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(A Descriptive Research at the Twelve Grade)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher training and Education

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Recruitment

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan













Nama : Aulyani

NIM : 10535 6516 15

Program : English Education




(A Descriptive Research at the Twelve Grade)

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Makassar, 17Februari 2020

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Nama : Aulyani

NIM : 10535 6516 15

Program : English Education




(A Descriptive Research at the Twelve Grade)

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Makassar, 17 Februari 2020

Yang membuat perjanjian




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Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin. The researcher expresses her highest

gratitude to the almighty Allah SWT, Who has given His guidance, blessing, and

mercy to her in completing this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are addressed to the

last prophet Muhammad SAW.

The researcher expresses her sincerely deepest gratitude to her parents

Abidin and Sumarni who always pray, motivate and sacrifice everything for her

success. Further, the researcher expresses her gratitude for all of her sister and

brother for the support in her education.

The researcher realized that in carrying out the research and writing this

thesis, many people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance,

assistance, and advice for the completion of this thesis. Therefore, the researcher

would like to acknowledge them:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Rahman Rahim, SE., MM, Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar for his advices during her study at the


2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph. D, Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty for all advices and motivation

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd, Head of English Education

Department for all motivations


4. Nurdevi Bte Abdul, S.Pd.,M.Pd the first consultant for the valuable

suggestion, motivation, support and guidance in writing this thesis

5. Wildhan Burhanuddin, S.Pd., M.Hum the second consultant for all of

the invaluable knowledge, professional expertise, and motivation along

the researcher finished this thesis.

6. The researcher beloved classmates HEROES English Department 2015

for sweet memories and unforgettable moment during his study in the


7. All of lecturer and staff of English Education Department who cannot

be named one by one for all of the suggestions and advices

8. These awesome friends: Dian Furqani, Mar’atun shalihah, Meisarah

Hendri Tri Wulandari, Nurjannah, Lutfi, Nurhasanah, Fitrah

Rahmadani for the great cooperation, support, and sharing in studying

and writing this thesis

9. For all who gave valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice

in completing this thesis

Makassar, December 2020





AULYANI. 2020. An Analysis of Teachers’ Talk Management Used by English

Teachers at SMA YAPIP SUNGGUMINASA. A thesis of English Education

Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of

Muhammadiyah Makassar. Supervised by Nurdevi Bte Abdul and Wildhan


This study aimed at finding out the kinds and the function of teachers’ talk

management used in English teaching process at SMA YAPIP Sungguminasa.

This study used qualitative research design. The instrument which was used to

collect the data were observation checklist, interview and video recording to

support them. The data were collected from two English teachers who teach in

different classes.

The result of the research showed that (1) there were two kinds of

teachers’ talk management used by Teacher A and Teacher B in learning process

namely beginning the lesson, running, and ending the lesson. Management talk

used by Teacher A in class XII MIA classified into 13 parts namely; everyday

greeting, taking the register, getting down to work, starting something new,

making things clear, sequencing activities, checking progress, stopping, checking

the time, stopping work, making announcement, saying goodbye, and clearing the

class. Furthermore Teacher B in class XI IIS classified into 10 parts namely;

everyday greeting, taking the register, getting down to work, starting something

new, making things clear, checking progress, checking the time, setting

homework, stopping work, and saying goodbye. (2) The function of teachers talk

management that was said by two English teachers there were conveying

information, delivering lesson in structured way, and managing or arranging

communication. Therefore the analysis of teachers’ talk management in the

classroom was beneficial for teachers to plan and conduct enhanced learning


Keywords: Teachers’ talk, kinds of management talk, function of management




AULYANI. 2019. Analisis Manajemen Bicara Guru yang Digunakan

oleh Guru Bahasa Inggris di SMA YAPIP SUNGGUMINASA. Tesis

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu

Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh

Nurdevi Bte Abdul dan Wildhan Burhanuddin.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan fungsi

manajemen bicara guru yang digunakan dalam proses pengajaran

bahasa Inggris di SMA YAPIP Sungguminasa. Penelitian ini

menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan

untuk mengumpulkan data adalah checklist observasi, wawancara dan

rekaman video untuk mendukung mereka. Data dikumpulkan dari dua

guru bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di kelas yang berbeda.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada dua jenis

manajemen bicara guru yang digunakan oleh Guru A dan Guru B

dalam proses pembelajaran yaitu memulai pelajaran, menjalankan, dan

mengakhiri pelajaran. Manajemen bicara yang digunakan oleh Guru A

di kelas XII MIA diklasifikasikan menjadi 13 bagian yaitu; salam

sehari-hari, mengambil register, mulai bekerja, memulai sesuatu yang

baru, membuat segalanya menjadi jelas, mengurutkan kegiatan,

memeriksa kemajuan, menghentikan waktu, menghentikan pekerjaan,

membuat pengumuman, mengucapkan selamat tinggal, dan

membereskan kelas. Selanjutnya Guru B di kelas XI IIS

diklasifikasikan menjadi 10 bagian yaitu; salam sehari-hari,

mengambil register, mulai bekerja, memulai sesuatu yang baru,

memperjelas, memeriksa kemajuan, memeriksa waktu, mengatur

pekerjaan rumah, menghentikan pekerjaan, dan mengucapkan selamat

tinggal. (2) Fungsi manajemen bicara guru yang dikatakan oleh dua

guru bahasa Inggris adalah menyampaikan informasi, menyampaikan

pelajaran dengan cara terstruktur, dan mengelola atau mengatur

komunikasi. Oleh karena itu analisis manajemen bicara guru di kelas

bermanfaat bagi guru untuk merencanakan dan melakukan

peningkatan situasi belajar.

Kata kunci: Pembicaraan guru, jenis pembicaraan manajemen, fungsi

pembicaraan manajemen.



COVER ............................................................................................................... i

TITLE PAGE ...................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................................... iii

SURAT PENGESAHAN .................................................................................... iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN .................................................................................... v

SURAT PERJANJIAN ....................................................................................... vi

MOTTO ............................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. viii

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... x

LIST OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ xii

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xiv


A. Background ........................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statements .............................................................................. 3

C. Objective of the Research ..................................................................... 3

D. Significance of the Research ................................................................. 3

E. Scope of the Research ........................................................................... 4


A. Some Previous Related Findings .......................................................... 5

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ............................................................................ 7


C. Conceptual framework ........................................................................... 22


A. Research Design .................................................................................... 23

B. Research Subject .................................................................................... 23

C. Instrument of the Research .................................................................... 23

D. Procedure of Collecting Data .................................................................. 24

E. Technique Data Analysis ........................................................................ 25


A. The Findings ........................................................................................... 28

1. Kinds of Teachers Talk Management ................................................ 28

2. Function of Teachers Talk Management ............................................ 40

B. The Discussions ...................................................................................... 43

1. Kinds of Teachers Talk Management ................................................ 43

2. Functions of Teachers Talk Management .......................................... 46


A. Conclusions ........................................................................................... 48

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................. 49


APPENDICES (Instrument: Observation Checklist, Protocol of Interview)




Table 1.1: Expressions of Entering the Classroom…………………………….12

Table 1.2: Expressions of Everyday greetings…………………………………12

Table 1.3: Expressions of Meeting a New Class………………………………13

Table 1.4: Expressions of Taking the Register………………………………...13

Table 1.5: Expressions of Dealing with the Lateness………………………….14

Table 1.6: Expressions of Getting Down to Work……………………………..15

Table 2.1: Expressions of Starting Something New…………………………...15

Table 2.2: Expressions of Make Things Clear…………………………………16

Table 2.3: Expressions of Sequencing Activities……………………………...16

Table 2.4: Expressions of Checking Progress…………………………………17

Table 2.5: Expressions of Stopping……………………………………………17

Table 3.1: Expressions of Checking the Time…………………………………18

Table 3.2: Expressions of Setting Homework………………………………....19

Table 3.3: Expressions of Stopping Work……………………………………..19

Table 3.4: Expressions of Making Announcements…………………………...20

Table 3.5: Expressions of Saying Goodbye……………………………………21

Table 3.6: Expressions of Clearing the Class………………………………….21




This chapter consists of background, problem statement, and an objective

of the research, the significance of the research, and scope of the research.

A. Background

The system of education in Indonesia compared to other developing

countries in Asia particularly, need to be considered. The most common problem

in the system of education is human resources, which needs to be exploited, to

create reliable human resource, which can be done through education. For this

reason teacher plays a big role in developing a country, especially in this coming

of globalization era. Educational professions cannot be underestimated. They have

to have tough acquirement. That is why English teachers should produce a good

quality brand. The quality of a teacher and the qualified method of teaching is a

major requirement. Arifin (2015) states that talk is one of the major ways that

teachers convey information to learners, and it is also one of the primary means of

controlling learner behavior.

Teachers need to be active and talkative in class in stage only to motivate

learners. Being passive in teaching English will not help at all. Therefore, teacher

talk must be able to express, pronounce and explain English language correctly

and efficiently so the learners could get what is best from their teacher. Many

educator and teacher particularly in English not giving attention to the importance


of teacher talk, as an input in the acquisition of foreign language teaching. It is

suggested that interaction adjustment were made by teacher to make

comprehension checks, repetition of student statements, and use of mother tongue.

