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Alvarez, Mary Michaelle

Alvarez, Mary Michaelle

Famat, Ruffa Mae

An Assessment of the Awareness of Senior High School Students in CTU – Argao Campus on the Effects of Teenage Pregnancy


Freud's Psychosexual Theory of Development

An article entitled “Freud's Psychosexual Theory of Development” says that Freud’s theory believes that parents’ play a critical role in coming through their child’s interest in sexual involvement. It also states that in order for a child to have a proper development, he/she needs to meet successfully the 5 stages of psychosexual development — oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages(Boundless, 2016). First of is oral (0-1 years of age) wherein, during this stage, the basic need of an infant should be met in order for them not to develop negative habits such as nail biting. Next is anal (1-3 years of age) stage wherein toilet etiquette should be properly implemented. Third is phallic (3-6 years of age) stage wherein in this stage, kids’ sexual desires start to arise. After phallic is latency (6-12 years of age) stage, the time when children begin to behave morally, mimicking or adopting their parents’ values. Lastly is genital (12+ years of age) wherein sexual impulses will start to reemerge during this stage. If the previous stages have been met properly, adolescents will have appropriate sexual behaviors.

If the child does not have proper parenting at each stage, he/she might get stuck in that particular stage. The structure of Frued’s model is composed of three parts that work together, mainly id, ego, and superego. The id refers to largest part of human’s mind which is the main source of his/her biological needs which includes their desire and impulses. On the other hand, ego refers to the rational part of human’s personality or reasoning which controls their behaviors in order satisfy their desires without dealing with negative consequences. Lastly, the superego or conscience occurs between the interactions of one person to another (mostly parents to their child) to let them adapt to the expectations of the society (Boundless, 2016).

In this theory, Freud believes that one’s level of consciousness, which refers to the measurement of person’s arousability, state of awareness, and responsiveness to both internal and external changes of its environment, is having a struggle which gives an impact to personality development and psychopathology. According to an article, “Freud believed that we are only aware of a small amount of our mind’s activities and that most of it remains hidden from us in our unconscious. The information in our unconscious affects our behavior, although we are unaware of it.” (Boundless, 2016)

According to Philip (n.d), the five stages of psychosexual development is very important in developing a person’s personality. The development normal or abnormal behavior a person depends on the his experiences during each stages.

Social Learning Theory/Social Cognitive Theory (Albert Bandura)

Bandura’s theory states that people influences one another. Most of human behaviors are influenced by what they observed from others’ behaviors, attitudes, and results of those behaviors (Learning Theories, 2016). This theory assumed that through informative functions (e.g social media), modeling influences (what behavior they one sees from others) creates learning principally. This assumption is supported by four interrelated sub-processes: attentional processes, retention processes, motoric reproductive processes, and reinforcement and motivational processes. According to Bandura (1971), attentional processes stated that: “A person cannot learn much by observation if he does not attend to, or recognize, the essential features of the model’s behavior.” (p.6) This means that learnings of a person does not happen by simply exposing him to a model, but by selecting numerous characteristics of the model and attending closely to them or “they will even perceive accurately the aspects they happen to notice.” Next is retention processes. This process states that “A person cannot be much influenced by observation of a model’s behavior if he has no memory of it.” (p.7 ) This means that influences from the past can achieve some degree of permanence. Third is the motoric reproduction process which is concerned with processes in which symbolic representations guide overt actions are involved. According to Bandura, the amount of a person’s learning through observation depends on whether or not the person has acquired the “component skills”. Component skills refer to the patterns being modeled which are the learner’s basis in order to achieve behavioral reproduction. Lastly, reinforcement and motivational processes states that, “A person can acquire, retain, and posses the capabilities for skillful execution of modeled behavior, but the learning may rarely be activated into overt performance if it negatively sanctioned or otherwise unfavorably received.” (p.8) Observational learning will be translated into action if there are positive incentives provided. Bandura (1971) emphasized that behavior of a person is learned before is being performed. Clearly saying that one’s behavior may depend on influences of others. Environment, people, and behavior are the three factors that constantly influences each other (University of Twente, n.d.).

