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BROUGHTON Newsletter - 1


“This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 118:24

In the movie ‘The Dead Poet’s Society’ (1989), John Keating, an English teacher at Welton Academy, played by Robin Williams, found ways to encourage and inspire his students to achieve their best. He encouraged his students to be aware of the Latin term ‘carpe deim’,

which translates as ‘seize the day’. He asked his students to look around them and take on the opportunities that they are given and be confident that they will achieve outcomes beyond their imagination.

At our Spring Ball last Saturday evening, our Guest of Honour, Mr Ron Webb – Foundation Head of Broughton, asked our debutants, their partners, families and guests to take note of the Latin phrase ‘carpe deim’ and encouraged them to ‘seize’ all opportunities that are presented to them. In his address, Mr Webb encouraged all to reflect on how fortunate we are to live in a country such as Australia, with our vast resources and freedoms, and asked that we look for ways in which we can use what we have been provided to assist those less fortunate than ourselves.

Speaking directly to the debutantes and their partners, Mr Webb encouraged them to give thanks for the comfort, support and love they receive from their parents; to value the education that they receive at Broughton and to be aware of how affluent our lifestyle in Australia is in comparison to people in other countries. He challenged them to look at how fortunate and ‘rich’ they are in comparison to the rest of the world and to consider how they can use the benefits they receive, from the many opportunities that they are given, to assist those in need at a local, national or international level.

In his address, Mr Webb acknowledged that the desire to help others and to ‘do good works’ is not restricted to Christians alone. There are many people and secular organisations who are involved in activities and programs helping others. One of the things that make Christians stand out from others is that we recognise that it is God who provides us with life and its opportunities. As Christians, we recognise that each day is created by God and that He has a plan and purpose for us in all that we do. Mr Webb asked the debutantes and their partners to recognise each day that ‘This is the day that the Lord has made” and that He made it for a purpose. The debutantes and partners were also encouraged to ‘rejoice and be glad in it’ for He has given us so much to do great things for others in our world in His name. Mr Webb also asked the debs to note that the last line had the words ‘in it’, which he interprets as God wanting us to use the gifts and resources that He has provided us with in the world so that others can see the majesty of God.

It is Mr Webb’s and my prayer, that our debutantes and their partners reflect on the address that he gave and that they will take all the opportunities provided to them and go on to make an impact to others around them in a way which reflects the wonder of all that God has provided.


Give thanks for the arrival of Jay Dee Cooke

Mrs Cooke (Year 1) and Jason, her husband, welcomed Jay Dee Cooke, who weighed 10 lb 6 oz, on 5 September 2011. Mother and son are well. Jay Dee is a “little” brother for Gracie, who is looking forward to helping mum.

9 September 2011 Volume 26 No 27

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Last Saturday, I was a proud Headmaster as I attended the 2011 Spring Ball. The Ball is always one of the highlights of the calendar of our Senior School, which allows girls in Year 11 to make their debut, if they desire. The College maintains the tradition of giving girls and their partners the opportunity to be involved in such events as we celebrate our links to the past, recognise the quality of the young women and men that we have in our Senior School and encourage them to consider the role they will take on in the adult world.

The debutantes and their partners for 2011 were;

Debutante Partner Debutante Partner

Alyce Ashford Cameron Garrety Sarah Fleming Jarrad Annakin

Olivia Tebb Corin Henshaw Kimberley Morris Tom Moxey

Stephanie Buckley Daniel Payne Erin O’Neill Bradley Jackson

Kayla Flegg Max Atkins Madeleine Lidbetter Reece Little

Rebecca Purser Hayden Williams

In recognition of our Celebration of 25 Years of Christian Education at Broughton, Mr Ron Webb (Foundation Head 1986 - 2007) was the Guest of Honour for the evening,

I would like to thank Mrs Sharon Auld (P & F Spring Ball Coordinator), Mrs. Sue Cartledge and Mrs Clipsham for making this evening such an outstanding success. I also thank Mrs Noakes and Mr Margin for the support they gave Mrs Auld and Mrs Clipsham in supervising the dance lessons over a number of Wednesday evenings in Terms 2 and 3.


Congratulations to the students from the Junior School who represented the College at the NASSA Athletics Carnival on Monday. I have received positive feedback on the behaviour of our team members and the outstanding effort many put in across a number of events. When I visited the carnival, I was impressed by the feeling of ‘school spirit’ which was evident as students encouraged and supported each other.