Among a number of professionals in the fields of second language

acquisition, there appears to be an increasing conviction that teacher talk is

necessary as facilitations in the English teaching process. In the recent years,

many researchers are only focus on the teacher techniques on teaching through

many kinds of methods, somehow teachers’ language is much more important to

be focus on, but it is rarely found. Teacher’s language has become an important

issue to investigate and discuss. Chaudron (1988) says that teacher talk is one of

major issues in second language classroom research. This is quite true with which

many of the classroom language research deal with teacher’s language (Ellis,

1990; in Allwright and Bailay, 1991).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher chooses SMA YAPIP

Sungguminasa because the teachers here used teacher talk. The researcher can

analyze teacher talk that used by English Teachers in SMA YAPIP

Sungguminasa. Regarding to the identification of the previous facts, the

researcher interested in conducting a research under the title “An Analysis of

Teachers’ Talk Management Used by English Teacher At SMA YAPIP

SUNGGUMINASA (A Descriptive Research at the Twelve Grade)”.


B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the researcher formulated research questions

as follow:

1. What kinds of teachers’ talk management used in teaching process at SMA


2. What are the functions of teacher talk management in teaching process?

C. Objective of the Research

The problems that investigated in this research was formulated as follow:

1. To find out the kinds of teachers’ talk management used in teaching


2. To find out what are the functions of teacher talk management in teaching


D. Significance of the Research

Theoretically, the result of this research was expected to provide adequate

information about the teachers’ talk management used by English teachers. This

research also expected to give a clear reference for English teachers about the use

of teachers’ talk inside the classroom. It may serve as a reflection for English

teachers to enhance their teaching experiences for the purpose of maintaining the

quality of English language teaching inside the classroom. The results also give

more information about the kinds of activities that used teacher talk in English

teaching process.


Practically, the result of this research was expected to serve as references that

are useful and beneficial for next researcher in conducting further research about

this study.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of the research was to analyze the kinds of teachers’ talk

management that the English teachers used in teaching and learning process at

SMA YAPIP SUNGGUMINASA. These kinds’ reveals beginning the lesson,

running and ending the lesson in the used of management’ talk in the classroom.




This chapter deals with some previous related findings consisting of

theories and concepts related to this study, pertinent ideas mainly focuses on

teacher talk and English teaching process, resume and conceptual framework.

A. Some Previous Related Findings

In order to make the teaching and learning process more effective, many

researchers have been analyzed. The related research has been analyzed and

observed by the researcher. Some of related researches are mention below:

1. Astuti (2013) in her article found that some categories of teacher talk

beginning from the highest questions, using or accepting ideas of students,

praising, criticizing and accepting feelings. Regarding the students talk, this

study has shown two types of students talk covering responses and initiation.

2. Setiawati (2012) in her article found that the teacher investigated were quite

creative in using many kinds of Teacher Talk features, that is warm-up chat,

direct instructions, indirect instructions, directions for activities transitions,

giving feedback, checking understanding. The use of features will avoid the

monotonous situations in the classroom. It will help students get deeper

knowledge and insight of the subject learned.

3. Yanfen and Yuqin (2010) in their article investigated ways of teacher talk

preferred respectively by teachers and students. It was found that in initating

and interaction, invitation is the first preferred choice by both teachers and

students, but the least employed one. Question is more preferred by teachers


and the least preferred by students, but it is the mostly used one. Direction is

not preferred by teachers but more used, and students prefer them to question.

In ways to follow up, when students produce no answer or incorrect answer,

teachers usually prefer ways of prompting, and this is what teachers really did

in class. However, students prefer to be informed by the teacher. When

students provide the expected answer, they still prefer to be commented,

rather than being just simply acknowledged. Encouragement is always

welcome. It is suggested that teachers should pay attention to their language

in the process of interaction with students, so as to provoke more interaction

in class.

4. According to Nafrina (2007) in addition to this linguistic aspects of “Teacher

Talk”, there are other aspects of Teacher Talk which are as important 4 as

these linguistic aspects that language teachers can use in their talk not only

neutrally to convey comprehensible information but also to express positive

attitudes toward their students in the classroom.

5. Rod Ellis (1985) has formulated his own view about teacher talk: “Teacher

talk is the special language that teachers use when addressing L2 learners in

the classroom. There is systematic simplification of the formal properties of

the teacher’s language… studies of teacher talk can be divided into those that

investigate the type of language that teachers use in language classrooms and

those that investigate in the type of language they use in subject lessons.” He

also commented “the language that teachers address to L2 learner is treated as


a register, with its own specific formal and linguistics properties” (Ellis,


All of the previous researches have similarity in this study that was the use

of teacher talk as the main focus of the research. However, all of the previous

research and this study have some differences. The previous research

analyzed the kind of teacher talk features, categories of teacher talk, and

investigated ways of teacher talk. Besides, the researcher investigated the

kinds of teachers’ talk management in English Teaching Process and also was

investigated the function of teachers talk management.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Definition of Teacher Talk

Nunan (1992) states teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only the

organization of the classroom but also for the processes of acquisition. Even

though the student in this setting do not have the similar exposure of the

languages they follows second language setting, some achievement are similar,

teacher talk really a major role the acquisition of a foreign language. In learning

English the motives behind the teacher talk is to make the interaction in class


Xiaou-yan (2006) express two opinions about teacher talk. The first is that we

can see that one variation of language can be said to be special if the teacher talk

is used in the English class, so that the teacher can have its own distinctive

characteristics that are different from the others, because of the limitation of

physical arrangement. The second we can see that teacher talk is a communicative


activity that aims to communicated with students and can develop students'

abilities in foreign languages.

Dong-lin (2008) defines teacher talk as a special variety or register of language

especially marked by a special set of vocabulary associated with a profession or

occupation. It is the oral form of teacher talk instead of written form that is under

the investigation. Teacher talk is used in class when teachers are teaching students

linguistic knowledge, cultivating their intellectual ability and managing classroom

activities. The other statement about teacher talk comes from Osborne’s (1999)

teacher talk is defines as speech used by teachers that is characteristically

modified in four area: phonology, lexis (consisting of morphology and

vocabulary), syntax, and discourse.

Krashen in Zaidah (2014) defines that teacher is foreigner talk in the

classroom, the language of classroom management and explanation, when it is in

the second language. He explains that the inter language talk has a simple code

and one of them is that they get their second language from what their teacher

says. In this case the teacher probably will not talk often. However, teachers can

find other ways that they can understand it by bringing native speakers into their

presence. This method is believed to be very useful in helping them to understand.

In addition to experiencing the changes in linguistics, they can also increase their

knowledge of the world. So, as more teachers explain using their second

language, this will help the students in increasing their knowledge of English.


Nunan (1991) states that teacher talk in second language teaching is a direct

input that the students can competence. This can be achieved if the teacher talk

has the following characteristic:

1. Clear

Teacher talk is says to be clear if the students do not find any difficulties to

understand it. It should be simple language and should not contain ambiguity.

2. Effective Efficient

Teacher talk is says to be effective and efficient if the student can use it

actively, fluently and correctly after listening to it.

3. Appropriate

Teacher talk is says to be appropriate if it is used according to the desired

situation and condition (Rasyid, 2013).

Teacher talk is defined as any words or sentences said by the teacher during

the interaction in teaching-learning process, including when the teacher gives

explanation, feedback, ask question and so on (Mujahidah, 2012). It indicates

that any kind of talk spoken by the teacher is called teacher talk. The teacher talk

plays an important role in teaching process since it can increase students’

language store as they listen to the real authentic material (Rivers, 1987).

Another importance of teacher talk in the language classroom is that the role of

the teacher as the provider of comprehensible input.

It is commonly established that teacher talk plays a significant role to

language teaching. It refers to the special language that the teacher uses when

interacting with the students in the classroom. Regarding to the detonation


above, it is somehow obvious that teacher talk dominates the classroom

interaction. It is perhaps that talk in classroom is structured differently from

other kinds of talk because of the very nature of instruction. Pica as quotes by

Goh and Silver (2004) has lay out several reasons for this. One is ex- potations

about teacher and learner roles. We expect teachers to ask questions and students

to answer. If students ask too many questions, teachers might feel that their

authority is being challenged. Also, teachers often make every attempt to ensure

comprehension-ability for the students, thus avoiding the need for negotiation

for meaning. The teacher talk has seven categories, namely (1) deals with

feelings, (2) praises or encourages, (3) uses ideas of students, (4) asks question,

(5) gives information and corrects without rejection, (6) gives direction, and (7)

criticizes students’ response and behavior (Moskowitz, 1971 as cited in Brown,


2. Kinds of Teacher Talk

Doff in Muhayyang (2010) divides two types of teacher talk, instructional and

management. Instructional talk is employed to present the lesson or language

content. Instructional talk divided into 5 parts such as giving explanation, giving

direction, giving correction, asking question, and answering question.

