Agnus Dei Lutheran Church January 2018 Gather Go in service€¦ · AN AGNUS DEI AND ST JOHN’S...


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Agnus Dei Lutheran Church

Gather in grace

Grow in faith

Go in service

January 2018




Agnus Dei Lutheran





From our Pastors

In the month of January, and in the months to come, many of our gospel readings for Sunday morning will come from the gospel of Mark. This gospel encourages those who follow Jesus to see the world a bit differently. Matthew Skinner, professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary notes five characteristics of this gospel for us to keep in mind as we hear stories from this author:

Mark sees God’s work in terms of incursion, deliverance, and mercy.

Mark sees a new kingdom emerging as Jesus breaches and redefines boundaries.

Mark sees a deliverer who often eludes easy definition.

Mark sees outsiders who have insights.

Mark sees discipleship defined by Jesus’s rejection and death.

While the culture we live in today is vastly different from the context of the author of this gospel text, the world we live in is much the same. We still need Jesus to shake up our boundaries, lift up voices of outsiders, and remind us that God will not be easily defined. We still see God’s work in the mercies of the world but also that following Jesus can lead to rejection and death.

To learn more about this gospel, be sure to attend the forum presentations on January 21st and 28th. Pastor Seth will share context, insights, and reflections on this gospel.

Peace and Joy,

Pastor Stephanie

Please let Pastor Seth and/or Pastor Stephanie know if you are in need of pastoral care. If you would like to be contacted by one of our pastors please call the office at 253-851-6222 or email them at or In an emergency, you can reach Pastor Seth @ 253-448-3481 or Pastor Stephanie @ 253-234-7752.

Upcoming Events

January 5, Friday, Epiphany Party

Month of January, toilet paper drive for FISH Foodbank

January 7 Faith Formation Returns

February 14, Ash Wednesday


Barbara Ausich

Steve and Dianna Carlson

Don Clinton

Bob Finlayson

Richard Hermstad

We lift in prayer...

Dick Latimer

Jack Oakes

Hal and Myra Snider

Sherry Stava

Joanna Stuen

Rose VanderKlomp

Dick Werner

Jim Wilson

Serving Our Country:

Jason Barelli, U.S. Navy

Staton West, U.S. Army

Julie and Loren Bell and family as they mourn the death of Julie’s father, Don

Agnus Dei Prayer Requests

Two of the ways we lift people in prayer are by our monthly newsletter reminders (above) and by emailed prayer chain requests. If you would like to add someone to either of these lists please call or email the church office. If you are requesting prayers for another person we ask that the person has first given permission for their name to be shared.

If you would like to participate in the prayer chain by receiving prayer requests by email, just call or email the church office to have your email address added to the list. (253-851-6222 or

Greetings from your Church Council,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Another holiday season has come and gone. We look

to a new year filled with exciting opportunities and challenges as a


I look forward to the coming year and all the possibilities it holds for us, as

individuals, as families, and for our congregation. It is an exciting time as our faith family

continues to explore the Reconciled in Christ program, Joint Elder Care, a Refugee

Committee and even landscaping around our campus. We can’t forget the way our

community here on Peacock Hill is changing with the new housing development and the

Heron’s Key community growing. It is a new year with new challenges. How can we

serve our growing community? How will we continue to grow programs we currently

support such as Food Backpacks for Kids?

We are truly blessed to have a Congregation that is so involved in our world and finding

justice and peace. Yes, it is a new year. Let’s work together to make it the best one ever.

Peace to you and your family,

Lynette Brentin

Council President

The minutes from the monthly council

meetings are posted on the bulletin

board in the hallway.

Important reminder

We are aware there are individuals with sensitivities to scents. In many

cases these individuals have had to leave our building due to an adverse

reaction. We ask our entire community to please be mindful of these

individuals and avoid using perfume and cologne when planning to come to



Little Lambs Preschool: A Ministry of ADLC

Our Little Lambs had a wonderful December filled with fun. We made

ornaments and decorations. The Christmas Program was a huge success and

so much fun to watch! Our preschoolers sang their hearts out. Thank you to

all that came and watched!

