 1

• o f t h e f a m i l y . W e i n v i t e

. f . : V • '

’ Below a « lis ted thi - - -petfnur-Jn-the C h flrn

,<iije bBllo't boxes in 'th e '8 ■ fhie •

' . A n

-------• h .

M ethodb l,'

Women’s Coune

M ethodist L

• ' ■ ' ' . ■ . .S l i

H ansen I

W e w iil'fu ra lsh ' tho : tlona a rc asked to fui

boxes a ro ploced hci vonlcnco a n d i f f o r i nizatlon. docs n o t wU

f o r dcsircs nll th e ir wor ila n th e end o f th e y e a r, lues- organizatifin will win

V ~ ; j - ' - ‘ I

s e n l i ^ g f d g h

;E R E A B E j i u S T A T C T

— ■ . . . - F O I l ?

F l a t F i b r e f i o l l C a r i i a g i e s

a r g e E n o u g h F o r 1 6 - I n c l

--- --------- ^D olls,- 5 1 . 9 8 — r —

cry lit t le m o the r H-ants a doU cfli ge a n d th is fine cab w ill b e eas; th o fo B ii^ budget. T h ey com e li

lo rtcd colors and havo ad ju atab l

’a r k o r B r o t h e r s G e n u i n i e

R u b b e r H o r s e s h o e G a m e ,■ OQm Another o u t

• ittndlng ToyU n .d T t lu i

___■ I t u aet eonS r e W i r v lUU of fo u

pbaK « p 4 ^ M ^ V i h 0 ! e i , tw i

a e t t l . ' d l i b tie t- ta d twi meltt potti.1 U .worth nuel more Uitn Ihl29c

H o u s e S l i p 's e r e

: ■ ' .F o r Al


Ladfes■ •'. • . Mens

' N o R ifttter w h a t s ty lo oi ‘ ,w a;-an). a lm o st su re to

’ - • M ainJ r . - ________ \ ___ _

I. id A h o ; t ^ k j a y m o b n in (

irtn ien

)MEIS- '

V E m y d * p s r ^ n ^ ' j r f y «

t e y o u t o m a k e t h e L D . T i

s e r v i c e .

f O T I C E —t h e . n m e s o f .o rganizations c«m rro Je t-co n tesK h ttt-h a re -p B t-th e ll

s to re d u r in g th e la s t wcel^:, - >

to e r l c a n .Legion ^

L. D . S . C hurch

i l E p isM pal u a l e t f AM ’ '

incil o f th e C hris tian C hurch

. L adies’ A id of K lm bcrly .

S iilvatlon A rm y

n C om m unity Church

bo b a llo t boxes b u t a ll o rgsnlza- fu rn ish th e ir own padlocks. These licro f o r youi;' o’rgon lia tio ii 's 'c o n - r a n y reaso n o r o th e r y o u r orga- iVlsh to keep a ballol: box he ro b u t -•orkers to save Ih e ir vo tes un til ir . I t is pe rfec tly a ll r ig h t. W hat ylnl , ■ . ’

— --------------------------- --------------------------- 7 ------------------------

t o ’ s L a r g e s t T o

W E X A M P L E S b l F T H E

J N D - T H E R E __________

e s A C h a r m i n g G i r l

i c h . * t h e M o n e y ,

. {S'

1 i i — — .

f o B i g H e a v y F r i c t i (

- - 9 8 c .

[ie y i n

' ^ K S m d Uu t-roy-

Closed Coupes • Dump E jp r t s s W ngoi

two T hese to y s a re good os ••J‘t to y s b e sides ,the satisfac l

' t Stlv c pow er.'L argc’ toys th look like th e rea l th in g .

r s A r e f t a c t i c a l G i f t s ’ '* •

All T h e F am ily '' . - -

r e n 's 6 9 c , u p

I S “ ' 9 8 c ^ " ' V

I o r shade you m ay h a re in m ind to have it , fo r flur a sso rtm en ts

B r S h o e D e ^ r lm e n i

NG, DBCEUBER 3, 1980


SCO]MAS CHr o u t h o m e s ' t o r e i s j u s t “

Y o i i r C h r i s b i n s s t o r e a i

- - G i v e H e r t i n g e r

' S u g g e s t T h e s e

e l r : ~ - R a y o n * P a j a n

S l - 9 8

. ' Two-loned nrieU ei In Uli 1 ■ nyonJtoUowtng the nfodem

Ihey hars fasclnaUng tUi and roomy wlds bottomt

H o s i e r y W i l l A l w

A M o s t I d e a l (

,jQ ' Full Faihloned, All-Sllk, p i « . i . p _ . _ . . ■ .la- - 98c

■ut 'm Senl chUfon weight,. narr<

1 French heel, puro aUk c lftt . t most lulUble gltt.

' 98co . y l a n d S o f t

E V A t U E S .

r l D o l I f o r V T

, ^ 8 c ■ ^

Bbe. h u erery- ' . ' ' ' thing IllUe RlrU m n l i n t d o U - ' i le e p l n g eyes,uOrt unbreakable . • I rirmt, le g s and I flead tnd a real C.u ty outfit wlUit- "i o o d t h t ,t A 'flneel^

98c/ ■ 3-l i o n 'T o y s , - . . -

■ : |up TViicks • ' ■rons . ' ■ u heavy pu ll ' Hic llo n o f hav - , • th e ir ow n mo- •'

‘ W O Q p •: ------ t / O l / packed U-------- -------------- — J _____

• - T O y N o t .G i v e

5dc, 75c

- — attd g ive th e m ost • , In sock q u a M t y ,

stylo a a d ' f i t A ljw in te r s ty les a n d p a t t e r n s In silk , w o o l o r silk and

. . i r w l y a n u .

' S a n t a C l a o s w

a f t e i ^ t o o n a t 2 ]d •s ; e a c h a n d e v e r j

J W a t c h f o r f u r t ]

RE'I .

lE B a # .t “ c h n c i f f u l l " o f t h e f i n -

! a n d e n j o y i t s C h r i s t m a s . '

1 / r e r i e ? W e - T * - T ^ ^

s e N e w J H /

l a m a s ' - --------------

h6 finest gnds te n lUhouette L tuied bodices j

I w a y s B e

d G i f t _ 1 ^ 1 /

Ik h o u WlUl

larrov curred Ir t r Ib Uie too ~ \

; t L e a t h e r W o o l - L i n e d ,

. Gloves,.- . ;''r'--$r98-^-~--

e elft that vUI be m vt'appncU ted.'; or.brown. .

3 - P i e c e T o l l e t S e t s .


nmsuti of high a ln w rb r t i ih ind comb, neaiiy

d l a gift box. :

re I n t e r w o v e n H o s i e r y J

i s t . '

t d / y ; |

; : - r > T - r J . I

w i J l a n i v e S a t u r d a y j

2 P . M . w i t h a ^ t f o r \

i r y 'U t t l e K i 3 a n | b o y . j

r t h e r ' a n i i o u n c e m e n t s . j