Management talk is used to manage classroom activities. Management talk

divided into 20 parts such us entering the classroom, everyday greeting, meeting a

new class, talking the register, dealing with lateness, getting down to work,

starting something new, making things clear, sequencing activities, checking

progress, giving/taking turn, control and discipline, stopping, ending the teaching


sequence, checking the time, setting homework, stopping work, making

announcement, saying good bye, and clearing the classroom. But, this research

will only focus on management teacher talk in English teaching learning process.

3. Management Talk

The teaching and learning process will be effective and meaningful for the

student if the teacher knows the management talk used in classroom activities.

Doff 1988 states that management talk is used to manage classroom activities. The

language of management in which it is used to manage teaching and learning

activities in a well regulated manner.

According to Rasyid (2013) management talk deals with the enforcement of

classroom activities, such as entering the class, greeting students, arranging the

students’ seats, calling the rolls or checking the students’ presence, and dealing

with lateness. Management talk consists of transactional expressions that are used

to manage the interaction in the class from the very beginning to the very end of

the class session. Education management talk will touch students’ thought and

feelings, and will stimulate students to behave as expected.

Hughes and Moate (2007) classify the teacher talk that can be used by the

teacher in everyday classroom routines. It will help the teachers to develop some of

the core linguistics skill that the teacher will need to work effectively in the

classroom and will carry over into more confident classroom management and

enhanced pedagogical skills.


a. Beginning the lesson

Doff in Zaidah (2014) the beginning the lesson is a natural motivating

opportunity for teacher to help students to get used to listening to English. It is a

good idea to remind students that the phrases they are hearing and using at the

beginning of the lesson are also useful outside the classroom. Some types of

beginning the lesson that can be applied by the teacher in his/her classroom are as


1. Entering the classroom

Table 1.1 Expressions of Entering the Classroom

2. Everyday greetings

Let's go in

Come in and sit

down Hurry up now

let's go inside

come in and take

tour seat

Hurry up so that I can

start the lesson

let's go in the classroom

in you come (now),

Marco Try to hurry, please

(you can) go in

(come) this way,


Go on in.

Please don't

slam/bang the door

Go in and sit down

you can leave the

door open

I'll open/unlock the door

and let you in




How are you

all today? That’s good

I hope you all had a

nice day weekend




How are you

getting on?

That's good/nice to


I hope you all had a





How are the




to hear that

I hope you're all feeling


How are we I hope you've


Table 1.2 Expression of Everyday Greeting

3. Meeting a new class

Table 1.3 Expressions of Meeting a New Class

4. Taking the register

Let’s see if


here Who’s absent?


Mari this


Who wasn’t here

last time?


was the


I’ll just check

who’s here



ot here today?


wrong/ the


with Mari?



ng last time?


was the



I have to



Are you all




seen Mari

Who was absent last



you been


all doing this


had/you're having a

nice/good day so far





How's it


Let me

introduce my


My name is

Mrs. Hanson

Our lesson are on

Monday morning

and Wednesday

afternoon It’s nice to meet you all

Allow me



I'm your new

English teacher

I'll be teaching you on

Tuesday and Friday

I’m very pleased to

meet/see you all (again)

Perhaps you're

wondering who

I am

I'll be teaching

you English

this year

I’ve got three lessons a

week with you

I’m looking forward to

working with you

Let me tell you


about myself

We’ll meet three

times a week

I’ll be fun getting to know

you all

Our lesson start 07.30

every Monday and


From your


you can see we start at

11.15 on Friday





ck the register

Is the whole

class here??





Mari is?

Who missed last

Wednesday’s lesson?

I’m going to

call your

names/ the roll Any absence?







Why aren’t you

here last time?

Raise your

hand and say


Is anybody

whose name I

haven’t called?

Is she

absent or

just late?

Make sure you bring

an absence note

Did I miss

anybody (out)?

When will



Table1.4 Expressions of Taking the Register

3. Dealing with the lateness

You’re late

That’s all right. Sit down

and we can start

But try not to be late

next time

Where have you been?

Ok/ I see. Well sit down

and let’s get started

Try to be here on time next


We started ten minutes


Never mind. Let’s go on

with the lesson. Don’t let it happen again

What have you been


It doesn’t matter. Let’s get

back to what we are doing Don’t let it become a habit

Why are you late?

Please hurry up and sit

down. We’ve already


That’s the second time this


What do you say when

you’re late?

Take a/your seat and we

can get on

I’ll have to report you if

you’re late again.

Table 1.5 Expressions of Dealing with the Lateness

6. Getting down to work.

All right. It’s time to

start our English


Ok. Everybody. I’m

waiting to start

Put your things away

and close your desk,


Let’s start the lesson

Is everybody ready to

start? Close the lid of your desk


Let’s get on with the

lesson now

I’m waiting for you to be


Put your school bag under

your desk

I think we can start now

We won’t start until

everybody is quite

Put your geography book


I hope you’re all ready

for your English lesson

Stop talking now so that

we can start

This is an English lesson,

not a biology lesson

Now we can get down

to (some ) work Settle down, everybody

Table 1.6 Expressions of Getting Down to Work

b. Running the lesson

Doff in Zaidah (2014) lessons usually consist of a number of clearly marked

stages. The short phrases that begin and end these stages are important because

they give structure to the lesson and help students get used to these phrases

quickly because they probably occur in every lesson. This way the teacher helps

students to remember the instruction. Some types of running the lesson that can

be applied by the teacher in his/her classroom are as follows:

1. Starting something new.

Let’s speak

English Right everyone Let’s move on

Now. We’ll do

another exercise

Let’s change/

switch (over) to

English Good/fine/ok/right/now

(Now) we’ll/let’s

go on

Now we shall do

some group work

Now we can use

English again Ok/all right, everybody On we go

Now, let’s have a

look at exercise 13


Let me tell you

this in Japanase Quit now, please

Let’s move/go on

to something


Now I want you to

turn to page 17

Now, I’ll


back to


Stop woring now,

please, and pay


Now, we are going

to do something

else Now we can relax

The next part of

this lesson will be

in Indonesian

Let’s turn

something a little

more/less serious

Now I have some

music for you


Now, English-

only time

Table 2.1 Expressions Starting Something New

2. Make things clear

You have five minutes Is everything clear? Right you can start

You can spend ten

minutes on this Is that clear? Begin/start working

I give you five minutes

on this/to do this

Are you clear about what

to do/what I mean/how to

do it? Is everybody ready?

You’ll have to stop in

two minutes/ minutes’


Are there any question

(before we star)? If you’re ready, we’ll start

Don’t spend more than

a few minutes on/doing

this exercise Have you all understood? Let’s get to work

Who still doesn’t

understand what they’ve

got to do? Get on with it

Table 2.2 Expressions of Make Things Clear

3. Sequencing activities

First, have a look at

the text

Next, read through the

new words Last, try to do exercise 3

Firstly, let’s run

through your homework

For the next thing I would

like you to get into threes

Finally today, I want you

to copy something down

First of all, (today)

we’ll listen to the tape

To continue/go on with,

could you take out your


Lastly this time I would

like you to work in groups

To begin with, (this

time) we’ll check your


And now, we’ll try an


To finish off with, you can

do some reading

For the first thing, we’ll

listen to a song

And now for some



For the last thing today,

takeout your notebooks

Last but not least, how

about a song?

Table 2.3 Expressions of Sequencing Activities


4. Checking progress

Any problem? Where are you up to? What’s the matter?

Are you ok? All right? How far have you got? What’s the problem?

Is there anyone who

needs help? Which question are you?

Is there something


Who can’t manage on

his/her/their own?

Is everything ok?

Who is finding this


Is there

something/anything the


Is there anybody


trouble/difficult the


Table 2.4 Expressions of Checking Progress

5. Stopping.



Two more


Have you


Right. That’s


All right, stop


We’ll have a

break before

going on

You will have to

finish in a


Are you


That’s enough

for now

Stop what

you’ve doing

You can

have/take a



I’ll have to stop

you in two


Who’s/ who

has finished?

That will do,

thank you

Everybody stop

what they are


Relax for a


before we go

on to

something else

(Just) a couple

more minutes of

minutes more

Who has done

them all?

You’ve done

enough of that



We can take

our coffee

break now

One minutes




everybody who

still hasn’t



probably had

enough of that

All right. You

can stop now

Have you



We’re spent

long enough

on this

Your time is up


You were fast It’s time Finish up


for/you had a


Table 2.5 Expressions of Stopping

c. Ending the lesson.

Doff in Zaidah (2014) most lesson probably end in the same way. The teacher

try to draw things to close, set any homework, possibly review the lesson, and

perhaps make a few announcements. The teacher can use the end of the lesson to

boost students’ motivation and give them a positive sense that they have been

active participants in the lesson and are making progress. Some types of ending

the lesson that can be applied by the teacher in his/her classroom are as follows:

1. Checking the time.

What time is it?

It isn’t time to

finish yet

We have five more


Carry on with your

work until the bell


What’s the time?

The bell hasn’t gone


We have five

minutes over

Carry on with the

exercise for the rest

of the lesson

Do you have the

right time?

There are still two

minutes to go

We have an extra

five minutes

Carry on with what

you are doing ( until

the end of the


Could you tell me

the time, please?

