Advanced Web Searching for NTTIers Paul Barron George C. Marshall Foundation Director of Library and...


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Advanced Web Searching for NTTIers

Paul BarronGeorge C. Marshall FoundationDirector of Library and

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 2

Presentation Objectives Review search syntaxes to search for:

Search terms on a webpage

Search terms in a specific location on a Web

document Title

Web address (URL)

Webpages from a source Specific website

Top Level Domain (TLD)

Country Code (ccTLD)

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 3

Search Query Crafting and Format

Develop the query the way you think about and state your topic.


Topic + Modifiers + Limiters to Refine Search Example

I need teacher and student resources on climate change for my middle

school class and I would like them to be from a U.S. Government agency.

I need teacher and student resources on climate change for my middle

school class and I would like them to be from a U.S. Government agency.

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Query Standardization

intitle:“climate change”

AND “teacher resources” OR “student


AND “middle school” AND site:gov

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Phrase Search

Phrase Search - A phrase is more than one keyword.

When the terms are enclosed within “double quotation

marks,” Google searches for them as exact phrase and

return documents with the terms in the exact order as

stated in the query.

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Phase Search Results

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More search tools Options

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Related Searches

Related Searches provides

other suggested searches

related to your query.

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Related Searches

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Wonder wheel Hub and Spokes

Let’s expand our “small

world” of George C.

Marshall-related sites.

Wonder Wheel visually presents connections between related

searches and your search term as an interactive diagram.

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Expanded Hub and Spokes

Search Exercise

Using Google’s Wonder Wheel, build your small world on a topic of interest to you.

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AND Boolean Operator

AND – Both of the search terms are

present in the Web documents.

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AND Boolean Expression

AND Boolean Expression - Retrieves Web

documents in which the phrases George C.

Marshall and Marshall Plan are present on the

webpage document.

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AND Boolean Expression Results


All the results have the phrases George C. Marshall and

Marshall Plan in the snippet.

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Boolean AND Search for a Glossary

“special education law” AND glossary

“climate change” AND glossary

“k-12 education” AND inclusion AND glossary

"differentiated instruction" AND glossary

"school issues" AND glossary

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OR Boolean Expression

OR – At least one of the search terms

is present on the webpage document.

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OR Boolean Expression

OR Boolean Expression - Retrieves Web

documents in which at least one of the phrases,

Marshall Plan or European Recovery Program is

present on the webpage document.

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OR Boolean Expression Results


Only the phrase Marshall Plan appears in the second result.


Only the phrase Marshall Plan appears in the second result.

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We have learned about …

Google’s Search Tool Options

Finding search terms on a webpage

Single keywords

Phrases of more than one word

Enclose terms “double quotation marks”

to search for a phrase

Searching with Boolean expressions

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 20

Let’s learn to find …

Search terms in a specific location on

the webpage.

Webpage title

Webpage address (URL)

Uniform Resource Locator - The standard

addressing scheme for the Web.

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Title Field Searching

“The document title … is

the single most important

element used by search

engines to index a

document.”Effective Internet Search: E-searching Made Easy!

Edward N. Baylin and Judith Gill

ISBN - 0921354053

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 22

Title Field Searching

“Ask a group of search engine optimization specialists what

the single most important factor in determining high

rankings and most will vote for the mighty title tag.”The Truth about Search Engine Optimization

Rebecca LiebISBN 0-7897-3831-7

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 23

Title Field Search Query

Title Field Search (intitle:) - Retrieves the

keyword or phrase in the webpage title which

appears in the title bar on the browser.

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Title Field Search Results


The phrase George C. Marshall appears in the title

of the results.


The phrase George C. Marshall appears in the title

of the results.

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Title Field Search Time!

intitle:“your topic” AND “teacher resources”

intitle:“your topic” AND “teacher resources”

AND “your school level”

intitle:“your topic” AND “teacher resources”

AND “your grade level”


The syntax is intitle:


The syntax is intitle:

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 26

inurl: Search Query – Single Word Option

URL-limited Search (inurl:) – Finds a string of

characters in the Web address.

One word option

Dashed option


The syntax is inurl:


The syntax is inurl:

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 27

inurl: Search Results – Single Word Option


The results are from Austria and Germany.

Were those sites returned in other demonstrated searches?


The results are from Austria and Germany.

Were those sites returned in other demonstrated searches?

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inurl: Search Query – Dashed Word Option


The results are all different from those returned with the

one word URL query.


The results are all different from those returned with the

one word URL query.

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inurl: Queries

inurl:k12 AND “your topic” AND “teacher


inurl:k-12 AND “your topic” AND “teacher


inurl:yourtopic AND inurl:k12 AND english

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 30

Points about inurl Search Queries

Research by indicates that an inurl

search may return better results than a title field


Words in the URL may be more descriptive of the site.

