ANNUAL REPORT 2003—2006 -...


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ANNUAL REPORT2 00 3 – 2 0 0 6















2006 BOARD OF TRUSTEESPatricia S. AnathanPresident

James WilliamsChairman

Hugh C. MacgillVice Chairman

Gwen P. WeisbergFirst Vice President

Charles A. Teale, Sr.Second Vice President

David W. DangremondThird Vice President

David PudlinTreasurer

W. Harmon LeeteSecretary

C. Paul Beach, Jr.

Newton Brainard

Nicholas A. Davidge

John Green

Dr. Merle W. Harris

Mary Jeanne A. Jones

James B. Lyon

Lawrence V. Mowell, Jr.

Bichop J. Nawrot

Borden W. Painter, Jr.

James R. Reed, Jr.

Lynn A. Szwaja

Judith S. Wawro

Karen Cronin Wheat

Henry M. Zachs


Donald B. Engley

Elizabeth Ewing

Samuel S. Fuller

Sue Fuller

Ellsworth S. Grant

Shepherd M. Holcombe, Sr.

Frances Hoxie

Thomas P. Kugelman, M.D.

J. Bard McNulty

Peter G. Russell

Wilson Wilde

FORMERGeorge L. Estes, IIIPresident 2000-2005

David M. KahnExecutive Director 1996-2006

Cover - top: Students in Tours and Detours through Early Connecticut exhibit. Photograph by John Groo.

Bottom left to right: Hartford steam pumper being lowered into OSH exhibitHistory is All Around Us, January 2006. Gift of the City of Hartford.Photograph by Shana Surek, The Hartford Courant; Detail, flag quilt byMartha Moore Baker, New Britain, 1860s. Photograph by Pook & Pook;Lord family high chest, Colchester, 1765-1785. Gift of Frederick andMargaret K. Barbour. Photograph by Helga Studio; Relocated CHScollections in auditorium during HVAC project, 2006. Staff photo.

A Welcome Messagefrom the President & Executive Director

Dear Friends,

When we hired a new Executive Director in January 2007, Kate Steinway inherited

exciting opportunities as well as major challenges, one of which was publishing an

annual report for the years 2003-2006. These years were consumed by several

all-encompassing projects that changed our institution, including: taking over the

management of the Old State House; creating new visitor experiences at that National

Historic Landmark; and concurrently, planning and upgrading our heating, ventilating,

air conditioning, and fire suppression systems at CHS, a project that required a

complete rehousing of almost all of the Connecticut Historical Society collections.

During this time, our CHS bi-annual report, unfortunately, got pushed to the bottom

of the “to do” list. With all that has been accomplished from 2003-2006, this report is

just a brief overview of highlights from those years.

While the Board and staff are very proud of what we have accomplished during the

past four years, we are even prouder of our relationships with people like you, who

have supported us through your donations of historical objects and documents,

participated at programs, exhibitions, and events, and made generous financial

contributions and gifts of your time.

As we plan for the future, we look forward to enhancing our services to you by

improving access to our collections (both online and onsite) and by providing programs

and opportunities to make Connecticut history come alive.

None of this work would be possible without your continued support and commitment.

It is with our sincere gratitude that we share our 2003-2006 Annual Report with you.

Patricia AnathanPresident

Kate SteinwayExecutive Director

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Kate Steinway

Patricia Anathan

After three years of exhibit design,

program development, capital improve-

ments and management alignment, the

Old State House proudly celebrated this

momentous project with a series of

special events for the public.

The coming together of the CHS and the

Old State House aligned the important

missions of education and protecting and

preserving objects, documents, and

architecture and contributes to our

understanding of the deep and diverse

cultural heritage of the citizens of our

state and the impact their actions have

had on the world.