We’ve/we’re almost


(it seems) we have

two or three minutes

in hand/to spare

Just finished the

sentence you’re

working on and then

you can go

What time do you

make it?

We’re not through


We (seem to) have

finished a few

minutes early

Sit quietly until the

bell goes

What time do you

have? We’re almost done

Table 3.1 Expressions of Checking the Time


2. Setting homework.

For your

homework, please

do exercise 27A

I want you to finish

off exercise 26 c at


There will be a test

on this next week

Don’t forget about

your homework



dialogue is your


Finish of this at


There will be a test

on chapter 5 to 8

next time

Remember you


This is for your

homework for



Finish off the

exercise at home

You can expect a

test on this in the

near future

Do you remember

what you have to do

for your homework

As/For (your)

homework I want

you to

Do the rest of the

exercise as your

homework for


I’ll test you on the

new words

sometime next week

Are you all clear

about your


Your homework for

tonight is to prepare

chapter 17

Read the rest of the

story at home

Before (the) next

lesson I would like

you to…

Go through this

section again on

your own at home

I’ll go through/over

it with you next time

Table 3.2 Expressions of Setting Homework

3. Stopping work.

It’s time to stop

So, today we’ve

practiced asking

the time

We’ll finish this

next time That’s all for today

We’ll have to stop

finish/ now

This time you have

learned how to write

a letter

We’ll do/read/look

at the rest of the

chapter on Thursday

That will do for

today. You can go


I make it almost

time. We’ll have to

finish /stop


In this lesson we’ve

begun a new until

We’ll finish off this

exercise in the


That’s about it for


There’s the bell, so

we must Stop

working now

Let me just remint

you/recap/go over

what we done

We’ll go/carry on

with this chapter

next time That will be all


We don’t have any

more time

Let’s just review

today’s lesson

We’ll come continue

working on this

chapter next week

Right, you may /can


It’s about time

we/you stopped

We’ll come back

this another time

You can put your

things away and go

There’ll be more on

this next time

Next time we’re

going to have a look

at your projects

Table 3.3 Expressions of Stopping Work

4. Making announcements.

Wait a moment, please

I have something

to tell you

Next time we’ll

meet in room 23

Don’t forget the

English club

meeting this


Just a



I have something

to say to you

Tomorrow we’ll

meet in room 14

Please remember

don’t forget to

bring your project

folders next time

Hang on a


I have some

announcements to

make before you


There’s come a

change of room

for next week

If you have time,

watch Pride and

Prejudice on RCTI

at nine

Just hold on a moment Please listen

We’ll be meeting

in room 19 instead

Stay where you are for a


Please pay


I’ll see you in

room 7 after the


One more thing before

you go

The fourth period

has been cancelled

next Tuesday

Don’t go rushing off

There won’t be a

English lesson on


Back to your place

Table 3.4 Expressions of Making Announcements


5. Saying goodbye

Goodbye, everyone See you all again Have a nice weekend

Bye-bye everyone See you next class

Have a good/nice

relaxing holiday/rest

Bye now, Mischa

I’ll see you (all) again

the same time next

time/Wednesday Enjoy your holiday

Cheerio, Carmen

We’ll meet again the

same time next time

I hope you have a nice


See you (soon), Didier

The next time we meet

be after the holiday Enjoy yourselves

So long

Table 3.5 Expressions of Saying Goodby

6. Clearing the class.

Please go out


Go out

quietly, please

Take all your

things with


Could you

open the

window for

me, please?

Whose book is


Will you

please go out?

Not so much

noise, please

Don’t leave


Put everything

back in its

right place

Has somebody

forgotten their



outside Quietly!





with you

Straighten the


Whose is this


Out you go

now Ssshhh!

Make sure you




Put the books

on the shelf

Who does this

pen belong to?

All of you, get

outside now!

Try not to

make any noise

as you leave

Don’t forget

your stuff

Could you

clean the board

for me, please?

Who’s the

owner of this


Hurry up and

get out

No noise as

you leave

Pick up the

rubbish, please

(Has) anybody

lost key?

Other classes

are still





Table 3.6 Expressions of Clearing the Clas


C. Conceptual Framework

Figure1. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework above shows the situation of English teaching

process. English language teaching for English as Foreign Language students in

its process teacher talk usually combined between English and native language to

make English teaching process more comprehensible. Based on the conceptual

framework above, the researcher analyzed the kinds of management talk that

teacher use in teaching and learning process, and the function of management talk

that the teacher got from the used of management talk in the classroom.

Teacher Talk

Function of management


Management Talk

Kinds of Management Talk

4. Beginning the class

5. Running the class

6. Ending/ closing

1. Conveying Information

2. Delivering lesson in

structured way

3. Managing and






This chapter consists of method of the research design, research subject,

instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data and technique of data


A. Research Design

This research used a descriptive qualitative method, to give description about

the use of teacher talk in teaching process. The researcher observed the kinds of

the teacher talk management used by the teacher in the classroom.

B. Research subject

The research subject was two English teachers in SMA YAPIP

SUNGGUMINASA who teach in different classes. The first subject was KK S.pd,

43 years old, undergraduate degree from Universitas Negeri Makassar, English

Education Department as Teacher A. Next subject was SH S.pd, 46 years old,

undergraduate degree from Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar, English

Education Department as Teacher B.

C. Instrument of the Research

The instruments of the research were observation checklist, interview and

recorder to support the data from observation and interview. It is intend to know

the kinds of activities in teaching and learning English at senior high school. The


observation checklist adopted from discussion of structure of classroom discourse

(Mehan, 1979; Sinclair & Brazil, 1982) cited in Yanfen and Yuqin (2010).

1. Observation checklist aim to gain the data factually based on the observation

checklist by looking at classroom situation. The observation conducted by

observing teacher’ during classroom process. The researcher had joined the

one whole process of English class before doing the interview. The researcher

gives code to the observation checklist if saw that teacher used management

talk in the classroom

2. Video recording supported the data from checklist. Recording furthered

instrument in this research, it aims to record all the classroom activities and

management teachers talk used in the classroom, furthermore recording can

help the researcher to avoid mistakes in taking the data.

3. Interview aims to get accurate information from the teacher by delivering

certain questions about management teacher talk. As an additional, the

researcher used semi-structured interview guide on interviewing subject.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

Data collection is the procedure used by the researcher to collect data. In

conducting the first data which was obsevation checklist, the researcher had

joined the English class where the teaching and learning process take place if the

researcher saw the teacher used management talk in their classroom, the

researcher give code to the observation checklist. The second data was interview,

the researcher interviewed subjects/ teachers and did the following procedure:


1. Firstly, the researcher explained about the aim of the interview.

2. Next, the researcher interviewed the teachers.

3. The researcher asked questions to the teachers.

4. While the teachers answering the questions, the researcher recorded all

of the teacher’s answers.

5. After interviewing, the researcher said thanks to the teachers for their

time to answer the question.

6. Last, the researcher analyzed all the answers and summarized them by

consideration with the observation’s result during the class that the

researcher joined before.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The collected data obtained from the result of observation and interview were

analyzed to draw conclusions. According Moleong (2010), data analysis is the

process of managing the data, organazing it into a goot pattern, category and

basic unit. Thus, we could find the theme and formulate hypothesis as suggested

by the data. The purpose of data analysis is summarizing and simplifying tha

data in order to interpret and draw a conclution.

Furthermore, because of this research used qualitative research design, then it

was be analyzed by using inductive analysis method. According to Miles and

Huberman in Sugiyono’s (2014), the activities in qualitative data analysis is

performed interactively and occurring continuously until complete, so that the

data is already saturated. In addition, the activities in qualitative data analysis are

data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verivication.


1. Data Reduction

The data obtained in the field was quite a lot. It was necessary to note

carefully and detail. Data reduction means: summarizing, choosing things that

are fundamental, focusing on things that are important, looking for themes

and patterns and discarding unnecessary. Reduce data will give a clear picture

and facilitate researcher to conduct further data collection, and look for it

when needed. Data reduction could be aided with electronic device such as a

computer, to give the code on certain aspects. With the reduction, the

researchers summarize, taking important data, make categorization, based

uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers.

2. Data Model (Data Display)

Once the data was reduced, then the next step was display data. Display

data in qualitative research will be done in the form of a brief description,

chart relations between categories, flowchart and so on. Miles and Huberman

in sugiyono (2014) state the most frequent form of display for qualitative data

has been narrative text. That is most often uses to present data in qualitative

research with narrative text. In addition in the form of a narrative, the data

display can also be a graph, matrix, network (networks). In this research data

display was narrative.

3. Conclusion drawing and verification

The third step was the conclusion and verification. Conclusions were

presented still provisional, and would be changed if not found strong

evidence that supports the next stage of data collection. However, if the


conclusion was supported by evidence of valid and consistent when the

researcher returned to the field in collecting data, the conclusions that

presented were the credible conclusions (trustworthy).




This chapter deals with the findings of the research and discussion of the

findings. The findings reveal what kinds of management talk used by the teacher

in the classroom activities by using observation checklist, and the function of

teacher talk management in teaching process by using interview to the teacher,

beside that this research used recording to support the data. Discussion reveals

some arguments and further interpretation of findings.

