Algos syllb




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1. Understanding the hardware of modern computer machines and how to use it effectively

Biology of computer machine

Disk vs Memory performance

Understanding multi-core processor and software apporach to use mutli-cores (Multi-threading)

Persisting/Transferring state of In-memory objects(Serialization)

Code examples

2. How to solve a problem with computer machine & expressing solutions to machines

Understanding the problem solving approach with an example

Meaning of an algorithm & need of programming languages to talk to machines

Understanding the algorithmic design & analysis

Understanding Asymptotic analysis & O,Ω,Θ notations

Code Examples

3. Illustrating basic problem solving techniques

Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Finding common elements between two arrays

Finding mode of an array of elements

Finding missing elements in an array with restricted range for elements

Assignment Problems

4. DataStructure design

Step1: Gathering requirements and tranform it into ADT/API

Step2: Selecting the programming style: Procedural/Object-oriented style

Step3: Implementation of API

Practical illustration of "List" datastructure design

List design using Procedual style(C)

List design using Object oriented style(C++/Java)

Illustration of OO concepts with design: Object, Class, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Inheritance

5. ArrayList & Linked List

Understanding Implementation of ArrayList & LinkedList

Understanding Amortized Analysis

Singly Linked List vs Doubly Linked List

Practical importance of doubly linked list & circular links

Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Reversing of single linked list

Implementing Josephus problem

Duplicate removal in a linked list

Finding middle of the linked list

Finding common node in two corrupted lists

Sorting of linked list

Finding K-th node from the end of the linked list

Detecting & Removing loop in Single linked list

Assignment Problems

3. Stack & Queue

Understanding Stack & Queue

Practical Significance of Stack & Queue

Discussion on implementation choices

Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Infix to postfix conversion

Evaluation of postfix Expression

Balancing of Symbols

Stack with Single Queue

Queue with two Stacks

Assignment Problems

5.Priority Queue

Understanding Priority Queue

6. Binary Tree

Understanding Binary Trees

Practical Significanc*e of Priority Queue

Discussion on implementation techniques of Priority Queue

Implementation of priority queue using Heap

Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

File Merging

Merging k-sorted lists into a single sorted list

Finding K closest points to origin in 2-d space

Assignment Problems

Practical Significance of Binary Trees

Discussion on implementation techniques of BinaryTrees

Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Recursive traversals of Binary Tree (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder)

Non Recursion traversals of Binary Tree(Inorder, Preorder, Postorder)

Implementation of level order Traversal

Generating mirror image of a tree

Finding the count of leaf nodes and internal nodes

Construction of binary tree from preorder and inorder traversals

Stack or Queue less Traversals

Assignment Problems

7. Binary Search Tree & Balanced Search Tree(AVL/RB)

Understanding Binary Search Trees & Balanced Search Trees

Practical Significance of Balanced Search Trees

Implementation of Balanced Search Tree Operations

Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Finding LCA (Least Common Ancestor) in BST

Searching a word in online dictionary

Assignment Problems

8. Hash Table

Understanding Hash Table

Practical Significance of Hash Table

Implementation of Hash Table using array of linked lists

Discussion on better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Finding First Repeated and Non Repeated element

Finding most frequent Words in a file

Finding number of anagram classes among group of words available in file

Assignment Problems

9. Tries & Patricia Tries

Understanding the concept of Tries

Practical Applications of Tries

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Implementation of Set & Map using Tries

Implementation of Phone Book

Implementation of T9 Input Mode in Mobiles

Spell Checker

Assignment Problems

10. Ternary Search Trees

Understanding the concept of TST

Practical importance of TST

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Implementation of Set & Map using TST

Implementation of Phone Bok

Assignment Problems

11. Sorting Techniques

Understanding the importance of sorting in programming

12.Searching techniques

Understanding the importance of searching in programming

Understanding the ideas behind following Comparison based sorting techniques

Selection sort, Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Shell sort

Quick sort, Merge sort, Heap sort

Understanding the ideas behind following Non-Comparison based sorting techniques

Counting sort

Radix sort

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

2-Sum problem

3- sum problem

Assignment Problems

Understand the ideas behind following search techniques

Linear search

Binary search

Interpolation search

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Identity problem

Searching an element in an array of unknown size

Finding an element in a bi-tonic array

Assignment Problems

13. Recursion

Understanding the concept of Recursion & Activation Record


Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Towers of Hanoi

Variations on Towers of Hanoi

Finding Power & GCD

Maze problems

Assignment Problems

14. Divide and Conquer Algorithms

Understanding the concept of Divide & Conquer

Forming D&C relations and Solving them

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Quick sort

Merge sort

Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication Algorithm

Assignment Problems

15. Greedy Algorithms

Understanding the concept of Greedy Method

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Compression of textual data

Interval coloring

FActivity selection problem

Scheduling with deadlines

Fractional knapsack problem

Shortest job first

Assignment Problems

16. Dynamic programming

Understanding the concept of Dynamic programming

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Finding Nth Fibonacci number

Finding maximum contiguous subsequence sum

Finding Largest common sub sequence

Coin changing problem

0/1 Knapsack problem

Subset sum problem

Matrix Chain Multiplication problem

Assignment Problems

17. Back Tracking

Understanding the concept of Back-tracking

18. Graphs

Understanding the concept of Graphs

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Generating Binary Sequences

Generating all possible combinations of input array

Generating permutations

Eight queues problem

Knights tour problem

Assignment Problems

Practical importance of Graphs

Standard Graph algorithms & their applications to reality

Traversal algorithms(BFS and DFS)

Connected components, Articulation points & Bridges

Minimum Spanning tree algorithms (prim’s and kruskal’s)

Shortest path algorithms

Dijkstra’s algorithm

Bellman Ford’s algorithm

Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm

Assignment Problems

19. Suffix Array, Suffix Tree & String Algorithms

Understanding the concept of Suffix Array & Tree

Practical Applications of Suffix Array & Tree

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Finding the length of longest repeated substring

Pattern Matching

Finding the length of longest repeated substring in a given string

Assignment Problems

20. BitArray & Bloom Filter

Understanding the concept Bit Array, Bloom Filter

Practical importance of Bit Arrays & Bloom Filters

Assignment Problems

21. Multi-threaded programming

Need of threads & benefits of multiple threads

Multi-threaded object design techniques

Designing better algorithms for following problems, analysis & coding

Shared Mutable Object design

Pattern Matching

Finding the length of longest repeated substring in a given string

Assignment Problems

22. Serialization of In-memory objects

Understanding the need of serialization & deserialization

Serialization of ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, Trie, BitSet, BloomFilter & BinaryTree objects

Assignment Problems
