AB 32.1



September Issue: Meet Your Steez-E-Board

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Volume 32 Issue 1


September 2011

Kamusta! Hello everyone! My name is Shea Salinas and I am the President of Barkada for the 2011-2012 academic year. For the past 32 years Barkada has been one of the major staples of Pilipino Culture here at Cal Poly Pomona, pro-viding a comfortable environment for students to learn about Pilipino traditions, heritage, and current issues. Promoting Pilipino culture has been and will always be Barkada’s main objective, and we stay true to that by having various workshops during Pilipino American heritage month in October and having our annual Pilipino American Culture Night (PACN): a full length production that is writ-ten, directed, and produced by all of our members. But Barkada has expanded its horizons which includes everything from beach days and socials to running SPORTSFEST, the biggest Pilipino sports tournament in southern California. Over the past 32 years, Barkada has evolved beyond the confines of a “club;” it is no longer an entity that only offers its members an opportunity to go to meetings or a few events, it has become so much more than that. For some, Barkada has become a home away from home, a shelter from the daily struggles of college life, and most importantly, people have come to consider it a second family which I can personally attest to. To the returning members, welcome back! We hope you had a great sum-mer, but it feels good to get everyone back together so we can all hang out at the API again. To the freshmen, welcome to college and I know it is cli-shea to say this but these are the best times of your life so make the most of it. And if there is anything you need; help with classes, want to know where the best places to eat are, or just want to hang out, don’t hesitate to hit us up. This is only the beginning of a great year and I hope your guys are ready for all the fun times ahead.

Sincerely,Shea Salinas

A Letter from the President

Major: Civil Engineering

Currently reading: I don’t really read any-thing for enjoyment. I did start re-reading The Great Gatsby, but I’ve long stopped since there isn’t enough time in the day.

Describe yourself in 3 words:simple, indecisive, logical

Musical taste: Hip-Hop and R&B. While I listen to all kinds of hip-hop, I particularly listen to the type that you can lounge and chill to like a lot of beats produced by J-Dilla. R&B wise? I’ll admit I usually listen to slow jams. Other than that, I’ll enjoy anything I can either dance or nod my head to.

TV: How I Met Your Mother, Naruto, Avatar: The Last Airbender

What makes me laugh: Sarcasm. If it’s inap-propriate yet still funny, I laugh. Oh, and memes - gotta laugh at memes.

On Barkada: Barkada is something you can’t just figure out right away simply because it goes deeper than that. We are a group of friends, but even more, we are a family. I was in Barkada my freshman year, but I wasn’t active. Man, that was a mistake since that year was so dead. But ever since my second year, going to school was actually something to look forward to. Why? Barkada.

Name: Dillon SanchezYear: 3rdHistorianRating: Stormtrooper

For the most part, you can probably recognize me since I’ll always be hauling my camera, but not just because I’m Historian; rather, photography is a hobby of mine. I try to hustle some money for it too because, let’s face it, in the words of the Joker, “If you’re good at something, never do it for free”.

Need a photo-shoot? Hit me up. Don’t need one? Hit me up. I am co-owner of ORI9INALNINE. When I’m bored or trying to distract myself from school or any other responsibilities, I’ll probably be on Tumblr. Do not follow my example.

All things aside, I’m usually the quietest, but I’m not unapproachable. It’s just that I prefer listening rather than talking. Hmm.. I wish I was an architect major. Let’s just say I didn’t know how not to be random in this section.

}Favorite Movies: 500 Days of Summer, Coach Carter, I Love You, Man, Forgetting Sarah Marshal, Kung Fu Hustle, Tears of the Sun, Fight Club, The Star Wars Saga

“You can’t design your life like a building. It doesn’t work that way. You just have to live it, and it will design itself.”

“If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”

Name: Rizza PiamonteYear: 3rdExternal AffairsRating: Malibu Black

On Barkada: Barkada has changed my life in every aspect, especially when I came in as a freshman. Being on executive board this year gives me an opportunity to not only give back, but to inspire incoming students and hope that their experience in Barkada will be one of the greatest college years they have ever had.

