A MESSAGE FROM THE COMMISSIONERConnecticut Career Resource Network - Connecticut Department of Labor...


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Dear Reader:Welcome to the Connecticut Career Paths, your personal guide to career decision-making. This publication is created to provide you the information about the skills and training to prepare yourself for a successful career in one of over 340 occupations in the state.

For each of the occupations included in the Career Table, information is provided on number employed, job openings, education and training requirements and the earning potential for your chosen field.

Being aware of what jobs are in demand and taking the time to do a little research can go a long way toward ensuring a satisfying career. The occupations in Connecticut Career Paths have been organized to reflect the 16 national career clusters adopted by the Connecticut State Department of Education.

The publication also contains tips on résumé design basics, job interviews, avoiding employment scams, and using CTHires and other on-line tools to continue your career exploration. We wish you well as you begin the journey to your future, and we are certain that Connecticut Career Paths will provide you with valuable insight to help plan a road map to your most rewarding career.

Very Best Regards,

Scott D. JacksonCommissioner Connecticut Department of Labor

ABOUT USConnecticut Career Resource Network (CCRN) is a program administered by the Connecticut Department of Labor (DOL). CCRN is dedicated to supplying career information to educators, counselors, and job seekers.

For further information, contact:Connecticut Career Resource Network - Connecticut Department of Labor

200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109

(860) 263-6267, Jessy.George@ct.gov

CCRN Program Director, Andy Condon, Ph.D.

CCRN Program Manager, Jessy George

Publication Manager, Todd Bentsen

CONNECTICUT CAREER PATHS is also available online at www1.ctdol.state.ct.us/lmi/careerpaths.aspThe Connecticut Department of Labor is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and equal opportunity program and services provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

TABLE OF CONTENTSConnecticut Career Pathways Initiative ....................................................... 4

State of Connecticut DOL Office of Research Products ........................... 5

Connecticut Career Table Introduction and Definitions .......................... 6

Connecticut Career Clusters ...................................................................... 7-37

Occupation - Job Description with SOC Code

2014-24: Job Outlook, Annual Openings and Growth Rank

2017 Hourly and Annual Wages

Education / Training Routes

Basic Skills / Interests

Education and Training Site Directory .................................................. 38-45

Technical High Schools, Community Colleges

Colleges and Universities

Private Occupational Schools

Cosmetology Schools

Real Estate Schools

Hospital Schools

State Service Academies

Connecticut Career Articles and ProgramsState of Connecticut DOL’s Job Bank CTHIRES ..............................................11

Résumé Design Basics ......................................................................................11

Avoid Employment Scams ...............................................................................13

State of Connecticut DOL Office of Research’s Social Media Info .............. 22

Job Interviews .................................................................................................... 25

DOL’s Education and Training Connection ................................................. 26

Apprenticeship Works! ...................................................................................... 31

Community Colleges’ Advanced Manufacturing Technology Centers ....... 31

Employment of Minors .................................................................................... 33

Office for Veterans’ Workforce Development ............................................. 35

Looking For Help Paying for College ............................................................... 51

Department of Labor American Job Center Locations .......................... 46

Career & Educational Web Resources .......................................................... 47

State of Connecticut Government Resources .................................... 48-49

Which Cluster is Right for You? ............................................................... 50

Connecticut Student Success Plan ........................................................... 51

Connecticut Army National Guard ............................................................. 52

Connecticut Career Paths4

Connecticut’s Sixteen Career ClustersAgriculture, Food and Natural Resources - careers in the production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources.

Architecture and Construction - careers in computer aided drafting and design, planning, managing, building and maintaining the physical infrastructure environment, e.g. buildings, homes, parks, bridges, roads and highways, etc.

Arts, A/V Technology and Communications - careers in designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content, e.g. visual and performing arts and design, journalism, etc.

Business, Management and Administration - careers in planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations.

Education and Training - careers in planning, managing and providing education and training services, and related learning support services.

Finance - careers in services for financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management.

Government and Public Administration - careers unique to government including governance, national security, regulation, and management and administration at the local, state, and federal levels.

Health Sciences - careers in planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development.

Hospitality and Tourism - careers in the management, marketing and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events and travel related services.

Human Services - careers that prepare individuals for employment that relates to families and human needs.

Information Technology - entry level, technical, and professional careers related to the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia, and systems integration services.

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security - careers in planning, managing, and providing legal aid, public safety, protective services and homeland security, including professional and technical support services.

Manufacturing - careers in planning, managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products, and related professional and technical support activities.

Marketing, Sales and Service - careers in planning, managing, and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) - careers in planning, managing, and providing scientific research and professional/technical services, including research and development services.

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics - careers in the planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail and water, and related professional/technical support services.

For more information regarding the Connecticut Career Pathways Initiative, go to CT State Department of Education’s website at: CT.gov/sde


Connecticut Career Paths 5

The Connecticut Department of Labor’s Office of Research gathers, analyzes, and disseminates information on the economy, workforce and careers that is used to evaluate the economic health of Connecticut, to support and promote state workforce development activities, and to assist students and job seekers in making career choices. We recognize that the employment, occupational, and other data we collect, develop and transform into useful information, commonly referred to as Labor Market Information, are essential for career decision-making and for establishing workforce-training opportunities. We are committed to providing the highest quality, accessible and relevant information about the economy, workforce and careers in Connecticut to aid the State’s businesses, workers, students, policy makers and others in making informed decisions about their future and the future of Connecticut. This information on our State’s labor markets also influences decisions related to business investment, government spending, course offerings at academic institutions, and the evaluation of the quality of life in our State. We, therefore, strive to produce timely reliable Labor Market Information that can be used for all of these purposes. In support of the State’s comprehensive workforce development initiative, the Office of Research continues to improve the quality and quantity of LMI products available on the Internet and has developed a number of Web-based tools to support the State’s workforce development system.

SEARCH FOR STATE OF CONNECTICUT EMPLOYERSwww1.ctdol.state.ct.us/lmi/empsearch.asp

Find contact information for more than 140,000 employers in Connecticut. Search by Geographic Region, Industry, Occupation Commonly Employed, Company Name, or find the largest employers by geographic region.


Intended for use by students, teachers, counselors, job developers, job seekers, and anyone else in need of information on jobs and careers. The Job & Career ConneCTion helps you identify occupations that may be a good match for your skills, interests, and personality, and provides you with detailed information on these occupations. It will help you find appropriate education and training opportunities and identify employers who may hire people for those occupations.

STATE OF CONNECTICUT OCCUPATIONAL PROJECTIONSwww1.ctdol.state.ct.us/lmi/projections.asp

The State of Connecticut’s Department of Labor Office of Research economists create ten year industry employment forecasts. We examine historical trends and other forecasts to help project Connecticut’s employment changes between 2014-24. These forecasts are used in conjunction with occupational forecasts to help students decide on careers, schools decide on training programs, businesses decide on strategic plans, and governments decide on budgets and services.

Agriculture, Food & Natural ResourcesFarmers, Ranchers, & Other Agricultural Managers Direct, or coordinate the management or operation of farms, ranches, greenhouses, aquacultural operations, nurseries, or other agricultural establishments. [11-9013]

number employed: 2,357 annual total openings: 40 average annual/hourly wages: $74,920 / $36.02skills: M, SP, CPS, AL, W, S, TM, CT


CONNECTICUT OCCUPATIONAL EMPLOYMENT & WAGES www1.ctdol.state.ct.us/lmi/wages/

OES provides accurate and meaningful wage information to employers, job seekers, counselors, students, planners of vocational education programs, economic developers, Regional Workforce Development Boards, and others. Employers may find the data useful as a guide in analyzing pay scales; job seekers and students could utilize the information in making employment and career decisions; program planners can use the employment and wage levels in determining training programs to be offered.


Intended for use by students, teachers, counselors, job seekers, job developers, and others in need of information on education and training. It offers several search options to explore the world of education and training in Connecticut, find providers in your area that offer the program or course you are interested in, or find out which programs or courses are related to the occupation you are interested in.

Connecticut Career Paths6

EDUCATION AND TRAINING ROUTES: Typical requirements to work in the profession are listed with the abbreviations below:

Slower Than Average Growth Rank.

Faster Than Average Growth Rank.

On-the-Job training by the employer.

Apprenticeship training from two to four years in length, depending upon the trade.

High School or Technical High School diploma or equivalent.

Up to two years of post-secondary training resulting in a diploma, certificate or license.

Associate’s degree program requiring two years of college.

Bachelor’s degree program requiring four years of college.

Master’s degree program requiring one to two years of college beyond the Bachelor’s level.

Doctorate degree program requiring four to five years beyond the Bachelor’s level.

INTERESTS: Preferences for work environments. Realistic occupations involve work activities that include practical hands-on problems and solutions.

Investigative occupations involve working with ideas, and require an extensive amount of thinking and searching for facts.

Artistic occupations involve working with forms, designs and patterns without a clear set of rules; requires self-expression.

Social occupations involve working and communicating with people; helping, teaching, or providing services to others.

Enterprising occupations involve starting up and carrying out projects, often leading people to make (business) decisions.

Conventional occupations involve following set procedures and routines, working with details and data more than with ideas.

To find an occupation or employment data not included in the Career Table or to look up the very latest salary and wage data, visit the Connecticut Department of Labor website at: www1.ctdol.state.ct.us/lmi and select the “Occupational Wages” link from the Data drop-down list, or contact the Office of Research at (860) 263-6285.

OCCUPATIONAL TITLE, JOB DESCRIPTION, AND SOC CODE: This column indicates the title and duties of each occupation. The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System classifies occupations based upon work performed and on required skills, education, training, and credentials. The duties performed will depend upon the employer, training, and experience. Each occupation is identified by a code that can be used to find more detailed information about that occupation.

JOB OUTLOOK: Number Employed, Annual Openings based on Connecticut 2014-24 Employment Projections.

AVERAGE ANNUAL/HOURLY WAGES: Connecticut OES wage data (1st Quarter 2017)

M Monitoring

Ma Mathematics

MFR Management of Financial Resources

MPR Management of Personnel Resources

N Negotiation

OA Operations Analysis

OC Operation and Control

OM Operation Monitoring

P Programming

Pers Persuasion

QCA Quality Control Analysis

RC Reading Comprehension

Rpr Repairing

S Speaking

SA Systems Analysis

Sci Science

SE Systems Evaluation

SO Service Orientation

SP Social Perceptiveness

T Troubleshooting

TM Time Management

W Writing

AL Active Listening

ALearn Active Learning

Co Coordination

CPS Complex Problem Solving

CT Critical Thinking

EM Equipment Maintenance

ES Equipment Selection

I Instructing

Instal Installation

J Judgment and Decision Making

LS Learning Strategies

SKILLS: This column indicates some of the fundamental skills and knowledge that employers often look for in job candidates and the occupation’s typical work environment.


Connecticut Career Paths 7

Agriculture, Food & Natural ResourcesFarmers, Ranchers and Other Agricultural Managers Direct, or coordinate the management or operation of farms, ranches, greenhouses, aquacultural operations, nurseries, or other agricultural establishments. [11-9013]

number employed: 2,357 annual total openings: 40 average annual/hourly wages: $74,920 / $36.02skills: M, SP, CPS, AL, W, S, TM, CT

Natural Sciences Managers Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, statistics, and research and development in these fields. [11-9121]

number employed: 1,139 annual total openings: 28 average annual/hourly wages: $161,625 / $77.71skills: W, AL, RC, CT, Sci, S

Environmental EngineersResearch, design, plan, or perform engineering duties in the prevention, control, and remediation of environmental hazards using various engineering disciplines. Work may include waste treatment, site remediation, or pollution control technology. [17-2081]

number employed: 604 annual total openings: 23 average annual/hourlywages: $86,145 / $41.42skills: ALearn, AL, CPS, CT, RC

Biological TechniciansAssist biological and medical scientists in laboratories. Set up, operate, and maintain laboratory instruments and equipment, monitor experiments, make observations, and calculate and record results. May analyze organic substances, such as blood, food, and drugs. [19-4021]

number employed: 594 annual total openings: 22average annual/hourly wages: $51,179 / $24.61skills: CPS, AL, CT, Sci, RC

Environmental Science and Protection Technicians, Including HealthPerform laboratory and field tests to monitor the environment and investigate sources of pollution, including those that affect health, under the direction of an environmental scientist, engineer, or other specialist. May collect samples of gases, soil, water, and other materials for testing. [19-4091]

number employed: 332 annual total openings: 14 average annual/hourly wages: $50,521 / $24.28skills: TM, J, M, Sci, AL, W, S, CT, RC

Nonfarm Animal CaretakersFeed, water, groom, bathe, exercise, or otherwise care for pets and other nonfarm animals, such as dogs, cats, ornamental fish or birds, zoo animals, and mice. Work in settings such as kennels, animal shelters, zoos, circuses, and aquariums. May keep records of feedings, treatments, and animals received or discharged. May clean, disinfect, and repair cages, pens, or fish tanks. [39-2021]

number employed: 2,645 annual total openings: 83average annual/hourly wages: $27,292 / $13.13skills: TM, S, AL, J, OM

Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery and GreenhouseManually plant, cultivate, and harvest vegetables, fruits, nuts, horticultural specialties, and field crops. Duties may include tilling soil and applying fertilizers; transplanting, weeding, or pruning crops; applying pesticides; or cleaning, grading, packing, and loading harvested products. May construct trellises, repair fences and farm buildings, or participate in irrigation activities. [45-2092]

number employed: 2,645 annual total openings: 71average annual/hourly wages: $26,864 / $12.91

Pest Control WorkersApply or release chemical solutions or toxic gases and set traps to kill or remove pests and vermin that infest buildings and surrounding areas. [37-2021]

number employed: 477 annual total openings: 12 average annual/hourly wages: $39,525 / $19.00skills: W, TM, CT, AL, S, RC

Hazardous Materials Removal WorkersIdentify, remove, pack, transport, or dispose of hazardous materials, including asbestos, lead-based paint, waste oil, fuel, transmission fluid, radioactive materials, or contaminated soil. Specialized training and certification in hazardous materials handling or a confined entry permit are generally required. May operate earth-moving equipment or trucks. [47-4041]

number employed: 809 annual total openings: 29average annual/hourly wages: $46,594 / $22.40skills: SP, AL, S

Farm Equipment Mechanics and Service TechniciansDiagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul farm machinery and vehicles, such as tractors, harvesters, dairy equipment, and irrigation systems. [49-3041]

number employed: 137 annual total openings: 5average annual/hourly wages: $42,569 / $20.46skills: CT, J, T, Rpr, QCA

Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System OperatorsOperate or control an entire process or system of machines, often through the use of control boards, to transfer or treat water or wastewater. [51-8031]

number employed: 1,131 annual total openings: 33average annual/hourly wages: $64,046 / $30.79skills: MPR, SP, S, Co, CT, M, SO, AL

Refuse and Recyclable Material CollectorsCollect and dump refuse or recyclable materials from containers into truck. May drive truck. [53-7081]

number employed: 871 annual total openings: 28average annual/hourly wages: $41,980 / $20.18skills: EM, OM, Co, CT, S, OC

Connecticut Career Paths8

Architecture & Construction Construction Managers Plan, direct, or coordinate activities concerned with the construction and maintenance of structures, facilities, and systems. Participate in development of construction projects and oversee scheduling, budgeting, and implementation. [11-9021]

number employed: 6,183 annual total openings: 121 average annual/hourly wages: $104,308 / $50.15skills: RC, CPS, TM, Co, MPR, CT, S, AL

Cost EstimatorsPrepare cost estimates for product manufacturing, construction projects, or services to aid management in bidding on or determining price of product or service. May specialize according to particular service performed or type of product manufactured. [13-1051]

number employed: 2,175 annual total openings: 83average annual/hourly wages: $77,338 / $37.18skills: RC, MFR, J, AL, S, CT, Ma

Architects, Except Landscape & NavalPlan and design structures, such as private residences, office buildings, theaters, factories, and other structural property. [17-1011]

number employed: 2,402 annual total openings: 46 average annual/hourlywages: $86,753 / $41.71skills: RC, J, S, CPS, AL, CT

SurveyorsMake exact measurements and determine property boundaries. Provide data relevant to the shape, contour, gravitation, location, elevation, or dimension of land or land features on or near the earth’s surface for engineering, mapmaking, mining, land evaluation, construction, and other purposes. [17-1022]

number employed: 512 annual total openings: 16average annual/hourly wages: $62,601 / $30.10skills: TM, Co, AL, W, S, CT, Ma, RC

Civil EngineersPerform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities, such as roads, railroads, airports, bridges, harbors, channels, dams, irrigation projects, pipelines, power plants, and water and sewage systems. [17-2051]

number employed: 3,947 annual total openings: 136 average annual/hourly wages: $90,429 / $43.47skills: AL, S, OA, RC, Ma, J, CPS, CT

Civil Engineering TechniciansApply theory and principles of civil engineering in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of structures and facilities under the direction of engineering staff or physical scientists. [17-3022]

number employed: 434 annual total openings: 11average annual/hourly wages: $65,953 / $31.71skills: S, W, AL, CT, RC

Interior DesignersPlan, design, and furnish interiors of residential, commercial, or industrial buildings. Formulate design which is practical, aesthetic, and conducive to intended purposes, such as raising productivity, selling merchandise, or improving life style. May specialize in a particular field, style, or phase of interior design. [27-1025]

number employed: 1,037 annual total openings: 29average annual/hourly wages: $61,994 / $29.80skills: SO, SP, RC, S, AL

First-Line Supervisors of Landscaping, Lawn Service, and Groundskeeping Workers Directly supervise and coordinate activities of workers engaged in landscaping or groundskeeping activities. [37-1012]

number employed: 3,011 annual total openings: 69average annual/hourly wages: $59,616 / $28.66skills: RC, SO, AL, S

Landscaping and Groundskeeping WorkersLandscape or maintain grounds of property. Tasks may include any combination of the following: sod laying, mowing, trimming, planting, watering, fertilizing, digging, raking, and sprinkler installation. [37-3011]

number employed: 17,372 annual total openings: 442average annual/hourly wages: $36,300 / $17.45skills: OM, TM, S, CT, AL, OC

First-Line Supervisors of Construction Trades and Extraction WorkersDirectly supervise and coordinate activities of construction or extraction workers. [47-1011]

number employed: 7,304 annual total openings: 125average annual/hourly wages: $79,695 / $38.32skills: M, Co, SO, S, AL, SP

Brickmasons and Blockmasons Lay and bind building materials, such as brick, structural tile, concrete block, cinder block, glass block, and terra-cotta block, with mortar and other substances to construct or repair walls, partitions, arches, sewers, and other structures. [47-2021]

number employed: 951 annual total openings: 22average annual/hourly wages: $63,002 / $30.29skills: Co, AL, J, SP, CT, SO, M, S

Connecticut Career Paths 9

CarpentersConstruct, erect, install, or repair structures and fixtures made of wood, such as concrete forms; building frameworks, including partitions, joists, studding, and rafters; and wood stairways, window and door frames, and hardwood floors. May also install cabinets, siding, drywall and batt or roll insulation. [47-2031]

number employed: 15,104 annual total openings: 295average annual/hourly wages: $54,533 / $26.21skills: TM, N, Co, CT, M, S, AL, SP

Cement Masons and Concrete Finishers Smooth and finish surfaces of poured concrete, such as floors, walks, sidewalks, roads, or curbs using a variety of hand and power tools. Align forms for sidewalks, curbs, or gutters; patch voids; and use saws to cut expansion joints. [47-2051] number employed: 884 annual total openings: 23average annual/hourly wages: $52,210 / $25.10skills: QCA, S, TM, CT, J, AL, Co, M

Construction Laborers Perform tasks involving physical labor at construction sites. May operate hand and power tools of all types: air hammers, earth tampers, cement mixers, small mechanical hoists, surveying and measuring equipment, and a variety of other equipment and instruments. [47-2061] number employed: 10,162 annual total openings: 322 average annual/hourly wages: $45,524 / $21.88skills: CPS, CT, OC, OM, Co, SP, RC, S, AL

Paving, Surfacing and Tamping Equipment OperatorsOperate equipment used for applying concrete, asphalt, or other materials to road beds, parking lots, or airport runways and taxiways, or equipment used for tamping gravel, dirt, or other materials. Includes concrete and asphalt paving machine operators, form tampers, tamping machine operators, and stone spreader operators. [47-2071] number employed: 675 annual total openings: 22 average annual/hourly wages: $47,715 / $22.94skills: CPS, W, CT, RC, S, AL

