Accelerated Learning in Developing Countries: Are They Ready? Education Development Center Dr. Barry...


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Accelerated Learning in Developing

Countries: Are They Ready?

Education Development Center

Dr. Barry SternProject Director, EQUIP3/Youth Trust 572-3712

Problem: Worldwide impediment to development, domestic

and international tranquility:

Unemployed and under-skilled youth

Youth “bulge” – population growth exceeds economic

Inadequate response of government schools:

• Primary education quality?

• Problematic post-primary education: Mismatch / curriculum design / incentives

Employers unwilling to invest in areas with low literacy levels

International Challenge

Dramatically raise literacy levels at reasonable cost

Develop curricula that appeal to teenagers and young adults – not “remedial” but accelerated, applied, team-oriented, fun

Incentive system (graduated rewards) makes sense for all stakeholders – students, instructors, employers

Fast Break: a program to improve work and college readiness

Overview History of Fast Break + Barry Stern’s involvement

The what, why, who, and how of program

Evaluation evidence + why it works

Target groups and costs

Applicability of program or its principles to developing countries? - discussion

History of Fast Break 1989 - Focus Hope in Detroit developed Fast Track –

readiness for Machinist Training

1993 - Colin Powell’s visit led to federal interest to replicate Focus Hope programs in other cities

1994-1997 - $1 million grant from NSF to replicate Fast Track in Los Angeles – 3 year demo

2000-03 Michigan’s “Operation Fast Break” 6 sites – $5 Million

Alabama uses as front-end of workforce development programs – Roger Penske + Governor

Fast Break provides immersion-type curriculum that is effective and popular

with young adults and teenagers

Multi-disciplinary, team taught courses with cross-trained instructors

Facilities, methods, and interpersonal relations that model high performance workplace

Heavy use of courseware (e.g. PLATO, NovaNet, Key Train) to manage instruction and reporting.


CONTENT - 320 hours Math

(computer-assisted + small group) Reading Computer Applications

- Word Processing- Spreadsheets- Databases- WINDOWS- Graphics Programs

Career & Employability Skills- Speaking, listening, bus. writing- Time management/calendars- Career selection- Resumes- Interviewing- Work habits


Hard work + high expectations

Earn way in and right to stay in

Integrated curriculum in applied work context

Continual feedback

Daily practice of fundamentals, including learning on demand


Personal responsibility& discipline

Freedom from drugs

Reward for effort and excellence

Respect for others

Primacy of the customer

Employer driven

Career Development Stages and Skill Levels

Fundamental SkillsBasic Skills

Reading, writing, speaking, listening, math

Thinking Skills How to learn, create, solve problems, make decisions, etc.

Personal Qualities Responsbility, integrity,

self-confidence, moralcharacter, loyalty, etc.

Generic Work Skills (SCANS) How to use resources, process information, use technology,understand systems, relate to others, work on teams

Industry-specific Skills(Portable Credentials)

Company/employer- specific skills

Career Guidanceand Information (“menu”)

Education and Training for Careers(“meal”)

Skill Certification and Placement into Jobs or Further Education (“dessert’)

Source: Dr. Barry Stern, Career and Workforce Development Trends: Implications for Michigan Higher Education, FerrisState University, August 2003.

Why does Fast Break work?

Combination of ...

Disciplined learning environment

Application of high performance workplace principles –all aspects of “human capital” (social, cultural, moral, cognitive, aspirational)

Targeted use of technology

High intensity to accelerate gains (e.g. 320 hours of instruction in 8-12 weeks)

Who are the participants?Any group needing better skills and/or work

habits to enter college or career-track work:

Out-of-school youth (h.s. grads/dropouts)

High school students

College freshmen needing remedial education

Welfare recipients needing better skills + work habits


Re-entrants to job market (displaced workers/homemakers)

Entry-level workers desiring to advance

Recent immigrants needing skills and orientation to U.S. system of work and education


Two Components:

FAST BREAK – job/college readiness

Step-Up – readiness for Fast Break



Work Keys Level 3• Reading for


• Applied Math

Commits to attend 5-8-hours-a-day for 8-12 weeks

Commits to going to work or school after graduating

GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Work Keys Level 4 and + 1 level

(math, reading, locating info.)

Certified attendance (no more than three unexcused absencesor tardies)

Remains drug free

Satisfactory career speech

Satisfactory progress in basic computer applications (IC3 certif)

Proper attitude (can work as team member or unsupervised, accepts criticism, etc.)