Major: Apparel Merchandise Management

Currently reading: Cat in the Hat

Musical taste: R&B, Hip Hop, and Acoustic

Describe yourself in 3 words:goofy, classy, “best dressed”

TV: the vampire diaries, dexterWhat makes me laugh: the barkada voice

Favorite Movies: a walk to remember, boyz in the hood, clueless

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends,(gotta get with my friends)Make it last forever friendship never ends,If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give,(You’ve got to give)Taking is too easy, but that’s the way it is.

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta Slam your body down and wind it all around?Slam your body down and wind it all around.Slam your body down and wind it all around.Slam your body down and zigazig

If you wanna be my lover!{

“Hope springs eternal.”

Me: I was sorted into Hufflepuff after believing I was in Ravenclaw for 10 years. I had a mild identity crisis but embraced it. Bryan and Jherray make fun of me now, but it’s okay! I’m still about 20 percent cooler than them. I’m snobby about film/TV, books, music, basketball. Actually, I have an opinion on everything but I tend to stay quiet. You can find me in the API reading a book or pretending I know how to do someone’s homework.

Randoms: I like big dogs, pancakes, berets, driving, the clicky sound old keyboards made, British things, and the oxford comma. If you have an accent, a raspy voice, or light eyes, I love you by default. I like singing and dancing. Ask me to perform if you ever need to laugh. I cry when I laugh. I think people are fascinating. I hate Comic Sans, and I generally dislike imperfection.

Challenge: Go to the special collections room in the library on the 4th floor, and ask for the Barkada archives. [Look for my mom, Edna Nabong. If you ever meet her say, “Oh I heard about you!” That flatters her. Trust me, you want to be on her good side.] Read Barkada’s history. Borrow a book from the library and tell me about it. People call me a lot of things. Hipster. Slacker. Nerd. Dreamer. Lyndy. But don’t listen to them. They’re all fruitcakes! Get to know me yourself!

Major: Communications (PR)Minor: Business Law...for now, haha.

Currently reading: Rereading The Perks of Being a Wallflower and reading Atlas Shrugged, just to say I did...and for a scholarship against Princeton kids. Bring it on nerds.

Describe yourself in 3 words:Curious. Creative. Competitive.

Musical taste: Everything. Yes, even country. If I don’t like a song, it’s not because of genre. But I find that I prefer feel-good music.TV: It’s Fall season! This year I’m following Glee, Storage Wars, Merlin, Two Broke Girls, My Little Pony (IT’S A GREAT SHOW OKAY)

What makes me laugh: puns, irony, hipsters (the “‘people change’ text on an unrelated picture” type of hipster, the ones who get tatoos of scalene triangles because isoceles went mainstream), Daily Grace, and Rizza Piamonte.

On Barkada: It wasn’t love at first sight. I went MIA and came back thanks to Aina and my ate. I learned to love myself and my culture a bit more...Oh and the people were nice too! They thought I was quirky when I was really just socially awkward. It was a new beginning, and it made me better. Huh, that was cheesy, wasn’t it?

Favorite Movies: Here’s a top 10 off the top of my head...Lion King, Moulin Rouge, Keith, Jeux D’Enfants, Almost Famous, Mean Girls, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 12 An-gry Men, Beauty and the Beast, Princess Bride

}Name: Emeline AlleneguiYear: 3rdPublic RelationsRating: Time Lord

On Barkada: Barkada is one of the reasons why I wanted to go to CPP. I’ve always loved Filipino Clubs & do-ing PACNs, & after watching a couple of their PACNs in high school, I was sold. After awhile I was in that phase where I just wanted to do everything, so I kept trying to leave, but whenever I was down or in trouble Barkada is where I could always turn to. I kept going MIA to try new things, but somehow I always ended with Barkada.

