Annotating Unconstrained Face Imagery: A Scalable...


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To Appear: The 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Phuket, Thailand, May 19 - 22, 2015.

Annotating Unconstrained Face Imagery: A Scalable Approach

Emma Taborsky∗ Kristen Allen∗ Austin Blanton∗ Anil K. Jain† Brendan F. Klare∗


As unconstrained face recognition datasets progressfrom containing faces that can be automatically detectedby commodity face detectors to face imagery with full posevariations that must instead be manually localized, a signif-icant amount of annotation effort is required for developingbenchmark datasets. In this work we describe a systematicapproach for annotating fully unconstrained face imageryusing crowdsourced labor. For such data preparation, acascade of crowdsourced tasks are performed, which beginswith bounding box annotations on all faces contained in im-ages and videos, followed by identification of the labelledperson of interest in such imagery, and, finally, landmarkannotation of key facial fiducial points. In order to allowsuch annotations to scale to large volumes of imagery, asoftware system architecture is provided which achieves asustained rate of 30,000 annotations per hour (or 500 man-ual annotations per minute). While previous crowdsourc-ing guidance described in the literature generally involvedmultiple choice questions or text input, our tasks requiredannotators to provide geometric primitives (rectangles andpoints) in images. As such, algorithms are provided forcombining multiple annotations of an image into a singleresult, and automatically measuring the quality of a givenannotation. Finally, other guidance is provided for improv-ing the accuracy and scalability of crowdsourced image an-notation for face detection and recognition.

1. IntroductionThe past several years have witnessed rapid gains in the

development of computer vision algorithms. A large rea-son for these unprecedented gains is the availability of largescale labelled datasets, which have been critical for the tun-ing of the millions of parameters needed in deep learn-ing and boosting frameworks. This abundance of avail-able datasets is attributed to two factors. The first factoris the ubiquity of both mobile cameras and social network-ing sites, which has made the collection and distribution ofimagery to populate large scale datasets fairly trivial. Thesecond, and more recent, factor is crowdsourcing services

∗E. Taborsky, K. Allen, A. Blanton and B. Klare are with Noblis, FallsChurch, VA, U.S.A.†A. Jain is with Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, U.S.A.

such as Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT). Together, thesetwo advancements allow for large volumes of imagery to becollected and annotated at orders of magnitude lower costthan was the case a decade ago.

Despite the increased ability to collect and annotate largevolumes of data, a well-engineered approach is needed toensure that the data collected is accurate enough to aid in al-gorithm development. Without such a measured approach,noisy labels will be prevalent in the data which, in turn, hassevere consequences in developing accurate algorithms.

The research discussed in this paper is aimed at improv-ing the accuracy and efficiency of crowdsourced annota-tions collected during the development of the IARPA JanusBenchmark A (IJB-A) dataset, a large scale, “in the wild”,unconstrained face recognition dataset [7]. This datasetcontains facial imagery with a lack of constraint in terms ofpose, expression, illumination and occlusion. As such, overone million crowdsourced annotations were needed to pre-pare the dataset for release. A previous paper focused on thedataset details [7], including recognition and detection pro-tocols and baselines, but specific details regarding the anno-tation process were not covered. As such, this manuscriptfocuses on providing details on how the data was annotatedand key findings from analysis of such annotations to assistothers in collecting similar data corpuses.

When collecting such a large number of crowdsourcedannotations, two objectives have to be balanced: (i) the ac-curacy of the crowdsourced annotations are insufficient foruse, and (ii) the cost of the crowdsourced annotations be-comes as expensive as expert annotation. These two risksare related: redundant crowdsourced annotations are gener-ally needed to improve the accuracy, which in turn increasesthe cost. The methods described in this work offer an idealoperating point that allows for both accurate and efficientannotation.

The contributions of this work are as follows: (i) amethodology is provided for systematically preparing afully unconstrained face recognition dataset using crowd-sourced labor, (ii) a software system architecture that al-lows crowdsourced annotations to occur at high throughputsnecessary to process large volumes of images and videos(the system processes an average of 500 manual annota-tions a minute), (iii) algorithms for combining redundantannotations of geometric primitives (rectangular boundingboxes and landmark points), (iv) algorithms for automati-cally measuring the quality of results provided by annota-

To Appear: The 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Phuket, Thailand, May 19 - 22, 2015.