A. Findings

The findings consist of the data obtained through classroom observation

checklist, interview, and the transcript of the video recording. The findings

explained the kinds of management’ talk used in English teaching process at SMA

YAPIP Sungguminasa and the function of teacher talk management used in

teaching process.

1. Kinds of Teacher Talk Management that used in SMA YAPIP


a. Everyday Greeting

In beginning the lesson, the teacher entered in the classroom and

saying “everyday greeting” before the teacher started the lesson.

Extract 1 (Teacher A):

S : sit down please!

T : good morning, how are you?

Ss : morning sir, im fine and you?


In Extract 1, Teacher A started the class by saying “good morning,

how are you?”. The expression was classified as everyday greeting. It is

the parts of the management talk in beginning the lesson.

Extract 2 (Teacher B):

S : sit down please!

T : thank you very much. Good morning everybody? How are you?

SS : I’m fine.

T : will still remember our last material. About what? Our last material.

We are discussing about what? We still remember about?

S : yes.

In Extract 2, Teacher B started the class by saying “Good morning

everybody?”, and “how are you?”. The expressions were classified as

everyday greeting. It is the parts of the management talk in beginning the

lesson. Teacher B repeated the greeting because the teacher wanted the

students pay attention.

b. Taking the Register

The teacher was taking the register to know if the whole of class is

present or not.

Extract 3 (Teacher A):

T : Sementara kalian bekerja dengarkan namanya ya (while your

work, listen to your name)

Ss : iya sir. (yes sir)


T : Ade putra.

Ss : tidak adai. Absent. (He’s not coming. Absent)

T : Amrianto

Extract 3 shows how Teacher A taking the register. The expression

“sementara kalian bekerja dengarkan namnaya ya” mean that the teacher

want to know who were present or not before studied.

Extract 4 (Teacher B):

T : Okay students who students absent today? How many student?

S : Ardiansyah.

T : What about Ardiansyah? He is present? Ardiansyah?

Extract 4 shows how Teacher B taking the register. The

expressions “Okay students, who students absent today?”, and “what

about Ardiansyah? He is present?” mean that the teacher want to know

who were present or not. Taking the register is one of the parts of

management talk in beginning the lesson.

c. Getting Down to Work

The teacher was getting to work to demand the students started the

lesson materials or study together.

Extract 5 (Teacher A):

T : well, buka bukunya halaman 50. Do you still remember the last

material? (well, open your book page 50)

Ss : yes sir

T : apa itu? (what is that?)


Extract 5 shows how Teacher A is getting down to work. The

expression “well, buka bukunya halaman 50” mean that the teacher

demanded the students to read and discussed the material. Getting down to

work is one of parts of the management talk in beginning the lesson.

Extract 6 (Teacher B):

S : yes.

T : About the kinds of … how knows? What is our last material?


S : Piranha fish.

T : About Piranha fish, okay sit down please. Eee, today we will

discuss about kinds of taste. And taste is very nice.

Extract 6 shows how Teacher B is getting down to work. The

expression “today we will discuss about kinds of taste” mean that the

teacher delivered the material will discussed. Getting down to work is one

of parts of the management talk in beginning the lesson.

d. Starting Something New

The teacher was starting the class with telling the students to get

ready and start the new lesson.

Extract 7 (Teacher A):

T : Masih ingat apa itu past tense? (do you still remember what is the

meaning of past tense?)

SS : masih.

T : apa itu past tense? (what is the past tense?)


SS : bahas masa lampau sir (discuss about the day of long ago sir

T : ya betul. Ok hari ini kita pindah ke present perfect tense. (That’s

right. Ok today we are move to present perfect tense.)

The Extract 7 was about starting something new. In this activity,

Teacher A wanted to start new material by saying “ok, hari ini kita pindah

ke present perfect tense”. Starting something new is one of the parts of the

management talk in running the lesson.

Extract 8 (Teacher B):

T : About the kinds of … how knows? What is our last material?


S : Piranha fish.

T : students today we will discuss about kinds of taste. Jadi how we say

in Indonesia? Taste. What is taste?

S : Perasa.

The Extract 8 was about starting something new. In this activity,

Teacher B wanted to start the material by saying “students today we will

discuss about kinds of taste”. Starting something new is one of the parts of

the management talk in running the lesson.

e. Making things Clear

Making things clear was used by the teacher to check students’

understanding or make sure anything was clear.


Extract 9 (Teacher A):

T : paham sampai disini? Ada yang mau bertanya? (You got the point?

Does anyone have any questions?)

SS : tidak ada sir (No sir)

Extract 9 was about making things clear. The expression “paham

sampai disini? Ada yang mau bertanya?” means Teacher A wanted to

check students’ understanding or make sure anything was clear.

Extract 10 (Teacher B):

T : Jelasmi? tidak ada mau bertanya?(Is it clear? No questions?)

S : ada bu. (me mam)

T : oh number what?

S : Ini bu. (this is mam)

Extract 10 was about making things clear. The expression

“jelasmi? Tidak ada mau bertanya?” means Teacher B wanted to check

students’ understanding or make sure anything was clear.

f. Sequencing activities

Sequencing activities was used by the teacher to direct students to

how they do their work.

Extract 11 (Teacher A):

T : jadi tugas kalian sekarang adalah memasangkan di blank space

bagian yang kosong itu dengan salah satu dari 3 pilihan tersebut and

make it group. Bisa tidak? (So your task now is to attach to that space


blank with one of these three options and make it group. Is it


SS : iye pak.

Extract 11 was about sequencing activities. The expression “jadi

tugas kalian sekarang memasangkan di blank space” and “make it group,

bisa tidak?” means Teacher A given direction a correct sequencing to the

students work.

g. Checking Progress

Checking progress was used by the teacher to know the progress

that the students found.

Extract 12 (Teacher A):

T : apa yang susah? (did you find any trouble?)

Ss : apa artinya ini sir? (what does this mean sir?)

(sambil menunjukkan buku)

Extract 12 shows that Teacher A wanted to know the progress that the

Students’ found. The expression “apa yang susah?” means that the


checking the students’ progress.

Extract 13 (Teacher B):

SS : Iye bu. (yes mam)

T : You find difficult words?

S : No.


Extract 13 shows that Teacher B wanted to know the progress that

the students found. The expression “you find difficult word?” and “ada

kata-kata yang sulit?” means that the teacher checks the students’


h. Stopping

Stopping was used by the teacher to remind students that the time for

work on assignments is complete.

Extract 14 (Teacher A):

T : Have you finished?

SS : iya sir. (yes sir)

T : sudah ditulis semua jawabnnya? (You’ve written all the answers?)

SS : iya pak. (yes sir)

T : oke. Kita bahas sama-sama. (Ok. We’il discuss it together)

In extract 14 show how the teacher A stopping of students work by

saying “have you finished?”. The expression was classified as a stopping.

It is the parts of the management talk in running the lesson.

Extract 15 (Teacher B):

T : oke, sudahmi habis waktu, kumpulmi. (Ok. Time is up. Collect)

SS : tunggu bu, namaku pi. (wait mam, I forgot to write my name)

In extract 15 was about stopping. The expression “oke sudahmi habis

waktu, kumpulmi”. Means that Teacher B used the part of management

talk in running the lesson.


i. Checking the Time

Checking the time was used by the teacher to remind the students

about the time.

Extract 16 (Teacher A):

T : ya kalau begitu karena waktunya tersisa 8 menit, im going to ask

once again, do you think that this item is difficult? Yg ini sulit?

(Well, because you have eight minutes left, I am going to ask once again)

S : No sir.

T : okay.

Extract 16 was about checking the time of Teacher A. The

expression “ya kalau begitu karena waktunya sisa 8 menit” mean the

teacher reminded the students that class time is almost over.

j. Setting Homework

Setting/taking homework was used when the teacher took

homework to the students.

Extract 17 (Teacher B):

S : waktunya habis. (Time is over)

T : Ok students please you make a simple text about sense of report, jadi

make your task as homework, jadi coba membuat dirumah nanti

bacaan tentang report yang menggambarkan, describe about

something. Jadi cari text lain yah, yang isinya itu berisikan tentang

laporan. Ok leader please! (So your homework tries to make a report


text that describe something. Find another text, which contains all

kinds of reports. Ok leader please!)

S : Stand up please! Greeting to our teacher.

Extract 17 was about setting homework used by Teacher B. the

expression “Ok students please you make a simple text about sense of

report, jadi make your task as homework, jadi coba membuat membuat

dirumah nanti bacaan tentang report yang menggambarkan, describe

about something” means the teacher took the homework to the students.

k. Stopping Work

Stopping work was used by the teacher to stop the lesson because

the time was over.

Extract 18 (Teacher A):

T : oke, terimakasih banyak, leader siapkan! (Ok. Thank you very much,

leader please!)

S : Attention please! Stand up please. And say greeting to our Teacher.

SS : Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

T : Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Extract 18 was about stopping work used by Teacher A. The

teacher saying “oke terimakasih banyak, leader siapkan!” to stop the

learning processed because the time was over.

Extract 19 (Teacher B):

T : Yes good!

