ACC 3080 A01 (3 CH) CANADIAN INCOME TAXATION ...individuals and corporations, introduction to...


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    WINTER 2021 Video Conferencing Only (Virtual Classroom), T 7:00 -9:45 pm

    CONTENTS INSTRUCTOR ......................................................... 1

    COURSE DESCRIPTION........................................... 1

    COURSE OBJECTIVES ............................................. 2


    COURSE MATERIALS .............................................. 3

    ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING .................................. 4


    ATTENDANCE POLICY ............................................ 5

    ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY ................................. 6

    OUT-OF-CLASS COMMUNICATION ....................... 6

    CLASS SCHEDULE ................................................... 7

    IMPORTANT DATES ............................................... 7

    INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES ........................ 8

    ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY .............................. 9

    Typical Penalties for Academic Dishonesty in the Asper School ....................................................... 10

    STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORTS ................... 11

    ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR .................................... 12

    INSTRUCTOR Name: Cindy Driedger, CPA, CA Office: Virtual Office (WebEx – book a slot by email) Phone: 204-260-2200 Email: Office hours: Appointment (email to request) – provided by video conference only


    Structure and concepts of the Canadian income tax system, calculation of income and tax thereon for individuals and corporations, introduction to planning principles.

    This course is designed to give a basic understanding of the Federal Income Tax Act of Canada (the “Act”) and its administration. This is achieved by applying the law to practical problems and cases. Topics covered include the administration of the tax system, residence, employment income, business and property income, capital gains, other income and deductions, computation of taxable income and taxes payable, primarily for individuals and corporations.

    The content and material of this course is structured to assist towards the entry requirements of the Chartered Professional Designation (“CPA”) program.

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    After taking this course students are expected to:

    have an understanding of the structure of the Income Tax Act of Canada and the rules of interpretation used in applying its provisions;

    have the ability to perform compliance procedures in a personal income and corporate income tax setting;

    be familiar with tax planning concepts;

    be familiar with the sources of reference material and their relevance in interpreting tax law;

    be able to explain the theory behind the taxation of income in Canada and the roles of the Department of Finance, Canada Revenue Agency, the Courts, and the taxpayer.


    This course will be conducted “live” via videoconferencing using WebEx and will not involve in-person instruction. Classes will be held during the scheduled class time.

    To join the class, log in to the UM Learn course and then choose Communication->Cisco WebEx from the top menu and then click Join. Detailed instructions are available here.

    For recording attendance and/or class participation, you may be expected to have your camera and microphone on during class time and exams. You may be expected to leave your camera on for the duration of the class. When in class, please have your microphone muted and unmute yourself only when you speak.

    Please note that all classes will be recorded and the video recordings will be available for reviewing by other students in the class who did not attend the lecture.

    The delivery of the course will be based with a portion of each class focused on lecture materials which will be followed up with in-class discussion and/or hands on questions that are directed towards the lecture’s material.

    You will need to understand the principles and concepts of the “Act” and grasp the implications and opportunities of the “Act” for business and personal decisions. Each chapter in the text builds on the material in the previous chapter. Therefore, mastery of material in each chapter is essential to your understanding of material in subsequent chapters. It is expected that you read the textbook before class lectures so that you are familiar with the topics to be covered. In addition, completion of recommended homework assignments is essential to understanding the application of tax law and related concepts.

    Homework problems assigned in class will be completed online using CONNECT, and are not to be handed in. Students are responsible to complete the assigned homework problems and check their work against solutions on their own. Details of the assigned homework problems and solutions will be provided during class. A portion of your mark will be obtained by completing CONNECT assignments.

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    CONNECT also allows students to be able to access additional review questions, online quizzes for each chapter, etc. These additional questions can be used at the student’s discretion if more practice questions are needed.


    Textbooks required:

    Buckwold, W.J., Canadian Income Taxation: Planning and Decision Making, 2020-2021 Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson. (Electronic or Paper version – your choice, however you must purchase CONNECT which will be used for assignments). The Connect version includes the ebook.

    NOTE I will not be requiring students to purchase a copy of the Income Tax Act this Winter. I have not found it to be well used resource.

