· age and get older. We absolutely must detox. Yes, we gotta eat healthy and we gotta exercise,...


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Energy Detox VIP – Audio

Hi, it’s AJ. Hello my VIP member, welcome to this month’s main lesson. This month it’s a little bit different. We’re going to focus on the body this month. We’re going to focus on energy and health.

Now, this is an important topic, energy, health, and I will continually give you ideas, recommendations and suggestions in this area because to be leaders, to be successful, to be happy, really, and to feel really great, we need to physically feel good. Health is the center in all of that. If you have a lot of aches and pains, if your energy is down physically, certainly if you’re sick, then it’s really hard to do anything, to focus on anything else, to focus on giving and leading and helping other people and even just to be happy.

We tend to get miserable if we’re physically miserable and while you may not be physically miserable right now, I guarantee that you’re not as energetic, healthy and alive as you could be. None of us are. We can all make improvements in this area. Some of us need to improve a lot in this area, some a little bit, but we can all improve.

Now, another point about this topic or any time I talk about health, I am not a doctor, obviously. So what I’m doing is sharing ideas that I have gotten from other people, other experts and have actually tried myself. So I only share something with you if I’ve tried it myself and it is helped me feel better, more energetic, more alive, more healthy and today I’m going to share one of those things with you.

So if you have any doubts at all, I recommend go consult your doctor. The standard legal thing I have to say is consult your doctor before making any major changes. So consult your doctor before doing this if you have any doubts, if you think oh, my God, I don’t know. Okay? So I’m not a doctor, but I have found that this thing I’m going to talk to you about today is very powerful.

Finally, what am I talking about? What is the topic? The topic is ‘Detoxification’. Now, the root word in that is ‘toxic’. Toxic means poisonous. A ‘toxin’ is a poison. So, to ‘detox’, we can use it as a verb, to detox means to get rid of poisons or to neutralize poisons. When we’re talking about this in our bodies it means we have a lot of toxins, a lot of poisons in our bodies, lots of chemicals and they tend to accumulate, to increase and to stay in our bodies year after year after year because, unfortunately, we live in a toxic environment. All of us do, everywhere in the world at this point.

There are poisons and chemicals in our food, antibiotics; all kinds of stuff in our food. Even if you’re eating organic food and you’re a strict vegetarian, you’re still getting


poisons in your food. You can’t avoid it. You can lessen it by doing that, but you can’t totally avoid it.

In our water supplies, I mean all kinds of chemicals are added to our water supplies, chlorine, in some places fluoride, all kinds of other terrible chemicals in our water supply. Bottled water is the same. If it comes in a plastic bottle especially, some of the plastic chemicals are getting into that water. So, again, you can do lots of things to improve the quality of your water, filters and spring water, all kinds of things, but it’s impossible to get something totally pure at this point, unfortunately.

The air we breathe is full of toxic chemicals, radioactive materials, all kinds of garbage that’s being put out by factories and cars, industrial accidents. Awh, it’s horrible! It can feel overwhelming, all of the things that are in the air and food and water, all these things. All of this stuff makes its way into your body and when you’re young you probably don’t notice the affects of it, but as you get older it starts accumulating more and more and more and it gets stored in your fat.

There are a lot of scientific studies showing that a lot of these chemicals actually get into our fat cells and they stay in there and then they can have very negative affects on our health long-term, especially as we get older and those toxins get more and more and more, build up more and more and more, accumulate more and more in our bodies.

So, for all of these reasons, it’s very important for us to detox. That’s the bad news, what I just told you. The good news is that there are ways, many different ways, to get those out of our body. So they’re accumulating, accumulating, starting to cause problems, starting to cause damage, well we can start flushing them out, getting them out and, in fact, we must do this to be healthy and to remain healthy, especially as we age and get older. We absolutely must detox.

Yes, we gotta eat healthy and we gotta exercise, there’s lot of other stuff we need to do, but we also gotta get rid of these toxins. We gotta flush it out. Think of your body as if it were a town or a city. So in a town or a city garbage starts building up, right? Well, imagine if there was no garbage company, no garbage service, then that garbage would just increase more and more in the city and then more and more rats and roaches and bugs would start appearing because of that garbage and then the city would become really unhealthy.

Well, the same is true in our body. As that garbage increases in our bodies, then all kinds of bad bacteria and viruses and other things can start increasing. Our immune system drops. It’s terrible, so we gotta periodically flush that stuff out of our bodies. There are many different ways to do that, but I have come across one that’s very interesting that has some really unique case studies behind it and research behind it, so I’m going to share it with you because I’ve been trying it recently, as has Tamoa, and


we’ve gotten some good affects from it. It really increased our energy, making our minds feel clearer, just generally feeling much better after doing this. So, we’re gonna detox.

So I’m going to tell you just one possible detox protocol, there are many. So, today, in our lesson this time, one particular detox protocol that’s quite powerful and works very well. What does that word ‘protocol’ mean, by the way? That’s a good vocabulary word. A protocol is a standard way of doing something. It’s kind of standard guidelines or a standard procedure for doing something. So this is a detox protocol, it’s a standard way of detoxing your body. There are very standard steps, a standard way of doing that.

This was developed, well I heard about it first from a doctor named Dr. Joseph Mercola who is a really kind of cutting-edge doctor in terms of health, super health and detoxification. ‘Cutting edge’ means he’s very innovative, very new. Also, there’s and doctor, Dr. Yu. I can’t remember his first name right now. I think he’s the one who actually developed it. But let me tell you about this protocol, one possible way and one powerful way you can detox your body and get a lot of this junk and chemicals and all that crap out of your body.