Providing opportunities for visitors to

connect with history in personal ways,

making each experience meaningful and

relevant to their individual lives through

engaging and informative exhibits and

complementary programming, is the

core focus of the new Old State House

exhibits and programming. To accom-

plish this goal, extensive research was

undertaken and guidance sought from

consulting firms and scholars, resulting

in a variety of highly interactive activities

for people of different ages, interests, and

learning styles.

Over 700 images and 380 authentic

objects and documents from the 1500s

through today are on display in History

Is All Around Us, the new exhibition in

the William Mortensen Gallery, which

also features videos, audio, touch

screens, and hands-on activities.

Using sound effects and narration, the

Aetna audio tour of the historic rooms

takes visitors back and forth through

time where they can “witness” some of

the important events that occurred in

the very rooms in which they are stand-

ing at the OSH.

Creating a vivid immersive experience,

local artist Ted Esselstyn, created a one-

of-a-kind learning environment for the

Emily Seymour Goodwin Holcombe

Education Center. During the week, stu-

dents bring history to life using move-

ment, sound, improvisation, and role

playing in this unique and enchanting

space. On the weekends, families can

explore together the richness of

Connecticut history through dress-up,

arts and crafts, and programming

designed especially for them.

Please join us as we continue to celebrate

the restored prominence of the new Old

State House. The CHS is proud to have

played such a vital role in the Capitol

City and is honored to have worked

beside so many corporate and civic

organizations, and individual citizens to

make this happen.

The Old State House

Above: At the grand opening, left to right:Hartford Fire Chief Charles Teale,Travelers’ Marlene Ibsen, ConnecticutHumanities Council’s Bruce Fraser,Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez, CHS BoardPresident Patricia Anathan, HonoraryTrustee Shepherd M. Holcombe, Sr.,Acting Executive Director MarionLeonard. Photograph by Jeff Sabiech.

Above: A couple review objects in History Is AllAround Us. Photograph by Jeff Sabiech.

Below: Visitors of all ages enjoy the activities and displays in History Is All Around Us. Photograph byJeff Sabiech.

Thousands of people joined together

for the week-long Grand Opening

Celebration of the Old State House

including music, theater, crafts, and

activities for kids, balloon artists,

roaming performers, and much more!

Special thanks to the Museum of

Connecticut History, the Hartford

Public Library, the Hartford Courant,

and the many individuals who have

supported this important project.

Your support has brought this com-

munity treasure to life. Major gifts


• State of Connecticut Department of Economic and CommunityDevelopment

• William and Alice MortensenFoundation

• Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

• Shepherd M. Holcombe, Sr.

• Connecticut Humanities Council

• Aetna Foundation

• Travelers

• Zachs Family Foundation

• The Larsen Fund

• The Hartford

• Greater Hartford Arts Council

• Maximilian E. and Marion O.Hoffman Foundation

• Hartford Courant Foundation





Top: Grand Opening of History Is AllAround Us in the William MortensenGallery. Photograph by Jeff Sabiech.

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Over 1,800 items were added to the Museum Collections through gifts,

bequests, and purchases during the last four years. With each new

acquisition, Museum Collections evolved in scope and depth, increas-

ing opportunities for new insights in research activities and providing

additional subjects for exhibitions. Space limitations do not permit us

to recognize the many extraordinary donations and acquisitions made

during this time. However, we would like to highlight several promi-

nent additions to our collections in this report of activities. One notable

piece was included in the award-winning CHS publication Connecticut

Valley Furniture: Eliphalet Chapin and His Contemporaries, 1750-1800;

others added greater dimension to CHS collections focusing on the

history of Connecticut’s people, technology, and the arts.

To the incomparable CHS furniture collection were added a late

18th-century chest-on-chest from the renowned Barbour collection,

a pre-Revolutionary tall case clock, an elaborate Victorian side-

board, and patterns and photographs from Hartford furniture

restorer Paul Koda.

The growth of the CHS’s visual arts collection continued with the

addition of several oil portraits and miniatures from the 18th and

19th centuries, as well as a print by the American Impressionist

Childe Hassam. A unique collection of tools and samples from

the lost art of hand-beating gold leaf was added to the museum’s

collection of technology.