    (Previous editions of the textbook are out-of-date, because tax rules change constantly. Note there were SIGNFICANT changes in the period between 2017 & 2020)

    As classes will be delivered synchronously via videoconferencing, a device enabled with a camera and microphone is required. Further, you are expected to be in a location with a reliable Internet connection that is strong enough for streaming video.

    For quizzes/exams, which will be administered via the Respondus Lockdown browser, you will need a device (computer or iPad; note that smartphones and Chromebooks will not work) with one of the following operating systems:

    Windows 10, 8, or 7 (note: will not work with Windows 10S)

    Mac OS 10.15 to 10.12, OS X 10.11, or OSX 10.10

    iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only)

    You will need the Chrome browser. Other browsers such as Safari may not work.

    Examinations will test students’ knowledge, as covered in lectures, readings, assigned homework and tutorials / labs. Students will also be tested on their ability to apply their knowledge to specific situations. Examination questions may include multiple choice, numeric calculations, as well as short and long answer application/theory questions.

    No additional materials will be allowed in use for the exams. You may not prepare a page of notes for the midterm or final exams. You will need to rely on your understanding of the information and your memory.

    Please respect copyright laws. Photocopying textbooks or other reading material is a violation of copyright laws and is unethical, unless permission to copy has been obtained.

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    ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING Examinations Examinations will test students’ knowledge, as covered in lectures, readings, assigned homework and tutorials / labs. Students will also be tested on their ability to apply their knowledge to specific situations. Examination questions may include multiple choice, numeric calculations, as well as short and long answer application/theory questions. There will be no materials allowed during midterm and final exams except for a calculator (no graphing calculators or using your cell phone as a calculator) and 1 blank piece of paper for working papers (which won’t be marked). You are expected to be familiar with the calculations and recall the material from the textbook and class. Grading

    Of all the students who get 50% or over in the course:

    the top 5% of the class will get an A+

    next 10% will get an A

    next 20% will get a B+

    next 20% will get a B

    next 20% will get a C+

    next 20% will get a C

    next 5% will get a D Getting less than 50% in the course will result in an F grade. In addition, students must score at least 50% on the final exam to get a passing grade in the course. All grades for quizzes and the midterm exam will be posted in UMLearn for your information.

    To protect the academic integrity of education at the Asper School, certain protocols will be observed for online exams. For instance, in some courses, the online exam will set up such that each student will get a random subset of questions from a larger question bank, which means no two students will get exactly the same exam. Further, a very small number of questions will appear on a screen and you may not have the option to move back to questions you have already answered.

    For exams, we will be using university-approved Respondus Monitor (camera-invigilation), which will require you to have your camera and microphone on for the entire duration of the exam. As the software detects any unusual movements, you will need to sit in a location where there are no people/pets or other moving objects in the camera’s view during the exam. In the event of a skewed distribution of grades, the total course marks may be curved up or down as necessary (the weighting of each component will remain unchanged).

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    Any request for a remarking of an assignment or midterm examination must be made, in writing, within 10 working days of the day on which the marks were released.