I congratulate the students who will represent NASSA at the Combined Independent Schools – Junior School Athletics Carnival to be held at Olympic Park on Thursday 22 September 2011

Thank you to the parents and grandparents who were at the carnival supporting not only their children and grandchildren, but were also assisting and encouraging other members of the team.

Mr Dunne will give further details of the carnival in next week’s newsletter.

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The students who represented the College and NASSA at the AICES Carnival are commended for their commitment and performance. All competitors gave their best in their events and were rewarded with selection to represent AICES (Association of Independent Co-Educational School) at the CIS Carnival to be held on Wednesday 21 September 2011.

Mr Strong has given further details of the achievements of students in the areas of Sport in the Senior School section of the newsletter.

I would like to commend Mr Stong for his outstanding work as Sports Coordinator this year. He has always supported and encouraged students and has a passion for further developing the “Spirit of BAC”.



Congratulations to Charlotte McCroary (KY), Mia Gigliotti (1C), Helena Gajda (2P) and Kylie Grimson, Jessica Hanson and Fiona Brackenbury (Year 12) who represented Broughton at the Interschools Equestrian Competition at Bicentennial Park, Camden on Saturday 3 September 2011. Jessica was awarded 5th in her Show Jumping Class and Kylie a second in Handy Pony. The team members have asked me to pass on their thanks to their Team Manager, Mrs Ferris, for her support and encouragement at this event.


Last Monday, 5 September, Jane Skinner and John Brackenbury represented Broughton at the MISA Year 9 Youth of the Year Competition. In this competition, two students from each of the 13 MISA schools were interviewed by the three judges before presenting a two to three minute speech on a topic of their choice. Jane spoke on "The Impact of Facebook" and John’s topic was “Our Asylum Seeker Policy".

I commend Jane and John for being excellent representatives of the College.


Events marking the graduation of our Year 12 students commence next Wednesday evening, 14 September 2011, with a Thanksgiving Service for Year 12 students, teachers, parents and other members of our College community. The service will be held in the Function Centre commencing at 7.30 pm. Please feel free to join us as we give thanks for all our students in Year 12 have contributed to Broughton and we commit them and their families to pray.

Other events which are planned to celebrate the graduation of Year 12 include:

Monday 19 September Staff – Student Soccer Match

Tuesday 20 September Yr 12 Students – Staff Breakfast

Yr 12 Graduation Assembly (Commencing at 8.45 am)

Year 12 Formal

Please pray for Year 12 students at their families at Broughton and across NSW as they mark the end of their schooling. Give thanks for all that the students have achieved and pray for them as they prepare for the Higher School Certificate. Pray that they make wise decisions and for safety as they drive to/from events.

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• Parents are reminded that it is a condition of enrolment of the College that at least a term’s notice in

writing needs to be given when a student is leaving the College. Failure to give this notice may lead to

families being invoiced for a term’s fees. This applies to all students, except those who are graduating at

the end of Year 12.

• Please note with the change to the leaving age for students in Year 10, those who are leaving Broughton

must also give written notice of leaving school and indicate whether they are going to another school or

other form of training or to ongoing employment. The College needs to have these details as part of our

reporting requirements.

• Due to the term’s notice and other requirements, parents are reminded that if their children are not

returning to Broughton in 2012, then we will need to have the notice by end of this term, which finishes

on Friday 23 September 2011.


Thank you to the parents who continue to support us as we manage the car park each morning and afternoon. The safety of students is always our first priority and we are assisted in this by parents who follow our arrows, which help the traffic to flow smoothly. We also appreciate the parents who take care when entering and reversing from car park spots, just in case a young student is ‘going the short way to the car’

On a small number of occasions, we have had cars travelling above the safe speed limit through the College and some ‘near misses’. If there are issues in the car park, could you please report them to the College Offices, with details of the number plate, so that we can determine if it is one of our student drivers, a member of the College community or some other person? Please advise us if you see someone doing the wrong thing, rather than having the situation where children, who are trying to do the right thing, are witnessing you being abused by a person who is not following guidelines. Please note, the College will report any actions which endanger the safety of our students to the police, if appropriate.


