A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


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  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry




    Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of Bachelor of Buine Adminitration !B"B"A# $eneral

     BBA IIIR% SEMESTER !M#BATCH 2013-2016

    Submitted to& Submitted b'&

    M" Mu(dha Seh(al )ta* Sharma

     Aitant Profeor +,--.-+-/-,



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    I hereb' declare that the preent tud' 3A STUDY OF WORK VALUES OF

    MANAGERS IN BPO INDUSTRY” I baed on m' ori(inal reearch 4or5 for the

    fulfillment of the continuou e*aluation of the aement of t4o month ummer internhip pro(ram6 BAC0E1OR O7 B)SINESS A%MINISTRATION8Cla of 

    9+-, 8 9+-: "The report ha been done b' me under the (uidance of   M!

    M"#$%& S'%#&(6 the reearch preented in thi tud' ha not been ubmitted in

    full or part in thi or an' other uni*erit' of the a4ard of an' de(ree or diploma"

      Place& %E10I

    %ate& )ta* Sharma  +,--.-+-/-,


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



     A lot of effort ha (one into thi trainin( report" M' than5 are due to man'

    people 4ith 4hom I ha*e been cloel' aociated"

    I 4ould li5e all thoe 4ho ha*e contributed in completin( thi pro;ect" 7irt of all6 I

    4ould li5e to end m' incere than5 to M! M"#$%& S'%#&( for her helpful hand

    in the completion of m' pro;ect"

    I 4ould li5e to than5 m' entire belo*ed famil' < friend for pro*idin( me monetar'a 4ell a non = monetar' upport6 a and 4hen required6 4ithout 4hich thipro;ect 4ould not ha*e completed on time" Their trut and patience i no4comin( out in form of thi thei

    )ta* Sharma


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    D')*+,+./ P' N.!

     Ac5no4led(ement !i# !i#

    Content 4ith pa(e no" !ii#

    1it of fi(ure !iii#

    E>ecuti*e Summar'

    Certificate of completion



    1iterature re*ie4

    Reearch Methodolo('

     Anal'i < Interpretation

    7indin( < Inference


    Recommendation and Concluion




  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    S!/. L+ . F+#"*' P'

    - 7i(ure -& Mana(erial Beha*ior in Indian Or(ani?ation

    9 7i(ure 9& Mana(erial effecti*e model in Indian conte>t

    , 7i(ure ,& %ri*er of Contemporar' Indian 0RM Trend

    . 7i(ure . & Mana(erial @alue Model


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    Thi i to certif' that )ta* Sharma puruin( III emeter !BBA# !M#

    from Ja(annath International Mana(ement School6 2al5a;i6 ha

    completed hi pro;ect on the topic 3A ST)% O7 OR2 @A1)ES O7


    0i 4or5 i appreciable"

    Pro;ect (uide&

    M" Mu(dha Seh(al



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    The complexity of BPO industry has been grown significantly not from the

    attrition point of view however also from the growth perspective, BPO 

    managers have extremely become important part of the overall success of 

    any organization and so that their work related values is this project will 

    focus on the different values and attributes that manager need to have to

    manage the BPO work force in the complex and growing environment

    The role of the 0uman Reource Mana(er i e*ol*in( 4ith the chan(e in

    competiti*e mar5et en*ironment and the reali?ation that 0uman Reource

    Mana(ement mut pla' a more trate(ic role in the ucce of an or(ani?ation"

    Or(ani?ation that do not put their emphai on attractin( and retainin( talentma' find themel*e in dire conequence6 a their competitor ma' be

    outpla'in( them in the trate(ic emplo'ment of their human reource" ith the

    increae in competition6 locall' or (loball'6 or(ani?ation mut become more

    adaptable6 reilient6 a(ile6 and cutomer8focued to ucceed" And 4ithin thi

    chan(e in en*ironment6 the 0R profeional ha to e*ol*e to become a trate(ic

    partner6 an emplo'ee ponor or ad*ocate6 and a chan(e mentor 4ithin the

    or(ani?ation" In order to ucceed6 0R mut be a buine dri*en function 4ith a

    thorou(h undertandin( of the or(ani?ationD bi( picture and be able to influence

    5e' deciion and policie" In (eneral6 the focu of toda'D 0R Mana(er i on

    trate(ic peronnel retention and talent de*elopment" 0R profeional 4ill be

    coache6 counelor6 mentor6 and ucceion planner to help moti*ate

    or(ani?ationD member and their lo'alt'" The 0R mana(er 4ill alo promote and

    fi(ht for *alue6 ethic6 belief6 and piritualit' 4ithin their or(ani?ation6

    epeciall' in the mana(ement of 4or5place di*erit'" Thi paper 4ill hi(hli(ht on

    ho4 a 0R mana(er can meet the challen(e of 4or5place di*erit'6 ho4 to

    moti*ate emplo'ee throu(h (ain8harin( and e>ecuti*e information 'tem

    throu(h proper plannin(6 or(ani?in(6 leadin( and controllin( their human



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


     Accordin( to Thoma !-9#6 dimenion of 4or5place di*erit' include6 but are

    not limited to& a(e6 ethnicit'6 ancetr'6 (ender6 ph'ical abilitieFqualitie6 race6

    e>ual orientation6 educational bac5(round6 (eo(raphic location6 income6 marital

    tatu6 militar' e>perience6 reli(iou belief6 parental tatu6 and 4or5

    e>perience" The future ucce of an' or(ani?ation relie on the abilit' tomana(e a di*ere bod' of talent that can brin( inno*ati*e idea6 perpecti*e

    and *ie4 to their 4or5" The challen(e and problem faced of 4or5place di*erit'

    can be turned into a trate(ic or(ani?ational aet if an or(ani?ation i able to

    capitali?e on thi meltin( pot of di*ere talent" ith the mi>ture of talent of 

    di*ere cultural bac5(round6 (ender6 a(e and lifet'le6 an or(ani?ation can

    repond to buine opportunitie more rapidl' and creati*el'6 epeciall' in the

    (lobal arena !Co>6 -,#6 4hich mut be one of the important or(aniational

    (oal to be attained" More importantl'6 if the or(ani?ational en*ironment doe not

    upport di*erit' broadl'6 one ri5 loin( talent to competitor"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry





  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    In the pat decade an increain( number of international mana(er from

    multinational or(ani?ation ha*e participated in de*elopment pro(ram at the

    Centre for Creati*e 1eaderhip" Thee mana(er 4or5 acro the border of 

    multiple countrie imultaneoul'" Some of them are e>patriate" Mot are not"

     And althou(h man' of thee mana(er are not 4retlin( 4ith the iue of 

    relocatin( and ad;utin( to li*in( in a different culture6 the' all find themel*e

    dealin( 4ith cultural iueGdefined in the broadet conte>tGe*er' time the'

    pic5 up the phone6 lo( onto their e8mail6 or diembar5 from an airplane"

    or5in( 4ith thee mana(er led u to a5 fundamental quetion about our 

    current undertandin( of mana(erial effecti*ene and 4hether or not it applied

    to mana(er 4ho 4or5 in an increain(l' comple> (lobal 4orld" e a5ed

    ourel*e& hat do thee mana(er doH I it different from the 4or5 the' did

    4hen the' mana(ed in their o4n countrie6 and if it i different6 ho4 oH hat

    doe it ta5e for them to be effecti*e 4hen the' mana(e acro o man' countrie

    imultaneoul'H hat do thee mana(er need to 5no4 in order to be effecti*eH

    hat do or(ani?ation need to 5no4 and do in order to elect and de*elop

    people 4ho 4ill mana(e and lead effecti*el' in the (lobal econom'HThi report i our attempt to addre thoe quetion" Althou(h it i 4ritten for 

    cholar6 the practical implication of our 4or5 ha*e been de*eloped and

    publihed ele4here !%alton6 Ernt6 %eal6 < 1elie6 9++9#"

    Other reearcher ha*e e>plored the characteritic or competencie of (lobal



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    $er(eene6 Morrion6 and Blac5 !-#6 for e>ample6 conducted inter*ie4 and

    (athered ur*e' data from international mana(er in identif'in( fi*e

    characteritic of ucceful (lobal leader&

    !-# Conte>t pecific 5no4led(e and 5ill6

    !9# Inquiiti*ene6

    !,# Peronal character !connection and inte(rit'#6

    !.# %ualit' !the capacit' for mana(in( uncertaint' and the abilit' to balance

    tenion#6 and

     !# Sa**' !buine a**' and or(ani?ational a**'#"


     A *alue i a principal or tandard that i held in hi(h eteem b' an indi*idual andi related to all apect of oneK peronal and 4or5 life" ou ma' ha*e *aluearound famil'6 4or56 piritual6 leiure6 peronal6 etc" In thi e>ercie 'ou 4ill focuon 'our 4or5 *alue" A 'ou ran5 each *alue6 thin5 about ho4 important the*alue i to 'ou in a 4or5 ettin("

    M&/'*+&( V&("'

    The mana(erial ideolo(ie in Indian date bac5 at leat four centurie"

     Arthahatra 4ritten b' the celebrated Indian cholar8practitioner 2autila'a had

    three 5e' area of e>ploration6

    -# Public polic'6

    9# Adminitration and utiliation of people6 and

    ,# Ta>ation and accountin( principle"

    Parallel to uch pra(matic formulation6 a deep rooted *alue 'tem6 dra4n from

    the earl' Ar'an thin5in(6 called @edanta6 deepl' influenced the ocietal and11

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    intitutional *alue in India" O*erall6 Indian collecti*e culture had an interetin(

    indi*idualitic core 4hile the ci*iliation *alue of dut' to famil'6 (roup and

    ociet' 4a al4a' *er' important 4hile *edantic idea nurtured an inner pri*ate

    phere of indi*idualim"

    There ha been coniderable interet in the notion that mana(erial *alue are afunction of the beha*iour of mana(er" En(land6 %hin(ra and A(ar4al !-/.#

