Annotated Bibliography



bibliography for assignment 2

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Brian ThompsonMs. WilliamsEnglish 110226 February 2014Annotated Bibliography

1) Karlin, Susan. "Raiding Iron Man's closet [Geek Life]." Spectrum, IEEE 48, no. 8 (2011): 25-25.

In raiding Iron Mans Closet, a new version of the XOS Skeleton has finally been made, called the XOS 2 but it is about five years away from production. The skeleton has been designed to utilize the use of hydraulics, and sensors just like XOS 1, but the servo valves in the suits can use more hydraulic fluid to make the suit without as much mishaps. The suits initial intentions by Raytheons Integrated Defense Systems division intended for the suit to be rid soldiers of injuries due to their heavy loads, by having the suit assist them with carrying and lifting. Another upgrade added to the XOS 2 it now weighs significantly less than its predecessor, Their has been one of the people that tested the suit, Rex Jameson says the suit doesnt feel any different and The big deal is it takes a lot less power. Karlin also mentions that a tethered power source would be realistic in the next five years, and in the next ten we could expect to see a suit that is powered on its own.


The actual frame of the exoskeleton is environmentally resistant which will be very helpful for soldiers. Steel and aluminum parts make up the exoskeleton; under the steel and aluminum the sensors and actuators help duplicate the movements of the wearer (any force that the user is applying will activate the sensors, and in turn control whether or not the hydraulic fluid will decrease or increase for movement). For the hydraulic fluid to do work, it must flow to the actuator and or motors, then return to a reservoir (Firestone, Maghan). However other materials are being considered such as carbon fiber, to make the suit more comfortable and durable for the user. Since the user will be inside the suit, his/her movements will be one with the exoskeleton (there is a slight delay of ten milliseconds, but this will only benefit the user because it will prevent injuries). Soldiers may have to lift up to an astounding 16,000 pounds a day, which could cause lead to severe injury by itself. With the help of the exoskeleton the wielder will be able to carry heavier weapons and more equipment, and the military would need less man power and people behind logistics.

3) Yuan, Peijiang, Tianmiao Wang, Fucun Ma, and Maozhen Gong. "Key Technologies and Prospects of Individual Combat Exoskeleton." In Knowledge Engineering and Management, pp. 305-316. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about being a soldier is the combat they endure on the front lines and there infamous rucksacks. Yuan explains that soldiers may have to carry up to 200 kg of equipment (over four hundred pounds), and the load has been increasing ever since WW1. With all of this extraneous weight soldiers constantly have to carry around with them they could potentially get exhausted faster due to large amounts of oxygen that has to be utilized for them to perform those tasks. Not to mention the environment soldiers go through is dangerous. The exoskeleton has the potential to not only assist soldiers by taking some of the load (letting the soldiers use less energy), it can also help with locomotive oriented tasks such as running or climbing. Another name for the exoskeleton is wearable robot since the suit is still mechanical, it will still take a human to operate it.

4) White, Mark . "Google Books." Google Books. (accessed February 14, 2014).(Chapter 10) Tony Knows armor, Tony Knows Women, Tony Doesnt Know Diddley

As stated in my observation one assignment, Tonys Iron Man inventions is what he is known for. White goes into depth about how Tonys dedication throughout his journey in constructing his Iron Man suit(s). Socrates is showing that Tony is a philosopher in his work. He explains that philosophers must possess knowledge, and be able to make something tangible out of it. This relates to Tony because in the Iron Man movies, he produces incomparable weapons for Stark Industries and the United States military. With this knowledge, the philosopher (In this case Tony), is able to rule all. Since Tony is always at the top of his business and making new suits and weapons, he is able to be successful. As the creator of the Iron Man suit, Tony Stark has paved the way for Stark Industries, and has also challenged the real military to make an iron man suit prototype (exoskeleton).

5) Mirrlees, Tanner. "The Economics, Geopolitics and Ideology of an Imperial Film Commodity.

Beginning with the first world war, America has been number one when it comes to the military and weapons (by being extremely aggressive). Iron Man was created in the 21st century; Americas US department of defense is exquisite compared to others. For example half of the weapons in the world belong to the United States. Iron Man also plays a beneficial role to the economy, and military. Since Iron Man is apart of Marvel (a household name for some), there was a lot of attention drawn to the Walt Disney (Universal Studios to be specific) crowd and Marvel, drawing in a huge sum of revenue. Iron Man also demonstrates a culture aspect of America and its military. When I think of America and our military, I immediately think of how we are strong, aggressive, and have a never back down type of demeanor; Iron man fits this quota perfectly.