Theory Of Planned Behavior/ Reasoned Action

Azjen’s theory of reason action stated that “a person's behavior is determined by his/her intention to perform the behavior and that this intention is, in turn, a function of his/her attitude toward the behavior and his/her subjective norm.” (University of Twente, n.d.) A certain behavior came from an intention. Intention is representation of one’s readiness to perform a certain action. We must also take in consideration peoples’ beliefs on how the people they care about will react to that behavior. According to Azjen (1991), the general rule of the theory is that the stronger the intention to engage a behavior, the more likely should be its performance.

Given a belief, people usually evaluate this and are usually affected by subjective norms. During their evaluation, they would eventually control their perceived behavior towards that belief resulting to an action intended to be performed. Their intention to perform a certain action is then their attitude towards that behavior.

Figure 1 shows a summary of the theories. From Freud’s theory that states the impact of proper parenting tp Bandura’s theory which explains how a certain behavior is created due to external influences lastly Azjen’s theory which shows how personal intention affects the person’s decision. As shown in figure one, parenting, external influences, and doer’s consciousness and intention are the main factors that can affect the doer’s behavior.

(BEHAVIORAL | PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT | PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTSDoers intentionParentingInfluences from other person/environment Consciousness)


Based on records, the rate of teenage pregnancy cases in the Philippines is continually increasing. Summing all the causes of teenage pregnancy, social factors carries the biggest part of it. According to an article entitled “Youth Problems in the Philippine Society”, adolescent sexual behavior is one of them. Other social factors also includes: immature and irresponsible behavior due to complex teenage psychology and undergoes different emotions due to peer pressure and transition from childhood, lack of sexual education, and weak relationship with parents. In addition to this, Agustino, Coming, Pogoy, and Verzosa’s (2014) study also supports that the lack of sexual knowledge and on the effects of teenage pregnancy are part of the causes. They also agree on the impact of family ties on the child and sexual or physical drive as one of the causes of teenage pregnancy.


Figure 1: Number of Live Births by Teenage Mothers Philippines, 2000-2010 (GMA Network, 2013, as cited from National Statistics office)

Figure 2: Number of Live Births by Teenage Mothers Philippines, 2000-2010 (GMA Network, 2013, as cited from National Statistics office)

Figure 1 shows the recorded data of the number of live births by teenage mothers (aging 20 years old below) between 2000-2010. It shows that live births given by teenagers aging 15-19 years every year is increasing. Figure 2 shows clearer representation of Figure 1 in which, the graph shows an increasing slope telling us that the number of live births by teenage mothers increases every year.

Several theories on the causes of why the trend of teenage pregnancy is increasing will be presented below. Freud, Bandura, and Ajzen’s theories explain the causes for this kind of behavior. Freud’s psychosexual development theory supports the social learning theory of Bandura (1971) in a way that both theories explain the behavioral development of a teenager. Combining these two theories, both can also explain what impacts the teenagers’ intention as explained in Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behavior.

As explained in Freud’s theory, a child is going to undergo five developmental stages starting from his infant days to a grown person. It is very important for the child to have proper parenting at each stage in order for him to have a typical behavioral development. In relation to the researchers study on teenage pregnancy, the latency and genital stages give a big role to its level of consciousness and especially on their awareness on sexual involvement. The theory is relevant to teenage pregnancy because it explains one of the major factors that affects an individual’s behavior towards sexual activities. This theory also supports the idea that parenting is very important in contribution to an individual’s awareness on the happenings in the environment that they belong to.

Similarly, Bandura’s (1971) theory explains how a behavior performed by a teenager are influenced by what they perceive on others. In relation to Freud’s theory, parents are considered to be a model to their child. The child may inherit personalities from their parents and their behavior also depends on how his parents raised him. During adolescent years, other influences that a teenager may acquire are from their peers, environment, and community. Same with Freud’s theory, the statements of Bandura on his social learning theory describes another factor which leads a teenager to engage into teenage pregnancy. These influences include peer pressure, social media, relationship with parents, and current trend of the issue on teenage pregnancy.

