AKASHIC RECORDS ACCESS PROTOCOL PREPARATIONs3.amazonaws.com/andreahessllc/SR/ryar/ryar3.pdf ·...


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• It’s important that we discuss some of the details of the Akashic Records Access Protocol BEFORE you jump in ... just so that you have a great experience and get useful information from the Records!

• The first part of the process is the Divine Truth meditation.

• We will go through the basics of dowsing / muscle-testing, in case you’re not familiar with these processes.

• We will also talk about what to expect from the Akashic Records visualization process that you will do later.


•Before the dowsing process, I will have you do the three-and-a-half minute Divine Truth meditation. This meditation is designed to align you to Truth and assist you with objectivity and accuracy.

•There is no “wrong” way to do this meditation process. Simply watch the moving images on the screen and listen, preferably through headphones. This process circumvents your ego, so there is no need to focus or concentrate very hard.

•The geometric shapes as well as hidden audio tracks underneath the music contain special “programming” that will help put you into a state in which you can most accurately access the Akashic Records.


•As part of our our Akashic Records Access Process, we will then be dowsing or muscle testing for a few basic facts as to the information in your Akashic Records.

•Dowsing is EASY! Don’t overthink it.

•You’ll need a pendulum. Be sure to clear it by placing it on a bed of sea salt or leaving it in the soil at the base of a plant overnight, or rinsing it thoroughly in hot, then cold water three times each.


Once cleared, hold your pendulum and do the programming process along with this video!

(If you are going to muscle test, there is no clearing or programming needed!)


A FEW DOWSING HINTS• Don’t stare at your pendulum, or try to focus too hard. Try to relax.

• Focus on the question you are asking rather than the answer you will be receiving.

• Always go with your first answer.

• Don’t try to keep your arm perfectly still. It WILL move - your subconscious has to create subtle movements in order to make dowsing work.

• Resist the urge to double-check or otherwise “test” your pendulum. Remember that all intuitive processes reflect your intentions back to you!


• We’re going to go through the dowsing / muscle testing protocol so that you understand what you are asking. Please do NOT dowse the following questions yet! You are NOT YET logged into the Akashic Records. Don’t “play” or “try out” these questions.

• Right now, I’m covering these so that you have clear understanding of the process once we start.

• You’ll do the actual dowsing process AFTER the Divine Truth meditation once we get into the Akashic Records Access Protocol.


• The point of this question protocol is to “narrow the field” so that you have parameters in place for understanding the choice you made BEFORE you do a more unstructured visualization process to receive more information.

• We want what is essentially a vague “outline” of the choice through which you created your circumstances ... we’ll fill in the blanks during the visualization

• Because the Akashic Records are so vast, it’s great to use the dowsing process to have an intention as to “where” you are going to get the information you want.


• Question #1: “In which lifetime ago did I originate this pattern of [energetic description] that is manifesting as [list the physical circumstance] into my current experience? Did I originate the pattern in this current lifetime? In a past lifetime? More than one lifetime ago? More than five lifetimes ago? More than ten lifetimes ago?

• What we want to know is WHEN, exactly, we FIRST made the choice that initially created the energy that we are associating with our current circumstances into our experience.

• Basically ... when did this energy pattern start?


• Most of the time, you’ll find that you initiated this energy pattern in a PAST life. That’s why we have trouble understanding why it’s showing up! We usually understand the consequences of what we did last week. It’s the choices buried in our past that give us the most problems. Nevertheless, the answer COULD be present-life.

• Note: It’s rare that patterns are perpetuated more than twenty lifetimes ... possible, but rare. It’s unusual that we have more than fifty or so lifetimes on this planet, so if you’re getting to numbers above 100, you’re not focused on your human experience.


• In what context did I make the choice that originated the pattern of [energetic description] that is manifesting as [list the physical circumstance] into my current experience?

• By “context” we mean ... what general life area provided the context for the choice we made?