Major: Graphic Design

Currently reading: Tumblr

Musical taste: R&B, Hip Hop, Slow Jams, Acoustics

Describe yourself in 3 words:Artistic, Broke, Eclectic

TV: Pretty Little Liars, Saved by the Bell, Victorious, Bleach, Inu Yasha, Prince of Tennis, more anime... What makes me laugh: Rizza Piamonte & Danielle De Los Reyes . . . & sometimes Edward Santos &&& especially when the boys have BOYZ TIME (jk =P)

Favorite Movies: POCAHONTAS! TANGLED! Good Luck Chuck, Friends with Benefits, A Walk to Remember, Ever After, IP Man, Rush Hour 1-3, Sorority Wars

I’m a tall, thick pinay chick (hey that rhymed!) LOL. I love to sing, dance, do origami, hangout with my bubblebutt named Edward Santos, & eat. I am the pickiest eater in the world. Chocolate & French Fries are my food addictions. i <3 eating sushi & Korean BBQ!!! YUM!!! I love meeting new people & learning new things. It’s hard for me to stay in one place because I just always want to do everything!!

um. . . my dance credits include Jay Chris Movement Project, Infinite PAS-Abilities, Mavyn Entertainment, April Rodriguez Agapay Project, Cul-ture Shock LA, Project 62Sick, Beat Jerkeez, Main Ingredient, Paul James Project, Reality Check, Project PB&J. My dance idols are Gigi Torres, Lyle Beniga, Andye Jamieson, Rie Hata, Ricky Cole, Audrey Benson, Paul Ross, etc. etc. But the one dancer I look up to most is KEVIN HSU (he’s so frikin dope, ask him to do the reject LOL) I work for Stylz Dance Studio & Boo-giezone as a Graphic Designer. I represent the Other Duck Clothing Line.

I live at the Bat Cave with all guys. 4 of them are sexy single & ready to mingle. 2 of those 4 are in Barkada. . . Errol Romulo & Karl Flores. I sepa-rate my periods now . . . because I want to be cool like my stupid bubble-butt. I love doing my nails, hair, & makeup when I have time. I think Eme-line Allenegui is the sexiest woman alive because she’s going to read this & be like “ewww wtf ’

“Keep moving forward”

Name: Nicole “NJ” CalinawanYear: 5thBEC CoordinatorRating: Penguin


Major: Graphic Design

“Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed.” - Elle Woods

I’m addicted to Starbucks and frozen yogurt. If you want me to love you, feed me. :D I love the Lakers. I’m obsessed with Hello Kitty. I’m the Sisterhood Chair of my sorority, Chi Omega. I am also a campus tour guide: if you ever see me walking around giving a tour, please feel free to say hi! :)

Major: Communications (PR)Minor: International Business MarketingManagement

Currently reading: I haven’t read anything good since Harry Potter. </3 Give me suggestions! :)

Describe yourself in 3 words:Fun, talkative, outgoing.

Musical taste: Hip hop and R&B, some pop music

TV: Digimon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, That ‘70s Show, Psych, Greek

What makes me laugh: Acting weird with friends :D

On Barkada: Barkada is fun. :) I’ve had the best times and the best laughs with these people. Barkada has truly changed my life!

Favorite Movies: Mean Girls, She’s the Man, Legally Blonde, The Devil Wears Prada, High School Musical

Name: Aina AbadYear: 3rdASI MCC RepresentativeRating: Slytherin


I love food and I love to eat. I like meeting down to earth people. I may not be the most outgoing person, but I am most definitely not trying to be unapproachable. So don't be afraid to say hello! I'm really excited for the year!

Major: Accounting

Currently reading: A take-out menu

Describe yourself in 3 words:Trustworthy, laidback, hungry

Musical taste: Anything with ridiculous and funny lyrics

TV: How I Met Your Mother (!), Community, Man V. Food, Parks and Recreation, The Office, Modern Family, Iron Chef America

What makes me laugh: Pop culture ref-erences and inadvertent physical comedy

On Barkada: Barkada is good people!

