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ΓΡΑΦΕΙΟ ΟΕΥ ΣΥΔΝΕΫLevel 2 / 219-223 Castlereagh Street, SYDNEY, NSW 2000

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Βαϊανός ΩΡΑΙΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ-ΚΕΛΕΝΗΣ, Προϊστάμενος Γρφ. ΟΕΥ Σύδνεϋ






Ανάλυση της ζήτησης. Παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν την κατανάλωση.

Η ζήτηση οίνου είναι ελαστική αναφορικά με τις μεταβολές της τιμής. Σημαντική αύξηση στην μέση κατά κεφαλήν κατανάλωση έχει σημειωθεί με την αύξηση του εισοδήματος τα τελευταία χρόνια. Άλλωστε η μέση αύξηση κατανάλωσης ήταν αποτέλεσμα της μεταπολεμικής ευρωπαϊκής μετανάστευσης, καθότι το αρχικό δείγμα κατανάλωσης προσομοίαζε στο αγγλοσαξονικό.

Η κατανάλωση είναι εντοπισμένη στις δύο περισσότερο εκβιομηχανισμένες πολιτείες της χώρας την Βικτώρια (Μελβούρνη) και την Νέα Νότιο Ουαλία (Σύδνεϋ) όπου οι πωλήσεις αντιπροσωπεύουν το 65% του συνόλου.

Η μέση κατανάλωση τείνει να μειώνεται με την αύξηση της ηλικίας και είναι αυξημένη στον ανδρικό πληθυσμό. Το λευκό κρασί προτιμάται από τον γυναικείο πληθυσμό ενώ το κόκκινο από τον ανδρικό. Ο αφρώδεις οίνος καταναλώνεται από το 4% του πληθυσμού.

Σύμφωνα με στοιχεία του Australian Bureau of Statistics, από το 1998/99 έχουν μειωθεί οι εισαγωγές επιτραπέζιου οίνου ενώ έχουν αυξηθεί οι εισαγωγές αφρωδών οίνων. Συνάγει κανείς πως οι καταναλωτές προτιμούν τους εγχώριους επιτραπέζιους οίνους ενώ για τους αφρώδεις προτιμούν τις εισαγωγές.

Έχει αυξηθεί η κατανάλωση κόκκινου επιτραπέζιου οίνου τύπου Shiraz και Cabernet ενώ από τους λευκούς προτιμάται το Chardonnay. Ο Αυστραλός καταναλωτής προτιμά ελαφρά φρουτώδη γεύση στο κρασί εντούτοις τελευταία εκτιμάται και ο κλασικός τύπος του λευκού ξηρού εισαγωγής. Αύξηση σε κατανάλωση λευκού παρουσιάζεται στις πιο θερμές κλιματολογικά πολιτείες όπως το Queensland. Η κατανάλωση του μέσου Αυστραλού συντίθεται στατιστικά ως εξής: πέντε ποτήρια κρασί την εβδομάδα, τρία λευκό (εκ των οποίων τα δύο Chardonnay) και δύο κόκκινο.

Η αύξηση στην εσωτερική κατανάλωση δεν επηρεάστηκε από την αύξηση στην παραγωγή και το άλμα στις εξαγωγές που επιτεύχθηκε κατά την τελευταία πενταετία. Ωστόσο η ανάπτυξη της εσωτερικής οινοπαραγωγής έστρεψε το ενδιαφέρον των Αυστραλών στα εγχώρια κρασιά. Σε αυτό βοήθησε και η στρατηγική του Buy National εκ μέρους της πολύ δραστήριας Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation. Βεβαίως θα πρέπει να τονισθεί η υψηλότατη ποιότητα των αυστραλιανών οίνων αλλά και το πλεονέκτημα της σχέσης ποιότητα/τιμή (σε αντιπαράθεση με τα εισαγόμενα).