Okay, here’s how it works. Step one, you take niacin. Niacin is vitamin B3, vitamin B3. How much should you take? Well, Dr. Mercola and Dr. Yu recommend that you start with 100 milligrams the first time you do this and then you try to increase that. So you might do 150 milligrams the next time. Then you might do 200 the next time and you build it up to around 300-400 milligrams for most people.

Now, if you’re super toxic, like you’ve got cancer or something, you might need to go higher. I recommend that you actually get more information, do more research yourself, because I don’t want to recommend anything more than that. I’m just going to stick with what they recommended for most people. So you’re going to take niacin, that’s the first step. Take niacin, little capsules or pills, vitamin B3. It’s also called vitamin B3.

Now, you do not want to get the slow release. There is a slow release version and then there’s a normal version. You want the normal version. So you’ll take this. Let’s say the first time you take 100 milligrams and then you take 200 or 300 another day that you do it. First, there are a couple of things that are going to happen. One thing that’s probably going to happen is you’re gonna get flushed.

Now, when we talk about ‘to get flushed’, when you’re talking about your body or physically, it means that you’re gonna get red. The blood is gonna come to your skin. You’re gonna feel this kind of tingling on your skin and your face is gonna look really red and your skin might look really red. What’s happening is your blood vessels are opening up. The niacin causes it to open up. It increases the circulation and so you get this kind of red feeling, this red look and this kind of tingly feeling in your skin. Don’t worry. It’s not dangerous. It’s fine. It’s normal.


What’s happening internally, however, is what’s important and that is that the niacin causes your fat cells to release toxins. Remember that those toxins, those poisons, can get stored in your fat cells. Well, the niacin causes those fat cells to let go of it, to release it, to put it out into your bloodstream. That’s what we want, right? We want to get rid of this stuff. Well, the first step is to get it out of your fat cells. If it’s in your fat cells it can’t come out of your body. So we want to get it out of the fat cells. That’s why you take the niacin. That’s step one.

So you take niacin, vitamin B3, starting with 100 milligrams and then increasing from there up to 300-400 milligrams. Right now I’m doing about 200-300 milligrams. I get flushed and it’s enough for me.

Step two, after you do this, so you’ve got the fat cells releasing the toxins, however, those toxins can get into your lymph system. The lymph system, it’s kind of your immune system. It’s like blood, but there are a lot of fats in it and there are a lot of white blood cells and things. So, basically, what you need to do as those toxins get out of your body, now you gotta start circulating it. You gotta get it moving so it gets into your blood so that you can really get it out of your body and what this protocol recommends is bouncing.

When you bounce you could just do this. You could just stand there and bounce like this, right? This is one easy way. What happens is as you bounce like this you’re kind of massaging your whole body. Your muscles are contracting and relaxing, contracting and relaxing and as they do that they’re squeezing all the blood vessels in your body. It’s kind of like a little massage. It causes all those toxins to get moving and to get out into your blood and to get into your big veins and arteries, really get that stuff out and moving, so you want to do this bouncing.

You could jump on a little trampoline, that’s what I do. It’s called a rebounder and that’s the most effective way, because it really helps to get those toxins and get your blood and get your lymph system all moving, which is very important. It’s the second step and it’s very important and you want to do this for 30 minutes. So for 30 minutes after you take that vitamin B3, the niacin, you’re just gonna be bouncing or jumping on your little trampoline, your little rebounder. Or, if you don’t have a rebounder, you just do it like this. It’s kind of like a little Tai Chi thing. You could do a dance, put on some music, whatever. You just want to be bouncing and moving as much as you can. Getting that stuff moving, getting the lymph moving, that’s step two.

Step three is now it’s in your blood. The blood, remember, is near your skin because of the niacin, so the next thing is we gotta get it out and how you do that, the main way, is by sweating. You want to sweat as much as you can. Now, the best way to do this is to get into a sauna. So you could take that niacin and then you could go to the gym. You could do like a little jog and jog to the gym. That’s a good way to kind of bounce,


jogging. Then when you’re at the gym you could jump around, whatever you need to do, then go get in that sauna and just really sweat. Drink a lot of water as you’re doing this, but get in that sauna and sweat. You want to do the sauna for about 30 minutes. If you don’t have a sauna then another thing you can do, I do this sometimes, is you can actually put on some heavy clothes, like winter clothes and a hat so you’re like really, really warm and then do some exercising. You could, I don’t know, whatever you want to do, dance or jog or keep bouncing, whatever you can do to sweat as much as you can, sweat as much as possible.

The sweating is vital. If you don’t sweat then all those poisons just stay in your blood. They don’t get out of your body. You want to sweat them out. You want to get them out of your body, so you wanna sweat, sweat, sweat, very, very important. Again, a sauna is the best way to do that, but if not, put on lots of clothes and exercise and make yourself sweat like crazy and keep on drinking water.

So you start eliminating a lot of those toxins in your sweat. Some of those toxins, however, will get dumped into your intestines, especially our colon, your large intestine. That’s another way your body eliminates garbage and waste, so you also need to take something so that it will go in and absorb those poisons. A simple thing you can get or buy pretty much anywhere in the world are charcoal tablets, activated charcoal tablets. You take a bunch of those, take four, five, six or more and you drink lots of water with that. That charcoal it absorbs poisons.

