Activated Sludge Design


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  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Design of an activated sludge

    plant with recycle

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design



    Q: flowC: concentrationX: particulatesS: solubleM: massSludge recycle rate: R = Q4/Q1

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Fractionation of COD

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Fractionation of nitrogen

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Treatment efficiency

    E = (C1-C3)/C1

    or better:

    E = (M1-M3)/M1

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Volumetric loading

    BV = Q1*C1/V2

    or better

    BV = M1/V2

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Sludge concentration

    Measured as

    SS (same as TSS),


  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Sludge Mass

    MX = V*X

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Sludge loading

    BX = Q1*C1/(V2*X2)

    or better

    BX = M1/(V2*X2)

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Sludge production

    FSP = Q3*X3 + Q5*X5

    or better

    FSP = M3 + M5

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Excess (surplus) sludge production

    FOSP = Q5*X5

    or better

    FOSP = M5

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Observed yield

    FSP = Yobs (C1-C3)*Q1

    or better

    FSP = Yobs (M1-M3)

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Sludge age/ sludge retention time

    X = MX/FSP

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Typical sludge retention times

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Aerobic sludge age

    X, aerobic = MX, aerobic/FSP

    MX, aerobic = Vaerobic*X

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    C/N ratio and C/P ratio

    For both denitrification and biological phosphorousremoval enough organic matter is needed. The ratios

    are used as an estimation of if enough organic matteris present.

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Sludge Volume Index, SVI

    Take 1000 ml MLSS from an

    activated sludge tank and let itsettle in a cylindrical glass for

    30 minutes.

    SVI = (ml sluge after settling) /(g SS/l before settling)

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Diluted Sludge Volume Index,DSVI

    Take 1000 ml MLSS from an activated

    sludge tank, dillute it e.g. 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4and let it settle in a cylindrical glass for 30


    DSVI = (ml sludge after settling) / (g SS/lbefore settling but after dilution)

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    SVI determines the MLSS concentration in the

    tanks when the tank size is given

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Treatment plants can bedesigned by:

    Volumetric loading: BV = M1/V2 Sludge loading: BX = M1/(V2*X2)

    Sludge age (nitrification) and denitrificationrate (organic matter quality)

    Computer aided design

    Should only be used for plant optimization notfor basic design. Here rule of thumbs aresafer!

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Design of activated sludgetreatment plants for

    nitrogen removal andphosphorous removal

    A manual

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Key data for design

    Chose the lowest temperature at whichnitrogen removal must take place.

    Find the flow and the loadings of, COD, BOD,

    N, and P that the plant must be design to treat. Find the expected discharges of SS, COD,

    BOD, N, and P. Note that this is not the sameas the outlet standards.

    Estimate the degradability of the wastewater. Isit easily or not so easily degradable?

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Design of nitrification and denitrification

    Estimate the necessary aerobic sludge age ( X,aerobic)5




  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Estimate the observed yield (Yobs) without chemicalsludge production in either the unit of kgSS/kgBODor kgCOD/kgCOD. In general it is better to use the

    later unit as the yield chosen hence is independenton chemical additions to the plant.

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    The same graph from anotherbook

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Estimate the chemical sludge production CP,chem.

    The chemical sludge production can be calculatedbased on the assumption that MePO4 and Me(OH)3 are

    the end products of the process. I.e. First all PO4 isprecipitated by Me and then the rest of the metal goesinto the side reaction producing metal hydroxide. This isnot entirely true, but good enough for estimating the

    chemical sludge mass produced. The molar rationeeded to obtain good P-removal depends on whetherchemical P-removal is the only process applied or ifthere is also biological P-removal.

    In the first case, the needed molar ratio is 1.2-1.6 (moleMe) / (mole Pinlet). In the second case, the needed molarratio is 0.2-0.4 (mole Me) / (mole Pinlet). These valuesare based on experiences in full-scale treatment plants.

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Estimate the outlet concentrations from the

    treatment plant (C3). Typical values are BOD: 2-3 gm-3; SS: 5-15 g m-3; N: 4-6 g m-3; P: 0.3-1.0 g m-3.

    Determine the sludge production (F ) and the excess

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Determine the sludge production (FSP) and the excesssludge production (FESP): FSP = Yobs (MBOD1 MBOD3) when the unit of Yobs is kgSS/kgBOD

    If the unit of Yobs

    is kgCOD/kgCOD then FSP

    = Yobs


    - MCOD3

    ).But now the unit of FSP becomes kgCOD/d and one must convert fromkgCOD/d to kgSS/d. This is done by multiplying with a conversion factorbetween COD and VSS in the sludge, typically 1,4-1,5 kgCOD/kgVSSand then multiplying with the ratio of VSS to SS in the sludge. The lateris around 0,8 kgVSS/kgSS when no chemicals are added to the plant.

    The exact value can be found from the analysis of the actual excesssludge of the plant in question.

    NOTE that the ratio of kgVSS/kgSS decreases when chemicals areadded for P-precipitation! For systems without biological P-removal theratio is roughly 0.6-0.7 gVSS/gSS.

    If there is chemical sludge production:

    FSP = Yobs (MCOD1 - MCOD3) + MP,chem FESP = M5 = FSP X3

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Determine the necessary aerobic sludge mass.

    MX,aerobic = X,aerobic FSP

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Find the nitrogen that is to be denitrified(MN,denit). Estimate the nitrogen concentration inthe excess sludge. This is done either based on

    the actual analysis of the sludge or, if thesevalues are not available, on a theoretic estimateof the N-content of sludge.

    Estimate the denitrification rate (r ) based on the

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Estimate the denitrification rate (rX,S(NO3)) based on thebiodegradability of the wastewater.

    Determine anoxic sludge mass. MX,anoxic = MN,denit/


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    Estimate the suspended solids (SS)concentration in the process tanks (X2). Typicalvalues are 4-6 kg SS/m3.

    F l i h l d i h bi d

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    For plants with recycle determine the aerobic andanoxic reactor volume. For alternating plantsdetermine the total reactor volume and the fractions

    of time where the plant must operate in eachphase.

    tanoxic = MX,anoxic/ (MX,anoxic + MX,aerobic)

    taerobic = MX,aerobic/ (MX,anoxic + MX,aerobic)

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Check that ratio between CBOD and CN,denit at theinlet to the denitrification reactor is > 4kgBOD/kgN

  • 8/3/2019 Activated Sludge Design


    Design of biologicalphosphorous removal

    Estimate the volume of the anaerobic tank (1 3hours retention time)

    Check that the ratio between soluble COD and

    soluble P is > 10 gCODsol/gPsol. If nitrate ispresent at the inlet to the anaerobic tank thenthis ratio must be increased.