Favorite Movies: Hot Tub Time Ma-chine, Step Brothers, Anchorman, Hot Rod, Semi-Pro, Forgetting Sarah Mar-shall, Get Him to the Greek, Inception

“I steal yo’ honey like I stole yo’ bike.”

Name: Andrew YeoYear: 4thTreasurerRating: Pilgrim


“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” - Douglas Adams

On Barkada: Barkada is more than just a group of friends or even a family to me now. Barkada is a way of life. It’s something you can’t really describe unless you’ve been through it. Unless you’ve been through Friendship Games, Sportsfest, PACN, etc. It all makes you want to keep going, in every aspect of your life. Barkada will never let you give up. Barkada will always push you forward. Barkada will forever change your life.

Major: Business Administration - CIS

Currently reading: Not a huge fan of reading, so currently nothing

Musical taste: I’m open to listen to basically anything. Except country...Can’t seem to every really like anything country haha. I listen to rap, hip hop, trance, alternative, rock, 80’s music, etc. I’ll give anything a listen if someone says it’s good.

Describe yourself in 3 words:Down to Earth

TV: Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, Chopped, Burn Notice, The Big Bang Theory

What makes me laugh: The most random things can make me laugh, so I can’t really say for sure what does haha

Favorite Movies: Inception, Driven, Bad Boys 1&2, The Boon-dock Saints, The Lord of the Rings. This list goes on and on haha

My first name is a mix of my mom’s dad and brother’s names, Jeff and Ray, with an H thrown in there because she was trying to be creative. I love playing/watching basketball and football. I just recently started watching soccer and love it. Can’t play though lol. I feel like I’m really outgoing. I’m really competitive. Thanks to my girlfriend, I’m just recently discovering the wonders of coffee. I love writing. I used to be a “professional” gamer in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. I didn’t win any money, but I did play in tournaments with an actual team that went out and tried to get sponsor-ships, etc. Aaaaand reading that over, it sounds reeally geeky haha. Oh well! I only play for fun now :P I want to learn how to cook. I want to learn how to dance. I go through word phases. I feel like I’m really chill so say hello!

Name: Jherray BabidaYear: 2ndSecretaryRating: Creator of Boyz Time


Name: Bryan AgahanYear: 3rdSports ChairRating: Alchemist

Major: International Business

Currently reading: The Hunger Games

Describe yourself in 3 words:Easygoing. Fun-sized. Gryffindor.

Musical taste: I have a wide variety of taste when it comes to music from hip hop to house, to dubstep and oldies, I like it all :)

TV: Praying that the NBA Lockout will end, a bunch of animes new and old like Naruto and Initial D. HIMYM, Chuck, and re-runs of the classics like Boy Meets World and Fresh Prince!

What makes me laugh: Doesn’t take much to make me laugh. I’m just an easy-going guy that loves to laugh. Things at the top of my head... tumblr, memes, Rizza, Boys Time, Rule no. 4, puns, hipsters (yeah you, Emeline), the word “sphincter,” and I dont know! haha

On Barkada: Without Barkada I really don’t know where I would be. You guys are my home away from home and a place that I can truly be myself. You’ve given me so much, now its my turn to give back.

Favorite Movies: 10 Things I Hate About You, Anchorman, A Knights Tale, , Rata-touille, and A Walk to Remember (dont even get me started) to name a few :D

“...and sometimes you just have to forget everything else and just go for it.”

My last name in Tagalog means breakfast. I collect shoes, its just a passion of mine Dunks, Jays, and Kobes. I love to sing even though I can’t sing well. I can play the ukulele and piano. I recently bought a long board and will get better. I have a Honda Civic that I love and named Chachimus Prime because of the dancer and the Autobot logo I put on it. I work at the Starbucks on campus. Taro flavored boba, ice cream and yogurt is the best. I don’t think I’ll ever be too old for video games and anime. Not going to lie im a bit shy at first, but once you get me talking I won’t shut up ;D. If you see my laptop I’ll always have tabs open for facebook and tumblr...ALWAYS. I think wigs are creepy McDonald’s Sweet Tea with 2 coffee creamers is the great-est invention ever. My dream is to one day visit London and Japan (study abroad perhaps?). I LOVE KINA GRANNIS with all my heart! I’m going to meet her one day, and it will be the best day of my life! Supposed-ly I can booty pop well... and my heart says Gryffindor but other sources tell me other wise! Want to know more? Then talk to me :)

}“That’s what she said.”

Name: Carl GallardoYear: 3rdSocial ChairRating: SHAMU

“That’s what she said.”

What up! So a little about my background, I was born and raised in San Diego. SD, Padres, Chargers forever. I love the city, but I felt it was time to move on to a different life when I came here to Cal Poly Pomona. After a year here I joined Barkada as an active member. Go-ing to events, not studying during study sessions, hanging out in the API was dope. I love to dance for fun, take a class, teach me choreo, dance to any music. People don’t usually like driving in cars with me cause I always take my hands off the wheel and go crazy to the music playing LOL. I like to think I’m a pretty chill guy, if you want a good laugh I hope to be able to bring that to you, or you can just laugh at me....Either/or. YEAH BARKADA

}Major: Mechanical Engineering

Currently reading: I don’t read

Describe yourself in 3 words:fun ass guy

Musical taste: classical music, hip hop, rap, some house here and there. what-ever’s good that people show me

TV: How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Fresh Prince, Charger Games

What makes me laugh: everything

On Barkada: As cliche and corny as it is Barkada is what keeps me going here at Cal Poly. It kept me here in Pomona. If it wasn’t for Barkada I would’ve been back in San Diego doing nothing. AND BARKADA IS DOPE.

Favorite Movies: “I Love You, Man”

Name: Luigi CavaYear: 3rdCulture ChairRating: Party! Party!

“Everything happens for a reason.”

I was born and raised in the Philippines. After I graduated in High School, my family was lucky to have a chance to live here in the United States of America. Well, I’m just be-ginning my social life this year, so this year is an exciting year for me since I’m gaining more social experiences than before. I’m a Pilipino by heart so expect all the things a regular Pilipino does. I’m an outdoor per-son, I’ll be crazy if I just stayed at home. I love free stuff and sale/clearance items. I’m not a fan of watching sports but at least I have small amount of knowledge on most of them. I like conversations about different stories and prefer doing it in my spare time but if it is not possible, hulu/youtube/fili-pinochannel is my back-up. I missed play-ing Pilipino games and bonding with my friends back in the Philippines. I like watch-ing tagalog movies, comedy shows, tagalog shows, food-themed shows, and I don’t like horror/thriller/suspense. I can laugh and be happy easily. I value simple things,(from thank you’s to small remembrance) . I enjoy the beauty of nature and enjoy exploring new places.(like a tourist) I experienced a lot since I moved here in California and became part of Barkada! I believe in des-tiny, and anything that happens has a reason behind it. “Ask me a math question, I’ll solve it. Ask me to write an essay, I’ll run away.” (I hate English!!!) I have an interest in singing and like to sing, but singing doesn’t like me. (I don’t know why?) so I don’t have a talent to show. Lastly, I’m enjoying this new kind of experience and looking forward for more!

Major: Electrical Engineering Currently reading: PACN script! and ECE books

Describe yourself in 3 words:simple, practical, PilipinoMusical taste: OPM, POP, some-

thing that can make me danceand not fall into sleep

TV: Chuck, 100 Days to Heaven, Master Chef, Food Network shows

What makes me laugh: jokes, weird funny photos, cheesy pick-up lines, stand-up comedies of gay Pilipino comedians

On Barkada: ABarkada is the group where I experienced a lot for my first time. It is a place where in I found friends who are not my classmates. We talked about other stuff instead of homework and class lessons. Barkada is a Filipino club where a lot of people rarely speak Tagalog, which for me is Ironic XD Barkada is a new addition to my life and if I didn’t find Barkada, my life will still be boring and just house-school-house cycle. Barkada is very open and welcomes you with open arms :)

Favorite Movies: Tagalog: My Am-nesia Girl, My Big Love, Forever and a Day English: Toy Story 3, Wall-E, High School Musical 1 and 3 {

Name: Danielle Delos ReyesYear: 4thAcademics ChairRating: Disney

“When you’ve hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up”

On Barkada: Barkada is a home away from home. My second family. My favorite place to escape from school. Barkada is the coolest club on campus. Yeah, I said it.

