Aiesec in malta mcp 16 17 information booklet




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Malta is most renowned for its generally warm climate and Mediterranean beaches. Weather is warm all year round, becoming

particularly hot in the summer months of July and August (up to 38-40C) and coldest in the months of January and February (8-

10C). The economy relies mostly on the tertiary, hospitality sector including incomes from tourism, both vacation tourists and

students in Malta learning English. An emerging IT and other services sector is however emerging to contribute directly to the



The Maltese Islands are located in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. The country covers just over 316 km squared making it one

of the world's smallest and most densely populated countries with a population of just under 420,000 people! The most recent census

shows there are around 70,000 people aged between 18-30.


Maltese people are generally bilingual in the Maltese and English languages. Maltese is a unique language and the product of

the legacy of several different colonisers throughout the centuries. Maltese mostly has a Semitic base (Arabic) in grammar, uses

the Roman Alphabet and has borrowed several aspects of Italian as well as French and Spanish. The culture is as diverse as

the language from the food to the architecture to the habits of the people and the history of the country.



Malta gained its independence in 1964 and consequently became a republic in 1974. Since the establishment of its independence,

Malta has been a democratic society with two main political parties, the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party. Malta joined the

European Union in 2004 and its current official currency is the Euro.

AIESEC in Malta is a relatively old entity, having been founded in 1969.

Several alumni currently in their 40s and 50s were engaged via AIESEC

through on campus presence while others through exchange opportunities.

Over the next 40 years or so following AIESEC in Malta's foundation it is

unclear what the entity was truly doing due to a lack of information

management and transition. Records show there were clearly high points

as well as low points in terms of performance. However it is clear that the

clarity of AIESEC's purpose and exchange focus mindsets are only recent

efforts by the entity's leadership having been started since 2010-2011.

AIESEC in Malta is currently present in one LC - The University of Malta

(UOM). UOM is the only main university on the island. In addition, until 2012,

the structure in Malta functioned primarily as an Expansion with the National

team (MC) working directly with the TLP and TMPs. In 2013, EB UOM was

established resulting in the emergence of a more conventional structure

where the MC focused on strategic development and the EB on operational

drive and implementation.


Transition between MCPc and MCPe will commence the minute the MCPe 16.17 is elected to ensure the right preparation and

continuity (physically if the MCPe is in Malta or virtually if not). The MCPe will be requested to be a delegate in IPM 2016 which

will take place in the February/March 2016 period in Morocco. Financial coverage from Malta to the IPM hosting country is

always covered by the entity for the MCPe unless there are extreme financial realities that cannot make this reality happen. In

the case of an International MCP living outside of Malta - financial coverage would be discussed.

Given Morocco is relatively close to Malta, in the case a non-EU international MCP is elected and attends IPM, it might be

requested of the MCPe to visit Malta for a few days to start the legal process to stay in Malta for the duration of the term.

The first priorities for the MCPe will be a) starting transition b) start planning for and implementing the selection process for the

MC team 16.17.

In the case of an international, the MCPe will need to be physically present in Malta by latest - May 1st 2016 to start physical

transition and to follow up on the legal transition procedures.

o Active AIESEC Member o Recent Alumnus (finished last AIESEC role in the last 6 months) o Maltese Nationality* OR o EU country nationality OR o Nationality from a country that is part of the Schengen agreement OR o Nationality from country that has VISA Free access to Schengen countries for 90 days. *Applicants who can provide documentation stating that they have the right and ability to stay in Malta until June 30th 2017 are kindly requested to approach the current MCP for verification on whether he/she is eligible to apply.


Hours: MCP in Malta is a full-time position. Current office hours are from 9am-5pm however adaptations are made as is necessary and it is up to the

MCP to set the expectations with his/her team regarding hours.

Registering to stay in Malta for international MCPs outside of the EU: International MCPs (and future potential MCPVs) outside of the EU will have

to undergo the legal process to obtain their Residence Card Permit which will allow the person to reside in Malta to work with AIESEC in Malta under the

title of ‘voluntary worker’ for the duration of the term. This would not give the International MCP the right to work in Malta. A worthy note for non-EU

internationals to add here is regarding part-time work. It is very difficult to work as a work permit is needed for this and AIESEC in Malta cannot endorse

such a permit since it is listed as an NGO. Some informal tutoring or short jobs might be a solution in case of urgent personal financial situations.

Maintaining legal transparency and abiding by the Maltese law is always first priority to ensure the best relations between the Maltese Government and

AIESEC in Malta. All MC members are required to prioritise abiding by the Maltese law regardless of anything else.

MC Office: The MC office is located at the Take Off Incubation Centre (logisitcal partner) at the University of Malta in Msida (15 min walking distance

from the MC flat). The office contains open working spaces with desks as well as board and events room which can be booked. Internet access is



Salary: Within our current financial model, international MC members, including international MCPs currently receive Euro 200 per month for 12 months.

