AFC Eastern Canada August 2014



The Simplest Things - Campus Builders, Campus Challenge, and Mission to P.E.I.

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  • Sometimes the simplest thing is the easiest to miss.

    Often we have the sense if we read the right kind of books, think the right way, and do the right thing, then we will be doing ministry rightly. This is when we try to outsmart a situation by applying the right methods or techniques. This is when we begin to institutionalize our past successes. This is when we exhaust ourselves as if everything depends on us. This is when we put God at the sideline, and involve Him only in the manner of lets close with a prayer.

    Please dont get me wrong. I have nothing against reading the right kind of books, thinking the right way, and doing the right thing. I do them all, and cant imagine otherwise. However, there will come a time (for me it was last in ministry and see the lack of fruits in harvest, even though you have done all the right things: connecting with the right people, running good trainings, leading great bible studies People remain captive to sins. Relationships remain unreconciled. Mission remains an elusive idea. Not to mention few


    AUGUST 2014

    Ambassadors For ChristIn Canada Newsletter

    (Eastern Canada Edition)


    AT AFC EASTERNCANADA ?Campus Builders

    Campus Challenge

    4)-P.E.I. Missions

    iGospelPraying Forward

    Living Beyond The Ordinary

    May 1-4, 2014May 16-19, 2014

    June 23 - July 2, 2014

  • ,QJP5OGF


    Ralph Lee (Ottawa/Carlton Asian Christian Fellowship, 1st year)


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    This year we had the opportunity to go back to Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.) and serve the church and students there. Our team this year could only be described as Beautifully Diverse. We had a high-schooler perfectly capable

    ask for. So perfect for the work He was already doing there. We were able to serve and train some of existing local P.E.I. leaders to lead the camp with us. and the people He has placed there. Being able to have that relationship with those leaders before the camps also allowed for more continuity and follow especially in their heart language.

    for student leaders to get trained in order to be encouraged to start a fellow-ship on their campus. But God knew the needs and other students came out person had a gift and paid attention to little things. This allowed us to see how its not by our own wisdom but by the spirit things come into place.

    I cannot stop thanking God for this Perfect team. Please continue to pray for Through prayer and encouraging we were able to see the Gospel work Internationally within our own team and spread to the people we encoun-tered.



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    The Kingdom of God is much larger than you or I can imagine or will ever be able to imagine. It stretches from the corners of the earth, contains multitudes of peoples whose sole purposes are to worship and glorify the living God, and it is not restricted to one language, one culture or one ethnic background. The students we encountered in P.E.I. were from a variety of were from China and mainly spoke Mandarin. As a CBC (Canadian Born Chinese) and a native English/Cantonese speaker, the cultural and language them. Instead of being discouraged by this, I was encouraged to learn Mandarin, and to witness through showing love in my actions and to spread the Good News simply, yet fully. This is a great reminder that we must diligently preach the Gospel even through cultural, ethnic background, and consisting of people from all nations and is being built by regular people like you or me who are empowered by the Spirit and glorify God through the obedience of His commands. Philippians 2:10-11.



    What do I live for? What is the point of living? Where is my passion? These are some of the questions that I constantly ask myself. Arriving Canada four years ago, making money was where I put most of my passion. However, you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is there anything that is worth more than your soul? What is Gods passion for us? God loves every-one in the world, He gave His son for us, and whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life All because He is passionate about each one of us. Living for Him gives me purpose and a calling. God moved me to have a passion for souls and to share the Gospel, so I said, Here I am God, please send me to P.E.I..

    During the P.E.I. Youth Gospel Camp, there was this girl who gave us a hard time constantly. She complained a lot and annoyed other campers. I was so sad to see her like this, and started to say this prayer to God, Lord Jesus, I know I am not a good leader, please give me wisdom and touch the life of this 9pm, I was able to share the Gospel with her. It was such a miracle! That night day, during mealtime, I was sitting with a group of students from Mainland China. When I shared the Gospel with them, they gave me blank stares and laughed at me. Nevertheless, my heart was touched. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to every-one who believes (Romans 1:16). Although the students who were sitting around me were not interested, I noticed a boy listening intently at the side. I asked him if he was willing to accept Jesus into his life, and he said yes! That Sunday, our pastor led him to pray the Believers Prayer in the presence of his to Christ that day! Praise God, He truly saves all.

    Justin Lam (Western ACF Student Leader / AFC intern 2014)


    Christine Weng (Mothercraft College Mandarin CCF Alumnus) 3UZNKXIXGLZ)URRKMK