Operating Engineers & Other Construction Equip. Operators Operate one or several types of power construction equipment, such as motor graders, bulldozers, scrapers, compressors, pumps, derricks, shovels, tractors, or front-end loaders to excavate, move, and grade earth, erect structures, or pour concrete or other hard surface pavement. May repair and maintain equipment in addition to other duties. [47-2073] number employed: 3,050 annual total openings: 78average annual/hourly wages: $66,294 / $31.87skills: W, TM, AL, CT, RC, S

Drywall and Ceiling Tile InstallersApply plasterboard or other wallboard to ceilings or interior walls of buildings. Apply or mount acoustical tiles or blocks, strips, or sheets of shock-absorbing materials to ceilings and walls to reduce or reflect sound. Includes lathers who fasten wooden, metal, or rockboard lath to walls, ceilings or partitions. [47-2081] number employed: 650 annual total openings: 8average annual/hourly wages: $59,588 / $28.65skills: RC, CPS, J, CT, S, AL

ElectriciansInstall, maintain, and repair electrical wiring, equipment, and fixtures. Ensure that work is in accordance with relevant codes. May install or service street lights, intercom systems, or electrical control systems. [47-2111] number employed: 8,077 annual total openings: 226average annual/hourly wages: $58,569 / $28.16

GlaziersInstall glass in windows, skylights, store fronts, and display cases, or on surfaces, such as building fronts, interior walls, ceilings, and tabletops. [47-2121] number employed: 289 annual total openings: 5 average annual/hourly wages: $56,296 / $27.07skills: SP, SO, Co, S, AL, CT

RoofersCover roofs of structures with shingles, slate, asphalt, aluminum, wood, or related materials. May spray roofs, sidings, and walls with material to bind, seal, insulate, or soundproof sections of structures. [47-2181]

number employed: 1,172 annual total openings: 31average annual/hourly wages: $55,420 / $26.65skills: S, OM, TM, CT, AL, OC, Co

Painters, Construction and MaintenancePaint walls, equipment, buildings, bridges, and other structural surfaces, using brushes, rollers, and spray guns. May remove old paint to prepare surface prior to painting. May mix colors or oils to obtain desired color or consistency. [47-2141] number employed: 4,828 annual total openings: 110 average annual/hourly wages: $43,211 / $20.77skills: S, M, Co, J, TM, RC, CT, SP, AL

Plumbers, Pipefitters and Steamfitters Assemble, install, alter, and repair pipelines or pipe systems that carry water, steam, air, or other liquids or gases. May install heating and cooling equipment and mechanical control systems. Includes sprinklerfitters. [47-2152]

number employed: 5,714 annual total openings: 142average annual/hourly wages: $63,012 / $30.30skills: CT, M, MPR, Co, S, AL

Sheet Metal WorkersFabricate, assemble, install, and repair sheet metal products and equipment, such as ducts, control boxes, drainpipes, and furnace casings. Work may involve any of the following: setting up and operating fabricating machines to cut, bend, and straighten sheet metal; shaping metal over anvils, blocks, or forms using hammer; operating soldering and welding equipment to join sheet metal parts; or inspecting, assembling, and smoothing seams and joints of burred surfaces. Includes sheet metal duct installers who install prefabricated sheet metal ducts used for heating, air conditioning, or other purposes. [47-2211]

number employed: 1,247 annual total openings: 37 average annual/hourly wages: $54,085 / $26.01

Structural Iron and Steel WorkersRaise, place, and unite iron or steel girders, columns, and other structural members to form completed structures or structural frameworks. May erect metal storage tanks and assemble prefabricated metal buildings. [47-2221] number employed: 471 annual total openings: 9 average annual/hourly wages: $60,393 / $29.03

Connecticut Career Paths10

Solar Photovoltaic InstallersAssemble, install, or maintain solar photovoltaic (PV) systems on roofs or other structures in compliance with site assessment and schematics. May include measuring, cutting, assembling, and bolting structural framing and solar modules. May perform minor electrical work such as current checks. [47-2231] number employed: 76 annual total openings: 1 average annual/hourly wages: $39,654 / $19.07

Helpers--CarpentersHelp carpenters by performing duties requiring less skill. Duties include using, supplying or holding materials or tools, and cleaning work area and equipment. [47-3012]

number employed: 241 annual total openings: 7 average annual/hourly wages: $32,989 / $15.86skills: AL, S, CPS, Co, SP, M, CT

Helpers--ElectriciansHelp electricians by performing duties requiring less skill. Duties include using, supplying or holding materials or tools, and cleaning work area and equipment. [47-3013]

number employed: 490 annual total openings: 15 average annual/hourly wages: $29,218 / $14.04skills: TM, Co, CPS, J, AL, S, CT

Helpers--Pipelayers, Plumbers, Pipefitters and Steamfitters Help plumbers, pipefitters, steamfitters, or pipelayers by performing duties requiring less skill. Duties include using, supplying or holding materials or tools, and cleaning work area and equipment. [47-3015]

number employed: 403 annual total openings: 10 average annual/hourly wages: $29,167 / $14.02skills: CT, J, AL, M, S, SP

Elevator Installers and RepairersAssemble, install, repair, or maintain electric or hydraulic freight or passenger elevators, escalators, or dumbwaiters. [47-4021]

number employed: 309 annual total openings: 9 average annual/hourly wages: $88,073 / $42.34

Highway Maintenance WorkersMaintain highways, municipal and rural roads, airport runways, and rights-of-way. Duties include patching broken or eroded pavement, repairing guard rails, highway markers, and snow fences. May also mow or clear brush from along road or plow snow from roadway. [47-4051]

number employed: 2,124 annual total openings: 58 average annual/hourly wages: $54,380 / $26.15

Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe CleanersClean and repair septic tanks, sewer lines, or drains. May patch walls and partitions of tank, replace damaged drain tile, or repair breaks in underground piping. [47-4071] number employed: 776 annual total openings: 29 average annual/hourly wages: $42,446 / $20.41skills: CT, T, OC, OM

Earth Drillers, Except Oil and GasOperate a variety of drills such as rotary, churn, and pneumatic to tap sub-surface water and salt deposits, to remove core samples during mineral exploration or soil testing, and to facilitate the use of explosives in mining or construction. [47-5021]

number employed: 228 annual total openings: 8average annual/hourly wages: $51,272 / $24.65skills: CT, J, S, M

Control and Valve Installers and Repairers, Except Mechanical DoorInstall, repair, and maintain mechanical regulating and controlling devices, such as electric meters, gas regulators, thermostats, safety and flow valves, and other mechanical governors. [49-9012]

number employed: 533 annual total openings: 21average annual/hourly wages: $67,320 / $32.36skills: M, OM, J, RC

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and InstallersInstall or repair heating, central air conditioning, or refrigeration systems, including oil burners, hot-air furnaces, and heating stoves. [49-9021] number employed: 3,552 annual total openings: 84average annual/hourly wages: $57,519 / $27.65skills: S, T, CT, RC, OM, QCA

MillwrightsInstall, dismantle, or move machinery and heavy equipment according to layout plans, blueprints, or other drawings. [49-9044] number employed: 212 annual total openings: 8average annual/hourly wages: $62,738 / $30.16

Electrical Power-Line Installers and RepairersInstall or repair cables or wires used in electrical power or distribution systems. May erect poles and light or heavy duty transmission towers. [49-9051] number employed: 792 annual total openings: 34average annual/hourly wages: $87,074 / $41.86skills: OM, RC, CT, M, OC

Structural Metal Fabricators and FittersFabricate, position, align, and fit parts of structural metal products. [51-2041]

number employed: 621 annual total openings: 15average annual/hourly wages: $49,977 / $24.02skills: ES, J, AL, QCA, CT, OM, OC

Crane and Tower Operators Operate mechanical boom and cable or tower and cable equipment to lift and move materials, machines, or products in many directions. [53-7021]

number employed: 426 annual total openings: 18average annual/hourly wages: $47,413 / $22.80skills: Co, CT, RC, M, SP, AL, S, SO

Connecticut Career Paths 11

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Résumés can be written in fragment sentences which help deliver the same message in fewer words (fragment sentences exclude words like a, an or the).

Your résumé does not need the phrase “References furnished upon request.” However, you should have a minimum of three references who can speak to your skills, abilities and professionalism.

Connecticut Career Paths12

Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Art DirectorsFormulate design concepts and presentation approaches for visual communications media, such as print, broadcasting, and advertising. Direct workers engaged in art work or layout design. [27-1011]

number employed: 1,399 annual total openings: 30 average annual/hourly wages: $84,008 / $40.39skills: CPS, RC, CT, J, TM, AL, S

Fine Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors and IllustratorsCreate original artwork using any of a wide variety of media and techniques. [27-1013]

number employed: 202 annual total openings: 5 average annual/hourly wages: N/A / N/Askills: CT, AL, J, ALearn

Multimedia Artists and AnimatorsCreate special effects, animation, or other visual images using film, video, computers, or other electronic tools and media for use in products or creations, such as computer games, movies, music videos, and commercials. [27-1014]

number employed: 1,321 annual total openings: 31 average annual/hourly wages: $79,867 / $38.40skills: J, S, Co, TM, CT, RC, AL

Commercial and Industrial DesignersDevelop and design manufactured products, such as cars, home appliances, and children’s toys. Combine artistic talent with research on product use, marketing, and materials to create the most functional and appealing product design. [27-1021]

number employed: 509 annual total openings: 14 average annual/hourly wages: $60,627 / $29.14skills: CPS, RC, S, AL, CT

Fashion DesignersDesign clothing and accessories. Create original designs or adapt fashion trends. [27-1022]

number employed: 74 annual total openings: 3 average annual/hourly wages: $78,307 / $37.65skills: J, SP, Co, ALearn, S, AL, CT

Graphic DesignersDesign or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects. [27-1024]

number employed: 3,631 annual total openings: 96 average annual/hourly wages: $58,804 / $28.27skills: CT, RC, S, AL, W, OA

Set and Exhibit DesignersDesign special exhibits and movie, television, and theater sets. May study scripts, confer with directors, and conduct research to determine appropriate architectural styles. [27-1027]

number employed: 291 annual total openings: 9 average annual/hourly wages: $65,680 / $31.57skills: RC, M, OA, Co, CT, J, TM, AL

ActorsPlay parts in stage, television, radio, video, motion picture productions, or other settings for entertainment, information, or instruction. Interpret serious or comic role by speech, gesture, and body movement to entertain or inform audience. May dance and sing. [27-2011]

number employed: 671 annual total openings: 32 average annual/hourly wages: N/A / N/Askills: M, OC, OM

Producers and DirectorsProduce or direct stage, television, radio, video, or motion picture productions for entertainment, information, or instruction. Responsible for creative decisions, such as interpretation of script, choice of actors or guests, set design, sound, special effects, and choreography. [27-2012]

number employed: 2,528 annual total openings: 94 average annual/hourly wages: $68,991 / $33.17

ChoreographersCreate new dance routines. Rehearse performance of routines. May direct and stage presentations. [27-2032]

number employed: 232 annual total openings: 9 average annual/hourly wages: $54,915 / $26.40skills: M, OM, OC

Music Directors and ComposersConduct, direct, plan, and lead instrumental or vocal performances by musical groups, such as orchestras, bands, choirs, and glee clubs. Includes arrangers, composers, choral directors, and orchestrators. [27-2041]

number employed: 1,204 annual total openings: 42 average annual/hourly wages: $63,077 $30.33

Musicians and SingersPlay one or more musical instruments or sing. May perform on stage, for on-air broadcasting, or for sound or video recording. [27-2042]

number employed: 3,242 annual total openings: 114 average annual/hourly wages: N/A / $39.73

Connecticut Career Paths 13

Reporters and CorrespondentsCollect and analyze facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation, or observation. Report and write stories for newspaper, news magazine, radio, or television. [27-3022]

number employed: 501 annual total openings: 16 average annual/hourly wages: $41,133 / $19.78skills: CT, TM, RC, W, S, AL

Editors Plan, coordinate, or edit content of material for publication. May review proposals and drafts for possible publication. Includes technical editors. [27-3041]

number employed: 1,332 annual total openings: 48 average annual/hourly wages: $62,976 / $30.28skills: QCA, CT, AL, W, RC

Technical WritersWrite technical materials, such as equipment manuals, appendices, or operating and maintenance instructions. May assist in layout work. [27-3042]

number employed: 643 annual total openings: 24 average annual/hourly wages: $84,849 / $40.79skills: CT, AL, S, RC, W

Writers and AuthorsOriginate and prepare written material, such as scripts, stories, advertisements, and other material. [27-3043]

number employed: 1,770 annual total openings: 35 average annual/hourly wages: $66,692 / $32.07

Audio and Video Equipment TechniciansSet up, or set up and operate audio and video equipment including microphones, sound speakers, video screens, projectors, video monitors, recording equipment, connecting wires and cables, sound and mixing boards, and related electronic equipment for concerts, sports events, meetings and conventions, presentations, and news conferences. May also set up and operate associated spotlights and other custom lighting systems. [27-4011]

number employed: 1,138 annual total openings: 32 average annual/hourly wages: $52,222 / $25.10skills: M, TM, S, SP, AL, Co, CT

Sound Engineering Technicians Operate machines and equipment to record, synchronize, mix, or reproduce music, voices, or sound effects in sporting arenas, theater productions, recording studios, or movie and video productions. [27-4014]

number employed: 350 annual total openings: 9 average annual/hourly wages: $64,414 / $30.97

PhotographersPhotograph people, landscapes, merchandise, or other subjects, using digital or film cameras and equipment. May develop negatives or use computer software to produce finished images and prints. Includes scientific photographers, aerial photographers, and photojournalists. [27-4021]

number employed: 1,530 annual total openings: 40 average annual/hourly wages: $47,695 / $22.94skills: TM, J, OC, CT, Co

Camera Operators, Television, Video and Motion Picture Operate television, video, or motion picture camera to record images or scenes for various purposes, such as TV broadcasts, advertising, video production, or motion pictures. [27-4031]

number employed: 529 annual total openings: 5 average annual/hourly wages: N/A / N/Askills: OC, CT, S, Co, AL

Film & Video EditorsEdit moving images on film, video, or other media. May edit or synchronize soundtracks with images. [27-4032]

number employed: 426 annual total openings: 11 average annual/hourly wages: $75,026 / $36.07skills: J, S, TM, RC, CT, AL

Telecommunications Equipment Installers and Repairers, Except Line InstallersInstall, set-up, rearrange, or remove distribution and routing equipment used in central offices or headends. Service or repair telephone, cable television, Internet, and other communications equipment on customers’ property. May install communications equipment or communications wiring in buildings. [49-2022]

number employed: 2479 annual total openings: 36 average annual/hourly wages: $61,259 / $29.45skills: W, CT, M, TM, S, AL, RC

Avoid Employment ScamsIf you hear about a job that sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

On the other hand, be sure you present a positive image to legitimate potential employers.

Don’t Be Fooled... • When in doubt, try to verify the job with the company. • You can also Google the job to see if any of the search results indicate something suspicious. • No job should ever require you to provide financial information such as your bank’s routing and transit number or your credit card information.

Be cautious about what you post on social media. You never know who can see your Facebook, Twitter or other social media activity. Employers and recruiters use social media to screen candidates.

Connecticut Career Paths14

Business, Management & Administration Chief ExecutivesDetermine and formulate policies and provide overall direction of companies or private and public sector organizations within guidelines set up by a board of directors or similar governing body. Plan, direct, or coordinate operational activities at the highest level of management with the help of subordinate executives and staff managers. [11-1011]

number employed: 5,932 annual total openings: 125 average annual/hourly wages: $217,320 / $104.48skills: AL, RC, S, CT, J, CPS

General and Operations ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate the operations of public or private sector organizations. Duties and responsibilities include formulating policies, managing daily operations, and planning the use of materials and human resources, but are too diverse and general in nature to be classified in any one functional area of management or administration, such as personnel, purchasing, or administrative services. [11-1021]

number employed: 35,083 annual total openings: 1,153 average annual/hourly wages: $147,227 / $70.78skills: M, CT, RC, AL, S

Business Operations Specialists, All OtherAll business operations specialists not listed separately. [13-1199]

number employed: 7,278 annual total openings: 129 average annual/hourly wages: $74,583 / $35.86

Computer and Information Systems ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis, and computer programming. [11-3021]

number employed: 6,907 annual total openings: 236 average annual/hourly wages: $147,431 / $70.88skills: S, Co, W, M, CPS, CT, AL, RC

Industrial Production Managers Plan, direct, or coordinate the work activities and resources necessary for manufacturing products in accordance with cost, quality, and quantity specifications. [11-3051]

number employed: 2,686 annual total openings: 84 average annual/hourly wages: $118,410 / $56.93skills: J, RC, AL, TM, Co, S, M, CT

Purchasing ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate the activities of buyers, purchasing officers, and related workers involved in purchasing materials, products, and services. Includes wholesale or retail trade merchandising managers and procurement managers. [11-3061]

number employed: 1,330 annual total openings: 36 average annual/hourly wages: $131,339 / $63.14skills: S, CT, AL, Co

Human Resources Managers Plan, direct, or coordinate human resources activities and staff of an organization. [11-3121]

number employed: 2,027 annual total openings: 78 average annual/hourly wages: $134,523 / $64.67skills: RC, Co, CT, MPR, SP, S, AL

Human Resources Specialists Perform activities in the human resource area. Includes employment specialists who screen, recruit, interview, and place workers. [13-1071]

number employed: 5,862 annual total openings: 188 average annual/hourly wages: $68,573 / $32.97skills: Co, W, CT, RC, S, AL

Management AnalystsConduct organizational studies and evaluations, design systems and procedures, conduct work simplification and measurement studies, and prepare operations and procedures manuals to assist management in operating more efficiently and effectively. Includes program analysts and management consultants. [13-1111]

number employed: 11,991 annual total openings: 352 average annual/hourly wages: $98,889 / $47.54skills: J, W, CPS, CT, RC, AL, S

Meeting, Convention, and Event PlannersCoordinate activities of staff, convention personnel, or clients to make arrangements for group meetings, events, or conventions. [13-1121]

number employed: 1,158 annual total openings: 23 average annual/hourly wages: $63,542 / $30.55skills: SO, SP, Co, TM, RC, CT, S, AL

FundraisersOrganize activities to raise funds or otherwise solicit and gather monetary donations or other gifts for an organization. May design and produce promotional materials. May also raise awareness of the organization’s work, goals, and financial needs. [13-1131]

number employed: 1,726 annual total openings: 41 average annual/hourly wages: $62,909 $30.25

Operations Research Analysts Formulate and apply mathematical modeling and other optimizing methods to develop and interpret information that assists management with decision making, policy formulation, or other managerial functions. May collect and analyze data and develop decision support software, service, or products. May develop and supply optimal time, cost, or logistics networks for program evaluation, review, or implementation. [15-2031]

number employed: 1,192 annual total openings: 63 average annual/hourly wages: $87,765 / $42.20skills: AL, W, J, SE, RC, CT, CPS, Ma

Connecticut Career Paths 15

First-Line Supervisors of Office Administrative Support WorkersDirectly supervise and coordinate the activities of clerical and administrative support workers. [43-1011]

number employed: 25,482 annual total openings: 541 average annual/hourly wages: $65,258 / $31.38skills: CT, S, RC, AL

Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing ClerksCompute, classify, and record numerical data to keep financial records complete. Perform any combination of routine calculating, posting, and verifying duties to obtain primary financial data for use in maintaining accounting records. May also check the accuracy of figures, calculations, and postings pertaining to business transactions recorded by other workers. [43-3031]

number employed: 20,081 annual total openings: 197 average annual/hourly wages: $46,511 / $22.36skills: SP, ALearn, CT, SO, RC, AL, S

Payroll and Timekeeping ClerksCompile and record employee time and payroll data. May compute employees’ time worked, production, and commission. May compute and post wages and deductions, or prepare paychecks. [43-3051]

number employed: 1,976 annual total openings: 53 average annual/hourly wages: $49,370 / $23.74

Customer Service RepsInteract with customers to provide information in response to inquiries about products and services and to handle and resolve complaints. [43-4051]

number employed: 29,776 annual total openings: 980 average annual/hourly wages: $41,722 / $20.05skills: CT, M, SP, AL, RC, S

Receptionists and Information ClerksAnswer inquiries and provide information to the general public, customers, visitors, and other interested parties regarding activities conducted at establishment and location of departments, offices, and employees within the organization. [43-4171]

number employed: 13,229 annual total openings: 462 average annual/hourly wages: $34,145 / $16.42skills: CT, SP, MPR, S, TM

