A Rhetorical Analysis of Soekarno’s Opening Speech at


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A Rhetorical Analysis of Soekarno’s Opening Speech at Asian

African Conference 1955

Analisis Retorika Pidato Pembuka Soekarno

di Konferensi Asia Afrika 1955

A Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

for completing Diploma III Programme of English


Laila Safitri

NIM 155311016

Program Studi D3 Bahasa Inggris

Jurusan Bahasa Inggris

Politeknik Negeri Bandung







































This project is a rhetorical analysis or simply defined as study of how someone persuade others. Soekarno’s opening speech at Asian African Conference 1995 is analyzed using text or document analysis. This project is conducted to see how Soekarno persuades Asian African leaders to cooperate in fields such as economy, politics, and diplomacy as a solution to their problems of colonialism and imperialism that are still shadowed them although they have proclaimed their independency. Data are drawn from library study and observation. The analysis employs Aristotle’s framework of rhetoric specifically the three means of persuasion and the speech arrangement, one of the five rhetorical cannons. This project observes the urgency or background of the speech delivery, the speech structure and the rhetorical appeals employed to achieve the goals. The results of the observation are the following. First, the speech was delivered due to the pathetic situation in Asia and Africa at the time that needed someone to trigger them to act and get out of any dresses of imperialism. The second result shows Soekarno follows Aristotelian speech arrangement in organizing his speech to achieve his persuasive goals. The third result is he frequently uses pathos in order to evoke audience’s feeling of anger and sadness so that they are triggered to act for their real independency. The results of this project can be implemented by speech writers, for example, to do influential communication since rhetoric can be very useful to understand the way people persuade others.

Key words: Asian African Conference, rhetoric, rhetorical analysis, rhetorical appeals, Soekarno, speech arrangement, speech background














Tugas akhir ini merupakan analisis retorika yang secara sederhana didefinisikan sebagai studi tentang bagaimana seseorang memengaruhi orang lain. Pidato pembuka Soekarno di Konferensi Asia Afrika tahun 1955 dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis dokumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui cara Soekarno membujuk para pemimpin di Asia dan Afrika untuk bekerja sama di berbagai bidang seperti ekonomi, sosial dan politik sebagai cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah kolonialisme dan imperialism yang masih membayangi mereka sekalipun mereka telah menyatakan kemerdekaan. Data untuk penelitian ini didapatkan dari hasil kajian pustaka dan observasi. Analisis ini menggunakan kerangka retorik Aristoteles khususnya mengenai tiga sarana persuasi dan susunan pidato sebagai kanon retorika yang kedua. Proyek ini mengamati latar belakang penyampaian pidato, strukturnya, dan penggunaan pendekatan retorika untuk mencapai tujuannya. Hasilnya, pidato ini disampaikan berkenaan dengan kondisi menyedihkan di benua Asia dan Afrika pada masa itu sehingga mereka membutuhkan sesorang untuk memicu keinginan berbuat sesuatu demi lepas dari segala bentuk imperialisme. Soekarno menggunakan pola Aristotelian Speech Arrangement dalam menyusun pidato untuk mencapai tujuanya. Dalam pidatonya, dia sering kali menggunakan pathos, pendekatan secara emosional, untuk membangkitkan amarah dan kesedihan para pendengarnya sehingga mereka tergerak untuk melakukan sesuatu demi kemerdekaan yang sesungguhnya. Implementasi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk bidang komunikasi, karena retorika dapat sangat bermanfaat untuk memahami cara membujuk orang lain, khususnya dalam penyampaian pidato.

Kata kunci: Konferensi Asia Afrika, Retorika, Analisis Retorika, Pendekatan Retorika, Soekarno, Susunan Pidato, Latar Belakang Penyampaian Pidato














The first and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Allah SWT for

giving me health and helps to finish this final project. Without his blessings this project

would not have been possible.

Next, I owe my deepest gratitude to these people:

1. My beloved parents, Mimi Hayati and Didi Supriyadi, who always be my

reasons to achieve success in life for always supporting me in any condition. I

will always be grateful for their loves and encouragement to face everything

with grace. My gratitude will never be enough even though I cost my life.