Figure 1. An image annotated from the crowdsourced process de-tailed in this paper. The final result is the location of all faces, thelocation of the person of interest (i.e., the labelled subject), and thefiducial landmarks (eyes and nose) for that person. We propose asystematic approach for annotating fully unconstrained imagery atscale.

tors, thus facilitating automated rejection of work and im-proving overall accuracy of annotation results, and (v) a dis-cussion of other techniques for improving the accuracy andefficiency of crowdsourced dataset preparation.

2. Prior WorkIn terms of related works in face recognition, Zhang et

al. used an automated face detector to collect a database of2.45 million distinct images, and, leveraging textual infor-mation in surrounding web pages, label propagation wassperformed to refine label those faces [20]. While similar inmotivation, the approach in this paper is noticeably differ-ent in that face localization and identity labelling were notperformed manually. A related approach was recently usedby Yi et al. to collect a 500,000 image face dataset [18].While other face recognition and face detection databasescontain manually localized faces [6] or landmarks loca-tions [8], such works seemingly use in house annotatorsand do not consolidate redundant annotations from weakercrowdsourced workers. One of the most notable uses ofcrowdsourcing in automated face recognition was Kumar etal.’s use of Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) to collect at-tribute labels for face images [9]. Differing from our taskwhere geometric shapes needed to be annotated, the infor-mation collected and consolidated by Kumar et al. was ei-ther multiple choice labels or numeric values, thus simpli-fying the consolidation process. In the broader computervision literature, a notable use of crowdsourced annotationsinclude the ImageNet dataset [1], where the binary labellingtasks were performed by AMT workers to verify image la-bels.

A comprehensive survey of crowdsourcing was con-ducted by Yuen et al. [19]. Similarly, Quinn and Bed-erson address basic design principles of a crowdsourcingtasking system for quality control with a focus on image-

based pattern recognition [11]. Techniques for combin-ing crowd sourced information with low level image fea-tures was proposed by Yi et al. []. A technique for com-bining low-level object features with crowd-sourced labelswas used to jects to compute the pairwise similarity. Heerand Bostock provide many best practices for crowdsourc-ing, including the finding that paying workers higher ratesresults in quicker acceptance of assignments, but not neces-sarily better quality work [2]. Other related work include amethod by Scheirer et al. for a framework that helps bridgethe gap between human perception and automated detectionalgorithm [12] through leveraging perceptual information inthe form of binary decisions captured from crowdsourcedworkers. Ipeirotis et al. demonstrated that accuracy of re-dundant crowdsourced tasks begins to saturate at on aver-age, five labels per object, and explored quality measure-ment on worker output in order to identify error-prone andbiased workers [4]. Voyer et al. provided a hybrid frame-work for using both trained analysts and crowdsourced la-bor by distributing tasks based on skill level required [15].A previous project created a crowdsourced database of ob-ject locations in images by creating a game version of anidentification task [14]. Snow et al. studied this issue [13]and tested AMT worker responses against an expert’s re-sults and determined that, on average, results from four non-experts are comparable to one trained expert. In terms of ad-dressing the efficiency of using crowdsourcing, Mason andWatts [10] demonstrated that utilizing a “quota” scheme,which offers payment for completion of a task, is more costeffective than a “piece rate” approach where workers arepaid for the smallest unit of work.

In summary, while crowdsourced data collection is awell studied problem, we believe this to be the first work toprovide guidance in crowdsourcing the collection of bound-ing box and landmark/point locations. Further, while otherworks performed large scale crowdsourced annotations,guidance for architecting a software system that achievesscale via a high degree of throughput, could not be found.As will be demonstrated, significant challenges exist foreach of these approaches.

3. Data development process

3.1. Overview of IJB-A

The IJB-A dataset is a new, publically availabledataset [7]. The dataset is a “media in the wild” uncon-strained face detection and face recognition corpus, similarin fashion to the LFW dataset [3] and the YTF dataset [17].However, whereas previous unconstrained face recognitiondatasets contained face images that were all detected by acommodity face detection algorithm (hence limiting posevariation), a key distinction with the IJB-A dataset is thatall faces are manually localized, thus allowing recognitionalgorithms to be developed on fully unconstrained imagery.While this represents a significant advancement for uncon-

To Appear: The 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Phuket, Thailand, May 19 - 22, 2015.

Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) Service

Configura)on  file  

Hosted Servers

Customized  Java  Applet    

GUI    on  AMT  PostgreSQL  


Python  Middleware  


Configura)on  file  

Media  Storage  Server  

Crowd source laborers

Annotated  Data  

Figure 2. An overview of the software system developed to achievescalable annotations of facial imagery. Using the Amazon Me-chanical Turk (AMT) API, as opposed to the interfaces pro-vided by AMT, allowed for customized GUI for annotations (e.g.,bounding boxes and landmark locations), lower costs per HIT, and(most importantly) high annotation throughput (roughly 30,000annotations per hour can be collected with this system).

strained face recognition algorithm development, it alsogreatly increases the amount of manual annotation neededto prepare the data for release in the public domain.

The IJB-A database consists of 5,712 images and 2,085videos of 500 labelled subjects. For each video, the I-frameswere extracted, resulting in a total of 20,408 frames. At thetime of collection, the image and videos URLs containinga labelled subject were added to a list and then processedby an automated web scraper. For each of the 500 labelledsubjects, a “reference image” was also manually collected,consisting of a high-quality frontal face image to help inmanual identification of the subject in the collected imagesand videos. Aside from final inspection, this step was thelone manual task performed in house by “expert” analysts.All the remaining data annotation was performed via crowd-sourced annotation tasks.

3.2. Annotation tasks

Given the aforementioned images and videos that werecollected, the only information that was known is which la-belled subject(s) exist in a given piece of imagery. Becausemultiple subjects exist in most images and videos, a signif-icant amount of preparation is needed to allow recognitionprotocols to operate on this data. Specifically, three distinctannotation tasks were performed by crowdsource laborersto facilitate running automated recognition algorithms onthis dataset: (i) bounding boxes, (ii) identity verifications,and (iii) landmarks. These tasks occur in order, as eachrequires information from the previous annotations. An-notations were collected for every image and video frame(I-frames only) in the dataset.

The bounding box task had annotators draw rectangularboxes around all faces in the image (see Figure 3(b)). Spe-cific guidance on marking face boundaries was provided asboth written text and images. The result of this task is thatthe location of all persons with a visible face was known.As such, after this step, the dataset serves as a face detectiondataset. While the focus of this paper is on the preparation

of a face recognition and face detection dataset, the bound-ing box task described here also generalizes to most anyobject recognition task, such as person or vehicle detection.

After the bounding box annotation task, the location ofall faces in the image are known; however, it is not knownwhich face corresponds to the labelled subject. As such, theidentity (ID) verification task is performed to collect this in-formation. In this task, the workers are shown the referenceimage for the subject in the given image, and asked to selectwhich face corresponds to that person.

The final task is landmark annotation. In this task keyfiducial points on the face of the labelled subject are an-notated. For this analysis, data from three landmarks wascollected: center of the two eye sockets, and the base ofthe nose (see Figure 3(d)). This task is important to allowresearchers to optionally bypass face alignment steps andfocus on face representations and learning algorithms. Sim-ilar to the bounding box task, this task could also generalizeto other computer vision tasks where specific parts of de-tected objects could be precisely localized.

In total, 3,302 annotators worked on this system, with1,506 annotators working on the bounding box task, 1,010on ID verification, and 2,100 on landmarks. Workers werepaid $0.03 for annotating an image with bounding boxes,$0.015 for ID verification, and $0.01 for landmarks.

3.3. Annotation System Architecture

The annotation framework consists of two separate sys-tems, as illustrated in Figure 2. The first system is the anno-tation interface which was built on top of the Amazon Me-chanical Turk (AMT) service. The second system consistsof servers for storing annotations (a relational database),hosting images (a file server), and handling communicationbetween these servers and the AMT service (a middlewareserver).

For the annotation interface, AMT offers pre-madegraphical user interfaces and a “questions” structure for pro-viding Human Intelligence Tasks (HITs) to workers. How-ever, these interfaces could not be used for our tasks becausethey do not cover required interaction with users (e.g., draw-ing multiple bounding boxes on an image) and no mecha-nism exists for automatically passing the results into a re-lational database. Instead, a Java applet that communicateswith the AMT web service API was implemented to allowfor such functionality.