Features of FAST BREAK environment

Math, reading, computer instructors assist one another and are with students all day long

Integrate content areas with one another + “soft” skills

Little lecturing – instead, small group + computer-assisted to handle multiple ability levels in class

Class usually split in 2 – ½ computer lab; ½ classroom, and they switch periodically

No down time, no waiting – everyone has daily plan + back-up

Workplace discipline and effective time management

Staff meets daily to discuss class and individual performance

Fast Break results in U.S. (CA + MI)

80% program completion rate

80% graduates get jobs or enter college

2.5 grade level improvements in math and reading in 7 Weeks, 1-2 Work Keys levels

Computer application skills (word processing, spreadsheets & data bases)

Higher college placement test scores

Higher wages than before program

High degree of employer satisfaction with graduates

Employment impact

Employers say graduates…

Are more trainable than most they have hired

Demonstrate ability to learn on their own as well as work on teams

Are punctual, responsible, eager to learn

Save them money on recruiting, turnover, absenteeism & worker accidents

More self-directed than grads of other programs

Unusual outcomes

Large classes (30-40) do better than small ones (15-25)

University students would enroll in the summer to hone their math and English skills

Some parents enrolled after their kids graduated and got jobs

Instructor benefits:

Learn to function in a team-oriented environment

Improve own basic skills

Learn how to use computers and office equipment

Learn about different careers and the local economy

Improve instructional effectiveness by obtaining feedback from graduates and employers

Features of Educational Software

Organized by Skill Level Short Lessons Identify Skill Gaps

Management System attendance, time on task,

lesson completion rates

Reports & Complete Tracking

Ease of Use for both Students & Instructors Appealing Graphics

Courseware aligned to Work Keys + WIN or KeyTrain

curriculumCurriculum Content Applied Math Reading for Information Locating Information Writing

Workbooks Available

Courseware (e.g. PLATO, NovaNet) can also align to ACT test, G.E.D. and other assessments

Intensive, total immersion strategy

Emphasis on reading and math + integrated, contextually relevant curricula + learning on demand (e.g. career sp.)

Powerful incentives (e.g. job, college, grade promotion)

Continual data-based feedback (individual and team)

Nurturing staff continually communicates about students

Model high performance business environment with opportunities for informal learning

Teachers visit job sites to follow up with employers and graduates

Focus on specific competencies + disciplinary standards

Manage instruction with computers - repetition, diversity

Summary: Why Fast Break Works

Budget for minimum size program of 300 students/year in U.S.

$500,000 in annual operating costs if no $500,000 in annual operating costs if no overstaffing (assumes no staff, facilities or in-kind)overstaffing (assumes no staff, facilities or in-kind)

$580,000 in operating costs if overstaff by 1-2 FTE$580,000 in operating costs if overstaff by 1-2 FTE

Comes to roughly $2,000 per student for 320-hour Comes to roughly $2,000 per student for 320-hour program, or $6.25 per student hour.program, or $6.25 per student hour.

Another $150,000 for one-time start-up costs - Another $150,000 for one-time start-up costs - courseware, computers, furniture & office courseware, computers, furniture & office equipment, minor remodelingequipment, minor remodeling

Implementation challenges in developing countries:

1. Critical mass of trained instructors for Fast Break and math-reading tutors for Step-up

2. Jobs available for Fast Break grads – “pull program”

3. Information “superhighway” infrastructure (inexpensive computers, reliable Internet connections and computer technicians)

4. Reliable, steady supply of electricity

5. Translation of courseware and materials into language of country

6. Reliable, cheap, easily administered and scored assessment for reading and math

7. Youth availability for intensive training because of livelihood activities.

Program In Action(supplementary to presentation)

What’s Next? Learning and

teaching hypotheses to guide WDI Programs

Details on How & Why the Fast Break Model Works

Business and career impact

Fast Break Sites in Michigan Flint - Mott Community College (with Workforce Board)

** Detroit - TWW Associates, Detroit - now Fast Break Futures that adds MOUS certification - TANF + other $$

* Detroit - Focus:Hope Fast Track (16 years experience)

Plainwell - Michigan Career Technical Institute (individuals with disabilities)

Lake County - Workforce Board/Baldwin Comm. Schools

** Macomb County - Lakeshore Adult School (with Workforce Board)

** Hamtramck Alternative High School

** Battle Creek - Strive/Urban League/Davenport College

* Developed original model. ** Program no longer active.

U.S. Program Costs (if starting from scratch)

Annual Operating Costs = $580,000

Staffing + benefits for full-time Fast Break and part-time Step Up programs(incl. 2 teaching assistants)

Work Keys assessment and WIN curriculum materials

Software renewals, books, supplies

Rent, amortization of equipment Drug screens, insurance,

advertising Telephone, printing, duplication Overhead @ 13%

Capital Equipment & Expenses = $150,000 (Start-up – one time)

Courseware licenses/student IDs

PCs, file server, printers

Copy machine, fax, telephones

Office, classroom, computer furniture & equipment, bookshelves, storage cabinets, white boards, decorations

Camcorder, VCR, TV, projectors

Remodeling, computer installation

Student smocks, tests, assessments

Assume program serves 300 students per year with 20-30 computer workstations,Assume program serves 300 students per year with 20-30 computer workstations, 2/3 in 2/3 in Fast BreakFast Break, 1/3 in Step Up, 1/3 in Step Up