Some parents may have seen an article in the local papers which reported that the Mayors of Campbelltown and Camden were requesting a fast tracking of a road from Spring Farm through to Menangle Road. Whilst this proposal is in the early planning stage, the Mayors see this road as a way of alleviating some traffic from Narellan Rd, providing alternative access between the suburbs in the Spring Farm, Mount Annan area to Campbelltown and also giving improved access for the residents in Glen Alpine, Menangle and other areas to/from the freeway. The College is in support of this proposal and encourages parents to advise their local members and councils that they support these plans in writing,

Mr O’Connor




The HICES (Heads of Independent Co educational Schools) Gifted and Talented Camp is an opportunity for like-minded students to get together for a week and explore a variety of learning activities that they would not normally participate in. Teachers from the various schools involved ran all the core and optional activities with schools from all over the state participating. This year’s camp as usual was run at Elanora Heights in a wonderful bushland setting. Teachers who attended this year’s camp were Mrs Gajda, Mrs Bradley and Mrs Yeo. I

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would like to thank these teachers for spending time away from their families to look after our Broughton Students.

The students who attended the camp this year were Sabrina Baillie, Thomas Cibilic, Maddison Urquhart, Shelby Wootton and Hudson O’Donnell. These students chose topics such as Words in the World, Visual Arts, Robotics, Stop Motion Animation and Science for their core sessions. Below is an article written by Hudson of his impressions of the camp.

The Gifted and Talented Camp was held from 29 August to 3 September at Elanora Heights. Each one of us chose a core subject which we would do every day of the week except Friday, which was the last day of the camp. The choices were; Robotics (Hudson), Art (Shelby), Science (Sabrina), English (Maddison), Website Construction and Stop Motion Animation (Thomas). On Monday night after dinner, we had a Trivia Night, Tuesday Night we had a Disco, Wednesday Night a Talent Quest and then on Thursday Night Rob Carlton visited. He had been on “Thank God You’re Here”, acted in “Paper Giants” and “Underbelly: The Golden Mile.”

The food was good, the activities weren’t boring, and most of all it was fun and we made lots of friends.

By Hudson O’Donnell – Year 6


On Wednesday 7th September 2011, sixteen students from Year 5 and Year 6 represented Broughton in the Da Vinci Decathlon held at Knox Grammar School, Wahroonga. The purpose of the day was for students to participate in an academic inter-school gala day with 26 other schools in NSW, specifically designed to enrich student learning. Each Year 5 and 6 team competed in ten events including challenges in Mathematics, English, Science, Code Breaking, Engineering, Forensic Science and General Knowledge. It was a wonderful day of social and academic learning where students could share their learning experiences. I think the students will agree that the highlights of the day were the various challenges (especially the marshmallow catapults), the Dominos pizza, the Knox Grammar setting and Mrs Gajda forgetting the keys and petrol for the minibus and setting off the alarm at 6.30am. Even though we didn't win, the behaviour and efforts on the day were outstanding!

Congratulations to the following boys and girls on a job well done!

Emma Taylor Ethan Baxter Caitlin Dillon Zaildyn Melrose

Jana Massingham Pascale Youssef Sarah Russell Hudson O’Donnell

Brodie Haslehurst Bryce Foster Joel Stretton Elizabeth Reid

Maddison Urquhart Shelby Wootton Madelaine Rudar


I would like to thank all of the teachers for their time and professionalism on Tuesday evening. The teachers value these evenings where they have the opportunity to catch up with parents, as they work together for the benefit of the students. As I observed the conversations I was impressed with the positive mood and the cooperation on both sides of the tables.

Thank you to the parents who supplied and served dinner for the teachers. It is always greatly appreciated by the staff to be able to sit down to a meal, and have a break before continuing on for what is quite a long day.


This Term in debating, the team has grown with more eager debating students. There have been two debates, in both of which all students participating, did a fantastic job. In the first debate “Beauty is Only Skin Deep” both teams fought hard against Danebank School for Girls, with Brodie Haselhurst (Yr6) being one of the stand-out debaters with his third speaker rebuts. A special thank you goes to Courtney Mustone and Macy Torrington (Yr5), for stepping in at the last moment to be Chairperson and fourth speaker for the affirmative.

Miss Koeller

Debating Coordinator

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On 26 August, Broughton’s debating team travelled to Newington College to debate the topic that “Today’s Children are Spoilt”. The result proved that today’s children are NOT spoilt as both negative teams from each school WON! It was Broughton’s Years Five and Six debating team’s first win. The winning team consisted of Caitlin Dillon, Sarah Russell, Jana Massingham and Chloe Bloom (Yr5). We won because we rebutted the team line of the affirmative team and they did not rebut ours. Broughton’s affirmative team lost but the adjudicator said that both rounds of the debate were very close and it only came down to the rebuts, which both negative teams presented more strongly. The food afterwards was very nice and it was an awesome day, and the other teams were good sportsmen.