2. My final project supervisors, Drs. Saudin, M.Pd. and Mohammad Febryanto,

S.S M.Pd., who has patiently guided me in writing this project. I would like to

thank for the guidance so that this project can be accomplished.

3. My final project examiner, Dra. Esti Sugiharti, M.A., Ph.D. and Drs. Danny

Gandana Nugraha, M.Ed.M., for giving me suggestions in conducting this


4. Fitria Nur Afni, my best friend, for always supporting me.

5. Vesava Akhiriana Widi, Dewi Sulistiyani, and Clarissa Arthamevia for always

cheering me up in my deepest mood and reminding to accomplish my project

as soon as possible with their curses.













6. Intan Aulia Faza, Sattvatsha Santa, Olah Body group members, and A’ 15

English Department for the emotional support to accomplish this project. We

have shared difficulties during this stage of life.

7. Nisa Nur Apriliyanti for helping me tidy up my report.

8. My sisters, Lia Komalasari and Lely Rosita, and my brother, Muhammad Arifin,

for always supporting me in any condition.

9. Michael Padma and Abdul Majid, my beloved friends for always supporting

me and cheering me up.

10. Beyond The Scene for being one of my reason to reach my goals.

Also, I would like to express my gratitude to all family and friends that cannot

be mentioned one by one in this acknowledgement. This final project would have not

been accomplished without your supports.

Bandung, July 2018

Laila Safitri













Table of Content

Abstract .......................................................................................................................... i

Abstrak ...........................................................................................................................ii

Acknowledgement......................................................................................................... iii

Table of Content ............................................................................................................ v

List of Appendices ...................................................................................................... viii

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background..................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Identification .................................................................................... 4

1.3 Research Aims ................................................................................................ 4

1.4 Research Questions ........................................................................................ 5

1.5 Methods .......................................................................................................... 5

1.6 Significance of Study ..................................................................................... 6

1.7 Scope and Limitation...................................................................................... 7

1.8 Organization of the Whole Report ................................................................. 9

Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoritical Framework ......................................... 11

2.1 Literature Review .............................................................................................. 11

2.2 Theoretical Framework ..................................................................................... 14













2.2.1 Definition of Speech.............................................................................. 15

2.2.2 Definition of Rhetoric ........................................................................... 18

2.2.3 Rhetorical appeals ................................................................................. 21

2.2.4 Rhetorical Analysis ............................................................................... 25

Chapter 3 Methods ..................................................................................................... 28

3.1 Research Method .......................................................................................... 28

3.2 Object of the Research.................................................................................. 29

3.3 Techniques of collecting the data ................................................................. 30

3.4 Techniques of data analysis .......................................................................... 30

3.4.1 Determine objectives................................................................................... 31

3.4.2 Define terms ................................................................................................ 31

3.4.3 Specify the unit of analysis ......................................................................... 31

3.4.4 Analyzing .................................................................................................... 32

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion .............................................................................. 37

4.1 Urgency/Background of delivering the speech ............................................ 37

4.2 Soekarno’s Speech Structure ........................................................................ 40

4.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 41

4.2.2 Statement of facts........................................................................................ 42













4.2.3 Division ....................................................................................................... 43

4.2.4 Proof............................................................................................................ 44

4.2.5 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 46

4.3 Soekarno’s Rhetorical Appeals .................................................................... 47

4.3.1 Ethos............................................................................................................ 47

4.3.2 Pathos .......................................................................................................... 50

4.3.3 Logos........................................................................................................... 52

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendation ........................................................... 56

5.1 Conclusiom ........................................................................................................ 56

5.2 Recommendation ............................................................................................... 59

References ................................................................................................................... 62













List of Appendices

APPENDIX A Transcript of Soekarno’s Opening Speech at Asian African

Conference 1995: Let the New Asia Africa Be Born

APPENDIX B Speech Arrangement of Soekarno’s Opening Speech at Asian

African Conference 1955: Let the New Asia Africa Be Born

APPENDIX C Rhetorical Appeals Used in Soekarno’s Opening Speech at Asia

Africa Conference: Let the New Asia Africa Be Born














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Nama: Laila Safitri

NIM: 155311016

Tempat Tanggal Lahir: Purwakarta 01 Januari 1998

SD Lulus Tahun: 2009

SMP Lulus Tahun: 2012

SMA Lulus Tahun: 2015














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