Ανάλυση της Αγοράς Οίνων

Η Αυστραλιανή αγορά θεωρείται αναμφισβήτητα η σημαιοφόρος των οινοπαραγωγών χωρών του Νέου Κόσμου. Μόλις πριν τρεις δεκαετίες η οινική παραγωγή και η ποιότητα των κρασιών της εθεωρούντο αμελητέες αλλά από τα τέλη της δεκαετίας ’80 η εικόνα άρχισε να μεταβάλλεται με γοργούς ρυθμούς. Ξεπερνώντας το πρώτιστο εμπόδιο της γεωγραφικής της απομόνωσης, η Αυστραλία εισήλθε δυναμικά και με αξιώζεις στην αγορά του κρασιού, κυριολεκτικά «διδάσκοντας» τις χώρες του Παλαιού


Κόσμου για τις μεθόδους μάρκετινγκ που υιοθέτησε (ακολουθώντας την κοινή λογική και τη συνεργασία μεταξύ Φορέων, Ακαδημαϊκών ιδρυμάτων, κυβερνήσεων και επιχειρήσεων). Οι Αυστραλοί οινοπαραγωγοί μετά τη σοβαρή κρίση ταυτότητας που πέρασαν στη δεκαετία ’70 είχαν βρει πια το δρόμο τους, σε βαθμό να διερωτώνται και οι πλέον απέλπιδες πως αυτή η απόμακρη χώρα απειλούσε πλέον τις εξαγωγές άλλων χωρών που είχαν εντρυφήσει στο κρασί εκατονταετηρίδες πριν..

Οι Αυστραλοί «έπαιξαν» (πειραματίστηκαν) πολύ με τις αυτόχθονες και εισαγόμενες ποικιλίες δημιουργώντας βουτυράτα Chardοnnay, μπαχαρένια και με μεστή γεύση Shiraz (Syrah) αλλά και εξαιρετικά αφρώδη. Ακόμα και οι πλέον δύσπιστοι που θεωρούν τα Αυστραλιανά κρασιά ως μη σοφιστικέ ομολογούν πλέον την παντοκρατορία της Αυστραλιανής προσπάθειας η οποία κατατάσσει τη χώρα στην τέταρτη θέση στις παγκόσμιες εξαγωγές οίνου, με άνω των 750 εκ. λίτρων ετησίως.

Η Αυστραλία διαθέτει 60 οινοπαραγωγούς ζώνες ( Κάθε μία έχει τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά της που αποτυπώνονται στα επιτόπια κρασιά. Η Αυστραλία το γνωρίζει αυτό και φροντίζει να αναδεικνύει τις επιτόπιες γεύσεις, το κλίμα, τα συστατικά του χώματος, την ψυχοσύνθεση των κατοίκων. Βέβαια το πάντρεμα αυτό των γεύσεων δεν εδράζεται μόνον σε γεύσεις της ιδίας κατηγορίας κουζίνας (Γαλλικής, Ιταλικής, Ισπανικής, Ελληνικής, Τουρκικής, εν γένει Μεσογειακής, Γερμανικής, Λιβανέζικης, εν γένει Μεσανατολικής, Ινδικής, Κινεζικής [Σιτσουάν, Πεκίνου, Σαγκάης, Καντώνας, Χονγκ Κονγκ] αλλά και των περίφημων μπέργκερς ΗΠΑ και Αυστραλίας) αλλά πολλαπλών γαστριμαργικών κουλτουρών αφήνοντας σταδιακά χαλαρά τις επιρροές των άλλων εθνοτήτων να διεισδύσουν σε πολυπολιτισμικούς γευστικούς πειραματισμούς. Για παράδειγμα απολαμβάνουν “πειραγμένη” χωριάτικη σαλάτα με σάλτσα σόγιας και τζίντζερ, σερβίρουν τηγανητή ζαργάνα με τζατζίκι και ταμπουλέ, προσφέρουν ραβιόλια και ραγού από καγκουρώ ή κροκόδειλο με πέστο ρίγανης! Αυτή είναι η λεγόμενη μεταμοντέρνα Αυστραλιανή κουζίνα (ModOz – Modern Aussie) που έχει μπει στον παγκόσμιο γαστρονομικό χάρτη από το πουθενά!