Major: Animal Science/Pre-Veterinarian


TV: Pretty Little Liars, Grey’s Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, RuPaul’s Drag Race

What Makes Me Laugh: men in speedos, obvious hair extensions, lip liner

Musical Taste: Everything...except the Beatles. Yeah, I went there.

Describe yourself in 3 words:bubbly, loud, gangster

Favorite Movies: Forgetting Sarah Marchall, Aladdin

I love all things Disney. I ride a short board while everyone rides a long board. I love watch-ing basketball. I’ve stuck my hand inside of a cow’s stomach. I was a double dutch champion when I was in elementary school. I know the lyr-ics to every NSYNC song ever existed. Seals are my favorite animal(s). I can quote all of Mean Girls. I have the hottest family ever--Baylon line. My friend boy Ben is AWESOME. I can out pick-up line you. I can quote Spongebob episodes too. I may be loud and crazy, but I’m a great friend once you get to know me. YAY!


Name: Kevin HsuYear: 5thVice PresidentRating: Super Saiyan

On Barkada: Barkada isn’t just a club. It’s a way of life. Barkada isn’t just a group of friends. It’s a family

Major: Management Human Resources

Currently Reading: Fairy Tail

TV: Fresh Prince, Hey Arnold, Avatar the Last Air-bender, Dragonball Z Kai. That Nicktoons channel is the greatest idea ever.

What Makes Me Laugh: Anything Rizza or Danielle say or do. LAV JOO <3

Musical Taste: My favorite groups of all time: Wu-Tang Clan and Backstreet Boys.

Describe yourself in 3 words:Poseidon’s son and a Level 30 Vanguard. Demi-Gods and Commander Shepard get more than 3 words.

Favorite Movies: So many. But stand outs are Kick-Ass, The Dark Knight, Fight Club, Ip Man and Mulan.

Shea is a liar. Max level in Mass Effect 2 is 30, beetch.{

“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together,

justifying what could’ve, would’ve hap-pened... or you can just leave the pieces

on the floor and move the fuck on.”

I’m a simple guy so there’s not much to say. I was really white washed in high school and now I’m the president of a fili-pino club, kind of ironic huh?

I like being outdoors and playing sports like football and basketball but i’m never against staying in and playing video games all day, even more irony. My favorite word to say is “counterproductive” but i’ve always followed the notion “put your nose to the grind-stone and do your work”....I’m starting to see a trend.

I’m a big fan of the UFC/MMA, one of my favorite pastimes is just sitting around with my friends and talk-ing about anything, and if it weren’t for Barkada, my life would be completely and ut-terly boring and pointless.

I’m really a nice guy, I have the Barkada award to prove it, so feel free to talk to me/get to know me because I want to get to know you!

“Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic.”

{Name: Shea SalinasYear: 4thPresidentRating: Level 32 Infiltrator

Major: Mechanical Engineering Currently reading: Mass Effect 2 Strat-egy Guide

Describe yourself in 3 words:H.A.M

Musical taste: anything that sounds good, I’m not picky when it comes to music

TV: Futurama, Hardcore Pawn, Super-natural

What makes me laugh: usually the dumb-est, most immature, inappropriate things

On Barkada: Barkada isn’t like anything else you experience in college. You don’t have to act a certain way, dress a certain way, or be “cool”. All that Barkada and the people in it ask of you is for you to be yourself and that’s why I truly believe Barkada is for everyone. Because like any other family we love you for who you are

Favorite Movies: Space Jam, IP Man 1 & 2, Adjustment Bureau, Kick Ass, The Strangers