Interviewers, Except Eligibility and LoanInterview persons by telephone, mail, in person, or by other means for the purpose of completing forms, applications, or questionnaires. Ask specific questions, record answers, and assist persons with completing form. May sort, classify, and file forms. [43-4111]

number employed: 1,810 annual total openings: 47 average annual/hourly wages: $40,497 / $19.47skills: SO, M, AL

Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and TimekeepingCompile and keep personnel records. Record data for each employee, such as address, weekly earnings, absences, amount of sales or production, supervisory reports, and date of and reason for termination. May prepare reports for employment records, file employment records, or search employee files and furnish information to authorized persons. [43-4161]

number employed: 1,205 annual total openings: 14 average annual/hourly wages: $46,541 / $22.37skills: CT, W, S, AL, RC

Stock Clerks and Order FillersReceive, store, and issue sales floor merchandise, materials, equipment, and other items from stockroom, warehouse, or storage yard to fill shelves, racks, tables, or customers’ orders. May mark prices on merchandise and set up sales displays. [43-5081]

number employed: 22,463 annual total openings: 781 average annual/hourly wages: $29,387 / $14.13

Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical and Executive Perform routine clerical and administrative functions such as drafting correspondence, scheduling appointments, organizing and maintaining paper and electronic files, or providing information to callers. [43-6014]

number employed: 33,710 annual total openings: 418 average annual/hourly wages: $44,377 / $21.33skills: Pers, SP, Co, SO, S, AL

Office and Administrative Support Workers, All Other All office and administrative support workers not listed separately. [43-9199]

number employed: 5,804 annual total openings: 205 average annual/hourly wages: $29,336 / $14.10skills: RC, SO, W, AL, SP, S

Executive Secretaries and Executive Administrative AssistantsProvide high-level administrative support by conducting research, preparing statistical reports, handling information requests, and performing clerical functions such as preparing correspondence, receiving visitors, arranging conference calls, and scheduling meetings. May also train and supervise lower-level clerical staff. [43-6011]

number employed: 8,866 annual total openings: 94 average annual/hourly wages: $70,986 / $34.14skills: M, Co, SP, S, AL, SO

Office ClerksPerform duties too varied and diverse to be classified in any specific office clerical occupation, requiring knowledge of office systems and procedures. Clerical duties may be assigned in accordance with the office procedures of individual establishments and may include a combination of answering telephones, bookkeeping, typing or word processing, stenography, office machine operation, and filing. [43-9061]

number employed: 33,956 annual total openings: 813 average annual/hourly wages: $38,669 / $18.59skills: CT, RC, SP, AL, SO, S

Connecticut Career Paths16

Education & Training Education Administrators, Elementary & Secondary SchoolPlan, direct, or coordinate the academic, administrative, or auxiliary activities of public or private elementary or secondary level schools. [11-9032]

number employed: 3,416 annual total openings: 104 annual average wage: $129,706skills: W, CT, RC, AL, S

Education Administrators, PostsecondaryPlan, direct, or coordinate research, instructional, student administration and services, and other educational activities at postsecondary institutions. [11-9033]

number employed: 1,937 annual total openings: 74 annual average wage: $93,512skills: W, J, M, AL, RC, S, CT

Educational, Guidance, School and Vocational Counselors Counsel individuals and provide group educational and vocational guidance services. [21-1012]

number employed: 4,737 annual total openings: 146 annual average wage: $63,472skills: W, CT, SP, RC, AL, S

Business Teachers*Teach courses in business administration and management, such as accounting, finance, human resources, labor and industrial relations, marketing, and operations research. [25-1011]

number employed: 1,659 annual total openings: 45 annual average wage: $83,006skills: W, AL, LS, CT, I, RC, S

Computer, Math, Architecture and Engineering Teachers*Teach courses in computer science, mathematics, architectural design, and engineering. [25-1021, 25-1022, 25-1031, 25-1032]

number employed: 1,801 annual total openings: 55 annual average wage: $73,836–$108,190skills: ALearn, LS, CT, S, W, AL, RC, I

Biological Science Teachers*Teach courses in biological sciences. [25-1042]

number employed: 962 annual total openings: 31 annual average wage: $92,808skills: Sci, AL, I, W, LS, RC, S

Natural Science Teachers*Teach courses in the atmospheric, earth, marine and space sciences, chemistry, physics, environmental science, anthropology and archeology. [25-1051, 25-

1052, 25-1053, 25-1054, 25-1061]

number employed: 752 annual total openings: 22 annual average wage: $81,517 - $95,046skills: W, AL, CT, LS, Sci, I, RC, S

Area, Ethnic and Cultural Studies Teachers*Teach courses pertaining to the culture and development of an area, an ethnic group, or any other group, such as Latin American studies, women’s studies, or urban affairs. [25-1062]

number employed: 528 annual total openings: 17 annual average wage: $79,847skills: W, LS, I, ALearn, CT, AL, S, RC

Economics, Geography and Political Science Teachers*Teach courses in economics, geography, and political science. [25-1063, 25-1064, 25-1065]

number employed: 558 annual total openings: 16 annual average wage: $114,215 - $115,491skills: LS, W, CT, S, RC, AL, I

Psychology Teachers*Teach courses in psychology, such as child, clinical, and developmental psychology, and counseling. [25-1066]

number employed: 508 annual total openings: 17 annual average wage: $87,522skills: LS, AL, I, CT, W, RC, S

Health Specialty Teachers*Teach courses in health specialties, in fields such as dentristry, laboratory technology, medicine, pharmacy, public health, therapy, and veterinary medicine. [25-1051, 25-1071]

number employed: 3,197 annual total openings: 120 annual average wage: $162,923skills: W, AL, CT, ALearn, LS, I, RC, S

Nursing Instructors & Teachers*Demonstrate and teach patient care in classroom and clinical units to nursing students. [25-1072]

number employed: 968 annual total openings: 34 annual average wage: $91,127skills: RC, AL, CT, ALearn, LS, W, I, S

Education Teachers*Teach courses pertaining to education, such as counseling, curriculum, guidance, instruction, teacher education, and teaching English as a second language. [25-1081]

number employed: 666 annual total openings: 18 annual average wage: $80,879skills: AL, ALearn, LS, I, W, RC, S

Law, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers*Teach courses in criminal justice, corrections, and law enforcement administration. [25-1111,, 25-1112]

number employed: 470 annual total openings: 19 annual average wage: $70,611 - $108,433skills: I, ALearn, LS, W, AL, RC, CT, S

Art, Drama and Music Teachers*Teach courses in drama, music, and the arts including fine and applied art, such as painting and sculpture, or design and crafts. [25-1121]

number employed: 752 annual total openings: 22 annual average wage: $81,517 - $95,046skills: W, AL, CT, LS, Sci, I, RC, S

English Language and Literature Teachers*Teach courses in English language and literature, including linguistics and comparative literature. [25-1123]

number employed: 812 annual total openings: 22 annual average wage: $81,163skills: LS, AL, W, S, I, RC

Connecticut Career Paths 17

History, Philosophy and Religion Teachers*Teach courses in history, philosophy, religion, and theology. [25-1125, 25-1126]

number employed: 630 annual total openings: 19 annual average wage: $86,206 - $90,986skills: CT, W, LS, AL, I, RC, S

Vocational Educ. Teachers*Teach vocational subjects at the postsecondary level to students who have graduated or left high school. Includes adult education teachers and others. [25-1194]

number employed: 611 annual total openings: 15 annual average wage: $49,002skills: M, AL, S, LS, I

Preschool TeachersInstruct preschool-aged children in activities designed to promote social, physical, and intellectual growth needed for primary school in preschool, day care center, or other child development facility. May be required to hold State certification. [25-2011]

number employed: 7,188 annual total openings: 241 annual average wage: $37,032skills: CT, AL, Co, SP, I, LS, S

Elementary School TeachersTeach students basic academic, social, and other formative skills in public or private schools at the elementary level. [25-2021]

number employed: 17,391 annual total openings: 411 annual average wage: $77,710skills: AL, LS, I, S

Middle School TeachersTeach students in one or more subjects in public or private schools at the middle, intermediate, or junior high level, which falls between elementary and senior high school as defined by applicable laws and regulations. [25-2022]

number employed: 9,207 annual total openings: 217 annual average wage: $78,226skills: W. SP, LS, RC, AL, I, S

Coaches and ScoutsInstruct or coach groups or individuals in the fundamentals of sports. [27-2022]

number employed: 5,693 annual total openings: 221 annual average wage: $47,736skills: M, MPR, S, I

Secondary School TeachersTeach courses in one or more subjects, such as English, mathematics, or social studies at the secondary level in public or private schools. May be designated according to subject matter specialty. [25-2031]

number employed: 13,312 annual total openings: 334 annual average wage: $77,224skills: AL, S, I, LS

Career/Technical Education Teachers, Secondary SchoolTeach occupational, career and technical, or vocational subjects at the secondary school level in public or private schools. [25-2032]

number employed: 1,567 annual total openings: 37 annual average wage: $80,616skills: M, S, RC, AL, W, I

Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten & Elem. SchoolTeach elementary school subjects to educationally and physically handicapped students. Includes teachers who specilize and work with audibly and visually handicapped students and those who teach basic academic and life processes skills to the mentally inpaired. [25-2052]

number employed: 2,577 annual total openings: 53 annual average wage: $80,495

Special Education Teachers, Secondary SchoolTeach secondary school subjects to educationally and physically handicapped students. Includes teachers who specilize and work with audibly and visually handicapped students and those who teach basic academic and life processes skills to the mentally inpaired. [25-2054]

number employed: 1,985 annual total openings: 41 annual average wage: $77,831skills: SO, M, S, AL, LS, I

LibrariansAdminister libraries and perform related library services. Work in a variety of settings, including public libraries, educational institutions, and museums. May set up or work with databases and information systems to catalogue and access information. [25-4021]

number employed: 2,308 annual total openings: 45 annual average wage: $69,396skills: M, W, S, AL, RC

Library TechniciansAssist librarians by helping readers in the use of library catalogs, databases, and indexes to locate books and other materials, and by answering questions. [25-4031]

number employed: 1,671 annual total openings: 87 annual average wage: $44,586skills: J, Co, TM, QCA, M, CT

Instructional CoordinatorsDevelop instructional material, coordinate educational content, and incorporate current technology in specialized fields that provide guidelines to educators and instructors for developing curricula and conducting courses. [25-9031]

number employed: 1,184 annual total openings: 15 annual average wage: $85,082skills: AL, ALearn, M, LS, W, S, RC

Teacher AssistantsPerform duties that are instructional in nature or deliver direct services to students or parents. Serve in a position for which a teacher has ultimate responsibility for the design and implementation of educational programs and services. [25-9041]

number employed: 21,062 annual total openings: 559 annual average wage: $31,898skills: SP, CPS, J, TM, Co, CT

Interpreters and TranslatorsInterpret oral or sign language, or translate written text from one language into another. [27-3091]

number employed: 460 annual total openings: 18 annual average wage: $51,321skills: M, CT, W, RC, S, AL

*Includes both postsecondary teachers primarily engaged in teaching, and those who do a combination of teaching and research.

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Connecticut Career Paths18

Finance Financial ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate accounting, investing, banking, insurance, securities, and other financial activities of a branch, office, or department of an establishment. [11-3031]

number employed: 14,136 annual total openings: 428 average annual/hourly wages: $156,309 / $75.14

Claims Adjusters, Examiners and InvestigatorsReview settled claims to determine that payments and settlements are made in accordance with company practices and procedures. Confer with legal counsel on claims requiring litigation. May also settle insurance claims. [13-1031]

number employed: 5,481 annual total openings: 149 average annual/hourly wages: $73,889 / $35.52skills: AL, J, Co, M, CT

Accountants and Auditors Examine, analyze, and interpret accounting records to prepare financial statements, give advice, or audit and evaluate statements prepared by others. Install or advise on systems of recording costs or other financial and budgetary data. [13-2011]

number employed: 18,359 annual total openings: 672 average annual/hourly wages: $82,114 / $39.48skills: EM, QCA, OM, OC

Credit AnalystsAnalyze credit data and financial statements of individuals or firms to determine the degree of risk involved in extending credit or lending money. Prepare reports with credit information for use in decision making. [13-2041]

number employed: 1,401 annual total openings: 61 average annual/hourly wages: $93,940 / $45.16skills: Ma, RC, AL, S, J, ALearn, CT

Personal Financial Advisors Advise clients on financial plans using knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities, insurance, pension plans, and real estate. Duties include assessing clients’ assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, tax status, and financial objectives. [13-2052]

number employed: 5,847 annual total openings: 288 average annual/hourly wages: $135,931 / $65.35skills: SO, S, RC, AL, CT, J

Loan OfficersEvaluate, authorize, or recommend approval of commercial, real estate, or credit loans. Advise borrowers on financial status and payment methods. Includes mortgage loan officers and agents, collection analysts, loan servicing officers, and loan underwriters. [13-2072]

number employed: 2,297 annual total openings: 38 average annual/hourly wages: $89,165 / $42.87skills: CT, RC, J, AL, S

ActuariesAnalyze statistical data, such as mortality, accident, sickness, disability, and retirement rates and construct probability tables to forecast risk and liability for payment of future benefits. May ascertain insurance rates required to ensure payment of future benefits. [15-2011]

number employed: 995 annual total openings: 46 average annual/hourly wages: $120,008 / $57.70skills: S, AL, SE, SA, RC, CPS, J, CT, Ma

Insurance Claims and Policy Processing ClerksProcess new insurance policies, modifications to existing policies, and claims forms. Obtain information from policyholders to verify the accuracy and completeness of information documents. Update existing policies and company records. [43-9041]

number employed: 4,619 annual total openings: 142 average annual/hourly wages: $50,360 / $24.21skills: M, AL, S, Ma

Financial AnalystsConduct quantitative analyses of information affecting investment programs of public or private institutions. [13-2051]

number employed: 6,167 annual total openings: 202 average annual/hourly wages: $107,022 / $51.46skills: Ma, J, CPS, AL, S, RC, W, CT

Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales AgentsBuy and sell securities or commodities, or provide financial services to businesses and individuals. May advise customers about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, and market conditions. [41-3031]

number employed: 5,804 annual total openings: 100 average annual/hourly wages: $134,330 / $64.58

Brokerage ClerksPerform duties related to the purchase, sale or holding of securities. Duties include writing orders for stock purchases or sales, computing transfer taxes, accepting and delivering securities, tracking stock price fluctuations, distributing dividends, and keeping records. [43-4011]

number employed: 981 annual total openings: 24 average annual/hourly wages: $60,449 / $29.06

Loan Interviewers and Clerks Interview loan applicants to elicit information; investigate applicants’ backgrounds and verify references; prepare loan request papers. Review loan papers and complete transactions. [43-4131]

number employed: 1,761 annual total openings: 27 average annual/hourly wages: $43,366 / $20.85

Insurance UnderwritersReview individual applications for insurance to evaluate degree of risk involved and determine acceptance. [13-2053]

number employed: 4,278 annual total openings: 81 average annual/hourly wages: $81,807 / $39.33skills: W, S, CT, RC, AL, J

Insurance Sales AgentsSell life, property, casualty, health, automotive, or other types of insurance. May refer clients to independent brokers, work as an independent broker, or be employed by an insurance company. [41-3021]

number employed: 7,766 annual total openings: 253 average annual/hourly wages: $73,950 / $35.55

Connecticut Career Paths 19

Emergency Management DirectorsPlan and direct disaster response or crisis management activities, provide disaster preparedness training, and prepare emergency plans for natural (e.g., hurricanes, floods, earthquakes), wartime, or technological (e.g., nuclear power plant emergencies or hazardous materials spills) disasters or hostage situations. [11-9161]

number employed: 133 annual total openings: 2 average annual/hourly wages: $94,685 / $45.52skills: Co, CPS, S, CT, SO

Compliance OfficersExamine, evaluate, and investigate eligibility for or conformity with laws and regulations governing contract compliance of licenses and permits, and perform other compliance and enforcement inspection and analysis activities not classified elsewhere. [13-1041]

number employed: 3,417 annual total openings: 65 average annual/hourly wages: $84,297 / $40.53

Appraisers and Assessors of Real EstateAppraise real property and estimate its fair value. May assess taxes. [13-2021]

number employed: 938 annual total openings: 16 average annual/hourly wages: $68,226 / $32.80

Urban and Regional Planners Develop comprehensive plans and programs for use of land and physical facilities of jurisdictions, such as towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas. [19-3051]

number employed: 324 annual total openings: 6 average annual/hourly wages: $82,621 / $39.72skills: SA, J, CT, RC, S, AL

Eligibility Interviewers, Government Programs Determine eligibility of persons applying to receive assistance from government programs and agency resources, such as welfare, unemployment benefits, social security, and public housing. [43-4061]

number employed: 891 annual total openings: 10 average annual/hourly wages: $58,784 / $28.26skills: M, OM, QCA, AL, CT

Financial ExaminersEnforce or ensure compliance with laws and regulations governing financial and securities institutions and financial and real estate transactions. May examine, verify, or authenticate records. [13-2061]

number employed: 595 annual total openings: 18 average annual/hourly wages: $102,083 / $49.07skills: CT, AL, RC

Construction and Building InspectorsInspect structures using engineering skills to determine structural soundness and compliance with specifications, building codes, and regulations. [47-4011]

number employed: 951 annual total openings: 30 average annual/hourly wages: $68,291 / $32.84skills: Co, CT, M, AL, SP, S

Occupational Health and Safety SpecialistsReview, evaluate, and analyze work environments and design programs and procedures to control, eliminate, and prevent disease or injury caused by chemical, physical, and biological agents or ergonomic factors. May conduct inspections and enforce adherence to laws and regulations governing the health and safety of individuals. May be employed in the public or private sector. Includes environmental protection officers. [29-9011]

number employed: 622 annual total openings: 13 average annual/hourly wages: $78,733 / $37.85skills: J, RC, S, AL, CT, CPS

Tax Examiners & Collectors and Revenue AgentsDetermine tax liability or collect taxes from individuals or business firms. [13-2081]

number employed: 845 annual total openings: 35 average annual/hourly wages: $84,369 / $40.56skills: W, S, CT, AL, RC

Court, Municipal and License ClerksPerform clerical duties for courts of law, municipalities, or governmental licensing agencies and bureaus. May prepare docket of cases to be called; secure information for judges and court; prepare draft agendas or bylaws for town or city council; answer official correspondence; keep fiscal records and accounts; issue licenses or permits; and record data, administer tests, or collect fees. [43-4031]

number employed: 1,145 annual total openings: 8 average annual/hourly wages: $48,124 / $23.14skills: S, M, Co, SO, SP, AL

Government & Public Administration

Connecticut Career Paths20

Health Science Medical and Health Services ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate medical and health services in hospitals, clinics, managed care organizations, public health agencies, or similar organizations. [11-9111]

number employed: 5,356 annual total openings: 181 average annual/hourly wages: $132,359 / $63.63skills: AL, CT, J, S, RC

Biomedical EngineersApply knowledge of engineering, biology, and biomechanical principles to the design, development, and evaluation of biological and health systems and products, such as artificial organs, prostheses, instrumentation, medical information systems, and health management and care delivery systems. [17-2031]

number employed: 123 annual total openings: 7 average annual/hourly wages: $98,408 / $47.31skills: AL, OA, J, CPS, RC, Sci, CT

Medical Scientists, Except EpidemiologistsConduct research dealing with the understanding of human diseases and the improvement of human health. Engage in clinical investigation or research and development. [19-1042]

number employed: 2,720 annual total openings: 101 average annual/hourly wages: $117,507 / $56.50skills: S, CPS, W, AL, RC, Sci, CT

ChiropractorsAssess, treat, and care for patients by manipulation of spine and musculoskeletal system. May provide spinal adjustment or address sacral or pelvic misalignment. [29-1011]

number employed: 324 annual total openings: 10 average annual/hourly wages: $82,773 / $39.80skills: SP, W, RC, S, CT, AL

Dentists, GeneralExamine, diagnose, and treat diseases, injuries, and malformations of teeth and gums. May treat diseases of nerve, pulp, and other dental tissues affecting oral hygiene and retention of teeth. May fit dental appliances or provide preventive care. [29-1021]

number employed: 2,636 annual total openings: 90 average annual/hourly wages: $207,905 / $99.96skills: SP, S, AL, M, J, CT