    4ere earl' cholar 4ho contended that mana(erial *alue 4ere critical force

    that hape or(aniational architecture" The rele*ance of mana(erial *alue in

    hapin( modern or(aniational life i reflected in cholarl' literature lin5in( them

    to corporate culture !%eal < 2enned' -9#6 or(aniational commitment and ;ob

    atifaction !ODReill'6 Chatham < Cald4ell --#6 a 4ell a intitutional

    (o*ernance !Mo4da'6 Porter < Steer -9#" Thu6 undertandin( the ource of 

    thee *alue and in particular ocietal 4or5 *alue !4hich lin5 the macro8micro

    relationhip and in turn or(aniational practice# had become a popular line of 

    enquir'6 and a (reat deal of e*idence ha been preented to upport the

    importance of national culture in hapin( mana(erial *alue" One of the mot

    4idel' read formulation of thi literature i the eminal 4or5 of 0of tede !-+#

    4ho popularied the notion of cluterin( culture in (eneric dimenion uch a

    po4er ditribution6 tructurin(6 ocial orientation6 and time hori?on" In turn6 thee

    dimenion could be emplo'ed to e>plain rele*ant 4or5 attitude6 ;ob incumbent

    beha*ior and the 4or5in( arran(ement 4ithin or(ani?ational tructure" T4o of 

    thee dimenion 4ere indi*idualim and collecti*im" The traditional ocial

    etho from the ancient root6 4hich 4a de*eloped o*er centurie6 under4ent

    profound tranformation durin( the Britih rule" Conequentl'6 in the

    contemporar' conte>t multiple la'er of *alue !core traditional *alue6 indi*idual

    mana(erial *alue6 and ituational *alue# ha*e emer(ed"

    7or intance6 contemporar' Indian multinational companie and (lobal firm in

    India ha*e tarted hiftin( their emphai to human reource 4ith their 

    5no4led(e and e>perience a the central area of attention in e>tendin( ne4

    performance boundarie"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    Coniderable reearch e*idence attet to thi trend 4ith particular rele*ance to

    $reenfield or(aniation 4ith little or no hitorical ba((a(eD in their 

    or(ani?ational culture"

    7i(ure -& Mana(erial Beha*ior in Indian Or(ani?ation

     Alo preent another po4erful ini(ht of the Indian tradition of the notion of 

    L$unaD d'namic" Accordin( to Sharma !-:#6 thi culture baed frame4or56

    4hich ha three t'pe of (una !attraction#6 i bein( increain(l' ued in

    emplo'ee aement and or(ani?ational team buildin( trate(ie" The

    contention i that each (una i a eparate contribution to the core of human

    peronalitie" The Satta*a !or truth orientation# i the entiment of e>alted *alue

    in people6 or(aniation or ociet'" Alternati*el'6 the Tamai5(una depict a

    ne(ati*e orientation 4hich can be e>preed beha*iourall' a i(norance6 (reed

    or corruption" Thoe indi*idual 4ith a Ra;ai5(una are inherentl' dri*en b' adeire to ma5e a 4orth4hile contribution to their urroundin(" Collecti*el'6 thee

    piritual orientation6 4hich manifet a Satta*a6 Tama or Ra;a (una6

    articulate a poiti*e or ne(ati*e 0RM function uch a leaderhip6 moti*ation

    or other intitutional beha*ioural acti*it'" The third ro4 of 7i(ure - hi(hli(ht the

    lin5in( of 0RM trend to ocio cultural root" The culture of Sradha !up4ard

    lo'alt'# and Sneha !mentorin( 4ith affection# outline the beha*ioural anchor

    deri*ed from the ci*iliational root" The acceptance of LSradhaD b' oun(er and

    the dipla' of LSnehaD b' the enior ha*e been the root of utainabilit' of all

    t'pe of Indian ora(niation" Thi ha a tri5in( imilarit' to the concept of 

    Lo'abunD and L5obunD in the Japanee cultural conte>t


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    Rapid ad*ance in information technolo(' ha*e facilitated the e>panion of a

    (lobal econom' in 4hich buine acti*itie and procee trancend national

    boundarie" Such ad*ance are dri*in( a fundamental hift to4ard an

    information8baed ociet' 4here people6 throu(h their unique 5no4led(e6

    inno*ation and e>pertie6 are percei*ed a an important factor contributin( to theutainable competiti*e ad*anta(e of or(aniation"

    0ence6 to meet the inherent challen(e of a competiti*e6 internationali?ed

    buine en*ironment6 or(ani?ation increain(l' depend upon the intellectual

    capacit' of their human reource to enhance or(ani?ational performance"

    The trate(ic i(nificance of an or(aniationD human capital pool i that it

    unique capabilit' i not readil' replicable b' other or(aniation" 7or thi reaon6

    the unique confi(uration of an or(aniationD human reource capabilitie

    repreent a more dependable ource of competiti*e ad*anta(e than doe



    T%' N&"*' . C"("*'

    hile there are numerou 4a' the concept of culture i decribed throu(hout

    the culture literature the' are (enerall' conitent in their broader meanin("

    7or e>ample6 Triandi !-/9# define culture a the ub;ecti*e6 co(niti*e tructure

    of a cultural (roup formed throu(h their unique 4a' of percei*in( the ocialen*ironment" In a imilar *ein6 ama(uchi !-,# poit collecti*e mental

    pro(ram bein( an accumulation of cultural pattern and procee reultin( in

    unique 4a' of thin5in( and percei*in( phenomena" 7or 0oftede !-+#6 thee

    collecti*e pro(ramme of the mind are 4hat ditin(uih one culture from another"

    Culture i the frame4or5 for meanin( for Trompenaar !-,# a it i the


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    collecti*e 4a' in 4hich (roup of people undertand and interpret the 4orld"

    Bali(h !-.# uccinctl' tate that6 ultimatel'6 culture i the 4a' a nation doe

    thin(" 0o4e*er defined and conceptualied6 culture reearcher uch a Schien

    !-#6 0oftede !-+a# and Roueau !-+# ar(ue that culture can be

    e>amined or anal'ed at different le*el"

    M&/'*+&( B'%&+.* 

    Mana(er i an'one 4ho reponible for the 4or5 of other people" Ste4art !-#

    define mana(er a thoe abo*e a certain le*el in the hierarch'6 uuall' thoe

    abo*e foreman le*el on the 4or5 ide and thoe abo*e the firt le*el of 

    uper*iion in the office" Mana(erial beha*iour i the beha*iour that can be

    reported6 4hether from ober*ation b' other or b' elf8report" Mana(erial

    ob;ecti*e i the aim that a mana(er of a firm 4ant to achie*e" In perfect mar5et

    a proper mana(erial ob;ecti*e i to ma>imi?e it firmK mar5et *alue"

    ith the mar5et econom' conquerin( the 4orld culminatin( in the hrin5in( of 

    the 4orld into a (lobal *illa(e6 or(aniation ha*e to chan(e their tance6 4ith a

    trate(' focued at the (lobal mar5et and acquire a(ilit' to repond quic5l' to the

    cutomer e>pectation" Such or(aniational chan(e can be brou(ht about b'

    buildin( hi(h performin( 'ner(itic 4or5 'tem compriin( of man' inter8

    related part that mut function a a 4hole to reach the (oal of meetin(

    cutomer need" Such 'ner(itic 4or5 'tem in*ol*e tailored confi(uration of 

    4or5 tructure6 practice and procee" Or(aniation ha*e to retructure o

    a to or(anie 4or5 flo4 around 5e' buine procee 4ebbed around

    cutomer need and then create team to carr' out thoe procee" 0uman

    reource 'tem mana(ement practice 4or5 practice and procee and

    or(aniational tructure tuned to cutomer requirement culminate inor(aniation trate(ic ali(nment to4ard reponi*ene and cutomer 

    orientation" The critical tep in*ol*ed in uch or(aniational chan(e proce are

    a follo4


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    i# Buildin( the cae for chan(e"

    ii# %efine *iion6 miion and trate('"

    iii# %e*elop communication and in*ol*ement trate(' for the or(aniation a a

    4hole"i*# %ei(nFRe8dei(n the or(aniation tructure

    *# Plan for implementation"

    *i# Implement the 'tem

    *ii# Monitor and e*aluate pro(re

    *iii# Re*ie4 the or(aniation"

    In all the abo*e acti*itie the macro focu of the or(aniation a a 4hole i to be

    5ept in *ie4" All the tep are important6 but their equence can *ar' dependin(

    upon e>itin( or(aniation culture" T'picall' the' o*erlap6 and earlier tep need

    to be re*iited a the chan(e pro(ree" The relati*e emphai on particular 

    tep depend on the hitor' of an or(aniation and it current 4or5 culture"

    hen plannin( for implementation6 communicate plan 4ith enthuiam6

    competence and commitment" Identif' pro;ect that 4ill lead to earl' 4in"

    In implementation6 ha*e enior leader dri*en the implementation6 de*elop

    upport 'tem before launchin( team and build mana(ement team before

    emplo'ee team" Implement top do4n for monitorin( and e*aluatin( pro(re"

    Open up the mana(er to a5 the ri(ht quetion6 ar(ue and poiti*el' critici?e in

    formall' or(anied round table 4ith emplo'ee a internal cutomer" %urin(

    the tranition6 allo4 optimum time for chan(e6 pre*ent bac5lidin( and celebrate


    1earnin( or(aniation ha*e come ali*e 4ith reponi*ene and cutomer orientation" Such or(aniation ha*e enhanced capacit' to learn6 adopt and

    chan(e" It i an or(aniation in 4hich learnin( procee are de*eloped6

    anal'ed6 monitored6 mana(ed and ali(ned 4ith impro*ed and inno*ated (oal"

    It *iion6 trate('6 leaderhip6 *alue6 tructure6 'tem 5no4led(e and

    practical e>perience6 all contantl' chan(e baed on the need of the hour"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    Sharin( bet practice6 an open culture6 calculated ri5 ta5in( i encoura(ed"

    S'tem for performance baed re4ard are promoted" Intead of a in(le

    precription for ucce6 learnin( or(aniation ue man'"

    7ollo4in( are the requirement for the mana(erial chan(e8

    i# The mana(er mut ha*e adequate 5no4led(e of human beha*iour"

    ii# The mana(er mut be clear e>actl' of that beha*iour6 the' ha*e to mana(e"

    iii# The' mut ha*e the 5ill to mana(e the conequence for dei(ned

    beha*iour in 4or5 ituation"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    • To tud' the 4or5 *alue of mana(er in BPO Indutr'"• To tud' the mana(erial *alue and culture for the or(ani?ation"•

    To Identif' the competiti*ene of the *alue mana(ement and

    beha*ioral of the Mana(er in the BPO indutr'• To tud' the emplo'ee atifaction from the mana(erial beha*ior"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry





    Theor' and reearch on 4or5 *alue precede lar(el' from the premie that 4or5*alue are deri*ed from peopleD baic *alue 'tem that help them na*i(atethrou(h the multiple phere of their li*e !Roe and Eter6 -#" An earl'definition b' Ro5each !-/,#6 tate that a *alue i an endurin( belief that a

    pecific mode of conduct or end8tate of e>itence i peronall' or ociall'preferable to an oppoite or con*ere mode of conduct or end8tate of e>itence!)'(u6 9++,#" Ro5each define belief about preferable mode of conductLintrumental *alueD and belief about preferable end8tate Lterminal *alueD" Ina *alue 'tem6 indi*idual ran58order their intrumental and terminal *aluealon( a continuum of importance" or5 *alue on the other hand are morepecific than (eneral life *alue a the' appl' to a pecific life domain" A uch64or5 *alue influence the importance of 4or5 in the life of the indi*idual !*er5o6-#"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    Some reearcher tre that 4or5 (oal can be re(arded 'non'mou to 4or5*alue ince the concept of (oal i a core element of *alue" 7or e>ample6edec5 !-/# ha defined 4or5 *alue a (oal that people tri*e to attainthrou(h 4or5in(" Other definition that tre the concept of (oal ha*e aertedthat *alue i(nif' deired (oal caled accordin( to importance 4hich (uide a

    peronD life !Te*rQ?6 Tur(ut6 9++.#6 beha*iour that i directed to4ard (oal!7rench6 2ahn6 -:9#6 and criteria for chooin( thoe (oal !1oc5e6 -/:#" In allthe definition (i*en abo*e it i e*ident that the concept of (oal can beubtituted for the concept of *alue"

    In the definition of 4or5 *alue6 the idea of an 3attitude to4ard or orientation4ith re(ard to 4or5 contitute a central element" Mot definition of 4or5 *aluea(ree 4ith the notion that 4or5 *alue are pecific (oal that the indi*idualconider important and attempt to attain in the 4or5 conte>t" One of the motimportant apect that come to fore from the theorie of 4or5 and 4or5moti*ation6 i that 4or5er differ 4ith re(ard to the reaon the' ha*e for 4or5in(

    and the need the' 4ant to atif' throu(h 4or5 !Beu5man6 9++#" Similarl'6Nord et al !-+# ha defined 4or5 *alue a6 end tate that (uide indi*idual4or5 related preference that can be attained throu(h the act of 4or5in("

    or5 *alue ha*e been claified accordin( to their t'pe" Nord6 et al" !-+#u((et that 4or5 *alue can be claified a intrinic or e>trinic" Intrinic 4or5*alue refer to end8tate that occur throu(h 4or5 or in the coure of peopleen(a(in( in 4or5 acti*itie uch a a ene of accomplihment and aredependent on the content of 4or5" E>trinic 4or5 *alue refer to end tate thatoccur a a conequence of 4or56 re(ardle or independent of the tate of thecontent of 4or5 per e uch a famil' ecurit' !$eor(e6 Jone6 -/#" In addition

    to thi binar' claification6 $in?ber(6 et al !--# ha u((eted a thirddimenion" Thi third dimenion i named ocialFen*ironmental *alue referrin(to relation 4ith co84or5er and the 4or5 en*ironment itelf"

    W.*4 C'/*&(+5

    The concept of 4or5 centralit' ha mainl' been deri*ed from baic *alue" Accordin( to 2anun(o !-9#6 4or5 centralit' i a normati*e belief about the*alue and importance of 4or5 in the confi(uration of oneD life6 and it i a functionof oneD pat cultural conditionin( or ociali?ation" Some reearcher !e"("2anun(o6 -9# ue the term L4or5 in*ol*ementD or Lin*ol*ement 4ith 4or5D todefine 4or5 centralit'" or5 centralit' i the de(ree of importance of 4or5 in(eneral rather than in*ol*ement in the preent ;ob" Therefore6 4or5 centralit'differ from other concept li5e6 or(ani?ational commitment and ;ob in*ol*ement"

     An empirical tud' b' Paulla'6 et al" !-.# ha clarified the ditinction bet4een


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    4or5 centralit' and ;ob in*ol*ement and ha demontrated that thee t4oconcept actuall' appeared to be t4o ditinct contruct" In the tud' b' Paulla'et al"6 ;ob in*ol*ement i defined a the de(ree to 4hich one i co(niti*el'preoccupied 4ith6 en(a(ed in6 and concerned 4ith oneK preent ;ob and 4or5centralit' i defined a the belief that indi*idual ha*e re(ardin( the de(ree of importance 4or5 pla' in their li*e" Althou(h a moderate6 poiti*e correlation

    4a indicated bet4een the meaurement intrument of ;ob in*ol*ement and4or5 centralit'6 the confirmator' factor anal'i pro*ided upport for theh'pothei that ;ob in*ol*ement and 4or5 centralit' 4ere t4o ditinct contruct"

    W.*4-V&("' C./#*"'/)'

    The abo*e h'pothei predict that different 4or5 *alue ha*e *ar'in( de(ree of influence on 4or5 centralit'" It i belie*ed that a the ditance bet4een the act of 4or5 and the *alue it relate to !4or58*alue con(ruence# differ6 the relationbet4een *alue and 4or5 centralit' chan(e accordin(l'" or58*alue con(ruence

    i a concept that i belie*ed to e>it in e>plainin( relation bet4een baic*ariable uch a *alueF(oal and attitudinal *ariable li5e centralit'6atifaction6 citi?enhip and commitment" It i defined a the ditance bet4eenoneD *alue or (oal and oneD belief in attainin( the pecific *alueF(oal throu(hthe act of 4or5" Bourdieu !-/,6 -//# aert that the formation of (oal in apecific life phere6 chan(e accordin( to the belief in reachin( that pecific (oal"Indi*idual ober*e e*ent around them and ma5e ;ud(ment =concioul' or unconcioul'8 about the attain abilit' of their (oal and act accordin( to their perception of the attainabilit' of the (oal" edec5 !-/# ar(ue that 4or5 *alueinfluence the importance of 4or5 in the life of the indi*idual6 and add that thirelationhip i moderated b' the perception of one in attainin( the pecified (oal

    throu(h the act of 4or5in("


    C.,''/)' i a tandardi?ed requirement for an indi*idual to properl' perform

    a pecific ;ob" It encompae a combination of 5no4led(e6 5ill and beha*ior 

    utilied to impro*e performance" More (enerall'6 competence i the tate or 

    qualit' of bein( adequatel' or 4ell qualified6 ha*in( the abilit' to perform a

    pecific role"



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    7or intance6 mana(ement competenc' include the trait of 'tem thin5in(

    and emotional intelli(ence6 and 5ill in influence and ne(otiation" A peron

    poee a competence a lon( a the 5ill6 abilitie6 and 5no4led(e that

    contitute that competence are a part of them6 enablin( the peron to perform

    effecti*e action 4ithin a certain 4or5place en*ironment" Therefore6 one mi(ht notloe 5no4led(e6 a 5ill6 or an abilit'6 but till loe a competence if 4hat i needed

    to do a ;ob 4ell chan(e"

    Competence i alo ued to 4or5 4ith more (eneral decription of the

    requirement of human bein( in or(ani?ation and communitie" E>ample are

    education and other or(ani?ation 4ho 4ant to ha*e a (eneral lan(ua(e to tell

    4hat a (raduate of an education mut be able to do in order to (raduate or 4hat

    a member of an or(ani?ation i required to be able to do in order to be

    conidered competent" An important detail of thi approach i that all

    competence ha*e to be action competence6 4hich mean 'ou ho4 in action6

    that 'ou are competent" In the militar' the trainin( 'tem for thi 5ind of 

    competence i called Artificial E>perience6 4hich i the bai for all imulator"

    G'/'*&( C.,''/)'

    In a pecific or(ani?ation or communit' 'ou need to ha*e the P*.'+./&(

    C.,''/)' of the profeion or indutr'" The profeional competencie are

    equal to the Occupational competence decribed belo4" The' are uuall' the

    competence 'ou ha*e to ho4 in an inter*ie4 for a ;ob" But toda' there are a

    et of G'/'*&( C.,''/)' 4hich i required if 'ou 4ant to 5eep the ;ob or (et

    a promotion" 7or all or(ani?ation and communitie there i a et of primar'

    ta5 that competent people ha*e to contribute to all the time" 7or a uni*erit'

    tudent the primar' ta5 could be&

    • 0andlin( theor'

    • 0andlin( method

    • 0andlin( the information of the ai(nment



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    The four (eneral competence are&

    • M'&/+/# C.,''/)'& Identif'in( 4ith the purpoe of the or(ani?ation or 

    communit' and actin( from the preferred future in accordance 4ith the

    *alue of the or(ani?ation or communit'"

    • R'(&+./ C.,''/)'& Creatin( and nurturin( connection to the

    ta5eholder of the primar' ta5"

    • L'&*/+/# C.,''/)'& Creatin( and loo5in( for ituation that ma5e it

    poible to e>periment 4ith the et of olution that ma5e it poible to

    ol*e the primar' ta5 and reflect on the e>perience"

    • C%&/#' C.,''/)'& Actin( in ne4 4a' 4hen it 4ill promote the

    purpoe of the or(ani?ation or communit' and ma5e the preferred future

    come to life"

    O))",&+./&( C.,''/)'

    The O))",&+./&( C.,''/)' mo*ement 4a initiated b' %a*id McClelland in

    the -:+ 4ith a *ie4 to mo*in( a4a' from traditional attempt to decribe

    competence in term of 5no4led(e6 5ill and attitude and to focu intead on

    the pecific elf8ima(e6 *alue6 trait6 and moti*e dipoition !i"e" relati*el'

    endurin( characteritic of people# that are found to conitentl' ditin(uih

    outtandin( from t'pical performance in a (i*en ;ob or role" It hould be noted

    that different competencie predict outtandin( performance in different role6

    and that there i a limited number of competencie that predict outtandin(

    performance in an' (i*en ;ob or role" Thu6 a trait that i a KcompetenceK for one

     ;ob mi(ht not predict outtandin( performance in a different role"