They use this in emergency rooms. I used to work in an emergency room and if somebody overdosed on some kind of drug or poison, one of the first things we did, the doctors that is, is they gave them charcoal, lots of charcoal, because it just absorbs anything that’s poisonous in your body. Very powerful stuff and really, really, really cheap and you can buy it in most pharmacies in most parts of the world. I’ve seen it in almost every country I’ve been to.

So, again, some of these poisons you’re gonna sweat out, but some of them you want to absorb in your gut, in your stomach. So you’re gonna take a bunch of these charcoal tablets, it’s totally nontoxic, in fact, it absorbs toxins, and drink a lot of water. That charcoal will go through your body and it will start absorbing and sucking up some of those toxins that have been released.

And then, finally, the last step, and you might do this at the end of the day or the end of the night or the next day, is you want to take a lot of probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria. They kind of live in our stomach. Not really in our stomach, they actually live in our intestines and our digestive system. They help us digest food, they help our immune system and you want to keep those healthy. So you can buy probiotic capsules, like


acidophilus, things like that. Acidophilus is a kind of positive, good bacteria. There are many kinds.

So in many countries you can just buy capsules like that. If you can’t do that then eat some foods that have good bacteria in them. Usually these are fermented foods, for example, kimchi, sauerkraut or yogurt. You want to eat something like that that next day, maybe for the next few days. It helps kind of get the good bacteria growing and strong in your stomach.

And that’s it. That is the protocol. So, step one, you take vitamin B3. Step two, you bound or rebound to get those toxins into your blood and moving. Step three, you sweat and sweat and sweat for 30 minutes. So you’re going to bounce for 30 minutes then you’re going to sweat for 30 minutes, preferably in a sauna or through exercising in heavy clothes. The next step is you’re gonna eat a bunch of activated charcoal. If you don’t have charcoal you can also use certain kinds of clays, bentonite clay. You can use zeolite powder. That’s a little more advanced, charcoal is the simple thing. And then, finally, you’ll take some probiotics or eat some kind of food that has good bacteria in it. That’s it. It’s a very, very powerful way to detox your body.

So the last thing, the last question is how often should you do this? You’ve got this nice little protocol to detox your body and get those poisons out, how often? Well, there are two different ways I recommend this and, really, Dr. Yu and Dr. Mercola recommend. Number one is the intensive way. The intensive way is to do this every single day for on month, 30 days; 30 straight days doing it every single day.

Now, these doctors claim that after doing this every day for 30 days that you can eliminate almost all of the toxic chemicals and poisons that are stored in your body. You can kind of totally rejuvenate and clean out your body in this way by doing this protocol that I just described every day for 30 straight days.

Now, for some people that’s a little too much. It’s like whoa! That’s a lot, especially if you’ve never done something like this before. So another way to do this would just be once a week. You might do it every Sunday, for example, or every Saturday, every Wednesday, whatever. You might do it just once a week. Once a week you would do this kind of protocol. That’s kind of what I’m doing and Tamoa is doing right now. We’re doing the once-a-week approach. So once a week we kind of cleanse out our body in this way.

What you’ll notice and what I’ve noticed is that my mind feels clearer after doing it. You know my mind is very sharp and my memory is good. I just feel kind of relaxed and very clear. It’s amazing. You’ll also notice more energy. You know physically you’ll feel lighter and you’ll have more energy. Long term this will help your immune system so you won’t get sick so much. You’ll just be a generally healthier person.


So I recommend that you do this. Give it a try then get on our social site and talk about your results. What happened? How do you feel? Try it several times and see after doing this several times how you feel. Is it having an affect? I’d like to hear your experiences. I think you’ll find that this can be a very powerful tool for getting healthier, having more energy and just feeling better, feeling great, feeling happier. Enjoy it and I’ll see you again. Bye-bye.



Energy Detox VIP – Mini Story

Hello, this is AJ and welcome to the mini story for this month’s lesson. Let’s get started. This one is based on a true story.

* * * * *

Allen was fried. He was fried. He was totally burned out and stressed out.

* * * * *

Now, to be ‘fried’, that’s slang. To be ‘fried’ means to be exhausted, totally exhausted and it definitely has the idea of mental exhaustion as well as physical, especially mental. You can say “Oh, man, I am just totally fried right now. I am really fried.” It means you’re exhausted. All your energy is used up.

Now, to be ‘burned out’, that next phrase, “Allen was fried. He was totally burned out”, to be ‘burned out’ means to be tired and to be without motivation for something. So burned out, it has an idea of no more motivation, no more desire to do something. So you can say “I am burned out at my job”, for example.

That means you have lost your ability to do the job with passion. You have lost your motivation for the job. You have lost your desire and your enjoyment for and of the job. That’s to be burned out. So burned out has the feeling of no more motivation, no more desire, no more enjoyment. Those things are burned up, right? They’re gone.

And, finally, the final phrase “Allen was stressed out.” To be ‘stressed out’ just means to have a lot of stress. It means to have kind of a maximum level of stress. So, to be stressed out means to have a very high level of stress.

* * * * *

So Allen was fried. He was exhausted. He was burned out. All his motivation and enjoyment was gone and he was stressed out. He had a lot of stress.

And why was he fried, burned out and stressed out?

Well, because he lived in San Francisco.


He lived in San Francisco, which is a very noisy city.

Is San Francisco a very quiet and peaceful city?

No, it’s not. San Francisco is not a quiet and peaceful city.

What kind of city is it?

It’s a noisy city.

And how did Allen feel?

Well, he was fried, he was burned out and he was stressed out.

So did he have a lot of stress in his life?

