Adrian College Institute for Education


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Adrian College

Institute for Education

Summer Excitement…continues into the Fall.

In this issue:

Planets & Moons Camp

Zoo Snooze

MIS Partnership

YMCA Preschool at Lincoln

Technology Seminars

September 27, 2012 Volume 2, Issue 1

Dr. Andrea R. Milner, Director

Assistant Professor, Teacher Education, 517.265.5161 ext 4625

Kristen Miller, Administrative Assistant, 517.265.5161 ext 3880

This summer, Dr. Andrea R.

Milner hosted the Planets

and Moons Camp for local

students. The Institute for

Education collaborated with

Robinson Planetarium

Director, Dr. Sarah Hanson,

Astronomer, Mark Fair-

clough, Dr. Vanessa

Morrison, Professor TED,

and Adrian Public School

Teacher, Natahsa Wetzel.

The students focused on the

solar system and the

movement of the planets and

moon. Students were better able

to understand how science and

technology advance our

knowledge of the solar system.

Throughout the camp, the

students learned scientific

vocabulary and used these skills

to read and write scientific

explanations. During the camp,

the students became familiar with

vocabulary such as orbit, gravity,

evidence and model.

View the Planets and Moons

website at:


&Moons Page 2

Zoo Snoozin’

Page 3 Volume 2, Issue 1

The Institute for Education

sponsored with the Toledo

Zoo this summer so local

students could attend “Zoo

Snoozin” at the Toledo Zoo.

This opportunity gave

students a different and new

experience since they were

there at night when the zoo

is normally closed. Students

learned about the animals

from the zoo keepers and had

a great time being able to see

the animals close up and feel

their skin. It was quite a

treat for the students to see

nocturnal behavior.

Visit the Toledo zoo’s website:


Elizabeth, pictured

here, said, “I liked

walking at night to

see the elephants.

The baby elephant,

Louie was playing

with the tire. We

made snacks for the

gorillas and then we

were able to watch

them eat what we

made for them.”

MIS Par tner sh ip

Page 4

This summer, Adrian College began a partnership with MIS in the form

of a Science Outreach Program. Professor Penny Cobau-Smith and Dr.

Jeff Lake led the program at MIS. Students from secondary science in

the Teacher Education Department as well as students from the Biolo-

gy Department worked together to study the invasive species in the

Graves Campsite area of MIS and to develop lessons and activities for

area school children. On May 24, 2012, 140 Onsted fifth grade

students enjoyed a day at MIS which included a guided trail walk and

water quality lessons and labs. This fall the program continues with

field trips planned through early November. Funding is provided by

Adrian College and MIS and associated partners to provide work study

opportunities and field experience opportunities for TED students and

science students at Adrian. Currently, 5 TED students participate but

increased interest and funding will expand the program.

This is a washout area

during rain storms.

Deer hoof prints are

often visible, as this is

a popular watering


YMCA Preschool at Lincoln The Teacher Educa-tion Department at Adrian College is partnering with the YMCA and Adrian Public Schools to offer the first ever educational preschool class housed at Lin-coln Elementary. The YMCA preschool at Lincoln is a laborato-ry classroom for the Education students at Adrian College. The program is designed for children in the community and also for the children of faculty at Adrian College. Lincoln Elementary is an In-ternational Baccalau-reate® Primary Years Program candidate

school. Sara Rober, the preschool teach-er, is an Adrian Col-lege graduate where she earned her degree in Elementary Edu-cation. Sara’s expe-rience includes teaching Kindergar-ten, 4th grade, and 5 years as a preschool teacher. Adrian students working with the children include Taylor Hudson, Jenny Wend and Jessica Raymor. The Adrian College students are pursuing certification in ele-mentary education. Some will add an endorsement in Early Childhood Education.

Page 5

The preschoolers participate in many ac-tivities. For instance, an Adrian College teacher candidate from the Educational Technology class used an iPad with the children. The activity correlated with the Michigan Department of Education

Early Childhood Education, Technology Standard #1. Students were asked to draw a spider on the iPad from their previous lesson and to talk about what they remembered.

Visit the classes website at:

Visit the IB website at:

Institute for education

On Friday, September 21 Professor Michelle Hiscock of the Department of Teacher Education hosted the first

in a series of technology seminars for faculty and staff at Adrian College. Professor Hiscock detailed the use of Prezi as a web-based instructional tool for class presentations. Renee Collins, Assistant Professor of

Journalism, an attendee, said, “The tech class on developing and using Prezi was excellent. By the time we

finished the class, I felt confident I could make my own Prezi presentations for class, and have successfully

done so.” Throughout the series, Professor Hiscock’s primary focus is to enhance and advance instructional

technology. All classes are held on Fridays from 2:00-5:30pm in Valade 202. All faculty and staff are welcome.

Upcoming Dates October 5: Assessment Tools

October 19: Web Site Creation October 26: Online Interactive Tools November 9: Communication Tools November 30: Organizational Tools

December 7: Collaborative Tools

Te chno logy Semi na r s w i th

P r o fe s so r H i s co ck