By Jana Massingham and Sarah Russell - Year 5


Prep held their annual Father's Open morning last Tuesday 30 August and Thursday 1 September. It was a terrific morning with all the dads. The Prep children played games, painted pictures and created crazy constructions out of boxes with their dads. They also performed a few songs for their dads. Thanks you to all the dads who came and made the morning so special.


On Friday 2 September, Kindergarten welcomed fathers and grandfathers to a Father’s Day morning tea. The morning began in the COLA with Kindergarten reciting My Dad, by Anthony Browne. We then took our Dads and Grandads to our classrooms for morning tea and a play. Kinder Red and Kinder Green showed their special Father’s Day DVD and then challenged the grown-ups to a paper aeroplane race and some ball games. Thank you to the Dads and Grandads who were able to spend time with us on Friday. Kindergarten had a fantastic time sharing our morning with you.


A reminder to parents that summer uniform is to be worn officially from the beginning of Term 4, for the whole College. All students are to return to the College in full summer uniform on Monday 10 October 2011.

For the Junior School, however, in recognition that Junior School students run around at break times, there will be a changeover period of uniform in the event of warm weather in the last two weeks of Term Three. Parents should ensure that all items of their children’s uniforms fit properly and are in good repair.

Any new items should be purchased from the Uniform Shop before the end of term in order to be prepared. At this time of the year it is also essential that all students have a school hat to wear when outside. Please also ensure that all items of clothing are labeled so that lost items can be returned.


Advanced Notice - Year 5 Father/Son Evening will be held on 28 October at 6.30pm. This is an evening for the boys of Year 5 to spend a special evening with their fathers and do some woodwork together. Invitations will be sent out shortly.

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SLATE stands for Students Learning About The Environment! Our club meets every Thursday at lunchtime. It is coordinated by Mr Giles and is open to any students from years 3-6. Our activities include prayer, gardening, worm farming, composting, paper recycling and the green lane diary (See the Green Cross Australia website). On Wednesday the 14 September, eight SLATE Club students will be representing Broughton Anglican College at the annual Macarthur Sustainable Schools Expo, held at Belgenny Farm. Our students will be presenting a worm farm workshop to around two hundred public school students!



Bianca Shacallis (Yr3)

Year 3 and 4 In school Sport, have been having a competition between 4 teams. The teams have competed against each other for Terms Two and Three, rotating through a variety of sports, playing a different sport each week. The competition has been very close. Teams scored five points for a loss or draw and ten points for a win. This week was the last week of the competition, with all teams being within ten points of each other. It all came down to this week's competition to find the winning team. Team "Chocolate" were victorious in this year's competition. The final scores were:

• First Place Chocolate with 180 points

• Second Place Asteroids with 170 points

• Third Place Raging Cookies with 165 points

• Fourth Place Terminators with 160 points

The students in the winning team of "Chocolate" are:

James Gigliotti (Yr3) Sienna Hart (Yr3) Loren Phillips (Yr3) Bianca Shacallis (Yr3)

Aaron Lipovic (Yr3) Jakob McLean (Yr3) Elisabeth Parkinson (Yr3) Conrad Petrovic (Yr3)

Laura Power (Yr3) Lara Schweizer (Yr3) Meredith Yorke (Yr4) Tahlia Engelbrecht (Yr4)

Students showed great sportmanship and enthusiasm every week during the competition. Congratulations to all teams for their effort and a close competition.


On Monday 5 September, some Broughton students represented our school at NASSA. This was held at Campbelltown Sports Stadium. The students were all very good and tried their hardest. A few students were selected to go to the next level, which is CIS. It was a fun day for all the students who went and they all had fun cheering on their team mates. All the children represented in at least one of these events; High Jump, Long Jump, Turbo Javelin, Discus, Shop Put, 100 metres, 200 metres, 800 metres or the 4 x 100 metre relay.

Congratulations to the students below who will be progressing onto CIS. More to come in next weeks Newsletter.