Dietitians and NutritionistsPlan and conduct food service or nutritional programs to assist in the promotion of health and control of disease. May supervise activities of a department providing quantity food services, counsel individuals, or conduct nutritional research. [29-1031]

number employed: 913 annual total openings: 16 average annual/hourly wages: $66,733 / $32.08skills: CT, W, S, AL

OptometristsDiagnose, manage, and treat conditions and diseases of the human eye and visual system. Examine eyes and visual system, diagnose problems or impairments, prescribe corrective lenses, and provide treatment. May prescribe therapeutic drugs to treat specific eye conditions. [29-1041]

number employed: 307 annual total openings: 17 average annual/hourly wages: $195,308 / $93.90skills: SO, Co, RC, S, CT, AL, Sci

PharmacistsDispense drugs prescribed by physicians and other health practitioners and provide information to patients about medications and their use. May advise physicians and other health practitioners on the selection, dosage, interactions, and side effects of medications. [29-1051]

number employed: 2,812 annual total openings: 66 average annual/hourly wages: $122,306 / $58.80skills: W, SO, I, S, CT, M, AL, RC

Internists, Family and General PractitionersPhysicians who diagnose, treat, and provide non-surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of internal organ systems. [29-1062, 29-1063]

number employed: 2,966 annual total openings: 101 average annual/hourly wages: $216,674 / $104.17skills: RC, AL, W, J, CT, S, CPS, Sci

PsychiatristsPhysicians who diagnose, treat, and help prevent disorders of the mind. [29-1066]

number employed: 1,067 annual total openings: 40 average annual/hourly wages: $234,183 / $112.59skills: RC, W, CT, S, AL, SP

Physicians and Surgeons, All OtherAll physicians and surgeons not listed separately. [29-1069]

number employed: 6,916 annual total openings: 271 average annual/hourly wages: $205,150 / $98.63

Physician AssistantsProvide healthcare services typically performed by a physician, under the supervision of a physician. Conduct complete physicals, provide treatment, and counsel patients. [29-1071]

number employed: 1,982 annual total openings: 82 average annual/hourly wages: $118,144 / $56.80skills: SP, J, M, RC, CT, AL, S

Occupational TherapistsAssess, plan, organize, and participate in rehabilitative programs that help build or restore vocational, homemaking, and daily living skills, as well as general independence, to persons with disabilities or developmental delays. [29-1122]

number employed: 1,819 annual total openings: 61 average annual/hourly wages: $90,469 / $43.49skills: SP, CT, SO, AL, S, RC

Physical TherapistsAssess, plan, organize, and participate in rehabilitative programs that improve mobility, relieve pain, increase strength, and improve or correct disabling conditions resulting from disease or injury. [29-1123]

number employed: 3,933 annual total openings: 180 average annual/hourly wages: $92,636 / $44.54skills: SO, SP, M, AL, S, CT, RC

Connecticut Career Paths 21

Respiratory TherapistsAssess, treat, and care for patients with breathing disorders. Assume primary responsibility for all respiratory care modalities, including the supervision of respiratory therapy technicians. Initiate and conduct therapeutic procedures; maintain patient records; and select, assemble, check, and operate equipment. [29-1126]

number employed: 1,183 annual total openings: 31 average annual/hourly wages: $70,085 / $33.69skills: RC, ALearn, SP, SO, S, M, CT, AL

Speech-Language Pathologists Assess and treat persons with speech, language, voice, and fluency disorders. May select alternative communication systems and teach their use. May perform research related to speech and language problems. [29-1127]

number employed: 1,939 annual total openings: 74 average annual/hourly wages: $93,325 / $44.87skills: LS, SP, CT, S, RC, AL

VeterinariansDiagnose, treat, or research diseases and injuries of animals. Includes veterinarians who conduct research and development, inspect livestock, or care for pets and companion animals. [29-1131]

number employed: 1,139 annual total openings: 28 average annual/hourly wages: $113,932 / $54.77skills: AL, J, CPS, CT, S, RC, Sci

Registered NursesAssess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care plans, and maintain medical records. Administer nursing care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. May advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management. Licensing or registration required. [29-1141]

number employed: 33,567 annual total openings: 994 average annual/hourly wages: $79,259 / $38.11skills: RC, Co, CT, SO, S, AL, SP

Nurse PractitionersDiagnose and treat acute, episodic, or chronic illness, independently or as part of a healthcare team. May order, perform, or interpret diagnostic tests such as lab work and x rays. Must be registered nurses who have specialized graduate education. [29-1171]

number employed: 2,752 annual total openings: 135 average annual/hourly wages: $114,985 / $55.28skills: CT, M, SP, RC, S, Sci, AL

Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technologists Perform complex medical laboratory tests for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. May train or supervise staff. [29-2011]

number employed: 2,588 annual total openings: 66 average annual/hourly wages: $73,629 / $35.40skills: OM, Sci, RC, AL, CT

Dental HygienistsClean teeth and examine oral areas, head, and neck for signs of oral disease. May educate patients on oral hygiene, take and develop x rays, or apply fluoride or sealants. [29-2021]

number employed: 3,840 annual total openings: 102 average annual/hourly wages: $83,968 / $40.37skills: CT, AL, S

Radiologic TechnologistsTake x–rays and CAT scans or administer nonradioactive materials into patient’s blood stream for diagnostic purposes. Includes technologists who specialize in other scanning modalities. [29-2034]

number employed: 2,285 annual total openings: 43 average annual/hourly wages: $66,986 / $32.20skills: SP, W, RC, S, AL

Pharmacy TechniciansPrepare medications under the direction of a pharmacist. May measure, mix, count out, label, and record amounts and dosages of medications according to prescription orders. [29-2052]

number employed: 3,555 annual total openings: 54 average annual/hourly wages: $34,703 / $16.68skills: M, AL, CT, Instal

Psychiatric TechniciansCare for individuals with mental or emotional conditions or disabilities, following the instructions of physicians or other health practitioners. [29-2053]

number employed: 961 annual total openings: 12 average annual/hourly wages: $54,217 / $26.07skills: Rpr, T, CT, S, AL, QCA

Diagnostic Medical SonographersProduce ultrasonic recordings of internal organs for use by physicians. [29-2032]

number employed: 1,167 annual total openings: 40 average annual/hourly wages: $76,758 / $36.90skills: M, CT, RC, S, SP, AL

Surgical TechnologistsAssist in operations, under the supervision of surgeons or other surgical personnel. May help set up operating room, prepare and transport patients for surgery, pass instruments and other supplies to surgeons and surgeon’s assistants, hold retractors, cut sutures, and help count sponges, needles, supplies, and instruments. [29-2055]

number employed: 1,046 annual total openings: 12 average annual/hourly wages: $54,713 / $26.31skills: ALearn, CPS, Rpr, Co, AL, J, M, CT

Veterinary Technologists and TechniciansPerform medical tests in a laboratory environment for use in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases in animals. Prepare vaccines and serums for prevention of diseases. Prepare tissue samples, take blood samples, and execute laboratory tests. May assist a veterinarian during surgery. [29-2056]

number employed: 1,597 annual total openings: 44 average annual/hourly wages: $39,483 / $18.99skills: M, S, RC, AL, CT

Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses Care for ill, injured, or convalescing patients or persons with disabilities in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, private homes, and group homes. [29-2061]

number employed: 8,848 annual total openings: 327 average annual/hourly wages: $56,424 / $27.13skills: T, S, AL, EM, M, OC, OM

Medical Records and Health Information Technicians Compile, process, and maintain medical records of hospital and clinic patients in a manner consistent with the healthcare industry’s numerical coding system. [29-2071]

number employed: 1,532 annual total openings: 49 average annual/hourly wages: $48,698 / $23.41skills: SP, OC, J, CT, Co, S, AL

Athletic TrainersEvaluate and advise individuals to assist recovery from or avoid athletic-related injuries or illnesses, or maintain peak physical fitness. May provide first aid or emergency care. [29-9091]

number employed: 664 annual total openings: 23 average annual/hourly wages: $57,862 / N/Askills: M, SP, AL, S, CT

Connecticut Career Paths22

Opticians, DispensingDesign, measure, fit, and adapt lenses and frames for client according to written optical prescription or specification. Assist client with inserting, removing, and caring for contact lenses. Measure customer for size of eyeglasses. Prepare work order for optical laboratory. Verify exactness of finished lens spectacles. [29-2081]

number employed: 961 annual total openings: 44 average annual/hourly wages: $42,176 / $20.27

Home Health AidesProvide routine healthcare such as changing bandages and dressing wounds, and applying topical medications to the elderly, convalescents, or persons with disabilities at the patient’s home or in a care facility. Monitor or report changes in health status. [31-1011]

number employed: 8,709 annual total openings: 403 average annual/hourly wages: $28,237 / $13.58skills: S, M, SP, CT, SO, AL

Psychiatric AidesAssist mentally impaired or emotionally disturbed patients, working under direction of nursing and medical staff. May assist with daily living activities, lead patients in educational and recreational activities, or accompany patients to and from examinations and treatments. May restrain violent patients. Includes psychiatric orderlies. [31-1013]

number employed: 1,196 annual total openings: 45 average annual/hourly wages: $36,844 / $17.72skills: M, J, EM, CPS, AL, OC, CT, OM

Nursing AssistantsProvide basic patient care under direction of nursing staff. Perform duties such as feed, bathe, dress, groom, or move patients, or change linens. May transfer or transport patients. Includes nursing care attendants, nursing aides, and nursing attendants. [31-1014]

number employed: 22,826 annual total openings: 639 average annual/hourly wages: $33,013 / $15.87

Dental AssistantsAssist dentist, set up equipment, prepare patient for treatment, and keep records. [31-9091]

number employed: 3,819 annual total openings: 132 average annual/hourly wages: $43,788 / $21.06skills: M, OM, J, CPS, AL, OC, TM, CT

Medical AssistantsPerform administrative and clinical duties under the direction of a physician. Duties may include scheduling appointments, maintaining medical records, and billing information; taking and recording vital signs and medical histories, preparing patients for examination, drawing blood, and administering medications. [31-9092]

number employed: 7,251 annual total openings: 275 average annual/hourly wages: $37,070 / $17.82skills: CT, EM, T, Rpr, AL, OM

Medical Equipment Preparers Prepare, sterilize, install, or clean laboratory or healthcare equipment. May perform routine laboratory tasks and operate or inspect equipment. [31-9093]

number employed: 484 annual total openings: 12 average annual/hourly wages: $41,970 / $20.17skills: M, SP, RC, CT, S, AL

Veterinary Assistants and Laboratory Animal Caretakers Feed and examine pets and other nonfarm animals for signs of illness, disease, or injury in laboratories and animal hospitals and clinics. Clean and disinfect cages and work areas, and sterilize laboratory and surgical equipment. [31-9096]

number employed: 973 annual total openings: 27 average annual/hourly wages: $37,224 / $17.89skills: J, CT, Co, OM, OC

PhlebotomistsDraw blood for tests, transfusions, donations, or research. May explain the procedure to patients and assist in the recovery of patients with adverse reactions. [31-9097]

number employed: 1,641 annual total openings: 49 average annual/hourly wages: $40,172 / $19.31skills: M, OM, OC

Medical SecretariesPerform secretarial duties using specific knowledge of medical terminology and hospital, clinic, or laboratory procedures. Duties may include scheduling appointments, billing patients, and compiling and recording medical charts, reports, and correspondence. [43-6013]

number employed: 4,265 annual total openings: 102 average annual/hourly wages: $42,998 / $20.67skills: SO, SP, AL, S

Connecticut Labor Market Information (LMI)www.ctdol.state.ct.us/lmiThe Department of Labor’s Office of Research is Connecticut’s leading producer of information and statistics on the State’s economy, workforce, occupations, and careers.

The Office prepares a variety of print and electronic resources for assessing Connecticut’s needs for skilled workers, for assisting in economic development initiatives, for aiding in the program planning of education and training providers, and for guiding the job seekers and students on their career choices.

LMI is generated from surveys and various databases maintained within the Office of Research. Some of the LMI data collections include: commuting patterns; cost of living; demographic statistics; economic conditions and trends; employer data by industry and size class; hours and earnings data by industry; industrial/occupational employment and projections; labor force statistics; occupational data by gender/race and occupational wage rates.




Connecticut Career Paths 23

Hospitality & Tourism Food Service ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate activities of an organization or department that serves food and beverages. [11-9051]

number employed: 5,450 annual total openings: 130 average annual/hourly wages: $67,430 / $32.42skills: TM, AL, CT

Lodging ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate activities of an organization or department that provides lodging and other accommodations. [11-9081]

number employed: 241 annual total openings: 7 average annual/hourly wages: $61,705 / $29.66skills: S, RC, J, M, AL, SO

Chefs & Head CooksDirect and may participate in the preparation and cooking of soups, fish, meats, vegetables, and desserts. May plan and price menu items, order supplies, and keep records. [35-1011]

number employed: 2,126 annual total openings: 52 average annual/hourly wages: $51,563 / $24.80skills: SP, W, TM, M, CT, Ma, RC, AL, S

First-Line Supervisors of Food Preparation & Serving WorkersSupervise activities of workers engaged in preparing and serving food. [35-1012]

number employed: 8,293 annual total openings: 317 average annual/hourly wages: $39,073 / $18.79skills: M, W, TM, S, RC, AL

Cooks, Institution & CafeteriaPrepare and cook large quantities of food for institutions, such as schools, hospitals, or cafeterias. [35-2012]

number employed: 3,608 annual total openings: 124 average annual/hourly wages: $35,745 / $17.18skills:J, QCA, OM, SO, S, RC, M, TM

Cooks, RestaurantPrepare, season, and cook dishes such as soups, meats, vegetables, or desserts in restaurants. May order supplies, keep records and accounts, price items on menu, or plan menu. [35-2014]

number employed: 13,056 annual total openings: 537 average annual/hourly wages: $29,613 / $14.24skills: S, CT, QCA, J, AL, Co, M

Cooks, Short OrderPrepare/cook to order a variety of foods that require only short prep. time. May take orders from customers and serve patrons at counters or tables. [35-2015]

number employed: 2,192 annual total openings: 58 average annual/hourly wages: $27,250 / $13.11skills: RC, M, S, TM, SO, Co, AL

Combined Food Prep & Serving Workers, Including Fast FoodPerform duties which combine preparing and serving food and nonalcoholic beverages. [35-3021]

number employed: 28,478 annual total openings: 1,236 average annual/hourly wages: $24,405 / $11.73skills: I, Co, SP, M, S, SO, AL

Waiters & WaitressesTake orders and serve food and beverages to patrons at tables in dining establishment. [35-3031]

number employed: 27,224 annual total openings: 1,398 average annual/hourly wages: $24,672 / $11.86skills: Co, S, SP, SO, AL

Hosts & Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, & Coffee ShopWelcome patrons, seat them at tables or in lounge, and help ensure quality of facilities and service. [35-9031]

number employed: 3,667 annual total openings: 277 average annual/hourly wages: $23,409 / $11.26skills: SP, SO, S, AL

Janitors & Cleaners, Ex. Maids & Housekeeping CleanersKeep buildings in clean and orderly condition. Perform heavy cleaning duties, such as cleaning floors, shampooing rugs, washing walls and glass. [37-2011]

number employed: 31,669 annual total openings: 781 average annual/hourly wages: $33,506 / $16.11skills: M, SO, S, SP, TM, AL, Co, CT

Maids & Housekeeping CleanersPerform any combination of light cleaning duties to maintain private households or commercial establishments, such as hotels and hospitals, in a clean and orderly manner. [37-2012]

number employed: 19,659 annual total openings: 760 average annual/hourly wages: $26,121 / $12.56skills: CT, TM, SP, AL, S, M, Co, SO

Gaming DealersOperate table games. Stand or sit behind table and operate games of chance by dispensing the appropriate number of cards or blocks to players, or operating other gaming equipment. Distribute winnings or collect players’ money or chips. [39-3011]

number employed: 2,939 annual total openings: 79 skills: RC, SP, AL, SO, S

Recreation WorkersConduct recreation activities with groups in public, private, or volunteer agencies or recreation facilities. Organize and promote activities, such as arts and crafts, sports, games, music, dramatics, social recreation, camping, and hobbies, taking into account the needs and interests of individual members. [39-9032]

number employed: 5,164 annual total openings: 131 average annual/hourly wages: $32,807 / $15.78skills: TM, SO, Pers, CT, W, S, RC, AL

Hotel, Motel & Resort Desk ClerksAccommodate hotel, motel, and resort patrons by registering and assigning rooms to guests, keeping records of occupied rooms and guests’ accounts, making and confirming reservations, and presenting statements to and collecting payments. [43-4081]

number employed: 1,842 annual total openings: 108 average annual/hourly wages: $24,496 / $11.77skills: Co, RC, SP, SO, S, AL

BakersMix and bake ingredients to produce breads, rolls, cookies, cakes, pies, pastries, or other baked goods. [51-3011]

number employed: 1,725 annual total openings: 43 average annual/hourly wages: $30,752 / $14.78skills: RC, Co, CT, S, SP, M, AL

Connecticut Career Paths24

Human ServicesSocial and Community Service ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate the activities of a social service program or community outreach organization. Oversee the program or organization’s budget and policies regarding participant involvement, program requirements, and benefits. Work may involve directing social workers, counselors, or probation officers. [11-9151]

number employed: 4,199 annual total openings: 168 average annual/hourly wages: $74,175 / $35.66skills: CT, SP, Co, J, MPR, S, TM, AL

Clinical, Counseling, and School PsychologistsDiagnose and treat mental disorders; learning disabilities; and cognitive, behavioral, and emotional problems, using individual, child, family, and group therapies. May design and implement behavior modification programs. [19-3031]

number employed: 3,608 annual total openings: 152 average annual/hourly wages: $88,049 / $42.33

Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder CounselorsCounsel and advise individuals with alcohol, tobacco, drug, or other problems, such as gambling and eating disorders. May counsel individuals, families, or groups or engage in prevention programs. [21-1011]

number employed: 3,256 annual total openings: 128 average annual/hourly wages: $49,275 / $23.69skills: RC, W, SO, M, CT, S, AL, SP

Mental Health CounselorsCounsel with emphasis on prevention. Work with individuals and groups to promote optimum mental and emotional health. May help individuals deal with issues associated with addictions and substance abuse; family, parenting, and marital problems; stress management; self-esteem; and aging. [21-1014]

number employed: 2,776annual total openings: 105 average annual/hourly wages: $51,847 / $24.92skills: S, SO, SP, AL

Rehabilitation CounselorsCounsel individuals to maximize the independence and employability of persons coping with personal, social, and vocational difficulties that result from birth defects, illness, disease, accidents, or the stress of daily life. Coordinate activities for residents of care and treatment facilities. Assess client needs and design and implement rehabilitation programs that may include personal and vocational counseling, training, and job placement. [21-1015]

number employed: 2,581 annual total openings: 98 average annual/hourly wages: $43,169 / $20.75skills: CT, M, S, SP, AL

Healthcare, Mental Health & Substance Abuse, Child, Family, & School Social Workers (& All Other)Provide social services and assistance to individuals, families, and groups with the psychosocial support needed. May assist parents, arrange adoptions, and find foster homes for abandoned or abused children. Assess and treat individuals with mental, emotional, or substance abuse problems. also included are all social workers not listed separately. [21-1021, 21-1022, 21-1023, 21-1029]

number employed: 10,447 annual total openings: 327 average annual/hourly wages: $57,538 / $27.67skills: SO, M, CT, SP, RC, S, AL

ClergyConduct religious worship and perform other spiritual functions associated with beliefs and practices of religious faith or denomination. Provide spiritual and moral guidance and assistance to members. [21-2011]

number employed: 2,321 annual total openings: 69 average annual/hourly wages: $56,242 / $27.04skills: RC, I, S, AL, SP, SO

Social & Human Service AssistantsAssist in providing client services in a wide variety of fields, such as psychology, rehabilitation, or social work, including support for families. May assist clients in identifying and obtaining available benefits and social and community services. May assist social workers with developing, organizing, and conducting programs to prevent and resolve problems relevant to substance abuse, human relationships, rehabilitation, or dependent care. [21-1093]

number employed: 8,086 annual total openings: 259 average annual/hourly wages: $40,688 / $19.56skills: OC, OM, CT, QCA, T, EM, Rpr

Community Health WorkersAssist individuals and communities to adopt healthy behaviors. Conduct outreach for medical personnel or health organizations to implement programs in the community that promote, maintain, and improve individual and community health. May provide information on available resources, provide social support and informal counseling, advocate for individuals and community health needs, and provide services such as first aid and blood pressure screening. May collect data to help identify community health needs. [21-1094]

number employed: 699 annual total openings: 23 average annual/hourly wages: $44,161 / $21.24skills: QCA, M, OC, OM

