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Two Theories of Entrepreneurship:

Alternative Assumptions and the Study of Entrepreneurial Action

Sharon A. Alvarez

Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University

2100 Neil Avenue, 850 Columbus, Ohio 43210


Prepared for Max Planck Summer Entrepreneurship Intensive

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Two Theories of Entrepreneurship:

Alternative Assumptions and the Study of Entrepreneurial Action

The field of entrepreneurship continues to struggle with the development of a modern

theory of entrepreneurship (Gartner, 2001). In the past 20 years development of the current

theories of entrepreneurship have centered on either opportunity recognition (Gaglio and

Katz, 2001; Baron, 2004) or the individual entrepreneur (McClelland, 1961; Collins and

Moore, 1964; Busenitz and Barney, 1997). During this same time period many theoretical

insights also came from those in other fields such as economics Kirzner (1979), Casson

(1982) and a rediscovery of the work of Schumpeter (1934, 1939).

However, despite the attempts of many entrepreneurship scholars to develop theory in

this field there continues to be a lack of consensus about what constitutes entrepreneurship

theory and no generally accepted theory of entrepreneurship has emerged. This lack of

consensus is in large part due to the lack of clarity that entrepreneurship scholars have about

the unstated assumptions of entrepreneurship. As Gartner (2001) suggests we in the field of

entrepreneurship are unconscious about the assumptions that we make in our theoretical


While different explanations of entrepreneurship have adopted sometime radically

different theoretical assumptions, most of these concern three central features of

entrepreneurial phenomena: the nature of entrepreneurial opportunities (Kirzner, 1979,

Shane and Venkatraman, 2000; Gaglio and Katz, 2001), the nature of entrepreneurs as

individuals (McClelland, 1961; Collins and Moore, 1964; Busenitz and Barney, 1997), and

the nature of the decision making context within which entrepreneurs operate (Knight, 1921;

Alvarez and Barney, 2005).

That most efforts to develop theoretically rigorous explanations of entrepreneurship

adopt assumptions with respect to these characteristics does not suggest that they have

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adopted the same assumption. Indeed, as is shown here, different theoretical traditions in the

field sometimes adopt radically different assumptions with respect to these attributes of

entrepreneurial phenomena, and thus develop sometimes radically different explanations of

these phenomena.

Unfortunately, with few exceptions (Shane, 2003), most entrepreneurship scholars are

not explicit about the assumptions they are using (Gartner, 2001). Moreover, when

developing their particular theoretical perspective, many authors tend to adopt the view that

the only reasonable assumption that can be made, say, about the nature of opportunities or the

nature of entrepreneurs, is the assumption they are making (Sarasvathy, 2001). A failure to

be explicit about these critical assumptions, and an unwillingness to entertain alternative

assumptions has hampered the development of theory in the field of entrepreneurship


The purpose of this paper is two investigate two sets of assumption about the nature

of opportunities, the nature of entrepreneurs, and the nature of the decision making context

within which entrepreneurs operate. It is suggested that these two sets of assumptions

constitute two logically consistent theories of entrepreneurship. Moreover, these two

theories—far from being contradictory—are complementary in nature, since each applies in

very different settings. Finally, these two complementary perspectives are applied to widely

studied entrepreneurial phenomena, the organization of the entrepreneurial firm. These

applications demonstrate both the differences between these two theories and how they can

be complementary in nature.

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Theory One: The Discovery Theory

Individual/Opportunity Nexus Theory

The theoretical work in the discovery theory which is typically called the

individual/opportunity nexus view has focused on the existence, discovery, and exploitation

of opportunities and the influence of individuals and opportunities (Kirzner, 1973; Shane and

Venkataraman, 2000; Shane, 2003). This section will discuss how this theory approaches the

three theoretical assumptions in entrepreneurship. The Individual/Opportunity Nexus

suggests that opportunities are objective, individuals are unique, and third that entrepreneurs

are risk bearing.

Assumption One Objective Opportunities

In the individual/opportunity nexus view opportunities have an objective component

and these opportunities exist whether or not an individual recognizes them (Shane and

Venkataraman, 2000; Shane, 2003). Opportunities are derived from the attributes of the

industries (or markets) within which an entrepreneur is contemplating action. Thus, if an

entrepreneur understands the attributes/structure of an industry, he or she will be able to

anticipate the kinds of opportunities that exist in that industry. For example, the primary

opportunity in fragmented industries is to exploit economies of scale in order to consolidate

these industries (Porter, 1980). The primary opportunities in mature industries are to refine

products and engage in process innovations to improve quality and lower costs (Porter,

1980). This view contends that understanding entrepreneurial opportunities is important

because the characteristics of an opportunity influence the very value that the opportunities

might create.

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Assumption Two: Unique Individuals

The second assumption of the individual/opportunity nexus is that entrepreneurship requires

differences in people and these differences manifest themselves in the ability to recognize

opportunities (Shane, 2003). Individuals in this view are “alert” to existing opportunities

(Kirzner, 1973; Shane and Venkataraman, 2000).

Entrepreneurial alertness is an attitude (emotional state with a pre-disposition for

action) of receptiveness to available – but currently overlooked by human actors -

opportunities in a market (Kirzner, 1997). From Kirzner, this assumption recognizes that the

entrepreneurial nature of human action refers to more than just the action taken, but

additionally refers to the human agent that is at all times spontaneously on the lookout for

unnoticed market imperfections that might inspire new activity. Entrepreneurial alertness is

not a deliberate search, but the constant scanning of the environment by an entrepreneur who

notices market imperfections. The recognition of these market imperfections are

accompanied by a sense of “surprise” that the imperfection had not previously been


These alert individuals are on the lookout for imperfectly distributed information

about potentially mis-priced resources that they may have access to before others. However,

while these opportunities may exist independent of economic actors, an economic actor must

act on the opportunity since the opportunity lacks agency, and individuals can only earn

profits if they recognize the opportunity and its value.

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Assumption Three Entrepreneurs are Risk-bearing

The third assumption of this theory is that, “risk-bearing is a necessary part of the

entrepreneurial process” (Shane, 2003, p7). An analysis of assumptions one and two further

supports the conclusion that the individual/opportunity nexus assumes conditions of risk.

The notion that opportunities are objective by definition assumes risk. In order for the

assumption that an opportunity is objective to hold true the existence of the opportunity is

merely a matter of some economic actors having differential information. The assumption of

imperfectly distributed information is based in neo-classical economics and assumes all

relevant information about technologies, demand, and other determinants of market

competition are known to be available, but may be costly to acquire. The economic actor in

this view is simply able to acquire the information at a lower cost than other economic actors

and this becomes the source of profit.