‘Οσο και αν μας φαίνεται δύσκολο να το πιστέψουμε η Αυστραλία συνιστά πλέον διεθνές υπόδειγμα όσον αφορά στην καλλιέργεια και προώθηση των οινικών της ποικιλιών ενώ οι επιρροές του γαλλικού και ιταλικού σχεδίου στις ετικέττες είναι οφθαλμοφανείς ωθώντας την καταναλώτρια σε απίστευτους συνδυασμούς φαντασίας και πραγματικότητας. Βοηθά βέβαια και η επιτευχθείσα ποιότητα ζωής μια και το υψηλότατο μέσο κατά κεφαλή εισόδημα (άνω των 70,000 δολλ.) επιτρέπει στους λάτρεις του κρασιού να δημιουργούν, να ζωγραφίζουν τη ζωή και να γεύονται ό,τι επιθυμούν. Το πορτραίτο των Αυστραλιανών κρασιών είναι ο υψηλός αλκοολικός βαθμός, τα έντονα αρώματα φρούτων, οι μαλακές τανίνες στοιχεία που τα κάνουν θελκτικά ακόμα και σε κοινό ψαγμένο σε νέες γεύσεις. Το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της οινοπαραγωγής συγκεντρώνεται στο Νότο (50% του συνόλου) και στην περιοχή της Πολιτείας Βικτώριας (Yarra Valley). Στο βορρά το κλίμα είναι τροπικό/υποτροπικό και δεν επιτρέπει την οινική καλλιέργεια. Ανατολικά στην Πολιτεία της Νέας Νοτίου Ουαλίας (παράγεται το 3% της Αυστραλιανής οινικής παραγωγής) διάσημες είναι οι κοιλάδες Hunter Valley και Margaret River.

Στα περίπου 2,000 οινοποιεία της χώρας καλλιεργούνται σχεδόν όλες οι οινικές ποικιλίες του Παλαιού Κόσμου (όχι όμως οι Ελληνικές αν και τελευταία έγινε μια προσπάθεια για την ποικιλία Ασσύρτικο της Σαντορίνης από τον οινοποιό Πάρι Σιγάλα να μεταλαμπαδεύσει την τέχνη καλλιέργειας αυτής της μοναδικής ελληνικής ποικιλίας στη Νότιο Αυστραλία). Ερωτώντας το φημισμένο οινοποιό γιατί επέλεξε αυτήν την οδό που ενδεχομένως αφελληνίσει το κρασί μας μας απάντησε ότι σαφώς δεν έχουν απογαλλοποιηθεί οι ποικιλίες Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Shiraz, συνεπώς γιατί όχι και οι ελληνικές, τουναντίον μια τέτοιας μορφής συνεργασία δημιουργεί ιστορικό προηγούμενο για την ανάδειξη της εικόνας της χώρας μας στα μήκη και τα πλάτη της Οικουμένης.

Σημειώνεται ότι δεν είναι διανοητό κάποιος να εισάγει ημιπαράνομα βέργες οινικών ποικιλιών άλλων χωρών χωρίς να έχει προηγουμένως λάβει την έγκριση του αρμόδιου για θέματα βιοασφάλειας Αυστραλιανού Υπουργείου Γεωργίας. Η παράνομη εισαγωγή φυτικού ή ζωϊκού υλικού επισύρει μέχρι και ποινή φυλάκισης.

Ανάλυση Οινικής Περιοχής “Hunter Valley” Ευρίσκεται 160 χλμ βόρεια του Σύδνεϋ (δύο ώρες οδήγηση), πρωτεύουσας της Νέας Νοτίου

Ουαλίας. Είναι η παλαιότερη (άνω των πέντε γενεών) και πιο φημισμένη οινοπαραγωγός ζώνη της Αυστραλίας και διαθέτει 150 υπερσύγχρονες οινοπαραγωγικές μονάδες, 65 υψηλής αισθητικής εστιατόρια και 180 καταλύμματα. Παράλληλα οι υπηρεσίες που προσφέρονται στην περιοχή διευρύνονται από την ύπαρξη των μικρο-ζυθοποιείων, fresco cafés, φιλικές τοπικές κοινωνίες, άψογη τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση πλήρως ηλεκτρονική και επικαιροποιημένη, με σχολές ανάδειξης της μαγειρικής


τέχνης, απίστευτους κήπους και δυναμικές αθλητικές διοργανώσεις και δραστηριότητες. Το όλο περιβάλλον ευνοεί απόλυτα την εσωτερική αναζήτηση, προσφέρει ηρεμία και αποτελεί ιδανικό περιβάλλον για καλλιτέχνες να αποτυπώσουν την επαρχιακή ζωή της Αυστραλίας όπως επίσης και να διοργανωθούν δεξιώσεις γάμων, μουσικές εκδηλώσεις δωματίων και ανοιχτών χώρων, οινογευσίες και γευσιγνωσίες (

O σχετικός οινοτουριστικός οδηγός μπορεί να αναζητηθεί στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση:


