Ahmed Final Project Report


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E-Government action plan for the maintenance department management information system

(Baghdad Provincial Council)

Name: Er. Ahmed Khudhair Abbasstudent of E-Government Training Program


C-DAC Mohali (India) 2010 ContentsINTRODUCTION
































Maintenance management information system is an e- government application. we get knowledge and experience about e-government and related subjects from this training course. This will support for the implementation of e- government at Baghdad provincial council. This action plan is the first phase of e- governance and we can apply for our organization. It is very beneficial for us. I d like to thank to MR CHETAN MANCHANDA {DESIGN ENGINEER} & MR DEEPAK RANA{PUBLIC RELATION OFFICER} and other lecturers officials from C-DAC Mohali, India.

IntroductionIn the introduction, we must understand e-government and its importance for the government to provide all services to the citizens and the importance lies in the broad participation of the masses, as well as the effectiveness for the completion of projects within a specific timetable and we will study in this project the main stages in project management, risk management and proposals on which the success of the project and examine the project cycle and the relationship of infrastructure, with electronic trading and the relationship of time and his administration in solving all problems related to the maintenance and others. Summary information on Iraq

Iraq: is one of the south-west of the Asian continent, bordering the Arabian Gulf is bounded on the south by Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and Turkey to the north and west of Syria and Jordan to the east, Iran and Iraq of members of Arab States and the OPEC and the so-called's north Mesopotamia and the presence of the Tigris and Euphrates in it.


Capital: Baghdad, the official language: Arabic, Kurdish, rename the population: Iraqis

System of government: Republic and consists of

Legislative Branch: House of Representatives

Executive branch: Council of Ministers

Independence: 1919

Republic Day: 1958

Area of Iraq: 438.317 square kilometers

Total population: 31,234,000

Currency: Iraqi dinar

Point of leadership: LeftInternet code: Iq

Alhanf international code: 00964

Iraq's history: pure cultures in Iraq, many of them Laredo, Uruk, and the Sumerians and the Akkadians, Assyrians and other civilizations.Where civilizations started Establishment since 6000 BC.The administrative division of Iraq has 18 provinces, Baghdad, Mosul, Basra, Dhi Qar and Al-Anbar and Salah al-Din, Qadisiyah, Babylon, Diyala, Missan, Karbala, Najaf, Wasit, Dohuk, Irbil, Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah and Muthanna. He has many religions, "Islam is the official religion in the country and of Christ and the Sabians and Azdi as Iraq respects all religions, sects and enjoy democracy.

It has several museums, the most famous:

Baghdadi MuseumIraq MuseumNatural History Museum

Iraq has a hot, dry summer and the temperature reaches 55 CCold and rainy in winter and temperatures up to 0 CSummary of the Baghdad Provincial CouncilWho composed the Baghdad Provincial Council?Baghdad Provincial Council consists of 57 members in more than 25 of the Committee of the jurisdiction in their respective areas in which the affairs of citizens and, as in is mentioned in the pages of Committees of the Council.What are the functions of the Council?Baghdad Provincial Council is the legislative authority at the county level and take control over the local administration so it does several tasks, including:1 - represents a link with the federal government and the House of Representatives.2 - Working to secure the basic rights of citizens of the governorate of Baghdad.3 - appointment or dismissal of the governor and his deputy and the mayor (the mayor of Baghdad), general managers, police chiefs and the Inspector General and Legal Counsel in the province.4 - the formation of local councils and supervise the elections.5 - Supervise and control and audit in the implementation of the ministries and projects being implemented in the province.6 - Monitoring the work of the administration of the province and municipalities to conduct annual audit of the accounts of the province.7 - to adopt, amend and adopt the budget submitted by the Governor.8 - preparation of the budget specialist in every district of the districts of the province.9 - or modify the imposition of taxes and duties in the province.10 - Preparation of legislation for the regulation of community relations and public order and public health.11 - version of legislation on the work of the required customization for each district.12 - Preparation of the projects invested in the construction of buildings for the Baghdad governorate.13 - development of legislation and controls construction and land use, transport, rental property and the development of fines and controls traffic and the environment and health.What are the goals of the website of Baghdad Provincial Council?We can go through our website to identify the functions and activities of the Authority and see various committees, in addition to the latest news in relation to the Baghdad Provincial Council.