How are these assumptions related?

The individual opportunity nexus explains entrepreneurship by considering the nexus

of special individuals and objective opportunities. In this view every price, invention, and

information has within it objective opportunities. Individuals discover and give

opportunities agency, but they do not create opportunities. What entrepreneurs do in this

view is to apply a new means-ends framework for recombining resources.

While it is not known with certainty at the time the opportunity is discovered whether or not

it will be successful, because of the nature of the discovery used in this view it can be

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estimated probabilistically what the outcome will be. Thus the entrepreneurship process in

this view is about risk and not uncertainty.

Theory Two: The Creative Theory

The theoretical work in the creative theory has focused on the entrepreneur and the

creation of the firm (Venkataraman, 2003; Schumpeter, 1934; Loasby, 2002; Casson, 1982;

Langlois and Cosgel, 1993). Similar to individual/opportunity nexus, there are three major

theoretical assumptions in the creative theory. First that opportunities are subjective, second

that individuals are ordinary, and third that entrepreneurs are uncertainty bearing.

Assumption One Subjective Opportunities

The first assumption is that opportunities are created through a series of decisions to exploit a

potential opportunity. The creative Theory suggests that it is difficult to separated the ex

ante and ex post Theory of opportunities. For example ex post it might be easy to say that the

drug Viagra was waiting for an economic actor to recognize it and then exploit it. However,

if Viagra had been discovered – instead of by Lilly - by a tribe of isolated humans on a yet

unknown island who have a short life expectancy - would it still be an opportunity?

Opportunities in this Theory do not exist independent of economic actors, but are created by

economic actors. Whatever the source of opportunities, their existence, per se, often only

holds the potential for generating profit.

The creative Theory which assumes uncertainty and not risk, argues that under

conditions of uncertainty, the attributes of an industry are either not knowable or changing in

difficult to predict ways. In these settings, knowledge about industry structure cannot be used

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to anticipate opportunities. In such settings, opportunities must be created and refined

through a process of hypothesizing what an opportunity might be, trying to exploit this

hypothesized opportunity, revising one’s hypothesis, testing this revised hypothesis until, at

some point in the future, one’s hypothesis roughly correlates with what turns out to be

objective opportunities in an industry, but opportunities that could not have been known or

anticipated ex ante.

Consider, for example, opportunities in the consumer electronics business. Firms like

Sony cannot ask customers or suppliers to give them guidance in developing new products,

since any new products they develop will be beyond the experience of customers. Instead,

Sony must go through a process where it generates numerous new products, tries these out in

the market place, discovers which of these new products are reasonably successful, refines

those new products to improve their marketability, and so forth. As these new products

mature, it is tempting to say that Sony always knew that there was a particular market

opportunity out there—the walk man or the portable CD player. But this kind of post hoc

justification is quite inconsistent with the hypothesis formation and testing process that firms

like Sony go through to “discover” new product opportunities.

In short, in the IO model, opportunities are “discovered” by analyzing market and

industry structures, in this, opportunities are “created” through hypothesis testing and

learning. In this sense, in the new model, opportunities do not have an existence independent

of the actions of entrepreneurs to “discover” them but instead are created.

Assumption Two Individuals do not recognize opportunities they create them.

The creative Theory suggests that entrepreneurship does not require differences in

people but instead differences in decision-making under entrepreneurial conditions of

uncertainty. In this Theory the entrepreneur is not examined as an individual autonomous

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from the opportunity, but instead as the creators of the opportunity. The entrepreneur in this

Theory is someone who coordinates resources before the value of these outcomes can be

known with probability. Decision making in this Theory often occurs when there are no

obviously correct procedures in existence for exploiting these resources.

This Theory differs from the IO nexus – once again – in the sense that it is difficult to

understand ex-ante what is known ex-post. In the IO nexus Theory the two main differences

that unique individuals posses over non-unique individuals are that these unique individuals

posses relevant prior knowledge about an opportunity and or personal characteristics. While

this approach is certainly easy to use and understand ex-post, ex-ante it is less clear whether

individuals have special knowledge or traits prior to exploiting an opportunity or is the

process of exploiting the opportunity what makes these individuals unique? In other words

these special traits of these special individuals are a result from the experience of exploiting

an opportunity.

Assumption Three Entrepreneurs Bear Uncertainty

The third assumption of this Theory is that uncertainty and not risk is a necessary condition

for entrepreneurship. Just as assumptions one and two in the individual/opportunity nexus

relied on conditions of risk, assumptions one and two in the creative Theory rely on

assumptions of uncertainty. While many theoreticians have confounded the differences

between risk and uncertainty (Shane 2003, p7), there are significant differences which yield

significantly different outcomes (Knight, 1921; Alvarez and Barney 2005). In order to

understand the differences between these two conditions it is important to define each term1.

1 Ambiguity exists between risk and uncertainty and is defined as Ambiguity is closely related to risk. A decision making situation is defined as ambiguous if the possible outcomes are known, but the ex ante probabilities for each of these outcomes is not known (Dequech, 1999). In the die example, decision making by

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Risk and Uncertainty


A decision-making situation is defined as risky when two conditions exist: first,

when all possible future outcomes of a decision are known at the time a decision is made and,

second, when the probability of each of these outcomes are also known at the time a decision

is made (Wald, 1950). The outcomes of these decisions are governed by well defined

probability distributions. A well defined probability distribution has three characteristics

(Triola, 2003): (1) all possible future outcomes are known before a decision is made, (2) the

probability of any one of these outcomes occurring is less than or equal to one, but greater

than zero, and (3) the probability of all these outcomes occurring sums to one.

For example in the case of rolling a die, it is known that there are six sides to the die

and that with a balanced and fair die, each of the six faces has an equal chance of occurring.

Each side of the die is a known possible outcome of rolling the die, each outcome has a

known probability (1/6) that is less than or equal to one but greater than zero, and the

probability of any of these outcomes occurring sums to one. Decision making by rolling a

die is thus risky in the sense defined here.

rolling a die would be ambiguous when it was known, ex ante, that the die had six sides, but it is not known whether or not the die is unbalanced, and if it is, how it is unbalanced. An ambiguous decision making setting existed in the competition between Sony Beta and the Matsushita VHS formats for home video tape players. Before this competition unfolded, it was reasonably clear that either the Beta format or the VHS format would end up dominating this market. However, ex ante, which of these formats would emerge as the “winner” was not obvious. Indeed, since Sony and Matsushita executed very different strategies in this market - Sony focused on video quality while Matsushita focused on licensing their standard broadly (Abernathy and Utterback, 1978) - it was clear that these two firms each had very different expectations about the likely outcome of this competition. Of course, after this competition played out, it was possible to explain why the wining technology – VHS - was certain to win. However, while such ex post explanations of decision outcomes are always possible, a decision making situation is ambiguous if, ex ante, the probability associated with known outcomes is not known.