    McClelland ar(ued that thee competencie could neither be identified nor 

    aeed uin( traditional procedure" The fundamental problem i that hi(h

    le*el competencie uch a initiati*e and the abilit' to undertand and inter*ene

    in or(ani?ational procee are difficult and demandin( acti*itie that no one 4ill



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    en(a(e in unle the' *er' much care about the acti*it' in 4hich the' are

    en(a(ed = or unle the' find thee acti*itie intrinicall' atif'in(" Such

    qualitie 4ill6 therefore6 mot often onl' be de*eloped and dipla'ed 4hile people

    are underta5in( acti*itie the' care about" 7urthermore6 ucce in underta5in(

    them depend on brin(in( to bear a ran(e of co(niti*e6 affecti*e6 and conati*ecomponent of competence6 uch a thin5in( about 4hat i to be achie*ed and

    ho4 it i to be achie*ed6 turnin( oneD emotion into the ta56 and peritin( o*er 

    a lon( period of time" Note6 a(ain6 that thee component of competence cannot

    be aeed e>cept in relation to acti*itie people care about6 i"e" the' cannot be

    acceed throu(h the procee fa*ored b' traditional p'chometrician" 0ence

    their ne(lect in con*entional tudie of occupational competence baed upon

    traditional tet = and epeciall' tet of 3academic 5no4led(e 8 5no4led(e of 



    In the pat6 emplo'ee 4ere e>pected to be efficient in producin( the deired

    reult and their efficienc' 4a meaured in term of the output deli*ered

    relati*e to the input ued" No46 the focu ha hifted to effecti*ene"

    Effecti*ene in*ol*e doin( the ri(ht thin(6 in the ri(ht 4a'" Effecti*ene i

    particularl' important in the cae of mana(er6 a the' are reponible for the

    performance of other"

    0o4e*er6 effecti*e mana(ement tart at a peronal le*el6 before mo*in( on to

    the peronnel le*el" Effecti*e mana(er are role model for ubordinate" The'

    pla' a *ital role in impro*in( the o*erall effecti*ene of the or(aniation" There i

    a (eneral miconception that mana(erial effecti*ene i an inherent qualit' that

    cannot be learnt" 0o4e*er6 if effecti*ene 4a omethin( innate6 4e 4ould not

    ee o man' ucceful mana(er or ucceful or(ani?ation" The realit' i that

    effecti*ene can be learnt6 and 4ith practice6 be perfected" In hort6 mana(er

    can be trained to be effecti*e"24


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    There are no pecific peronalit' trait common to all ucceful mana(er"

    Some of them are anal'tical 4hile other are intuiti*e" Some are (ood deciion8

    ma5er6 4hile other are (ood planner" 0o4e*er6 all thee mana(er ha*e one

    characteritic in common& The' are effecti*e in 4hate*er the' do and 4hate*er the' are" Succeful mana(er ma' be intelli(ent6 ima(inati*e6 and

    5no4led(eable" 0o4e*er6 onl' effecti*ene tranlate thi intelli(ence6

    ima(ination6 and 5no4led(e into reult6 and ultimatel' ma5e a mana(er 


    Mana(erial effecti*ene i a function of peronalit' t'pe and or(ani?ational


    Mana(erial effecti*ene i *er' important for the ur*i*al and (ro4th of the

    or(aniation" It i difficult to define mana(erial effecti*ene in concrete term"

    Man' percei*e it 4ithin a particular frame of reference" %eciion about

    effecti*ene are bound to be ituational and contin(ent upon the definition and

    perpecti*e of thoe ma5in( the ;ud(ment" A re*ie4 of literature ho4 that

    mana(erial effecti*ene ha been tudied 4ith three perpecti*e&

    -" TraditionalFCon*entional perpecti*e

    9" Or(aniational le*el competenc' baed perpecti*e6 and

    ," An indi*idual le*el competenc' baed perpecti*e"

    The traditional model emphaie the abilit' to et and achie*e (oal !Bartol and

    Martin6 --# 4here it i implicitl' aumed that mana(erial effecti*ene lead

    to or(aniational effecti*ene" The or(aniational competenc' baed approach

    implie that there i lon( term future orientation that account for both e>ternal

    and internal influence on the or(aniation" 7rom thee anal'e a *iion i

    created for the future of the or(aniation6 (oal are et that 4ill achie*e the *iion

    and plan are de*eloped to achie*e thee trate(ic (oal" 0ere6 the or(aniation

    trie to create the 'tem and en*ironment 4ith the help of 5ill and


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    characteritic of mana(er that lead them to achie*e trate(ic intent"

    The indi*idual competenc' baed approach to mana(erial effecti*ene focue

    upon the indi*idual rather than the or(aniation" The purpoe of thi approach i

    to de*elop tranferable !(eneric# mana(ement 5ill that are applicable acrodifferent circumtance both nationall' and internationall'" But thi competenc'8

    baed perpecti*e on mana(erial effecti*ene ha been hea*il' criticied on the

    (round of the contin(encie and the conte>t" Effecti*ene i bet een a

    omethin( a mana(er produce from a ituation b' mana(in( it appropriatel'6

    producin( the reult or meetin( the tar(et in e*er' phere of the acti*itie of 

    or(aniation" The mana(erK ;ob i lin5ed 4ith three ma;or dimenion88

    technical6 conceptual6 and human" The producti*it' of an' or(aniation can be

    increaed b' the effecti*e mana(ement of all the three dimenion and peciall'

    b' mana(in( the conceptual and human dimenion of mana(ement" All

    mana(er need to 4or5 4ith and throu(h ubordinate to optimi?e or(aniational

    performance" Therefore6 certain beha*ioural 5ill are required of indi*idual if 

    the' are to be effecti*e a mana(er"

    Mana(er ha*e man' reource at their dipoal and the qualit' of 4or5 i

    dependent on ho4 4ell thee reource ha*e been ued" The performance of a

    mana(er can be meaured b' the e>tent to 4hich (oal that are important to the

    (roup and or(aniation are met throu(h the producti*e effort of ubordinate

    !0erbert6 -/:#" In other 4ord6 effecti*e mana(ement i the culmination of 

    'ner(' of effecti*ene of indi*idual mana(er in the or(aniation !Sen and

    Sa>ena6 -#"

    %a !-/# identified the characteritic of an efficient branch mana(er a ettin(

    an e>ample b' peronal qualitie6 ;ob 5no4led(e6 buine acumen6 and

    mana(ement abilit'" Mile !-9# u((eted that contructi*e ue of authorit'

    entail the abilit' to formulate clear (oal and to determine 4hat tep are

    necear' to achie*e them6 includin( (ettin( people to do 4hat i necear' for 


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    achie*in( the tar(et" Miumi !-#6 and Miumi and Peteron !-# defined

    the ideal mana(er in Japan in term of both performance and maintenance

    orientation6 namel'6 a mana(er 4ho lead the (roup to4ard (oal attainment

    and preer*e it ocial tabilit'" Jut a there had been contro*er' and man'

    ar(ument 4ere raied that a (ood leader hould ha*e certain characteriticimilar ar(ument are there for mana(erial effecti*ene" There are man'

    reearcher 4ho on the bai of their findin( ha*e identified that effecti*e

    mana(er poe the particular et of characteritic li5e ;ob 5no4led(e6 (ood

    communication6 buine acumen and interperonal relationhip but ha*in(

    thee characteritic are not ufficient to become effecti*e mana(er" Mana(erial

    effecti*ene i not onl' a peronalit' characteritic but it i related to

    performance and output" $upta !-:# ha de*eloped a -:8factor cale to

    meaure mana(erial effecti*ene" Thee factor are tappin( three important

    apect of effecti*ene& acti*itie of hi poition6 achie*in( the reult6 and

    de*elopin( further potential" The mana(erial effecti*ene ha been meaured

    b' e>pert in e*eral different 4a' at different time" Some model focu on

    indi*idual competencie of mana(erial effecti*ene6 4hile mot of the tudie

    ha*e ta5en performance meaure and uperiorK appraial rather than elf8

    report meaure 4hile decidin( the effecti*ene of a mana(er" In the li(ht of 

    abo*e dicuion6 a tud' i planned to ee the effect of mana(ement poition6

    department6 and peronalit' *ariable on mana(erial effecti*ene"

    M&/+/# %' M&/'*+&( P*.)'

    The focu on mana(ement ha been continuoul' increain( o*er the pat'ear" The debate concernin( the need and the deire to de*elop a mana(ement

    polic' ha6 durin( the pat 'ear6 made the ub;ect hi(hl' topical" The fact that

    mana(ement ha become a


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    2e' iue i onl' natural a the abilit'6 and the 4ill to mana(e6 are decii*e

    factor in determinin( the abilit' to maintain and further de*elop the

    competiti*ene of %anih companie"

    M&/''/ + /. .* %' '8

    The bai of the fundamental quetion poed in it i naturall' 3hat i

    mana(ementH and 30o4 ma' mana(ement be practicedH In contrat to man'

    other mana(ement theorie 4here the focu on the relationhip bet4een the

    mana(er and the ubordinate the paper ar(ue that6 at the core of mana(ement

    i the indi*idual mana(erial beha*iour in term of the mana(erial role that mut

    be performed in order for a compan' to function" Mana(erial beha*iour i not

    onl' aociated 4ith the mana(er role but i performed b' indi*idual 4ho6

    throu(h common mean6 4ill reach common (oal" And thi6 accordin( to

    Profeor JohnonD terminolo('6 happen throu(h a (oal8ettin(6 problem8

    ol*in( and lan(ua(e creatin( beha*iour" 0ereb' mana(ement i no lon(er for 

    the choen fe4 but become a proce in*ol*in( e*eral more actor6 and

    hopefull'6 4ith a broader anchora(e in the or(aniation itelf" Thi interpretation

    fit6 accordin( to %anih mentalit'6 perfectl' 4ith the democratic *alue central in

    our ociet'" Simultaneoul' it emphaie that mana(ement i important een

    from the follo4in( the point of *ie4&

    M' o4n mana(erial beha*iour

    Our mana(erial beha*iour throu(h the local mana(erial en*ironment E*er'bod'D mana(erial beha*iour in term of the interconnected

    mana(erial en*ironment6 4hich to(ether contitute the compan'D

    mana(erial beha*iour"

     An important point interpretation i that mana(erial beha*iour can be made

    conciou and be de*eloped6 and that mana(erial beha*iour i performed28

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    throu(h a et of different mana(erial role in corporation 4ith other" The

    importance of thi corporation6 interpretation of the mana(erial proce6 i

    e*ident from the paperD e>plicit ubtitle& a participati*e approach"

    F*&' . R''*'/)'

    Baed on *ariou mana(ement theorie the foundation for mana(ement theor' i

    de*eloped compriin( the follo4in( three dimenion&

    -" Ob;ecti*e8ettin( beha*iour 

    9" Problem8ol*in( beha*iour 

    ," 1an(ua(e creatin( beha*iour 

    Each of thee can be performed in relation to the three t'pe of ob;ecti*e&

    operation6 adaptation and de*elopment = three t'pe of problem8ol*in(&

    anal'iF'nthei6 interaction and earch8learn a 4ell a three t'pe of 

    lan(ua(e& deciion86 beha*ioural8 and 'tem8lan(ua(e" Mana(erial frame of 

    reference emer(e conitin( of , b' , mana(erial role amountin( to at total of 

    9/6 4hich ma' be cate(oried into operation control role6 adaptation role

    and de*elopment role" The ma;orit' of the paper i dedicated to the

    interpretation of thee three main cate(orie and the more pecific t'pe of 

    role are defined6 dicued6 e>emplified and e>panded upon o*er more than

    ++ pa(e" The dicuion of each role t'pe i meticulou6 'tematic a 4ell a

    4ell8ar(ued and i6 a all the role6 ummaried into three main point =

    ob;ecti*e6 problem8ol*in( and t'pe of lan(ua(e"

     A couple of e>ample of mana(erial role mut be emphaied"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


     Amon( the operation control role i the adminitrator" Thee 4ill probabl' be

    familiar to mot people 4hich the paper offer a number of fine an(le to 4hile

    imultaneoul' ettin( them in into conte>t" Amon(t the adapti*e role the

    coordinator and the reor(anier ma' be mentioned" The latter i undeniabl' a

    central mana(erial role 4hich rele*ance i currentl' e>perienced intenel' inrelation to ho4 an or(aniation can adapt to chan(ed circumtance and


    E>ample of the role of the reor(anier i pro*ided from the academic 4orld" The


    role relate to de*elopment role" Amon(t thee are found the trate(ic

    planner6 the communicator and the tateman" The former i illutrated partl'

    throu(h a number of more principled *ie4point and partl' throu(h a number of 

    (ood cae" It i e*ident that thi i a more challen(in( and demandin( role

    requirin( the abilit' of pro;ect de*elopment and comple> problem8ol*in(6 4hile

    the mana(erial role of tateman comprie of the abilit' to create *iion and

    the compan'D trate(ic profile a 4ell a the abilit' to enure the de*elopment of 

    the compan'D mana(erial proce"

     A primar' element in interpretation of mana(ement i the mana(erial proce

    itelf" The paper therefore conclude 4ith a number of *ie4point concernin(

    theor' and practice een from thi perpecti*e6 and 4here the point i6 that the

    paper i a theor' on mana(erial role but that it i the indi*idual mana(er 4ho in

    practie mut de*elop hi or her o4n theor'" The 5e'4ord therefore comprie of 

    indi*idual a 4ell a collecti*e learnin("


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    7i(ure 9& Mana(erial effecti*eD model in Indian conte>t


    One of the note4orth' feature of the Indian 4or5place i demo(raphic

    uniquene" It i etimated that both China and India 4ill ha*e a population of 

    -". billion people b' 9+,+ ho4e*er6 India 4ill ha*e a lar(er 4or5force than

    China" Indeed6 it i li5el' India 4ill ha*e : million people of 4or5in( a(e in

    9+,+6 4hich 4ill probabl' be about ,++ million more than in 9++/" And b' 9++6 it

    i e>pected India 4ill ha*e 9,+ million more 4or5er than China and about ++

    million more than the )nited State of America !)"S"#" It ma' be noted that half of 

    IndiaD current population of -"- billion people are under of 9 'ear of a(e"

    hile thi fact i a demo(raphic di*idend for the econom'6 it i alo a dan(er i(n for the countr'D abilit' to create ne4 ;ob at an unprecedented rate

    hen IndiaD 'oun( demo(raphic bubble be(in to reach 4or5in( a(e6 India 4ill

    need far more ;ob than currentl' e>it to 5eep li*in( tandard from declinin("

    India toda' doenDt ha*e enou(h (ood ;ob for it e>itin( 4or5er6 much le for 

    million of ne4 one" If it cannot better educate it children and create ;ob for 


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    then once the' reach 4or5in( a(e6 India face a population time bomb& The

    nation 4ill (ro4 poorer and not richer6 4ith hundred of million of people tuc5 in


    ith the retirement a(e bein( to 'ear of a(e in mot public ector or(aniation6 Indian 4or5place are dominated b' 'outh" Increain( the

    retirement a(e in critical area li5e uni*eritie6 chool6 hopital6 reearch

    intitution and public er*ice i a topic of coniderable current debate and

    a(enda of political partie"

    The di*er(ent *ie46 that each ociet' ha an unique et of national nuance6

    4hich (uide particular mana(erial belief and action6 i bein( challen(ed in

    Indian ociet'" An emer(in( dominant perpecti*e i the influence of (lobaliation

    on technolo(ical ad*ancement6 buine mana(ement6 and education and

    communication infratructure are leadin( to a con*er(in( effect on mana(erial

    mindet and buine beha*iour"

     And 4hen India embraced liberaliation and economic reform in the earl' -+6

    dramatic chan(e 4ere et in motion in term of corporate mindet and 0RM

    practice a a reult of (lobal imperati*e and accompan'in( chan(e in ocietal

    prioritie" Indeed6 the onet of a bur(eonin( competiti*e er*ice ector compelled

    a demo(raphic hift in 4or5er educational tatu and hei(htened the demand for 

     ;ob rele*ant 5ill a 4ell a re(ional di*erit'" E>pectedl'6 there ha been a

    mar5ed hift to4ard *aluin( human reource !0R# in Indian or(aniation a

    the' become increain(l' trate(' dri*en a oppoed to the culture of the tatu

    quo" Accordin(l'6 competiti*e ad*anta(e in indutrie li5e oft4are er*ice6

    pharmaceutical6 and biotechnolo(' !4here India i ee5in( to aert (lobal

    dominance#6 the i(nificance of 0R i bein( emphaied" Thee relati*itie 4eredemontrated in a recent tud' of three (lobal Indian companie 4ith !9,

    mana(er# 4hen e*idence 4a preented that poiti*el' lin5ed the 0RM

    practice 4ith or(aniational performance "In pite of thi trend of con*er(ence6 a

    deep ene of localit' e>it creatin( more robut Lcro mer(enceD in the

    conceptual a 4ell a practical domain"


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  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    *er(in( trend need to be undertood more 4idel' a practitioner face a ne4

    realit' of human reource de*elopment of potindutrial economic or(aniation"

    The other three phere6 of6 namel' the emotional6 the ocio cultural and the

    mana(erial domain are under(oin(6 imilar profound chan(e" 7or intance6 theocio cultural phere confront the dialect of the national macro le*el reform

    a(enda a 4ell a the challen(e of inno*atin( b' addrein( the h'(iene and

    moti*ational feature of the 4or5 place" Conequentl'6 thi phere6 4hich i

    underpinned b' the anchor of Sradha and Sneha6 ha the opportunit' to

    le*era(e 4or5 ettin( creati*it' in dimenion of autonom'6 empo4erment6 multi

    5illin( and *ariou t'pe of ;ob dei(n" And the emotional phere6 4hich focue

    on creati*it' and inno*ation to encapulate the notion of 4or5place commitment

    and collaboration a 4ell a fa*orable team4or56 brin( deirable beha*ioural

    element of tranparenc' and inte(rit' into or(aniational procedure and

    practice" The mana(erial phere pro*ide the mechanim for hiftin( mindet6

    for in Indian or(aniation 0RM i *ie4ed to be cloel' ali(ned 4ith mana(erial

    technical competenc'" Thu6 undertandin( of the relati*it' of 0RM to trate(ic

    intended or(aniational performance i le 4ell articulated in Indian firm" The

    current emphai of reconfi(urin( cadre !*oluntar' and no *oluntar' redundanc'

    cheme#6 do4ni?in(6 dela' rin( and imilar arran(ement 4ill become le

    rele*ant a holitic perpecti*e (ain (round" A hallmar5 of future Indian

    4or5place i li5el' to be a dominant emphai on mana(erial trainin(6 tructural

    redei(n and reframin( of intitutional architecture to achie*e enterprie

    e>cellence" Thu6 a primar' role of Indian mana(er 4ill be to for(e ne4

    emplo'ment and indutrial relationhip throu(h purpoeful 0RM policie and



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    Belo4 4e touch on a number of concept to do 4ith 4or5 competenc' that ha*e

    been publihed recentl'6 4ith the aim of e>tractin( from them thoe

    characteritic of the concept that are ueful for the ubequent de*elopment of thi chapter" The' are a follo4&

     A capacit' to mobili?e di*ere co(niti*e reource to meet a certain t'pe of 

    ituation !Perrenoud6 9+++#"1eBoterf !-/# a' that competencie are not

    themel*e reource in the ene of 5no4in( ho4 to act6 5no4in( ho4 to do6 or 

    attitude6 but the' mobili?e6 inte(rate and orchetrate uch reource" Thi

    mobili?ation i onl' pertinent in one ituation6 and each ituation i unique6

    althou(h it could be approached a an analo(' to other ituation that arealread' 5no4n" The e>ercie of competenc' in*ol*e comple> mental ituation6

    cheme of thou(ht 4hich allo4 determination !more or le concioul' and

    rapidl'# and performance !in a more or le efficient 4a'# of action 4hich i

    relati*el' adapted to a ituation" @ocational competencie are contructed in

    trainin(6 but alo in the coure of the e*er'da' e>perience of a teacher a he

    mo*e throu(h different 4or5 ituation"

    C.,''/)+' &/$ &/'*+&( '')+'/'

    e all ha*e competencie" Thee are the um of our e>perience and the

    5no4led(e6 5ill6 *alue and attitude 4e ha*e acquired durin( our lifetime"

    In the 4or5place 4e ue our competencie to perform a *ariet' of beha*ior and

    acti*itie6 4hich in turn produce output !product and er*ice# that 4e pro*ide

    to other" It i the qualit' of thee output and the reaction of thoe 4ho recei*ethem that lead to reult 4ith poiti*e6 ne(ati*e or neutral conequence for the

    or(ani?ation the people 4ho 4or5 there and it upplier6 hareholder6 client6

    and cutomer"

