And 2009 Mission Trips Information Meeting Tim & Pam Beadell Sunday, October 05, 2008


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2009 Mission TripsInformation Meeting

Tim & Pam BeadellSunday, October 05, 2008


Opening Prayer God’s Plans Missions Sample Mission Dates Sample Mission Costs Mission Information Next Steps Pictures

Opening Prayer

Opening Prayer Please introduce yourself Have you been any missions trips, servant

events or youth outings


– Deuteronomy 10:14  14 To the LORD your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it.

– Jeremiah 29:11-12 11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Serving– Romans 12:7

If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach;– Romans 12:11

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. – Ephesians 6:7

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men,– Colossians 3:24

since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

– Isaiah 6:85 "Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean

lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty."  6 Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the

altar. 7 With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for."

 8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"       And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Thoughts– Chosen by God – He chose you because…your faith, talents, abilities – We are being trained for something bigger…reach out, grow, challenge yourself– God will provide…trust, depend, follow

God’s Plan

Philippines 2009 – 5th trip– When = March– What = Work with Shepherd of the Hill Children's Home – Work in Manila’s Dump– Status = Currently full– Leader = Tim Beadell

Ethiopia 2009 – 2nd trip– When = March– What = Work with Mach’s village – Work on Well projects - TBD– Status = Open – Leader = Kristin Bradley

Zimbabwe 2009 – 2nd trip– When = May– What = Work with Zimbabweans on special projects - TBD– Status = Open– Leader = Kristin Bradley

Uganda 2009 – 2nd trip – Could have 3 separate trips– When = August & September – What = Work with Lutheran Missions Church Uganda on special projects - TBD– Status = Open– Leader = Tim Beadell, Kristin Bradley, and Randy Cornell


Mission Philippines

Mission Ethiopia

Mission Ethiopia

• Timeframe is Mid-March

• Go from Addis Ababa to Gambella

• Ministry to the Sudanese in Ethiopia

• Complete the Well Project

• Other projects TBD by group

-VBS, Social and leadership Training

- Eyeglass/medical clinic

Mission Zimbabwe

Mission Zimbabwe

Two Options:– Trip Organized by GAIN (Global Aid Network) in


or– Trip Led by Mount Olive in July/August Timeframe

Around Five People in May 20 people in July/August Projects will depend on leaders –

– Leader training, VBS, Jesus Film, Social Classes, one-on-one outreach, Supplies distribution

Mission Zimbabwe

Mission Ukraine

This winter (Feb 27-Mar 12) we are planning to go to Kherson, Ukraine.

We will work with the local pastors to build relationships they can follow up on when we leave. They accompany us as we visit orphanages, boarding schools, shelters, baby homes, hospitals and elderly homes. They also invite un-churched, poor, handicapped, and elderly to the church so we can share the gospel and give them gifts.

We may also have an opportunity to do street evangelism – giving out literature, one-on-one contact with the people, one interpreter for each small group.

Mission Ukraine - Kherson

•This trip is being administered by Global Aid Network, a humanitarian aid division of Campus Crusade for Christ.

•GAiN has traveled for many years all over Ukraine, but has never visited Kherson.

•For more information regarding this trip please contact Lisa Wellman at 763-753-8499.

Mission Ukraine - Kherson

Mission Uganda

Sample Mission Dates

Last week of July or First week of August July 23 to August 1, 2008 - Example

– July 23 – Depart to Amsterdam (9 pm)– July 24 – Arrive in AMS 12 pm, – July 25 – Depart for Entebbe, Uganda, Africa 11am– July 25 – Arrive in Entebbe – Early 8 PM – July 25 – Travel to Masindi, Uganda (4 – 4 ½ hrs)– July 25 – Check in to the Hotel & have dinner – PM– July 26/30 – Conduct Projects/Programs/Events - AM & PM– July 31– Leave for Park/Villages AM/PM– Aug 1 – Boat Ride (Nile) and/or Safari – Aug 1 – Travel back Kampala (Shopping)– Aug 1 – Travel back to Entebbe – PM– Aug 1 – Depart for USA