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Most economic and finance models of business decision making are applicable to

risky decisions (Cyert and DeGroot, 1987; Brealey and Meyers, 1988). For example, to

calculate the present value of a new investment, both the possible outcomes associated with

this investment and the probability of these outcomes must be known. These concepts find

their analogues in the net cash flow an investment is expected to generate (i.e., possible

investment outcomes) and the discount rate applied to that projected net cash flow (i.e., the

likelihood that this outcome will occur).


Finally, decision making settings are uncertain when the possible outcomes of a

decision and the probability of those outcomes, are not known, ex ante (Knight, 1921). In

these situations, decision makers are often ignorant of their ignorance of possible future

outcomes (Shackle, 1972; 1979). Continuing with the example of decision making by rolling

a die, these decisions would be uncertain if the number of sides on the die - is it 2, or 6, or 8,

or an infinite number of sides - and the balance of the die are not known, ex ante. Indeed, in

conditions of uncertainty, decision makers may not even know for sure that they are playing

with dice and not with a deck of cards.

Research investments in the drug Viagra turned out to be uncertain. Pfizer originally

invested in Viagra as a cardiovascular drug. This investment decision was based on Pfizer’s

knowledge about its mechanism of action. Unfortunately, Viagra did not have the

cardiovascular effects that Pfizer expected. However, during its evaluation, Pfizer became

aware that Viagra had some wholly unexpected side effects - it had the potential for treating

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male impotency.2 This possible outcome of Viagra research was not known at the time the

decision to invest in this drug was made. Certainly, the probability that Viagra might turn out

to be a blockbuster drug could not be known when Pfizer was examining its efficacy as a

cardiovascular drug.

Under conditions of uncertainty, decisions are not governed by well defined

probability distributions: while the probability of these decision outcomes, by definition, are

between zero and one, inclusive, all possible future outcomes of this decision are not known,

ex ante, and thus it is not known if the probability of all these outcomes occurring sums to

one (Shackle, 1949).

How are these assumptions related?

The creative Theory explains entrepreneurship by considering how economic actors

coordinate resources under conditions of uncertainty. In the discovery Theory similar to neo-

classical theory, all relevant information about technologies, demand, and other determinants

of market competition are known to be available, but may be costly to produce. In the

creative Theory the actions that need to be taken to exploit opportunities are not knowable, a

priori, and must be discovered over time through efforts to exploit these imperfections

(Hayek, 1948; Mises, 1949). However, the act of learning what actions need to be taken to

exploit a potential market imperfection often have the effect of changing the very economic

actor that is pursuing the potential opportunity and perhaps even changing the very nature of

the opportunity.

Clearly, the Creation Theory assumes that the decisions made by entrepreneurs are

usually uncertain, although they can sometimes be ambiguous. In the emergent search

process assumed by the Creation Theory, the end cannot be known from the beginning.

2 While doing early studies on Viagra different study sites reported that the drug did not have the heart benefits

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Possible outcomes of a stream of decisions can generally not be known over time, and even if

they can be known, the probability of obtaining these different outcomes cannot be


Are These Theories Contradictory or Complementary?

At first glance, it may seem that the two broad theories identified here—the Discovery

Theory and the Creation Theory—are contradictory. After all, these two theories adopt

radically different sets of assumptions. However, from another perspective, they are highly

complementary in nature. This complementarity reflects the fact that each can be applied to

the analysis of very different ways of attempting to create superior economic performance.

Both these approachs can be applied to the study of what might be called entrepreneurial

behaviour—although the specific nature of that behaviour appears to be quite different.

Rather than debating as to which of these theories constitutes the “real theory of

entrepreneurship,” a more reasonable approach seems to be to recognize the value, and the

limitations, of each of these theories, and to specify the conditions under which each should

be applied. More fundamentally, going forward, entrepreneurship scholars need to be clear

about which of these—or other—theories of entrepreneurship they are testing. The

assumptions these alternative theories make about the nature of opportunities, the nature of

entrepreneurs, and the nature of the decision making context within which entrepreneurs

operate may be a helpful framework to describe these theories, and avoid ambiguous

theoretical and empirical conclusions.

that had been hoped. One site however requested that they continued to receive the drug. When asked why, the

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Entrepreneurship Phenomena

The list of phenomena that entrepreneurship scholars study is large and varied and includes

the creation of new organizations (Gartner, 1985; Alvarez and Barney, 2005). However,

with few exceptions (Alvarez and Barney, 2005) most theory of the firm work has assumed

that opportunities are objective and their value is known ex-ante, economic agents are special

and able to exercise managerial fiat with few problems, and the conditions are those of risk

and not those of uncertainty. The second part of this paper takes two currently popular

theories of the firm - transactions cost economics and incomplete contracts theory- which

have the assumptions of the discovery Theory and examines these assumptions using the

creation Theory. Finally the paper addresses the issue of entrepreneurial rents and how the

conditions under which these rents are created might affect their potential appropriation.

What is a Firm?

Any theory of the firm must first deal with a difficult definitional problem—what is a

firm? A variety of definitions of the firm have been used in the literature. For example,

some have emphasized common goals as a defining characteristic of a firm (Thompson,

1967). Others have emphasized common cultural attributes as the defining characteristic of a

firm (Deal and Kennedy, 1982). Still others have used legal reporting requirements to define

a firm (Coleman, 1974).

The approach to defining a firm adopted in this paper builds on the notion that a firm

is a “nexus of contracts” (Alchian and Demsetz, 1972; Jensen and Meckling, 1976). These

site reported that the drug seemed to have the benefit of working on impotency.

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include contracts between people, around the use of tangible assets, compensation contracts,

implicit and explicit contracts, and so forth (Foss, 1996).

However, if firms are just “bundles of contracts,” then firms are no different than

markets or other forms of contracting. To avoid losing the firm as a distinctive theoretical

construct, it is necessary to specify the kinds of contracts that constitute a “firm” versus the

kinds of contracts that constitute a “non-firm.”

One approach to describing contracts that constitute a firm focuses on how residual

rights of control are defined in a contract (Grossman and Hart, 1987; Williamson, 1985;

Conner and Prahalad, 1996). Residual rights refer to all aspects of a contract that are not

otherwise specified in a contract, by custom, or by law. An important question in contracts

is: Who controls these residual rights, i.e., who makes decisions in an exchange about issues

that were not specified, ex ante? One definition of the firm suggests that a firm exists when

these residual rights are controlled by one party to an exchange to whom all other parties

defer when decisions that were not anticipated, ex ante, are made.

Interestingly, three separate theoretical traditions have adopted this approach to

defining a firm. Transactions cost economics has adopted this definition, although it assumes

that the only aspects of an exchange that are not specified, ex ante, through contracts, custom,

or by law have to do with sources of opportunism (Madhok, 2002). Incomplete contract

theory in economics also adopts this definition of a firm (Maskin and Tirole, 1999b), as do

some efforts by resource-based theorists to develop a resource-based theory of the firm

(Conner and Prahalad, 1996).

Ultimately, a definition of a concept is not “right or wrong,” it is either “fruitful or

unfruitful” (Merton, 1957). Fruitful definitions enable the development of theories with

testable implications. That this contractual definition of the firm has been found fruitful in

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three separate theoretical traditions, suggests that it has significant potential if it were more

broadly applied in management research.

Current Theories of the Firm

Questions about the scope and boundaries of the firm have interested scholars for the better

part of a century (Coase, 1937). While several “theories of the firm” (Holmstron and Tirole,

1989) have been proposed in the literature, two particular theories—transactions cost

economics and incomplete contracts theory—have come to dominate firm scope and

boundary discussions.

Transactions cost theories of the firm begin by recognizing that the completion of

many economic exchanges requires parties to that exchange to make transaction specific

investments, i.e., investments that have much more value in a particular exchange than they

do in alternative exchanges (Klein, Crawford, and Alchian, 1978). Once a party has made

such investments, they may be subject to any of a wide variety of opportunistic behaviors on

the part of those that have not made specific investments in that exchange (Williamson,

1985). The firm, in transactions cost economics, is a solution to this threat of opportunism.

By bringing an exchange within the boundaries of a firm, a third party (“the boss”) has the

ability to monitor parties to this exchange, to insure that they do not behave opportunistically.

Thus, in transactions cost economics, the essential purpose of a firm is to facilitate the use of

managerial fiat to solve opportunism problems associated with transaction specific

investments (Williamson, 1991).

Though similar to transactions cost logic is several ways, incomplete contracts theory

is, nevertheless, seen as a distinct theory of the firm in the literature (Hart, 1995). Building

on the notion that a firm is a nexus of contracts between factors of production (Jensen and

Meckling, 1976; Simon, 1947), incomplete contract theory suggests that a firm exists when

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one party to an exchange obtains the residual rights of control in that exchange. Residual

rights of control enables this party to make all decisions in this exchange that are not

otherwise specified by contract, by law, or by custom (Grossman and Hart, 1986).

Incomplete contract theory also identifies who in an exchange should have these residual

rights—the party in the exchange who has the most to gain from that exchange (Hart and

Moore, 1988). Thus, incomplete contract theory suggests that firms are created when the

person who has the most to gain from a particular exchange obtains the residual rights of

control associated with that exchange.

Both these theories of the firm have received substantial theoretical development in

the literature (Williamson 1975, 1985; Hart, 1995). However, while transactions cost

economics has received broad empirical support (Williamson and Masten, 1999), the

empirical implications of incomplete contract theory have yet to be as thoroughly examined

(Hart, 1995).

Despite the dominance of these two theoretical perspectives on theory of the firm

discussions, the central thesis of this paper is that an important boundary condition that

applies in both of these theories as they have been currently developed has not been fully

appreciated. That boundary condition is that these theories have so far only been applied

under conditions of risk, i.e., where the probability distribution of possible performance

outcomes associated with an exchange is known. In their current form, transactions cost

economics and incomplete contracts theory cannot be applied when this probability

distribution is not known—a condition defined as uncertainty (Knight, 1921). Moreover,

there is some reason to believe that uncertainty is a relatively common context within which

decisions about firm governance need to be made, especially by entrepreneurs looking to

create and exploit new and untested technological and market opportunities.

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Risk and Uncertainty

As suggested in the assumptions section of this paper there is a difference between risk and

uncertainty. Knight (1921) was the first scholar to recognize that some decisions about

investments are made under conditions of uncertainty. Moreover, he distinguished between

risky and uncertain decision making settings. Knight distinguished between risk and

uncertainty on the basis of whether or not the probability distribution of outcomes associated

with a decision is known or not before a decision is made. According to Knight (1921), a

decision making situation is risky when those making a decision know the probability

distribution of possible outcomes associated with that decision. A decision making situation

is uncertain when an individuals decision-making is based on their own expectations about

market imperfections rather than probability and statistical calculation from actual historical

data (Knight, 1921). Thus, while the specific outcome of a decision is not known in both

risky and uncertain situations, the distribution of possible outcomes is known under

conditions of risk3 but unknown under conditions of uncertainty.

Casual observation suggests that, far from being uncommon, early stage

entrepreneurial business decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty (Simon, 1947).

This is especially true for entrepreneurial decisions having to do with exploiting new and

untested technologies and new and unexplored market opportunities (Schumpeter, 1934)—

conditions in which at least some essential information about future events cannot be known

at the moment of the decision because this information does not exist and cannot be inferred

from any existing data set.

3 High risk may have wide variation around an uncertain mean.

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Uncertainty and Prior Theories of the Firm

Both transactions cost and incomplete contracts theories of the firm, as currently

developed in the literature, have limited implications for those looking to make decisions

about whether or not they should organize a firm under conditions of uncertainty. The

limitations of these two theories in this decision making context will be considered in turn.

Uncertainty and Transactions Cost Economics

Among others, Williamson (1991: 274) has argued that managerial “fiat is the

distinguishing feature of internal organization.” That is, the essential purpose of the firm is to

facilitate the use of managerial fiat to manage opportunism problems stemming from

transaction specific investments.

However, in order for the party exercising managerial fiat to do so in a way that will

be acceptable to parties to an exchange, this person must anticipate that the expected value of

these investments will actually receive a return that is above a certain threshold. That is, this

person must know the probability distribution of the value of each of the specific investments

parties to an exchange have made. Armed with this information, this person can decide what

level of return those investing in an exchange should obtain and whether or not they are

receiving their “fair return” for their investments. If someone is not receiving this fair return,

the person exercising managerial fiat can identify who in an exchange is behaving

opportunistically, and appropriate remedies can be implemented.

Notice that if the person who is supposed to exercise managerial fiat to manage an

exchange threatened by high levels of opportunism cannot do so in a way that parties to that

exchange will find acceptable, these parties will be very reluctant to make significant

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transaction specific investments (Klein, Crawford, and Alchian, 1978). Without such

investments, transactions cost theory suggests that hierarchical forms of governance will not

be required. Thus, current transactions cost theory suggests that when “the boss” cannot

engage in managerial fiat in ways that are acceptable to the parties in an exchange, firms will

not be necessary, and thus not created.

Of course, the very thing that a person needs to exercise managerial fiat in ways that

parties to an exchange will find acceptable—information about the distribution of the value

associated with specific investments that parties to an exchange have made—cannot be

known under conditions of uncertainty. That is, under uncertainty, managerial fiat is not a

credible solution to opportunism problems created by specific investments. Transactions cost

theory thus seems to suggest that under uncertainty, parties to exchanges will avoid specific

investments and firms will not be organized.

And yet, even casual observation suggests that transaction specific investments do

seem to be made under conditions of uncertainty, and firms do seem to be organized under

these conditions—by entrepreneurs and others seeking to exploit new and untested

technological and market opportunities. Therefore, in situations where firms are formed

around untested technologies or market opportunities, how are these organizing decisions

being made when those who are supposed to exercise managerial fiat to control the threat of

opportunism are unable to value the specific investments made by parties to that exchange?

One potential solution to this problem is that while managerial fiat cannot be

effectively exercised under conditions of uncertainty that these conditions are likely to evolve

over time. In particular, over time, as decision makers engage in experiments that evaluate

the relationship between their individual probability distributions and a market determined

probability distribution, uncertainty becomes replaced by risk, and under conditions of risk,

transactions cost arguments concerning governance apply (Alvarez and Barney, 2004).

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These are reasonable observations. However, it will often be the case that at least

some decisions about firm governance will have to be made before uncertainty evolves into

risk. In this pre-risk setting, extant transactions cost arguments provide limited guidance

concerning whether or not a firm should be created.

Uncertainty and Incomplete Contracts

Current formulations of incomplete contract theory face similar difficulties in the face

of uncertainty. One of the central propositions of this theory is that it is most efficient for

those parties to an exchange who have the most to gain from the exchange to have the

residual rights of control in that exchange. The individual who has the most to gain from the

residual rights has the greatest incentives to invest in this transaction in a way that maximizes

its total value (Grossman and Hart, 1986). Moreover, those who benefit less from specific

investments in an exchange will find it in their self interest to delegate residual rights of

control to those who have the most to gain from an exchange, for these individuals have the

strongest incentives to create the most value in an exchange. By assigning residual rights to

those who will most benefit from an exchange, all parties to that exchange will be benefited

when it is managed in a way that maximizes its value.

Of course, the information that is needed ex-ante to make a decision about who

should have residual rights of control—information about who will benefit the most from an

exchange—is not known under conditions of uncertainty. When parties to an exchange

cannot know who should control residual rights in that exchange, how can they know how to

organize a firm in this setting? And yet, as was observed earlier, decisions about firms—

including decisions about who should hold residual rights of control—are sometimes made

under conditions of uncertainty.

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One possible solution to this problem is to think of a firm as nothing more than an

institutional framework through which the identity of the most appropriate holder of residual

control rights can be identified over time. Thus, as parties to an exchange learn more about

the value of that exchange for themselves and each other, renegotiation can occur within the

firm until the most efficient form of governance is obtained. So, under uncertainty, parties

initially “guess” about who should have residual control rights, but over time, as uncertainty

evolves into risk, the identity of the person who should actually have those rights is revealed,

and contracts in the firm can be renegotiated appropriately.

This solution depends, of course, on the assumption that the cost of renegotiation in a

firm is low, at least lower then the cost of renegotiation in other forms of governance. This

may not be the case. For both economic and personal reasons, an individual granted residual

rights of control under uncertainty may be unwilling to relinquish those rights when that

uncertainty evolves into risk and it becomes apparent that someone else in this exchange

should have residual rights of control.

Residual rights of control often come with high levels of compensation that

individuals with these rights may not be willing to relinquish—even if the total value of an

exchange would be greater if someone else controlled these residual rights. In addition to this

compensation, social status is often attached to controlling residual rights in an exchange.

For these personal reasons, those with these rights may be unwilling to relinquish them, even

if doing so might create more total value in an exchange.

More subtly, what may be an arbitrary choice about who initially will have residual

rights of control under uncertainty can have a significant impact on who ultimately should

have these rights ex-post. Once a person obtains these residual rights, he/she can exercise

them in ways that affect the evolution of the value created in an exchange in a way that

insures that they will have the most to gain from an exchange once uncertainty evolves into

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risk. In this setting, parties to an exchange may be very reluctant to allocate residual rights of

control to a particular individual knowing that this decision may foreclose value creating

opportunities for them that may have otherwise existed. That is, this theory—again—predicts

that parties to an exchange will be very reluctant to organize a firm— where residual rights of

control are granted to a particular party— under conditions of uncertainty.

Organizing a Firm under Uncertainty

Thus, both transactions cost and incomplete contract theories of the firm as currently

constituted have limited implications for decisions about whether or not to organize a firm

under conditions of uncertainty. This would not be an important limitation of these theories

if uncertainty was not an important setting within which decisions about firm governance are


Behavioral Uncertainty and Market Uncertainty

The assertion that transactions cost economics has been applied primarily to decisions

about whether or not to use a firm to exploit risky market opportunities may seem ironic since

one of the most influential proponents of this theory places the concept of uncertainty at a

central position in the theory (Williamson, 1975; 1985). However, the uncertainty that is part

of transactions cost economics is not uncertainty about the economic value that exploiting an

opportunity may create. Rather, this uncertainty has to do with the inability to anticipate

whether or not an exchange partner will behave opportunistically, and all the different ways

that an exchange partner may behave opportunistically. While transactions cost theory

clearly incorporates what might be called behavioral uncertainty into its theoretical

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framework, it is less obvious that it incorporates uncertainty about the economic value that

might be created by investing in a market opportunity.

Indeed, some transactions cost theorists acknowledge that transactions cost theory

takes the economic gains from an exchange as given, and instead focuses on how hierarchical

and other forms of governance are used to allocate the gains from this exchange to parties to

that exchange (Riordan and Williamson, 1985: 366; Williamson, 1986: 81). While

entrepreneurs clearly must concern themselves with threats of opportunism in any exchanges

they engage in, they also face a prior uncertainty—uncertainty about the value these

exchanges create in the first place.