Scenario of e-government in Iraq

The government is seeking to develop management plan for implementing electronic government. The E-Government Action Plan has completed a project for linking ministries, including obsolete processes through electronic units of the ministries of mission, particularly in the services that have direct contact with citizens.

The concept of scenario includes:1 - Plan of the future constitute the limits of what will happen in the future.2 - Training the mind of the strategic thinkers through the assignment to produce more than text.3 - Strategic planning in the manufacture, infrastructure and programming.4 - consideration for the future more than one wayVision of Iraq's e-Government

Vision emerged from several sources, the most important continuity of development of electronic government and documented work procedures with the state and based on feedback received from particular users of the system of target groups and through the workshop of electronic transactions, this vision is concentrated on some points:

Work to further develop the electronic system.Raise the efficiency of electronic system.Work on the document first post of regulations of the government procedures and regulations.Work on the statistical database of the Ministry.

The actions to achieve this vision include:

When all of the goals of the plan to the operational procedures.Careful advance coordination with the concerned divisions in the ministry and to ensure supplies for the implementation of each activity.Ensure that all the effectiveness of focus to serve the target and operational in time.Determining the scale of action for each effective.Ensure that responsible for the implementation effectiveness is able to implement them.To determine the responsibility for the implementation of follow-up events.The provision of financial and human resources for the implementation of the activities of the planUse of information technology in IraqE-literacy in IraqWe must strive to use information and communication technology to help open the doors of learning, so they can fully seize economic opportunities and to live in dignity and in safety from poverty.

Including that the emphasis on the vital importance of education so that literacy and primary education for all but two of the key factors in building an inclusive information society.

Information technology is highly effective in basic education and access to information to achieve impressive results.

The plan is to elevate the work of building and community education:

Develop domestic policies to ensure the integration of ICT fully in education and training at all levels, including curriculum development, teacher training, administration and management of educational institutions, support of the concept of lifelong learning.

Develop and promote literacy programs through the use of information technology and communications at the national, regional and international levels.

Work in the context of national educational policies, taking into account the need to eradicate adult illiteracy, to provide youth with the knowledge and skills to use information technology and communications, including the ability to analyze and process information creative and innovative ways.Develop pilot projects to demonstrate the impact of alternative educational delivery systems based on information and communication technology, especially to achieve the purposes of "science for all", including basic literacy targets.

Teacher training on the technical aspects of information technology, communications and the development of content, and the possibilities and challenges in information technology and communications.

Develop distance learning, distance training and other forms of education and training as part of capacity building programs, with special attention to developing countries, especially LDCs in different levels of development of human resourcesMajor companies that use information technologyThere are many companies that use information technology, including mention in the world and also in Iraq:

General Company for control systems: one of the largest firms in which affiliated to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Iraq, where this company is the latest information technologies, modern technology and the use of programming, analysis and design, as the company is above the completion of many projects which are of sophistication and transparency and the provision of services to citizens.

General Company for measuring and quality control: Also considered one of the important companies in Iraq and are using modern equipment of high-resolution examination of materials entering the country using the available information on the database and stored in computers.