Sample Mission Costs

Donations - $500.00 MMP Fee - $50.00 Visa - $50.00 Hotel - $240.00 ($40 a night, Single)

Transportation - $50.00 (Bus – travel from and to)

Sight seeing - $200.00 (Hotel, Boat & Safari)

Airfare - $1500 – 2000

TOTAL $2690 - 3190

Sample Mission Plan

Work with/through local church to evangelize to the community – Build up the local church

Deliver Vacation Bible School Teach Christian Classes

– Bible, Men's, Women's, Health, HIV/AID prevention, etc….

Bring and Deliver Humanitarian Aid– Clothes, Shoes, Mosquito Nets, Mattresses, FMSC

food, etc…. Bring and Deliver Spiritual materials

– Tracts, Hymnals, Bibles, etc….

Sample Fund Raising

Sponsorship letters – On the website Sponsorship coupon available as requested Bio-Life – give plasma $60 week (4hr) - 4 week after

Yellow Fear Mass Mailing with coupons – Need Help Mothers day flowers - ORDERED - $5.00 a corsage

– Order forms Bowling – April 20th – Andover 2-4pm – 27 people

so far Chili Cook off – April 27th - 12 people signed up MOLC – Carnival – April 26th - next slide Mission Sunday – April 27th - next slide Pancake breakfast – May 18th

Mission Information

26 hour flight (start to finish)– Through NWA, one or two stops, if one Amsterdam, if two Amsterdam and Nairobi

Kenya. Bring things to do: Books, CD’s, etc. Drink lots of water. Get up and move around often.

4 to 41/2 drive from Entebbe to Masindi

Mission Information (continue)

9 Hour Time Difference – This is difficult. Your body will be adjusting to the 26 hour flight and the 9

hour time change! You’ll want to try and get on Uganda time as quickly as possible. Usually takes 1-2 days.

Luggage– Your personal luggage will consist of 1 carry on bag (that meets airline

requirements in size and weight) and a backpack. We will not be checking any personal luggage. All checked items will be our donations that have been collected, crafts/games and Vacation Bible School materials.

Mission Information (continue)

Donations (collections and inventory)– All humanitarian aid will be stored at the missionaries home. An

inventory sheet is needed for each box. We are allowed 2 - 50 pieces of luggage. We might need be able to fill other missionaries luggage with extra donations.

Mission Meetings– We will have a minimum of 1 meeting a month. As we get closer to

leaving we will have more. We expect everyone to attend. These meetings are critical to our mission success. A lot of preparation and planning is involved and we need everyone’s participation!

– If team members don’t come to the meetings, it’s extra work for all of us team members to bring you up to date.

Mission Information (continue)

Additional Funds– Food while at the Hotel/Airports & Souvenirs– Passport expenses & Entry/Exit Fees – Immunizations and medications. Check with your physician or – Yellow Fever, Typhoid, etc

Donations – Individual donation bag collection – Raising funds for special projects: mattresses, furniture, etc– Everyone needs to help with the donation collection. Examples of items

needed: medications, crafts/games, Christian materials to evangelize in the community, etc. A more specific list will be provided at a later date.

– Garage sales, friends, family, coworkers, Organizations Participation

– Everyone needs to participate. This will not be 20% of the people doing 80% of the work. Each person will take ownership of certain tasks prior to leaving and while we are on the mission. It takes a lot of work and time commitment by everyone in order for this to be a successful!

Mission Information (continue)

Financial Commitment– Non refundable $200 ($100 donation to the Mission, $50 MMP fee & $50

transportation fee) by January 6, 2008 (first people to commit will be guaranteed a spot). Commitment means all forms are turned in with the non refundable down payment.