The second framework operates in the backend and con-sists of a system of three servers, which was the key toachieving scale. The first server in this framework is a Post-greSQL relational database. The database contains threeprimary tables: (i) a table listing all labelled subjects; (ii)a table for all images, which stores all bounding box anno-tations, and a mapping to the corresponding labelled sub-ject(s) in the image, and (iii) a subject sighting table, whichmaps specific information in an image to a subject. Fromthese tables, queries are sent to the database to determine

To Appear: The 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Phuket, Thailand, May 19 - 22, 2015.

(a) (b) (c) (d)Figure 3. The three crowdsourced annotation tasks for labelling an unconstrained face detection and recognition dataset. (a) The originalimage. (b) The “bounding box” annotation task, where workers denote the rectangular regions of the face. (c) The “identity verification”task, where workers are asked to select the face corresponding to the labelled person of interest (show in green). (d) The “landmark” tasks,where specific fiducial landmarks are located (independent of one another, shown in red).

which annotations are missing/needed. In turn, the neededannotations are sent to the annotation system for a humanworker to annotate.

As the number of images and annotations grows, the timeneeded for the database to process a query also increases. Atthe same time, as the number of workers grows, the num-ber of requests also increases. Combined, these two factorsprevent the collection of crowdsourced annotations at largescales as workers must wait for the database system to de-termine what annotations are needed next. Instead, a keyfactor to allow the system to scale is the development of aannotation queue, where requests for the next annotationtask are processed and queued before they actually arrive.Thus, when multiple requests come at the same time, theycan be pulled from the queue instead of waiting for databasequeries.

The second server is the file server which hosts the im-ages and video frames. Technically, this component of thesystem is straightforward; however, when serving a largenumber of images to the worker’s interface it is imperativeto host the file server in an environment that can handle suchrequests. To this end, our file server is hosted on Amazon’sS3 storage platform.

The final server is the middleware server, implementedusing Python’s Flask framework, which handles all commu-nications between the annotation system and the databaseand image server using the SQLAlchemy toolkit. The naiveapproach here is to not use a middleware server, and insteadhave the Java applet communicate directly to the databasesystem. However, there are multiple benefits of using theproposed middleware server: (i) computationally intensivetasks can be performed on well-specified hardware, as op-posed to running client-side on a Turk worker’s computer,(ii) updates to the database schema or file server layout donot require any changes to the client front-end, and (iii)database connection information can be hidden from the un-known crowdsourced workers.

To reduce costly communications between the annota-tion system and the middleware, the requesting of HIT’s,in the form of HTTP “GET” requests from the annotationinterface to the middleware, and the return of HIT results,

in the form of HTTP “PUT” requests, can instead be per-formed in batch from the client interface. For our system,we found that serving 10 such requests at a time made asignificant difference in the throughput of the middleware.Another source of delays in the system can occur when themiddleware submits a request to the database; thus, a vitalapproach is to perform such communications in an asyn-chronous manner.

Put together, the flow of information through the sys-tem is as follows. A crowdsourced worker accepts a HITthrough AMT, which causes the annotation applet to beloaded in the worker’s browser. The applet sends the mid-dleware server the assignment ID, the middleware sends arequest to the database server, the database server pulls theresult from the annotation queue, and this is passed back tothe middleware. The middleware pulls the correspondingimage from the file server, and sends the image and annota-tion request to the annotation applet. Once the worker com-pletes the annotation, the resultant information is passedback to the middleware, which is then stored in the database.The worker then accepts another HIT and the process re-peats.

The result of this system of systems is a presumably un-precedented amount of scale for image-based annotations:an average rate of 31,500 annotations per hour. At its peak,the system has processed roughly 46,000 annotations in anhour, which amounts to roughly 10 manual annotations ev-ery second. In total, the system has been used by roughly3,000 workers, who have completed roughly 1.5 million to-tal annotation tasks. Aside from the overall architectural de-sign, a summary of key approach that allows the proposedsystem to achieve such scale are: (i) asynchronous databasecalls, which allows the middleware to serve multiple re-quests at once, (ii) batch GET’s and POST’s into groupsof n annotations, and (iii) an annotation queue to computeexpensive queries in a more paced manner.

4. Consolidating annotationsWhen utilizing crowdsourcing to complete annotations,

three sources of noise exists: (i) systematic biases due toambiguities in how an annotator interprets a given tasks

To Appear: The 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Phuket, Thailand, May 19 - 22, 2015.