The number of companies in the world that use information technology:

Compaq Jeteronks Company, Inc. Katebaris, Inc. to the S,

Microsoft Corporation, Inc. Netork Associates, Inc. clothe, Sun Micro Seetmz Company, particularly Ntek, Inc. Verthias

Central institute for the advancement of technology and information in Iraq

Department of Technical Affairs

Directorate of Agricultural Statistics:

Directorate of Industrial Statistics

Department of Building and Construction Statistics

Directorate of Trade Statistics

Directorate of Transport and Communications Statistics

Statistics Directorate of social and educational

Directorate of Population Statistics and Manpower

Directorate of National Accounts

Statistics Directorate of living conditions

Directorate of Environment Statistics

Department records

Directorate of human development statistics Information Technology Service

Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs

Sections associated with the Office of the President of the device Centre for Training and Research in Statistics Unit of statistical analysis

Use of information technology in the institutions of the IraqiThe use of technology parameters in Iraq has been successful in some areas, including the use of smart card technology in health-care centers "The work often using a smart card payment for each pregnant mother fell primary health care center by converting paper-based card to your e-card is easy to carry, small size and can be read and write in every time and place.

The Government of Iraq by using the e-government through a partnership between government institutions, has also succeeded in hosting regional and international firms specializing in information technology and telecommunications or information technology in modern cities.

Figure 5 - Graphic space partnerships in information technology and communication over the Internet

Use the laws in IraqDespite some successes achieved by the Iraqi government in the implementation of e-government but it is suffering from some laws, for example, the electronic payment and applied in banks, as Iraq lacks the legal system to address issues of electronic payment systems, demanding the government speed up adoption of the relevant legislation or the granting of bank the central issue binding instructions consistent with the development of banking operations.

Based on what passed the House of Representatives in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of the sixty-first article of the Constitution and move the legal limit set forth in paragraph (v / a) of Article one hundred and thirty-eight of the Constitution. Issued the following law: No. (13) for the year 2006 Investment Law This law is designed to: First: To promote investment and transfer modern technologies to contribute to the development process and development of Iraq and expanding its productive base and service diversification. Second: to encourage the Iraqi private sector and foreign investment in Iraq by providing the necessary facilities for the establishment of investment projects and enhancing the competitiveness of the projects covered by the provisions of this law in domestic and foreign markets. III: Development of human resources according to market demands and provide jobs for Iraqis Fourth: To protect the rights and property investors. Fifth: To expand exports and improve balance of payments and trade balance of Iraq Emerged in recent times, both on the scale academic or scale legislative laws in addition to the books deal with the Internet or information technology in legal terms, Is it really worth the Internet in this day and age that interest at the statutory legal or academic separated for examination and regulation, the Internet was in fact a is the practical application optimized for the massive development in information technology and computer on the one hand, communications and radio broadcasting on the other. Evolution in the manufacture of chips and other components of the computer, the ability to convert audio and video in several ways to decimal codes Digitalization understood by the computer, enabled the processing of information in different forms at high speed and multiple routes. The communications and networking technology has played a major role through the transfer of this information to anywhere in the world quickly and effectively distinguished thanks to the technology of satellites and advanced networks, such as technical fiber, or traditional networks such as telephone, so the Internet has become a unique technique of its kind, in fact, Internet technology is as important as the ancient inventions, but the Internet is based on science and discoveries of other ancient, such as physics and the invention of Electricity. Would it have been to these discoveries and inventions in science following the law, such as the effects of the Internet on the theories and traditional legal principles? The exact answer for such an approach needs to be a long search for a course after the technical information on the legal theories, and compare the effects of techniques and discoveries of other ancient or modern. But it is noted that historically the laws, both in the legislative framework or academic subject in general to the traditional division in terms of source of the obligation. The theory of contract Streptococcus governing the obligations regardless of the subject matter of contract, and the theory of harmful act (or responsibility an increasingly crowded) governing compensation to the victim from the aggressor, regardless of the cause of damage or theme. With the development of economic and social life developed jurists and lawmakers special laws governing certain activities or certain groups in society, such as trade laws and labor laws. Therefore, the laws have not been divided in terms of technical organized by, for example, there is less a law of electricity. The laws that are related to name some of the techniques, such as the Telecommunications Law or the law of space, in fact, it is not governed by the same technique, but also regulate the industry, which supervises or provides services related to its activity, such as regulating telecommunications companies and licensing criteria to be followed. Although, there are some rules that govern purely technical issues, but these rules are not up to become a branch of an independent legal or constitute an obstacle to the judges or legislators. Have formed the Internet challenge to scholars and judges of the criminal law, criminal law is distinguished from civil and commercial codes that no crime or punishment except by law, that means that the criminal judge can not be interpreted and measures or deviate from the rule of criminal criminalize a particular act and specific in the community, Therefore, it was difficult for the judges criminalize people who infiltrate private networks for small business owners or government Intruders or Hackers, if not accompanied by the penetration of theft or vandalism. If accompanied by this act theft, it is possible to charge theft of penetrative (although some of the criminal law requires a physical transfer of actual money stolen from his place to verify the crime), and if the penetration of vandalism against the property, crime of vandalism was able to hunt down the hacker, but if not associated with criminal acts of penetration, the penetrator could escape punishment in light of some traditional criminal laws. Therefore, it was not necessary to amend criminal laws to criminalize such an act. The recently approved the Treaty on Cyber crime Convention signed by European countries and a number of other countries, including Japan and the United States, to amend the national laws that criminalize the breach networking systems and other acts related to the Internet, such as trading and the dissemination of sexual images of children, where she helped the Internet people deviants in the dissemination of such images. Since the Internet is a global phenomenon, the impact of these crimes is also universal, and therefore must be cooperation and international regulation to criminalize such acts, and to clarify the procedural laws to facilitate the prosecution of violators on the international levelInternet service providers in IraqAfter the start of the Internet in the world and use of information and technology have encouraged more companies to provide Internet service, is based competition between companies, we find in Iraq, there are companies that provide Internet in the country and these companies:

AsiaCell Zain raised Zain Iraqna Cork Itisaluna Security As these companies provide services to the Internet day and night around the clock in addition to that there is specialized centers of the Internet provide this service for citizens Mobile phone service providers in Iraq

The use of technology and information has pushed the companies to compete among themselves and from the mobile phone companies:

Asia torrent:Founded Asia Cell for cellular communication in 1999 by Iraqi businessman known as Mr. Faruk Mustafa Rasool, to be the first cellular communications company in Iraq in Iraq.

The Asia-Cell's foremost providers of communications services phones in Iraq, as Iraqi company, which covers all of Iraq's provinces last eight years, and is characterized by progress, diversity and competitive prices, offering AsiaCell many modern services, ranging from local telecommunications services, which include calls within the network of Asia-Cell and calls communication networks operating in Iraq, in addition to international calls to all countries in the world, including Arab and foreign.It also provides AsiaCell many value-added services with added value to its customers, whether through monthly bills or prepaid services such as voice mail, call alert is received or what is known as calls lost in the language of communication, MMS, and SMS, and transfer service balance on lines, pre-paid service and Caller ID services, wait-and-comment and call forwarding, and service calls, multilateral as well as international roaming services, and messaging service General Packet (GPRS), and many entertainment services that are specifically designed to suit the needs of the customers network Asia-Cell.


The group was founded in the year since then has controlled the telecommunications sector in the Middle East and was the first operator of wireless communications service in the region and the number of subscribers is currently 100 million subscribers. I knew many of the Zain Group names in the States that have held mobile communications service which was (Fastlink) in (MTC Touch) in Lebanon and (Mobitel) in known as Celtel in the rest of Africa. The nominal value of the shares of Zain about 10 billion dollars.And also ItisalunaThe security companyCompany lanternSummary of e-government projects across IraqInformation technology that lays the foundation for services, ease the burden on the citizen by providing a network service via the electronic environment of networks, computer and other tools of information, and this so-called: (e-government).

Electronic payment, debit or bank account to deal electronic payment, but the urban banks and not available to citizens until the completion of networks and linking them together.