    Quizzes/Assignments (best 5 of 6) - 15 % Midterm - 40 % Final exam - 45 %

    The letter grades are based on where your course total marks are on the above curve, regardless of the absolute number. For example, it is possible for you to get 90% in the course and not get an A if you were not in the top 20% of the class. Likewise, you may get 70% and still get an A if you are in the top 20% of the class. So, it can work both ways. MISSED EXAM AND LATE SUBMISSION POLICY Students who miss a midterm examination for legitimate reasons (medical, compassionate, academic conflict or university sports team travel) will have the midterm examination marks added to the final examination. In all cases of absence on a midterm examination date, the instructor should be advised within 7 working days of the examination date and receive suitable documentation. Students who miss the final examination must apply to the Undergraduate Program Office, Room 268 Drake Centre, (or their home Faculty if they are not Asper students) for possible deferred examination privileges. Do not make travel plans before the Final Exam. I cannot let you take the exam earlier/later because you booked a flight ticket for a date earlier than the final exam. In the event you have to miss the Final Exam for a valid reason, a request for a deferred exam must be made at your home Faculty’s Undergraduate Program Office (, if you are an Asper student). Applying for a deferred exam does not guarantee your request will be granted. ATTENDANCE POLICY Class and tutorial/lab attendance will not be recorded. It is the responsibility of the student to attend all classes and tutorials/labs. Materials covered in both the classes and tutorial / labs are examinable. Attendance is classes and tutorials are not mandatory, however, strongly recommended in order for students to understand the materials covered and obtain a passing grade. Please use your discretion if a lecture must be missed, and if possible, obtain the lecture notes from another student. Please note the slides will not be posted on UMLearn and the instructor will not provide lecture notes. Students are required to attend at least 50% of classes. The WebEx software date stamps when you log into the class, and also when you leave. In addition, you will be required to have your camera on at all times while you are in this class, so that I can see you are there. Although this term only there is no doctor’s note required for missing class, The Asper School has a Debarment Policy, which can be activated if a student misses more classes than are permitted by the instructor. Attendance will not be tracked until February 1st.

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    ELECTRONIC DEVICE POLICY Using a computer or smartphone with a camera/mic during class and exams is necessary for this course. Students may use a laptop or tablet for use during lectures and for note-taking during class. It will be requested upon all students to exercise self-control and common courtesy to both the instructor and fellow students to refrain from browsing the internet, social media, emails, etc. during class time and also during tutorial/lab time. Students are not allowed to use a cell phone in class, even if it were to access UM learn or for note-taking during class. It is requested that student have their cell phones on vibrate or silent mode during classes and during examination periods. Please do not text during class. Although this course will be taught in a remote teaching format, we will observe the protocols that would be expected during an in person class. Please make sure your cellphone does not ring during class. No frivolous posting of messages in the Chat area any time. Practice self control – don’t brown the Internet For the midterm and final exams, students are only allowed to use non-programmable calculators. The use of a cell phone used in calculator mode will not be permitted for either the midterm or final exams.

    OUT-OF-CLASS COMMUNICATION All class materials along with tutorial/lab materials will be posted via UM Learn. I regularly post information about upcoming topics you need to pre-read, and information related to quizzes, exams and labs on Announcements as well. Students are expected to check the announcements sometime at the beginning of the weekend for any relevant information. This will help you prepare for the next class or quiz. It is the responsibility of each student to check your University of Manitoba email account on a regular basis. Students are expected to be collaborative in question asking. This means, that if you have a question, it is likely others have the same question. To enable others to see the questions and answers. I will have content documents provided by chapter so you can ask questions if there is content you don’t understand. These documents do not show who asked the question, so please use this method of asking questions. If you have questions that are personal, please email me using my University email address.

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    Tentative Fall 2020 - ACC 3080 Class Schedule

    Day Topic Assigned Readings

    January 19th Introduction Fundamentals of Tax Planning Chapter 2 Liability for Tax and Income Determination & Administration of the Income Tax System

    Chapter 3

    January 26th Income from Employment

    Chapter 4 February 2th Income from Business Chapter 5

    February 9th The Acquisition, Use, and Disposal of Depreciable Property

    Chapter 6

    February 16-19, 2021 2021 Winter Term Break – No Classes / No Tutorial / Lab

    February 23th

    Income from Property Gains and Losses on Disposition of Capital Property

    Chapter 7 Chapter 8

    March 2nd

    Other Income, Other Deductions, and Special Rules for Completing Net Income for Tax Purposes

    Chapter 9

    March 9th

    Individuals: Determination of Taxable Income and Taxes Payable


    March 16th MID-TERM EXAM -- CHAPTERS 1 TO 10 INCLUSIVE March 23 rd Corporations – An Introduction

    Coropr Chapter 11

    Corporations – Capital Structure and Distributions Chapter 12

    March 30th The Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) Chapter 13

    March 31st VW deadline

    April 6th Multiple Corporations and Their Reorganization Chapter 14

    Partnerships Chapter 15

    Limited Partnerships and Joint Ventures Chapter 16

    April 13st Trusts Chapter 17

    Business Acquisitions Chapter 18

    Introduction to GST/HST Chapter 22

    Final Exam To be scheduled by the registrar’s office Comprehensive


    First Day of Class Mon January 18, 2021 (First Tax class: Tues Jan 19/ 21)

    Quizzes Best 5 of 6, random

    Mid-term Examination March 16, 2021 – In Class (7:00 – 9:00 pm)

    Winter Term Break February 16 – 19, 2021

    VW Date March 31, 2021

    Final Examination Date, time and location set by administration.