We are taking a break from school now and will return on January 2nd. On

January 3rd registration begins for our 2018-2019 school year. If you know

of someone who will be entering preschool in the fall please spread the word about Little Lambs!

Thank You Volunteers!

Volunteers are needed each Sunday to set up the Parish Hall for Hospitality and Forum. Every other Sunday volunteers are needed to put them away. There is a sign up chart and a table placement diagram in the parish hall. The tables and chairs can be set up before or during first service. Thank you to everyone who has been able to help with this task.

Book Group Movie Night

Thinking of joining the Agnus Dei reading group, but you have no time to read right now? This seasonal problem is the reason why the Agnus Dei reading group has a movie night in January.

This year the movie, Land of Mine, will be shown at Ronnie and Dave Kulman's home at 7 PM on January 19th.

You are invited! Bring your ideas for books to read in 2018.

RSVP to Ronnie at 253-858-9323.

Special Thanks to ALL the musicians who have added their voices and instruments to our Advent and Christmas worship services. To choir singers, handbell ringers, instrumentalists and soloists, thank you for sharing your gifts of music with all of us at Agnus Dei making our services so beautiful during these seasons.

Special Thanks to all worship helpers who made our services meaningful and joyful. To decorators, altar guild, greeters, ushers, communion servers, sound techs, and many more behind the scenes people – many thanks!


Faith Formation For All Ages Sundays at 9:45 AM Cross Gen: Sanctuary, Confirmation: Couch Room, Forum: Parish Hall All Ages Welcome at All Offerings!

Jan 7,

Cross Generational Sunday School: Abraham and Sarah Confirmation: Holy Communion Forum: Rachel Prichett of the Southwestern Washington Synod Namibia Task Force will present information about the ELCA's partnership with the Lutheran Church in Namibia. She and others from the task force visited Namibia last May and brought hats and shawls provided in part by people in our congregation. She is excited to tell us about the good work being conducted by Lutherans in Namibia and to share her recommendations for our synod as it relates to Namibia. Jan 14 Cross Generational Sunday School: Abraham and Sarah Confirmation: Holy Communion Forum: We will hear about Bread for the World from Loren Bell. Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. Jan 21 Cross Generational Sunday School: Jacob and Esau Confirmation: Holy Communion Forum: Pr. Seth will present a 2-part series on an introduction to the Gospel of Mark. This year is the second of the three-year cycle of readings in worship known as the lectionary. This year, the lectionary focuses on readings from the Gospel of Mark. Pr. Seth will introduce us to the gospel, its themes, and what messages Mark’s gospel is trying to convey to us with its unique perspective on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Jan 28 Cross Generational Sunday School: Jacob and Esau Confirmation: Holy Communion Forum: Part 2 (see above)

Reconciling Works, Lutherans for Full Participation

Take Our Survey!

The Reconciling Works program is for Lutheran congregations who desire to publicly welcome all people regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Our congregation is in the process to determine if we shall become a recognized Reconciled in Christ congregation.

The taskforce welcomes all comments and questions. In our continuing effort to encourage your input we have prepared a brief survey regarding our RIC journey available on our webpage. It can be found under the “About” tab, “Our RIC Journey.” We would love to hear your thoughts on the process and you can choose to be anonymous if you wish.

The taskforce will next meet to begin drafting our welcome statement on January 11 at 7:15 PM. Please let us know if you would like to participate.

Cindy Beals

for the RIC Taskforce (John Barelli, Julie Bell, Phyllis Brandt, Marilyn Colyar, Tamara Jackson, Ghita Lorenz, Salli Middleton, and Ashley Ortenzo)



Stewardship Update Thank you to all, good and faithful stewards.