Massage TherapistsPerform therapeutic massages of soft tissues and joints. May assist in the assessment of range of motion and muscle strength, or propose client therapy plans. [31-9011]

number employed: 2,317 annual total openings: 63 average annual/hourly wages: $50,351 / $24.21skills: OM, CT, OC, QCA

Morticians, Undertakers, and Funeral DirectorsPerform various tasks to arrange and direct funeral services, such as coordinating transportation of body to mortuary, interviewing family or other authorized person to arrange details, selecting pallbearers, aiding with the selection of officials for religious rites, and providing transportation for mourners. [39-4031]

number employed: 444 annual total openings: 16 skills: AL, Co, S, SO, SP

Connecticut Career Paths 25

First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service WorkersDirectly supervise and coordinate activities of personal service workers, such as flight attendants, hairdressers, or caddies. [39-1021]

number employed: 4,869 annual total openings: 148 average annual/hourly wages: $45,164 / $21.71skills: Co, SP, RC, AL, SO, S

Tailors, Dressmakers and Custom SewersDesign, make, alter, repair, or fit garments. [51-6052]

number employed: 557annual total openings: 19 average annual/hourly wages: $44,443 / $21.37skills: SP, CT, TM, AL

BarbersProvide barbering services, such as cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. [39-5011]

number employed: 1,042annual total openings: 30 average annual/hourly wages: $28,863 / $13.88skills: Co, SP, W, M, RC, AL, S, TM

Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and CosmetologistsProvide beauty services, such as shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. May apply makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, and provide nail and skin care services. [39-5012]

number employed: 10,279annual total openings: 352 average annual/hourly wages: $34,903 / $16.78skills: SP, AL, S, CT, M, RC

Manicurists and PedicuristsClean and shape customers’ fingernails and toenails. May polish or decorate nails. [39-5092]

number employed: 2,281 annual total openings: 36 average annual/hourly wages: $23,101 / $11.10skills: TM, M, OM, OC

Community and Social Service Specialists, All OtherAll community and social service specialists not listed separately. [21-1099]

number employed: 1,753 annual total openings: 54 average annual/hourly wages: $50,136 / $24.10

Childcare WorkersAttend to children at schools, businesses, private households, and childcare institutions. Perform a variety of tasks, such as dressing, feeding, bathing, and overseeing play. [39-9011]

number employed: 17,986 annual total openings: 753 average annual/hourly wages: $26,028 / $12.51skills: CT, S, W, RC, AL

Fitness Trainers and Aerobics InstructorsInstruct or coach groups or individuals in exercise activities. Demonstrate techniques and form, observe participants, and explain to them corrective measures necessary to improve their skills. [39-9031]

number employed: 4,546 annual total openings: 120 average annual/hourly wages: $44,938 / $21.61skills: S, CT, RC, AL

Laundry and Dry-Cleaning WorkersOperate or tend washing or dry-cleaning machines to wash or dry-clean industrial or household articles, such as cloth garments, suede, leather, furs, blankets, draperies, linens, rugs, and carpets. Includes spotters and dyers of these articles. [51-6011]

number employed: 2,139 annual total openings: 34 average annual/hourly wages: $26,280 / $12.63skills: OC, S, M, CT, AL

Personal Care AidesAssist the elderly, convalescents, or persons with disabilities with daily living activities at the person’s home or in a care facility. Duties performed at a place of residence may include keeping house (making beds, doing laundry, washing dishes) and preparing meals. May provide assistance at non-residential care facilities. May advise families, the elderly, convalescents, and persons with disabilities regarding such things as nutrition, cleanliness, and household activities. [39-9021]

number employed: 27,084 annual total openings: 861 average annual/hourly wages: $27,949 / $13.44skills: M, CT, S, SP, AL, SO

Job Interviews Don’t go into a job interview cold.

ALWAYS practice interview questions ahead of time.

Question: Tell me about yourself. Suggestion: Don’t tell the story of your life. Focus on the highlights of your career and job achievements. Question: What are your weaknesses? Suggestion: Relate weaknesses in terms of things that would make you more marketable. Don’t discuss things that might be detrimental to your performance. Question: What do you know about our company? Suggestion: Conduct research to find out as much as you can about the employer.

Four Point Interview Closing Strategy

• Thank the interviewer for his/her time.

• Express interest in the position

• Ask if you can assist in clarifying your qualifications.

• Ask when a decision will be made and the follow-up protocol.

After the interview, send a letter or email expressing your appreciation and remind the interviewer of your qualifications.

Connecticut Career Paths26

Information Technology Computer Systems AnalystsAnalyze science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to implement and improve computer systems. Analyze user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate or improve existing systems and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software. [15-1121]

number employed: 7,892 annual total openings: 290 average annual/hourly wages: $95,958 / $46.14skills: SA, AL, S, RC, CT

Information Security AnalystsPlan, implement, upgrade, or monitor security measures for the protection of computer networks and information. May ensure appropriate security controls are in place that will safeguard digital files and vital electronic infrastructure. May respond to computer security breaches and viruses. [15-1122]

number employed: 875 annual total openings: 25 average annual/hourly wages: $108,221 / $52.03skills: AL, W, S, CPS, RC, CT

Software Developers, ApplicationsDevelop, create, and modify general computer applications software or specialized utility programs. Analyze user needs and develop software solutions. Design software or customize software for client use with the aim of optimizing operational efficiency. May analyze and design databases within an application area, working individually or coordinating database development as part of a team. May supervise computer programmers. [15-1132]

number employed: 8,832 annual total openings: 323 average annual/hourly wages: $101,892 / $48.99skills: CT, OA, J, SE, SA, CPS, P

Web DevelopersDesign, create, and modify Web sites. Analyze user needs to implement Web site content, graphics, performance, and capacity. May integrate Web sites with other computer applications. May convert written, graphic, audio, and video components to compatible Web formats by using software designed to facilitate the creation of Web and multimedia content. [15-1134]

number employed: 1,610 annual total openings: 62 average annual/hourly wages: $74,905 / $36.01skills: AL, CPS, RC, OA, CT, P

Database AdministratorsAdminister, test, and implement computer databases, applying knowledge of database management systems. Coordinate changes to computer databases. May plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to safeguard computer databases. [15-1141]

number employed: 1,484 annual total openings: 45 average annual/hourly wages: $93,588 / $45.00skills: M, SE, J, CPS, CT, SA, RC

Network and Computer Systems AdministratorsInstall, configure, and support an organization’s local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), & Internet systems or a segment of a network system. Monitor network to ensure network availability to all system users and may perform necessary maintenance to support network availability. May supervise computer user support specialists and computer network support specialists. May administer network security measures. [15-1142]

number employed: 3,742 annual total openings: 84 average annual/hourly wages: $90,206 / $43.37skills: M, SE, J, CPS, CT, SA, RC

Computer User Support SpecialistsProvide technical assistance to computer users. Answer questions or resolve computer problems for clients in person, or via telephone or electronically. May provide assistance concerning the use of computer hardware and software, including printing, installation, word processing, electronic mail, and operating systems. [15-1151]

number employed: 7,292 annual total openings: 191 average annual/hourly wages: $57,396 / $27.59

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Connecticut Career Paths 27

Law, Public Safety & Security Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment SpecialistsProvide social services to assist in rehabilitation of law offenders in custody or on probation or parole. Make recommendations for actions involving formulation of rehabilitation plan and treatment of offender, including conditional release and education and employment stipulations. [21-1092]

number employed: 1,098 annual total openings: 22average annual/hourly wages: N/A / N/A skills: W, M, AL, S, SP, CT

LawyersRepresent clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings, draw up legal documents, or manage or advise clients on legal transactions. May specialize in a single area or may practice broadly in many areas of law. [23-1011]

number employed: 12,616 annual total openings: 230 average annual/hourly wages: $153,455 / $73.78skills: J, CPS, W, CT, RC, S, AL

Arbitrators, Mediators and ConciliatorsFacilitate negotiation and conflict resolution through dialogue. Resolve conflicts outside of the court system by mutual consent of parties involved. [23-1022]

number employed: 879 annual total openings: 13 average annual/hourly wages: $104,737 / $50.35skills: Pers, CT, S, AL, N

Paralegals and Legal AssistantsAssist lawyers by investigating facts, preparing legal documents, or researching legal precedent. Conduct research to support a legal proceeding, to formulate a defense, or to initiate legal action. [23-2011]

number employed: 5,468 annual total openings: 157 average annual/hourly wages: $57,558 / $27.68skills: CT, S, W, AL, RC

Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics Assess injuries, administer emergency medical care, and extricate trapped individuals. Transport injured or sick persons to medical facilities. [29-2041]

number employed: 3,244 annual total openings: 89 average annual/hourly wages: $46,905 / $22.55skills: J, TM, M, CT, Co, OC, OM

Police and Sheriff’s Patrol OfficersMaintain order and protect life and property by enforcing local, tribal, State, or Federal laws and ordinances. Perform a combination of the following duties: patrol a specific area; direct traffic; issue traffic summonses; investigate accidents; apprehend and arrest suspects, or serve legal processes of courts. [33-3051]

number employed: 6,207 annual total openings: 213 average annual/hourly wages: $70,381 / $33.83skills: OM, AL, CT, OC, T

FirefightersControl and extinguish fires or respond to emergency situations where life, property, or the environment is at risk. Duties may include fire prevention, emergency medical service, hazardous material response, search and rescue, and disaster assistance. [33-2011]

number employed: 2,999 annual total openings: 92 average annual/hourly wages: $63,406 / $30.49skills: S, W, AL, RC, CT, M, OM

Legal SecretariesPerform secretarial duties using legal terminology, procedures, and documents. Prepare legal papers and correspondence, such as summonses, complaints, motions, and subpoenas. May also assist with legal research. [43-6012]

number employed: 1,868 annual total openings: 20 average annual/hourly wages: $51,912 / $24.96skills: Co, SP, S, AL, SO

Correctional Officers and JailersGuard inmates in penal or rehabilitative institutions in accordance with established regulations and procedures. May guard prisoners in transit between jail, courtroom, prison, or other point. Includes deputy sheriffs and police who spend the majority of their time guarding prisoners in correctional institutions. [33-3012]

number employed: 3,052 annual total openings: 84 average annual/hourly wages: $56,021 / $26.93skills: SO, M, CT, Co, SP, S, AL

Police, Fire and Ambulance DispatchersOperate radio, telephone, or computer equipment at emergency response centers. Receive reports from the public of crimes, disturbances, fires, and medical or police emergencies. Relay information to law enforcement and emergency response personnel. May maintain contact with caller until responders arrive. [43-5031]

number employed: 1,319 annual total openings: 33 average annual/hourly wages: $54,343 / $26.13skills: CT, ALearn, MMR, RC, SO, J, TM

Security GuardsGuard, patrol, or monitor premises to prevent theft, violence, or infractions of rules. May operate x-ray and metal detector equipment. [33-9032]

number employed: 11,429 annual total openings: 198 average annual/hourly wages: $33,187 / $15.95skills: SP, AL, S

First-Line Supervisors of Correctional OfficersDirectly supervise & coordinate activities of correctional officers and jailers. [33-1011]

number employed: 391 annual total openings: 11 average annual/hourly wages: $70,894 / $34.08skills: SP, AL, RC, S

First-Line Supervisors of Police and DetectivesDirectly supervise and coordinate activities of members of police force. [33-1012]

number employed: 1,733 annual total openings: 65 average annual/hourly wages: $95,423 / $45.88skills: M, TM, Co, I, AL, S

Connecticut Career Paths28

Manufacturing Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail & Farm ProductsPurchase machinery, equipment, tools, parts, supplies, or services necessary for the operation of an establishment. Purchase raw or semi-finished materials for manufacturing. [13-1023]

number employed: 4,256 annual total openings: 133 average annual/hourly wages: $71,868 / $34.55 skills: ALearn, W, MFR, J, CT, AL, S, RC

Mechanical DraftersPrepare detailed working diagrams of machinery and mechanical devices, including dimensions, fastening methods, and other engineering information. [17-3013]

number employed: 1,797 annual total openings: 45 average annual/hourly wages: $63,746 / $30.64 skills: S, CT, AL, Ma, CPS, ALearn

Electrical and Electronics Engineering TechniciansApply electrical and electronic theory and related knowledge, usually under the direction of engineering staff, to design, build, repair, calibrate, and modify electrical components, circuitry, controls, and machinery for subsequent evaluation and use by engineering staff in making engineering design decisions. [17-3023]

number employed: 1,521 annual total openings: 44 average annual/hourly wages: $63,371 / $30.47

Mechanical Engineering TechniciansApply theory and principles of mechanical engineering to modify, develop, test, or calibrate machinery and equipment under direction of engineering staff or physical scientists. [17-3027]

number employed: 916 annual total openings: 40 average annual/hourly wages: $69,862 / $33.59 skills: S, OM, CT, AL, RC

Industrial Engineering TechniciansApply engineering theory and principles to problems of industrial layout or manufacturing production, usually under the direction of engineering staff. May perform time and motion studies on worker operations in a variety of industries for purposes such as establishing standard production rates or improving efficiency. [17-3026]

number employed: 964annual total openings: 28 average annual/hourly wages: $64,647 / $31.08 skills: SA, AL, RC, CPS, M, CT

Chemical TechniciansConduct chemical and physical laboratory tests to assist scientists in making qualitative and quantitative analyses of solids, liquids, and gaseous materials for research and development of new products or processes, quality control, maintenance of environmental standards, and other work involving experimental, theoretical, or practical application of chemistry and related sciences. [19-4031]

number employed: 906 annual total openings: 31 average annual/hourly wages: $52,394 / $25.18 skills: AL, M, CT, W, RC, Sci

Production, Planning and Expediting ClerksCoordinate and expedite the flow of work and materials within or between departments of an establishment according to production schedule. Duties include reviewing and distributing production, work, and shipment schedules; conferring with department supervisors to determine progress of work and completion dates; and compiling reports on progress of work, inventory levels, costs, and production problems. [43-5061]

number employed: 4,492annual total openings: 156 average annual/hourly wages: $53,424 / $25.69 skills: Co, SP, M, CT, S, AL

First-Line Supervisors of Mechanics, Installers and RepairersDirectly supervise and coordinate the activities of mechanics, installers, and repairers. [49-1011]

number employed: 4,408 annual total openings: 115 average annual/hourly wages: $73,786 / $35.47 skills: Co, CT, SP, SO, S, AL

Outdoor Power Equipment and Other Small Engine MechanicsDiagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul small engines used to power lawn mowers, chain saws, recreational sporting equipment and related equipment. [49-3053]

number employed: 817 annual total openings: 26 average annual/hourly wages: $47,404 / $22.78 skills: TM, CT, EM, AL, S, Rpr

Industrial Machinery MechanicsRepair, install, adjust, or maintain industrial production and processing machinery or refinery and pipeline distribution systems. [49-9041]

number employed: 2,386 annual total openings: 113 average annual/hourly wages: $56,718 / $27.26 skills: AL, S, OM, CT, M

Maintenance Workers, MachineryLubricate machinery, change parts, or perform other routine machinery maintenance. [49-9043]

number employed: 1,776 annual total openings: 37 average annual/hourly wages: $50,819 / $24.44 skills: TM, AL, S, CT, Co, QCA, M

Maintenance and Repair Workers, GeneralPerform work involving the skills of two or more maintenance or craft occupations to keep machines, mechanical equipment, or the structure of an establishment in repair. Duties may involve pipe fitting; boiler making; insulating; welding; machining; carpentry; repairing electrical or mechanical equipment; installing, aligning, and balancing new equipment; and repairing buildings, floors, or stairs. [49-9071]

number employed: 10,569 annual total openings: 347 average annual/hourly wages: $46,076 / $22.16 skills: QCA, AL, S, CT, OC, OM

First-Line Supervisors of Production and Operating WorkersDirectly supervise and coordinate the activities of production and operating workers, such as inspectors, precision workers, machine setters and operators, assemblers, fabricators, and plant and system operators. [51-1011]

number employed: 8,414 annual total openings: 157 average annual/hourly wages: $70,121 / $33.71 skills: AL, OC, CT, M, OM

Connecticut Career Paths 29

Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging and Systems AssemblersAssemble, fit, fasten, and install parts of airplanes, space vehicles, or missiles, such as tails, wings, fuselage, bulkheads, stabilizers, landing gear, rigging and control equipment, or heating and ventilating systems. [51-2011]

number employed: 1,459 annual total openings: 35 average annual/hourly wages: $50,753 / $24.40 skills: CT, M, QCA, OM, OC

Electrical and Electronic Equipment AssemblersAssemble or modify electrical or electronic equipment, such as computers, test equipment telemetering systems, electric motors, and batteries. [51-2022]

number employed: 3,148 annual total openings: 39 average annual/hourly wages: $37,501 / $18.03 skills: CPS, TM, J, S, CT, AL, M

Electromechanical Equipment AssemblersAssemble or modify electromechanical equipment or devices, such as servomechanisms, gyros, dynamometers, magnetic drums, tape drives, brakes, control linkage, actuators, and appliances. [51-2023]

number employed: 1,158 annual total openings: 14 average annual/hourly wages: $39,920 / $19.19 skills: AL, QCA, OM, OC

Team AssemblersWork as part of a team having responsibility for assembling an entire product or component of a product. Team assemblers can perform all tasks conducted by the team in the assembly process and rotate through all or most of them rather than being assigned to a specific task on a permanent basis. [51-2092]

number employed: 9,494 annual total openings: 256 average annual/hourly wages: $34,959 / $16.81 skills: S, CT, M, OC, AL, OM

Assemblers and Fabricators, All OtherAll assemblers and fabricators not listed separately. [51-2099]

number employed: 3,336 annual total openings: 105 average annual/hourly wages: $35,469 / $17.05 skills: AL, CT, M, OM, OC

Computer-Controlled Machine Tool Operators, Metal and PlasticOperate computer-controlled machines or robots to perform one or more machine functions on metal or plastic work pieces. [51-4011]

number employed: 2,659 annual total openings: 141 average annual/hourly wages: $47,384 / $22.78 skills: M, T, EM, OC, QCA, Rpr, OM

Computer Numerically Controlled Machine Tool Programmers, Metal and PlasticDevelop programs to control machining or processing of metal or plastic parts by automatic machine tools, equipment, or systems. [51-4012]

number employed: 849 annual total openings: 44 average annual/hourly wages: $64,608 / $31.06

Extruding and Drawing Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and PlasticSet up, operate, or tend machines to extrude or draw thermoplastic or metal materials into tubes, rods, hoses, wire, bars, or structural shapes. [51-4021]

number employed: 1,225 annual total openings: 30 average annual/hourly wages: $38,757 / $18.63 skills: M, SP, OM, J, CT, S, AL

Cutting, Punching, Press Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and PlasticSet up, operate, or tend machines to saw, cut, shear, slit, punch, crimp, notch, bend, or straighten metal or plastic material. [51-4031]

number employed: 2,220 annual total openings: 28 average annual/hourly wages: $37,879 / $18.21 skills: EM, OC, M, QCA, T, OM

Grinding, Lapping, Polishing and Buffing Machine Tool Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and PlasticSet up, operate, or tend grinding and related tools that remove excess material or burrs from surfaces, sharpen edges or corners, or buff, hone, or polish metal or plastic work pieces. [51-4033]

number employed: 1,453 annual total openings: 60 average annual/hourly wages: $40,462 / $19.45 skills: M, QCA, OC, OM

Lathe & Turning Machine Tool Setters, Operators & Tenders, Metal & PlasticSet up, operate, or tend lathe and turning machines to turn, bore, thread, form, or face metal or plastic materials. [51-4034]

number employed: 1,326 annual total openings: 33 average annual/hourly wages: $39,686 / $19.08 skills: M, OC, OM

MachinistsSet up and operate a variety of machine tools to produce precision parts and instruments. Includes precision instrument makers who fabricate, modify, or repair mechanical instruments. May also fabricate and modify parts to make or repair machine tools or maintain industrial machines, applying knowledge of mechanics, mathematics, metal properties, layout, and machining procedures. [51-4041]

number employed: 7,530 annual total openings: 329 average annual/hourly wages: $50,283 / $24.18 skills: J, OC, OM, QCA, ALearn, CT

Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators and Tenders, Metal and PlasticSet up, operate, or tend more than one type of cutting or forming machine tool or robot. [51-4081]

number employed: 3,222 annual total openings: 69 average annual/hourly wages: $40,033 / $19.25 skills: CT, QCA, OC, M, S, AL, OM

Tool and Die MakersAnalyze specifications, lay out metal stock, set up and operate machine tools, and fit and assemble parts to make and repair dies, cutting tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges, and machinists’ hand tools. [51-4111]

number employed: 2,090 annual total openings: 10 average annual/hourly wages: $61,065 / $29.35

Welders, Cutters, Solderers and BrazersUse hand-welding, flame-cutting, hand soldering, or brazing equipment to weld or join metal components or to fill holes, indentations, or seams of fabricated metal products. [51-4121]

number employed: 2,306annual total openings: 80 average annual/hourly wages: $47,118 / $22.66 skills: AL, CT, M, RC, OC, OM

Connecticut Career Paths30

Plating/Coating, Machine and Heat Treating Equipment Setters, Operators/Tenders, Layout Workers, Metal/PlasticSet up, operate, or tend heating equipment and plating or coating machines. Lay out reference points and dimensions on metal or plastic stock or workpieces. [51-4191, 51-4192, 51-4193]

number employed: 993 annual total openings: 22 average annual/hourly wages: $35,081/ $16.87 skills: OC, QCA, CT, S, AL, OM

Mixing and Blending Machine Setters, Operators and TendersSet up, operate, or tend machines to mix or blend materials, such as chemicals, tobacco, liquids, color pigments, or explosive ingredients. [51-9023]

number employed: 896 annual total openings: 20 average annual/hourly wages: $41,227 / $19.83

Cabinetmakers and Bench CarpentersCut, shape, and assemble wooden articles or set up and operate a variety of woodworking machines, such as power saws, jointers, and mortisers to surface, cut, or shape lumber or to fabricate parts for wood products. [51-7011]

number employed: 891 annual total openings: 15 average annual/hourly wages: $45,750 / $21.99 skills: T, CT, M, OC, QCA, OM

Woodworking Machine Setters, Operators and Tenders and All Other WoodworkersSet up and operate woodworking machines, such as drill presses, lathes, shapers, routers, sanders, planers, and wood nailing machines. May operate CNC equipment. All woodworkers not listed separately. [51-7042. 51-7099]

number employed: 470 annual total openings: 11 average annual/hourly wages: $36,378 / $17.49 skills: QCA, J, RC, OM, S, AL, TM, CT

Chemical Equipment Operators and TendersOperate or tend equipment to control chemical changes or reactions in the process of industrial or consumer products. Equipment used includes devulcanizers, steam-jacketed kettles, and reactor vessels. [51-9011]

number employed: 768 annual total openings: 25 average annual/hourly wages: $48,844 / $23.48 skills: RC, M, CT, Pers, S, AL

Cutting and Slicing Machine Setters, Operators, TendersSet up, operate, or tend machines that cut or slice materials, such as glass, stone, cork, rubber, tobacco, food, paper, or insulating material. [51-9032]

number employed: 1,031 annual total openings: 20 average annual/hourly wages: $36,561 / $17.58 skills: Pers, CT, SP, SO, AL, S

Inspectors, Testers, Sorters, Samplers and WeighersInspect, test, sort, sample, or weigh nonagricultural raw materials or processed, machined, fabricated, or assembled parts or products for defects, wear, and deviations from specifications. May use precision measuring instruments and complex test equipment. [51-9061]

number employed: 7,893 annual total openings: 230 average annual/hourly wages: $48,966 / $23.54 skills: M, SO, CT, AL, S

Chemical Plant and System OperatorsControl or operate entire chemical processes or system of machines. [51-8091]

number employed: 287 annual total openings: 11 skills: TM, SP, CT, RC, M, MPR, J, S, AL

UpholsterersMake, repair, or replace upholstery for household furniture or transportation vehicles. [51-6093]

number employed: 224 annual total openings: 6 average annual/hourly wages: $37,419 / $17.99 skills: CPS, OC, QCA, OM, M

Dental and Ophthalmic Laboratory and Medical Appliance TechniciansConstruct and repair dentures or dental appliances, medical supportive devices, and process optical elements. [51-9081, 51-9082, 51-9083]

number employed: 1,351 annual total openings: 55 average annual/hourly wages: $43,913 / $21. skills: TM, QCA, EM, T, Rpr, OM, OCRC. Co, S, AL

Packaging and Filling Machine Operators and TendersOperate or tend machines to prepare industrial or consumer products for storage or shipment. Includes cannery workers who pack food products. [51-9111]

number employed: 2,304 annual total openings: 88 average annual/hourly wages: $35,786 / $17.20 skills: OM, T, CT, AL, EM Rpr

Helpers - Productions WorkersHelp production workers by performing duties requiring less skill. Duties include supplying or holding materials or tools, and cleaning work area and equipment. [51-9198]

number employed: 3,367 annual total openings: 112 average annual/hourly wages: $31,038 / $14.93 skills: SP, M, RC, S, CT, AL

Connecticut Career Paths 31

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Connecticut Career Paths32

Marketing, Sales & Service Marketing ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate marketing policies and programs, such as determining the demand for products and services offered by a firm and its competitors, and identify potential customers. Develop pricing strategies with the goal of maximizing the firm’s profits or share of the market while ensuring the firm’s customers are satisfied. Oversee product development or monitor trends that indicate the need for new products and services. [11-2021]

number employed: 4,945 annual total openings: 169 average annual/hourly wages: $153,900 / $73.99skills: M, J, SP, Pers, S, AL, CT

Sales ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate the actual distribution or movement of a product or service to the customer. Coordinate sales distribution by establishing sales territories, quotas, and goals and establish training programs for sales representatives. Analyze sales statistics gathered by staff to determine sales potential and inventory requirements and monitor the preferences of customers. [11-2022]

number employed: 7,169 annual total openings: 214 average annual/hourly wages: $158,258 / $76.08skills: SO, CT, M, Co, Pers, AL, SP, S

Merchandise Displayers and Window TrimmersPlan and erect commercial displays, such as those in windows and interiors of retail stores and at trade exhibitions. [27-1026]

number employed: 1,505 annual total openings: 37 average annual/hourly wages: $28,769 / $13.83skills: J, TM, S, Co

Property, Real Estate and Community Association ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate the selling, buying, leasing, or governance activities of commercial, industrial, or residential real estate properties. Includes managers of homeowner and condominium associations, rented or leased housing units, buildings, or land (including rights-of-way). [11-9141]

number employed: 3,861 annual total openings: 99 average annual/hourly wages: $80,746 / $38.82skills: CT, Sci, M

Wholesale and Retail Buyers, Except Farm ProductsBuy merchandise or commodities, other than farm products, for resale to consumers at the wholesale or retail level, including both durable and nondurable goods. Analyze past buying trends, sales records, price, and quality of merchandise to determine value and yield. Select, order, and authorize payment for merchandise according to contractual agreements. May conduct meetings with sales personnel and introduce new products. Includes assistant wholesale and retail buyers of nonfarm products. [13-1022]

number employed: 1,172 annual total openings: 40 average annual/hourly wages: $67,460 / $32.43skills: CT, S, AL, N, Pers

Market Research Analysts and Marketing SpecialistsResearch market conditions in local, regional, or national areas, or gather information to determine potential sales of a product or service, or create a marketing campaign. May gather information on competitors, prices, sales, and methods of marketing and distribution. [13-1161]

number employed: 7,171 annual total openings: 219 average annual/hourly wages: $73,052 / $35.12skills: CT, J, W, S, CPS, AL, RC

Public Relations SpecialistsEngage in promoting or creating an intended public image for individuals, groups, or organizations. May write or select material for release to various communications media. [27-3031]

number employed: 1,491 annual total openings: 27 average annual/hourly wages: $71,725 / $34.49skills: W, RC, AL, CT, S

First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales WorkersDirectly supervise and coordinate activities of retail sales workers in an establishment or department. Duties may include management functions, such as purchasing, budgeting, accounting, and personnel work, in addition to supervisory duties. [41-1011]

number employed: 21,546 annual total openings: 513 average annual/hourly wages: $48,580 / $23.36

First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales WorkersDirectly supervise and coordinate activities of sales workers other than retail sales workers. May perform duties such as budgeting, accounting, and personnel work, in addition to supervisory duties. [41-1012]

number employed: 5,355 annual total openings: 80 average annual/hourly wages: $85,890 / $41.29skills: CT, TM, S, RC, AL

CashiersReceive and disburse money in establishments other than financial institutions. May use electronic scanners, cash registers, or related equipment. May process credit or debit card transactions and validate checks. [41-2011]

number employed: 38,741 annual total openings: 1,682 average annual/hourly wages: $23,910 / $11.49skills: CT, SP, Ma, S, SO, AL

Retail SalespersonsSell merchandise, such as furniture, motor vehicles, appliances, or apparel to consumers. [41-2031]

number employed: 54,243 annual total openings: 2,062 average annual/hourly wages: $29,660 / $14.26skills: RC, SP, N, SO, S, AL, Pers

Connecticut Career Paths 33

Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific ProductsSell goods for wholesalers or manufacturers where technical or scientific knowledge is required in such areas as biology, engineering, chemistry, and electronics, normally obtained from at least 2 years of post-secondary education. [41-4011]

number employed: 5,412 annual total openings: 146 average annual/hourly wages: $99,190 / $47.69skills: SP, AL, Pers, S

Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific ProductsSell goods for wholesalers or manufacturers to businesses or groups of individuals. Work requires substantial knowledge of items sold. [41-4012]

number employed: 15,990 annual total openings: 422 average annual/hourly wages: $75,730 / $36.41skills: J, AL, CT, Co, SP, M, S

Real Estate Sales AgentsRent, buy, or sell property for clients. Perform duties, such as study property listings, interview prospective clients, accompany clients to property site, discuss conditions of sale, and draw up real estate contracts. Includes agents who represent buyer. [41-9022]

number employed: 4,611 annual total openings: 56 average annual/hourly wages: $46,120 / $22.17skills: W, QCA, J, CPS, S, CT, AL, RC


There are many laws and regulations regarding work for those under the age of 18. The allowed hours of work and the minimum rate of pay may vary based on whether school is in session, the industry, and other factors. Rules for 14 and 15 year olds and allowed industries and occupations are different than for 16 and 17 year olds.

For 14 and 15 year olds, the times and hours of this employment generally are limited to periods of school vacation, during which school is NOT in session for five consecutive days or more, and with conditions.

Some occupations are prohibited for all minors under the age of 18, including the use of electrical tools, circuits, or equipment (except double insulated hand tools), excavation operations, and roofing operations. Automotive maintenance and repair is generally prohibited although some specific exceptions are permitted.

Permitted employment includes newspaper delivery, baby sitting, etc.; household chores for private homeowners (yard work, etc.) and at licensed summer camps. A 15-year-old may be employed or permitted to work in any mercantile establishment as a bagger, cashier or stock clerk.

As a general guideline, no minor under 18 years of age may be employed in any job that the Connecticut Department of Labor determines as hazardous. There are a few exceptions for minors who are students enrolled in approved programs, or minors enrolled in bona fide apprenticeship programs.

Details are available at https://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/wgwkstnd/minors/wgchklst.htm including an employers’ checklist for employment of Minors.

Other resources include: Connecticut Department of Labor, OSHA - 860-263-6900Wage and Workplace Standards Division - 860-263-6791State Department of Education, Career & Technical Education Unit - 860-713-6766 Connecticut Department of Public Health, Occupational Health Program - 860-509-7744 Injury Prevention Program - 860-509-7791

Connecticut Career Paths34

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)Architectural and Engineering ManagersPlan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as architecture and engineering or research and development in these fields. [11-9041]

number employed: 3,247 annual total openings: 125 average annual/hourly wages: $151,809 / $72.98skills: CPS, S, J, Co, TM, AL, CT, RC

Computer and Information Research ScientistsConduct research into fundamental computer and information science as theorists, designers, or inventors. Develop solutions to problems in the field of computer hardware and software. [15-1111]

number employed: 108 annual total openings: 1 average annual/hourly wages: $118,965 / $57.19skills: J, CT, SA, SE, CPS

StatisticiansDevelop or apply mathematical or statistical theory and methods to collect, organize, interpret, and summarize numerical data to provide usable information. May specialize in fields such as bio-statistics, agricultural statistics, business statistics, or economic statistics. Includes mathematical and survey statisticians. [15-2041]

number employed: 420 annual total openings: 22 average annual/hourly wages: $110,438 / $53.09skills: ALearn, AL, CT, RC, Ma

ChemistsConduct qualitative and quantitative chemical analyses or experiments in laboratories for quality or process control or to develop new products or knowledge. [19-2031]

number employed: 1,366 annual total openings: 44 average annual/hourly wages: $95,998 / $46.16skills: CPS, AL, Ma, RC, CT, Sci

Life, Physical and Social Science Technicians, All OtherAll life, physical, and social science technicians not listed separately. [19-4099]

number employed: 520 annual total openings: 28 average annual/hourly wages: $56,343 / $27.09

Aerospace EngineersPerform engineering duties in designing, constructing, and testing aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft. May conduct basic and applied research to evaluate adaptability of materials and equipment to aircraft design and manufacture. May recommend improvements in testing equipment and techniques. [17-2011]

number employed: 2,081 annual total openings: 60 average annual/hourly wages: $110,023 / $52.90skills: S, AL, CPS, OA, RC, CT

Chemical and Computer Hardware EngineersResearch, design, develop, or test computer or computer-related equipment and design chemical plant equipment and devise processes for manufacturing chemicals and products. [17-2041, 17-2061]

number employed: 701 annual total openings: 21 average annual/hourly wages: $98,206 / $47.22skills: Ma, J, SA, CPS, CT, Sci

Electrical and Electronics EngineersResearch, design, develop, test, or supervise the manufacturing and installation of electrical equipment, components, or systems and electronic components and systems. [17-2071, 17-2072]

number employed: 2,729 annual total openings: 60 average annual/hourly wages: $94,266 / $45.33skills: W, CPS, AL, CT, RC, SA

Health and Safety Engineers, Except Mining Safety Engineers and InspectorsPromote worksite or product safety by applying knowledge of industrial processes, mechanics, chemistry, psychology, and industrial health and safety laws. Includes industrial product safety engineers. [17-2111]

number employed: 163 annual total openings: 6 average annual/hourly wages: $98,327 / $47.27

Industrial EngineersDesign, develop, test, and evaluate integrated systems for managing industrial production processes, including human work factors, quality control, inventory control, logistics and material flow, cost analysis, and production coordination. [17-2112]

number employed: 4,274 annual total openings: 161 average annual/hourly wages: $88,474 / $42.54skills: S, CPS, CT, W, AL, RC

Marine Engineers and Naval ArchitectsDesign, develop, and evaluate the operation of marine vessels, ship machinery, and related equipment, such as power supply and propulsion systems. [17-2121]

number employed: 222 annual total openings: 13 average annual/hourly wages: $113,031 / $54.34

Petroleum, Materials and All Other EngineersEvaluate materials and develop machinery and processes to manufacture materials for use in products that must meet specialized design and performance specifications. Devise methods to improve oil and gas extraction and production and determine the need for new or modified tool designs. [17-2131, 17-2171, 17-2199]

number employed: 2,126 annual total openings: 76 average annual/hourly wages: $94,915 / $45.63skills: CPS, Sci, S, M, W, AL, CT, RC

Connecticut Career Paths 35

Mechanical EngineersPerform engineering duties in planning and designing tools, engines, machines, and other mechanically functioning equipment. Oversee installation, operation, maintenance, and repair of equipment such as centralized heat, gas, water, and steam systems. [17-2141]

number employed: 6,066 annual total openings: 318 average annual/hourly wages: $87,877 / $42.25skills: Sci, Ma, RC, AL, J, CT, CPS

Nuclear EngineersConduct research on nuclear engineering projects or apply principles and theory of nuclear science to problems concerned with release, control, and use of nuclear energy and nuclear waste disposal. [17-2161]

number employed: 842 annual total openings: 24 average annual/hourly wages: $117,132 / $56.31skills: W, Sci, SA, RC, OA, CT, S, AL

Biochemists and Biophysicists, Microbiologists and Biological, Conservation and Life ScientistsStudy the chemical composition or physical principles of living cells and organisms; and investigate the growth, structure, development, and other characteristics of microscopic organisms. Manage, improve, and protect natural resources to maximize their use without damaging the environment. May conduct soil surveys and instruct farmers and ranchers in best ways to use crop rotation, contour plowing, or terracing to conserve soil and water. [19-1021, 19-1022, 19-1029, 19-1031, 19-1099]

number employed: 734 annual total openings: 27 average annual/hourly wages: $77,558 / $37.29skills: S, W, AL, ALearn, RC, CT, Sci

Materials and Environmental Scientists, Geoscientists, HydrologistsResearch and study the structures and chemical properties of various materials, physical aspects of the Earth, physical properties of underground and surface waters, and perform investigation for the purpose of identifying, abating, or eliminating sources of pollutants. [19-2032, 19-2041, 19-2042, 19-2043]

number employed: 962 annual total openings: 38 average annual/hourly wages: $80,181 / $38.55skills: J, S, CPS, CT, RC, Sci, Al, Ma, W

Office for Veterans’ Workforce Development


Local Veterans Employment Representatives assist veterans with employment and training needs and provide:

• Case Management• Counseling Services• Assistance with Résumé & Cover Letter

Veterans Representatives conduct workshops designed to assist the transitioning service member in returning to gainful employment in the civilian workforce.

Veterans Representatives are located at American Job Centers (AJC) in Bridgeport, Hamden, Hartford, New Britain, New London and Waterbury. Contact your local AJC for an appointment.