The inurl search query may return results that

would not be returned in any

other type of search query. inurl

I’m sui generis!

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 31

We have learned to find …

Search terms on a webpage with:

Search terms in a specific location in the

structure of the webpage:

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Finding Webpages from a Source

Top Level Domain

Site-limited Search

Specific website

Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLD)


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Top Level Domains (TLDs)

TLD Purpose

.com Commercial

.edu Educational

.gov Government

.mil Military

.net Network

.org Organization

.us United States

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 34

Top Level Domains: Seen these?

TLD Purpose TLD Purpose

.aero Air-transport Industry

.biz Businesses .jobs Employment-related

.cat Catalan Language and Culture .museum Museums

.coop Cooperatives .name Individuals

.info Informational .proLicensed professional

service provider

.int International Treaty Travel Industry

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 35

Top Level Domain-limited (TLD) Query

Top Level Domain-limited Search - Restricts

the results returned to only the top level domain

stated in the query; for example, the international

top level domain (int).

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 36

.int Top Level Domain Results

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Your turn to limit to TLDs!

intitle:“your topic” AND “your school level”

AND “teacher resources” AND site:org

intitle:“your topic” AND “your school level”

AND “teacher resources” AND site:edu

intitle:“your topic” AND “your school level”

AND “teacher resources” AND site:gov

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 38

Try one of these TLD-limited queries! intitle:"climate change" AND agreements AND protocols

AND site:int

intitle:"climate change" AND agreements AND protocols

AND site:info

"food banks" AND use AND unemployment

AND site:coop

obesity AND “elementary school students” AND site:info

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 39 Query Search - Restricts the results

to only Virginia DOE webpages or Virginia school

divisions with k12 in their webpage URL.

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 40 Search Results

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 41

Your turn for searches!

“your topic” AND “your school level”

AND “teacher resources” AND

“your topic” AND “grade level”

AND “teacher guide” AND

“your topic” AND “your school level”

AND “lesson plans” AND

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 42

Try these queries. “your topic” AND links OR resources

OR websites AND

“your topic” AND “your school level” AND links

OR resources OR websites AND

“your topic” AND “your grade level” AND links

OR resources OR websites AND

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 43

Try these queries. sol AND “your subject” AND “school level” AND

“practice tests” AND

inurl:sol AND “your subject” AND “school level”

AND “practice tests” AND

intitle:“sol practice tests” AND “your subject”

AND “school level” AND

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 44

Check out this search!

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Karen’s Resources for Teachers

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Site-limited Query

Site-limited Search - Restricts the results to a

specific website in the given domain; for example,

only the Marshall Foundation website.

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Site-limited Search Results


All the results are Marshall Foundation webpages.


All the results are Marshall Foundation webpages.

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Portaportal Site-limited Search

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Your turn for site-limited searches!

animations AND

“world studies” AND

“language arts” AND

“earth sciences” AND

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 50

Check out this animations site!

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Speaking about animations, do you know about …

I am not a kid-safe image search engine!

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To find animated images select …

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In advanced search select …

In the search query box enter your query for the image you want animated.

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The results page looks like …

Click the thumbnail

to see image details.

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Image Details

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To view only the animated image, select …

The image can be copied for

pasting into a PowerPoint slide or

saved to your desktop or a folder.

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To copy or to save the image …

Put the cursor on the image and right click the mouse.

Move the cursor to Save Picture As … or Copy.

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To paste the image into a PowerPoint slide …

Right click the mouse

and select Paste.

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Country Code-limited Search Query

Country Code-limited Search - Restricts the results to a

from country code; for example, China (.cn), Germany

(.de), Spain (.es) or the United Kingdom (.uk).

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.uk-limited Search Results


Notice that the sites returned

have in the URL. What

does .ac. signify about the site


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Country Codes Source

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Filetype-limited Query

Filetype-limited Search - Restricts the results

to a specific filetype; for example, PowerPoint

(ppt), Word (doc), or Excel (xls).

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PowerPoint Filetype-limited Search Results

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Time for PowerPoint-limited queries!

“question-answer relationships" AND filetype:ppt

“question-answer relationships" AND filetype:ppt

AND inurl:k12

"to kill a mockingbird" AND “teacher resources”

AND filetype:ppt

"to kill a mockingbird" AND filetype:ppt AND

2010 National Teacher Training Institute – Harrisonburg High School 65


Begin with a title field search with Boolean

expressions and limited to a top level domain or a

specific website. intitle: “your topic”

Boolean expressions – Add specificity to your query

Top Level Domain – Who cares about your topic? Associations or Organizations - .org Educational Institutions - .edu U.S. Government - .gov

Specific website -

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How about this one?

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Recommendation Open any results with any of these words

in the results snippet.