Airport Waiting Lines Group: Ben, Elias, Jeff, Haya, Pawandeep


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Airport Waiting Lines

Group: Ben, Elias, Jeff, Haya, Pawandeep

Introduction•It would be nice if airline flights were always on

time, but that is not the way the real world operates.

•However, Scarcity of resource : Such as Limited space , Human and non human factors affect

airport waiting times.

Problems•Screeners did not provide instructions about security procedures while they were waiting in line to be screened.

•The removal of articles of clothing was not consistent airport to airport or trip to trip.


•Peak problems. Many long lines occur when a large number of flights leave one terminal at about the same time.•Same place, same time. Most long lines occur at the same airport checkpoint and at the same time each day.•Growing Pains: architecture of the airport prevents security lanes from quickly being added.

Solutions•“De-peak” airline to avoid having many flights take off within a short time

• Plastic bags in Dallas

•Increasing tables, and staff


•Clear Pass Membership