Use the smart card: The achievements made by the government in recent years and is treated at health centers and other centers such as the Directorate of the various public pensionImportant sites in IraqPresidency of the Republic www.iraqipresidency.net

Ministry of Foreign Affairs www.iraqmofa.net

Ministry of the Interior www.iraq-moi.com

The Ministry of Electricity http://www.iraqelectric.org/

Ministry of Communications www.iraqimoc.net

Ministry of Oil www.uruklink.net / oil

The Ministry of Transport landing.domainsponsor.com

Ministry of Construction and Housing www.uruklink.net / moch

The Ministry of Culture www.cultureiraq.org

Ministry of Higher Education www.moheiraq.org

The Ministry of Education www.moediraq.com

The Ministry of Displacement and Migration www.iraqi-modm.org

CBI www.cbiraq.org

Fact sheet Iraqi http://www.uruklink.net/iqlaw/

Iraqi Property Claims Commission www.ipcciraq.org

The Central Criminal Court of www.iraq-ist.org

Independent High Electoral Commission of Iraq www.ieciraq.org

National Assembly na-iraqi.com

General Directorate of Traffic www.iptraffic.org

The Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources www.iraqi-mwr.org

General Commission for Taxes www.iraqtax.org

Health http://www.healthiraq.org/

Interior http://moiiraq.com/

Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the US-Iraqi www.iraqiamericancci.org

Ministry of Commerce http://www.motiraq.org

Iraqi National Olympic Committee www.nociraq.org

The Iraqi Special Tribunal www.iraq-ist.org

National Intelligence Service official www.inisiraq.com

Office of Public Integrity in Iraq http://www.nazaha.net

InfrastructureTo build a government services and provide a single interface to customers, the Iraqi government should take advantage of the potential of infrastructure, which allows the allocation of resources effectively and to avoid re-work arising from the fragmentation of work or lack of coordination. Iraq's government is to formulate a strategy to achieve greater compatibility and exchange of data between applications through frameworks and policies and guidelines for conceptual, as well as technical resources. Iraq's government is mainly to ensure the durability of the overall system of e-government at the level of jobs and security.

As well as support infrastructure:Human capacity development in the technological fieldCompletion of several projects in the development of administrativeContinuous trainingSafe environmentExchange FinancialThe provision of Internet and computers and telecommunications

The Council is seeking to maintain the infrastructure through the development of the administrative system and training staff and providing them with the latest computers and equipment for each employee Internet.The maintenance department of the Baghdad Provincial CouncilThe maintenance department from the department are active in the organization aligned to the details of the special and important and the many problems facing the business and pass these problems will have on the partition maintenance and follow-up daily and is also the backbone of this section mayors in the organization to provide services to staff.

For the maintenance department a number of branches

Electrical MaintenanceMaintenance of waterCarpentryMaintenance of coolingBlacksmithingGeneratorsMobile CalculatorMobile SatelliteCar Maintenance

In addition, the number of staff 40 employees and be subject to increase depending on work requirements and the public interest

The provincial council has 500 employees and has 375 Combetr device in the circuit.

To either stakeholder or interest are the supervisory or recipient of services provided by the maintenance department, such as President of the Council and Vice Secretary-General and Deputy Director of Administration, and officials from the members of the Baghdad Provincial Council, who are in turn provide services to citizens by issuing laws and legislation

Maintenance management information system of the Baghdad Provincial CouncilE-Government Action Plan "2010

Presented by

Eng / Ahmed Khudhair AbbasDate: 05/08/2010

Location: Baghdad Provincial Council Project Description

The project will focus on

1. Creation of a complaint posting and redressal system.

2. Maintenance and updating of all work and updating of programs and operational plans of the Baghdad Provincial Council and the development of e-government system through the purchase of goods and services required by the department and eventually become mandatory to use the system for goods and services costing above a certain limit.Mission