New celebrity items included inaugural gowns donated by recent

Connecticut First Ladies; Mark Twain’s traveling bag; and Katharine

Hepburn’s golf clubs, tennis racquet, and apparel.

We are particularly proud of the headway made in creating greater

access to our collections during the last four years. Watch our website

in the coming months as we prepare to unveil our Museum

Collections database (over 10,000 object records, most with images).

We also continue to partner with other Connecticut institutions to

expand the popular digital library, Connecticut History Online.

CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S 3

Above Left: Pattern from Hartford furniture restorer Paul Koda. Gift of Paul S.Koda. Staff Photo.

Above: Chest-on-chest, possibly Silas Rice shop, Wallingford, 1790-1810. Bequestof Thomas Barbour. Photograph by Helga Studio.

Below: Katharine Hepburn’s jacket and slacks. Staff Photo.

Museum Collections

CHS exhibitions provide opportunities

for visitors to explore Connecticut’s histo-

ry through historical artifacts, hands-on

activities, and immersive environments

that excite the imagination and connect

the past with the present. Generous fund-

ing from individuals, corporations and

foundations permits us to continue devel-

oping these important exhibitions.


Chance, Choice and Change: Coming to

Connecticut (Opened April 2004)

Students learn about the impact of

immigration and cultural transformation

in Connecticut. Photograph by John Groo.


Heroes, Heartthrobs and Horrors:

Celebrating Connecticut’s Invention

of the American Comic Book

(10/19/03 – 9/7/04)

This engaging exhibition captured the

excitement and magnetism of comic

books by highlighting Connecticut’s role

in the creation of the first comic book

and the impact of comic books on

American culture using examples pub-

lished here in Connecticut.

Are We Clean Yet? (10/10/04 – 6/5/05)

Infusing fun into the everyday, visitors

were encouraged to answer the question,

Are We Clean Yet? Using items from CHS

collections, the exhibit was a lightheart-

ed look at the pursuit of cleanliness over

two centuries.

Connecticut Valley Furniture by

Eliphalet Chapin and His

Contemporaries, 1750-1800

Concord Museum: 1/29/05 – 6/5/05

CHS: 6/23/05 – 1/15/06

This traveling exhibition, complemented

by an award-winning publication, drew

audiences from far and wide. The culmina-

tion of the Hartford Case Furniture Study,

the exhibition was an example of the col-

laborative work that is being done by the

CHS, our academic network, and the gen-

erosity of our donors and supporters.

September 11, 2001: Connecticut

Responds and Reflects (9/5/06 – 10/1/06)

Created in conjunction with the 5th anniver-

sary of the event that changed America, this

powerful exhibition will travel to a different

Connecticut town every September through

2010, providing the public an opportunity for

remembrance and celebration of the lives of

those whose loss irreparably changed our lives.

DISPLAYS IN CHS ENTRYOver the years, the entrance hallway has

come to life with displays providing

insights into the world around us, as

seen through the eyes of Connecticut

residents. During the last four years, it

has been our honor to present: Political

Threads: Three Decades of Connecticut

First Ladies’ Dresses, 1971-2001;

Witness to War, (organized by the

Jewish Historical Society); Picturing

Connecticut: Prints and Drawings of

Connecticut Towns and Cities, 1830-

1900; and Camera at War: World War II

Photographs of the Pacific Theater

Through Art Kiely's Camera.

ExhibitionsEach of our major exhibitions has been

a cause for gala celebrations and an

opportunity to raise needed dollars in

support of our educational initiatives.

James Dean and Marilyn Monroe (sup-porter Anne Healey) were among thecelebrities at A Comic Caper in 2003 atHeroes, Heartthrobs, and Horrors:Celebrating Connecticut’s Invention ofthe American Comic Book. Photographby Jeff Sobiech.