Ashley Mead (Yr2) John Southam (Yr3) Sheridan Gallagher (Yr4) Emma Taylor (Yr5) Cameron Cadden (Yr5) Chloe Bloom (Yr5) Harrison Tebb (Yr6)

By Lauren Browne and Madelaine Rudar – Year 6


On Tuesday, 11 October, the Junior School will be celebrating Spain’s National day, EL DÍA DE LA RAZA (day of the race) , and COLOMBUS DAY in the Americas. This is a big day of celebration around the world and a special day for Broughton. On this day, junior students will share the spirit of these celebrations in a special way. The “ Mexican Mariachis” band “ will be performing for them. They will be served CHURROS at lunchtime and later on will take

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part in a Spanish parade . We remind students to wear a costume which is Spanish themed. The parade will start after lunchtime at 1:20pm in the COLA and all parents are welcome to witness the event and to wear a Spanish costume as well! We are hoping to see many Mexican hats and flamenco dancers! Hasta luego!

An order form for Los Churros has been sent home which needs to be returned by Monday 19 September so students are not disappointed.


• Give thanks for the birth of Jay Dee Cooke

• Give thanks that Bethany Goddard-Sestak is improving in health.

Mrs A Blockley

Head of the Junior School



As Year 12 approach their final few weeks of their schooling and consequently their final lessons and examination preparation we continue to pray and encourage them to aim for the most out of these last few weeks.

A number of events will take place to celebrate and give thanks for 13 years of high school education. The College invites parents, family members and friends to the following events:


The Year 12 Thanksgiving Service will be held on Wednesday 14 September at 7.30pm in the Function Centre, with supper to follow.


Tuesday 20 September 8.45am

A formal Graduation Assembly will be held in the College Hall to farewell Year 12 as they graduate and to thank them for the contributions they have made to the College. Students will receive their graduation certificates and academic awards.

Other functions which will occur in the last week for Year 12 are the Year 12 Breakfast, the Year 12 Formal Dinner and the Staff v Students Soccer Match.

I thank the many staff, students and parents who have been involved in organising these events.


Science Week: The science is theoretical but the fun is REAL!!!

Attention all nerds, scientists and all in between! From the 15 to 20 August 2011 Broughton Anglican College took science to the Extreme with our annual Science Week. It started off with a Year Seven Hat Competition promoting the week’s theme of “react to chemistry”. Hats of various colours and sizes lined up to be judged for the one person to take the crown and win the ultimate Science Prize. The first day was one to enjoy with experiments of dry ice and the annual rocket launch at lunchtime. As the days passed so did the anticipation for King of The Hats. Experiments became more and more exciting and students’ enthusiasm increased as water rockets, bomb bags, thermite reaction, coloured fire flames, film popping canisters and much more were conducted. As Science Week became more fun the time passed before our eyes and the week ended. On the last day the winners of the Hat Competition were announced. In third place, Hayley McIntosh, second place Todd Alcock and the winner was Gemma Maranthou. Congratulations to our winners and all those who participated.

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By Tim Crameri and Hayden Barber (Year 7 Taylor)


The Year 12 Design and Technology class have worked hard all year completing their Major Design Projects. They will be marked by the Board of Studies markers on Friday 9 September. The projects will be on display to parents and friends on Monday 12 September in the Senior Lecture Room from 7pm until 8.30pm.



Hi I am Brad Jackson. I have been attending Broughton since I was in Year 4, 2004. I am currently involved in the Student Representative Council, and as one of the College Prefects I will be working with fellow prefect, Danielle Taylor, as the Prefects working with the Junior School. My aim is to work closely with the Junior School and help strengthen the bond between the two schools. During my time as Prefect, I would also like to work with the Darlington Prefects, in order to provide the House Spirit we need, to rise and take ownership of the Tabar Cup!


Hi I am Victoria Nicholson, but please call me Tori. I have been attending Broughton since the Year 2000. In my time at Broughton, I have taken part in many drama performances, and school productions as well as participating in the Choir and Chamber singers. Broughton has influenced me to become a Christian and their lunchtime activities especially RAGE have helped me grow into the person I am today. I`m very much looking forward to enjoying working with my fellow prefects who are amazing!


Students are reminded that the changeover from winter to summer uniform takes place at the start of Term 4. Please refer to pages 18-20 in the Student Handbook.