– Purchase airline tickets by February, 2008

Spiritual Growth – Call on God, Depend on God, Trust God – We need his Guidance, Protection, and Strength– Prayer of Jabez, Dream Giver, Beyond Jabez

Mission Prerequisite

Must be willing to enter 3rd world countries where diseases, illnesses, poverty are prevalent. We will be visiting places where people are sick with such things as, tuberculosis, pneumonia, colds, bronchitis, dengue fever, etc. You must have an understanding of this and be willing to go under God’s protection. Consult with your physician about precautions you should take.

Must be 16 years of age or accompanied by an adult. Must be willing go without the comforts of home, this includes, running

hot water for showers, a comfortable bed, hot weather conditions with no air conditioning, food you may dislike, TV’s, cell phones, curling irons, make up, blow dryers, etc. This is not a vacation.

Must be able to tolerate extremely hot weather and/or extremely rainy weather.

Must have own transportation to and from all meetings, they are mandatory.

Must be willing to travel to the meeting location. The leaders will try to hold meetings in a convenient location for everyone but some participants may need to drive (or be driven) a long distance.

Must have a passport. The participant is healthy; mentally, physically and spiritually.

Mission Expectations

The participant is actively involved and contributes to the mission. This will include reaching out to your church, family, coworkers, classmates to ask for donations and financial support for the mission. Stepping up to help others with tasks as needed

Attendance at mission meetings is mandatory. If there is a trend in which the participate does not come to the meetings, you will be removed from the mission. It is critical to the success of the mission that everyone attends meetings and is involved in the planning and executing of the tasks. You can expect that there will be a minimum of one meeting a month, potentially 2 as we get closer to the departure date. The more you are involved prior to going the more you are likely to get out of the mission while we are there.

Each participant must sign up to lead and/or an activity/task before and during the mission. This means that you own the activity/task. You purchase/obtain the items/donations needed and give to mission leaders for storage and packing. You will be expected to provide updates to the mission leaders and other participants regarding the status of your task/activity.

Mission Expectations continued

Most, if not all communications will be sent out to participants via email, participants must check email on a daily basis. We are working to get the MMP website set up with capabilities to house documents for retrieval and will let you know when available.

When communications are sent out to mission team (e-mails, voicemails) that require a response, participant will respond to the originator of the communication, within 2 business days.

Required to participate during the mission trip activities. The rest of the mission team (and the group we are serving) are counting on you to do the tasks and activities that are needed.

Be flexible, sometimes the plans that have been made need to be improvised due to uncontrollable circumstances such as weather conditions, transportation, etc.

Mission Expectations continued

Must be willing to commit your time and involvement to the mission leaders and team, participating in missions is A LOT of work, it is NOT a vacation. It will require A LOT of your spare time prior to leaving on the mission. You will be expected to participate and contribute in the activities related to the mission such as fundraising, silent auctions, church activities and special events etc. It takes time and effort from all to plan the work and work the plan.

All release forms, affidavits and deposits will be turned in on time. The participant will be on time for meetings and events.

Next Steps

Planning Session – Jan 6, 2008– Discuss what to bring

Donations, spiritual material, VBS, toy cars, coloring books, etc

– How are we going to get it Brainstorm on how and where to get this things

– Who is going to do what Assign individuals to tasks

– Fundraising Bio-Life, Slient Auctions, Battle of the Praise Teams &

Worship nights

Mission Work

Tim Beadell


What does God say about Mission work Definitions of Missionary Great Missionaries Who can be a Missionary? Role of Missionaries Personal Experience Timeline for a Mission Resources Next Steps Questions and Answers


TO: Discuss mission work,

IN A WAY THAT: God’s People will gain a greater understanding about mission work,

SO THAT: God’s people are motivated to carry out the Great Commission.

What does Bible say about Mission work

NIV – Exodus 3:10 10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the

Israelites out of Egypt."

NIV – Matthew 28:19 - The Great Commission 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in [a]

the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

NIV – John 20:21 21Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I

am sending you.”