CHS Staff joined guests in 2004 at GoodClean Fun, the gala celebrating the exhi-bition Are We Clean Yet? Photograph byJeff Sobiech.

Trustee Charles A. Teale, Sr. dons shades,beads, and headband in the spirit ofWoodstock, the 2005 gala highlightingConnecticut Valley Furniture byEliphalet Chapin and HisContemporaries, 1750-1800.Photograph by Jeff Sobiech.

Special thanks to the members of our

Gala committees whose generosity of

time and talent ensured the tremen-

dous successes our fundraising efforts

have enjoyed. Your gifts have made

these extraordinary events possible! CE





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The CHS brings history to life for almost

20,000 students in grades pre-K through

12 annually, making us one of the largest

providers of museum education programs

in Connecticut. Our hands-on programs

help students find connections between his-

tory and their own lives, connect to school

curricula, and show kids that museums are

fun places to learn!

MUSEUM TOURS & OUTREACHIn both 2003/4 and 2004/5, the CHS

served over 16,000 students from across

Connecticut through thematic museum

tours, primary source workshops, and

classroom outreach programs. In the

2005/6 school year, we served a record

9,000 students through programs in their

schools. Grants from local foundations

and corporations and the Institute for

Museum and Library Services enabled the

CHS to pilot and implement a three-year

Hartford 4th and 5th Grade Social Studies

Initiative, which provided a series of muse-

um visits and classroom programs for

Hartford students.

INTERDISTRICT SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPSInterdistrict School Partnership Programs

grew out of a State Department of

Education initiative to promote cultural

diversity and increase student achievement.

Fourth and fifth grade classes from urban

schools partner with classes from suburban

or rural schools for visits to area museums

and sites. Over the past three years, the

Interdistrict Programs have received almost

$624,000 in state, federal, corporate, and

foundation support, making it possible to

expand our services from 837 students in

2003/4 to 964 students in 2005/6.


Connecticut, part of the National History

Day Program, which encourages young his-

torians to develop their research and analy-

sis skills. Approximately 1,100 students

annually present their papers, exhibits, doc-

umentaries, and performances at district

competitions, with the winners advancing

to the state contest in the spring.

TEACHING AMERICAN HISTORYThree-year federal Teaching American

History grants are awarded to school dis-

tricts, who, in partnership with universities,

libraries, and museums, work collaborative-

ly to improve teachers’ knowledge and

understanding of U.S. history. Between

2003 and 2006, the CHS was a principal

partner in three new projects funded

through the Bridgeport Public Schools and

the Hartford Public Schools. Activities

included the development of classroom his-

tory kits, hands-on workshops, a Historian-

in-Residence program, and coordination of

scholarly lectures.

School Programs

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Above Left: Students explore Native American toolswith museum educator. Photograph by John Groo.

Above Right: Students work together during a classroom outreach program. Photograph by John Groo.

Left: Students examine reproduction artifacts and try to determine their uses. Photograph by John Groo.

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Library holdings have grown significantly over the last four years.

Manuscript acquisitions covering every aspect of Connecticut’s

history from the papers of political figures such as those of former

Hartford mayor William H. Mortensen; to documents from the

Hitchcock Chair Company Museum and the archives of the

prominent Hartford furniture restorer Paul Koda; to an important

collection of the Hart and Jarvis Connecticut Western Reserve

records from 1811-1883 which share the story of America’s west-

ward expansion, all have found a place among our ever growing

collections. Also during this period, through the generosity of Mr.

Cornell Lewis, the CHS acquired the records and papers of the

Greater Hartford YMCA. These important documents trace the

history of the founding, growth, and management of the largest

YMCA organization in the State.

COLLECTIONS PRESERVATION AND ACCESSCritical to meeting our mission is the conservation work we oversee.

