AJourney Isaiah Tells s7


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  • 7/27/2019 AJourney Isaiah Tells s7



    Brerr rltmony VrnseFor to rc a cbild is born, to us a sonis giten.... And he will be calledVonderful Couwelor, Migbty God,Euerlasting Fatbu, Prince of Peace.lsanh 9:0

    Lrssox Focus--::--_Il rzs God's plan to send a Savior.Blstr Al/'{sDuring this session, the stu

  • 7/27/2019 AJourney Isaiah Tells s7



    In small groups, lead students to complete one or moreof these activities. The Occupation Center (marked *) isused for allage levels-Ptrnaryl Middler andJunior. We rec-ommend that this center be implemented by a special coor-dinator.1. AArr"roRY VERsE Acrvrv:IuusrnarE THE VsnsrMateriak: Bibles, long sheet of butcher paper, felt pens,tape or tacks.Preparatian: To make murai, letter words to Isaiah 9:6across top of butcher paper (see sketch). Attach mural towall or place on floor or table. For a larye class, make twomurals.

    'Farloosachildis born, to usa sart isgiven..,And hewillW lnigryea,ulledVondelull ;Counselar,


    How to Use:Read verse aloud with students. Say, Thesewords were spoken by the prophet Isaiah. Who doesthis verse describe? (Jesus.) Isaiah wrote these wordsabout 700 years before Jesus was born. What does theverse tell us about Him? Divide class into fil'e (or ten)groups. Each group illustrates a portion of verse on mural.Vhen groups are finished, volunteers may tell about theirdrawings" Repeat verse several times. Say, God knew thatpeople need a Savior. That's why it was God's plan tosendJesus.&?. CIccupanoN (ENrErx;Tax (ouECTon

    A volunteer dresses in Bible Times clothes and acls as aBible Times tax collector. (For cornplete instructions and ma-terials. see the Bible Times Occupation Centerc brochure in

    the Director's Pack.)Conuersation Suggestions: I am a tax collector. Whocan explain what Ltzx is? (Money which peopie must payto the government.) In New Testament times, men likeme are called tax collectors or publicans. We work forthe Roman goyernment to collect taxes from the Jew-ish people. The people pay raxes on their land, thenumber of people in their families and their houses.

    Ttre people hate us tax collectors because the taxes areso high. They also dislike their own people workingfor the cruel Romans. Besides thal many tax collectorscheat the people.The value of our coins is based on how much theywelgh. We sometimes weigh the people's gold, silver orgrain to make sure it's the right amount. Some peoplepay their taxes with grain or crops.From time to time, the Romans takea census in their em-pire. In a census, thegoYernment countsthe number of peo-ple living in theirland. All the peopleare counted so they canbe taxed. Everyone has to go back to his birthplace tobe counted" Because of a census, Mary andJoseph trav-eled to Bethlehem, whereJesus was born.3, RrserncH CENTER:A Cnrrp's Lrru-THEN AND Now

    Materials:Several copies of of the book Hou Tbey Liuedin Bible Tinteq discarded women's and children's maga-zines, scissors, g1ue, felt pens, construction paper.How to Usej Students turn to pages 45 and 47 rn HawThey Liued in Bible Times and follow directions. Studentswill compare a child's life in Bibie Times to a child's lile incontemporary society. Students cut out magazine picturesshowing examples of contempoLary life and glue them toconstruction paper. Next to nagazine pictures, students il-lustrate the Bible Tines counterparts. (Example: Magazinepicture shons a child riding a skateboard. Stucient draws achild riding a donkey.)BoNus Acnvrw:Slgffi Tlt*tgS Mag|

  • 7/27/2019 AJourney Isaiah Tells s7


    Srsls $rmny/Appuear!sN05 MINUTE'

    Materials:Bibles, Session 7 Illustratrons and Bible Landsnrap from Teaching Resources, Session 7 Bible Beat papers,pencils, felt pensi paper, photocopier, scissors or paper cut-tet stapler and stapies. Optional-photocopy of Isaiah TimeLine picnrre from Teaching Resources.Preparation:Photocopy "Time for the Savior" illustra-tions-one set for each student. Cut illustrations apart andstaple into the booklets. Optional: Color Isaiah Time Linepicrure.(Mark Isaiah 9:6,7t Luke 2:I-20 in your Bible. Reler tothese passages as you tell the story.)lsaran TrnsOF THE COAAIN6 SAVIOR rro,,,uNurrsr

    (Distribute booklets. Students turn to page 1 of bookletas you begin. Optional: Students color pictures in booklet asyou tell the story.)

    Let's face it. People have a tendenry to get wrapped upin their own lives. It's one of the things that hasn't changedeven since the time of isaiah, the prophet. Back then Dadworried about whether the family camel was getting sick.Tqday he worries about whether the family car will make itthrough one more summer. (Studmts hffn to page 2.)

    Back then Mon got upset when you kept scateringashes from the cooking fire all over her just-srvept dirt floor.Today Mom gets angry when you track mud all over thenew carpet with your majorly expensive, state-of-the-art ten-nis shoes. (Students turn to page J)Today we have soccer, Girl Scouts, karaie lessons, andtrips to see Aunt Martha. Back then they had shepherdinglessons, Daughters of Israel weaving circles, slingshot prac-tice and trips to see Aunt Martha. (Aunt l{artha has beenaround a long time.) And in the middie of all this busyness,then and now, people sometimes seemed to forget aboutGod. They knew He was around somewhere, but theycouldn't see that He had much to do with their normai, ev-eryday lives. Fortunately, God in His everyday life has madea point of having a lot to do with us.Gop Says, "hirEN UP"Even though the people weren't paying attention, Godwas still working out His plans. And He often decided itwas time to remind the people of this fact. One time Hecalled on the prophet Isaiah. You probably know that aprophet is a person whom God uses to give His peoplemessages. (Students turn to page 4.) Isaiah got into this lineof work when he heard God asking in a dream, "Ifho can Isend to tell my people what I want them to know?" Isaiah

    ;r;:uniee::d riglrt awdy. He got the job.One :; '.he nost important messages God gave Isai-i io c:-r .r-ith a very special baby that $'as to be boSizttit"ttLt iunt to page il This baby would grow up to be;'onctli:i Cc;unselor, a very wise pemon who helps peop

    -i:ron &e best thing to do. He was also going to be migh'ild porurrfui. He would be called Prince of Peace-thCi:e rha rili bring irue peace to the world. And that's nril This Pince of Peace would be everlasting; He wour:;e fcre:erl All of this wouid be true because this ba-*as going lo be God's own Son" (Aptional: Read or ha;udent: rzcite kaiab 9:6.)We1i. rou can imagine that when peopie heard abota babr " iher were very excited and very anrious for th:ebr" to b< bom. They tried to guess exactly when and e:.:rr n'hse this baby would be born. But the people hrme -*eric,.:s *'aiting to do. The days grew into weeks. T;;eeks gren- into months. The months grew into years a

    iie -yexrs fe*'by.Ii took about 700 years before it was finally the rigu::ie i-cr ile Savior to be born. (Students turn to pageC.cd sent en angel to a young woman named l{ary. T-gel toki -\lary that she was the fortunate one God hcosen to give birth to His Son. His name, the angel sarr:-c to bc -lesrrs.GaD's PlqN lNp a Blsy\ori. ii., cu or I were in cirarge of where God's Son wg.ring io ix born, we would probably make a terrific spei::ie ci rl:. nhole thing. It wor-rld probably turn out a li:..e ihe cprni,ng ceremony for the Olympics. There woube iimou-. people and all sorts of pLrblicitl'. Ve would arrse ior ne best doctors in the world to supervise thkil to rc:-

  • 7/27/2019 AJourney Isaiah Tells s7


    l"l Fr APPLlcATlof.{ r,,, ^,*rr,,rPasr r+.{ Btbles, Bible Beat papers and pencils. To reviewBible s-cn" volunteers read the parts of Isaiah and M.C.Scribc iril page.1. (Optional, Students complete and discusspage 2 =i top of 3.)The sudents turn to page 3 and compiete "Vho Is ThisKid?" ::r'in. Repeat verse aloud with studens. Ask, Whatpart af C,od's plan did Isaiah tell the people about? (lsa-iah tc": ;lout God's plan to send His Son, Jesus, to eafih totre ou::.ricr.)Sru:--r iurn to page 4 and complete activities. Brieflyshare -'*:* srudents which description of Jesus is mostmeani:-=ri to }'ou and why. Allow volunteers to share their

    answers. Lead srudenm in a prayer thanking God for sendingJesus.

    God told Mary andJoseph to name their son Jesus.Jesus is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua,which mearis "the Lord saves.n Because of Jesus, Godforgives us for the wrong things we do urr-d ,urr., .r,from being punished for our sins. Let students knowwhen you or other teachers will be avalable to talk individu-ally with anyone indicating an inlerest ih knowing moreabout becoming a m'ember of God's famtly. (See "Leading aChild to Christ," p. 10.) :

    ffirrmTrnss&eravlrv dsrqrsf;?s(1 HR. 10 /v\lN" T0 1 HR. 40 MlN.)

    Th* :;iJon-ing activities are all-school centers, to beplann-- nd implemented by special coordinators.ffilEL[ Ttmls Muslc oo,o*,Nuqa

    Foi ;cnplete instructions, see the Bible Times Musicbrochr: n-fre Director's Pack"Ha:: ;n l--ce: Students gather in large room. Dance wasan impc,rtant part of worship in Bitrle Times. The Bibletells about rnany people who danced to praise God.(See Er.cu-c 1i:2A; 2 Samuel 6:14,15.) Students watch asvoluni=:s iemonstrate folk dances. If possible, have volun-teer tE::i -c:rgbook), in addition to leaming songs.ffitsLE TtMEs RAFrg oo,o*,*rr,,rMup BnrcrsFo;::rm-iete craft instructions, see "Mud Bricks" in Biblefimu {Vris1or'(ids(see back cover). Children make mudbncks ;::ig -'.he same method used in Bible Times.Cor:ursiiiion Sug/stions: What is your house madeofr In Sible Times, homes were made from mudbricks. The brickmaker used his feet to mix clay withsand sr straw and water. The mlxture was then shaped

    by hand into bricks or pressed into a rectangularwooden mold. The bricks were dried in the sun orbaked in an oven.ffi!BIE Yl&Ags $NA(K$ oo,o^'*ut*rSwirr AArrrrr BarrsSnrdents gather r,r kitchen or dining area to participate rnpreparing and eating traditionai Sweet Millet Balls. For com-plete snack instructions, see page 9 or refer lo lhe SnackGuide inthe Director's Pack. i

    Conuersation Suggestions:Today we will be making asnack using dried fruits, nuts and millet. Millet is a ce-real that is very high in fiber. The children in Isaiah'stime enjoyed making a special dessert like the snackwe are making.{tgstruc iioMrNurrt

    Mate rials : BIbIe, I[ini -Mtt s i c a Ie songb ook and cassette,cassette playeq word chart for song.

    PIay MiniMusicale cassette as children gather.Song: Sing "Yesterday, Today and Tomoffow."Bible Mernory Verse If I wanted to find a verse in theBible lhat talks about God's promise to send Jesus,where would I look? (kaiah 9:6.) Invite anyone who has ab'aby brother or sister to recite the verse.Prayer: Dear God, from the very beginning it was Yourplan to send Your Son to earth. Thank You for keepingYour promise, Help us learn what it means to knowand follow Him. InJesus' name, arnen.Announcements/Dismiss : Tornorrow we'll find outhowJesus'life fit into God's plan.

