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** 行程秩序如有更改,均以当地接待单位安排为准, 酒店如有异动/遇房满将以同等级替代**

第一天 吉隆坡 -香港 - 澳门 - 珠海 (晚餐)香港机场直接乘船过澳门,.参观新葡京酒店,澳门最具代表性的地标——“大三巴”(圣保禄教堂前壁遗址),议事亭前地,民政总署大楼,澳门塔外观,南湾湖激光音乐喷泉,威尼斯人,自费自由品尝官也街澳门四大美食:猪扒包、燕窝蛋挞,大菜糕,鱼翅捞面。后前往珠海,入住酒店酒店 :珠海西藏大厦(4*)或同等级

第二天 珠海 -中山 (早/午/晚餐)酒店早餐,游览梅溪牌坊,欣赏中国国粹变脸表演。石景山公园俯览珠海市容(缆车自理)。拱北地下商场自由购物,晚餐品尝海鲜风味餐。晚餐后自费观赏最新对外开放的珠海长隆国际大马戏。 酒店 :中山皇冠假日(5*)或同等级

第三天 中山 - 顺德 (早/午/晚餐)酒店早餐,参观孙中山故居. 茶叶店品茶。继而前往顺德,游览广东四大名园之一清晖园,华盖路步行街自由活动。酒店 :俊涛商务酒店(4*)或同等级

第四天 顺德 - 广州 (早/午/晚餐)酒店早餐,前往广州,车游海心沙广场,外观广州塔,“珠江-英博”国际啤酒博物馆,您可以欣赏最原始的啤酒酿造工艺及发展历程,还可以免费品尝至纯至真的啤酒。游览荔枝湾风情区,感受传统羊城建筑及文化。赠送品尝《舌尖上的中国》所推介的竹升面。 北京路步行街自由活动。*** 自费珠江夜游,欣赏珠江两岸靓丽景色 ***酒店 :广州鼎龙国际酒店(5*)或同等级

第五天 广州 - 深圳 (早/午/晚餐)酒店早餐,前往深圳,参观竹碳店,游览东部华侨城茶溪谷(茶溪谷: 茶溪谷体现中西文化交融并兼有“茶、禅、花、竹”等主要元素,为游客精心营造了一个绿的世界、花的世界、中西文化交融的世界、休闲度假的世界,包括茵特拉根小镇、茶翁古镇、三洲茶园和湿地花园四个游览区,融合了西方山地小镇的风情、茶禅文化的融合、岭南茶田的幽雅和湿地花海的浪漫。)之后前往东门步行街自由购物。酒店 :深圳百合酒店(5*)或同等

第六天 深圳 - 香港 (早/午/晚餐)酒店早餐,乘直巴过香港,游览太平山(含单程缆车),俯览香港繁华都会景色。参观杜拉莎夫人蜡像馆,与众名人明星来个亲密的合照。乘坐叮叮车游览香港岛,游览《重庆森林》,《无间道》拍摄地—石板街,花样年华旗袍店。游览金紫荆广场,星光大道,欣赏《幻彩咏香江》。继而前往女人街自由购物。酒店 :香港悦来酒店(4*)或同等

第七天 香港 -吉隆坡自由活动时间至约定时间前往香港机场。

7天6夜 香港/澳门珠三角

7天6夜 香港/澳门珠三角

Code :7PRD


特色美食 : 地道葡国风味 / 中山乳鸽风味餐 / 乳猪冬瓜盅 / 渔米粥粥底火锅 / 避风塘炒蟹 /港式烧鹅餐

澳门 - “大三巴”(圣保禄教堂前壁遗址)/ 议事亭前地 / 民政总署大楼 / 澳门塔外观 / 威尼斯人

珠海 - 梅溪牌坊 / 石景山公园 / 拱北地下商场 中山 - 孙中山故居

顺德 - 广东四大名园之<清晖园> / 华盖路步行街

广州 - 车游海心沙广场 / 外观广州塔 / “珠江-英博”国际啤酒博物馆 / 北京路步行街 深圳 - 东部华侨城茶溪谷 / 东门步行街

香港 - 太平山(含单程缆车)/ 香港杜拉莎夫人蜡像馆 / 乘坐叮叮车游览香港岛 /星光大道 石板街 (香港等知名影视剧都在这里取景)/ 金紫荆广场/ 女人街自由购物

