A monthly traffic awareness magazine, published by Roads ... · You’ll read Qur’an, you’ll...


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New Service

“Salama” Week in Dubai schools

Children’s Fasting


Best Regards

Welcome Ramadan

Hello dear friends,,Very soon we will welcome a long waited guest who has been truly missed. Muslims racing in all corners of the globe to celebrate this guest and prepare for it.. It is the holy month of Ramadan.Perhaps what brings in sight with the advent of the holy month is the food and drink. What do not come to our minds is that there are those who do not find anything to break their fast with they spend their days and nights fasting!Of those, sleeping on the grounds, and taking sky as their quilt throughout the whole months of the year. While we live – Thanks be to Allah- In a multitude of tender and grace. We have in return to visit the poor people and help the needy ones with whatever we can provide them with and make them happy. No one knows what good deed will take him to paradise!




Rejected Begging

The consequences of irresponsibility

See inside your BodyKidneys



In an educational, indicative and fun atmosphere in line with the national initiative “Year of reading”, Traffic Awareness Section in Traffic Department launch event of “Salama Week” in Dubai schools.The aim of this event is to link the readers with Salama magazine through organizing monthly visits for students so they get to know about the different topics the magazine tackles and also to promote the initiative of “Reading challenge” as well as adopting “Salama” to be among the purposefully publications that being read by children. The team for “Salama” week had visited number of schools; students interacted with the different topics of the magazine, its contests, filled the Questionnaire and they received joyful gifts from the magazine. The team explained the way of uploading “ Salama Magazine App.” On smart phones, I Pads and tablets. The team asked students to communicate with the magazine and send their opinions and suggestions and to participate in the monthly contest through the application e-mail : Salama.magazine@rta.ae

“Salama” Week in Dubai schools

Traffic Awareness Section has organized an educational lecture about “Safe Driving in the vagaries of the weather” in Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology. During which the team illustrated the main causes of traffic accidents that occur as a result of not leaving enough distance between vehicles especially in the dusty and foggy weather. A video was demonstrated showing how to drive safely during the vagaries of the weather, brochures , publications and souvenirs were distributed among the participants, as well as filling the questionnaire.

Educational Lecture in

Emirates Authority for

Standardization and Metrology



On the sidelines of the transport conference for the Middle East and North Africa in 2016, Traffic Awareness Section gave three lectures. First: «School bus safe driving», the second: «School Safety guidelines», and the third «Traffic accidents and their impact on human and social development». During which contests were held and traffic awareness publications were distributed among the attendees and along with souvenirs.

Traffic Awareness Section organized an awareness event for the workers of «Khansaheb» company in Jebel Ali, on the occasion of «International Labor’s Day», included an awraness lecture about pedestrian safety, and the distribution of brochure «Pedestrian safety», and a variety of gifts.

International Labor’s Day Event

Three lectures on the sidelines of

MENA Transport Congress & Echibition

Traffic Awareness section participated in the campaign of “Medium-tonnage trucks tyres safety” organized by the company «Michelin» tyres in cooperation with Dubai Municipality in the vegetable market in Dubai, and it lasted five days, where a free screening of the frames had been conducting. It also included giving lectures to drivers to tell them about the risks of invalid tyres.

Medium-tonnage trucks

tyres safety campaigns

Traffic Awareness Section participated with an awareness pavilion in the event organized by the department of land and property in Dubai titled: «Child care day». Awareness brochures were distributed to the department employees, customers, and some school students, about how to protect your child’s vehicle, and gifts were given to visitors, Emirates Driving Institute gave a practical training about the safe use of a child seat in the vehicle.

Child Care Day


First Woman to Fly Atlantic

30 – year – old Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly

the Atlantic when the tri- motor friendship, in which she was a

passenger, landed at Burny Port today. Miss Earhart, the

daughter of a railroad attorney and graduate of Columbia

University, is employed as settlement worker in Boston.

Aviation is a passionate hobby with her and she is a very

accomplished pilot. A plucky girl, Miss Earhart hopes to make

a solo flight across the Atlantic herself one day.

18 June 1928

The History of the World

Prepared by: Eman Hosny Qassem Designed by: Shaimaa Ibrahim Gamil

Once upona Month

Superman sighted

30 June 1938

A new kind of ball game was played today at Cooperstown, NY. Known as “base-

ball” because of its four-base infield, it is said to be the invention of Abner

Doubleday, who is teaching local military cadets how to play. The game uses a

soft ball to avoid injury – one way of putting out player running from base to

base is for fielder to hit him with the ball. Although Cooperstown would like

claim all the glory for giving America a totally new sport, some have their

doubts. Baseball, it seems bears a striking resemblance to the American

children’s game Old Cat and the English rounder’s, and may simply be an adap-

tion of these earlier forms.

