Aim: to what extent was war beneficial to the Roman Republic?


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Aim: to what extent was war beneficial to the Roman Republic?



Romulus and Remus founded Rome in 753BCE

• Etruscan Monarchy is overthrown and a Republic established in 509 BCE.

The Punic Wars: 264 BCE – 146 BCE

• Rome spreads south down the Italian Peninsula and encroaches on Carthaginian cities located in Sicily.

• War ensues between Rome and Carthage.

• Eventually Carthage is pushed out of the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia.



• The Carthaginian Spanish city of Saguntum asks to ally itself with Rome.

• The Carthaginian general in command of Spain attacks and destroys Saguntum.

• After Rome asks the Carthaginians to surrender that general to them…

• He decides to invade Rome. That general is named


Hannibal Barca

• Hannibal laid waste to the Italian Peninsula defeating the Roman army on several occasions.

• Macedonia allied itself with Carthage.

• In desperation, to get Hannibal out of the Italian Peninsula, the Romans appointed a young man proconsul (governor and military commander) of Spain. He was named

• Publius Cornelius Scipio…

Better known as

Scipio Africanus



Republic runs into trouble• Marius• Sulla• Slave rebellion in 73 – 71 BCE• Spartacus• Triumvirate of Pompey, Crassus, and Julius

Caesar.• Julius Caesar• Second Triumvirate: Antony, Lepidus, and

Octavian (Augustus Caesar)• Augustus Caesar rules and establishes the

Empire in 27BCE


Why does Egypt have a cultural connection to Greece during this time period?


Julius Caesar


Mark Anthony


Octavian (Augustus


Aint working with me you Egyptian hussy!

Marcus Agrippa

Now if I just marry my best friend’s daughter…


Can you keep track of who was connected to whom?

27BCE – 476CE

Pax Romana

Roman Empire Timeline• 27 BCE: Octavian becomes first Emperor; rules

as Augustus Caesar• 293 CE: Empire divided into Eastern and Western• 324CE: Empire reunited by Constantine• 330CE: Constantine moves capital to

Constantinople. Before his death converts to Christianity making it the official religion of the Empire

• 476CE: After numerous “barbarian” attacks Western provinces collapse. Eastern provinces remain, better known as the Byzantine Empire, until 1453CE.



•Aim: to what extent has ancient Rome and Roman culture had an impact on the world you live in?

Hagia Sophia


•Aim: to what extent has ancient Rome and Roman culture had an impact on the world you live in?

