Analysing Katy B's Website




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BRAND IMAGE In her web site, Katy B’s

brand image is promoted by identifying her through her name written in front of an image of herself to give an over all impression in consumers mind to give a brand image associated with in the mind of target audiences

Her brand image is also promoted by showing her social networking sites allowing users to open them to ‘follow’ ‘subscribe’ and ‘like’ them

There are also links to other things like her blog and ‘more news’ about Katy B, this is promoting her brand image by allowing consumers to see other things related not only to her music but her life

Her brand image is also promoted through her Blog, as she updates it with what she does and what events she attends, for example Studios and Radio shows

Link to conversation are also available where other artists that share experiences with her are mentioned, for example a new video featuring DJMosca, and the consumers are encouraged to watch it

MUSIC AND SONGS Her songs are also promoted in

her website by showing the latest video she has and showing a link to ‘more videos’ allowing consumers to have access to watch them

There are also links for consumers ‘buy’ her album or order the CD. This could be seen as a method of viral marketing

A link to ‘more music’ is also available allowing consumers to have access to more of her music