Thanks to Action Comics, a new super crime fighter

from the distant planet of Krypton has made his

appearance among us today. He can leap taller than

the highest building, run faster than a speeding train,

is invulnerable and possesses the strength of 200

men. Most of the time his true identity is hidden

behind the mild, un assuming persona of Clark Kent,

a reporter on the Metropolis Daily Globe. But when

action calls he quickly materializes in a blue catsuit

and red cape, with a big “S” emblazoned on his

enormous chest. And what’s his name? Why,

Superman, of course!

New sport with bases and ball catch on in USA12 June 1839



First Woman to Fly Atlantic

30 – year – old Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly

the Atlantic when the tri- motor friendship, in which she was a

passenger, landed at Burny Port today. Miss Earhart, the

daughter of a railroad attorney and graduate of Columbia

University, is employed as settlement worker in Boston.

Aviation is a passionate hobby with her and she is a very

accomplished pilot. A plucky girl, Miss Earhart hopes to make

a solo flight across the Atlantic herself one day.

18 June 1928

The History of the World

Prepared by: Eman Hosny Qassem Designed by: Shaimaa Ibrahim Gamil

Once upona Month

Superman sighted

30 June 1938

A new kind of ball game was played today at Cooperstown, NY. Known as “base-

ball” because of its four-base infield, it is said to be the invention of Abner

Doubleday, who is teaching local military cadets how to play. The game uses a

soft ball to avoid injury – one way of putting out player running from base to

base is for fielder to hit him with the ball. Although Cooperstown would like

claim all the glory for giving America a totally new sport, some have their

doubts. Baseball, it seems bears a striking resemblance to the American

children’s game Old Cat and the English rounder’s, and may simply be an adap-

tion of these earlier forms.

Thanks to Action Comics, a new super crime fighter

from the distant planet of Krypton has made his

appearance among us today. He can leap taller than

the highest building, run faster than a speeding train,

is invulnerable and possesses the strength of 200

men. Most of the time his true identity is hidden

behind the mild, un assuming persona of Clark Kent,

a reporter on the Metropolis Daily Globe. But when

action calls he quickly materializes in a blue catsuit

and red cape, with a big “S” emblazoned on his

enormous chest. And what’s his name? Why,

Superman, of course!

New sport with bases and ball catch on in USA12 June 1839


To report any violations or defects in Dubai roads right of way contact RTA›s call center: 8008090 Together we bulid the future of Dubai


Safe Driving during Ramadan

Scenario: Loulwa Thani

Thank God.. Are you okay sir?

I ..I’m okay, but what happened? .. Ouch my head is


You were driving so fast.

Yes..Yes, I left my work and was heading home. I didn’t want to be late, we are in Ramadan and I must arrive home early.

Ramadan is the month of mercy and blessings & must be reflected on our fasting & behaviors, especially when driving.

May be the reason is being so tired. I stayed

too late last night with my friends yesterday.

Ramadan is a month of worship and strengthen social relationships with

those we care for. It doesn’t mean causing accidents

we’re all in indispensable.

You are right.. I have to manage my program during this holy month for my own safety and

for others too. Thanks for your precious advice.

A speeding car passed by Inspector Hamad..

Inspector Hamad watched it carefully while it swerved away from the street and was about to crash

another car in front of it.


Children’s Fasting

Happy Ramadan Mum, Dad &….

What about me?!

Happy Ramadan dear brother, tell me what sweet you would like to eat after Iftar?

After Iftar! Who said I’m


Why not?

Because I’m still young, right


Yes love you are, but at least you should try to get used to fasting.

Mom.. I’m feeling hungry so fast, I can’t cut off

food till Maghreb Prayers.


Scenario: Loulwa Thani

You don’t have to fast the same hours as we do. You can fast few

hours only.

Yes you can fast from forenoon till sunrise then till noon.. Right


I will not be fasting as you & I’ll not

take the reward of fasting as you. What is the benefit then?!

Of course you will benefit. You’ll read Qur’an, you’ll give charity & help us in what we

need. Ramadan is the month of worship and Allah will reward

you for every good deeds.

Your sister is right.. Allah rewards us not

for one thing only. You should get used to that and not to treat the holy month as other


Okay Dad. I’ll fast till forenoon

Insha- Allah. Allah will double reward

you during Ramadan when I fast.

What do you mean?!

Because you will double my daily pocket money

during Ramadan.. Lol.


New ServiceI won’t be late

dear, I’ll check on Um Ahmad in the hospital and come


Okay honey, send her my

wishing of speed recovery.

While Salem’s wife was standing at the red signal, another vehicle hit her from the back because it didn’t

leave a sufficient safe distance.

The damage was not huge so they decided to call the police to report it.

I need the two driving licenses and the vehicles


Your license is expired since two months ago. This is a


How come?!.. No way I’m always renewing it in the right time.


It seems I forgot to

renew it this time.