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    AACSB Assurance of Learning Goals and Objectives The Asper School of Business is proudly accredited by AACSB. Accreditation requires a process of continuous improvement of the School and our students. Part of “student improvement” is ensuring that students graduate with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their careers. To do so, the Asper School has set the learning goals and objectives listed below for the Undergraduate Program. The checked goal(s) and objective(s) will be addressed in this course and done so by means of the items listed next to the checkmark.

    Goals and Objectives in the Undergraduate Program

    Goals and Objectives

    Addressed in this Course

    Course Item(s) Relevant to these

    Goals and Objectives

    1 Quantitative Reasoning

    A. Determine which quantitative analysis technique is appropriate for solving a specific problem.

    All chapters and assigned questions.

    B. Use the appropriate quantitative method in a technically correct way to solve a business problem.

    All chapters and assigned questions.

    C. Analyze quantitative output and arrive at a


    All chapters and assigned questions.

    2 Written Communication

    A. Use correct English grammar and mechanics in

    their written work.

    All chapters and



    B. Communicate in a coherent and logical manner

    All chapters and assigned questions.

    C. Present ideas in a clear and organized fashion.

    All chapters and assigned questions.

    3 Ethical Thinking

    A. Identify ethical issues in a problem or case situation

    Chapters 1, 2, 3

    B. Identify the stakeholders in the situation.

    Chapters 1, 2, 3

    C. Analyze the consequences of alternatives from an ethical standpoint.

    Chapters 1, 2, 3

    D. Discuss the ethical implications of the decision.

    Chapters 1, 2, 3

    4 Core Business Knowledge

    Entire Course.

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    ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY The online format of class delivery does not lower the Asper School’s academic integrity standards. The same high levels of academic integrity are expected this term as they are in previous terms.

    It is critical to the reputation of the Asper School of Business and of our degrees that everyone associated with our faculty behave with the highest academic integrity. As the faculty that helps create business and government leaders, we have a special obligation to ensure that our ethical standards are beyond reproach. Any dishonesty in our academic transactions violates this trust. The University of Manitoba General Calendar addresses the issue of academic dishonesty under the heading “Plagiarism and Cheating.” Specifically, acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

    using the exact words of a published or unpublished author without quotation marks and without referencing the source of these words (includes Chat messages posted during class)

    duplicating a table, graph or diagram, in whole or in part, without referencing the source paraphrasing the conceptual framework, research design, interpretation, or any other ideas of

    another person, whether written or verbal (e.g., personal communications, ideas from a verbal presentation) without referencing the source

    copying the answers of another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment providing answers to another student in any test, examination, or take-home assignment or

    obtaining answers or other unauthorized help from anyone else taking any unauthorized materials into an examination or term test (crib notes), regardless of

    whether those are used during the exam recording exam questions using any method, regardless of whether those are shared with others sharing exam questions with those who are yet to take the exam, including future students or

    attempting to sell exam questions impersonating another student or allowing another person to impersonate oneself for the purpose

    of attendance, earning class participation marks, submitting academic work, or writing any test or examination

    stealing or mutilating library materials accessing test prior to the time and date of the sitting changing name or answer(s) on a test after that test has been graded and returned submitting the same paper or portions thereof for more than one assignment, without discussions

    with the instructors involved Group Projects and Group Work

    There is no group work allowed in this course. All quizzes/exams must be completed individually.

    In the Asper School of Business, all suspected cases of academic dishonesty in undergraduate courses are reported to the Dean's office and follow the approved disciplinary process. See following table for typical penalties for academic dishonesty in the Asper School.