Introducing Market Uncertainty into Transactions Cost Economics

Of course, the reason that transactions cost economics cannot be used to analyze how

organizing a firm can create new economic value is that this theory is built entirely around

understanding how the firm helps resolve transactional problems associated with behavioral

uncertainty. The ability to create new economic value in an exchange depends on the

existence of what might be called “market uncertainty,” or the inability of parties to an

exchange to know the full future value of investments in that exchange, ex ante. Any theory

of the firm that examines how the creation of a firm might create new economic value must

focus on how the firm helps resolve transactional problems associated with high market


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Value Creation and Market Uncertainty

It is not hard to show that when there is no market uncertainty, it is unlikely for an

exchange to create new value (Barney, 1986). In such settings, the future value of any

current investments in an exchange are fully known, and parties to an exchange will receive

payments based on these expectations. In such exchanges, there are no “surprises,” either

positive or negative.

When market uncertainty is high, however, the actual value created from an exchange

may vary significantly from any value that might be anticipated at the time an investment is

made. If that value is greater then what was expected, at least some parties to an exchange

may receive payments for investing in that exchange greater then what they would otherwise

have expected. These payments are economic rents (Rumelt, 1987), and are an indication

that new value has been created in an exchange.

Of course, the value realized in an exchange characterized by high market uncertainty

may be lower than what was expected, in which case parties to an exchange may experience a

real economic loss. The existence of this possibility, together with the possibility of new

value creation in high market uncertainty settings, can create strong incentives for at least

some parties to an exchange characterized by high levels of market uncertainty to carefully

monitor and control that exchange, in ways that are discussed in more detail below.

Also, even though the creation of new economic value under conditions of high

market uncertainty cannot be fully anticipated at the time investments in an exchange are

made, it does not follow that any such value that is actually created represents only an

economic entity’s good luck (Barney, 1986). These issues will also be explored in more

detail later.

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Transactions Problems Under High Market Uncertainty

Just as conditions of high behavioral uncertainty can create transactional problems for

those looking to engage in economic exchanges, so too can high market uncertainty create

transactional problems for those looking to engage in economic exchanges under these

conditions. At least two such problems exist. Since at the time investments in these

exchanges are made, their future value is not fully known, the first important issue that must

be addressed in order for an exchange of this type to go forward is: “who in this exchange

will have the incentives to invest to create the potential for generating new economic value?”

Second, assuming these investments are made and turn out to be valuable, another important

question that must be resolved before this exchange goes forward is: “who will appropriate

any new economic value created from an exchange?”

The Creation Problem. Transactions cost theory takes the economic value that is to

be created from an exchange as given, and focuses only on how to realize this full value.

However, under conditions of high market uncertainty, the value created by an exchange is

not given, it must be created by investments that are made and nurtured by parties to an

exchange overt time.

Note that it is rarely the case that these investments to create new economic value are

made all at once. Rather, they typically require the systematic nurturing of investments over

time, as parties to an exchange monitor how the value in an exchange is evolving and

increase, decrease, or modify their investments in that exchange accordingly. In this sense,

the ability of an exchange under conditions of high market uncertainty to actually create

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economic value depends, at least in part, on the willingness and ability of parties to that

exchange to monitor and adjust their investments in this exchange over time.

It is in this sense that any value created in an exchange operating under conditions of

high market uncertainty does not necessarily have to be attributed entirely to an economic

entity’s good luck. While the full value of these investments cannot be known at the time

they are initially made, their value can become known over time. Moreover, the skillful

monitoring and nurturing of these investments can increase the chances that they will

generate new economic value.

The Appropriation Problem. Of course, parties to an exchange will be unwilling to

make and nurture these uncertain investments unless they can be assured of receiving some

payment from doing so. This payment would be drawn from any economic rents that an

investment in an exchange under these conditions might generate. And while the willingness

and ability of parties to this type of exchange to monitor and nurture an investment can

increase the chances that it will actually generate new economic value, such value is far from

certain. Thus, in addition to knowing how any new economic value created by an investment

would be appropriated, parties to an exchange will also want to know how any economic

losses associated with that exchange will be allocated before they would be willing to engage

in these kinds of transactions.


It is not hard to see that market contracts, and even most forms of intermediate market

contracts, will usually not solve these two transactional problems under conditions of high

market uncertainty. Both these types of contract fail because, under conditions of high

market uncertainty, it is not possible, ex ante, to specify the kinds of investments—including

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their nature, their timing, and how they will need to be adjusted over time—that will be

required to actually create value. And because the nature of these investments cannot be

known, ex ante, who should receive what level of compensation for investing in an uncertain

exchange can also not be known. That is that entrepreneurial rents that are created in these

firms may or may not be appropriable. Thus a discussion and distinction regarding rents and

their appropriability is needed.

Rents, Quasi-rents, and Entrepreneurial Rents


An economic rent can be defined in a number of economically equivalent ways.

However, the most general definition of an economic rent is a payment to a factor of

production in excess of that factor’s payment in its next best alternative use. Two types of

economic rents are particularly important in this paper: quasi-rents and entrepreneurial rents.


Quasi-rents are created when parties to an exchange make transaction specific investments,

and when the value created by those investments is either known with certainty or known

probabilistically. Suppose, for example that a particular exchange, without any transaction

specific investments, will create $10,000 in value, but with transaction specific investments,

it will create $17,000. The $7,000 difference is the quasi-rent created by transaction specific


Competition about who will appropriate this quasi-rent—the party who made the

specific investment that created this rent or some other parties – is what drives governance

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choices in transactions cost economics. That is, because parties to the exchange mentioned

above know that these specific investments created $7,000 worth of quasi-rents, they begin to

act opportunistically in an effort to appropriate more than their “fair share” of these rents. As

will be discussed in more detail later, controlling this threat of opportunism is the central

driving force behind governance choices in traditional transactions cost logic.

Entrepreneurial Rents

Entrepreneurial rents are also a type of rent. Entrepreneurial rents are created when

economic actors combine resources in new and different ways, and when the value of these

resource combinations are not known, ex ante (Rumelt, 1987).4 Once the value of an

entrepreneurial rent is determined ex-post in the market, it becomes a quasi-rent, and the

problems with appropriation described earlier begin. However, as we shall see, there are

important transactional issues in the creation of entrepreneurial rents that have yet to be

addressed in the transactions cost literature.

As was the case with quasi-rents, entrepreneurial rents are created when economic

actors make transaction specific investments. However, these investments are made before

the market value of these investments is known, either with certainty or probabilistically.

That is, these investments are made under conditions of Knightian uncertainty (Knight, 1921:

225), where there is “no valid basis of any kind for classifying instances to determine

probability from past experience or statistical calculation.”

4When an economic actor can create and appropriate economic rents without employing the resources of others, this act is called arbitrage. When the resources needed to create and appropriate a rent are controlled by multiple economic actors, the act of combining these resources is called entrepreneurship (Alvarez and Barney, 2004).

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Of course, most economic actors will not make specific investments of this type if

they do not have strongly held beliefs about the value of those investments going forward5.

That is, each of these economic actors may have a probability distribution about the return

associated with making an investment in their mind at the time they combine resources in

new ways6. However, these resources are combined before any market determination of the

value of these combinations is made—thus there is ex-ante uncertainty about the future value

of the resource combinations.

It is the uncertainty about whether or not these new resource combinations will yield

greater rents then applying these resources in alternative uses that distinguishes

entrepreneurial rents from quasi-rents. Once the value of specific investments is known—

even if only probabilistically—any value created by those investments takes the form of

quasi-rents. These quasi-rents generate the appropriation issues described earlier. One

empirical assertion from the creation Theory is that governance choices that solve

appropriation problems associated with quasi-rents will not always solve governance

problems associated with creating entrepreneurial rents.

Governance Problems

Notice that these problems exist with market and intermediate market contracts even

if there is no behavioral uncertainty associated with this exchange. Imagine, for example,

that two parties to an exchange have a history of cooperative relations, and thus that the threat

of opportunism in this exchange is quite low (Barney and Hansen, 1994). In this setting, it is

still difficult, if not impossible, to write a contract specifying who should make what kinds of

investments, and when, in an exchange characterized by high levels of market uncertainty.

5 See Busenitz and Barney (1997) for a description of entrepreneurial cognition.

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The answers to these questions are simply not known when an exchange of this type is first

being contemplated. And if such contractual details cannot be specified ex ante, then it is

also impossible to know what an appropriate allocation of any economic value or loss that

might be created should be.

Of course, it may very well be the case that a particular exchange is characterized by

both high market and high behavioral uncertainty. How governance choices will be made in

this setting will be discussed in more detail below.

Assuming that parties to an exchange under conditions of high market uncertainty

cannot anticipate all that must be anticipated if they are to write a market or intermediate

market contract to manage this exchange, what alternatives do they have? Obviously, these

parties can agree to write a contract that specifies those details of the relationship that can be

specified, and leaves the remaining details to be worked out over time. This contract could

also specify how these remaining details will be worked out, i.e., who will make the decision,

how the decisions will be implemented, and so forth.

Of course, such a contract is, at its heart, a firm. Recall the definition of a firm

discussed earlier in this paper: a contract that gives some people associated with an exchange

the right to monitor and control the behavior of other people associated with that exchange, as

long as those behaviors are not controlled by other contacts, by custom, or by law. Thus,

under conditions of high market uncertainty, parties to an exchange will prefer hierarchical

forms of governance to market or intermediate forms of governance, because hierarchical

governance enables parties to an exchange to monitor and adjust the investments in such

exchanges in ways that maximize the probability that this exchange will actually create value.

These hierarchical contracts can vary along several dimensions. Differences in these

contracts might suggest different kinds of firms. For example, some of these contracts might

6 Decision making in this scenario can be thought of as a Bayesian update model of decision making under

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not specify in very much detail the process through which decisions about how to invest in an

uncertain exchange over time should be made. The firms that are created by such contracts

will be managed in a very different way then firms that are based on contracts that detail

explicitly how investment decisions are going to be made. However, despite these

differences, both these contracts can be thought of as firms in the sense defined earlier.

Who Should Control Decision-Making in a Firm?

While firms may vary in the extent to which they specify who in an exchange has the

right to make and implement decisions about continuing investment in that exchange, some

obvious patterns are likely to emerge. For example, the costs of negotiating each and every

decision between two equally powerful parties in a firm can be very high. Moreover, these

costs can be high even if there is virtually no behavioral uncertainty in an exchange. Such

costs reflect the cost of collecting and analyzing information about how an investment is

evolving, and then agreeing about what this information means for decision-making. Even

well informed, non-opportunistic economic entities can legitimately disagree about the

implications of information that has been collected about the evolution of a transaction under

conditions of high market uncertainty. This is even more likely when different parties to an

exchange bring different resources to that exchange. To avoid these ongoing negotiation

costs, it would not be surprising for one party to an exchange accept more responsibility in

directing ongoing investment decisions then another party.

But which party to this type of exchange should adopt this role? Incomplete contracts

theory suggests that that party to an exchange who has more to gain if an uncertain

investment actually generates new economic value should have the responsibility for making

conditions of uncertainty.

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non-contractually specified decisions in a transaction (Hart and Moore, 1988). Not only does

this solution avoid serious negotiation costs, it also helps address the creation and

appropriation transactions problems identified with these uncertain exchanges earlier.

In particular, by giving the entity with the most to gain from an exchange residual

rights of control in that exchange, the party who has the strongest incentive to ensure that that

exchange actually generates value is also in the position to most completely influence how

investment decisions are made in that transaction. They are also in the best position to ensure

that they are able to appropriate the value they should appropriate if value is successfully


Incomplete contract theory is somewhat less clear about how to identify which parties

to an uncertain exchange stand to gain the most from that exchange (Maskin and Tirole,

1999a). Indeed, if the answer to this question could be known with great certainty, then it is

not clear how much market uncertainty actually exists in an exchange.

Recent work in strategic management can help resolve this dilemma. In particular,

while the resource-based Theory (Barney, 1991) cannot specify, with certainty, whether or

not a particular exchange characterized by high market uncertainty will create value, it can be

used to answer a related question: Which parties to such an exchange are more likely to

enjoy sustained competitive advantages should this uncertain exchange turn out to be

valuable? The party who would enjoy the largest sustained competitive advantage should a

uncertain investment turn out to be valuable would have the most to gain from insuring that

this investment’s potential value be realized. Thus, this logic suggests that residual decision

rights in a firm should be allocated to those entities that are most likely to gain and sustain

competitive advantages should this uncertain investment actually create value.

Resource-based logic also suggests the kinds of resources that are likely to generate

such sustained competitive advantages if they turn out to be valuable. These are the rare and

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costly to imitate resources described in Dierickx and Cool (1989) and Barney (1991), and

include socially complex, causally ambiguous, and path dependent resources and capabilities.