Building a modern development nation

To protect our nation

To enhance our organization management system with the of ICT

Objectives of the project1 - providing high-priority services of the sophisticated level of quality 2 - Providing services in an integrated and simplified for users 3 - access to services of the Council over time 4, - to achieve the level of use of e-government services in the Council 5 - Achieve a high level of satisfaction of users of electronic services 6 - the use of maintenance problems through e-mails, as well as used in all official correspondence as possible between government agencies 7 - Provide procurement Chamber of goods and services costing more than is realistic in the beginning through the electronic system for government procurement 8 - Contribute to build a cadre through the dissemination of knowledge and use of electronic services 9 - to contribute to the better use of resources by raising the productivity of staff career 10 - Development of database for the Department of 11 - Participation in the development of plans 12 - Quality of information academic program for maintenance operationsComplaint Management Information System for Maintenance Department of Baghdad Provincial Council

The benefits of e-government project1 - provides service to user departments within the department2 - study and develop future strategic plans3 - Improving Career Level4 - To protect all files relating to the Service5 - Accessibility and transparency of the work6 - integrity, trust banking deal7 - Developing the administrative and financial8 - done a lot of transactions relating to the citizen or problems relating to maintenance on a regular basis.Time tableTime frame management of the e- governance projects

Baghdad provincial council will implement e-governance projects by the following the time frame management Implementation





Purchasing hardware and software

Installation the equipments

Testing the system


The system

General Description for managing projects

The projects have become the world through the Group, as the computers and mechanization provided the opportunity For individuals to focus on new things - new products, new services, and new organizations. Since there is a need to create Things are needed to work projects, and unfortunately can be lost control of the projects easy and time Short, leading to a huge waste in the budget and the repeated delays in delivery of projects which is a serious matter, so are Good skills on the benefits of project management project manager at the moment that allows them to deliver High-quality projects on time and within budget set. And the reputation of any company based companies in the labor market, which has a peak in the competition this time On whether the company can deliver goods or perform services on time and within budget, time Lost translates into loss of revenue for both the company and the client! Adequate planning for the activity able to reduce the The possibility of such losses to a minimum, either a clear definition of activities early in any project Help to discover the lost activities, and explains the differences between the unit-time project management methods With an emphasis on the methods most commonly used and are most common now. The training program aims to increase understanding of the trainee to manage the time of the project with an emphasis on Deliveries and points of discussion are described, Department of the educational objectives of this booklet and, finally, trainees will Apply what they learned on their experiences in project management to learn how to increase their strengths and identify areas for Improvement. And taking into account that the practice of project management at this time include many of the variables Both in terms of terminology or methodology, this training program will depend upon the terms of the guide cognitive Project management, in order to install the terms at the level of projects, practices and organizations Industries, and the overall goal of the training program, which granted the certificate management projects is to enhance the skills that Can be transferred and which can lead to you a certificate of Project ManagementAdjust the schedule: Regard to the timetable set, including the following: Determine the current status of the project schedule Influencing the factors that create changes to the timetable determine that the timetable for the project has changed Managing the actual changes when they occur 6 / 6 set the timetable Inputs Management Plan Timetable Baseline schedule Performance reports Change requests approved Tools and techniques Progress Report Monitoring system to change the timetable Performance measure Computer Software Project Management Analysis of variance Time programs written comparison of the schedule Outputs Sample data calendar (updates) Baseline schedule (updates) Performance measures Emptying Corrective actions recommended by the The assets of the organization's operations (updates) Activity list (updates) Features of the activity (updates) Plan of project management (updates) A - input A - 1 Management Plan Timetable Project management plan contains the schedule management plan that establishes how the schedule management Of the project and control it. A - 2 plan based on the schedule The timetable for the project is used in the control schedule of the project approved and referred to Drawing based on the schedule, baseline schedule is a component of the project management plan, which provides The basis for measuring the performance of the timetable and give a report on it as part of a baseline measurement of performance.