(e.g., the exact boundary of a head), (ii) natural vari-ances in the annotators results (e.g., slightly different re-sults if the same annotator annotates the same image twice),and (iii) deliberately malicious annotations (also calledspam [5, 16]). Because of these potential sources of error,five to ten users’ annotations are collected for each task. Inturn, algorithms are needed to consolidate these redundantannotations into a single result. While past work on usingcrowdsourced annotation has predominantly focused on bi-nary or multiple choice labelling tasks, two of our tasks in-volve specifying geometric primitives (rectangular regionsand points). In this section we describe the methods per-formed to consolidate each annotation task.

The output of these annotations are considered “inferredtruths” (as opposed to ground truths), as they are inferredfrom redundant, but noisy, annotations. The general ap-proach for conslidation of all three tasks is detecting and ex-cluding outlying annotations (those that vary severely fromother users’ inputs), followed by an averaging of the re-maining annotations.

Bounding box: Bounding box consolidation is the mostcomplex of our annotation tasks, as both the number andlocation of boxes can vary across annotators. We treat thistask as a clustering problem with an unknown number ofclusters, as we search for clusters of annotated face regionsthat infer the location of a face. The clustering process isperformed iteratively across each of the annotations for agiven image. Let the list LB consist of entries that are setsof bounding boxes, where each set represents the redundantannotations of a single face in the image. Given n totalannotators for an image, the i-th annotation (1 ≥ i ≥ n)will consist of mi total bounding boxes. Let bji , where1 ≥ j ≥ m, represent the j-th bounding box annotatedby person i. An initializer step is performed by populatingthe list LB with m1 sets, each containing a single bound-ing box bj1. Next, for each remaining annotation i′, where2 ≥ i′ ≥ n, and for each bounding box bji′ , the averageoverlap is measured between bji′ and each of the sets in LB .If the average overlap is greater than τO, then bounding boxis added to that set. In our system τO = 0.6. Otherwise, anew set is created with the single entry bji′ , and added to thelist LB . Finally, after processing all n annotations, the listLB will consist of sets of overlapping annotations, ideallycorresponding to each face in the image. However, due tomalicious or erroneous annotations, certain sets in the listmay not correspond to a face. As such, a final pruning stepis preformed, where sets from LB are removed if they donot contain at least τB · n boxes, where τB = 0.6 in oursystem. For each remaining set in LB , the average bound-ing box is computed and used as the inferred truth for theimage.

Identity verification: Identity (ID) verification is a morestraightforward annotation task, as it amounts to asking theusers to provide an answer to a multiple choice question.Consolidation of ID verification is performed by a simple

thresholding: the users’ options are “not present in image”or present in one of the image’s bounding boxes; if one ofthe options has a τI or more fraction of responses, that an-swer is accepted as the inferred truth; else an empty inferredtruth is stored. In our system τI = 0.6. The simplicity ofconsolidating this annotation task, which is similar to previ-ous crowdsourcing efforts, illustrates the relative difficultyof our other two tasks.

Landmarks: Landmarks present a similar challenge asbounding boxes in that location of the annotation points willvary continuously, however only a single annotation is out-put from an annotator thus removing the notable challengeof a variable number of annotations. Given n annotatedpoints pi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, the first step is to cluster thesepoints into an unknown number of clusters. The intuitionis that after clustering, the true landmark location will cor-respond to the cluster with a large number of points, andany annotation errors will fall into other clusters. As such,the following iterative procedure is performed. To begin,an empty list LL is created, whose eventual entries will besets/clusters of landmarks. This list is initialized by addingthe set S1 = {p1}; that is, the first point is added. Next, foreach landmark pi′ , where 2 ≤ i′ ≤ n, the average normal-ized distance dji′ is measured against each of the m sets inLL as:

dji′ =1

mj · s


||Sj(k)− pi′ ||2 (1)

where mj is the number of entries in set Sj , 1 ≤ j ≤ m,and s = max(w, h), wherew and h are the width and heightof the corresponding face bounding box. If dji′ < τL, thenpi′ is added to set Sj . In the case of multiple dji′ being lessthan τL, the closest set is selected. Otherwise, a new setSm+1 = {pi′} is created and added to the list LL. Finally,points in the set with the most entries, which corresponds tothe landmark location, are averaged into the inferred truthpI . In our system, τL = 0.05.

