Agarwal Marriage Rituals and Traditions - Agarwal Matrimonial



Agarwal Marriage Customs, Rituals and Practices are quite similar as in other castes in Hindu's but they spend a lot more money in their matrimonial ceremonies than others.

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Agarwal Marriage Rituals,

Traditions and

CeremoniesPresented By: Global Alliance Matrimony

Mudha-Tikka: On this occasion, the Groom's family members (brothers, sisters, cousins etc.) go to the brides home for the tikka with these items rice, jaggery, dry fruits, mithai (sweets) a diamond ring in a Silver plate. They also bring clothes and other gifts for the bride. The bride wears a traditional lehnga and lots of jewellery. The groom's sister gives the ring to the bride and puts tikka on her forehead (vermilion powder). The brides family in turn also present gifts, cash, silver and gold jewellery to the groom's sisters.

Godh Bharai: On this occasion, the bride's lap is filled with gifts , jewellery, clothes, sweets and beautifully decorated trays which are brought in by the groom's sisters. It represents the blessings of the family for the wedding couple that they may always live in wealth and prosperity.

Sangeet: Ladies from both the families sit around the bride and sing traditional matrimonial songs, the bride sits on a low stool. The ceremony is full of laughter and humor.

Naadi: Pre-wedding puja of Lord Ganesha to seek his blessings for happiness, success and wealth, and to remove all obstacles from the life of bride and groom.

Bhaat: The brother of bride's mother (called as Mama) bring gifts for the bride and other family members.

Tel Baan: It's a kind of ritual bath, the ladies of both the families apply a paste made of milk, turmeric and other ingredients on the faces, arms and feet of the bride and the groom to make them prepare for marriage.

Mehndi Ceremony: This ceremony generally happens a day before the wedding, an expert makes intricate designs on the hands and feet of the bride in the presence of close female friends and cousins.

Korath: When the bride is ready for the auspicious occasion, the male members of the bride's family go the groom's home to invite him and his family to come to the wedding venue.

Baraat: The Groom, his family and other relatives leaves for the wedding venue. There is band too with the Baraat which plays traditional music as well as popular songs from Hindi movies.

Arrival of Baraat: The bride's father welcomes the groom and his family upon their arrival at the wedding venue. The mother of bride honors the groom by performing the traditional 'aarti'.

Varmala: The bride and groom exchange garlands which signifies that they accept each other as their life partner.

Pheras: Both bride and groom circle the sacred fire in the havan kund seven times and take vows (love, faith, help, respect etc.) of marriage with each circle.

Kanyadaan: The parents of the bride offer their daughter's hand to the groom in the presence of a Pujari chanting mantras.

Vidaai: It's the most emotional moment of marriage where bride leaves her parental home and readies to go her husband's home.

Vadhu Pravesh: The ceremony happens when the bride arrives at her husband's home. At the entrance of the groom's home, his mother welcomes her daughter-in-law with aarti and after that the bride enters the home.

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