Yes, he was stressed out. He had a high level of stress.

Was he exhausted?

Yes, he was. He was fried.

Was his motivation and enjoyment of life gone?

Yes, he was totally burned out.

And why was he fried, exhausted? Why was he burned out, without motivation? Why was he stressed out, had a lot of stress? Why?

Because he lived in San Francisco and San Francisco is a very noisy city.

See, every day sirens were blaring near his apartment. Every day drunks were yelling outside his apartment.

So what were the sirens doing?

The sirens were blaring [sound of sirens] like that.

* * * * *

So, of course, the siren is the noisemaker on a police car or an ambulance or a fire truck and ‘to blare’ means to make a loud noise. So we can talk about music blaring. So if music is blaring, it means it’s playing very, very loud. Rah! It’s really, really loud. So if a


siren is blaring, it means the siren is playing very, very loud or loudly. So ‘to blare’ means to make a very, very loud sound, but we use it for music or sirens, things like that. We do not use it for speech or people.

* * * * *

So what was blaring?

Sirens. Sirens were blaring.

And where were they blaring constantly?

Outside of Allen’s apartment.

So were they blaring quietly?

No, no, no, blaring means to play loudly. So the sirens were not blaring quietly, it’s impossible. They were blaring very, very loudly. Blaring has the idea of very, very loud.

So was there music blaring outside of Allen’s apartment?

No, there wasn’t music blaring outside of his apartment.

So what was blaring?


Sirens from what were blaring?

Well, sirens from police cars, sirens from fire trucks and sirens from ambulances. Constantly throughout the day, every day, sirens were blaring outside of Allen’s apartment.

When the sirens were blaring did Allen feel relaxed?

No, no, he was stressed out by the sounds of sirens blaring.

Because this happened constantly, all the time, every day, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, Allen became totally burned out by San Francisco life. He was totally fired because he could never sleep well.

Why couldn’t he sleep well?


Because sirens were constantly blaring outside of his apartment on the street next to his apartment. The sirens blaring frequently woke him up. That’s why he was fried, totally exhausted.

Well, Allen needed peace and quiet so he went to Delores Park to try to relax. He thought “I will go to the park. It will be beautiful and quiet and calm. I can escape these blaring sirens.”

And, indeed, did he escape the blaring sirens at Delores Park?

Yes, he did. He escaped the blaring sirens at Delores Park.

He was sitting on the grass enjoying a quiet time, but then a crazy man came walking through the park shouting “Give me some money for booze! Hey, you! Give me some money for booze! Hey, man, come on. Give me some money for booze!”

What did the crazy man want?

Well, he wanted money in order to buy booze.

* * * * *

What’s booze? ‘Booze’ is kind of slang for alcohol. It’s not beer. It’s not wine. It’s kind of hard alcohol. We call that ‘booze’. It’s a slang word, ‘booze’. The crazy man wanted money so he could buy alcohol.

* * * * *

So what did he say, the crazy man?

He said “Give me some money for booze.”

Did he want beer?

No, he didn’t want to buy beer.

What kind of alcohol did he want to buy?

Well, he wanted to buy hard alcohol, something like vodka or whiskey. He wanted to buy booze.

Was he polite and quiet?


No, no, he wasn’t polite and quiet. He was shouting. He was walking through the park shouting constantly “Give me some money booze! Give me some money for booze!” and he wouldn’t leave. So the crazy man made lots and lots and lots of noise and bothered Allen a lot.

So did Allen find peace and quiet at Delores Park?

No, unfortunately, he did not.

So next he went to Golden Gate Park, the biggest park in San Francisco. He thought “I will find peace and quiet in Golden Gate Park.” So he took a taxi and he went out to Golden Gate Park. He was dreaming of trees and peace and quiet and lying on the grass looking up at the sky, but when he arrived there was an enormous music festival there. There were throngs of people, hordes of partiers.

Was there a small music festival at Golden Gate Park when Allen arrived?

No, there was not a small music festival there. There was an enormous music festival.

* * * * *

Of course, ‘enormous’ means huge; very, very, very, very big.

* * * * *

So there was an enormous what at Golden Gate Park when Allen arrived?

There was an enormous music festival.

And where was the enormous music festival?

At Golden Gate Park.

Was it a peaceful, classical, music festival?

No, it was not classical music. It was an enormous music festival. It was an enormous rock music festival with extremely loud music. In fact, the music was blaring all over the park. It was playing very, very loudly.

Were there just a few people there?

No, no, no, no, there were throngs of people at the park.


* * * * *

A ‘throng’ is a huge group. It has the idea of a very, very, very large unorganized group, a throng. So we will have a throng at a big music festival or a throng maybe at a big protest. It’s this idea of a large and kind of unorganized group.

* * * * *

So where were the throngs?

The throngs were at Gold Gate Park.

And why were there throngs of people at Golden Gate Park?

Well, there were throngs of people at Golden Gate Park because of the enormous music festival.

So how many people were there at Golden Gate Park?

Throngs of them, thousands and thousands of them, huge groups, unorganized, moving around the park. There were also hordes of partiers at Golden Gate Park for the music festival.

* * * * *

Now, a ‘horde’ is similar to a throng. Again, it’s an idea of a large group of people, but a horde has the idea of maybe a rowdy group. It’s a very large group that’s maybe loud and, again, certainly disorganized, a horde of people. So a very, very large group is a horde.

* * * * *

So there were hordes of what kind of people at Golden Gate Park?

There were hordes of partiers, people who were partying, drinking, dancing and running around making lots of noise.