O εισαγωγικός δασμός ανέρχεται στο 5% με πρόσθετη επιβάρυνση Α$78.44 ανά λίτρο αλκοόλ. Εντός της Αυστραλίας, κάθε τιμολογούμενη ποσότητα από τον εισαγωγέα στον χονδρέμπορο ή από τον παραγωγό στον χονδρέμπορο/λιανέμπορο επιβαρύνεται με 29% φόρο διανομής. Τα Αυστραλιανά κρασιά όμως λόγω των Κυβερνητικών επιδοτήσεων εκμηδενίζουν σε όρους αγοράς αυτήν την επιβάρυνση με αποτέλεσμα τα εισαγόμενα κρασιά να μην είναι ανταγωνίσιμα επί ίσοις όροις.



Melbourne: June 3-5, 2016Perth: July 8-10, 2016Sydney: August 5-7, 2016Brisbane: October 28-30, 2016

FINE FOOD AUSTRALIABrisbane: April 10-12, 2016 ( )Melbourne: September 12-15, 2016 ( )

WINETECH AUSTRALIA (July 14-16, 2015)


AUSTRALIAN WINE FESTIVALS & SPECIAL EVENTS (κάντε κλικ επάνω στο όνομα της Έκθεσης)

Location Event Name

Auckland, NZ Fine Food New Zealand

Auckland, NZ A Taste of French Terroirs (Auckland)

Hamilton, NZ New Zealand National Agricultural Fieldays


NSW Australia Trade Tasting - Sydney

NSW Murrumbateman Field Days

NSW Fine Food Australia

NSW Riverina Field Days

NSW A Taste of French Terroirs - Sydney

NSW Mudgee Small Farm Field Days

NSW Henty Machinery Field Days

NSW Australian National Field Days

QLD Fine Food Queensland

SA AWITE - Australian Wine Industry Trade Exhibition 2016

SA Riverland Field Days

SA WineTech 2017

TAS Launceston Wine Fair

TAS Agfest Field Days

TAS Hobart Wine Fair

VIC A Taste of French Terroirs - Melbourne

VIC Mildura Field Days

VIC Wandin-Silvan Horticultural & Farm Machinery Field Days

VIC Australia Trade Tasting - Melbourne

VIC Elmore Field Days

WA Fine Food Western Australia



Wine and Food: It all depends on your starting point: there are conventional matches for overseas classics such as caviar (Champagne), fresh foie gras (Sauternes, Riesling or Rose), and new season Italian white truffles (any medium-bodied red). Here the food flavour is all important, the wine merely incidental.


Dry Oloroso SherryFull-flavoured hors d'oeuvres

Mature Pinot NoirMushroom ragout, ravioli

Sparkling BurgundyBorscht

Mature MerlotPot au feu

ViognierPea and ham soup

10-year-old Heathcote ShirazChar-grilled rump steak

Aged (10+ Years) SemillonVichysoisse (hot)

15-20-year-old Full-bodied Barossa ShirazVenison, kangaroo fillet

Sauvignon BlancCoquilles St Jacques, pan-fried scallops

Coonawarra Cabernet SauvignonBraised lamb shanks/shoulder

Mature ChardonnayQuiche Lorraine

Muscat (Old)Chocolate-based desserts

Chardonnay (10+ Years)Cassoulet

Tokay (Old)Creme brûlée

Mature Semillon Sauvignon BlancSeafood pasta

Vintage PortDried fruits, salty cheese

Young Tasmanian Pinot NoirSquab, duck breast


AmontilladoWarm consomme

Aged Pinot NoirGrilled calf's liver, roast kid, lamb or pig's kidneys

Barrel-fermented Mature WhitesSmoked roe, bouillabaisse

Mature Margaret River Cabernet MerlotLamb fillet, roast leg of lamb with garlic and herbs