SS : Alhamdulillah.


T : Ok dear students the times over.

S : waktunya habis. (time is up)

Extract 19 was about stopping work used by Teacher B. the

expression “ok dear students the times over” means the teacher wanted to

stop the learning process because the time was over.

l. Making Announcement

Making announcement was used by the teacher to get attention

from the students when there were things to be conveyed.

Extract 20 (Teacher A):

T : kalau tidak ada halangan in our next meeting, we are going study

about Caption ya, itu adalah kalimat yang ada di bawah foto. Pelajari

memangmi. (If it isn’t something urgent, in our next meeting, we are

going to study about caption ya. That is the sentence of the line under

the photo. Learn it.)

SS : Iye pak. (Yes sir)

Extract 20 was about making announcement used by Teacher A.

The expression “kalau tidak ada halangan in our next meeting” means the

teacher wanted to announce something to the students because there was

something to be conveyed.

m. Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye was used by the teacher when time was over and

wanted to end the lesson.


Extract 21 (Teacher A):

S : attention please! Stand up please. And say greeting to our Teacher.

SS : Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

T : Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

S : Sit down please!

Extract 21 was about saying goodbye used by Teacher A. The

teacher closed the lesson by saying “Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi

wabarakatuh” to the students.

Extract 22 (Teacher B):

S : Stand up please! Greeting to our teacher.

SS : Assalamualaikum wr.wb

T : Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Extract 22 was about saying goodbye used by Teacher B. The

teacher closed the lesson by saying “Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi

wabarakatuh” to the students.

n. Clearing the class

Clearing the class was used by the teacher to make sure if the class

was clear or to remind the students if there are items left behind.

Extract 23 (Teacher A):

T : tolong jangan lupa buku cetaknya dikumpul semua! (Don’t forget to

collect the book.)

Ss : oke pak.


Extract 23 was about clearing the class used by Teacher A. the teacher

make sure to students by saying “tolong buku cetaknya jngan lupa

dikumpul semua”. It is the part of management talk in ending the lesson.

Based on the description above, the researcher concluded that the

parts of management talk that the Teacher A used in the teaching and

learning process were 1) everyday greeting, 2) taking the register, 3)

getting down to work, 4) starting something new, 5) making things clear,

6) Sequencing activities 7) checking progress, 8) stopping, 9) checking

the time, 10) stopping work, 11) making announcement, 12) saying

goodbye, and 13) clearing the class.

Furthermore, the parts of management talk that the Teacher B used

in teaching and learning process were 1) everyday greeting, 2) taking the

register, 3) getting down to work, 4)starting something new, 5) making

things clear, 6) checking progress, 8) stopping, 7) setting homework, 9)

stopping work, 10) saying goodbye.

2. Function of Teacher Talk Management

In order to get real data from teacher to know the functions of teacher talk

manegement in teaching process through interviews. The results of each

interview are detailed below;

1. Conveying information

The teacher interviewed had an opinion on convey a particular

information is a function of teacher talk management.


Extract 1 (Teacher A):

I : what do you think about the function of teachers talk


T : I think the function of teacher talk management is to convey a

particular information base on the teacher knowledge to his

students. Furthermore, the teachers talk management is very useful

to manage our class according to the students’ ability, knowledge

background, and classroom atmosphere during presenting material.

Extract 1 was about opinion teacher A that the function of teacher talk

management in teaching process is to convey a particular information

based on teacher knowledge to his students.

Extract 2 (Teacher B)

I : What do you think about the function of teachers talk


T : In my opinion, the function of this management talk is almost the

same as the management class that I usually do, which is the same

as helping me deliver lessons to students in a structured way.

Management talk can help me easily convey information or convey

learning well.

Extract 2 was about opinion teacher B that the function of teacher talk

management in teaching process is to management talk can help her easily

in conveying information or conveying learning well.


b. Delivering in structured way

The teacher interviewed had an opinion on delivering a lesson in

structured way is a function of teacher talk management.

Extract 3 (Teacher B):

I : What do you think about the function of teacher talk management?

T : In my opinion, the function of this management talk is almost the

same as the management class that I usually do, which is the same as

helping me deliver lessons to students in a structured way.

Extract 3 was about delivering lesson to the students in structured way

is a function of teachers’ talk management that Teacher B said.

c. Managing and Arranging Communication

The teacher interviewed had an opinion on managing and arranging

communication is a function of teacher talk management.

Extract 4 (Teacher A):

I : Do you always use teachers talk management in teaching process?

T : yes I do, because by managing and arranging our communication

when teachers talk or discuss the lesson toward students, hopefully

that they can understand and receive our messages easily.

In extract 4 shows the opinion teacher A that the function of

teacher talk management are to managing and arranging our

communication when the teachers talk or discuss with the students.


B. Discussion

Based on the result of the study, the researcher found kinds of teachers’

talk management used in teaching process at SMA YAPIP Sungguminasa and

the functions of teacher talk management in teaching process. Inside of these

two problem research, the researcher would discuss and emphasize about what

kinds of teachers talk management and what are the function of teacher talk

management that used by two English teacher in SMA YAPIP Sungguminasa.

1. Kinds Management Talk

These sessions were the parts of management talk used by Teacher A and

Teacher B. The teachers entered in the classroom and saying “Everyday

Greeting” as a part of management talk before the teacher started the lesson.

The expression “Good morning, how are you?” was used by Teacher A and

the expression “Good morning students, How are you?” was used by Teacher


Next was about taking the register. The teacher wanted to know if the

whole of class is present or not. The expression “while you work, listen to

your name” was used by Teacher A and the expressions “Okay students, who

students absent today?” was used by Teacher B. according to Rasyid (2012),

the teacher can say “Ok. I’m going to call your names. Raise your hand and

say: yes/here/present”.

After that getting down to work as a part of management talk. The

teacher getting to work to demand the students started the lesson materials or


study together. The expression “well, open your book page 50” was used by

Teacher A and the expression “today we will discuss about kinds of taste”

was used by Teacher B.

Next the teacher was did starting something new. The teacher was

starting the class with telling the students to get ready and start the new

lesson. The expression “ok today we’re move to present perfect tense” was

used by Teacher A and the expression “students today we will discuss about

kinds of taste” was used by Teacher B.

After starting something new the teacher used making things clear as a

part of management talk. The teachers wanted to check students’

understanding or make sure anything was clear. The expression “You got the

point?” was used by Teacher A and the expression “is it clear? no

questions?” was used by Teacher B. According to Hugesh and Moate (2011),

the teacher can say “is everything clear?”, and “is that clear?” if the teacher

want to check the students’ understanding or making things clear.

Then, it was about sequencing activities. The teacher wanted to direct

students to how they do their work. The expression “so your task now is to

attach to the space blank and make it group” was used by Teacher A.

Next were about checking progress. It was used by the teacher to know

the progress that the students found. The expression “did you find any

trouble?” used by Teacher A and the expression “you find difficult word?”

was used by Teacher B. Hugesh and Moate (2011) stated that the teacher can


say “what’s the matter” or “what the problem” when the teacher want to

check the students’ progress.

Stopping was a part of management talk. The teacher wanted to remind

students that the time for work on assignments is complete. The expression

“Have you finished” was used by Teacher A and the expression “Ok, Time is

up. Collect” was used by Teacher B.

The teacher was checking the time. It was used by the teacher to remind

the students about the time. The expression “Well, because you have eight

minutes left” was used by Teacher A. After that was about setting/taking

homework. It was used when the teacher took homework to the students. The

expression “So, your homework tries to make a report text that describe

something. Find another text, which contains all kinds of reports” used by

Teacher B. Hugesh and Moate (2011), if the homework is no needed, the

teacher can say “there’s no homework this time”.

The teachers was did stopping work as part of management talk. It was

used by the teacher to stop the lesson because the time was over. The

expression “Oke, thank you very much, Please Leader!” and the expression

“ok dear students the times over” was used by Teacher B to stop the learning

processed because the time was over.

Extract 20 was about making announcement. It was used by the teacher

to get attention from the students when there were things to be conveyed. The

expression “If it isn’t something urgent, in our next meeting, we are going


study about Caption ya, that is the sentence of the line under the photo, Learn

it” was used by Teacher A.

Not forgetting the teacher saying goodbye. It was used by the teacher

when time was over and wanted to end the lesson. Teacher A and Teacher B

closed the lesson by saying “Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh”

to the students. One of the teacher was did the last of part management talk

that was clearing the class. The teacher wanted to make sure if the class was

clear or to remind the students if there were items left behind. The expression

“Don’t forget to collect the book”. It was used by teacher A.

Based on the result of discussion above, both of the teachers was used

management talk. Teacher A used 13 parts of management talk. Furthermore,

Teacher B used 10 parts of management talk.

2. Function of Management Talk

From the data description above, there were two English teachers who

were researcher interviewed. The result of interview about the function of

teachers talk management are both of teacher almost have same opinion

about the function of teacher talk management is to conveying information.

Teacher A said the function of teacher talk management is to convey

particular information to the student and very useful to manage his class.