2017 General Fund Giving Report Through December 20, 2017

General Fund: Goal Actual % of Goal

December $36,750 $27,062 74%

Year to Date $441,000 $389,740.35 88%

December Attendance

Dec 3 150 Dec 10 178 Dec 17 169

Designated Offerings November YTD

ELCA World Hunger 1644 17,979

Fish Foodbank 350 5760

Food Backpacks 4 Kids 265 5752

Disaster Relief 1088 4338

Building Fund, 2017 Operating

Reserve, and Above & Beyond

combined Nov. Balance: $89,485.85

...Because of you Healing is one of the things that all of us seek in one way or another, be it spiritual or

physical, our own healing or the healing of people we love. The healing of Christ comes in

all sorts of ways, including through the many outreach ministries of Agnus Dei Lutheran

Church. Here are just a few:

For families and individuals in crisis, our pastors provide healing care and support in the

form of home and hospital visits and informal conversations. For members who are home-

bound, our lay ministers provide healing through home communion. For those who are

hurting physically, emotionally, or spiritually, many of our members, including our faith

community nurses and health ministry team members provide healing by visiting regularly.

Backpacks 4 Kids provides healing to hungry stomachs and hearts every weekend.

Because of you, because of your faithful stewardship, Agnus Dei has the financial

resources, the staff, and the volunteer support to continue to proclaim the Gospel and

provide healing now and into the future.

Stewardship Committee


Faith Community Nurses

This article is a ”rerun”. I first wrote this article in December 2013, but is bears repeating.

Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the

next generation, your might to all who are to come. Psalm 71:18

A Blessed Happy New Year to you and your family from Health Ministry. I hope that 2018 be a wonderful year for each of you and our church.

This morning as I write this article I am reminded of my mother’s voice saying, “Stand up straight…and/or Sit up straight like a lady.” Now almost six decades later as I begin to experience some “back problems”, I realize that she was right. Posture is so very important.

There are many causes of low back pain. It sometimes occurs after a specific movement such as lifting or bending. However, just getting older also plays a role in many back conditions.

As we age, our spines age with us. Aging causes degenerative changes in the spine. These changes can start in our 30s — or even younger — and can make us prone to back pain, especially if we overdo our activities. These aging changes, however, do not keep most people from leading productive, and generally, pain-free lives. Keeping active and maintaining good posture are the keys.

According to a newspaper article written recently by a local Tucson physical therapist, there are ways to improve posture even during the aging process:

Identify good posture. Good posture is nothing more than keeping your body in alignment. Good posture while standing

is a straight back, squared shoulders, chin up, chest out, stomach in. If you can draw a straight line from your earlobe

through your shoulder, hip, knee, to the middle of your ankle—–you've got good posture. To find yours:

Using a mirror, align your ears, shoulders, and hips. Proper alignment places your ears loosely above your shoulders

and above your hips. Again, these points make a straight line, but the spine itself curves in a slight 'S'. You'll find that

this doesn't hurt at all. If you do experience pain, look at your side view in a mirror to see if you're forcing your back

into an unnatural position. If you do not have pain, then posture should not be altered, because this could cause

other problems.

When standing straight up, make sure that your weight is evenly distributed on your feet. You might feel like you are

leaning forward, and you may even feel you look odd, but you don't.

Your spine innately has four major curves, but if any are exaggerated; excessive pressure is placed on the vertebral disks. Some people end up so hunched over as they age; it not only affects their appearance, but also causes neck, and back pain, spinal fractures and problems with shoulder function.

Many people, experiencing neck pain, manifest a forward head posture where the earlobes extends in front of the bony prominence of the shoulder instead of being positioned over the top of it. This is the most common postural problem in our country, since computer use is common at workplaces and also most people spend hours with heads angled forward in their cars.

Forward head can be remediated by doing exercises that strengthen muscles in the back of the neck. This posture will also improve if you avoid using the front of your neck to facilitate movements. For example, many people thrust heads forward when doing pushups, leaning into a tennis swing and performing low impact aerobic movements.

Think about tightening the abdomen as you do when coughing; bracing with the core muscles will help you learn to do core driven, rather than neck driven movements. It is also important to be mindful of keeping the eyes straight ahead and the crown of the head lifted when exercising.

When working on the computer, sit up tall with feet flat on the floor and look straight ahead with eyes directed at the upper third of the computer screen.