This salary is financial support for food consumption and other personal living costs. There is currently no salary in place for local members, including

local MCPs. At the end of the term, each MC member is entitled to one free EP credit. All of this is subject to changes depending on the MCP decisions


MC Accommodation: The MC flat is currently located 15 minutes walking distance away from the office. It is open to be used by all the MC

(internationals as well as locals) however priority goes to internationals. The rent fee, minimum water, electricity and internet access fees are fully

covered by the entity separately from the minimum Euro 150 financial support. The flat itself has 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen and a relatively

spacious living room and is decently furnished.


The following are all important costs to keep in mind if you are an international applicant.

o Flights to Malta in May 2016 and back to your home country in July 2017 (Malta is well connected via main

European airports)

o Health insurance coverage for the entire duration you will stay in Malta (This is absolutely compulsory for

international applications to be able to stay in Malta)

o Residence permit cost in Malta (Euro 25)

o Expenses outside of the minimum financial support of Euro 200*

*Euro 200 covers very basic food costs given that you cook meals at home, buy only seasonal fruit and vegetables and buy food wisely keeping in mind nutritional value and

requirements over want. Public transport is relatively cheap and not required throughout the working week so costs will be low.


· Ensure the alignment of AIESEC in Malta’s strategic decisions with the


· Ensure the implementation of AIESEC 2020 mid-term ambition in

AIESEC in Malta

· Ensure the right planning framework and execute MC planning and its

implementation in alignment with the first two items listed above

· Ensure the right structure to complement the strategies and projects to

be implemented

· Oversee, supervise, feedback and track strategic work progress at

different parts

of the MC and ensure adequate synergy and cohesion.


· Take ownership, with the support of the current MC team, to conduct the selection

process for the MC team of Term 16.17.

· Ensure the delivery of the Team Standards in the MC Team

· Take responsibility of the MC planning process and its alignment with the Global


· Manage and track team performance on a weekly basis; organize team days

at least every quarter

· Run performance appraisals and individual meetings with MC members at least

every quarter

· Ensure the delivery of education and training for the team based on needs



· Assume full accountability of AIESEC in Malta’s financial performance

· Ensure the legal compliance of AIESEC in Malta’s operations

· Ensure any international MC members undergo the right and legal process

to reside in Malta for the term

· Ensure AIESEC in Malta submits the necessary documents yearly to be fully

compliant with the Maltese Law Voluntary Organisations Act

· Ensure AIESEC in Malta maintains Full Member Status in the International



· Represent AIESEC in Malta in key external events

· Ensure the adequate touchpoints with the Board of Advisors, maintain relations

and ensure the evolution of the BOA structure to benefit the entity

· Manage personal social media channels in accordance and alignments with

AIESEC values.


· Ensure the AIESEC in Malta Compendium is followed and adhered to

· Final responsible in the MC for the alignment of the whole plenary

· Final responsible in the MC for MC plan tracking vs. achieved

· Report to the organization quarterly on the performance of the MC as well

as the

performance of the network

· Ensure follow up and adequate implementation of national plenary decisions


· Actively engage with the MCPs of the Term 16.17 generation as well as the

· Ensure clear communication and touchpoints with the LCPs/SUPs in AIESEC in


· Final responsible in the MC for the alignment of the LCs and EY Partners


the achievement of AIESEC in Malta’s plan

· Final responsible in the MC for the internal communication with the network

· Attend all International Legislative Meetings (ILM) including IC, IPM and Virtual

Legislation; or if unable to attend, ensure a proxy is present

· Attend (if possible) to Regional Presidents Meetings


· Leading organizational growth within AIESEC.

· Practical actions aligned with the AIESEC Way, the AIESEC

Values and current Global & National Strategic Direction.

· Ability to represent AIESEC nationally and internationally.

· Extensive team management experience.

· Active participation and knowledge about the recent global

and national

discussions and strategy building processes at global and

national level.

· Experience in communicating AIESEC direction and

contribution to external

bodies and different sectors of the society.

· National and local operational and long term planning


· Understanding of Global and National Compendium and

decision making

processes and accountability systems of AIESEC in Malta.

· Understanding and fair knowledge of financial management

and legal affairs.

· Extensive knowledge on the growing external trends, internal

global issues.


Core Competencies:

• Solution, action, results-driven mindset.

• Self-awareness.

• Stakeholder focus.

• Effective communication.

• Flexible thinking.

• Personal Management.

• Ability to adapt in an uncertain environment.


• Team management.

• Planning, budgeting, tracking and reporting.

• Change management.

• Crisis management.

• Good understanding of key external trends worldwide.

• Strategic and analytical thinking.

• Negotiation skills.

• Networks management.

Basic tools: EXPA, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PPT, amongst


- Excellent level of English (C1 to C2)

Contacts of MC 15.16

MCP & FIN Roberta Buhagiar (

MCVP OGX & TM Luis Guillermo Lopez Ahumada (

MCVP ICX & BD Maria Fernanda Castillo Perez (

MCVP MKT & PR Elizabeth Pulo (

Contacts of EB UOM 15.16

LCP Aimee Chetcuti (

LCVP OGX Michaela Rizzo (

LCVP ICX Nadine Farrugia (

LCVP TM David Scicluna (

LCVP MKT Patrick Georgiev (

LC Manager PR Gabriella Sutton (

LC Manager FIN Kirsten Spiteri Azzopardi (