Teacher B was said the function of teachers talk management are to helping

her in delivering lessons to students in a structured way and can help her

easily convey information or convey learning well. In addition to conveying

information teacher B also said the function of teacher talk management is to


delivering lessons in structured way. Further, in Extract 4 was about

managing and arranging communication are the next functions of teachers

talk management, teacher A said he always used teacher talk management in

their teaching process because he think by managing and arranging their

communication the students can understand and receive his messages easily.

Referring to the results of previous research, like Ade (2017), Astuti

(2013), and Setiawati (2012) the researchers did not discuss about function

of teacher talk management in their journal but in previous research

contained in Chapter II of this research according to Hughes and Moato

(2007), found that classify the teacher talk that can be used by the teacher in

every day classroom routines. It will help the teacher to develop some of the

core linguistics skill that the teacher will need to work effectively in the

classroom and will carry over into more confident classroom management

and enhanced pedagogical skill.

From all of these finding above it can be conclude that teacher A and B

are people who teach in same school with different life and different way to

teach their students. Thus, the result of these finding above average answers

of both teachers have the same opinion about the function of teachers talk





This chapter consists of two parts. The first part presents some conclusions

based on the data analysis and findings in the previous chapter. The second part

presents some suggestions based on the findings and conclusion of this research.

A. Conclusions

Based on the findings and discussions on the previous chapter, the

researcher formulated some conclusion. The detail description of the conclusions

of this research was listed in the following:

1. There were three kinds of teachers’ talk management that used by

Teacher A and Teacher B in learning process such as beginning the

lesson, running the lesson, and ending the lesson. Management talk

used by Teacher A in class XII MIA classified into 13 parts namely:

everyday greeting, taking the register, getting down to work, starting

something new, making things clear, sequencing activities, checking

progress, stopping, checking the time, stopping work, making

announcement, and saying goodbye, clearing the class. Besides,

Teacher B in class XII IIS classified into 10 parts namely: everyday

greeting, taking the register, getting down to work, starting something

new, making things clear, checking progress, stopping, setting

homework, stopping work, and saying goodbye.


2. Function of teachers talk management are to conveying information,

delivering lessons in a structured way, Managing and arranging


B. Suggestions

After seeing the findings as well as discussion, the researcher gives

suggestion may be useful for teachers and also the other researcher who will

conduct the same topic in the research:

1. The results of this research can be used by the English teachers as a

reminder to apply the kinds of teachers’ talk exactly management talk

in learning process and also the function of teacher talk management

that very useful in learning process. As can be seen that all parts of

teachers’ talk management and function of management talk found in

the learning process.

2. To the next researcher, the study of teachers’ talk management can be

extended by conducting the research in other different content and

setting. The next researcher may investigated the teachers talk

instructional or the teachers’ talk used based on social status or class,

occupation, geography, education, gender, and ethnicity.



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Observation Checklist in the Classroom

Name of teacher: Teacher A

(Doff: 1998)

No Kinds of Management Talk Yes No

1 Beginning the Lesson Entering the classroom √

Everyday greeting √

Meeting a new class √

Taking the register √

Dealing the lateness √

Getting down to work √

2 Running the lesson Starting something new √

Make things clear √

Sequencing activities √

Checking progress √

stopping √

3 Ending the lesson Checking the time √

Setting homework √

Stopping work √

Making anouncement √

Saying goodbye √

Clearing the class √



Observation Checklist in the Classroom

Name of teacher: Teacher B

(Doff: 1998)

No Kinds of Management Talk Yes No

1 Beginning the Lesson Entering the classroom √

Everyday greeting √

Meeting a new class √

Taking the register √

Dealing the lateness √

Getting down to work √

2 Running the lesson Starting something new √

Make things clear √

Sequencing activities √

Checking progress √

stopping √

3 Ending the lesson Checking the time √

Setting homework √

Stopping work √

Making anouncement √

Saying goodbye √

Clearing the class √



Protocol Interview

1. What do you think about the function of the teacher talk management is?

2. Do you always use teacher talk management in the learning process?

3. What are the inhibiting factors of management talk in the classroom?

4. Do you think the tecahers talk management are very important to use in

the classroom, and why?





T (Teacher)

SS (Students)

S : Attention please! Ready. Stand up please. Say greeting to our teacher.

SS: Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

T : Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

S : Sit down please!

T : Good morning, how are you?

SS: morning sir, I’m fine

T : Baik ananda sekalian buku bukunya halaman 50. Sebelum itu do you still

remember the last material?

SS: past tense pak.

T : masih ingat apa itu past tense?

SS: itu pak yang menceritakan masa lampau.

T : Yah past tense itu adalah kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau atau sudah

berlalu, itu sudah di bahas minggu lalu yah tapi ananda sekalian hari ini kita

akan pindah ke present perfect tense. Present peerfect tense itu bagaimana?

Ada yang tau?

SS: Tidak pak

T : Nah present perfect tense itu kejadian atau situasi yang telah dilakukan di

masa lalu tapi masih berlanjut sampai sekarang atau efeknya masih berlanjut.

Contohnya I have read this book saya telah membaca buku ini yang artinya


kejadian ini sudah saya lakukan di masa lalu tetapi saya masih rasakan

efeknya. Paham mi?

SS: iye pak. Yang saya baca di buku pak bisa juga begini, saya telah bersekolah

disini sejak 2 tahun yang lalu?

T : Iya bisa, salah satu ciri present perfect tense itu ada kata since nya. Jadi kalau

ada kalian liat dibuku ada kalimat yang ada kata since nya itu prseent perfect


S : Iya pak.

T : Well, buka bukunya halaman 52 liat disitu tugasnya. Jadi tugas kalian

sekarang adalah memasangkan di blank space atau bagian yang kosong dengan

salah satu dari 3 pilihan tersebut and make it group. Bisa tidak?

S : Bisa sir.

T : Oke kerjami carimi pasangannya yg mau ko temani berpasangan.

( guru meminta siswa untuk membuat kelompok dan mengambil absen)

T : Sambil bekerja dengarkan namanya ya?

Ss: Iya sir.

T : Ade putra.

Ss: Tidak adai. Absent.

T : Amrianto

S : Present.

T : Arya arman.

S : Absent.

T : Adnan.


S : Hadir, eh present.

T : Amirullah.

S : Hadir. Present.

T : Khaerunnisa.

S : Hadir.

T : Suci.

S : Present

T : Nursanti nur

S : Absent.

T : Reni.

S : Hadir pak.

T : Ikram.

S : Absent

T : Muh. Rasul

S : Present.

(guru mengecek kehadiran siswa satu persatu, setelah selesai, guru berjalan

memeriksa tugas para siswa)

T : Apa yang susah?

S : Apa artinya ini sir? (sambil menunjuk buku)

T : kalau ada yang kurang jelas bertanya supaya nanti tidak sembarangko isi


SS: Iye pak.


(beberapa saat kemudian)

T : Have you finished?

SS: Sudah pak.

T : Ya kalau begitu mari kita bahas sama-sama, yah no 1 apa disini yang sesuai

dengan kalimatnya? Since atau for?

SS: For sir

T : No 2 apa jawabanmu?

SS : Since.

T : Ya betul, coba liat tidak usah terjemahkan semua nah ini adalah salah satu

metode dalam menjawab soal pilihan ganda nanti, tidak usah terjemahkan

semua karena berhubung waktunya habis yang penting langsung poin


(setelah selesai dengan tugas kelompok)

T : tidak adamau bertanya?

SS: Tidak ada pak

T : sampai saking hebatnya itu tidak ada mau bertanya, berarti paham semua?

SS : hahah (siswa tertawa)

T : ya kalau begitu karena waktunya sisa 8 menit dan tidak adami yang mau

bertanya juga yah kita tutupmi, but before ending our lesson today kalau tidak

ada halangan in our next meeting we are going to study about materi baru yaitu

caption nah tau caption kan? Itu kalimat yang biasa ada dibawah foto. Okelah

next meeting baru kita bahas.

SS: Siap pak

T : Oke terima kasih banyak, leader siapkan!


S : Attention please! Stand up please. And say greeting to our Teacher.

SS : Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

T : Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

S : Sit down please!

T : Tolong jangan lupa buku cetaknya dikumpul semua,

SS : Iya pak.





T (Teacher)

SS (Students)


S : Stand up please! Greeting to our Teacher

SS: Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

T : Waalaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

S : Sit down please!

T : Thank you vert much. Good morning everybody? How are you?

SS: I’m fine.

T : Will still remember our last material. About what? Our last material. We are

discuss about what? We still remember about?

S : yes.

T : About the kinds of … how knows? What is our last material? About?

S : Piranha fish.

T : About Piranha fish, okay sit down please. Eee today we will discuss about

kinds of taste. And taste is very nice.

(Guru mengambil sesuatu didalam saku celananya )

T : Now I will show something to you. You know what is it?

S : Candy.

T : Can…

SS: Candy.

T : Candy or Taste. How do you feel about candy?

S : Sweet.

T : Sweet. Why do you shame? You say sweet. So candy are sweet. Do you like

this? You want?

S : Yes.


T : This is … siapa lagi mau? You like too?

S : Yes mam hahaha

T : You?

S : Yes mam.