    The current and future ucce of an enterprie i a reflection of the

    effecti*ene of the enior mana(ement team6 their *iion and leaderhip6 and


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    the combined 5no4led(e and 5ill of the or(ani?ationK 4or5force" Thi mean

    that the identification of critical mana(ement and pecialit competencie that 4ill

    enable enterprie !and countrie# to meet the demand of the future ha

    aumed an e*en more important place a a 5e' reponibilit' of enior buine

    e>ecuti*e6 human reource practitioner6 educationalit6 public adminitratorand (o*ernment leader" Ma;or attribute of ale mana(er beha*iour"

     At the heart of an' ucceful acti*it' lie a competence or a 5ill" In toda'D

    competiti*e 4orld it i becomin( particularl' important to build on the competiti*e

    acti*itie of buine" There ha been much thin5in( about buine trate('

    o*er the lat three decade particularl' re(ardin( 4hat competencie a buine

    need to ha*e in order to compete in a pecific en*ironment" Top mana(ement i

    identif'in( corporate core competencie and 4or5in( to etablih them

    throu(hput the or(ani?ation" 0uman Reource %e*elopment build competenc'8

    baed model that dri*e buine reult"

     All or(ani?ation are tal5in( about competencie" Some ha*e trul' 4or5ed the

    concept into e*eral of their procee" A fe4 ha*e a full' implementedcompetenc' modelin( and reportin( 'tem in place" Thee addre the

    de*elopment of people from proce dei(n throu(h ucceion"

    The proce i completel' cutomi?able" The deciion of competenc' dei(n

    are dri*en b' a number of or(ani?ational factor6 includin( mana(ement

    philooph'6 cutomer requirement6 buine need6 and in8place procee"

    Thee factor *ar' from one or(ani?ation to another6 requirin( a cutomi?ed

    approach to competencie in the 4or5place"

    W%& &*' ).,''/)+'9

    Competencie are cluter of 5no4led(e6 5illFabilitie and underl'in( peronal

    characteritic that dri*e reultant beha*ior leadin( to ucceFuperior 

    performance on ;ob" The tre and due bia i to4ard the beha*ioral


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    dimenion" The 4ord capabilit' i alo inter8chan(eabl' ued to connote thi


    C.,''/)5 : A;+(+5 < W+((+/#/'

    The 4ord competenc' i 4idel' ued in buine and peronnel p'cholo('" Acompetenc' i alo omethin( 'ou can meaure6 and lit of competencie form

    a common lan(ua(e for decribin( ho4 people perform in different ituation"

    E*er' ;ob can be decribed in term of 5e' competencie" Thi mean that the'

    can be ued for all form of aement6 includin( appraial6 trainin( need

    anal'i and of coure6 election"

    T%' C.,''/)5 I)';'*#

    It can be helpful to thin5 of competencie in term of an iceber(" Technical

    competencie are at the tip 8 the portion abo*e the 4aterline that i clearl' *iible

    !and therefore eaier to ae#"

    Beha*ioral competencie are belo4 the 4aterline 8 the' are more difficult to

    ae6 and often harder to de*elop" Beha*ioral competencie can be

    undertood a manifetation of ho4 a peron *ie4 him or herelf !elf8ima(e#6

    ho4 he or he t'picall' beha*e !trait#6 or moti*e him or her !moti*e#"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    S4+((7 A peronK abilit' to do omethin( 4ell"K/.8('$#'7 Information that a peron ue in a particular area"

    S'(-I'7 A peronK *ie4 of him or herelf6 identit'6 peronalit' and 4orth"

    T*&+7 A t'pical apect of a peronK beha*ior"

    M.+'7 hat dri*e omeoneK beha*ior in a particular areaH !An underl'in(

    need for achie*ement6 affiliation or po4er#

    C.,''/)+' are not add8on reponibilitie or 5ill" Intead6 the' are a 4a'

    of clarif'in( e>itin( ;ob requirement and e>pectation about performance"

    A competency model decribe the combination of 5no4led(e 5ill and

    characteritic needed to effecti*el' perform a role in an or(ani?ation and i ued

    a a human reource tool for election6 trainin( and de*elopment appraial and

    ucceion plannin(" Identif'in( and mappin( thee competencie i rather 

    comple>" A competenc' model conit of a et of competencie that ha*e been

    elected throu(h ome reearch proce that demontrate their importance for 

    ucce on the ;ob"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    T%' ).,''/)+' +$'/++'$ .* C./'*#5 I/$+& %&' ;''/ (+'$ +/ %'

    C.,''/)5 .$'( ;'(.87

    S"))'+./ P(&//+/#



    C&*''* P(&//+/#


      P&5 D')++./ W.*4


      P'*.*&/)' M&/''/

    !ompetency model for !onvergys "ndia


    Competency Model

    • Business & Commercial focus

    • Client & Customer Focus

    • Working it! ot!ers

    • "e#elo$ing ot!ers

    • Confi%ence & Communication

    • erformance Focus

    • Working $roacti#el'

    • (ea%ing ot!ers

    • )*$ert +nole%ge

    • lanning & ,e#ieing

    • -ol#ing $ro.lems

    • Creati#it' & /nno#ation

    • C!ange focus


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


     # competency model ensures the $%& systems'

    S'(')+./ S5'  All inter*ie4 are loo5in( for the ame et of abilitie

    and characteritic"

    T*&+/+/# &/$ D''(.,'/ It pro*ide a lit of beha*ior and 5ill thatmut be de*eloped to maintain atifactor' le*el of performance"

    S"))'+./ P(&//+/# It focue on the ame et of attribute and 5ill

    rele*ant to ucce on the poition under conideration"

    P'*.*&/)' M&/''/ It clarifie 4hat i e>pected from the


    A,,*&+&( S5' It focue on pecific beha*ior6 offerin( a roadmap for 

    reco(nition6 re4ard and poible ad*ancement"

    T%+ ,*.=') .)"' ./ %*'' &*'& . C.,''/)5-;&'$ &,,(+)&+./7

    R')*"+'/ > S'(')+./7 Competenc' Baed Inter*ie4in( (uide

    P'*.*&/)' M&/''/ S5'7 Performance appraial Proce

    C&*''* P(&//+/#7 Career Pro(reion Pro(ram for Support taff 


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry





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  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry




    Jeff 7o>

    Preident and Chief E>ecuti*e Officer 

     Andre S" @alentine

    Chief 7inancial Officer 

    Julia A" 0outon

    Senior @ice Preident6 $eneral Counel and Corporate Secretar'43

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    Jim $oet?

    Chief Information Officer and $eneral Mana(er $lobal Technolo(' Solution

     Andrea J" A'er

    Preident and COO6 Cutomer Mana(ement

    ' F.@

    President and CEO

    Con*er(' Corporation

    Jeffre' !Jeff# 7o> i preident and chief e>ecuti*e

    officer of Con*er(' Corporation6 a (lobal leader in relationhip mana(ement"

    Jeff pro*ide direction and leaderhip to the Compan' and i reponible for the

    achie*ement of the Compan'K trate(' and miion6 annual (oal6 and 'earl'

    re*enue and profitabilit' tar(et" All line of buine6 buine unit and reource

    unit report directl' to Jeff6 a do the chief financial officer and the (eneral counel

    and corporate ecretar'"Jeff became a member of the Con*er(' Board of %irector in 7ebruar' 9++" 0e

    4a appointed Con*er(' preident and CEO in 7ebruar' 9+-+" Prior to hi

    aociation 4ith Con*er('6 Jeff founded and er*ed a CEO and partner of The

    Circumference $roup6 a technolo(' and telecommunication conultin( and

    in*etment firm"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    7rom -: to 9++6 Jeff held mana(ement poition at Alltel Corporation6 includin(

    Chief Operatin( Officer $roup Preident8Shared Ser*ice6 upportin( AlltelK

    4ireline and 4irele operation and $roup Preident8Alltel Information Ser*ice6

    reponible for oft4are6 profeional er*ice6 and outourcin( to top tier (lobal

    financial intitution" Alltel 4a the fifth lar(et 4irele compan' in the )nitedState before it acquiition b' @eri?on in Januar' 9++"

    Prior to ;oinin( Alltel6 Jeff 4or5ed in in*etment ban5in( for -+ 'ear 4ith Stephen

    Inc"6 preceded b' t4o 'ear 4ith Merrill 1'nch" Jeff peciali?ed in M

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


     Andre ha been 4ith Con*er(' ince -/" Prior to hi current role6 @alentine

    er*ed a chief financial officer for Con*er('D Cutomer Mana(ement line of 

    buine" 0e alo held the poition of enior *ice preident and controller of 

    Con*er('6 a 4ell a enior *ice preident of (roup finance for Cutomer 

    Mana(ement !CM#"Prior to Con*er('6 Andre 4or5ed for Cooper and 1'brand"

    @alentine i a nati*e of Cincinnati and ha a bachelorD de(ree in accountin( from

    the )ni*erit' of Cincinnati"

    Julia A" 0outon i Senior @ice Preident6 $eneral

    Counel and Corporate Secretar' of Con*er(' Corporation" She i reponible for 

    mana(in( the le(al affair of the compan'6 a 4ell a corporate compliance6

    compenation and benefit6 pri*ac'6 information ecurit'6 and corporate ecurit'"

    Julia report to Jeff 7o>6 preident and chief e>ecuti*e officer of Con*er('"

    Before ;oinin( Con*er('6 Julia 4a Senior @ice Preident6 $eneral Counel6 Chief 

    Compliance Officer and Secretar' of Mirant Corporation in Atlanta6 $eor(ia6 4here

    he had reponibilit' for le(al affair6 compliance6 re(ulator' and le(ilati*e affair6

    en*ironmental polic' and internal audit" Prior to Mirant6 Julia 4a corporate counel

    at %elta Air 1ine6 Inc" and an aociate 4ith 2in( < Spaldin( 11P"

    Julia earned her bachelorK de(ree from the )ni*erit' of @ir(inia and her la4

    de(ree from the )ni*erit' of $eor(ia School of 1a4"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    Jim $oet? i the chief information officer !CIO# and

    (eneral mana(er of $lobal Technolo(' Solution for Con*er(' Corporation6 a(lobal leader in relationhip mana(ement"

    Jim i reponible for the plannin(6 de*elopment6 and deli*er' of the technolo('

    product and er*ice for the Compan' (loball'6 includin( e>ternal and internal

    client" 0e report to Jeff 7o>6 preident and chief e>ecuti*e officer of Con*er('"