Complex Mature ChardonnaySweetbreads, brains

Cool Climate MerlotLamb loin chops


Fully Aged RieslingChargrilled eggplant, stuffed capsicum

Mature Grenache/rhone BlendsMoroccan lamb

Aged MarsanneSeafood risotto, Lebanese

Rich, Full-bodied Heathcote ShirazBeef casserole

Southern Victorian Pinot NoirPeking duck

Young MuscatPlum pudding


SparklingOysters, cold crustacea, tapas, any cold hors d'oeuvres

RoseCaesar salad, trout mousse

Young RieslingCold salads, sashimi

Young Pinot NoirSeared kangaroo fillet, grilled quail


MerlotPastrami, warm smoked chicken

Young SemillonAntipasto, vegetable terrine

Young Medium-bodied Cabernet SauvignonRack of baby lamb

Pinot Gris, ColombardCrab cakes, whitebait

Light- To Medium-bodied Cool Climate ShirazRare eye fillet of beef

Verdelho, Chenin BlancCold smoked chicken, gravlax

Young Botrytised WinesFresh fruits, cake

Mature ChardonnayGrilled chicken, chicken pasta, turkey, pheasant


Chilled FinoCold consommé

Young Light-bodied Pinot NoirGrilled salmon

2-3-year-old SemillonGazpacho

Aged Pinot Noir (5+ Years)Coq au vin, wild duck

2-3-year-old RieslingSeared tuna

Young Grenache/SangioveseOsso bucco

Young Barrel-fermented Semillon Sauvignon BlancSeafood or vegetable tempura

Mature Chardonnay (5+ Years)Braised rabbit

Young Off-dry RieslingProsciutto & melon/pear

Hunter Valley Shiraz (5-10 years)Beef spare ribs

Cool-climate ChardonnayAbalone, lobster, Chinese-style prawns

MerlotSaltimbocca, roast pheasant

10-year-old Semillon or RieslingBraised pork neck

Medium-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon (5 Years)Barbecued butterfly leg of lamb


Mature ChardonnaySmoked eel, smoked roe

All WinesParmagiana

Off-dry RoseChilled fresh fruit

Understanding Winery RatingsJames Halliday has provided a detailed explanation of how he rates wineries.

Winery name:Although it might seem that stating the winery name is straightforward, this is not necessarily so. To avoid confusion, wherever possible I use the name that appears most prominently on the front label of the wine.Winery rating:The effort to come up with a fair winery rating system continues. As last year, I looked at the ratings for this and the previous two years; if the wines tasted this year justified a higher rating than last year, that higher rating has been given. If, on the other hand, the wines are of lesser quality, I took into account the track record over the past two years (or longer where the winery is well known) and made a judgement call on whether it should retain its ranking, or be given a lesser one. Where no wines were submitted by a well-rated winery which had a track record of providing samples, I used my discretion to roll over last year’s rating. The precise meanings attached to the winery star rating is as follows. Two caveats: first, I retain a discretionary right to depart from the normal criteria. Second, the basis of the rating will best be understood on the website, where all wine ratings appear.

Outstanding winery regularly producing wines of exemplary quality and typicity. Will have at least two wines rated at 94 points or above, and had a five-star rating for the previous two years. 4.9%. Where the winery name is itself is printed in red, it is a winery generally acknowledged to have a long track record of excellence – truly the best of the best. 3.8%

Outstanding winery capable of producing wines of very high quality, and did so this year. Also will usually have at least two wines rated at 94 points or above.

Excellent winery able to produce wines of high to very high quality, knocking on the door of a 5-star rating. Will normally have one wine rated at 94 points or above, and two (or more) at 90 and above, others 87-89.

Very good producer of wines with class and character. Will have two (or more) wines rated at 90 points and above (or possibly one at 94 and above).

A solid, usually reliable, maker of good, sometimes very good wines. Will have one wine at 90 points and above, others 87-89.

A typically good winery, but often has a few lesser wines. Will have wines at 87-89 points.

The rating is given in a range of circumstances: where there have been no tastings in the 12-month period; where there have been tastings, but with no wines scoring more than 86 points; or where the tastings have, for one reason or another, proved not to

fairly reflect the reputation of a winery with a track record of success.

Contact details:The details are usually those of the winery and cellar door, but in a few instances may simply be a postal address; this occurs when the wine is made at another winery or wineries, and is sold only through the website and/or retail.Region:Each winery is categorised into regions and subregions. Occasionally you will see ‘Various’ as the region. This means the wine is made from purchased grapes, from a number of regions, often a winery without a vineyard of its own.Opening hours:Although a winery might be listed as not open or only open on weekends, some may in fact be prepared to open by appointment. Many will, some won’t; a telephone call will establish whether it is possible or not.Winemaker:In all but the smallest producers, the winemaker is simply the head of a team; there may be many executive winemakers actually responsible for specific wines in the medium to large companies (80 000 cases and upwards).