( Guru membagikan permen kepasa siswa )

T : Okay students who students absent today? How many student?

S : Ardiansyah.

T : What about Ardiansyah? He is present? Ardiansyah?

S : No.

T : Taufik hidayat?

S : Absent mam.

T : Absent oh. What about Nur insannur?

S : Hadir bu.

T : Present. Ya ok. Fahri?

SS: Absent.

T : What about Nisa?

S : No.

T: Siti khadijah?

SS: Absent. Eh sick.

T : Any more? Tidak ada lagi? Imam?

SS: Absent. Hikma mam

T : What number?

S : 13 mam.

T : aaa? 13?

Ok dear students listen to me. before our study…

S : Mam ada lagi yang tidak hadir.

T : Who? The name?


S : Sheila.

T : Sheilarika?

SS: Iye. Indah. Indah sari tidak ada juga.

T : Oh indah. Absent or sick?

S : Tidak tau mam.

T : No information

SS: Masih banyak bu.

T : aaa? Ok students. What are you doing? Perhatian dulu jangan ribut.

( Guru menegur siswa yang bermain )

T : eee ya students today we will discuss about kinds of taste. Jadi how we say in

Indonesia? Taste. What is taste?

S : Perasa.

T : Rasa… jadi rasa atau indra perasa. Ok dear students look at here.

( Guru menulis materi dipapan tulis )

T : Ok this is our hope today. Jadi we after finishing our material, you can to

respond the text of report. Jadi bisa merespon bacaan mengenai report atau

laporan about something. Number two to make a simple essay text of report.

Iya make a simple text of report. Ok dear student now aaa we have some to

group in the class. You turn to you group. Kembali ke grupmu. Grup one, two,

three. There four groups. Ok the first of all read the text carefully. Read the text


( Guru berjalan mengelilingi grup dan memastikan mereka membaca text )

T : Read the paper students.

S : Ditranslet bu?

T : Yes. Read and translate.

SS: Yes mam.

T : Ok finish? Sudah? What do you know in the text? About what? Have you


SS: Yes mam.

T : What you get from the text? About what? Iya ok. While you are reading? I

would like same typical words here. Look at the whiteboard.


( Guru menulis dipapan tulis beberapa kalimat )

T : perhatikan ini. Jadi ada kata-kata kalimatnya. You find the text, jadi ada kata-

kata ini dalam bacaan itu?

SS: Yes .

T :Students you read the text, there some question, will be discuss and answer

together in your groups. Next after reading your text there many question in

your text. You must answer with your group. Dear student attention me! this

words you can find from or in your text, and maybe this words can help you. I

want to ask you again. Students what do you get after discuss?

SS: Many mam. Banyak.

T : Hah many? You come here. What words?

S : Ten.

T : Number?

SS: Ten.

T : Number ten. Oh a few second, jadi didalam waktu yang sangat singakat.

SS: Singkat.

T : Any other words. You don’t understand of means? Any others group?

SS: Iye bu.

T : You find difficult words?

S : No.

T: Oh no…ada kata-kata yang sulit? Some difficult words? Are you finish?

( Guru mengecek setiap kelompok dan menanyakan kesulitan apa yang mereka

dapatkan selama beberapa menit)

T : Have you discuss?

S : Jawabannya?

T : Are you finish?

S : Yes

T : Oh number what?

S : Ini bu.


T : Discuss it with your friend. You can find answer in the text? What the

meaning? You just read and translation.

SS: Kuncup perasa.

T : Kuncup pe…perasa atau indra perasa. But what mean aaa… kuncup? Kata

mana disini yang berarti kuncup?

S : Bud

T : Ya buds. If this words stand-alone sometimes it means kuncup or saraf

dikamus bahasa Inggris-Indonesia . But if the same bud it’s mean perasa.

S : Perasa.

T : compound words. It’s means perasa pada lidah.

SS: Lidah

T : you answer. Please read and discuss.

SS: Yes mam

T : Diskusikan yah!

S : Diskusikan we.

T : Group one have you finish number one? Group two number two. Have you


S : Belum bu.

T : Cek anymore and answer

S : Yes

T : What is the meaning? Kita bias merasakan, merasakan apa? Apa yang


Yuhu group four? What number you have done?

SS: Belum bu.

T : Group there? What about? Number one have you finish? Number one. The

first number yah yang pertama.

S : Iya bu.

T : Oke sudahmi habismi waktunya, ya oke please answer this paper you see on

it. Have you? What you answer. Not yet? Oke what number you finish? Hello

group two can you show me.


S : Ini mam!

T : Please read the question. When…

S : When we eat very hot or cool food?

T : You read option. A,b,c,d,e. all the option you read, please!

S : A. the food will lose its taste, B. the food won’t smell good. C, the taste of the

food increases. D, the taste buds will be sensitive. E, the taste buds will be very


T : So, you choice is?

S : A.

T : A?

S : A, the food will lose its taste.

T : The food will lose its taste. Are you sure?

S : Yes mam.

T : Oh yes. Group one number two, have you? Please answer. Please you read

now the question and than answer.

(Guru berjalan kesetiap kelompok menanyakan jawaban yang didapat dan

memberikan penjelasan)

T : Ok dear students the times over.

S : Waktunya habis.

T : Ok students please you make a simple text about sense of report, jadi make

your task as homework, jadi coba membuat membuat dirumah nanti bacaan

tentang report yang menggambarkan, describe about something. Jadi cari text

lain yah, yang isinya itu berisikan tentang laporan. Ok the leader please!

S : Stand up please! Greeting to our teacher.

SS: Assalamualaikum wr.wb

T : Waalaikumsalam wr.wb.




I (Interviewer)

S (Subject)


I : Bismillah, disini saya mau interview about you as a teacher yang

menggunakan teacher talk management di dalam kelas sir.

S: oh iya silahkan.

I: So, you are asked to anwers the following questions based on your

experiences yang menggunakan management talk di dalam kelas kalau lagi


S: Ok

I: Well, without further a due, let me begin

What do you think about the function of teacher talk management is?

S: I think the function of teacher talk management is to convey a particular

information base on the teacher knowledge to the students. Furthemore,

the management talk is very useful to manage our class according to the

students’ languange ability, knowledge background, and classroom

atmosphere during presenting material.

I: Do you always use management talk in your teaching and learning



S: yes I do, because by managing and arranging our communication when

teachers talk or discuss the lesson toward students, theycan understand and

receive our messages easily.

I: Now, according you what are the inhibitting factors of management talk in

the classroom?

S: I think inhibiting factors that can influence management talk are teacher’s

circumtance, student’s readiness and sikologinya siswa, classroom

dinamics, atmosphere or layout, and the last lingkungan and fasilitas yang

kurang memadai.

I: But do you think the teachers talk management are very important to use

in the classroom? And why?

S: Yes I think so. It is nfor development our students’ academic knowledge,

enrich their concept, and bisa memperkuat keinginan siswa untuk belajar,

yang terakhir our students will be easily understand what the teacher

explain about and imitate a good moral.

I: Ok. That the end of the questions

Thank you very much for your time

S: You’re welcome

Good luck




I (Interviewer)

S (Subject)


I : Bismillah, disini saya mau interview about you as a teacher yang

menggunakan teacher talk management di dalam kelas.

S: oh iya.

I: So, you are asked to anwers the following questions based on your

experiences yang menggunakan management talk di dalam kelas kalau lagi


Well, without further a due, let me begin

What do you think about the function of teacher talk management is?

S: In my opinion, the function of this management talk is almost the same as

the management class that I usually do, which is the same as helping me

deliver lessons to students in a structured way. Management talk can help

me easily convey information or convey learning well.

I: And you always use management talk in your teaching and learning



S: Almost yes in every single class, but sometimes the class atmosphere is

not conducive so I don't use it but I hope they (students) can take lessons


I: Now, according you what are the inhibitting factors of management talk in

the classroom?

S: I think some inhibiting factors are firstly a non-conducive classroom

atmosphere such as a fight in the classroom before starting or during

learning, the second is inadequate school facilities and environment, and

last the teacher's situation, where during certain learning the teacher is not

healthy but still remains teaching and thus learning cannot be maximized

because of that.

I: But do you think the teachers talk management are very important to use

in the classroom? And why?

S: Of course, this can help develop student learning knowledge and also

students can easily understand learning from the teacher from the use of

management talk in the classroom.

I: Ok. That the end of the questions

Thank you very much for your time mam.

S: My pleasure.



AULYANI was born in Sorowako on August 25th

1996. She is

the second child of four siblings, two sisters and one brother,

from lovely couple of her parents Abidin and Sumarni. She

began her study at SDN 256 DONGI Sorowako and graduated in

2009, and then she continued her study at SMPN 1 Nuha Sorowako, and

graduated in 2012. Afterwards she continued her study at SMAN 1 Nuha

Sorowako and graduated in 2015. After finishing her study from senior high

school, she was registered at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, faculty of

teacher training and education as a student of English Education Department. At

the end of her study, she could finish her thesis with title “An Analysis of

Teachers’ Talk Management used by English Teachers in the Classroom (A

Descriptive Research at the twelve Grade SMA YAPIP SUNGGUMINA)”.
