Active Listening Call Skill Behavior Series The 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center


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Active Listening

Call Skill Behavior SeriesThe 700 Club Prayer Counseling Center

Active listeningListening intently for meaning

• Affirm the one speaking

• Let them know that you heard them – Face to face

conversations have non-verbal cues

– In phone conversations, we need to use verbal cues

Building Rapport• The interaction between you and the caller builds

rapport and establishes a smooth flow to the call. • We want our partners and callers to have wonderful

experiences • Using active listening phrases instead of having

periods of silence • Silence or “Dead air” can give the caller the

impression that you are not listening

Show that you truly care. Use a variety of empathetic statements appropriate

to the need throughout the conversation.

Examples of Empathetic Statements

• “I’m sorry that happened to you…”

• “Praise the Lord!”

• “That’s wonderful!”

• “It sounds like you are having a tough time.”

• “God is able to meet your need…”

What if the prayer request is very short?

• There may be times when the partner/caller gives you a very brief prayer request. – You may use an active listening phrase after

they finish the prayer request

Short & Sweet Right to the Point

Pair unintelligible affirmations and one word responses with

a phrase.

Some Examples of an unintelligible fillers and one word responses paired with an active listening phrase

• “Uh huh, I see what you mean…”• “Mmm hmm. Yes, that is

correct.”• “Okay/All right, we are praying

for…”• “Amen! Let’s agree in prayer

for…”• “All right. We’ll get your change

of address taken care of right away.”

Restating Information• Be sure to periodically restate information

• On prayer calls we do this when we clarify the prayer request.

• For customer service calls, restating the information builds the partner/callers confidence and gives assurance

Examples of restating info• “I understand. You

are upset because…”

• “We appreciate your comments about…”

• “Yes. We do understand that financial situations change…”

• “Let me make sure I understand the situation…”

Moving the Call Forward

Always keep the call moving forward/transition to the next step.

Here are some examples of phrases to keep the call moving

forward• “I have been where you are, Susan, and I can tell you

that God is able to meet your need. So we are going to pray for God to meet your financial needs today. Let’s take it to Him. Dear Heavenly Father…”

• “I understand your frustrations, Mrs. Jones. I will take care of this for you right now. I’m going to send a message to the Records department and inform them…

Tips for Great Active Listening

– Let the caller know that you are glad to serve them. • Use a positive phrase that invites the

caller to share their prayer need with you. – `“I’ll be happy to pray for you, Susan.

What would you like prayer for?”

• Let the partner/caller know that you want to help them. For example: – “I’ll take care of that for you right away,

Mrs. Jones.”

Ask for & use the caller’s name.

• Ask for the caller’s name early in the conversation and use it throughout the phone call.

Smile• Smiling gives your voice a natural

sounding lift– When you are not smiling, your voice can

sound flat or disinterested – Keep a mirror at your workstation or write

yourself a note to remind you to smile

Focus on the call • When the call connects, your attention is

to be focused 100% on the caller • Nothing is more important at that

moment than meeting the needs of the partner/caller

– They will wait until your call is finished. – Do not mute the phone call or put the

partner/caller on hold

• Other distractions should stop as soon as the call comes in.

Have good posture and be aware of your body language

• Your posture and body language play an important part in how you come across to our partners and callers.

• Sitting up straight, and alert communicates attentiveness and interest.

• Slouching communicates a lack of interest and/or tiredness.

• Poor posture also contributes to fatigue and ergonomic stress injuries!


• Use active listening techniques during every call