Date of establishment:Keep in mind that some makers consider the year in which they purchased the land to be the year of establishment, others the year in which they first planted grapes, others the year they first made wine, and so on. There may also be minor complications where there has been a change of ownership or break in production.Vineyards:Shows the hectares of vineyard/s owned by the winery.Dozens:This figure (representing the number of 9-litre (12-bottle) cases produced each year) is merely an indication of the size of the operation. Some winery entries do not feature a production figure: this is either because the winery (principally, but not exclusively, the large companies) regards this information as confidential.Summary:James' summary of the winery. Little needs be said, except that I have tried to vary the subjects I discuss in this part of the winery entry.




Australia is fast becoming one of the world's most prolific and highly awarded wine producers in the New World wine market, and Australians' taste for wine has most definitely caught up. With literally hundreds of grape varieties now being grown in various regions, and many more being introduced each year, the wine lover now has more choice than ever before. Knowing a little about the types of white wines available and the best regions can help narrow your next search for the perfect white.

ChardonnayChardonnay is now grown in many of Australia's wine regions, and depending on the terroir (environmental conditions in which it's grown) and the ripeness of the grape, it can range from citrus and herbaceous notes to a deep tropical bouquet. Chardonnay is also used in the production of many sparkling wines, and is traditionally blended with Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier in the production of Champagne in France.

RieslingThe Riesling variety of grape, thought to originate in the Moselle and Riesling region of Germany, has been grown in Australia since the 1800s. It has been particularly successful in the Barossa region of South Australia, where German settlers first planted it in the 1850s.

Riesling goes through a number of ripening stages, making it a very flexible grape for wine making. Unripe, it has a mineral and citrus nose, moving into rose petals and green apples as it approaches the ripe stage. The ripe stage of peach and honeysuckle develops into tropical fruit and lemon butter as it develops further.

Sauvingnon BlancSauvignon Blanc is a grape variety that has done very well in recent years, particularly in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, the Margaret River region in Western Australia and in some parts of Tasmania. New Zealand's Marlborough region is well known for its Sauvignon Blanc, where the conditions for growing are ideal. As a wine, Sauvignon Blanc is often tart and dryer than a Chardonnay, but again, this depends on the stage of ripeness and the region in which it's grown. Picked early, it has aromas of green apple and capsicum, later developing a deeper, sweeter flavour of peach, apricot and melon. Sauvignon Blanc is commonly blended with Semillon in Australia, giving it an extra touch of fig. When affected by the "botrytis" fungus, Sauvignon Blanc can be used to create a wonderful sauterne that resists being overly sweet.

SemillonSemillon has always been at home in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales, which has become famous for its production of fine white wines. In more recent years, this versatile grape has made its way to the Margaret River and Barossa Valley, where its young grassy and herbaceous nose moves into a peach and fig bouquet as it ripens, finally resulting in a deep honey and apricot flavour.

Pinot Grigio and Pinot GrisPinto Grigio and Pinot Gris are the exact same grape variety. Pinot Grigio originates from Italy where it is generally a crisp light-bodied white wine produced for early consumption. Pinot Gris originates from France where it is mostly grown in Alsace and is typically fuller bodied and better for cellaring.Now widely planted through many regions around the world, in Australia these varieties have been particularly successful in the cooler climates of Tasmania, the Mornington Peninsula, the Adelaide Hills and the Yarra Valley. Over the past two decades, Pinot Grigio and Pint Gris have grown popularity in Australia and are now firmly placed in our mainstream white wine market.

VerdelhoThe Verdelho variety, which originated in Portugal, has found most success in Australia in the Margaret River region of Western Australia and the Hunter Valley in New South Wales. As an alternative to Chardonnay, it offers a fruity and crisp palette, pairing well with a number of foods, including spicy Asian and Spanish cuisines. Verdelhos are also used in combination with other varieties, including Chenin Blanc, Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc, to create crisp, dry white wines.In recent years Australia has expanded the number of grape varieties grown and some of the world's most popular whites are now being produced to excellent standards in Australia. These include Chenin Blanc, Marsanne, White Burgundy, Boignier and Chablis. Read more about these wine varietals…


Red wine has been making in-roads in Australia for many years, and today, there are more varieties of red wine available than ever before. Australia's red wine makers are some of the world's finest, and leading wine regions, such as the Barossa and Clare Valleys in South Australia, the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, the Margaret River region in Western Australia, and the Freycinet Peninsula in Tasmania, are producing wine from a growing number of grape varieties.


