About Plants By Meagan Bueter By Meagan Bueter. Parts of a plant The flower is the part of the plant...



Parts of a plant Roots are the part of the plant that holds the plant in the ground. The stem is the part of the plant that holds the plant up straight. Also is the water run way

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About Plants By Meagan Bueter By Meagan Bueter Parts of a plant The flower is the part of the plant that attracts insects. It also makes the seeds. The seed is the first part of a plant. Parts of a plant Roots are the part of the plant that holds the plant in the ground. The stem is the part of the plant that holds the plant up straight. Also is the water run way What a plant needs Plants need sunlight to grow well. If it does not have sunlight it will grow and then might stop growing. Plants also need air to grow. And if it doesn't it will sprout and die. What plants need Plants need warm moist soil to be a healthy plant. Because it could be a little moister so it can still live a little while longer. Plants need water to grow well. If you give it to much it can drowned. Roots Roots are the part of the plant that sucks up minerals out of the soil. And up to the flower. And suck up water. All plants have roots. Flower The flower has many parts like a pistil, stamen, anther, filament, petals, ovule, with embryo sac, sepal, receptacle, peduncle, stigma, style, and the ovary. The anther is the part of the flower that produces pollen. The flowers also make the seeds. Leaves Leaves are the part of the plant that sucks in carbon dioxide. And gives oxygen to us. That is one of the reasons we cant live without plants. How plants are helpful Plants are very helpful to the earth, because they make food for us, keep the noise down. But most of all plants give us oxygen to live. Trees are very good to give us oxygen. Types of plants There are more millions of plants in the world like fruit plants, vegetable plants and lots more thats why they are so important. Stem The stem is the part of the plant that holds the plant upright. Also a tree trunk is a type of stem. How seeds travel Seeds travel in many ways like by water, air, animals. Seeds travel in water by going with the flow. Then by air the wind carries them off. Then by animals the animal takes the seed off. My life as a plant! I am a banana tree. I live in the jungle, it is always warm in the jungle. But let me tell you about my life,as a banana tree I have to bananas. My seeds are in my fruit. A banana tree is a flowering plant, that means I have flowers, my flowers are very interesting because the flowers turn into a banana I do have a stem, my trunk is a stem. I have roots and leaves. My leaves are very big and shady. I really like warm moist soil it feels very good to my roots. I do get lots of sunlight to. Also I get a lot of water in the jungle. And bunches and bunches of air. It is always great in the jungle to me.