So were there hordes of meditators at Golden Gate Park?

No, no, not hordes of meditators. People were not meditating at the park.

There were hordes of what at Golden Gate Park?


There were hordes of partiers, people who were partying, drinking, laughing, dancing, yelling woo-hoo!

So were there hordes of quiet people at Golden Gate Park?

No, there were not hordes of quiet people at Golden Gate Park. There were hordes of partiers.

And where were the hordes of partiers?

At Golden Gate Park.

And where were the throngs of people?

At Golden Gate Park.

Where was the enormous music festival?

At Golden Gate Park.

And where was poor Allen?

Unfortunately, he too was at Golden Gate Park wanting peace and quiet and, instead, music was blaring. There were hordes of partiers, thongs of people. Allen was at his wits’ end.

* * * * *

Now, to be at your ‘wits’ end’ means you’re at the end of your patience. You’re at the end of your patience. It means you can’t take anymore. You have reached your limit for something. Usually when we say “I’m at my wits’ end”, it means you have reached your limit for something unpleasant. It means you’ve tried to be patient, you’ve tried to endure it, but you’re at your limit. You can’t take anymore. It’s too much. You’re finished. You can’t it anymore.

* * * * *

So Allen was at his wits’ end. He reached his limit for noise. He just was sick of it, totally sick of it. He reached his limit. He could not tolerate it anymore.

So where was Allen?


At his wits’ end. (This is an idiom.) He was at his wits’ end.

Why was at his wits’ end? Why did he reach his limit?

Well, because had endured so much noise in San Francisco and then, finally, he went to the park and there was a huge loud music festival.

* * * * *

It was the ‘last straw’. We say the ‘last straw’. It means it’s the last thing that you can endure; the final thing.

* * * * *

So Allen was at his wits’ end. He was sick of loud, blaring music. He was sick of loud blaring sirens. He was sick of the noise in San Francisco. He had no more patience for it.

So was he patient or was he at his wits’ end?

He was at his wits’ end.

Did he have more patience or was he finished with San Francisco?

He was finished with San Francisco. Allen was at his wits’ end. He couldn’t take it anymore. He reached his limit. He was at his wits’ end.

So finally he decided “I must leave San Francisco. I must find peace and quiet.” And so he searched through travel books and maps and one day he saw a gorgeous, beautiful, picture of Maui, Hawaii and he decided immediately “I’m moving to Maui!” And he did. He moved to Maui and every day on Maui, the Island of Maui in Hawaii, every day was peaceful and serene and beautiful and Allen finally found peace and calm and was very, very happy.

* * * * *

And that is the end of our mini story this month. I will see you again soon. Just listen to the story, answer the questions as best you can. Shout some short little answers. Enjoy it and I’ll see you again next time. Bye-bye.


Energy Detox VIP – POV

Welcome to the point-of-view stories for this month’s lesson. Let’s get started. Three versions of the story, very simple, all you need to do is just listen to them every day.

* * * * *

So, Allen is fried. He is totally burned out and he’s totally stressed out by the noise in San Francisco. See, every day sirens are blaring outside of his apartment and drunks are yelling and AJ is always getting stressed out. So one day he goes to Delores Park to find peace and quiet, but as he’s sitting in Delores Park a crazy man comes walking through the park shouting “Give me money for booze! Give me some money for booze!” And the man continues shouting and shouting and shouting and totally disturbs Allen’s peace and quiet.

So next, Allen goes to Golden Gate Park, the biggest park in San Francisco, but when he arrives there is an enormous music festival there. There are throngs of people. There are hordes of partiers. Allen is very upset. In fact, Allen is at his wits’ end. He reaches the limits of his patience and he decided immediately “I must leave San Francisco. I must find peace and quiet.”

He goes home immediately and starts looking through travel books and doing research on the Internet and then he sees a gorgeous picture of Maui, one of the islands of Hawaii. It’s beautiful. It looks so peaceful and quiet and tropical and wonderful and he decides immediately to move to Maui and, indeed, Maui is peaceful and serene, very relaxing and calm and tropical and warm and wonderful. Allen finally finds peace and quiet and he’s very happy.

* * * * *

All right, the next version of our story begins with…

* * * * *

Since he moved to San Francisco several years ago, Allen has been fried. He has been burned out and stressed out by the noise in San Francisco. It started immediately when he moved to San Francisco and it just continued and continued the whole time he has been there and so during that whole time he has been fried. He’s been burned out. He’s been stressed out by all the noise. He has been totally stressed out by all the noise in San Francisco.


You see, during that time sirens have blared outside of his apartment constantly and drunks have yelled and caused lots of noise. All this has been happening frequently, constantly, daily since Allen moved to San Francisco. Well, one day Allen finally went to Delores Park to find peace and quiet, but as he was sitting there a crazy man came up shouting “Give me some money for booze! Give me some money for booze!”

So, next, Allen decided to go to Golden Gate Park to find quiet, but there was an enormous music festival there. There were throngs of people, hordes of partiers. Allen was at his wits’ end. He finally decided “I must leave San Francisco. I must find peace and quiet.” He went home immediately and began to do research and he saw a gorgeous picture of Maui, Hawaii and he decided immediately to move to Maui and, indeed, Maui was peaceful and serene and tropical and beautiful and wonderful and Allen finally found peace and quiet and was very happy.

* * * * *

And, finally, our next version goes into the future. Imagine this will happen in the future.