Additionally, based on Azjen’s (1991) theory, involving oneself to sexual activities is dependent on the teenager’s intention to perform such behavior. The stronger the intention, the bigger chance that he/she may perform sexual intercourse with the opposite sex. The three theories including Azjen’s theory are connected to each other. Freud and Bandura’s theories give an impact to Azjen’s theory in a way that personality development and influences from environment affect the intention and decision of a teenager. Engaging themselves to sexual activities is greatly affected by the factors around them including the kind of parenting they got from their parents, their peers, social media, environment, and the community they are in. Though factors are present, in the end, the choice of a teenager to perform sexual activities will still depend on how strong his/her intention is. That is why, it is very important that during the child’s early stage of development, parents are present and are giving them proper guidance.

Given that the rate of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines is continuously increasing, many studies found out that the causes of getting pregnant at an early age are the factors mentioned above. Overall, the three theories mainly explains the main root of the problem on teenage pregnancy.

The figure below shows that the factors affecting the teenagers intention or decision on engaging herself into sexual related activities includes their personality development which depends on the kind of parenting they got from their parents, social influences including their peers and social media, environmental influences that involves sexual education and current trend information of teenage pregnancy rate, and also their self consciousness on doing such behavior. If a child has no proper guidance and parenting up until their adolescent years and get strong influences, she is more prone on getting involved to pregnancy at the young age.

(TEENAGE PREGNACYSocial and Environmental Influences Teenagers Intention/DecisionParentingConsciousness)


Because of the increase of teenage pregnancy rate in the country and the slow decline of fertility rate, faster economic growth of the Philippines may deprived. That is why, UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) is focusing on the full implementation of reproductive health law which invests the quality education and health services for teenage girls (VOA News, 2016).

According to Hor (2014), Philippines has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy cases among the six major economies in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and according also to Fernandez (2016), Central Visayas ranked seventh in the list with most number of teenage pregnancy cases in the country. Based on one of the researchers observation on her residence (Argao, Cebu City), which is a municipality of Central Visayas, teenage pregnancy cases are becoming rampant in the place. In consideration to this, Cebu Technological University - Argao Campus has the most number of students aging 15 - 19 years given that it is the only university being installed in the place.

Last October 20, 2016, a 16-year old girl from Tulic, Argao was reported to have committed suicide by jumping into the sea from the port in Barangay Poblacion. The suicide note that she left said that she was pregnant and scared to tell her parents because of her conflict relationship with her parents and since they were so strict on disallowing her to enter in the kind of relationship she had.

Given the case of the girl who committed suicide, the awareness of the effects of teenage pregnancy is very significant. The girl’s suicidal act was shown to be dependent on the factors including her parents, the pressure around her, and her own intentions. Her action is also influenced by what the society or the people around her might react to the situation. This drives her to perform her suicidal act which may be for her, is the solution to her problem.

With connection to the three theories, the researchers assume that if a senior high school student from CTU-Argao Campus has experienced pregnancy at an early age, she might already have a lack of guidance or loose connection to her parents. Since teenage pregnancy in Argao is rampant, a student may get influenced by happenings around her, like the behavior of her friends and peer pressure. As part of proper parenting, it is very important that the parents of each student will give them awareness on sexual related issues. In addition to this, the environment or the community where the student belongs will also work together to raise awareness on teenage pregnancy by implementing sexual education.

The figure below shows that the factors affecting the senior high school students in CTU-Argao Campus’ intention or decision on engaging herself into sexual related activities includes their personality development which depends on the kind of parenting they got from their parents, social influences including their peers and social media, environmental influences that involves sexual education and current trend information of teenage pregnancy rate, and also their self consciousness on doing such behavior. If a child has no proper guidance and parenting up until their adolescent years and get strong influences, she is more prone on getting involved to pregnancy at the young age.

(Friends/Peer PressureSelf awarenessParents SHS student of CTU-AC Intention/DecisionTEENAGE PREGNACY)


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University of Twente. (n.d.). Social cognitive theory. Retrieved from

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Agustino, R., Coming, N., Versoza R., Pogoy, A. (2014) Lived experiences of early pregnancy among teenagers: a phenomenological study. 10(2), 1-167. Available from

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Fernadez, R.J.T, (2016, August 6) Central Visayas has country’s most number of pregnant teens. Sun Star Cebu. Retrieved from

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