Red wine grape varietiesRed wines are produced using the juice of black grapes, which, along with their skins and tannins, vary a great deal in terms of colour and flavour. Following is a list of some of the most popular red wine grape varieties available in

Australia and where they hail from.

ShirazAustralia is known the world over for both its still and sparkling Shiraz wines. The origin of this grape is thought to be Iran, but more recent genealogy has traced its origins back to France. Wherever the origin, Australian winemakers have done extremely well with this grape variety. Shiraz is well suited to the Australian climate, being able to produce large quantities of grapes on a single vine, even in low fertile soils. Shiraz is perhaps most well known for its deep plum colour and peppery flavour, but it is also a versatile grape. Left to ripen more deeply, the peppery qualities develop into notes of stewed plums and dark cherry, after which it develops even further into flavours of port, chocolate and coffee when very ripe. How to Get the Best Out of Shiraz

Cabernet SauvignonIn many parts of the world, Cabernet Sauvignon is the monarch of all grapes. It has been used in the Bordeaux area of France for centuries as a foundation for Claret wines. It is said to have first appeared in Australia at the beginning of the 1830s, when James Busby planted it along with other varieties. Today, it enjoys much success in many regions across the country, particularly in the Yarra Valley and Margaret River, where it has reached world renown. Cabernet Sauvignon has four stages of ripeness, each with their own distinctiveness. Unripe, it is herbaceous, with notes of capsicum and tea. Just before ripeness, it develops an earthy nose, with hints of truffle, pepper and mint. When ripe, it has a bouquet of blackberry, plum and cherry, and finally, when ripe it has a deep flavour of port, caraway, aniseed and coffee. Cabernet Sauvignon is an excellent cellaring wine. Read about the wine serving temperatures here!

MerlotOne of the rising stars of the Australian wine market, Merlot is part of the Cabernet family of grapes. Because it ripens a week before others in its clan, the Merlot grape has proved a good investment for many wine growers by providing a backup for other crops that may not develop high yields in certain weather conditions. In its early, unripe stage, Merlot is earthy, with notes of truffle and black olive. It develops a more distinctive berry palate as it ripens, moving into a bouquet of plum, liquorice and chocolate as it becomes very ripe. Many winemakers blend Merlot with other grape varieties in order to create their own distinctive wines. Read about amazing wine and cheese pairings

Pinot NoirPinot Noir is one of the most difficult varieties of grape to grow, and its flavour is mostly a result of its growing environment (terrior). This means it can range quite dramatically from one growing region to the next. Pinot Noir is not as heavy as other red wines, but don't let its lighter colour fool you. When the balance between acid and tannin is just right, a Pinot Noir can be meaty and herbaceous. Keep a lookout for Pinot Noirs from the Yarra Valley and Geelong in particular, as the Victorian environment seems to have struck the right balance of temperature for this

grape variety, which doesn't like things too hot or cold. A Pinot Noir can be served both chilled and at room temperature. Is Pinot Noir a great party wine?

GrenacheGrenache was one of the most widely planted grape varieties in Australia before making way for Shiraz, but in recent years this robust and versatile grape has been making a comeback. Grenache holds its own very well, and is also a wonderful partner with other varieties. In fact, in the Barossa Valley and McLaren Vale regions, where it has been planted most widely, it is often blended with Shiraz and Mourvedre to make what is fast becoming the regions' signature 'GSM Blend'. Like Pinot Noir, the flavour of Grenache is the product of its terrior, and the older the vine, the more complex the wine. This is one grape variety worth keeping an eye out for.

Other red grape varieties to look out forGrape varieties can come and go as they slip in and out of favour. Some of the most popular reds from around the world, including Sangiovese, Tempranillo, Malbec and Zinfadel, are now either firmly established or up and coming wines in Australia.



One of the first questions many people will ask when it comes to Champagne and sparkling wine is, what's the difference? To the people of the Champagne region in France, who rigorously defend their namesake and also claim as their own the world famous Dom Perignon, they might tell you 'everything'. But in fact, the real difference is the types of grapes used to produce the wine, the region and its soil type in which the grapes are grown, and the method used to produce the bubbles in the wine.

