Animal Farm. Russian Revolution How It Started o Czar Nicolas II o Absolute power o Huge social gulf...


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Animal Farm

Russian Revolution How It Started

oCzar Nicolas II oAbsolute power oHuge social gulf between the

peasants and the land owner and the elite

oPeasants and workers begin rebelling against the Czar in 1905

Bolshevik power

oVladimar Lenin was leader oGained control in 1917 oHad the Romanov family

murdered in 1918 oWanted Communism


oComes from the root word of “community”

oEqual distribution of wealth and possessions among Russia’s citizens

LeninoMarxist revolutionist oLed Bolsheviks oUsed the Red Guard to stop others

from taking over Russia, then used it to take over Russia himself

oLed a campaign of “Red Terror”in 1918 - a systematic plot to execute opponents of communism

Lenino Created a New Economic Policy o Allowed for limited private ownership of land and business

o Called it ‘breathing space” for Communism to prevail

LeninoMoved capital to Moscow oRenamed Russia to Soviet

Union in 1922 o Named his party the Communist party in 1917

o “October Revolution” killed many to gain control and instate Communism

LeninoNamed Joseph Stalin -Secretary General

oPowerful position in Communist party

oAbility to make appointments to other positions of power

oAbility to gain important allies

Lenino1922- Lenin suffers

paralyzing strokes oRemoved from leadership

position o1924- Lenin dies oStalin and Trotsky struggle

for power

Stalin wins!

oStalin out-maneuvers Trotsky and gains control

oStalin starts to isolate Trotsky within the party because he is a threat

Leon Trotsky oGifted speaker and writer oPolitical genius oTried to end Russian

involvement in WWII oGreat thoughts and plans but

had trouble actually installing them

oWas not liked by Lenin

Joseph Stalin

o1924- Assumes full control after Lenin dies

oRuled as absolute dictator throughout WWII and until his death in 1953

Stalin’s Repression & Terror

oTerrorized country with widespread arrests and executions

oAnyone thought to be opposed to Stalin and Communism was executed on the spot

“Reign of Terror” o 1934 “great purges” and

“show trials” o Sent millions to Soviet

labor camps o 2-7 million innocent

citizens are murdered o Forced confessions o Public accusations

“Reign of Terror”

oEmployed KGB to repress any opposition

oUsed publications to report statistics inaccurately in his favor


o1928 First “Five Year Plan” oAttempt to make Russia a modern industrial state

o“Comrades” need to work harder so Soviet Russia can be a beacon of hope to workers everywhere

Stalin in Power

o1933 Second “Five Year Plan”- emphasized rapid growth of Soviet Industry

oThis worked fairly well, by the end Soviet Russia was a formidable world power

Secret Agreement

o“German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact”: secret agreement between Stalin and Hitler

oNeither country would attack each other


oHitler lied! o1941- “Operation

Barbarossa” oGermany fully attacks Russia!

Symbolism oRussian




Animal Farm




Underlying meaning and surface meaning o Grand in scope


A short story that has a moral and has animals as



A story that makes fun of something

George Orwell

Real name: Eric Blair oDisapproved of Communism

oA socialist

George Orwell

oCommunism was not pure socialism because:

o Gulf in society o Control of the peasants o Hypocritical

George Orwell/author

o Used his writings to communicate a political message o Wrote 1984 o Big Brother rules a society o Everyone is watched 24 hours a day