Ada LovelaceWho was she? • Born December 10, 1815 • Daughter of the Romantic poet, Lord Byron,...


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Ada Lovelace

By Brandon Revill and Zeandré Lindsey

Who was she?

•  Born December 10, 1815

•  Daughter of the Romantic poet, Lord Byron, and Lady Byron, Anne Isabelle Milbanke

•  Original name was Augusta Ada Byron AKA Ada Byron, countess of Lovelace after marrying William King

•  Known as the founder of scientific computing

•  Died November 27, 1852

Brief History

•  After her parents separated when she was only a month old, her mother, Lady Byron, chose to raise her, so she never knew her father

•  To prevent Ada from becoming a poet like her father, Lady Byron provided Ada with tutoring in math and music

•  The complex thought process she inherited from her father helped her produce a design for a flying machine in 1828

•  She died at the age of 37 from cancer

What did she do?

•  She met Charles Babbage in 1833 when she was only 17 and they became lifelong friends

•  She wrote a plan for how Babbage would include Bernoulli numbers in his Analytical Engine

•  This became known as the first published computer program

•  She predicted the capability of a machine that could be able to play music and show visuals (like computers can do today)

Picture of the Plan

Works Cited

"Ada Lovelace." Ada Lovelace. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. <>.

"Ada Lovelace: Founder of Scientific Computing." Science Women. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. <>.

Kim, Eugene Eric, and Betty Alexandra Toole. "Ada and the First Computer." Scientific American 280.5 (1999): 76-81. Web.