    Prior to ;oinin( Con*er('6 $oet? held a number of e>ecuti*e leaderhip poition

    4ith Ser*iceMater6 IBM6 and Ameritech"

    Jim hold a bachelorK de(ree in mathematic and economic from heaton

    Colle(e6 and a materK de(ree in buine adminitration from the )ni*erit' of 



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


     Andrea A'er i preident and chief operatin( officer 

    of Cutomer Mana(ement at Con*er(' Corporation6 a (lobal leader in relationhipmana(ement"

     Andrea i reponible for meetin( the compan'K re*enue and profitabilit' tar(et

    for thi line of buine6 4hich (enerate appro>imatel' -" billion in annual

    re*enue and operate a (lobal net4or5 of contact center and home a(ent" She

    report to Jeff 7o>6 preident and chief e>ecuti*e officer of Con*er('"

    Prior to her current appointment6 A'er ha held a number of enior e>ecuti*e

    poition at Con*er('6 includin( preident of the compan'K Relationhip

    Technolo(' Mana(ement line of buine a buine unit preident focuin( on the

    $o*ernment6 Retail6 0ealthcare6 Automoti*e6 and 7inancial Ser*ice *ertical *ice

    preident of mar5etin( and (eneral mana(er of the %irect Broadcat Ser*ice

    !%BS# buine unit" Andrea ha been 4ith Con*er(' ince -+"

     Andrea earned her bachelorK de(ree in mana(ement and adminitration from

    1ouiiana State )ni*erit' in Shre*eport6 1ouiiana"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    Outourced er*ice include&

    • Cutomer mana(ement outourcin(

    • Buine er*ice outourcin(

    • Tranformation and technolo('

    T%' C./'*#5 M++./

    3To 4or5 in partnerhip 4ith our cutomer to tranform public er*ice deli*er'6 and

    continuall' impro*e er*ice to the citi?en on the bai of bet *alue"


    Con*er(' i truted b' man' leadin( or(ani?ation to mana(e million of cutomer 

    interaction e*er' 'ear" It differentiate throu(h the follo4in( ;*&/$ &("'6 but to

    upport their clientK culture the' embed and communicate their brand *alue

    to their cutomer" The' are the um total of e*er'thin( the' 4ant their client to

    feel and thin5 about them"

    • Paionate about er*ice

    • Efficient and effecti*e

    • Proacti*e inno*ator

    • Reult focued

    • E>pert plu

    Their ).*' &("' hape the 4a' the' run Con*er(' and interact a a team" The'

    ha*e fi*e core *alue 8 all of 4hich reflect the compan'K foundin( belief that their 

    people are a critical to their ucce a are client and their cutomer"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    • Our cutomer are our buine

    • e 4ill repect e*er' indi*idual in our compan'

    • e 4ill adopt a performance focued approach

    • e 4ill be fle>ible and decii*e

    • ualit' a a 4a' of life


    Con*er('D head office i in Mancheter and their 6+++ emplo'ee are baed in

    ,+ )2 location co*erin( the North et6 Midland6 Eat An(lia6 1ondon6 ale

    and Scotland" The' alo ha*e offhore operation in India and Canada"

    S'*+)' &/$ M&*4'

     A an international buine proce outourcer6 4ith particular e>pertie in

    cutomer mana(ement6 Con*er(' de*elop and implement a ran(e of 

    outourcin( olution for man' leadin( or(ani?ation in the commercial ector6

    financial er*ice6 utilit' and public ector"

    Thee ran(e from contact center operation6 for e>ample6 throu(h to completetranformational outourcin( 8 combinin( their 5ill in conultin(6 technolo(' and

    outourced er*ice pro*iion to timulate and facilitate buine chan(e and deli*er 

    a tep chan(e in performance"

    The' 4or5 in partnerhip 4ith their client to deli*er enhanced buine

    performance6 4hilt reducin( cot and impro*in( the er*ice and reali?in( the

    potential of cutomer relationhip"


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    • Contact centre

    • Cutomer relationhip mana(ement

    • Telemar5etin(

    • Billin(

    • %ocument handlin(

    • Pa'ment procein(

    • %ebt mana(ement

    • Print < fulfillment• 7inance < accountin(

    • 0uman reource

    • Chan(e mana(ement


    Career de*elopment i fundamental to their ucce a a buine" It promote a

    culture of continuou elf8de*elopment pro*ide a timulu for peronal andbuine (ro4th complement their appraial proce and6 importantl'6 upport

    an indi*idualK on(oin( de*elopment plan"

    Con*er(' i a rapidl' (ro4in( compan' deli*erin( buine proce outourcin(

    er*ice for blue8chip client in the )2 and o*erea" The' continuall' de*elop


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    leadin( ed(e IT6 telephon' and procein( 'tem that enure the' can not onl'

    4in ne4 client6 but alo deli*er 4orld8cla er*ice on behalf of their cutomer"

    The' are therefore continuall' ee5in( to recruit moti*ated and committed

    indi*idual to ;oin their team and de*elop their career in line 4ith their (ro4th"

    Opportunitie are al4a' a*ailable in Cutomer Ser*ice6 Tranformation andTechnolo(' and Buine Chan(e" In addition6 the' ha*e occaional openin( in

    our Sale6 Mar5etin(6 7inance and 0R operation"

    K'5 F&)

    Con*er(' i an international buine proce outourcer 4ith particular e>pertie

    in cutomer mana(ement"

    • U,++ million turno*er 

    • Mana(e o*er ,. million client cutomer account

    • 6+++ emplo'ee

    Economie throu(h cale

    9+. million )2 cutomer tranaction• : million bill and document printed and ent out

    • million pa'ment proceed

    • U: billion collected in pa'ment

    Independent accreditation

    • In*etor in People

    • ISO ++-

    T%' C./'*#5 P*.+'

    •  A fle>ible6 calable6 multi8channel er*ice deli*ered from our Centre of 


    • Reduced cot per emplo'ee er*ed


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    • $uaranteed le*el of er*ice

    • Impro*ed accurac' and timeline of critical tranaction

     Acce to e>perienced Shared Ser*ice Center practitioner 4ho 4ill

    le*era(e 'our e>itin( Enterprie Reource Plannin( !ERP# olution !0R



    $enpact IBM @8 cutomer care


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    Reearch methodolo(' can be defined a it i ued to (i*e a clear cut idea on

    4hat the reearcher i carr'in( out hi or her reearch" In order to plan in a ri(ht

    point of time and to ad*ance the *''&*)% 4or5 '%.$.(.#5 ma5e the ri(ht

    platform to the reearcher to mappin( out the reearch 4or5 in rele*ance to

    ma5e olid plan"

    The pro;ect i baed on S')./$&*5 $&&"

    S')./$&*5 D&&7 It conit of information that alread' e>it ome4here and

    ha been collected for ome pecific purpoe in the tud'" The econdar' data

    for thi tud' i collected from *ariou ource li5e6

    • Boo5"

    • ebite"

    • Ne4paper"

    • 7inancial Ma(a?ine" ! 4ee5l'6 buine 4orld etc"#


    The main ource of obtainin( necear' data for the tud' 4a Secondar'

    %ata" Thi tud' i empirical in nature and hence econdar' data i ued

    to conduct the reearch" The data 4a collected from the Internet b'

    e>plorin( the Secondar' ource a*ailable on 4ebite"



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry




    S')./$&*5 D&&7 The econdar' data contitute of dail' flo4 data

    4hich 4a collected from 4ebite repecti*el'"

    I ).((')'$ %' S')./$&*5 $&& *. .((.8+/# ."*)'7-

    • Ne4paper = 0indutan Time6 Time of India6 Economic Time

    • Ma(a?ine 8 The Time" 0ar*ard Buine Re*ie46 .PD

    • ebiteFInternet = from different 4ebite

    • Boo5 = Coure boo5F Philip 2otler

    • Note8 Profeor Note


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  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    The effect of *alue a an independent *ariable i the mot commonl' accepted

    and ued perpecti*e in the field of mana(ement and or(ani?ational beha*ior"

    Thi ma' be mainl' due to the contention that national culture *alue influence

    mana(ement practice and emplo'ee6 mana(erD beha*ior and performance"

    Thi effect6 therefore6 can be identified in relation to e*eral 5e' area of mana(ement&

    -" Effect of *alue on (eneral mana(ement principle and practice" 7or 

    e>ample6 plannin( a a common mana(ement principle i influenced b' the

    *alue of future orientation !e"("6 0oftede6 -.6 --#" 7or e>ample6 the de(ree

    of future orientation ma' reflect a hort term6 medium term or lon( term

    dependin( on the peron6 (roup or ociet' that thi particular *alue ma' hold"

    People or ocietie 4ith lon(8term orientation tend to prepare lon(8term plan6

    4hile hort8term oriented people or ocietie tend to do thin( on ad8hoc5

    manner or rela' on hort8term benefit of 4hat the' do" A uch6 lon(8term

    oriented Con*er(' tend to in*et more in uch area a reearch and

    de*elopment6 trainin( and de*elopment of emplo'ee than hort8term oriented

    Con*er('" Similarl'6 ta5 and acti*itie of an or(ani?ation can be or(ani?ed in a

    tall or flat tructure dependin( on 3po4er ditance and hierarchical *alue of 

    people" Mana(er in hi(h po4er ditance ocietie tend to form tall or(ani?ation

    tructure o that the' can maintain po4er ditanceF(ap bet4een mana(er and


    9" Effect of *alue on actual people mana(ement practice" 7or e>ample6

     A'can et al" !9+++#6 Budh4ar and %ebrah !9++-#6 Sparro46 Schuler and Jac5on


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    !-.# ha*e found that 0uman Reource Mana(ement !0RM# function uch a

    recruitment6 ociali?ation6 trainin( and de*elopment6 and empo4erment are

    underpinned b' cultural *alue of different countrie" 7or e>ample6 thee

    reearch findin( re*ealed that hi(h emphai on trainin( and retrainin( of 

    emplo'ee in people mana(ement practice 4a related to the *alue of futureorientation and the reco(nition of *alue of human re8ource b' a particular 

    ociet' and Con*er('" Similarl'6 indi*idual baed performance e*aluation

    'tem 4ere related to the *alue of indi*idualim in culture"

