Air Intelligence Report, V1N18


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  • 8/8/2019 Air Intelligence Report, V1N18





  • 8/8/2019 Air Intelligence Report, V1N18


  • 8/8/2019 Air Intelligence Report, V1N18


    JAPSted bu t none attacbd fWoB_29s _ere 1011t. one'SBtbWing plaD8 crasbed atland '5 la d after betDg h i tby t l a k and three to 'I Xparachute5 were l eeD toopen. A ' 73rd w1ng p1aJl8;. ~ . . . . . . . L craib laDded 00 retarn., ) l : ' e d ~ r .....b e r ' . . . . . ,.,.:I. Flail: _as geoeral l1 ' 1atenseL aod accurate,.ueh of i tcomill6 from BaYal ...dse15in the b&!'bor. ! 'be '73rd:Iins llIuffered 64 pereenthat t Ie damage and th e SBtb54 percent. ClDI a ~ haa a shell go c ~ p l e t e 1 UlroaF awins without exp1041.D&

    BATTLBSRIP RJRUIl B(IIBIDPost s t r u e pbotoS .. .Quate tor d . - & ' a s l a 5 ~ ' B_ _ever, the 5 t r i P attoaClI: J l b ~ d ic at e t ha t th e reJU1U .,.. ..-aJ.-

    lent .AI a bODld t b I I " ~na (the c.- c;I ta . . erea"ad w it b I1nkfn1:h.tob " il l . .barbel' reoe1Yed Guoeo' _. . . . . ooo-pooDll ~ . . . . filet&u bU .b tp . . Waft iItt....-. . . .1. . . .lII'l~ 1 _ , l A d (WI'Iiii_... ~ ..._. .= ~ . - .1-::ru:: ::0 10U.r.- .'"

    ot !1 x11 tr:on2Z .rune,nrO' : r s ~ XXI Bomberh1t t i n Jap8n858IiJcrt!t ractar1- and,tor-' .-sure, pve Kure ai1d: 111 tbI A ! ' 1 ~ n a l .!e=us, 1n t he f arm offlit .tr1ke photographY,,,!lOt calplete ye t but

    .. 0lltI whIch have beentMI1JlI4, plus t he i !l tr ik e)MtOf. Indicate an exIIl1l1lt 41.7'1 work. Theatons were as follOWs:II!!! !'lAVAL ARSENAL!Illl target (657A) and 1.U branchr.r.,. li t HtJoo const i tute th e catn

    . . .-... i or the Jao Navy. I t pro-. AA machine gun! 120c..uo. navol guns, p r o j e c t i l e s ,all' propellants and torpedO'5.'1l1 reported to be produe1na na .._1Il - up to 16 lnches togetherQnts fo r fortre5s guns aolS!. , rer ships guns . e x p l o , t v " ,~ ~ t e , gun Sights, pert 'cop .....i-,,- (I and other elect r lca"i t.

    ~ t ~ 8 t h Wing suppUed 64 aU"_ 186 the 73rd 12e to r a t o t a l:!ttP"" ;lrbarne. or these, 1&6t2' 60l tons on th e pr1JDlll7r;- 18,875 to 21,000 teet .' 0 ~ O I I l b i n g : 58th 'J1r2&, ,S8, toba' 1 tOM; 73rd 98 Ale,. . One of th e ~ 8 t h 'Rilla10 of th e 73rd "1121: b

  • 8/8/2019 Air Intelligence Report, V1N18


    D ~ I L G ! AI' TM.!ASHI!.\A: Eighty five percent of th eplant destroyed after the 314th Wing strll(eaetl1nst the ~ l 1 t s u b t s h l Aircraft Company P l ~ r r t(Target 1681). ( S' P 81 )


    dropped "15U8111 ft'f1/II", IcYi' : ; e ~ 7'" 'v."'" ,o.b'O:: .It'' "", '."" ' , .. . t r. . t ".v"' .",,,,, ; ; ~ , : : ...' ~ ~ ' " ' to", t ..... " .n' ." -" n~ . . bov . ' b " U b e ' 'n th e .." ,...J,,,, ng sot t . "Ube .rter thO fittY ".or ."or';; .,,. " ,~ - r " ; __ p e r , , ~ O U 8 h roit" it on , ....'" " " : : , r : , ~ ~ : ' ;",, '4;" "" -s.' or th e root .", m"" . . '" .._ort.,.r. .i ~ ~ r or 'trike' On, " , n - .",....: . : : : ~ , . r" h"re .on""" ," , t ,n d on' : : : ~ 1 , .. .; : ; . . . .It " 5" wer' olrborO" tJ" . . - ""'-, 96 tonS I, r t ' (""t ' . . I . r ' ~ ..._. [t:.ree nearb ----~ t t s l l b 1 'I t O l l ' n ~ and established:rvt CCiIll sM as an 1.nteu8 te d 81.1'ptex.

    IE: JAP BATTLESilIf!A (enclOsedb e!.l'ele) gets i t s ~ t c r n blO-lm o ff by~ l 1 t e t hitS ['rem 4,OOO-POl.lOd boobs Our~ : ' an attack on the l:ure Naval Arsenaltbe seth and 73r il Wings on 2e June.u : : A ~ 1 i b 1 ~ on the plant was excel le.!:':.t '!."nts 58th Wing str lYe photo,CIl""_ e ~ ~ ~ o ~ n ~ ~ ~ ' B ~ h o w ( g l r e c t h l t 5 n ~ n d 2

    "e. T .. ", l' v _I. (0 UP 'h '' '" i' F; ;' -, ," :,=. ;""", ,,, , =

    STRIKE .- ~ . " ' - " '

  • 8/8/2019 Air Intelligence Report, V1N18


    psrt -:.aaaircraft

    DAY'nlree bombed other


    YX'Ii\."AJ:I AT AKASJfIlb.1rty eight B.29s !'rem the .31.3tllWing were at.rborne,31 of ther:J drop

    ping 184 tons on the prL'!lSrV b,."ra-da r through 10/10 cloud fraIIJ 19,300feet . Five bombed other targets.Si x enemy a1rcrnft were encounteredand three unaggressive attackS re ceived. One enemy was elaitTled a9destroyed and one daroaged. O1e aircraf t retU1'ned early o.nd eight 1andec a t 1'11'0. There were nO loss.s

    aOO no casual ties.

    Six aircraf t were da:naged byf lak which "a s generallY rlIeager andinaccurate. only about 25 percentof th e crel'fs reported flak.

    Three enemy attackS "ere receivedand claims "ere Illade of ttro enel:lYshot down. p_5l escort ,;as sightedin th e target area. One ail 'crartwas los t to unknown reasons Ilnd 14landed at 1wo Jimll.

    22,000 fee t .targets.


    sM1'lI!0 LIGHT l>IETAIS I ~ D U S T R Y

    fite5 June the Boober Command

    Ol ad attaCkS agafns t th e l a r -I : " . . e j ~ b ! l ' or individual industr ialI'lt!J hi t on a single day by the~ ~ /line numbered missions "eref!;fIl, only a coupl e of cases have~ st:'ike photos been obtained.c,se are hazy o r c lo ud covered"oat the r es ul ts o f th is seriesrI ettaCks are no t known a t thisl!]e. Reports of the miss ions fo1-l:t:

    r:us plant, located Il t OSaka(!Cpt 263A) is O:le of th e four or!tTl bi, producers of p ropel le rs f o r; ccabat aircraf t . In addit ion,II e:ld sur rounding un1ts of th e::Ii11lJ acecunt fa r l ar ge qu an ti t iesU'l1u.:lImJJ:l and duralUll1in essen t ia l10 a1rcraft production. This plantlJ btl1evel3 to be th e original s i t ei the S ~ 1 t o ! O o venture into th e~ bu.siness. It has one of the1 1 1 ~ e 3 t anl3 Ir.ost modern rol l ingrar alu:ninw:l sheets in Japan.It Sutnty one B_e9s of thl!' 58th!6' were aIrborne agalns t i t on1112 ~ n e , Sixty four of them droppedW10OrIS or bombs by radar throughk l t o ~ I O U d fran 21,000 feet . Four~ _ l e r targets and t.'uee returnY. 'l'birteen ene:t:y fighterSIII ~ : 1 g b t e d and only onl!' attackt u ~ l l t e . therf' were no lo.ues or' ~ les. Several a i rcraf t re !" u Sighting friendly fighterl l Jl Eight aircraf t landed a t".lthtrlu d aircraft sustained minorl:d 1 a:.a!o;. f'rec generally aeasel"rllJo IIllCCurate f i re Accuracy '", considering th ; under_'-, ~ 3!2 j ..."e.ka Army Arsenal .~ r t l ~ . h 1 t by 109 airC':oan at. -t t o ~ l l ~ n g , of le o airborn-. , - . _ II I~ ~ , ~ '159 tons on the 1'1"1 . ~ : , .t h r O U g ~ 10/10 C'101.J'

    unknown tunctimonthly output Ob. bt,500 engines 8ndwa; e s t ~ tplant was sever t a 1 : - ~ ' : ' to _73rd Wing attaCk e d a ~ , ,loss frai l ! ths.t 8 ~ n ) 9 J ~ ' b r \to have been four taCk Ills 'tie""ell8ines and two ~ o n t h a ~ t l ' - i jo f a i rf rames. I t and eo ht1i l Q t ~Sively rebuil t had bee b. ....The 313th Wiairborne fo r t had 30 e which dropped Ue t o ~ U l 0 b , 2S ary Visually from 19 00000. tha Itla,bombed another target rett, r.-.turned early . and fCIJ: I\,Post str ike Photograpluincomplete coverage and the I I ' ~of th e miSsion cannot be us::,'

    KAWASAKI AT r . A G A U l I l . \ I l A . ~ 'This aircraf t plant CT'atpt!4'i s believed to as:!lelllbl, fOltn

    and other lC".a"asald 11leraft: IIKawasaki Company has beft rWlIII,thtrd among Jatenlll Jl'indp&1 ...c ra f t producers.Twenty WO alrcrart or t!ll !UII'J/illR were airborne. i&b- .pad 116 tons of bcmbs v1nallflJl16.800 fee t . 'nlree dropped mwon th e t l i tsubUhl C I t Same town, on sh i a nd on Ha..attu. ~ " t ' "was shot darn by ennr .um:.fore reaching tile Wilt. J...f igh ter opposition is ~ 1 1 1 ' "th e SUll1mary or the prec 1DIIIl

    s ion) . Si x aircraf t IUltidamage. -""ncOlll.plete photo i.a\ ,.VfA35 percent of the PUtI 11Jf1"or damaged follpwlna .... .nemy opposition . .Jtltf!'ll ....effec t ive with s e v e ~ ~ r . . _ ~ 12 unaggressive a nd DO . .. ::i...craf t were los t a t.rse'sustained. .\ t t.tte,,.t ~ general ly meagertalDed lUI'Two a i rc ra f t SUllage. _.....,.!""Photos r e ' l e a ~ ~ - : : ; ,p lan t totalingr t ~ ,24 percent 0 . L.L ~ . ~ ~ ~ t )

    LA opposit1on was meager to mod-era:.a and generally inaccurate.T h e ~ e was no loss to flak. l\bout12 ?8l'cent were ba t t le damaged.KAWANlSHI AT HIMEJI

    he Kawsnlshl Air-rarget 204'1, tHlmeJl Plant. wasc:oaft COlIlpany's craft of the 58thattacked by se a11' of 58 airborne.Wll15 on 22 June, tmary droppedThose hitting t h m ~ n s from 16,000351 tons by v ~ : ~ e d targets of' op feet. Four d tw were non_effective.portunlty an 0

    ttton was weakEnalllY a ir oppos !reraf t wereant ineffective. 1 ~ ~ e 5 8 s u 5 t a l n e d .10 f t and no C8Suar t sustained minord ~ ~ o : r a generally meager and

    l n ~ c c u r a t e flak.The 58th real ly dli! a jo b onthis target. Post strike photosreveal that tne plant 1s entirely

    d es tr oy ed. O r1 g1 na ll y i t had aroof area of 953,000 sQU!ll'e feet .UITSUllISH! AT KAGAY.IGAHARA

    The Mltsublshi Alreratt CompanyPl9.nt at JI'.agallligahara (Target 1833)apparently has been engaged in as and post assembly operationsonly. Some aircraft a re r epo rt edto have been broken dOll'l'n a t Nagoya800 se nt h er e fo r reassembly,flighttesting, post assembly operationsa fly-away.Twenty e1ght ai rcraf t of th e313th Wing had it as a target andIe of them dropped 104 tons on itV1!ually from 16,800 feet . ?ivedropped 34 tons on the Utsube 011ner inery, t he secondary target .Five returned early.gnemy air opposition was reportedas =oderate and a f ~ e s s i v e , with 19attacks tIlade. No B.29s were lost .?lak was ~ e a g e r bu t generally ac ..cuate, damaging 11 planes Firewes reported as being a;curatecloepinC barrages.

    KAWASAKJ AT AKASHIThe Kawasaki Aircraft Hant a tAJ'sshi (Target 15(7) produces aero_el.gines, 8ir1'r8l: les and has another~ ~ r : : t 1 o n of ~ plant devoted to an

    -~ ~ : : : " . ' . ' { : ~ ' ; . ~ ; ; ; ) : : ' : ' .

  • 8/8/2019 Air Intelligence Report, V1N18


    TWo returned early e.D:1 ! ive13_295 landed a t 1'1'0 J 1ma.

    then only hal t c(lllpleteC!, nOW ha!llone str ip cOlllpleted and the seconlftwo- th1.rdS & S ~ t e d . on the f1J'ststrike, 35 of t;he1J' a1J'crat e took_ ott in ,. dn ute J '15th B_B9SMODIJI'IED

    '!!Ie .uplarMI1 "!lUDIC! to the 315thare .od1t1el1mldU' al1 wrrtI

    CSdcept tb e .. 11= e t ~_ ~ ' = ' i J i i , : x * ~ _. . . . . .. , :,.are.........rial"':'F.:' t_"-

    ..-. . . ,01 b io

    Mos t AA f i re was meager to modera te and inaccurate. Ona aircraftreceivad m1D.or d&lDage. (Secr.t)

    aged.of th e

    At N a ~ o y a tn e tighter!l patrolleda t 22,000 feet whlle th e bomberSwent dawn through the overcast.The fighterS reported about 48enenxy f1ghters :In th e Nagoya areaand four over Osaka. They cla1.lllt" o destroyed and s1.JC damaged.One ,,:Us tans was lost to operat ional r ea sons , t he pilot ballin g ou t ar d b ei ng picked up by

    submar1ne. (Secret)

    !be VII nght81' Coldll18.nd reportstate! that in the Osaka a re a thebceber l ..ent i nt o ove rc as t under25,000 raet .hi le th e fighterSa:b1tted and p . t r o l 1 ~ above th eorereas t for about 60 minutes.i hundred and t or t1 e ig h t }lUst&llI' trQlll the 15 . 21 end 506j'lghter Qr01PS on 1.0 were ai r bol'll' on 86 June to support th e!0IIbe1' COlIlIDand strike egains t Jap-...

    "",4. InemY fighterS weretPIIlItI ( l, e aggressive e t tackS'::dratthe assemblY point .~ rtCtl r i ~ t e r s .. .r e destroyed,to';=t11 4tstrClf8d end two dam-

    1484!f!.51J ESCORT

    r.::e XXI Bomber Command's newestt1:l!. tt1e J15th, sent i ts modifiedlo!9$ on their t1r!lt strilIe aga1nst~ Jap hOllleland on th e night or!602'1 June. Theirtarget was the Utl:be River 011 Re_rtlleT7 at Yokk:ai, ~ !be 3lSth,buedI t NOl'thwest Field,~ l l l l ' l has thea 501at"PIratt pVt1allJCI llftll1. '!hetbeQtnl:l PlIrsomel ot11111 1'_1n1ng two11ll!))$, the SOene!, " , l ~ 33lst.haveno anlS thosebt ~ t t 1 ts shouldt ~ e & d y to go inor tOUl' weeks.

    ! . . t ~ e Urst 315th1ft to ar r ive was'est OlfTl on North.Field by th e 'Uns '8? t ~ k Rr!&adler oeneralO!J 1 A. Arlll!ltroosl. Jr June. The ["lold,

    f lak Wh1ch. was genvaried f'r0lll accur ~ ~ l J . 1 J .....a"'ll t o t ' : : " " I l t l ' ~AI CHI W"""" _ 00.;;;.", " "rG InThe Alchl AiJocr PlI.JtPlant (Target 1 7 . e ~ t 'orIQ, !l,of several A1chi P l a n ~ s t!Ie 1 l . . ~l ie v ed t o lll8.nutacture ~ Itponents and assemble aIr -Jilt'cra f t . It manUfactures A l C h J . I ~ "c olllba t types fo r the na.". ~ ~ l Qing the dive bOl:lber Jll.d I lcelimajor developer of new t , J ~ l I l"",S1xty seven 3l3th 'fIlwere airborne against t ~ t t .dropped 347 tons b)' I'adar ; ~ 1 U ,uall) '! 'rem 20,000 feet. . ".sobombed other 'targets . , . ~were los t . one to unknorn ' ~ 2 i land OD.e which was abandQQ14 l miles off th e coast of HOIlSInI.!li:crew members "ere rescuell.

    Three unaggressive t at tacks were oade. Up to lOliotlwere s 19h te d 1n the U I. nand a t landfal l .Flak was generallJ ...,., ..inaccurate. Five planes ....aged !!ost of the Un IIlPtlJ'lIb a r r ~ g e s althoush SaM of ! to be radar controllell tb:_clouds.

    SUMITalO LIOR't' IETAJ,STwenty seven, or 33 alfaI".th e 314th 'J11'1& aubcr-

    150 tons on the su . i t . -tldi -..a ls Company a t NqO)'l ~ done by visual and rtd&!' I" tJt21',000 fee t . !i'our ~ b e G oSW"set5 . Enemy o P p o ! l n l ~ ! ! f ;weak and there were D O ~ -Ses.

    Flak was intensl .fIlI ~ th e target . MO!lt tU l ~ concentrations. SiX ~ ta1nad f lak de.'ll&IeKAWASAKI li t DOIJIffII"M

    ThiS air.,.rt plO" ~ - , . 'was assigned t o ,6 ~ . 314th Wing. two"" ""' ...""pu t