5. Quality metricsFrom the inferred truths generated after the consolida-

tion step, the following information can be measured: (i)the quality of a single annotation, (ii) the quality of an an-notator, and (iii) the inherent difficulty of an image. In thissection we describe how such quality measures are gener-ated. Additionally, we discuss how such measurements canbe used to improve the overall accuracy and efficiency ofcrowdsourced annotations.

Ideally, to determine the quality of incoming annota-tions, a system would compare and evaluate them againstan expertly annotated ground truth. However, this methodwould obviate the economically efficient collection of un-verified annotations through AMT. Instead, we infer an ac-ceptable solution for each annotation from the responses byuntrained annotators.

To Appear: The 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Phuket, Thailand, May 19 - 22, 2015.

(a) (b) (c)Figure 4. Our most complex task to crowdsource was bounding box annotation for all faces in the image. (a) An image annotated withbounding boxes by a single worker; some occluded faces are not labelled correctly. (b) Bounding box annotations from all seven workersassigned this image. (c) The results of bounding box consolidation (in red), where all the faces have been properly annotated.

5.1. Annotation qualityThe annotation quality metric evaluates the accuracy of

a single annotation. The quality score for each of the threeannotation tasks is measured in a similar manner: measur-ing difference between a given annotation and the inferredtruth computed from the consolidation step.

Bounding Box: The bounding box quality score for animage is computed by first measuring the overlap betweeneach inferred truth bounding box and the list of boundingboxes from an annotator, where the maximum overlap iscomputed for each inferred truth box. Thus, withm inferredtruth bounding boxes, the result for the i-th annotations isa vector of overlaps vi ∈ Rm, where 0 ≤ vi(j) ≤ 1, and1 ≤ j ≤ m. Because slightly overlapping bounding boxescan be more problematic than missing bounding boxes, theyare treated with the same penalty score: a score of 0. Thus,the final bounding box quality score qB is computed as:

qB =1


fb(vi(j)) (2)

where fB(·) is computed as:

fB(vi(j)) =

{vi(j) : vi(j) ≥ τO0 : vi(j) < τO


See Section 4 for discussion on τO. Figure 5 shows thedistribution of a sample of 104,093 quality scores from thebounding box task. The shape of the distribution supportsthe existince of systematic biases in labelling (peak is not at1.0), variance in annotators ability (spread of the distribu-tion), and malicious annotations (a second peak at 0.0).

Identity Verification: Quality score for the identity (id)verification task is straightforward: either the annotationmatches inferred truth, in which case a score of 1.0 is as-signed, otherwise it is incorrect, and a score of 0 is assigned.From a sample of the 187,530 ID annotations, 93.6% werecorrect (i.e., received a quality score of 1.0). The sim-plicity of this quality metric again illustrates the differencein difficulty when using crowdsourcing to collect multiple





0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00Bounding box score



of a









0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00Landmark annotation score



of a




(b)Figure 5. Distribution of quality scores for (a) the bounding boxtask, and (b) the landmark annotation task. Each of these distri-bution is bi-modal: the peaks at 0.0 are indicative of maliciousannotators. The main distribution peaks at a score slightly lowerthan 1.0, which indicates biases from the annotators, and has anatural variance which indicates expected noise in the annotationprocess.

choice answers versus geometric primitives (in the case ofthe bounding box and landmark tasks).

Landmarks: When computing landmark annotationquality score, we first measure the distance dL, in pixels,as dL = ||pA − pI ||2, where pA is the annotated point, andpI is the inferred truth point. Let s = max(h,w), where h

To Appear: The 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Phuket, Thailand, May 19 - 22, 2015.

is the height, in pixels, of the face bounding box, and w isthe width. The landmark quality score qL is defined as:

qL =

{1− dL

2·s·τL : dLs ≤ τL0 : dL < τL


The quality metric first thresholds scores that are beyond τLdistance from the inferred truth to be 0. Next, the distanceis linearly scaled such that a max distance of τL results ina quality score of 0.5 and a distance of 0 results in a scoreof 1.0. As seen in Figure 5, the landmark quality metricoffers a similar distribution in terms of a biases peak, a nat-ural variance, and a second peak at 0 indicating potentiallymalicious annotations.

Together with the consolidation algorithms provided inSection 4, the quality metrics can be used to iteratively im-prove the accuracy of the inferred truths. That is, after firstconsolidation, and then measuring annotation quality, anno-tations that score below a given threshold can be removedfrom the system. In turn the consolidation process can berun again, this time containing fewer noisy annotations. Inpractice, generally only two iterations are needed for thisapproach to converge.