Skills TranslatorThe Military to Civilian Occupation Translator helps service members match military skills and experience to civilian occupations. Search for a civilian occupation by MOC Code, Keyword, or use the menu to find a military occupation by military branch. Then learn about details of the civilian occupation and find job openings. Find the Skills Translator and other resources at www.dol.gov/veterans/veterans

Connecticut Career Paths36

Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Transportation, Storage and Distribution Managers Plan, direct, or coordinate transportation, storage, or distribution activities in accordance with organizational policies and applicable government laws or regulations. Includes logistics managers. [11-3071]

number employed: 1,152 annual total openings: 32 average annual/hourly wages: $116,757 / $56.13 skills: RC, CPS, TM, Co, MPR, CT, S, AL

LogisticiansAnalyze and coordinate the logistical functions of a firm or organization. Responsible for the entire life cycle of a product, including acquisition, distribution, internal allocation, delivery, and final disposal of resources. [11-3071]

number employed: 1,142 annual total openings: 23 average annual/hourly wages: $77,971 / $37.49 skills: S, TM, CPS, RC, M, AL, CT

Billing and Posting Clerks Compile, compute, and record billing, accounting, statistical, and other numerical data for billing purposes. Prepare billing invoices for services rendered or for delivery or shipment of goods. [43-3021]

number employed: 5,565 annual total openings: 173 average annual/hourly wages: $47,001 / $22.60skills: TM, J, M, S, W, AL, CT, RC

Cargo and Freight Agents Expedite and route movement of incoming and outgoing cargo and freight shipments in airline, train, and trucking terminals, and shipping docks. Take orders from customers and arrange pickup of freight and cargo for delivery to loading platform. Prepare and examine bills of lading to determine shipping charges and tariffs. [43-5011]

number employed: 568 annual total openings: 24 average annual/hourly wages: $52,739 / $25.35skills: SP, TM, MPR, S, Co, M

Dispatchers, Except Police, Fire and Ambulance Schedule and dispatch workers, work crews, equipment, or service vehicles for conveyance of materials, freight, or passengers, or for normal installation, service, or emergency repairs rendered outside the place of business. Duties may include using radio, telephone, or computer to transmit assignments and compiling statistics and reports on work progress. [43-5032]

number employed: 1,822 annual total openings: 56 average annual/hourly wages: $45,612 / $21.93skills: Co, TM, S, M, SP, MPR

Aircraft Mechanics and Service TechniciansDiagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul aircraft engines and assemblies, such as hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Includes helicopter and aircraft engine specialists. [49-3011]

number employed: 818 annual total openings: 22 average annual/hourly wages: $68,445 / $32.91skills: RC, S, M, Instal, QCA, OM, CT, AL

Automotive Body and Related RepairersRepair and refinish automotive vehicle bodies and straighten vehicle frames. [49-3021]

number employed: 1,892 annual total openings: 57 average annual/hourly wages: $49,400 / $23.75skills: CT, QCA, OM, OC, T, EM, Rpr

Automotive Service Technicians and MechanicsDiagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul automotive vehicles. [49-3023]

number employed: 9,906 annual total openings: 288 average annual/hourly wages: $45,670 / $21.95skills: OC, QCA, T, OM, EM, Rpr

Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine SpecialistsDiagnose, adjust, repair, or overhaul buses and trucks, or maintain and repair any type of diesel engines. Includes mechanics working primarily with automobile or marine diesel engines. [49-3031]

number employed: 2,402 annual total openings: 67 average annual/hourly wages: $55,147 / $26.51skills: QCA, OC, T, Rpr, OM, EM

Tire Repairers and ChangersRepair and replace tires. [49-3093]

number employed: 895 annual total openings: 34 average annual/hourly wages: $28,379 / $13.64skills: OM, J, CPS, CT, ALearn, QCA

First-Line Supervisors of Helpers, Laborers and Material Movers, HandDirectly supervise and coordinate the activities of helpers, laborers, or material movers. [53-1021]

number employed: 1,899 annual total openings: 68 average annual/hourly wages: $56,429 / $27.13skills: CT, CPS, OM, EM, AL, S, Rpr

Packers and Packagers, HandPack or package by hand a wide variety of products and materials. [53-7064]

number employed: 7,031 annual total openings: 240 average annual/hourly wages: $31,034 / $14.92skills: S, AL, CT, Co, M

Connecticut Career Paths 37

First-Line Supervisors of Transportation & Material-Moving Machine and Vehicle OperatorsDirectly supervise and coordinate activities of transportation and material-moving machine and vehicle operators and helpers. [53-1031]

number employed: 1,944 annual total openings: 71 average annual/hourly wages: $67,736 / $32.56skills: S, J, T, OM, AL, TM, OC

Commercial PilotsPilot and navigate the flight of fixed-winged aircraft on nonscheduled air carrier routes, or helicopters. Requires Commercial Pilot certificate. Includes charter pilots with similar certification, and air ambulance and air tour pilots. [53-2012]

number employed: 371 annual total openings: 11 average annual/hourly wages: $130,039 / N/Askills: ES, OM, Rpr, QCA, EM, T

Bus Drivers, Transit and IntercityDrive bus or motor coach, including regular route operations, charters, and private carriage. May assist passengers with baggage. May collect fares or tickets. [53-3021]

number employed: 1,622 annual total openings: 26 average annual/hourly wages: $44,096 / $21.20skills: J, AL, CT, OM, OC

Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck DriversDrive a tractor-trailer combination or a truck with a capacity of at least 26,000 pounds Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW). May be required to unload truck. Requires commercial drivers’ license. [53-3032]

number employed: 14,106 annual total openings: 289 average annual/hourly wages: $48,697 / $23.41skills: S, CT, SO, AL

Light Truck or Delivery Services DriversDrive a light vehicle, such as a truck or van, with a capacity of less than 26,000 pounds Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW), primarily to deliver or pick up merchandise or to deliver packages. May load and unload vehicle. [53-3033]

number employed: 11,566 annual total openings: 252 average annual/hourly wages: $38,150 / $18.34skills: S, CT, SO, SP, AL, TM, OM, OC

Taxi Drivers and ChauffeursDrive automobiles, vans, or limousines to transport passengers. May occasionally carry cargo. Includes hearse drivers. [53-3041]

number employed: 5,072 annual total openings: 181 average annual/hourly wages: $31,280 / $15.04skills: TM, SP, OC, S, SO, AL

Railroad Conductors and YardmastersCoordinate activities of switch-engine crew within railroad yard, industrial plant, or similar location. Conductors coordinate activities of train crew on passenger or freight trains. Yardmasters review train schedules and switching orders and coordinate activities of workers engaged in railroad traffic operations, such as the makeup or breakup of trains and yard switching. [53-4031]

number employed: 1,517 annual total openings: 66 average annual/hourly wages: N/Askills: SO, TM, CT, M, SP, OC, S, AL

Industrial Truck and Tractor OperatorsOperate industrial trucks or tractors equipped to move materials around a warehouse, storage yard, factory, construction site, or similar location. [53-7051]

number employed: 2,414 annual total openings: 87 average annual/hourly wages: $40,830 / $19.63skills: TM, EM, Co, OM, OC

Cleaners of Vehicles and EquipmentWash or otherwise clean vehicles, machinery, and other equipment. Use such materials as water, cleaning agents, brushes, cloths, and hoses. [53-7061]

number employed: 3,645 annual total openings: 157 average annual/hourly wages: $27,686 / $13.31skills: S, M, TM, OM, QCA, OC

Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, HandManually move freight, stock, or other materials or perform other general labor. Includes all manual laborers not elsewhere classified. [53-7062]

number employed: 22,797 annual total openings: 851 average annual/hourly wages: $32,163 / $15.47skills: OM, S, RC, AL, CT, Co, OC

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many job openings are not advertised.

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Use the information provided to learn more about Connecticut companies and then contact those that might hire someone with your skills, abilities, experience and interests.

Connecticut Career Paths38

A.I. Prince Hartford (860) 951–7112

Bristol Technical Education Center Bristol (860) 584–8433

Bullard–Havens Bridgeport(203) 579–6333

CT Aero Tech School Hartford (860) 566–1234

E.C. Goodwin New Britain (860) 827–7736

Eli Whitney Hamden (203) 397–4031

Emmett O’Brien Ansonia (203) 732–1800

Grasso/Southeastern Groton (860) 448–0220

H.C. Wilcox Meriden (203) 238–6260

H.H. Ellis Danielson (860) 412–7500

Henry Abbott Danbury (203) 797–4460

Howell Cheney Manchester (860) 649–5396

J.M. WrightStamford (203) 324–7363

Norwich Norwich (860) 889–8453

Oliver Wolcott Torrington (860) 496–5300

Platt Milford (203) 783–5300

School for Aviation Maintenance Technicians Stratford (203) 381–9250

Vinal Middletown (860) 344–7100

W.F. Kaynor Waterbury (203) 596–4302

Windham Willimantic (860) 456–3879

Asnuntuck Enfield (860) 253–3000

Capital Hartford (860) 906–5000

Gateway New Haven (203) 285–2000

Housatonic Bridgeport (203) 332–5000

Manchester Manchester (860) 512–3000

Middlesex Middletown (860) 343–5800

Naugatuck Valley Waterbury (203) 575–8040

Northwestern Connecticut Winsted (860) 738–6300

Norwalk Norwalk (203) 857–7000

Quinebaug Valley Danielson (860) 412–7200

Three Rivers Norwich (860) 886–0177

Tunxis Farmington (860) 255–3500

Technical High Schools

Community Colleges

Connecticut Career Paths 39

Albertus Magnus College New Haven (203) 773–8550

Alternate Route to Certification Hartford (860) 947–1300

Bais Binyomin Academy Stamford (203) 325–4351

Central CT State University New Britain (860) 832–3200

Charter Oak State College New Britain (860) 832–3800

Clemens College Suffield (860) 668–3515

Connecticut College New London (860) 447–1911

Eastern CT State University Willimantic (860) 465–5000

Fairfield University Fairfield (203) 254–4000

Goodwin College East Hartford (860) 528–4111

Graduate Institute, The New London (860) 701–7708

Hartford Seminary Hartford (860) 509–9500

Holy Apostles College & Seminary Cromwell (860) 632–3010

Legion of Christ College of Humanities Cheshire (203) 271–0805

Lincoln College of New EnglandSouthington (860) 628–4751

Lyme Academy College of Fine ArtsOld Lyme (860) 434–5232

Mitchell College New London (860) 701–5000

Paier College of Art Hamden (203) 287–3031

Post University Waterbury (203) 596–4500

Quinnipiac University Hamden (203) 582–8200

Rensselaer at Hartford Hartford (860) 548–2400

Sacred Heart University Fairfield (203) 371–7999

Southern CT State UniversityNew Haven (203) 392–5200

St. Basil College Stamford (203) 324–4578

St. Thomas Seminary Bloomfield (860) 242–5573

St. Vincent’s College Bridgeport (203) 576–5235

Talmudic Institute of ConnecticutBridgeport (203) 330–9200

Trinity College Hartford (860) 297–2000

U.S. Coast Guard Academy New London (860) 444–8444

University of Bridgeport Bridgeport (203) 576–4000

University of Connecticut Storrs (860) 486–2000

University of Connecticut–Avery Point Groton (860) 405–9019

University of Connecticut–Health Center Farmington (860) 679–2000

University of Connecticut–Law School Hartford (860) 570–5000

University of Connecticut–StamfordStamford (203) 251–8400

University of Connecticut–Tri Campus West Hartford (860) 570–9288

University of Hartford West Hartford (860) 768–4100

University of New Haven West Haven (203) 932–7000

University of Phoenix Norwalk (203) 523–4700

University of Saint Joseph West Hartford (860) 232–4571

Wesleyan University Middletown (860) 685–2000

Western CT State University Danbury (203) 837–8200

Yale University New Haven(203) 432–4771

Colleges & Universities

Connecticut Career Paths40

A. B. Training Center, LLC Waterford (860) 444-8099

Academy of Medical Training, LLC^Waterbury (203) 528-0433

Academy of Medical Training, LLC (Branch) Torrington (860) 618-7233

Affordable CDL Training School Colchester (860) 537-8235

Alliance Career Institute, LLCHamden (475) 238-8746

Allstate Commercial Driver Training School*^ Seymour (203) 922-8252; (800) 246-9567

American Institute of Healthcare & Technology, LLC d/b/a AIHT Education^ Stratford (203) 870-8400

American Professional Educational Services, Inc.^Norwich (860) 886-1463; (888) 489-4273

American Red Cross Vocational School North Haven (203) 234-2115

American Red Cross Vocational School (Branch) Bridgeport (203) 338-0951

Bartenders Academy, LLC Fairfield (203) 754-6000

Branford Hall Career Institute*^ Branford (203) 488-2525; (800) 959-7599

Branford Hall Career Institute (Branch)*^ Southington (860) 276-0600; (800) 959-7599

Branford Hall Career Institute (Branch)*^ Windsor (860) 683-4900; (800) 959-7599

C.G. Nursing Services, LLC Farmington (860) 676-0351

Connecticut Center for Arts & Technology New Haven (203) 823-9823

Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, Inc.*^Newington (860) 667-1886; (877) 282-2268

Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, Inc. (Branch)*Groton (860) 446-2299

Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy, Inc. (Branch)*Westport (203) 221-7325; (877) 292-2268

Connecticut K-9 Education CenterNewington (860) 666-4646

Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Institute for Advanced Media^Hartford (860) 278-5310

Connecticut School of Bartending, Inc.Norwich (860) 886-1955

Connecticut School of Broadcasting - Farmington^Farmington (860) 677-7577; (800) 887-2346

Connecticut School of Broadcasting Stratford^ Stratford (203) 378-5155; (800) 887-2346

Construction Education Center, Inc.Rocky Hill (860) 529-5886

Cook’s Nurse Aide Training ProgramPlymouth (860) 283-8208

Danae’s Training Center New Haven (203) 865-0000

Danae’s Training Center (Branch)Bridgeport (203) 540-5364

Dent-Temp Careers, LLC Stratford (631) 346-3542

Dorsey Training Direct, LLC d/b/a Training Direct, LLC^Bridgeport (203) 372-8842

Educational Training of Wethersfield Wethersfield (860) 571-7666

Excel Academy, LLC New Haven (203) 627-5860

Excel Academy, LLC (Branch)Stamford (203) 691-7989

Fox Institute of Business, Inc. d/b/a American Institute*^West Hartford (860) 947-2299

Greater Hartford Orthodontic Assistant Training AcademyWethersfield (860) 529-9555

H & R Block Income Tax SchoolSouthington (860) 276-8031

H & R Block Income Tax School (Branch) Stratford (203) 377-1431

*These schools receive federal Title IV funds allowing them to award federal financial aid to enrolled students.^ Selected programs approved for federal G.I. Bill veterans benefits. Inquire about approved programs at a Branch Campus.

Private Occupational Schools

Connecticut Career Paths 41

Harborview School of Phlebotomy, LLC West Haven (475) 238-6678

Harris School of Business*^Danbury (203) 797-1461

Home Performance Institute of New England Stamford (203) 536-2151

ICES, Inc d/b/a Advantage Career Training^Naugatuck (203) 721-4119

Independent Connecticut Petroleum Assoc. Ed. Found., Inc., d/b/a ENTECH Advanced Energy Training^Cromwell (860) 613-2041; (866) 521-4272

Independent Connecticut Petroleum Assoc. Ed. Found., Inc., d/b/a ENTECH Advanced Energy Training (Branch) Stamford (860) 893-0605

Industrial Management & Training Institute*^ Waterbury (203) 753-7910; (800) 598-4684

Institute for Writers, LLC Madison (203) 792-8600

Institute of Aesthetic Arts & Sciences Southbury (203) 262-6070

Institute of Environmental Management & Technology, Inc.^Shelton (203) 924-9544

Jewelry & Watch Repair School of New England Manchester (866) 854-4470

John Casablancas Modeling & Career Center Rocky Hill (860) 563-5959

Labco School of Dental Assisting, Plus Shelton (203) 253-3520

Lincoln Technical Institute*^New Britain (860) 225-8641; (800) 336-6384

Lincoln Technical Institute (Branch)*^East Windsor (860) 627-4300; (800) 243-4242

Lincoln Technical Institute (Lincoln Culinary Institute) (Branch)* Shelton (203) 929-0592

Manufacturing Alliance Service Corporation, Inc. Waterbury (203) 574-8285

Medical Coding Academy, LLCNew Haven (203) 848-0496

National Personal Training Institute, Inc.^ Norwalk (203) 913-2998; (800) 960-6294

New England Tractor Trailer Training School of CT*^ Somers (860) 749-0711; (800) 582-3764

New England Tractor Trailer Training School (Branch)*^Bridgeport (203) 368-9069

Porter & Chester Institute*^Stratford (203) 375-4463; (800) 870-6789

Porter & Chester Institute (Branch)*^Enfield (860) 741-2561

Porter & Chester Institute (Branch)*^Rocky Hill (860) 529-2519

Porter & Chester Institute (Branch)*^Waterbury (860) 274-9294

Porter and Chester Institute of Branford*^ Branford (203) 315-1060

Professional Dental Assistant School Norwalk (203) 939-9200

Ridley-Lowell*^ New London (860) 443-7441

Ridley-Lowell (Branch)*^ Danbury (203) 797-0551

School of Interior Redesign, LLCBeacon Falls (203) 783-1556

Stone Academy*^ West Haven (203) 288-7474; (800) 585-1315

Stone Academy (Branch)* East Hartford (860) 569-0618; (800) 585-1315

Stone Academy (Branch)*^ Waterbury (203) 756-5500; (800) 585-1315

Stormwater One, LLC Meriden(877) 257-9777

Sunny Willow School of Dental Assisting Bridgeport (203) 372-0580

The C.N.A. Preparatory School West Haven (203) 859-5505

The Connecticut School of Integrative Manual Therapy, Inc.^West Hartford (860) 243-5220; (888) 327-2178

Valley Medical Institute Bridgeport (203) 378-2210

Connecticut Career Paths42

“B” Beautiful Hair InstituteStratford (203) 375-2849

Academy Di Capelli*^ Wallingford (203) 294-9496

Academy Di Capelli (Branch)East Hartford (203) 294-9496

Ace Cosmetology & Barber Training Center*^ Waterbury (203) 879-9989

Ace Cosmetology & Barber Training Center (Branch)Hartford (860) 206-0316

All Natural Beauty School of Cosmetology Windsor (860) 539-9314

BB Academy of Cosmetology Inc.Southington (860) 621-1000

Belle Academy of Cosmetology, LLC*^Waterbury (203) 528-0201

Branford Academy of Hair & Cosmetology*^ Branford (203) 315-2985

Bravado Academy^ New London (860) 444-7777

CEHJ Academy of Cosmetology & Barbering Hartford (860) 233-5640

Creative School of Hairdressing Enfield (860) 741-5562

Dileo’s The School Naugatuck (203) 723-4480

Dolce LLC The Academy* Waterbury (203) 528-3550

Famous School of Barbering/Cosmetology New London (860) 501-3690

Generations Barbering & Cosmetology Academy Old Greenwich (203) 637-8266

Hair Magic Academy Colchester (860) 537-8020

Hair Tech Beauty AcademyNorwalk (203) 299-0615

Head Quarters Barbering InstituteStratford (203) 378-2524

Highlites, The Beauty SchoolDanielson (860) 774-4368

International Institute of Cosmetology, LLC*^ Wethersfield (860) 571-0330

International Institute of Cosmetology, LLC Plainville (Branch)*^ Plainville (860) 571-0330

L. Fitzgerald Lester Institute of High End Groomers Hartford (860) 970-7099

Major League Barber AcademyEast Haven (203) 824-9038

Millennium Academy of HairBridgeport (203) 549-9911

New Era Barber School Naugatuck (203) 645-2814

Oxford Academy of Hair Design, Inc.*^Seymour (203) 888-0097

Paul Mitchell The School Danbury*^Danbury (203) 744-0900

Paul Mitchell The School North Haven*^North Haven (866) 942-5627

Renasci Academy of Hair Inc.Norwalk (203) 838-0753

Ricci’s Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy/ TIGI Creative School*Newtown (203) 426-1138

Salon 210 Academy of HairdressingStratford (203) 331-0488

Shear Brilliance Institute of Hair DesignWest Haven (203) 934-7983

Simone’s Hair Salon & InstituteSouthington (860) 621-5739

Sistas Academy of Cosmetology^ Meriden (203) 235-5454

SoNo Academy South Norwalk (203) 642-3600

Susan & Susan School of CosmetologySouthbury (203) 264-0050

The European Academy of Cosmetology and Hairdressing, LLC.*^ Guilford (203) 458-3334

Cosmetology Schools

Connecticut Career Paths 43

The Kur Salon and Academy d/b/a The Karen Elizabeth Salon & Academy West Hartford (860) 232-0212

Torrington Beauty Academy^Torrington (860) 482-4386

Vangie’s Hair Salon/School of Hairdressing & Cosmetology, LLCStratford (203) 377-7707

Vanity Studio School of CosmetologyStamford (203) 223-6084

Visions Academy of HairdressingWest Hartford (860) 644-3334

Waterbury’s Academy of Cosmetology & Barbering Waterbury (203) 753-6885

ABC Real Estate Academy Bethel (203) 448-0115

Academy of CT Residential Brokerage Gales Ferry (860) 464-6967

Academy Of Professional EducationNiantic (860) 334-3207

Ado Real Estate Services LLCBridgeport (203) 416-9037

Alliance Real Estate SchoolEast Haven (203) 937-1617

American Colonial Corp Stamford (203) 984-1118

American Real Estate Training Company Greenwich (203) 733-7638

American/International Communications Institute Greenwich 1.888.387.5260

American/International Communications Institute Stamford 1.888.387.5260

Anderson Group Real Estate School Woodbury (203) 264-7145

Andover Real Estate InstituteRidgefield (203) 470-5443

Appraisal & Real Estate School of CT Stamford (203) 326-3315

Appraisal Institute/CT Chapter Torrington (860) 482-9992

Best Real Estate School of CTSouthington (860) 276-1586

Bestt School Of Real Estate Danbury

Cadema Education Associates Old Lyme (860) 334-3207

Capital Real Estate School LLCShelton (203) 692-5533

Career Development TrainingOrange (877) 566-9441

CCIM Connecticut Chapter IncDerby (312) 321-4460

CFHC Fair Housing School Hartford (860) 247- 4400

Cme Advanced Career TrainingWoodstock (860) 741-2561

Coastal Real Estate AcademyTrumbull

Colt Real Estate Academy West Hartford (860) 546-8559

Connecticut Association of Assessing Officers Storrs/Mansfield (860) 570-9282

Connecticut Association Of Home Inspectors Inc West Hartford 860-205-0804

Connecticut Association of Realtors Inc.East Hartford (860) 290-6601

Connecticut Real Estate InstituteBranford (203) 488-5760

Connecticut Professional Business School Waterbury (203) 228-3367

Connecticut Real Estate AcademyShelton (475) 882-2339

Connecticut Real Estate CollegeSouthport (203) 362-5366

Connecticut Real Estate Institute Inc, TheStratford (203) 349-6080

Connecticut Real Estate Training Service New Britain (203) 937-1617

Real Estate Schools

*These schools receive federal Title IV funds allowing them to award federal financial aid to enrolled students.^ Selected programs approved for federal G.I. Bill veterans benefits. Inquire about approved programs at a Branch Campus.

