AMA2009 presentation to set the scene



Rohan's slides from the workshop he ran with @marcusromer from Pilot Theatre on using digital media for artistic content and participation

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Using digital media to develop artisticcontent and public engagement

William Gibson

AMA Conference 2009 | Curve Theatre, Leicester

Rohan Gunatillake | MMM | July 22nd, a Wednesday

The future is already here. It is just unevenly distributed

Geek is a relative term

for whom I wrote an essay

Mission 2.0: advice to the arts from the social web

Once upon a time...

The understatement of the century

The web was designed to be many-to-many

We're seeing new web-enabled behaviours

Connection CollaborationConversation

Connection CollaborationConversation

Access & the web as broadcast medium

Technologies differentiate then integrate

Connection CollaborationConversation

Conversation requires a social object

And you make them like no-one else

Finding your crowd has never been easier

Connection CollaborationConversation

Collaboration needs a well-defined task

Agile networks can do amazing things

How can you open your processes up?

Connection CollaborationConversation







The ability to curate a 360o experience

And managing communities not audiences

Some books to look at

Tribes, Seth GodinConvergence Culture, Henry Jenkins

Here comes everybody, Clay Shirky

What would Google do? Jeff Jarvis

Communications tools don't get sociallyinteresting until they get technologically boring

Clay Shirky

boring | Mission Models Money

twitter: @rohan_london | also seen in W London & on green bike