    ," @alue alo effect on preference for people mana(ement policie and

    practice" 7or e>ample6 reearch tudie indicate that national culture and 4or5

    *alue orientation at indi*idual le*el i hi(hl' predicti*e of their preference for 

    the dei(n of 0R policie and practice !A'can et al"6 9++/ Chandra5uamra and

    Spar8ro46 9++. N'ambe(era et al"6 9+++ Sparro4 and u6 -#" Specificall'6

    N'ambe(era et al" !9+++# found that 3acti*it' thin5in( and lo4 hierarchical

    *alue are related to emplo'eeD in*ol*ement in deciion8ma5in( and

    empo4erment practice6 repecti*el'" Similarl'6 indi*idual (ro4th oriented 4or5

    norm6 and Con*er(' and poition oriented 4or5 ethic are found to be

    ne(ati*el' related to empo4erin( mana(ement practice !Chandra5umara and

    Sparro46 9++.#"

    ." Effect of *alue con(ruenceFfit on beha*ioral and performance outcome"

    Reearch findin( indicate that con(ruence bet4een emplo'eeD *alue and firmD

    *alue lead to (reater atifaction 6;ob in*ol*ement and le turno*er !Sheridan6

    -9#6 and conte>tual performance Accordin( to Punnet !-#6 *alue

    con(ruence can reduce conflict in Con*er(' and impro*e cooperation"

    " Effect of *alue on beha*ioral and performance outcome" 7or e>ample6

    En(land !-# found a i(nificant poiti*e relationhip bet4een 4or5 centralit'

    and non8financial commitment to 4or5in(" Motta?D !-:# findin( alo indicate

    that intrinic *alue are tron(l' related to 4or5 atifaction" In addition6

    i(nificant relationhip ha*e been found bet4een *alue and or(ani?ational and


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     ;ob commitment6 producti*it'6 ;ob in*ol*ement6 and conte>tualFciti?enhip and

    ta5 performance" ith re(ard to the de(ree of mana(erial ucce6 En(land

    !-/# found that ucceful and unucceful mana(er epoue follo4in(

    *alue& *alue of pra(matim6 d'namic action6 influential leaderhip6 e>pertie6

    preti(e6 dut' conciou 4ere held b' ucceful mana(er6 4hile leucceful mana(er held the *alue of pai*it'6 ecurit'6 tatu quo !reitance

    to chan(e and infle>ibilit'#6 affection6 and pleaure"

    1!2! E') . &("' & & .$'*&.* &*+&;('!

    Reearch e*idence alo indicate that the effecti*ene of mana(erial

    inter*ention uch a ue of (oal ettin(6 ;ob enrichment6 qualit' circle6

    performance8baed pa' 'tem6 etc"6 are (reatl' de8pendent on !or moderated

    b'# cultural *alue of participant" In addition6 Roe and Eter !-# alo note

    that in a ociet' characteri?ed b' collecti*im the collecti*e itelf i more alient

    than the indi*idual itelf6 and inter*ention uch a differential or indi*iduali?ed

    re84ard are li5el' to be unproducti*e6 a the' aim at enhancin( the indi*idual

    itelf but not the collecti*e elf" In uch ituation6 qualit' circle and team8baed

    performance e*aluation 'tem ma' be ineffecti*e" Thu6 cultural or 4or5 *alue

    could pla' a moderatin( role in determinin( the effecti*ene of mana(erial

    inter*ention and6 therefore6 undertandin( cultural and 4or5 *alue orientation

    of emplo'ee i important for practicin( mana(er 4hen adoptin( 4or5 practice

    and e*aluatin( their effecti*ene"

    1!3! E') . &("' & & $','/$'/ &*+&;('!

    Baicall'6 thi contention repreent the effect of or(ani?ational practice on*alue" 7or e>ample6 2im !-9# note that thoe ;ob in*ol*in( more time

    4or5in( 4ith idea or thin5in( and more autonom' at 4or5 are more li5el' to

    create hi(her intrinic 4or5 *alue in people" Thi impl' mean that 4or5 *alue

    can be chan(ed b' chan(in( 4or5 practice uch a ;ob redei(nin( b' 4a' of 

     ;ob enlar(ement and enrichment" an( !-9# alo note that (ender6 a(e6


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    education6 e>trinic or(ani?ational re4ard6 and intrinic occupational out8come

    are ma;or determinant of an emplo'eeD e>trinic and intrinic 4or5 *alue" 7or 

    e>ample6 re4ard 'tem of Con*er(' can be een a an effecti*e tool in

    influencin( 4or5 *alue of people in Con*er('"

    In addition6 *alue ma' alo be affected b' conequential beha*ior of oneelf 

    andFor b' the beha*ior of other at 4or5" 7or e>ample6 if omeone e>perienced

    ne(ati*e conequence a a reult of inappropriate 4or5 *alue6 heFhe ma'

    thin5 of de*elopin( more poiti*e 4or5 *alue" Thu6 the effect of *alue a a

    dependent *ariable can reult in the adoption of 0RM and mana(erial practice6

    reco(ni?in( conequential beha*ior of elf6 and ober*in( and follo4in(

    beha*ior of other at 4or5"

    2! C%&/#+/# &("' . ',(.5'' .*#&/+&+./ &/$ )".'*

    @alue chan(e occur 4ith repect to man' apect of our peronal6

    or(ani?ational6 political6 ocio8cultural6 and aethetic *alue" In modern ociet'

    chan(e eem to occur almot intantl' 4ith little 4arnin(" 7or e>ample6 a ne4

    economic6 technolo(ical6 political6 or ocietal brea5throu(h !or brea5do4n# can

    ta5e place almot o*erni(ht !0enderon and Thomon6 9++,#" @alue ma' hift

    or e*ol*e at a rate pre*ioul' un5no4n" Thi article hi(hli(ht ome *alue

    chan(e occurred 4ith repect to Con*er('6 cutomer6 and indi*idual


    The e*olution of mana(ement orientation in Con*er(' reflect the fact that

    chan(e occur in *alue orientation of mana(er from the concept of (ro4th

    and efficienc' in -++ to principled mana(ement in -+ to mana(in(meanin( in 9+++"The impedin( *alue hift in Con*er(' alo reflect chan(e

    in their concern for en*ironmental ;utice and buine ethic in -+ to animal

    ri(ht to inter(enerational ri(ht in 9+++" Thu6 the focue of emplo'er to

    mana(in( buinee ha*e chan(ed from tron( 4or5 ethic and ban5 balance

    to 4or5 and famil' balance6 from commitment to en;o'ment6 from authorit' to


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    empo4erment6 from tructure to fle>ibilit'6 from conformit' to creati*it'6 from

    tellin( them to in*ol*e u6 and from learnin( to earn to lifelon( learnin(" ith

    re(ard to cutomer6 (lobali?ation6 ad*ancement in communication technolo('

    and education6


     A uch6 there 4ere no problem faced 4hile carr'in( out the pro;ect tud'" The

    pro;ect i baed on econdar' data" The onl' problem faced 4ere 4hen there

    4ere no contact andFor appointment" hen contacted6 mot of the companie

    out ri(htl' denied dicloin( an' of the detail li5e the compan'K turno*er6

    trate(ie6 compan' policie6 role of different department and the member at

    the 0R department 4ere not 4illin( either to (i*e detailed information on the



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    1! )e of reco(nitionFappreciation tool to moti*ate (ood performance

    2! E>itence of a clearl' tated 0RM polic' in 4ritin(

    3! Creation of mana(ement tructure for implementation of tated 0RM


    ." E>teni*e ue of trainin( and de*elopment co*erin( all the emplo'ee

    " Communication 4ith emplo'ee on a continuou bai

    :" Empo4erment of emplo'ee indi*iduall' and throu(h the method of elf8

    directin( team

    /" )e of a culture baed team4or5 rather than tructure baed mall (roup

    " )e of emplo'ee attitude ur*e' for communicatin( a 4ell a (au(in(

    the pro(re of chan(e proce

    " Self8aement for monitorin( peopleD atifaction and effecti*ene of 

    human reource 'tem in relation to both operational and trate(ic le*el

    of enterprie

    -+"1oin( an efficient emplo'ee in the name of ne(otiation

    --" Job rotation ha to be implemented

    -9"S0RM concept mut be introduced in the 0R Policie < Procedure6 o

    that the future challen(e are uccefull' handled62

  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    -,"Emplo'ee hould 5no4 the re*ie4 of performance appraial once the

    appraiin( i done6 o that the emplo'ee 4ill tr' to rectif' the 4ea5nee"

    -."0a*e to enure that ri(ht candidate i at the ri(ht ;ob6 o that more effort

    can be e>pected from them 4ith utmot ;ob atifaction"

    -"Induction proce hould be de*eloped"

    -:"Corporate $o*ernance mut be (i*en a priorit' in the Compan'D Polic'6

    bein( the top compan'"



  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry



    .:V of the repondent a(ree to effecti*e performance appraial 'teme>itin( in the compan'"

    • V of emplo'ee a(reed that the compan' i ea(er in reco(ni?in( and

    ac5no4led(in( their 4or56 ,:V tron(l' a(reed and onl' :V ho4ed

    neutral repone"

    9V of the repondent are e>prein( that both financial and non8financial incenti*e 4ill equall' moti*ate them"

    • .V of the repondent are tron(l' a(reein( that the mana(ement i

    intereted in moti*atin( the emplo'ee"

    • 0R operation 4ill help to the Mana(erial operation in an' or(ani?ation6 a

    per the chi quare tet u((eted that in the e>ample preented abo*e thecorrected *alue i "-:.6 4ith an aociated i(nificance le*el of "99: !thi

    i preented in the column labelled A'mp" Si(" !98ided#" To be i(nificant

    the Si(" *alue need to be "+ or maller" In thi cae the *alue of "..: i

    lar(er than the alpha *alue of "+6 o 4e can conclude that our reult i


  • 8/17/2019 A Study of Work Values of Managers in BPO Industry


    not i(nificant" It u((eted that the Null h'pothei i not correct and it

    4ill o the alternate i true"


    -# Ne4paper  

    a" 0uman Reource Time

    b" B1T ne4 for 0uman reource

    c" Buine 4ire

    9# Ma(a?ine

      Buine orld !Iue& 9th Jul'6 9++#

    ,# Reearch Report

    a" Reearch report b' 0BR

    b" Report b' Center of Creati*e 1eaderhipc" Report of 7orreter on the Indian mana(er beha*ioral pattern !Ma' 9++,#
