Ambergate Primary School · Web view2014/09/11 · Ambergate Primary School Newsletter 9.9.15...


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We currently have two vacancies for parent governors at the school. Please consider if you would like to help the school in this important role. More details will follow shortly.

The Long Way Down

Mrs. Dwyer is making good

progress on her walk. You can follow her using

the link:http://

AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS CLUBNext Level sports are offering a cricket, football and golf multi-sports programme after school on Fridays (3.30-4.30pm) starting on the 18th September until the end of term. If your child is interested, please ask them to collect a letter from Mrs. Horsman. The cost is £18.00 for 6 sessions.

Each month we are going to

concentrate on a particular value in our assemblies.

This month we will be looking at confidence


Please remember that all children in reception, year 1 and year 2 are eligible for a free school meal. Please let the school office know if you wish to take up this service.For all KS2 children the cost of dinners is £2.00 per day.

Key Stage Two Residential

This year we will be going for a winter residential in November at White Hall Outdoor Centre near Buxton. Information letters will be sent out shortly. More details of the centre can be found at:

Parents Evenings

This year we will be holding formal parents evenings in both October and March. As usual, a letter will be sent closer to the event, offering suitable dates and times. The July meeting will be informal and offer an opportunity to discuss your child’s report with the teacher. Dates for this are yet to be confirmed.

Defibrillator: We are proud to have installed a defibrillator on the outside wall of the school office. Thanks go to the out of school club children, everyone that supported the project and especially Mrs. Myers for her

I hope that you have all enjoyed the summer break and managed to find some sunshine somewhere!

Whilst it was sad to say goodbye to children and staff in July, I am very pleased to be offering a warm welcome to our new pupils, parents and staff. The children have settled very quickly and the staff have reported that they have enjoyed the first couple of days. I would like to take this opportunity to remind all parents that we have an open door policy. Should you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher or myself.

We’re on the Web!See us at: Web site address

Class 1

Miss Bull will be holding a meeting on Tuesday the 22nd September for the reception parents. This will give the opportunity for Miss Bull to explain reading, phonics, homework and how else you can support your child. The meeting will start at 3.35pm and will last approximately 20 mins. Children and any siblings will be looked after in the

Pizza, Maths and Assessment (Year 1-6 children)

On the 7th October (6-7.20pm) we will be holding an information evening regarding the new assessing without levels system (which has replaced national curriculum levels) and maths. The later will guide you through our calculation policy and our recent purchase of the MyMaths software package. This will be a tool used to promote home-school links and provide stimulating maths homework/consolidation opportunities for the children.

Pizza and drinks will be available. A letter to gauge attendance and pizza requirements will be sent out closer to the event. Please note that this is a parents only event.

MacMillan Coffee Morning 25 th September 10am- 11am

We will again be holding a MacMillan coffee morning in school. We would appreciate any cake donations look forward to seeing there.

DATES FOR THE DIARYIn order to prepare you for the coming year some key dates are given below. Further information will be given as events draw close. Naturally, the diary will be added to as we go along. Please do not hesitate to come and speak to me should you have any queries.

September14th Drumming assembly17th Belper School open evening18th Afterschool sports club begins22nd Class 1 reception parents meeting23rd Green light recycling25th MacMillan coffee morning in school All welcome25th Friends rounders’ match30th Friends AGM at the Spanker

October6th Open the book assemblies begin7th Parents meeting regarding assessment and maths 6-7.20pm19th and 22nd Formal Parents Evenings21st Provisional Harvest festival date 2-3pm Methodist Church23rd Spooky disco at school details to follow24th half term

November2nd Inset day3rd Back to school16th to 18th KS2 Residential at WhiteHall

December9th Whole school theatre visit Mansfield (Panto)16th Class 2 and 3 Christmas Party pm17th Infants Christmas party pm Carol service/Nativity TBC18th Break up

January 4th Start Back

February12th break up22nd back to school

March18th INSET day21st and 23rd Formal Parents Evenings24th Break up

April11th Back to school29th Inset

May2nd Bank Holiday9th SATs week27th Break up