Congratulations to this week’s winner of the writer of the week. This contribution from Erin Garrett of Year 11 gives us an insight into the experience of returning to places from our youth:

“The continuity and repetition of the waves soothes me. I match my breathing to them, out as the wave crashes, in as its resonance fades from my hearing. My thoughts rotate to the soon to arrive bus, which will whisk me away forever. Time has flown in this gentle calmness and tranquillity. Soon it arrives, coming to a rest in front of me. The door wheezes open, beckoning me inside to warmth and protection. I stand now at peace.”

Erin Garrett – Year 11

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August and September has been a huge two months of sport at Broughton. Early in the month our CIS Girls Cup Football team played their semi final against the much fancied Pymble Ladies College. Pymble in the past two years had put some big scores on all their opponents, once winning the final 9-nil. Our Girls had a glut of possession throughout the game, forcing the Pymble side to go the extra yard in defense. Broughton had over a dozen shots on goal but were denied all but once, Jessie Sapsed Yr 10, slotting our one goal, by some excellent keeping. Pymble’s fast forward line got Broughton a couple of times on the counter attack with our girls going down 3-1. A big thanks to all the parents that came along to cheer our girls and make all the noise in the grandstands, the girls really appreciated the support. Thanks to Mr Gillies and ex student Tim Beasant, for coaching the girls this season. That is three semis in a row for the girls; next year we hope to go one step further.

Broughton also ran the NASSA and AICES athletics carnivals this year. From a contingent of 97 athletes, we competed well in a number of events at the NASSA carnival. Our senior division was particularly successful finishing second overall. As a whole the school finished sixth, with only 200 points separating second to sixth. Highlights included:

• Our victory in the premier event, the open boys 4x100m relay, with our team winning by 0.1 seconds over TIGS. Great work by Andrew Millen, Mohit Srivastava (Yr 11), Jarrad McCarthy and Keagan Healy (Yr 12),

• Zachary Kappler (Yr 8), breaking the record in winning U/14’s Javelin. Zachary also won the U/14’s Long Jump.

Other NASSA Champions are listed below

Student (Age group) Event(s)

Emily Lucas (U15) 800m, 1500m

Melissa Lucas (18/19) 800m, 1500m

Jessica Bowlay (U17) Shot Put

Kara Osgood (U14) Discus, Shot Put,

Alicia Kappler (U16) 200m, 400m, 100m

Andrew Millen (U17) 200m, 100m

Abbey Gillam (U13) High Jump

Andrew Smith (U16) Shot Put

Elizabeth Crocker (U17) Long Jump

Erin Garrett (U17) Long Jump

Other students selected to compete at AICES were Mitchell Clements (Yr 8), Paul Dawson (Yr 9), Matthew Ryan, James Van der Schyff (Yr 11), Alison Milligan and Pamela Ramirez (Yr 12).

A total of twenty students performed well enough (top three in track and top two in field) to qualify for the AICES carnival which was held on Monday 5 September. The NASSA team won the carnival with the students from the College doing more than their share to collect points for the association.

Of the twenty students who competed on the day, eleven students qualified to compete for AICES at the NSWCIS carnival. This is a fantastic achievement as it is the second highest number of competitors from the NASSA association and out of more than fifty schools in the AICES Association; we provide the fifth highest number of individual entries to compete in the NSWCIS carnival. We were unlucky to not have more with a couple of students missing out on higher honours by a single place.

We had three AICES champions this year. They were;

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Zachary Kappler (Yr 8) – U/14 Javelin Emily Lucas (Yr 10) – U/15 1500m James Van der Schyff (Yr 11) – U/17 400m

In addition to these champions the following students have qualified for the AICES team to compete at NSWCIS on Wednesday 21 September

Abbey Gillam (Yr 8) Kara Osgood (Yr 8) Alicia Kappler (Yr10) Jessica Bowlay (Yr 11)

Andrew Millen (Yr 11) Andrew Smith (Yr 11) Melissa Lucas (Yr 12) Jarrad McCarthy (Yr12)

We have also held the NASSA AFL and Netball Gala Days. Our teams competed well in these events, with our sides finishing in the top half of the competition. As always, our players competed in the spirit of the game and were excellent ambassadors for the College.

So far in Term 3 we have seen some excellent results from our athletes. They have represented the College with pride and we hope to see a continuation of achievement for the remainder of the year.

Mr Strong

Sports Coordinator


Blazer fitting ordering date for students entering Year 11 2012 will be on Tuesday 13 September. Each student fitted will be given an order form on the day. The cost of the blazer will be $190.


• Pray for Year 11 as they commence their Preliminary Examinations next week.