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    Typical Penalties for Academic Dishonesty in the Asper School

    If the student is from another Faculty and the academic dishonesty is committed in an Asper course, the student’s Faculty could match or add penalties beyond the Asper School’s. F-DISC on transcript indicates the F is for disciplinary reasons.


    Cheating on exam (copying from or providing answers to another student)

    F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Sharing exam questions electronically during exam

    F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Possession of unauthorized material during exam (e.g., cheat notes)

    F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Altering answer on returned exam and asking for re-grading

    F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Plagiarism on assignment F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Submitting paper bought online F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Inappropriate Collaboration (collaborating with individuals not explicitly authorized by instructor)

    F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 1 year Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Group member had knowledge of inappropriate collaboration or plagiarism and played along

    F-DISC in course Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Signing Attendance Sheet for classmate

    F-DISC in course Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

    Attempting to sell exam F-DISC in course Suspension from taking Asper courses for 18 months Notation of academic dishonesty in transcript

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    STUDENT SERVICES AND SUPPORTS The University of Manitoba provides many different services that can enhance learning and provide support for a variety of academic and personal concerns. You are encouraged to visit the below websites to learn more about these services and supports. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your instructor or the Undergraduate Program Office.

    For Information on… …follow this link

    Tech-related issues with UM Learn or videoconferencing Information Services & Technology

    Admission, Registration, Tuition Fees, Important Dates, Final Exams, Graduation, and Transcripts

    Registrar’s Office

    Academic policies & procedures, regulations, Faculty-specific information, degree and major requirements

    Academic Calendar

    Help with research needs such as books, journals, sources of data, how to cite, and writing

    Library Resources

    Tutors, workshops, and resources to help you improve your learning, writing, time management, and test-taking skills

    Writing and Learning Support

    Support and advocacy for students with disabilities to help them in their academic work and progress

    Student Accessibility Services

    Copyright-related questions and resources to help you avoid plagiarism or intellectual property violations

    Copyright Office

    Student discipline bylaws, policies and procedures on academic integrity and misconduct, appeal procedures

    Academic Integrity

    Policies & procedures with respect to student discipline or misconduct, including academic integrity violations

    Student Discipline

    Students’ rights & responsibilities, policies & procedures, and support services for academic or discipline concerns

    Student Advocacy

    Your rights and responsibilities as a student, in both academic and non-academic contexts

    Your rights and responsibilities

    Full range of medical services for any physical or mental health issues

    University Health Service

    Information on health topics, including physical/mental health, alcohol/substance use harms, and sexual assault

    Health and Wellness

    Any aspect of mental health, including anxiety, stress, depression, help with relationships or other life concerns, crisis services, and counselling.

    Student Counselling Centre

    Support services available for help regarding any aspect of student and campus life, especially safety issues

    Student Support Case Management

    Resources available on campus, for environmental, mental, physical, socio-cultural, and spiritual well-being

    Live Well @ UofM

    Help with any concerns of harassment, discrimination, or sexual assault

    Respectful Work and Learning Environment

    Concerns involving violence or threats, protocols for reporting, and how the university addresses them

    Violent or Threatening Behaviour

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    ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR I currently work for the Office of the Auditor General of Manitoba as an Audit Manager in Performance Audit. Prior to becoming a CA, I have been an IT professional, computer analyst, project manager, and stay at home mom. I returned to university after I raised my family to take the accounting courses, and complete the CASB program, to become a Chartered Accountant. I have taught as a sessional instructor in Asper since I received my Chartered Accountant designation, and have taught a variety of courses such as Introduction to Managerial Accounting, Equities, Accounting Theory. I have also been the TA for Tax lab for both Dan Torbiak and Mike Kukelko, former Taxation instructors. The three of us also coached the JDC West Taxation team for a number of years. Taxation was my favorite course at Asper, and I am very excited to have the opportunity to teach it. It's a fairly difficult course, not because the material itself is difficult, but there is a lot of it to learn in a fairly short timeframe. However, you can be assured I will do everything I can to help you understand the topic. I love teaching, and mentoring. I teach at Asper because I enjoy it. I do have a fond attachment to my Income Tax Act, here is a picture of mine from when I took the course: