Aagw2010 June 09 Nadia Manning Thomas Aagw Overview


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  • 8/9/2019 Aagw2010 June 09 Nadia Manning Thomas Aagw Overview


    ~Overview~Africa Agriculture GIS Week 2010

    Navigating the change:Taking a closer look at the role of

    spatial information and analysis insupporting improved agricultural

    research and development

    Africa Agriculture GIS Week 20108 12 June ILRI Campus, Nairobi

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    What is this all about?

    Objectives Share experiences in using GIS for agricultural development Encourage sharing and learning from each others good practices Provide staff from different organisations with the opportunity to create networks for

    future collaboration

    Provide an environment to develop ideas on new initiatives Present the AgCommons service bureau

    Background The Consortium for Spatial Information (CSI) of the Consultative group on International

    Agricultural Research (CGIAR), the HarvestChoice program , and the AgriculturalGeoSpatial Commons (AgCommons) program are jointly organising the 2nd AfricaAgricultural Geospatial Week.

    The scope has been broadened to become a GIS ShareFair , a market place includingexhibitors, training sessions, thematic workshop in addition to presentation sessions andthe third edition of WhereCamp Africa.

    The Africa Agricultural Geospatial Week 2010 is an opportunity to share ideas andknowledge on Geospatial Information Services for agricultural development.

  • 8/9/2019 Aagw2010 June 09 Nadia Manning Thomas Aagw Overview


    ProgramDay: Tuesday 8 th June Wednesday 9 th June Thursday 10 th June Friday 11 th June Saturday 12 th June

    Theme: Business as UNusual! Understanding our own location Charting unknown waters! Training day WhereCamp/BarCamp Africa

    Schedule: Start at 9:00 a.mEnd at 5:00 p.m

    Start at 9:00 a.mEnd at 5:30 p.mCocktail reception

    Start at 9:00 a.mEnd at 5:30p.m

    Start at 9:00 amEnd at 5:00 pm

    Start at 8:30End at 19:00

    Summary ofactivities:

    - AM: (Closed) Businessmeeting

    - PM: AGCommonsWorkshop

    - Presentations- Launch of platform

    - Opening speeches- Presentations- Question and Answers and

    Discussion- Synthesis exercise

    - Keynote speeches- Cluster working groups for

    presentations anddiscussions

    - Workshopping

    - T raining sessions - o pen discussion on locationintelligence related themes.Sessions to be defined byparticipants.

    Participants a.m-CSI reps only

    p.m- All participants

    CSI reps presenting; otherparticipants

    Presentation by proposal submitters;other participants

    All participants, but need toregister for specific trainingsessions

    All registered participants forWhereCamp/BarCamp

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    Show me your Where

    GIS Marketplace During breaks

    In the tents outside

  • 8/9/2019 Aagw2010 June 09 Nadia Manning Thomas Aagw Overview


    New CGIAR and Megaprograms CGIAR is undergoing a change management process

    Change in structure of research areas Increased focus on partnerships

    Research programs divided into 7 megaprograms:

    MP1: Integrated agriculture systems for the poor and vulnerable MP2: Policies, institutions, and markets for enabling agricultural

    incomes for the poor MP3: Sustainable staple food productivity increase for global

    food security

    MP4: Agriculture, nutrition and health MP5: Water, soils and ecosystems MP6: Forests and Trees MP7: Climate Change

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    Wednesday- CSI Presentations

    Spatial expert representative from (almost)each Centre of the CGIAR to present theirwork and ideas

    Format focused on how spatial analysis andinformation can be used to address the keyresearch activities identified

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    Attention, attention-read all about it!

    Presentations to focus onthree key areas of work,service, or tools which aparticular CSI representativefeels that theirCentre/department has made

    real strides and achievementsinthree top newspaperfront page stories!

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    Sell yourself!

    What is it that yourGIS/Spatial unit (orself) could sell as aservice to Mega-programs and Cross-cutting platforms?---

    show us youradvertisement!

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    Centre page beauties!

    What do you think GISlabs and Spatialinformation

    departments will/couldlook like in the future?How will they change?What are yourpredictions? Are thereany trends that we seecoming?

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    Opportunity Map! Listen to the group of presentations on spatial

    analysis and information from CGIAR centres On cards provided, write down key spatial

    services, methods, approaches or informationthat strikes you from the presentations.

    Consider the key areas of agricultural research fordevelopment (Megaprograms) and also need forshared services

    We will map out where particular services,approaches and information could/should beused

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    GIS targetingmethods MP1 MP2 MP3

    MP4 MP5 MP6


    Monitoring landcover

  • 8/9/2019 Aagw2010 June 09 Nadia Manning Thomas Aagw Overview


    Thursday-Looking at what others aredoing

    Cluster groups-visit two clusters 1. GIS and RS for enhancing food security 2. Mapping for decision support 3. Understanding the basics

    4. Location-based intelligence to enhance farmer knowledge Presentations and Discussion in cluster groups

    3-4 brief presentations in each cluster Discussions on what spatial analysis tools and information are key to

    addressing agricultural development issues

    Mapping Mapping the tools, approaches and information identified onto the 7

    megaprogram research areas (and shared services)

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    What we want to achieve Better understanding of what is happening and

    possible in spatial analysis and information Mapping of key spatial tools, methods, approaches and

    information that can be used to address and supportparticular areas of agricultural research and keyagricultural development issues

    Who can offer these services-both CGIAR as well asother collaborating partners

    Compiled in document and on website-to be sharedwith CGIAR change management, CGIAR Centres, andother partner organisations

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    PrizesFor: First time presenters

    (including students,young professionals)

    Most innovative idea Most innovative

    medium for delivery of the information

    Overall best

    How: Jury of senior, non-

    presenter individuals tonominate individuals foreach prize and decidewithin the jury

    Peoples choice - bowfor nominatingindividuals YOU feeldeserve prize of Overall


    What: Exciting prizesWhen: Judging during Wednesday

    and Thursday; Prize giving onThursday afternoon

    Who: All presenters,

    producers of posters andother sharing of knowledge

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    (Social) reporting Website: http://africaagricultureGISweek.org Presentations on Slide-share link from website Photographs on Flickr from websites

    Microblogging on Twitter http://twitter.com/AAGW_2010 Ictkm and AgCommons (look for tag #aagw10)

    Blog www.ictkm.cgiar.org www.agcommons.org

    Video clips