Map schedule is a graph showing the schedule of work is like a construction project or maintenance operation or process development or project development, manufacturing and marketing a new product. This map is to use lines incidental Bars to show the time spent on each step of the project and when to begin and when it ends. This map and thus help us to plan for the project to transfer the planning of our managers and colleagues and all who is involved in the project. This map is a very good way to follow up business development and presentation of these follow-up are easy Astaabh quickly. , We can use horizontal lines to determine the other real-time execution of the works in the sense that the map showing planned and actual time

This map is ascribed to the Henry Gantt, who invented in 1917 and is still used so far, but was the most popular means used in the presentation of schedules

What is the importance to prepare a timetable?

Let's ask the question another way: What if we no longer timetable for the project? So no one knows when the project ends and we can not expect the steps that affect the completion of the project quickly and we can not distinguish the steps that we can do at the same time we can not organize our resources can be for employees in the project to know when their turn came in the project and can not be for other projects coordinate its work with This project

Schedule we plan to draft well because it shows us the resources required and how to use and help us to reduce implementation time through the implementation of some steps in parallel, or by initiating some steps in an early stage. Also, the schedule is a way to coordinate with all parties involved and affected by the project or the steps

I suppose we'll process of installing a new machine. I suppose we are no longer timetable. How goes things? We can not say that we are working on a good because there is not any plan in advance. When we need to officials of mechanical installations would surprise them the request and may be not ready and when we need as well as officials of electrical installation and Operating Officer and so on. It may be possible to do some electrical and mechanical business in parallel to compress the time, but we will not pay attention to it. May be surprised at the time of late, that process has not been made will Tzbbb to disable everything with it could have been implemented at any earlier. As well as the coordination of use of resources (tools such as transport, pregnancy, or computers ...). Between various types of business would be a major problem.

If should be a timetable why map Gantt Gantt Chart? Not enough to write everything in a table? That the map of the schedule easy to understand and read it much easier to read a table with Bas dates and times.

Therefore it is commonly used since a long time. Note that the preparation of the map of the schedule does not require a lot of time in the plot because the computer programs make this easy, but even hand-painted, it does not take a lot of timeRequirements of the technical infrastructure


Requirements of the technical infrastructure

We need infrastructure for IT development and IT operations. We need Computer system , Printer, scannar, Local area networking, Server , Microsoft windows software , Microsoft windows software, Web site designing software, Database software, Projector, Internet connection, Mobile phone, Biometric device, Web camera, Testing software, Graphic designing software, Project management software, UPS, Laptop, Furniture.

Graphic shows the relationship between infrastructure and electronic transactions Graphic shows the project implementation cycle to accomplish

A graph of the time of the life cycle of project managementWill focus this workshop on the key deliverables of the Department of the scope of the projectLifecycle The life cycle of the project marks the beginning and end of the project and the technical work to be done at each stage and the parties Participating in each stage, and the life cycles of different projects in different functional areas, and different again from the Organization to another within the same technical field, and some examples of those areas are: engineering, construction, and armament And the development of new pharmaceutical products, and program development, and communications. With systems integration projects, technical activities as an example of the stages are: analysis, design, construction / Procurement, testing, and implementation. Model and serial levels following illustrates the evolving nature and possibly overlapping Of these stages: Example for the integration of technical systems (sequence) level for the project life cycle

Stages cycle: : Experience is the initial stage in the session, the basis for the entire process, and includes self-assessment or Interaction among the trainees in the form of quote do or give a note or words of one Things : Deployment experience becomes one of the activities of trainees are now ready to participate or to publish what they perceived Or to publish how they feel during the experiment : Operation This phase includes integration of participation and discovery, discussion and evaluation (operating Internal) : Circular The main question at this stage, is "What will happen after that?" , Where an Trainees in the preparation of concepts and ideas of the general conclusion of the experiment can be linked to their positions When you return to work : The application in this final stage is to help trainees to apply the concepts on attitudes Participate; the actual, as the pilot process does not end only by using a New educational and testing on the one hand the behavior of individualsSeven Core Project Phases

