A multimodal interaction framework for pervasive game applications


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Introduction:What is STARS?A platform for developing computer augmented board

games that integrate mobile devices with an interactive table.

Augment traditional board games with computing functionality.

Consists of a specialized hardware setup and an interaction framework that dynamically couples mobile and stationary i/p and o/p devices with the game table.

Stars Setup-Device ComponentsComponents that are integrated into the

STARS session are:

TableWall DisplayPersonal Digital Assistants.Audio Devices


Game board is displayed on its surface.Tracked by an overhead camera.e.g: InteracTable-a Roomware component.

Wall Display

Shows game relevant public information.Videos or animations can be played-triggered either by a player or by the logic of STARS. Consists Dynawall

Personal Digital Assistants

Used for taking private notes and for administering private data.

Personal Digital AssistantsThe second use for

the PDAs are private communication

channels that allow both a STARS game logic and the players to

send private messages to other players

Audio Devices

Players wear ear phones or uses loud speakers.

STARS S/W Architecture



ConclusionUser ExperiencesKey Features:

Easy to include new devices and modes.Private Communication over audio or PDA

Future Enhancements:Scope could be augmented to include other

domains such as engineering tasks , chemistry or shared Architectural design.