5.2. Annotator quality

Annotator quality score is defined as a per-task averageof that user’s annotation scores: thus, a user who partici-pates in each of our tasks will have a score for boundingboxes, a combined score for landmarks and a score for idverifications. The annotator score for a given task is simplythe average of quality scores of his annotations. Computingannotator average scores allows for the identification andpurging of malicious annotators.

5.3. Image difficulty

Certain images are inherently more difficult to annotatethan others. Being able to identity such images allows re-sources to be dynamically allocated in a manner that as-signs fewer workers to easy images and additional anno-tators to more difficult images. In this section we providean algorithm for measuring the inherent difficulty of an im-age which uses the information from the consolidation al-gorithms provided in Section 4.

The proposed approach to measuring image difficulty isto measure the level of disagreement amongst annotators.Notably, our consolidation algorithms discussed in Section4 implement different clustering approaches to combinecorrect annotations together and exclude bad annotations.The results of these clustering approaches are stored in thisLB for bounding box, and LL for landmarks. Let n refer tothe number of annotations performed on a given image.

For the bounding box task, sets of bounding boxes in thelist LB were accepted as face locations if the set containedτB · n entries. Thus, given c sets that exceed this threshold,

the bounding box image difficulty DB is defined as:

DB = 1− c

|LB |(5)

where |LB | is the number of entries in list LB .For id verification, the image difficulty is simply the per-

centage annotators who selected the correct answer. Thus,when unanimous decisions do not occur, the image will bemeasured as being more difficult.

For the landmark annotation task, sets of landmarks arestored in LL. Here, only one of the sets is accepted as in-ferred truth result. Thus, the landmark image difficulty DL

is defined as:DL = 1− 1


An example of images or video frames that were mea-sured as having low difficulty (DB < 0.05) can be found inFigure 6(a), and imagery measure as having high difficulty(DB > 0.8) can be found in Figure 6(b). Such a qualitativeanalysis of the remaining imagery with respect to difficultyscore demonstrated the ability of this method for detectingchallenging imagery. The implication is that the most diffi-cult images can be flagged for annotation by an expert an-notators. Other images can receive a dynamic number ofannotators. For example, after collecting roughly four an-notations, we can automatically determine whether or not tosend an image out for additional crowdsourced annotations,or to send to an expert.

6. ConclusionsA systematic approach was provided for annotating a

fully unconstrained face dataset using crowdsourced work-ers. As face recognition continues to saturate on seminaldatasets such as LFW and YTF, a higher degree of manuallabelling (bounding box for faces and facial landmarks) ofimagery will be required to push the state of the art. Assuch, details were provided on how to systematically de-compose and delegate such tasks and how to implement an-notation systems that can scale to allow hundreds of crowd-sourced workers to work simultaneously. At the same time,as more complex annotation tasks are required, such as an-notation of fiducial landmarks or placement of boundingboxes around objects such as faces, the consolidation of theredundant annotations required when using crowdsourcedlabor becomes more challenging. Thus, algorithms wereprovided for both consolidating such annotations, and au-tomatically measuring worker quality. In our annotationtask for the IJB-A face dataset, a total of 3,302 crowd-sourced workers were employed to annotate 26,120 imagesand video frames. The total number of annotations were1,600,443 at a total cost of $23,120.03. With the describedsystem in place, data annotation can be continually repeatedat high throughputs and low cost. Future work will focuson further automating the system and performing additionalanalysis of annotation results.

To Appear: The 8th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), Phuket, Thailand, May 19 - 22, 2015.

(a) (b)Figure 6. Examples of images that were measured as being inher-ently (a) easy and (b) difficult to annotate for the bounding boxtask using the algorithms described in Section 5.3. The easiestimages typically involve clearly visible faces without any occlu-sions. Difficult images generally involved large crowds, lower res-olutions persons in the background, or ambiguous cases such aspictures on the wall or persons on television screens.


This research is based upon work supported by the Of-fice of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intel-ligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) un-der contract number 2014-14071600010. The views andconclusions contained herein are those of the authors andshould not be interpreted as necessarily representing the of-ficial policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied,of ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Gov-ernment is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprintsfor Governmental purpose notwithstanding any copyrightannotation thereon.

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