6) Zehr, E. Paul. "Google Books." Google Books. (accessed February 14, 2014).

Chapter: What happens when the human machine breaks downHaving a real life Iron Man would be considered as a good thing, since it provides so many benefits for the soldier. For example, it allows the soldier to conserver his or her energy for other tasks, and helps in the process of rehabilitation. In addition to such good benefits, there are also responsibilities and disadvantages to having such an invention. The soldier (or wielder) of the exoskeleton must be able to operate it properly, otherwise it will be no good. For example, there are several accounts of Tony Stark being a drunk alcoholic and he still operated the suit.poorly. So, Soldiers should undergo some form of additional training to be able to operate such a machine on top of the training they already have. This is a disadvantage because it would take additional time to train the soldiers and also cost the Department of defense more money to fund the training sessions.

7) Farmer, Ben. "'Iron Man' high-tech helmet launched." The Telegraph. (accessed February 16, 2014).

A new high tech military helmet, known as the Iron Man (its official name is the Q-Warrior System) helmet has been tested by a defense correspondent, Ben Farmer. To test the features of the helmet, Ben was placed in an ordinary room in Kent Factory. The room looked like how a normal room would look like with white walls before he activated the helmet. Once he put the helmet on, everything in the room changed drastically. There was a plethora of colors and indicators that function similar to a heads up display, which indicated his location, where he has to go (along with a map) etc. The heart of the helmet is shown to the reader over there left eye (within the Heads Up Display) The Iron Man helmet is still being tested with US Forces so it will be quite some time before we could see this on the battlefield.

Kopp, Carlo. "Exoskeletons for warriors of the future." (2011).8) Military robotics received notoriety because of movies like Iron Man (as well as the TV series), which glorify that area of technology. Stan Lee a key producer of Iron Man, came up with the idea from the Korean War. Many soldiers in infantry were dying and he wanted to create a character (Iron Man) that possessed a suit and perceived to be invincible. General Electric (GE) was the first to make an attempt at creating an exoskeleton in the 1960s to be used industrially but ultimately failed. A veteran Army ranger by the name of Monty Reed also tried to make an invention/project called LIFESUIT that allowed paraplegics to walk again. He was inspired by Heinlein; produced Star Ship Troopers. Since the spines and limbs of soldiers are the most injured in infantry combat the suit could improve the quality of life of these men. At the university of California, two specific designs are being focused on: the ExoHiker (purpose is to be used for Cross Country Marches and ExClimber (designed to help carry heavy loads in the mountains by military personal.) Currently the only problems within the military suits are its power supply (it runs on a tethered battery, and it needs to last much longer than 2 hours on one charge).

9) Lim, Zhifeng. "The rise of robots and the implications for military organizations." PhD diss., Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2013.

The deployment of robotics is on the verge of becoming a reality in the military extremely soon. Since movies such as Iron man paved the way for what robots are capable of in the military, robots are seen as a viable option to be implemented since they are able to perform tasks that humans could not do. In addition to doing what humans couldn't do, robots arent just limited to the ones that mimic humans. Robots are used as drones as well, which would include the use of robots that operate on their own. For examples, planes, helicopters, missiles, etc that work by themselves (could be as simple as the push of a button). There are also unmanned robots involved in military operations such as the DARPA (it helps with carrying loads and is a legged squad support system) for the SOCOM. Also, according to Lim Zhifeng, robots have cognitive advantages and physical advantages. Robots are able to store more information over time and still be able to recall it, than a human would. In addition to retaining information, Lim believes that robots are physically capable of working longer than humans (since they can be configured as to when they need maintenance, while humans can experience fatigue often).

10) Dombrowski, P., and D. Coval. "Private first class iron man." J Swanson Sch Eng 4 (2012): 149-157.

Although the exoskeleton is a viable source for the military, it can also be used for a plethora of other jobs outside of the military. For example, fire fighters could use the exoskeleton to lift heavy degree off of a person trapped under the debris. Within the army alone there are 2,500 reported injuries for every 1,000 soldiers in one year, which are mostly from the knees, shoulders, ankles, and lower back since all of these joints are are required in any type of lifting.There are still problems within the build of the exoskeleton itself. There is the issue of it being too heavy and consuming too much power since there is already a extremely limited supply before it has to be charged again before another use. Exoskeletons have been produced, but are still in the development stage. According to Dustin Dombrowski, there is a chance that we will begin to see exoskeletons within the next five years.