• Please continue to pray for those members of our College family who are unwell, that God may uphold them, their families and their medical practitioners.

• Praise God for family time. Pray for the Broughton community that they will take time to rest and to

develop healthy family relationships. Mrs C Kennedy

Head of the Senior School


OPTION TO PAY 2012 FEES IN ADVANCE Families have the option to pay the Annual Fees (Tuition, Service and Capital Works) for 2012 at current years rates if paid in full by 31 October 2011. Please email casc@casc.org.au or call 4628 0110 to request an application form.”


Parents are reminded that it is Schools Council policy and the ‘Conditions of Enrolment’ that in the event of a student being withdrawn from the College at any time, the College requires notice in writing of at least one term. In lieu of a term’s notice one term’s fees will be payable. If you are planning on not returning in 2012, a term’s notice is required by Friday 23 September 2011. Please address withdrawal letters to the Headmaster.


The Broughton shop, now have stocks of a black multi-purpose bag with our own crest embossed on it. These bags cost $1.50 each, they are available from the Broughton shop during normal opening times. Mondays and Tuesdays 8.00am -11.00am, Thursdays 12.30pm-4.00pm.

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Choosing plants adapted to your environment means less water and less

fertiliser. Better for the environment and better for your pocket!




The next P&F General Meeting will be held on Monday 19 September at 7.30 pm in the IRC (Information Resource Centre). Please come along and join us for an update on what is happening in the College.

Parents are also advised that at this meeting we will be tabling “amendments to the P&F Association Constitution”. This will include recommendations of amendments to be made to update the Constitution as some parts are now irrelevant.


Thank you to the many families that have submitted a recipe, or sponsored the book by advertising their business.

Our beautiful cookbook is well under way and is bulging with lots of great recipes. The book will be published in Term 4, 2011. There will be over 200 recipes in the book with a great range of dishes, snacks, soups, pastas, cakes, desserts and more!

Keep an eye out for the COOKBOOK PRE-ORDER FORM that will be sent home shortly, and make sure you place your order for the cookbook to avoid missing out.


A disco for Junior School Students will be held after school on FRIDAY 23 SEPTEMBER.

There will be two session times:

Preparatory to Year Two Students – 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm

Year Three to Year Six students – 5.30 pm to 7.00 pm

A permission note will be sent home with students which will include an option to have a “sausage sizzle” dinner as well. Make sure you come along and join in the FUN!


There’s not long to go now with the Woolworths promotion finishing soon – on the 18 September, and Coles

in October. Please keep collecting your Coles “Sports for Schools” tokens from the Coles checkout and your Woolworths Supermarket receipts and place them in the boxes provided in the Junior School Office or the Sports Centre.

You can keep track of how many points we have tallied up in the Woolworths Challenge by going on-line to www.woolworths.com.au, and can also keep track of the Coles tally by checking the updated total in the Sports Centre.

You [O God] care for the land… [Therefore we care] Psalm 65:9

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Thank you to all of our students and parents who have been bringing in Coles vouchers and Woolworths receipts/dockets already. We still need lots more to reach our “goal amount”.

Lisa Sims

P & F President


BAC Shop Telephone Number: 02 4633 8221 (trading hours only) Mondays 8am–11am Tuesdays 8am–11am Thursdays 12.30pm–4pm


Monday Sept 12 2 Julie Schifino, HELP

Tuesday Sept 13 2 Sonya Cadden, HELP

Wednesday Sept 14 2 Jenny Brackenbury, HELP

Thursday Sept 15 3 Julie-Ann Cole, HELP

Friday Sept 16 3 Lyn Nonnenmacher, Trish Robinson, Marlene Rivett

Monday Sept 19 3 Sue Powers, Dianne Bryant

Tuesday Sept 20 3 Sue Cartledge, Julie Mustone

Wednesday Sept 21 3 Lynda Walsh, Vesna Johnson

Thursday Sept 22 4 Sandra Lanz, Antje Taylor

Friday Sept 23 4 Greg Little, Sandra Hooper, Marlene Rivett

The canteen is open for orders both for recess and lunch. If you wish to place an order, please call or come down to the canteen. When ordering your child’s lunch remember to put their class on the lunch bag, especially when ordering in the Junior School. This avoids disappointment if their lunch is not in the correct lunch box.