* * * * *

There will be a guy named Allen and he’ll be fried. He’ll be burned out. He’ll be stressed out by living in San Francisco. He’ll be stressed out by the noise in San Francisco. He’s gonna be stressed out by the sirens especially, because the sirens will always be blaring, blaring, blaring outside of his window and he’s gonna be stressed out by all the drunk people yelling outside of his apartment.

(And, of course, ‘gonna’ means going to. It’s a casual way to use the future. Use it only in speech, not in writing.)

So one day finally Allen is gonna go to Delores Park to try to find some peace and quiet, but when he goes to Delores Park he’s disturbed by a crazy man shouting “Give me some money for booze! Give me some money for booze!” Well, this will upset Allen, of course, so next he’ll try to go to Golden Gate Park to find quiet, but when he gets there, there will be an enormous music festival. There’ll be throngs of people. There’ll be hordes of partiers and Allen is gonna be at his wits’ end.

Finally he’ll decide that he must leave San Francisco. He’ll say “I must leave San Francisco. I must find peace and quiet.” He’ll go home, he’ll search on the Internet, he’ll do research looking for a new place to live and, finally, he’ll find a picture of Maui, gorgeous, beautiful, tropical and he’ll immediately decide to move to Maui. He’ll move to Maui and, indeed, Maui will be peaceful, serene, tropical and wonderful and Allen will be peaceful and calm and happy.* * * * *


And that is the end of our point-of-view stories for this month’s lessons. Just remember with these points of view there are many, many ways to tell a story, many points of view. We could tell this story in many different ways. These are some of the most common points of view we use every day in English. That’s why I use these three or four almost every month, because they’re the most common and I want you to know them very, very well.

Now, it’s possible that we could, even with these three points of views, say things in a slightly different way. We could use a little bit of a different verb tense in one part or the other. So don’t think about it too much. Don’t analyze it. There are many right answers, not just one. All you need to do is just listen to each version of the story. Don’t focus on it as if it’s the only right answer because, remember, there are many, many right answers, many, many ways to say something in English or in any other language.

So just relax. Let it get into your brain each day by listening, listening, listening. Listen with concentration, listen with focus and month by month your understanding, your feeling of English grammar will get better and more clear and you’ll begin using English grammar more and more correctly in your speech. That’s how it works. So all you need to do is relax and listen with concentration and focus every day.

See you again, bye-bye.


Energy Detox VIP – Commentary

Hello, this is AJ. Welcome to this month’s commentary. This is actually a very interesting topic to me personally, detoxification, cleansing is another way you can describe it, but it’s all about getting the bad junk out of our bodies. So in past lessons on health and energy I’ve talked about things you can do to get good nutrients into your body, simple things like juicing and other things like that. We’ve talked about moving our bodies. Everyone knows that exercise is good for you, but detoxing is often neglected.

It’s an often neglected topic because, let’s face it, it doesn’t have such a fun, pleasant kind of feeling, you know? Oh, I’ve got all this toxic junk in my body and I gotta get it out. That sounds kind of yucky. It sounds kind of gross or unpleasant to a lot of people, for example, my mom. I talk about my mom a lot when I talk about these health topics, because she has struggled with health for most of her life and I’m always trying to encourage her to get healthier.

One thing that I noticed is that my mom really, really, really is not interested in this topic of detoxification, not interested in cleanings, because it sounds kind of yucky, right? ‘Yucky’ means you know gross or unpleasant. So if we think about drinking fresh vegetable juice, oh that sounds nice. You know drink some apple juice, carrot juice, um, yummy. It sounds nice, it sounds pleasant, but if you talk about cleansing what are we talking about? We’re talking about sweating a lot, right? Sweat pouring out of our bodies.

There are a lot of people out there who don’t like that idea, like my mom, for example. She doesn’t like sweating a lot and, yet, that’s exactly what you need to do to get that stuff out of your body, to get those toxic chemicals and all the other accumulated junk out of your bodies. I mean we gotta get it out in some way. Well, how do things come out of our bodies? Well, sweat is a big one. Our bodies eliminate toxins through sweat. It’s a major organ, a major channel of elimination for our bodies.

What are the other channels of elimination? Well, you can pee. You can urinate, right? Or you can shit, just to use the common phrase. If you want to sound polite, you could say defecate; to defecate. That sounds scientific and very polite, but it’s not what we commonly say. We commonly say, you know, to shit. It can be used as a verb. So, obviously, you can tell. If you just use the word ‘to shit’, some people oh, that’s not polite, right? It’s gross, yucky stuff coming out your butt. You’re peeing, you know? It’s not something people like to talk about, peeing. Pooping is another polite way to say it. Instead of to shit, you can say to poop. That’s probably the more polite way to say it, so I’ll use that one from now on in this commentary.


So pooping and peeing and sweating, none of those are pleasant, polite topics of conversation. We don’t usually sit around with our friends talking about pooping and peeing and sweating, right? But your crazy English teacher AJ is talking about exactly that this month. Aren’t you glad you joined the VIP Program? It’s so interesting. But, seriously, seriously, this is a very, very powerful thing, very important. I’ve done a number of different cleanses. The one I describe in the video is a very simple one you can do at home. That’s why I taught it to you in the video, but there are many different methods of cleansing.

I mean different traditional cultures have different methods that they have used a lot. I mean, for example, the Native American cultures, not all of them, but many of the Native American tribes in the United States, the original Americans, they used what they call ‘sweat lodges’. So they would create these kind of tents, you know using sticks and then they would cover it up. Then inside they would make a fire and they’d put hot stones in there and then all the people would go inside and sit in there and it was, of course, very, very, very hot and they would sweat, sweat, sweat a lot. It was kind of a ritual. Well, they were detoxing. They were cleansing their bodies.