Human Concerns January 2018 Thanks for the gifts for the Key Pen Children’s Aid Society

Even with an early deadline, you managed to give to these local children in need. Another time we will try to get the word out earlier. Laundry detergent was an easy family donation.

Also thanks for your many donations to Good Gifts. At the time this was written you had over $3500 for God’s Global Barnyard.

ARE YOU READY TO BUILD A WALL? (of toilet paper) Back by popular demand…we will build the most ginormous toilet paper wall ever in January 2018!!!! Our local FISH foodbank is so appreciative of Agnus Dei’s yearly toilet paper drive they have begun to rely on it. This much needed item is often overlooked in regular donations to FISH. Bring your donations any time after Christmas to the narthex, where our ”one and only office manager,” Cindy, will engineer the 8th Wonder of the Modern World, the 2018 TP wall for FISH. The large Costco sized packages of TP make for a very sturdy and structural wall foundation but we will take any sized packages of TP to build the biggest wall ever!

February will see us considering how to assist refugee families. Look for a forum date for more information and an update on Lutheran Social Service’s work on refugees.

Please keep bringing box tops to benefit the Lutheran Navajo Mission. They are appearing on more products, including butter.

As 2017 draws to a close it is very clear that your generosity is needed and valued. Many non-profits are struggling financially. Thanks for your concern for other humans.

From Rose, Linda Z., Linda R., Donna H., Phyllis and Ronnie, your Human Concerns Committee

Many of us slouch in front of computers or in cars or planes where seats tend not to fit the natural shape of our spine. This eventually creates a protracting of the shoulder girdle and a rounded upper spine. This postural misalignment adversely affects shoulder function. Just try slumping forward as far as you can and then attempt to reach your arms over head. It doesn’t work so well, does it? There simply isn’t enough space in the shoulder girdle for soft tissues to move properly when the front of the shoulder is so compressed. Repetitive movements where tendons, ligaments and bones rub against each other produce inflammation and eventually pain.

Optimal shoulder health and function is imperative for people engaging in upper body intensive activities such as swimming, golf, and tennis. Protracted shoulder posture can be reduced by training the back muscles more by using a rowing machine or overhead presses at the gym, along with deemphasizing chest exercises.

There is a lot of information to think about. You may want to consult with a personal trainer or physical therapist regarding any back, neck or shoulder problems that you have. But the takeaway message here is clear: posture matters. Start the New Year right. With some focused attention, you will experience less discomfort and more freedom of movement in addition to sitting and standing taller. Your mother would be proud!

Zoe Holmes, RN


Coffee Hour is now by sign up. The sign up sheet is posted in the hallway by the nametags. Hosts are needed in January and February. Please stop by and sign up for a Sunday.

Serve in Worship Schedule Coordinators: Altar Guild: Dianna Carlson; Altar Flowers: Dianna Carlson; As-sisting Ministers: Shari Shull; Communion Servers and Greeters: Ghita Lorenz; Lectors: Marlene Bridgforth, Offering Counters: Linda Ribary ; Ushers: Ghita Lorenz

Serving in Worship January 2018


Agnus Dei Lutheran Church Calendar January 2018

*denotes group not affiliated with ADLC


Repeating Event Details

Weekly Events

Wednesdays, 9:20 am--Back Packs 4 Kids Gather in the community room to fill backpacks with weekend food for students in need. Contact Phyllis Brandt

Wednesdays, 10:30 am Lectionary Study with our pas-tors in the Couch Room.

Wednesdays, 1:30-3:00--Prayer Shawl Ministry meets in the ADLC Couch Room. All knitters and crochet enthu-siasts are welcome! Contact Gwen Daugs

Wednesdays, 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Contact Shari Shull

Thursdays, 9:40 AM AM Church Staff Meeting

Fridays, 10:30 am--Augsburg Bible Study in the commu-nity room. Contact Rose VanderKlomp

Sundays, Worship at 8:30 and 11:00 AM, followed by fellowship in the Parish Hall

Sundays, Education Hour for all ages at 9:45 AM Adult Forum meets in the Parish Hall, Confirmation meets in the Youth Room, Cross Generational Sunday School meets in the Sanctuary