Then he gave me a fine. That’s all Salem.

No worries dear, it won’t be repeated again. Because RTA now

across its multiple smart services are sending texts over

phones to as a reminder for license and vehicle renewal.

Why you are so sure of


This service leaves us no

excuse to be late for the renewal.

True, It is a very useful service.


Rejected Begging

Salmu Alikum.

Uncle Salem!.. W Alika

Al Salam.. Welcome.

Come in .. Maghrib Azan

is soon.

What’s wrong Uncle? You look


Something happened when I was in my way and bothers me.

What happened?

I woman carrying a child stopped

me at the grocery and told me a touching story

about her husband and she told me

she needs money.

What bothers me after giving her money, the salesman in the grocery told me she is

living with her husband in the building and she doesn’t need money. Just taking advantage

of the holy month to beg, and she takes it as a habit

every year.

Ramadan is the month of mercy and blessings, but unfortunately plagued by the phenomenon of begging, from fraudsters in the form of the needy, exploiting

the fasters to move the feelings to seize their money

one way or another.

Some of them take advantage of fasting people gathered for Friday prayers, for example, and some

claim he suffers from illness or disability and can’t work, and

other claims that one of his relatives

imprisoned and needs to pay the blood money in his



True Hessa. Begging is a serious phenomenon that threaten families.

It leads to lack of confidence in the real

needy who really needs charity more than the


Especially that beggars organized gang

mastered the choice of people, time and place for the implementation

of this scheme.

Some weak souls seize the holy

month to practice begging especially they know that UAE society has compassion and a

generous community.

There are institutions,

associations and charities in UAE

to help the needy in legal ways.

The members of the

community must be cautious of the beggars

and not sympathy with


Give your donations to charities which holds the distribution to

the poor and needy. We also must report beggars to stop their


God bless you brother.


The consequences of irresponsibility

This cuddle and tolerance will lead

him to rely on others for everything.

Now you see how he is doing!

I said he must be punished for this

neglect and lack of interest.

I just don’t want him to be

busy for studying my dear.

This is my son’s car. It’s an

opportunity to observe his actions in the


This is the case of the lazy parrot; he is indifferent with lots of things, especially tidying.

Unfortunately, the actions of the parrot in the street with his friends are the same



The second fine for speeding.

This fine is for not buckling up.

The third offense is being indifferent, the

fine is taking the car. You will never ever drive it again unless considering

your actions.

The dad was surprised of how reckless his son is. He felt sad and decided to

continue monitoring his friends. After the actions of reckless driving and irresponsible, Arnob the Policeman saw

parrot the son and chased him rightaway.


See inside your BodyKidneys

I know that humans need at least one

kidney to live. Kidneys look like a kidney


Each kidney is about 13 cm long and

8 cm wide, about the size of a computer mouse.

1- The kidneys: filters

that take the waste out of the blood and make


2- The ureters: tubes that carry the urine from each kidney to the


4- The urethra: a tube that carries the

urine from the bladder out of the body

3- The bladder: a bag

that collects the urine

What do you know about kidneys?

That’s right. The

kidneys, the bladder and their tubes are called

the urinary system. Who can tell me the

function of the urinary system?


The kidneys also balance the volume of

fluids and minerals in the body.

Do you know how to keep everything flowing as it should?

1- Drink enough fluids, especially

when it’s warm out or you’re exercising and

playing. 2- Wipe from front to back,

especially after going poop, to avoid bacteria

entering your urinary tract.

Correct and the kidneys are key players

in the urinary tract. They do two important jobs — filter waste from the blood and produce pee to get rid of it. If they didn’t do this, toxins (bad stuff)

would quickly build up in your body and make you sick.

3- Must go to the bathroom when

you need to go. Holding too long isn’t good for your urinary tract — and it can

lead to accidents.









Car glass shading regulations

Dear friends, visibility and

clarity are very important for the


During summer we can put shading on our cars glass to reduce the heat

inside it.

But here we have to note that we must to adhere to the ratio of permitted shading

by law. These ratios have been developed on a scientific basis; if increased all

alone, can cause blurred vision.

Thus it can be one of the causes of accidents, so we should adhere to the ratios assessments

for the automotive glass shades.

Nutella & Banana Crepe


Hello dear ones. Today we have a very delicious dish at the

same time an easy one.

We need:3 eggs, 3 sugar spoons, 2

spoons butter, 1 spoon oil, 1 ½ cup of flour, sprinkle of

salt, 1 ½ cup of milk, Nutella , bananas , vanilla.

Mix eggs, sugar, butter & vanilla in the mixture then add flour & milk. Now the crepe paste is

ready. Take a little of the

mixture and put it in the pan and move it in a circular motion

to be well distributed then turn the crepe on the other side.

Now the fun step; cut the bananas & put it inside the crepe. Fold

the crepe and decorate with Nutella. Bon