Day 01 Kuala Lumpur - Hongkong - Macau - Zhuhai (D)Arrived at HKIA then transfer to Macao by direct ferry, visit Lisboan hotel, Ruins of St. Paul, Senado square, Leal Senado' Building, pass by the icon of Macau- Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Centre, Nam Van Lake Cybernetic Fountain and Venetian resort. Then enjoy Macao delicious food (pig bag, Bird's nest egg tart and so on) at Rua da Cunha by your own expense. Then transfer to Zhuhai and hotel check in。Hotel : Tibet hotel 4 * or similar hotel

Day 02 Zhuhai - Zhongshan (B/L/D)After breakfast, visit Meixi Arch which reproduces Zhuhai's attractive local cultural charm, is set celebrity Memorial Folk Museum, tourism and leisure as one of Zhuhai local cultural landscape. Appreciate the Face-changing performance. Then visit Shijingshan Park (exclude cable car fee). Free shopping at Gongbei underground shopping mall. At night, you can optional to appreciate the Chimelong International Circus.Hotel : Zhongshan Crowne Plaza hotel 5 * or similar hotel

Day 03 Zhongshan - Shunde (B/L/D)Hotel breakfast, visit Sun Yat-sen’s Former Residence. Visit tea shop. then proceed to Shunde, visit one of the four famous Lingnan Garden, Qinghui Garden. Free shopping at Huagai Road pedestrianHotel : Juntao Hotel 4 * or similar hotel

Day 04 Shunde - Guangzhou (B/L/D)After breakfast, transfer to Guangzhou, Coach view of Haixinsha Island and Guangzhou Tower. Then go to visit the Zhujiang-InBev International Beer Museum. Inside the Museum, tourists are likely to understand the splendors of world-wide beer cultures by means of picturesque scenes, interactive games, colorful exhibits, etc. Visit Litchi Bay custom area. Taste the Jook-sing noodles. Then free shopping at Beijing Road pedestrian. *** Optional tour to appreciate the Pearl River Night Cruise. ***Hotel : Donlord International Hotel 5 * or similar hotel

Day 05 Guangzhou - Shenzhen (B/L/D)After breakfast, transfer to Shenzhen, we will go to OCT East(Tea Stream Valley: Reflects the Chinese and Western cultures, and both the main elements of the tea, Zen, flowers, bamboo, Carefully to create a green world for tourists, a world of flowers, Chinese and Western cultures of the world, Leisure world, Including four resort town of Interlaken, Ancient Tea Town, Three Continents tea plantations and wetlands Garden, Integration of the fusion of the western mountain town style, Zen tea culture, the Lingnan elegant tea fields and the wetland flowers romantic. free shopping at Dongmen Walking Street.Hotel : Shenzhen Century Kingdom Hotel 5 * or similar hotel

Day 06 Shenzhen - Hongkong (B/L/D)After breakfast transfer to Hong Kong by direct coach, then visit Victoria Peak (include one way peak tram), visit Madame Tussaud's, take "ding dings" to travel Hong Kong Island. Next stop, cheongsam shop, where you can see many beautiful cheongsam. And in the movie “in the Mood for Love”, Maggie Chan has an elegant behavior when wearing different kinds of cheongsams. Visit Golden Bauhinia Square, Avenue of Stars, appreciate Symphony of Lights. After dinner, free shopping at the Ladies Market.Hotel : Panda Hotel 4 * or similar hotel

Day 07 Hongkong - Kuala LumpurFree time till to agreed time to transfer to Hong Kong Airport.

7D6N HongKongMacau & PRD7D6N HongKongMacau & PRD

* The above itinerary is for reference only and is subject to anynecessary changes in accordance to local conditions. *

*Final and correct itinerary are based on Chinese version itinerary.* *

Code :7PRD

Local 4+5 Star Hotel

Special Meal : Portuguese Lunch/Roasted Pigeon/Roasted GooseMacau - Lisboan hotel, Ruins of St. Paul, Senado square, Leal Senado' Building / coach view Macau Tower Convention / Venetian resort

Zhuhai - Meixi Arch which / Shijingshan Park / Gongbei underground shopping mall

Zhongshan - Sun Yat-sen’s Former Residence

Shunde - one of the four famous Lingnan Garden, <Qinghui Garden> / Huagai Road pedestrian

Guangzhou – coach view Haixinsha Island / coach view Guangzhou Tower /

Zhujiang- ‘InBev International Beer Museum’ / Beijing Road pedestrian

Shenzhen - OCT East(Tea Stream Valley) / Dongmen Pedestrian Street

Hong Kong - Victoria Peak (include one way peak tram) / Avenue of Stars take "ding dings" coach to travel Hong Kong Island / Ladies street Golden Bauhinia Square / Hong Kong Madame Tussaud' s