Many cultures have this tradition of fasting, of not eating, just drinking pure water only for a period of time. Again, that’s another way of detoxing, of getting the waste material out of our bodies.

Now, of course, when these traditions were developed hundreds or even thousands of years ago, the earth was much less poisonous than it is now. They didn’t have the amount of industrial chemicals that we have now going into our bodies all the time. And many times these detox and cleansing rituals of the past were done for spiritual reasons. Because, see, when you detox your body, you’re also detoxing your brain. See, our brain gets filled up with these chemicals and with this waste material and it causes our brains to be less clear and to be kind of foggy. It changes our moods.

It can cause us to have difficult moods and so the ancient people in the past, they would do all this cleansing and detoxing for spiritual reasons to clear their minds so they could develop very clear, sharp, awake minds and a calm emotions. Because when you cleanse well, when you detox, your emotions tend to become calmer, your mind becomes calmer yet clearer. You’re both more relaxed and more alert. It’s very powerful.

And many of us don’t even realize that we’re not clear mentally. We don’t even realize that our bodies are not functioning at their best. Because we’ve been walking around with all this toxic junk in our bodies and minds for so long we feel like it’s normal. It’s just normal to us. We don’t know what great health feels like anymore. Even if you’re eating very well and exercising, you still don’t know until you do a really strong detox and cleanse. It’s just an amazing feeling. Like I said, I’ve done several. I tend to enjoy going to another location, like going to an event or going to a special place to do cleanses and


detoxes because, especially if you’re fasting, if you’re not eating or if you’re only drinking juices or something like that, then it can be kind of hard to do it just in your own normal home.

If you have all your kind of normal food around and maybe your normal routine that can be a little bit difficult sometimes, so I often enjoy going away. Like I went to a Tony Robbins’ event called ‘Life Mastery’, which actually we talked about in a Learn Real English Lesson fairly recently. Well, that was basically a cleanse. It was nice, because I went there and there were a lot of other people doing the same cleanse and the event organizers, they provided our juices for us. So it was kind of a juice fast, a juice cleanse and at the end of those, I think it was five days, I felt fantastic, physically fantastic. Like just very physically light yet very energized and mentally very, very clear, very calm, clear, happy emotions, great concentration, very alert, but also relaxed. Fabulous, it feels so good.

So you have a lot of options for detoxification. I recommend you try the one in the video that I taught you in this month’s lesson because it’s very simple. It’s a very simple easy one that you can do at home. It doesn’t require huge changes in your eating habits or anything like that. So that’s why I taught it to you, it’s very easy, but let me talk about a few other methods of detoxing that you could also try at home.

Another one, is what’s called an intestinal cleanse. Again, this is repeating some information I taught the Learn Real English people, but an intestinal cleanse is where you’re basically taking in herbs and other substances in order to clean out your digestive tract. That’s t-r-a-c-t, tract. It just means your digestive system. So your digestive system includes, of course, your stomach and then into your small intestine and then your large intestine. So that’s what we’re really talking about.

What you can do is you can take certain herbs and substances that will kind of clean that out because that gets filled up with a lot of junk, a lot of garbage, a lot of chemicals, all kinds of yucky stuff. And what you can do, very simply, one of the easiest ways, I mentioned it in the video a little bit, you can drink some activated charcoal powder. Mix it up in water and drink it.

You can also drink something called zeolites, z-e-o-l-i-t-e-s. It’s a kind of clay, a kind of powder, and zeolites are very powerful. In fact, zeolites have been shown in research to help pull out toxic metals, toxic chemicals, out of your body, attach to them and then help you just poop them out so that you eliminate them from your body.

Also, zeolites have been shown to eliminate radioactive material from your body and we’re all exposed to radioactive material in our drinking water, in our food and in our air. Small amounts, hopefully, but it still gets into our bodies. So by drinking some zeolite power in water, maybe doing it every day for a month or maybe doing it once a week


every week, however you want to do it, you can start pulling out that toxic stuff, getting it out of your body. So that’s an intestinal cleanse.

Also, with an intestinal cleanse usually you’ll drink some kind of fiber. So you’ll drink some kind of high-fiber drink. You want something natural not chemical and the fiber kind of cleanses and scrubs your intestines as it goes through. It also helps to pull out yucky, junky material. When you’re doing a cleanse you want to eat lightly, eat lower-fat stuff, eat organic, eat steamed vegetables, vegetable juices, things like that.

So, doing an intestinal cleanse. You can get on the Internet and do even more research about intestinal cleanse or cleanses, because there’s lots of different systems and lots of different herbs and supplements you can use in order to do that, but I highly recommend doing that. Maybe once every three months is a good system.

So another kind of cleanse you can do and this one that I’m going to do probably in three months. I’m going to travel in Asia some and then when I get back from traveling in Asia I plan to do a liver cleanse, a liver cleanse. Again, you can get on the Internet and do more research about this, just put in ‘liver cleanse’. You can also do a search for ‘master cleanse’ or ‘the master cleanse’. The master cleanse is a kind of liver cleanse. So it’s cleaning your liver, helping your liver get toxic material out and eliminating it because, see, your liver is one of your main detox organs. Your liver pulls lots of toxic material so that it doesn’t get into the rest of your body. It’s easy for our livers to become quite stressed now, so doing a liver cleanse is a very powerful thing to do. I have yet to do one, however. This will be my first liver cleanse coming up.