Can you name any more bible verses?


Definition of Mission

Mission:Function: noun

1 obsolete : the act or an instance of sending

2 a : a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work b : assignment to or work in a field of missionary enterprise c (1) : a mission establishment (2) : a local church or parish dependent on a larger religious organization for direction or financial support d plural : organized missionary work e : a course of sermons and services given to convert the un-churched or quicken Christian faith

3 : a body of persons sent to perform a service or carry on an activity: as a : a group sent to a foreign country to conduct diplomatic or political negotiations b : a permanent embassy or legation c : a team of specialists or cultural leaders sent to a foreign country

Definition of Missionary

Missionary:Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural -ar·ies: a person undertaking a mission and especially a religious mission

Who from the Bible were missionaries

Moses The Disciples Saul / Paul Stephen, Philip, Procorus, Nicanor,

Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas Who else can we name?

Great Modern Missionaries

Billy Gram Mother Teresa Who else can we name? Who from MOLC/FOC are missionaries?

Who can be a Missionary

Anyone who – Is humble– Is passionate– Is dedicated– Has a serving heart– Can trust in God– Can follow God

NOTE: Not every missionary needs to be able to Teach VBS, Pray in Public, Speak a foreign language, Lead Missions etc.

Types of Missionaries

Mission Leader - Role– Planning the mission

When to go Where to go and stay What to do… VBS, Orphanage, Projects Who or what organization to work with Maintaining communication with the mission contact What donations to bring

– Leading other missionaries Timing of trip, Cost, and Travel Pray and Teach (if that is your talent)

Types of Missionaries (Cont.)

Mission Participant - Role – Participating in the mission

Lead smaller segments of the mission– VBS, Fund Raising, Projects, ect….

Collect the Donations Separate Donations Inventory Donations Pack Donations Special projects

– Cards, Pictures, Games Assist Leader Play with Orphanages Work with Staff Pray and Teach (if that is your talent)

10 months – Brainstorm on Location – ML 9 months – Check with recent members for interest in returning

– ML 8 months – High level planning

– Dates– Flights– Cost– Misc. (Doctors, Passports, etc..)

7 months – Start fund raising– Request to Church– Request to Family– Requests to Friends and co-workers

Timeline for a Mission

6 months – Plan to get donations– Garage sales– Churches– Schools

5 months – Execute Plans– Funds– Donations– Misc…

1-2 months – Collect Donations & Funds– Collect Donations– Separate & Inventory– Document donations– Document hours worked, mileage, expenses

1 month to 2 weeks – Pack– Pack Donations (boxes, duffle bags, suite cases)– Send donation documentation to Mission Leader– Pack Clothes

Timeline for a Mission (Cont.)

The Prayer of Jabez – Bruce Wilkinson The Prayer of Jabez Devotional – Bruce Wilkinson The Dream Giver – Bruce Wilkinson Moses – Charles Swindoll Paul – Charles Swindoll Other books form church To Busy NOT to Pray - ???? Finishing Strong – Steve Farrar Pam, Amanda & Ashley Beadell Pastor Perryman, Pete Hiller – Family of Christ Bob Blake


When you are doing God’s work, doors open, things fall into place, the work is easier.

Pray and pray often – ask that your efforts glorify God Remember Missionaries are servants

– Phil 2:4 “Each of you should not look only to your own interest by also to the interest of others”.

– V5 “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” Real faith shows Real work, Faith without works is dead, faith Expect problems – When in the game of taking more ground

for God, the devil pays more attention to you. Winston Churchill – “We make a living by what we get, but we

make a life by what we give” We don’t do these good works because we are earning our

way into heaven, but we do the good work out of thanksgiving for the GRACE of God.

Closing thoughts


The Prayer of Jabez:

Oh, that You would bless me indeed,

and enlarge my territory,

that Your hand would be with me,

and that you would keep me from evil,

that I may not cause pain!