Software: To identify the basic concepts

Requirement: Successful technical project relies mainly on the experience of the Director, and the extent Tmrsh in the application of the techniques used, and its ability to deal with changes in the implementation of the project. Analysis: Group Theory and method of approach and his followers to study the way divisive virtual understanding of the processes by default a Design: Is the process of planning methodology prior to the plan to solve the problems in the educational field design is scientific and logical steps followed for the design of learning and production, implementation and evaluation coding @ debugging: Encoding (the process of transition from the questionnaire to the program SPSS)The next step, which precedes the introduction to the computer for analysis is the encoding of data. And encoding data is the process of converting responses to each question to the numbers or letters easily into your computer. systems testing: Is a set of elements that work together to reach a particular goal, and these elements must be based on the other, and interact with each other to achieve the goal or goals.Through this system can be described by selecting its parts and how to link these parts to each other and the goal must be achieved deployment@ maintenance: Many users in maintenance tasks. For the average user can do the majority of these tasks and not just administrators of the system. steps to manage risk:

Chart Risk

Risk management: is the process of measuring and assessing the risks and develop strategies to manage them. Such strategies include risk transfer to another and avoid and minimize their negative effects and to accept some or all of the consequences

Suggestions1. To make a risk management committee to identify and manage risk.

2. - Split project into tasks and estimate time and resources required to complete each task.Taking place where the division of the project depends on time management and execution time My suggestion that we remain committed to these details.

3. - Organize tasks concurrently to make optimal use of workforce. we undertake in the implementation of projects to design and develop a plan and timetable States and commitment to avoid falling into error.

4- Minimize task dependencies to avoid delays caused by one task waiting for another to complete

5- To launch special training programmes for employees

Should I provide expertise and skills that they own and serve the project.Possession of personal motives, which will ensure the success of the project.Possession of personal qualities and leadership that will work on the project.

6- Make a small project first and then scale it fast.Builds on the success of the project possess the skill and accuracy is not large based on the study of good and appropriate and cost of our control also the speed of delivery.Method of implementation of the project

Financial requirements


Manpower cost

(For 12 months)

Technical hardware cost

Administrative Module (Information Management of Administrators, applicant management Module)

Feedback and ticketing Module

Core functionality and User interface designing

Security implementation


Arabic language setting on WebPages1,20,000







We will use a financial accounting software for automation and consistency of all financial operations of government department and also provide a precise vision standard for all financial statements.

This will also help in preparation of the budgets of the public sector: and allows estimates of the budget through the use of tables

Quality control planning scheme

To ensure qualityPlans are prepared, documented and approved and of different periods, including research activitiesIdentify areas of researchWork to increase the effective participationDevelop a plan for training staffIncrease the sources of fundingEstablishing precise criteria for determining research prioritiesDevelop a plan to take advantage of the expertiseWork on upgrading the bestAll of these points to ensure qualityQuality controlThe preparation of an integrated system to improve the methodology for monitoring and quality assurance program consists of three levels (municipal, Secretariat, Ministry), and making programs to strengthen mechanisms of control and quality assurance with regard to the construction work carried out at the project site, as well as to develop management systems for municipalities and secretariats to ensure the quality of planning and implementation according to international quality standards. The programs include the development of quality system implementation of development projects the following: - Central control over the quarries. - Central control over the mixing plants, asphalt and concrete. - Control the central laboratory. - Administrative development of the secretariats and the municipalities. - Establishing a system of technical inspection. - A strategy for the development and establishment of government laboratoryConclusion and future scope

This project I will make it is very benefit for my deportment and ministry of communication and IT.

And I learned this project to this book


1- e-government online

2- implementing and managing

3- unlocking e-government potential

4- and www.google .com

Username = _____

Password = _____

Maintenance Department Database

e-Mail to Head of Maintenance Department











150 line



150 web cam







technical infrastructure

Computer system



Local area networking


Microsoft windows software

Web site designing software

Database software

Microsoft office tools


Internet connection

(Mobile phone)

Biometric device 5 nos.

Web camera

Testing software

Graphic designing software

Project management





Project Planning

Commencement of the project

Closure of the project

Project Control

Implementation of the project