ChampagneThere is really only one method used to make true Champagne, and in French it's known as 'méthode champenoise'. This method lets the wine naturally ferment inside the bottle, whereas other methods, such as the Charmat process popular in Italy, uses large vats that can withstand the pressure build up of the fermentation stage. The bubbles found in Champagne, as is also the case with sparkling wines, come from carbon dioxide, and was once viewed as an undesirable trait in wine. In fact, Dom Perignon, the man largely attributed for inventing champagne, was charged by his superiors in the Abbey of Hautvillers to try and rid the bubbles from the wine. Champagne was often cloudy in appearance, due to the left over dead yeast particles known as 'lees', until Madame Clicquot pioneered a technique known as riddling in 1816. Riddling is a process of turning the bottles and tilting them at an increasing angle to encourage the lees to the top of the bottle, after which time the settled lees and the cork is frozen. The cork and lees are removed in a process known as disengagement, which is a highly skilled process that must minimise the removal of wine. Then, a combination of sugar and extra wine, as well as sulfur dioxide for preserving, is added before the final cork is inserted. According to French law, non-vintage Champagne must be aged for a minimum of 1.5 years. When an exceptional vintage is declared, the minimum is extended to three years, although many wine makers often extend this between 6-8 years. Some Champagne makers only produce champagne from certain grape harvests. The grape varieties used in Champagne are typically a blend of Chardonnay, Pinot noir and Pinot Meunier. Unlike the grape harvests used for other wines, Champagne grapes are picked earlier, when there is less sugar present. Many harvests are still picked by hand, as great care has to be taken to minimise grape skin damage, which affects the wine.

Sparkling WineThe term 'sparkling wine' is used to describe almost any other carbonated wine produced outside the Champagne region, and can be created using a method similar to méthode champenoise, the Charmat process or the transfer method. This last method follows méthode champenoise in that it goes through a primary fermentation process in the bottle, after which it is transferred to a large vat where it is filtered. This method also allows wine makers more control over blending, which can create a wine of greater complexity. Another method commonly used for cheaper sparkling wines involves a direct carbon dioxide injection, which is illegal in France. Many sparkling wines, as with Champagne, are created from grapes grown in cold climates. In Australia, the cold climate wines of Tasmania are becoming increasingly well known throughout the world, and Australia's sparkling Shiraz is also fast growing in popularity.


A fortified wine differs from other wines in that it is 'fortified' with additional alcohol during the production process. Fortified wines include Port, Marsala, Madeira and Sherry. Fortified wines have been produced in Australia for many years. In the Barossa Valley in South Australia, Grenache grapes have been used for the production of Port for many years, and today, the region is famous for both its red and white Ports. Fortified wines can be either dry or sweet, and this is the result of both the type of grape that used to produce the wine, as well as which stage of fermentation the additional alcohol is added. If the wine is allowed to develop fully before alcohol is added, usually in wooden casks, the sugars in the grapes will already have been converted to alcohol, making the wine dryer. If the alcohol is added earlier in the process, the still present sugars make for a sweeter fortified wine. Brandy, which is a distilled alcohol made from grapes, is commonly the alcohol used to fortify the wine, but other types of neutral alcohol are also used, such as those distilled from grains, sugar beets or sugar cane.

HistoryFortified wines have developed in many areas across the world. For example, in 1772, English merchant John Woodhouse sought to create a cheaper alternative to Port and Sherry while living in the Sicilian port city of Marsala, which was to become the namesake of the wine. Sherry originated in Spain, taking its Anglicised name from the town of 'Jerez', where it was first produced. Port was first produced in the Douro Valley in northern Portugal. The second known recipe for Vermouth, another style of fortified wine perhaps best known as one of the ingredients in a Martini cocktail, was created by Antonio Benedetto Carpano in Turin, Italy. Vermouth is a fortified wine that is flavoured with aromatic herbs and spices, and while the exact recipe is a closely guarded secret, some of those spices are thought to be cardamom and cinnamon.

Best enjoyedMany fortified wines make an excellent after-dinner drink, and are slowly sipped in order for their deep and complex flavours to be fully appreciated. Cooking with fortified wines can bring out the flavours of many foods, both sweet and savoury. A Christmas trifle, for example, would not be the same without the inclusion of a good quality Sherry. Port can be used for stewing fruits, and is particularly good with pears when combined with spices


such as cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and star anise, and makes an excellent jus base for red meat.