• Dowse through the following options: Romantic relationship, Family, Friendship, Finances, Health, Social Group, Religious Group.


• You’ll want just ONE answer. When you get a “yes,” ... stop. Obviously, these areas of our lives are not compartmentalized, but you want to know what general area of that life prompted you to make the original choice!

• This answer will give you a guideline for the Akashic Records visualization process. Essentially, you know which lifetime to look at, and which life area within that lifetime ... which makes things a lot more concise for you!


• Who else in that lifetime was a factor in the choice that originated the pattern of [energetic description] that is manifesting as [list the physical circumstance] into my current experience?

• So often, we make choices because of someone - because we are trying to please them, or make them happy, or because we are afraid of someone. Or perhaps we want power over them, or to make them love us ...

• While other people are NEVER at cause, often our reactions to them are what creates these energy patterns to begin with.

THE DOWSING PROTOCOL• Dowse through the following list of options: Spouse, lover, ex-lover, friend, parent, child,

extended family member, co-worker, business partner, boss, employee, teacher, religious authority, social authority.

• These are the people MOST influential in our lives. We rarely create energy patterns that resonate through many lifetimes based on our interaction with a stranger ... we just don’t care that much!

• You may find that your reasons for the choice you made involved multiple people, so multiple answers are possible. At the same time, be discerning ... we don’t want to know everyone AFFECTED by the choice, just who was involved in you MAKING the choice.

THE AKASHIC RECORD VISUALIZATION• Now that you’ve gotten a basic outline of what you’re looking for in the Akashic

Records, we will move into the visualization process.

• As much as you can, focus your attention on the process. This is NOT a visualization during which you want to drift, lose focus, or fall asleep ... those are egoic resistance tricks.

• The visualization is about getting information, not about having an experience. We will be as succinct as possible.

• Do NOT allow yourself to waffle based on the parameters of the dowsing process! Don’t allow yourself to “change” what you originally dowsed!


• It’s very important that you don’t let your mind get carried away with attention to detail. We don’t care where the choice took place, what historical time period, whether your dress was yellow ... none of that matters.

• We also don’t want to focus on what OTHER people did or did not do ... no blame assignment!

• We just want to know the CHOICE you made that instigated the energy pattern which you are still experiencing today.

• You may find that the choice is oddly “like” what you’re experiencing today.

EXAMPLES• Let’s say the circumstance you are experiencing today is a lack of integrity at work. You

are consistently being asked to cover up and lie about your company’s mistakes, and it is causing you great stress. The energy is “duress.”

• Through dowsing, you may discover that the original choice was made six lifetimes ago, in the context of a religious group, involving your lover.

• When you do the visualization, you may discover that you broke up with a man you loved because he was of a different religious group, and that you were asked to lie about your relationship and chose to do so.

• The choice that instigated the pattern of “duress” would have been to lie about a romantic relationship in order to appease authority figures.


• Let’s say the circumstance you’re experiencing is attracting a series of relationships where your partner ends up being commitment-phobic. The energy of this circumstance is “disappointment.”

• Through dowsing, you discover that the original choice was made three lifetimes ago, in the context of finances, involving a friend.

• It turns out that you chose to involve a friend in a business deal, even though he was reluctant and not sure of himself. You decided to press on regardless, leading to great financial loss.


• Notice the focus on YOUR choice ... not the choices of the other people involved!

• This is SO important ... it’s so easy to use a past life experience as an excuse!

• “This was done to me in a past life, and now it’s happening again ...”

• This is NOT what we’re doing within this process!


• The next video will start with the Divine Truth meditation.

• Then we’ll go into the Dowsing / Muscle Testing protocol.

• Finally, we’ll do the Akashic Records visualization.


• Your intentions worksheet with the circumstance / energy written down.

• A pen.

• Your pendulum.

• Your dowsing worksheet.

• Your visualization worksheet.

• About thirty minutes of your time.