Those who control these kinds of resources in a firm should have residual decision rights in a


Of course, it may well be the case that more then one party to an exchange

characterized by high market uncertainty could possess these kinds of resources and

capabilities. In this setting, decision making power may have to be shared—despite the

attendant negotiation costs—at least until the relative value of these sets of resources and

capabilities in an particular exchange becomes better known.

The Governance Effects of Behavioral and Market Uncertainty

Of course, that market uncertainty can have an impact on governance choices does not

suggest that behavioral uncertainty is unimportant in making these choices. A more complete

model of governance must consider behavioral and market uncertainty simultaneously. A

simple framework for doing so is presented in Table One.

[Insert Table One About Here]

Most of the governance choices in Table One come directly out of either

opportunism-based transactions cost economics or the current analysis of governance choices

under high market uncertainty. For example, under conditions of low behavioral uncertainty

and low market uncertainty, both theories suggest that market forms of governance will be

preferred over hierarchical forms of governance. Market contracts are sufficient to protect

against potential problems with opportunism in this setting, and the extra expense of

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hierarchical governance to monitor and nurture an uncertain investment is unnecessary when

that investment is not uncertain.

Similar logic applies to exchanges that are characterized by high behavioral

uncertainty and low market uncertainty. While hierarchy is not required to manage an

investment of certain value over time, it is needed to solve potential opportunism problems.

In this situation, transactions cost economics is closer to the discovery theory and the logic

under conditions of market uncertainty are more closely related to creation theory. Both of

these theories predict that hierarchical governance will be preferred under conditions of high

behavioral uncertainty and high market uncertainty.

However, the two theories do make contradictory predictions under conditions of low

behavioral uncertainty and high market uncertainty. Opportunism-based transactions cost

economics and discovery theory suggest that, because of low behavioral uncertainty, market

contracts will be sufficient to manage an exchange. However, the analysis in this paper

suggests that the challenges associated with creating and appropriating value associated with

a transaction that is characterized by high market uncertainty and thus creation theory require

hierarchical governance.

The possibility that these two theories might make contradictory predictions in at least

one setting depends, of course, on the possibility that a given transaction can be both low in

behavioral uncertainty and high in market uncertainty. While the overall correlation between

these types of uncertainty is ultimately an empirical question, at the very least, it is possible

to point to examples of transactions that are characterized by low behavioral uncertainty and

high market uncertainty.

Consider, for example, starting a new business in Silicon Valley of the 1990’s. The

efficient reputational network in Silicon Valley during this time period has been described in

a variety of sources (Saxenian, 1996). As discussed originally by Klein, Crawford, and

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Alchian (1978), these kinds of networks create strong disincentives for individuals to behave

opportunistically, for to do so reduces the likelihood that an individual will be invited to join

in future economic enterprises. Thus, the level of behavioral uncertainty in this setting is

quite low. However, because starting a new business is a very uncertain enterprise, the level

of market uncertainty in exchanges associated with starting this business is very high. This is

precisely the situation identified in Table One where the two theories make contradictory


It is interesting to note that, in this specific Silicon Valley context, most efforts to

create new businesses were organized through the creation of firms, despite the relatively low

levels of behavioral uncertainty in this setting. While an interesting anecdote, these

observations hardly constitute a rigorous test of these two theories. They do suggest,

however, that behavioral uncertainty and market uncertainty need not always move together,

and thus that the contradictory predictions of these two theories can, in principle, be


Of course, any real tests of the empirical implications of these two theories will have

to incorporate complexities stemming from adding intermediate forms of governance to the

governance choices that are available to those looking to manage an economic exchange. Put

differently, Table One adopts the simple markets versus hierarchies distinction originally

developed by Williamson (1975).

Differences in Theoretical Predictions

The arguments suggested in this paper conclude that while entrepreneurial firms may

exist under both discovery theory and creation theory the core purpose of these firms is

different. Both discovery and creation firms are institutional frameworks that are created to

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solve specific transaction difficulties. The transaction difficulties that discovery firms are

designed to address are the threat of opportunism due to transaction specific investment

(Williamson, 1985) and contractual incompleteness (Grossman and Hart, 1986). Discovery

theory similar to transactions cost economics and incomplete contract theory take the value of

an exchange as given, and then seek to organize these exchanges in the most efficient manner


In the creation setting, it is this value of the exchange that is not known, and this

uncertainty is the primary transaction difficulty that must be addressed. It is thus not

surprising that theories of how to organize a firm that take the value of exchanges as given

and examine the implications of other transaction hazards have little to say about exchanges

with uncertain value outcomes in the first place.


In an important sense, the Discovery and Creation Theories of entrepreneurial action

contradict each other. That is, if the conditions of the Discovery Theory hold, then the

conditions of the Creation Theory cannot hold, and vice versa. In a particular empirical

setting, it would be unusual if the assumptions of both theories existed simultaneously for

long periods of time.

This observation has important implications for theory development in the field of

entrepreneurship. In their efforts to be inclusive, some entrepreneurship scholars have

adopted assumptions from the Discovery Theory and have tried to integrate them with

assumptions from the Creation Theory. The argument in this paper suggests that such efforts

are unlikely to be successful in pushing theory development in the field.

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On the other hand, that a situation is consistent with one of the theories at one point in

time does not mean that it cannot be consistent with the other theory at another point in time.

For example, it has already been suggested that an entrepreneur may begin their activities in

conditions consistent with the Creation Theory such as conditions of uncertainty where

individuals are learning from their pursuit of an opportunity but, over time, as more

information is collected about possible opportunities, these conditions may evolve to be more

consistent with the Discovery Theory such as when the uncertainty evolves into risk and the

opportunity becomes more objective. This evolution could go the other way as well: A

Discovery Theory situation could easily evolve into a Creation Theory situation. Such as

found in the situation with the drug Viagra. The drug company in this case thought that it

was pursuing a heart medication drug when it discovered that it really had a drug that was

effective with impotency.

The analysis in this paper suggests that entrepreneurs in these different settings will

behave differently—for example, in Discovery settings, they will put together plans that

actually guide their business decisions, while in Creation settings, they will constantly be

adjusting the fundamental assumptions of those plans. However, thus far, this analysis has

had little to say about the period of transition between these two conditions. During these

periods of time, it may well be the case that both conditions will hold to some degree, even

though they are fundamentally contradictory.

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Table One

Governance Choices

When Behavioral Uncertainty and Market Uncertainty Can Both Vary

Behavioral Uncertainty Low High Low Markets Firms Market Uncertainty High TCE =Markets Firms Creation = Firms

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