Monthly Events:

First Saturday, 8:30 am--Men’s Square at the Sunset Grille, Breakfast & Bible Study. Contact Steve Carlson

First Saturday, 8:30 am--Women’s Circle at the Sunset Grille, Breakfast and Bible study. Contact Sonja Miller

Third Tuesday, Gather Bible Study in the community room. Social time begins at 1:00 pm followed by the study found in the Gather Magazine. For more infor-mation contact either Marge Olmsted or Barb Deák

Third Thursday, 12:00 Dining for Women, No meeting in December The Gig Harbor Chapter of DFW meets monthly for a program and lunch benefiting global pro-jects that empower women and girls. All women wel-come!

Third Thursday, Theology on Tap, 5:30 PM Discussion group meets at the Marketplace Grille. Contact Lyle Mil-ler

Third Friday, 7:00 pm--Agnus Dei Book Group in the community room. Contact Neal VanDerVoorn This month only-meet at Ronnie Kulman’s (see pg 4)

Fourth Tuesday and Second Monday 1:00 Quilting for Lutheran World Relief meet in the Community Room to tie quilts. Previous experience not required!



2 TK Patarozzi

3 Terri Schinkel, Maria Beaudette

4 Denny Sapp, Katie Dobszinski

6 Ronnie Kulman

7 Linda Olson, Peter Liljengren

9 Elmer Wagner, Julia Warfield

10 Jessica Bigger, Sue Horton, Shinho Park

12 Robert Beals

15 Haley Babare

16 David Skeels

17 Virginia Kenefick, Stacy Bigger

20 Robert Bridgforth

21 Mik Moore

22 Drew Babare, Teresa McDonald

25 Rose VanderKlomp, Jonathon Hogeberg, Cecilia Roark

26 Barbara Deák, Jim Ribary

27 Chelsea Walker

29 Inessa and Bryna Hay Wiren


2 Joe and Barbara Ausich

17 Kathy and Daryl Higgins

29 John and Sherry Stava

31 Daryl and Gwen Daugs

Hospitality Hour Change for 2018

A change has been made to how we host the coffee hour fellowship time. In the past we asked families to sign up or be assigned for a month in which they would host two Sundays.

This year we ask families to sign up for any Sunday they would like to host. The sign up board is in the hallway near the nametags. This system allows for more flexibility in scheduling. Remember you are not signing up for the entire month, just one Sunday at a time.

Our hospitality committee is also encouraging hosts to simplify the refreshments they offer. Simple donut holes, or a tray of cookies and fruit, or cheese and crackers is plenty. While the abundant breakfast buffet is enjoyable, a switch to providing simple refreshments makes it easier for everyone to take a turn at hosting.



The monthly newsletter of

Agnus Dei Lutheran Church

10511 Peacock Hill Ave NW

Gig Harbor, WA 98332

Submit newsletter items, subscription requests and address changes to Editor/Administrative Assistant: Cindy Beals


Church Staff

Pastor: Rev. Stephanie McCarthy


Pastor: Rev. Seth Novak


Minister of Music, Shari Shull, Deacon


Church Musician: Susan Luebeck

Church Administrator, Cindy Beals


Congregational President, Lynette Brentin

Treasurer, Julie Bell

Financial Secretary, Holly Lewis

Asst. Fin.Secretary, Rose VanderKlomp

Zoe Holmes, Faith Community Nurse

Gwen Daugs, Faith Community Nurse


Jim Adair,Bob Beals, Lynette Brentin, Donna Hogeberg, Denise Iversen,

Bob Nussbaum, Ann Rousseau, John Stava, Randy Spitzer, Linda


Little Lambs Preschool

Director/Teacher Shannon Moore

Board President Debbie Snowden

Financial Secretary Kimberly Morgan

Secretary Ardith Johnson, Dave Marquardt, Kristin Page, Nels Peterson

Agnus Dei Lutheran Church

10511 Peacock Hill Ave NW

Gig Harbor, WA 98332