Connecticut Career Paths44

Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District Middletown (860) 346-3282

Connecticut Trust For Historic Preservation Re School Hamden 203-562-6312

CRS Council of Residential Specialists (CT Chapter) New Milford (860) 354-6444

CT & W. Ma Chapter Sior Derby

CT Real Estate Training And Development Newington (860) 667-0496

Dares Institute New Canaan (203) 318-1133

Dignity School Of Real EstateMadison (203) 245-6700

Eastern Connecticut Association Of RealtorsNorth Franklin (860) 892-2595

Electrical Training Services, LLCHebron

Equus Institute Of Professional StudiesMeriden (203) 317-2700

Foreman Real Estate Institute (Frei)Meriden

Fox Real Estate & Appraisal SchoolWillington (860) 429-9732

Gateway Real Estate AcademyWest Haven (203) 931-0387

Greater Fairfield Board Of Realtors Real Estate SchoolFairfield (203) 255-0497

Greater Hartford Association Of Realtors West Hartford (860) 561-1800

Greater Hartford Real Estate SchoolGlastonbury (860) 659-5797

Greater New Milford Board Of RealtorsNew Milford (860) 355-0994

Greater Waterbury Board of Realtors Institute of Real EstateWaterbury (203) 596-2240

Greenwich Association of RealtorsGreenwich (203) 869-0240

Hbra Educational Facility Stratford (203) 870-8170

Hls Enterprises Llc Glastonbury (281) 494-1818

Icpa Technical Education CenterCromwell (860) 893-0605

Institute For Real Estate StudiesBethel

International Right Of Way Association Newington

Jones Real Estate School Guilford

Landlord Law Firm Milford (203) 874-4747

Learn & Advance Bridgeport (203) 275-1135

Learning Unlimited Litchfield (860) 567-9104

Metropolitan Real Estate SchoolStamford (203) 434-5533

Mid-Fairfield County Real Estate School Westport (203) 227-4418

Mid-State Association of RealtorsPlainville (860) 793-9414

Middlesex Shoreline Real Estate School Old Saybrook (860) 395-0588

Midstate Business & Real Estate Training Center Wallingford (203) 265-5768

Morgan Testing Services New London

National Real Estate InstituteCromwell (860) 344-8207

New Canaan Board of RealtorsNew Canaan (203) 966-9526

New Haven Middlesex Real Estate School North Haven (203) 234-3938

New Haven Real Estate SchoolNorth Haven (203) 234-3938

Northern Fairfield County Association of Realtors Bethel (203) 744-7255

Northwest Conservation DistrictTorrington (860) 626-7222

Outreach School of Real EstateHamden (203) 498-2031

Pillar To Post Professional Home Inspecion Fairfield 1-800-294-5591

P.R.I.D.E. Real Estate UniversityMilford (888) 602-0606

Professional Business InstituteHamden (203) 230-2724

Professional Valuation & Real Estate School (A) Clinton (860) 669-6950

Connecticut Career Paths 45

Real Data Inc. Southport (203) 255-2732

Real Estate Consortium of CT Community Colleges North Haven (203) 254-4307

Real Estate Development CenterSouthington (860) 378-1423

Real Estate Institute of CT, TheHamden (203) 230-9819

Real Estate Institute of LearningEast Haven (203) 467-1135

Real Estate Knowledge Services, LLC Rocky Hill (860) 571-6987

Real Estate School of New EnglandBranford (203) 483-7710

Real Estate School of New EnglandWethersfield (860) 263-2121

Real Estate Solutions Gales Ferry

Real Estate Training & Education CenterTrumbull (203) 445-0800

Real Estate Training Educational Services (Retes)Bridgeport (203) 374-2150

Real Estate Training SeminarsNewington

Real Estate University.comWilton (203) 434-5533

Rick Dressler’s Real Estate SchoolUnionville (860) 324-2108

Ridgefield Board Of Realtors Real Estate School Ridgefield (203) 438-8858

Robkat Inc Norwalk (203) 847-4900

Rubicon Crossings School of Business East Hartford (860) 558-2122

School Of Real Estate LLC, TheGlastonbury (860) 633-8800

Servpro Of Hartford CountyManchester (860) 649-0836

Sherwood & Associates Real Estate SchoolSouth Windsor (866) 646-9983

Southwell Education West Hartford (860) 561-3120

Stamford Real Estate Education Services Stamford (203) 327-1433

Superior Real Estate TrainingFairfield (203) 255-3353

Tiger Group Inc. Madison (800) 328-4677

Top Producer West Hartford (855) 786-7851

Tri-County Board of Realtors Inc.Manchester (860) 646-2450

Valley Academy of Real EstateDerby (203) 735-7815

Valley Center, LLC Collinsville (860) 352-8694

Valuesearch LLC Stratford (203) 380-9729

Danbury Hospital - Schools of Allied Health Danbury (203) 739-7195

Griffin Hospital School of Allied Health Careers Derby (203) 732-1276

The Hoffman Heart & Vascular Institute of CT School of Cardiovascular TechnologyHartford (860) 714-5698

Yale-New Haven Hospital School of Diagnostic Ultrasound New Haven (203) 688-8227

Connecticut Fire Academy Windsor Locks (860) 627-6363

Connecticut Police AcademyMeriden (203) 238-6504

Connecticut State Police Training Academy Middletown (860) 685-8490

Hospital Schools

State Service Academies

*These schools receive federal Title IV funds allowing them to award federal financial aid to enrolled students.^ Selected programs approved for federal G.I. Bill veterans benefits. Inquire about approved programs at a Branch Campus.

Connecticut Career Paths46

Easternwww.EWIB.org(860) 859-4100information@ewib.org

North Centralwww.capitalworkforce.org860-522-1111


South Centralwww.workforcealliance.biz203-867-4030

Southwestwww.workplace.org203 610-8500

Regional Workforce Boards

Ansonia 4 Fourth StreetAnsonia, CT 06401Phone: 203-397-6647

Bridgeport 2 Lafayette SquareGPS Users: 350 Fairfield AvenueBridgeport, CT 06604Phone: 203-455-2700TTY: 203-455-2714

Danbury 4 Liberty StreetDanbury, CT 06810203-730-0451

Danielson95 Westcott RoadDanielson, CT 06239Phone: 860-412-7000TTY: 860-412-7034

Derby 101 Elizabeth StreetDerby, CT 06418 Phone: 203-734-3443

Enfield 786 Enfield StreetEnfield, CT 06082Phone: 860-745-8097

Hamden 37 Marne StreetHamden, CT 06514-3690Phone: 203-859-3200TTY: 203-859-3313

Hartford3580 Main StreetHartford, CT 06120Phone: 860-256-3700TTY: 860-256-3514

Manchester 893 Main StreetManchester, CT 06040Phone: 860-643-2222

Meriden 87 West Main Street, 2nd floorMeriden, CT 06451Phone: 203-238-3688

Middletown 272 South Main StreetMiddletown, CT 06457Phone: 860-347-7691

New Britain 260 Lafayette StreetNew Britain, CT 06053-4157Phone: 860-899-3500

New Haven 560 Ella T. Grasso BoulevardNew Haven, CT 06519Phone: 203-624-1493

New London Shaw’s Cove SixNew London, CT 06320Phone: 860-439-7400TTY: 860-439-7414

Norwich 113 Salem Turnpike, Suite 200Norwich, CT 06360Phone: 860-859-5777

Stamford 141 Franklin Street, 2nd floor Stamford CT 06901Phone: 203-353-1702

Torrington 59 Field StreetTorrington, CT 06790Phone: 860-496-3500

Waterbury 249 Thomaston Avenue Waterbury, CT 06702Phone: 203-437-3380TTY: 203-437-3394

Willimantic 1320 Main StreetTyler SquareWillimantic, CT 06226Phone: 860-450-7603

Connecticut Career Paths 47

Department of Education CT.gov/sdeThrough leadership, curriculum, research, planning, evaluation, assessment, data analyses and other assistance, the Department helps to ensure equal opportunity and excellence in education for all Connecticut students. The Department is responsible for distributing funds to the state’s 166 school districts. The Department also operates the Connecticut Technical High School System.

Department of LaborCT.gov/dolInformation on career workshops, upcoming job fairs, apprenticeship and training programs. Be sure to view or download any of DOL’s resourceful publications.

CTHIREScthires.comProvides assistance to job seekers in their efforts of finding meaningful and high paying jobs, while also acting as an employment hiring resource for companies in CT looking for qualified employees. You can search for jobs, get résumé help, college loan info, links to military careers, and job search tools designed for veterans.

Office of Higher Education ctohe.orgInformation about colleges, post-secondary career schools, financial aid and ARC, the Alternate Route to Certification a part-time program which allows candidates with a bachelor’s degree to get certified to teach within a year.

The Connecticut Alliance ctreap.netConnecticut REAP is a free service designed to help educators find new and exciting teaching jobs, administrative jobs and other related service positions in Connecticut.

Today’s Youth - Tomorrow’s Workforce ctdol.state.ct.us/youth/main.htmThis website designed to help young people explore career interests, career options and the world of work. Explore possible careers that match your interest areas, identify your skills and research all types of careers.

CareerOneStopcareeronestop.orgOffers a wide range of career, employment and education data as Web APIs, allowing third parties to obtain quality-controlled data sets and seamlessly integrate them into their own websites. CollegeBoard collegeboard.orgExplore careers, browse specific jobs and learn about working conditions, job forecasts, and related professions. Great site for students, parents and teachers!

Employment and Training Administrationwww.doleta.govCareer explorations, job hunting resources, and links to providers and services. ETA is part of the U.S. Department of Labor. Its mission is to provide training, employment, labor market information, and income maintenance services. ETA administers federal government job training and worker dislocation programs, federal grants to states for public employment service programs, and unemployment insurance benefits. These services are primarily provided through state and local workforce development systems.

MilitaryHire.com militaryhire.comMilitaryHire has jobs for veterans across the U.S. and around the world. The site has been developed and is maintained by a team of both military veterans and corporate hiring authorities - a network where former military personnel can seek careers and utilize their professional skills.

mySkills myFuturemyskillsmyfuture.orgSponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, mySkills myFuture helps you find new career options based on the skills and experience you gained in a past job. Find salaries, training programs, job listings, and skills gaps for any occupation.

O*NET OnLineonetonline.orgDetailed descriptions of occupations, including a search that finds jobs requiring the skills you already have for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!

Older Workforceaarp.orgUse AARP home page to find articles, programs, and online community chat groups geared for folks age 50 and older.

GOVERNMENT JOBSDept. of Administrative ServicesCT.gov/dasThe official web site for State of Connecticut job postings and examination announcements.

USA Jobs usajobs.govUSAJOBS connects job seekers with federal employment opportunities across the United States and around the world. As the Federal Government’s official employment site, USAJOBS provides resources to help the right people find the right jobs.

TheLadders theladders.comLadders is designed to put professionals back in the driver seat, providing them with the right tools, insights and connections they need to thrive. The powerful job-matching algorithm finds the most relevant job opportunities for you.

Career and Educational Web Resources

Connecticut Career Paths48

Board of Education and Services for the Blind

The mission of the BESB is to provide quality educational and rehabilitative services to all people who are legally blind or deaf-blind and children who are visually impaired at no cost to their clients or their families.

BESB is responsible for the confidential registry of people who are blind in Connecticut and provides, within available resources, comprehensive low vision services, specialized education services, life skills training, case management, and vocational services to individuals of all ages who are legally blind and to children who are visually impaired. BESB assists their clients in acquiring the skills and support services necessary to be independent.

To request services or find out more information contact Board of Education and Services for the Blind 860-602-4000 (voice), 860-602-4221 (TDD) www.ct.gov/besb

Commission on the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

The Commission on the Deaf and Hearing Impaired (CDHI) provides counseling and assistance to deaf and hard of hearing persons regarding many types of job related concerns that include: locating and developing job opportunities; referral to available services such as sign language interpreters, job coaches, and vocational assistance.

Services are also available to employers regarding workplace accommodations, sensitivity and awareness training, and resolving employment issues related to deafness.

To request services or find out more information contact Commission on the Deaf and Hearing Impaired TTY/Voice 860-231-1690 www.dhoh.ct.gov

Connecticut Technical High School System

The mission of the Connecticut Technical High School System (CTHSS) is to provide a unique and rigorous high school learning environment that:

• ensures both student academic success and trade/technology mastery, and instills a zest for lifelong learning

• prepares students for post-secondary education, including apprenticeships, and immediate productive employment

• and responds to employers' and industries' current and emerging and changing global workforce needs and expectations through business/school partnerships

For more information call1-800-U-CAN-TECH (1-800-822-6832)


Department of Labor (DOL)

Our Business is Jobs! The Department of Labor is committed to assisting Connecticut's workers and employers to be competitive in the global economy. If you're in the process of a job search or a career change, many of our programs and services are provided through the American Job Centers located across the State. (see page 46).

For more info about the DOL www.ct.gov/dol

State of Connecticut Government Resources

Department of Administrative Services (DAS)

Be a State of Connecticut Employee, The Benefits and Opportunities are Endless! Being a State employee not only gives you the opportunity to make a difference in someone else's life, but also to advance in your own life. Some of the benefits include opportunities for promotion, accrued vacation/sick time, personal leave, health/dental/life insurance, tuition reimbursement, disability insurance, retirement plan, deferred compensation and more!

State job postings are available on the DAS website: www.das.state.ct.us. Click "Jobs, Exams and Special Notices” under Administrative Services. Then select “Current State Job Postings”

Connecticut Career Paths 49

Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS)

“Creating opportunities that allow individuals with disabilities to achieve their full potential for competitive employment and independence.”

The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program - assists individuals with significant physical and mental disabilities to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment. For further information on the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, call 1-800-537-2549.

Disability Determination Services - (DDS) is responsible for deciding eligibility for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) programs. These programs provide cash benefits to individuals who are unable to maintain employment due to the severity of their disabilities. For more information contact the DDS office at 1-800-842-8320.

Connecticut Tech Act Project - the primary purpose of this project is to make assistive technology (AT) more accessible to persons with disabilities living in Connecticut. Assistive technology is any device which helps an individual with a disability to maintain or improve their independent functioning.

Connect To Work Project - BRS has established a ‘Connect To Work’ Center that coordinates information on the programs and services an individual might encounter in their efforts to enter and retain competitive employment. For more information about the Connect To Work Project, call 800-773-4636, or email them at connecttowork.dss@po.state.ct.us

Independent Living Program - BRS’ Independent Living (IL) program provides comprehensive independent living services through contracts with Connecticut’s five community-based independent living centers. The guiding principle of independent living is the integration of the person with a disability to the fullest degree possible into the community of choice.

Medicaid for the Employed Disabled Program - This BRS program allows persons with disabilities to be employed without risking eligibility for needed medical services through the Medicaid program. The program also allows certain individuals to keep other services they must have in order to remain employed.

For general information and assistance regarding any of BRS’ programs and services contact them at 1-800-537-2549 (voice only) , (860) 424-4844 (voice) (860) 424-4839 (TDD/TTY) CT.gov/brs e-mail: brs.dss@ct.gov

Workers’ Compensation Commission

JOBS that WORK for Employees Vocational Rehabilitation Services provided by the Workers’ Compensation Commission.

Workers’ Rehabilitation Services (WRS) is dedicated to helping workers who have been injured on their job return to gainful employment by providing quality vocational counseling services. Such services focus on enabling the injured workers to envision their future in a new career. Most workers in Connecticut are protected by workers’ compensation insurance through the Workers’ Compensation Act which provides for vocational rehabilitation. The Commission’s Rehabilitation Services program is dedicated to help the injured worker return to work in a position that is physically suitable. Prompt and well-planned vocational rehabilitation may help prevent future injuries.

Are You Eligible? If you have an accepted workers’ compensation claim and your injury (or occupational disease) has resulted in permanent restrictions and/or limitations which do not allow you to return to your regular job, you may be eligible for rehabilitation services. You may apply for rehabilitation services as soon as your physician feels you may not be able to return to your regular work. The best outcome for a work-related injury is a successful return to work as quickly as possible.

For more about Workers’ Rehabilitation Services, contact the Commission (860) 493-1500 www.wcc.state.ct.us

Connecticut Career Paths50

Career Cluster Environment/Skills/Ability Examples of Occupations

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Enjoy being outdoors and working with your hands

animal trainer, groundskeeper, and greenhouse manager

Architecture and ConstructionInvolved in the building, maintenance, and operation of buildings and properties

architect, drafter, and electrician

Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications

Be creative and love using your talents to entertain and inform others

journalist, commercial artist, and actor

Business, Management, and Administration

Entrepreneurial people who are highly organized and enjoy working with others

accountant, administrative assistant, and human resources manager

Education and Training Have patience and enjoy helping others

elementary school teacher, high school instructor, college professor, and corporate trainer

Finance Requires strong mathematical ability and a solid attention to detail

loan officer, stockbroker, and credit analyst

Government and Public Administration

Values making a contribution to the community

solider, legislator, and foreign service officer

Health Science All aspects of the health care field, be caring and compassionate

pharmacist, paramedic, and optometrist

Hospitality and Tourism Enjoy meeting new people, good interpersonal skills

chef, lodging manager, and food service manager

Human Services Helping families meet basic human needs

social worker, psychologist, and substance abuse specialist

Information Technology Work with computer hardware, software, and systems integration services

web designer, network administrator, and technical support specialist

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security

Protecting the well-being of the public

attorney, firefighter, and police officer

Manufacturing Use mechanical abilities to create many different kinds of products

sheet metal worker, millwright, and quality control technician

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Cutting edge research into new technological developments

chemical engineer, oceanographer, and biotechnologist

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

Moving people, materials, and products by road, air, rail, and water

truck driver, pilot, and flight attendant

Which Cluster is Right for You?

Connecticut Career Paths 51

Public Act No. 11-135 ~ An act concerning implementation dates for the Secondary School Reform, exceptions to the school governance council requirement and the inclusion of continuous employment in a cooperative arrangement as part of the definition of teacher tenure.Section 2(j) ~ “For the school year commencing July 1, 2012, and each school year thereafter, each local and regional board of education shall create a student success plan for each student enrolled in a public school, beginning in grade six. Such student success plan shall include a student’s career and academic choices in grades six to twelve, inclusive.”

The Student Success Plan (SSP) is an individualized student-driven plan that addresses every student’s needs and interests and is designed to help all students stay engaged in school in order to achieve postsecondary education, training and career goals. The SSP begins in the 6th grade and continues through high school to provide the student support and assistance in setting goals for social, emotional, physical and academic growth, meeting rigorous high school expectations, and exploring postsecondary education and career interests. The Student Success Plan and supporting structures such as student portfolios and academic/personal records are ideally electronic and portable, following the student from school to school and district to district.

Core Components of Effective Student Success Plans

Aligned with Connecticut Secondary School Reform Plan and Connecticut Comprehensive School Counseling Program Guide

I. Academic Development - Individual interest and aspiration are the basis for the development of the student’s academic program. A planned academic program will lead to the acquisition of the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to be an effective learner in school and across the life span. The Student Success Plan is designed to ensure that students complete their secondary education with 21st Century Skills and knowledge of their personal academic strengths with an emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) skills necessary to compete in the global economy.

II. Career Development - Students will investigate their own interests and abilities as they relate to the world of work in the dynamic global economy. The customized plan will include varied and flexible educational opportunities, personal connections, and elective coursework with targeted supports tied to each student’s education and/or career goals. The Student Success Plan, which guides students through secondary education on to postsecondary education and/or work, will allow students to make better career choices with the academic foundation to achieve their career and personal goals.

III. Social, Emotional and Physical Development - The Student Success Plan supports positive social, emotional and physical development, allowing students to more fully engage in the school environment and take advantage of the opportunities necessary for optimal academic performance. Student success may be realized through establishing and maintaining positive interpersonal relationships, managing feelings and emotions, engaging in behaviors supportive of positive physical health, demonstrating an appreciation for the needs of others, and embracing opportunities for academic, career, and postsecondary success.

Looking For Help Paying For College?To get a Pell grant, direct loan, Parent PLUS loan or other federal aid, you must complete the...

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - https://fafsa.ed.gov/

Then, you should explore...• Eligibility requirements (https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/eligibility)• Estimates of aid (https://fafsa.ed.gov/FAFSA/app/f4cForm?execution=e1s1)• Funding your education (https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/types)

If you already have a loan...check out this page https://www2.ed.gov/fund/grants-college.html

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