The basic idea of a liver cleanse is that for about four days you don’t eat fat. You try to avoid all fat in your diet. The reason you do that is to let your liver rest, because your liver helps to digest fat so if you don’t eat fat your liver can rest a bit. Then you drink Epsom salts in water, which starts to help your liver kind of open up and relax more and then there are some other supplements you can take. You can drink some lemon juice. You do some things like that for about four days.

Then on the fifth day or maybe it’s the evening of the fourth day, you drink like a half cup of oil, olive oil or something like that. I think organic olive oil is a good way to go. What that does, the sudden fat, because oil is just fat, the sudden fat coming into your body causes your liver to kind of start squeezing out toxic material. I guess a lot of yucky junk can come out of it and then you’ll poop it out. So that’s another wonderful way to detox your body.

And, of course, on a daily level a great way to just make sure you’re doing at least some detoxing is that every day you should be drinking lots of water and every day try to sweat. Every day sweat, this is one of the key benefits of exercises which we don’t really hear about so much. We hear about the benefits to our heart and to our muscles


and to our bones and we know that it helps our immune system. We know that it’s a good cancer preventative. We know that all these things come from exercising, but what we often don’t hear about is that by sweating when we’re exercising we’re eliminating toxic material.

We’re eliminating waste material from our body. We’re helping our bodies detox. So that is a great way to get some daily detoxification, which is to just get out there and sweat every day and exercising is a great way to do that, just sweat. If you have access to a sauna, if you can get to a sauna, well that’s a great thing to do too. You know go to a sauna a few times a week. It’s fantastic. They feel great. They’re really relaxing. You sweat a lot, but it’s that nice warm heat. I find them very relaxing. I think they’re fantastic. Just make sure, again, you drink lots of water, because if you’re sweating a lot you need to replace that water. So drink lots of water or drink good fresh vegetables juices, things like that.

So it’s all about cleaning out our bodies, right? We all know that you’re putting stuff in, but we also need to get stuff out. So we gotta put good stuff in, but we gotta get the bad stuff out and that’s the whole point. So is this a sexy topic? Not really. No. Do people like to talk about sweating and pooping and peeing? No, they don’t. However, I promise you, if you do this you will feel fantastic. This is a major key to having great energy. You’ve got to detox. You must detox regularly. That might be once a year for you. It might be twice a year. It might be three times a year. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter, just do it. Please do it.

I know it sounds like an unpleasant topic. I know it sounds strange. I know it’s something that maybe you don’t want to tell everybody about. That’s fine. It’s okay, but just do it. Please, try the detox that I described in the video. You could even try the intensive one. Do it every single day for one month, but even if you don’t do that do it once a week, even just do it once a month. Whatever you do, just do it. It really will make a big difference in the quality of your life, because when you get the bad stuff out it frees up energy. It gives you more energy. Your body becomes lighter. Your body works better.

The benefit to you is, as I said, you feel more energized. You just have more energy through the whole day. You think more clearly. Your emotions are more calm and happy. It’s an amazing experience and the more you detox, the more you’ll get this benefit. And having that kind of energy and concentration is the key to everything else you want in your life. Every goal you have requires you to expend energy, mental energy, emotional energy, physical energy.

You want to speak English better, guess what? That takes energy. It means when you’re listing to these English lessons, you need to have good concentration. If your mind is not clear then you’ll learn less. If you’re physically feeling kind of tired, you have fatigue,


you’re going to learn less. See, those things are going to hurt your goal of learning English better, speaking English better, but if you have more energy, if your mind is more clear, if it’s easier for you to concentrate then, obviously, you’re going to learn much faster. You’re going to improve faster.

This is true of everything. It’s true of your relationships. If you’re more calm, more alert, more focused, more energized, you’re going to be a better husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, child, whatever, right? It helps all of your relationships. It will help your business and your career. If at work you have better concentration, you’re more alert, you’re more relaxes, you’re less stressed, you have more physical energy, you have more emotional energy, you have more mental energy, you have more creativity, you’re obviously going to do a better job and that’s going to improve your career or your business.

It doesn’t matter; any aspect of life, energy is the root of all of it, right? It’s what powers us for everything and to unleash that energy, that natural energy and health that we have, we have to occasionally and consistently eliminate the things that suppress that energy, that hide that energy, that block that energy, right? Because that’s what toxins do, that’s what waste material does in our bodies, it blocks the flow of that energy. You can think of it that way. It’s how maybe traditional Chinese medicine might describe it, blocking the flow of energy.

However you want to think about it, eliminating toxic chemicals or getting rid of the blocks. Either way, by detoxing what you do is you eliminate the blocks to the energy, you get the toxins out and then you get back to that natural state that we all have of feeling very free and energized and alert and alive and calm, with sharp clear minds and a super energized body.

That’s what I want for you. So, please, take this topic very seriously. It’s a very serious topic. It’s a very powerful topic. It’s one of the most powerful topics I’ve ever discussed. I know it’s not the most pleasant. I know it’s not the most sexy. I know it’s not the most trendy, but very, very important.

So this month what I want you to do for your homework, you know what I want you to do, I want you to detox this month. Do the detox in the video. Try it for seven days in a row or 10 days in a row or if you really want to do it, do it for the whole month then report your results on the social site. Please report your results, because I want people to see the power of this. I want more and more people to do this. It’s so important. It can change your life forever.

All right, I will see you again next time. Get out there and clean out the inside of that body. Detox it, you’re gonna feel great. Talk to you later, bye-bye.