Senior School Telephone: 02 4633 8365 Senior School Fax: 02 4633 8358 Junior School Telephone: 02 4633 8366 Junior School Fax: 02 4634 8424 After School Care: 02 4645 2088 (after 4pm only) Enrolment Enquiries: 02 4645 2014 Website: www.broughton.nsw.edu.au Email: reception@broughton.nsw.edu.au

junior@broughton.nsw.edu.au seniorschool@broughton.nsw.edu.au



BROUGHTON Newsletter - 14

Come along to the St Peter’s Church Youth Group. We meet every Friday night from 7.30-9pm. All students from Years 7-12 are welcome. This term we will be thinking about how to be a Christian when faced with Life’s Challenges. We will be discussing the “Ultimate

Jesus” – studies taken from the book of Hebrews.


Church Office: 46251041 stpeters@bigpond.com

Nigel Fortescue: 0429939410 nigel@thefortescues.net Leanne Burns: 4625 1041 lannytish@bigpond.com Stuart Grant: 4626 3436 s.grant@broughton.nsw.edu.au (BAC Chaplain) Mark Schroder: 0412 006 789 mrkschroder@gmail.com Church location: Cordeaux Street, Campbelltown (parking via Howe Street) Find us on Facebook: Campbelltown Anglican Church (St Peter’s and St Andrew’s) Campbelltown Anglican Youth Ministry – Campbelltown Anglican Church



• Preparatory & Kindergarten Open Morning and Tour 9am


• Tournament of Minds State Final Competition


• Yr 3-6 CRU Club

• Yr K-2 Infants Chapel 2.15pm Worship Centre

• Yr 11 Yearly Examinations Commence

• Yr 10 Yearly Examinations • Preparatory Blue Portrait and Sibling Photos


• Yrs 3-12 Macarthur Eisteddfod Choirs –Campbelltown Catholic Club

• SS HSC DAT Display Evening 7pm


• Yr 3-6 CRU Club

• Yr K-2 Infants Chapel 2.15pm – Hall • Macarthur Eisteddfod Performance BAC 8am

• Yr 11 Yearly Examinations • SS Duke of Edinburgh Gold Practice Hike

• P&F General Meeting - IRC 7.30pm


� Parent Prayer Meeting 8.30am Worship Centre � Yrs 1-2 Kids Bible Fun (KBF) � Yrs 3–6 Chapel 2.15pm Hall • Yr 12 Careers Seminars • Yr 11 Yearly Examinations • Yr 10 (Yr 11 2012) Blazer Fittings


� Yrs 1-2 Kids Bible Fun (KBF) � JS Term Service College - Hall 1.45pm � SS Yr 12 Formal Dinner – The Cube 6.30pm

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 15

WEDNESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER • Junior School Knitting Club

• Yr 11 Yearly Examinations • Macarthur Sustainable Schools Expo

• Yr 12 Thanksgiving Service

• JS Yrs 3-6 AFL Gala Day MAS Cobbity 8.30am

WEDNESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER • Junior School Knitting Club

• Yr 9 PASS to ANZ Stadium Tour 8am

• Yr 9 Spanish Tapas – Casa Asturiana Spanish Restaurant Sydney 9.55am

• SS Yr11 Preparation for Gold Practice Hike 3.15pm

• Yrs 7, 8 and 11 Music to Brass-O-Holics -Worship Centre 11.40am



• Yr 11 Yearly Examinations • Yrs 4-6 Assembly 2.15pm Function Centre

• Yr 3 Camp Wedderburn Christian Camp

• Preparatory Green Grow Day



• JS End of Term Assembly Awards – College Hall 1.45pm

• Yrs 8, 10 and 11 Elective Music Concert – Function Centre 7pm


• Parents Christian Bible Study Group 8.30am -Meeting Room

• Yr 3 Camp Wedderburn Christian Camp

• Yr 11 Yearly Examinations • Yrs K-2 Infants Day Camp

• Yrs 7-12 Senior Choir to Woolworths Ball Rehearsal – Campbelltown Catholic Club 3.30pm

• SS Yr 12 Business Studies Financial Planning & Management – Campbelltown Catholic Club 3.30pm


• Yr 3 String Program

• Parents Christian Bible Study Group 8.30am -Meeting Room

• Yr 7 Zoomobile Visit at BAC 8.55am



• Yrs 7-12 Senior Choir to Woolworths Ball– Campbelltown Catholic Club 4.30pm

SS – Senior School JS – Junior School