Without these efforts, many primary source documents would

be forever lost. Through CSH’s efforts, important manuscript

diaries, several books, and multiple maps underwent conservation

treatment including:

The Diary of Nathan Hale, one of the most important diaries in

the library collections and one of CHS’s premier treasures. The

diary ends about two weeks before Hale was captured and hanged

by the British during the Revolutionary War.

Governor and Company of Connecticut and Mohegan Indians, an

extremely rare account of Native American tribes and their relations

with settlers, published in London in 1769.

Capt. Parker’s Chart of Saybrook Barr (1771), the only copy known

to exist of this early nautical chart of part of the Connecticut coast.

A PLACE FOR RESEARCHThe CHS welcomed twelve New England Regional Fellowship

Consortium fellows to our research facility. Their research covered

a broad spectrum of topics as diverse as our collections themselves.

It is our honor and privilege to welcome scholars, academics,

students, as well as the public to our state-of-the-art library

facility each year.

Library Collections

Below Left: Manuscript stacks before upgrade, 2005. Staff photo.

Below Right: Manuscript stacks after HVAC and storage upgrade, 2005. Staff photo.

Above: Roller skating rink advertising card, 1940s. Gift of Gary Potter. Staff Photo.




LASSETS 2003 2004 2005 2006

Current Assets $ 313,372 $ 447,989 $ 547,342 $ 1,975,627


Endowment Fund $31,026,961 $32,389,221 $32,991,517 $35,024,079

Perpetual Trusts $ 5,229,136 $ 5,354,105 $ 5,347,467 $ 5,763,880

Property& Equipment $ 2,078,189 $ 2,005,475 $ 2,120,312 $ 4,363,133

Other Assets $ 26,845 $ 33,389 $ 52,265 $ 36,081

Total Assets $38,674,503 $40,230,179 $41,058,903 $47,162,800


Current Liabilities $ 535,874 $ 557,774 $ 826,750 $ 2,775,790

Net Assets:

Unrestricted $19,898,030 $20,879,450 $21,349,775 $24,511,269

Temporarily Restricted $ 9,042,067 $ 9,457,453 $ 9,553,514 $ 9,829,464

Permanently Restricted $ 9,198,532 $ 9,335,502 $ 9,328,864 $10,046,277

Total Liabilities& Net Assets $38,674,503 $40,230,179 $41,058,903 $47,162,800

2003 2004 2005 2006



Endowment/Investments $ 1,709,507 $ 1,845,630 $ 2,057,723 $ 3,147,009

Interest/Transfers $ 244,225 $ 147,182 $ 3,444 $ 15,341

Trusts $ 240,387 $ 234,509 $ 229,446 $ 223,827


Admissions/Fees/Shop $ 231,977 $ 388,618 $ 397,132 $ 280,160


Foundations/Corporations $ 321,424 $ 375,840 $ 428,735 $ 1,107,465

Government $ 498,983 $ 652,393 $ 1,581,034 $ 3,421,183

Individuals-General $ 287,197 $ 792,104 $ 383,461 $ 389,489

Total Revenue $ 3,533,700 $ 4,436,276 $ 5,080,975 $ 8,584,474


Exhibits $ 497,519 $ 343,953 $ 495,309 $ 3,133,837

Museum Collections $ 603,783 $ 600,093 $ 723,010 $ 649,527

Education $ 713,624 $ 702,730 $ 795,365 $ 856,022

Library $ 521,921 $ 480,275 $ 470,715 $ 474,388

Development& Public Relations $ 442,651 $ 756,471 $ 564,919 $ 456,097

Facilities $ 513,146 $ 398,019 $ 404,264 $ 352,752

Old State House – $ 417,336 $ 987,749 $ 236,027

Administration $ 245,089 $ 183,875 $ 245,962 $ 330,957

Total Expenses $ 3,537,733 $ 3,882,752 $ 4,687,293 $ 6,489,607

Results of Operations $ (4,033) $ 553,524 $ 393,682 $ 2,094,867

Financial Statements


BALANCE SHEET at December 31

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External Affairs

We are most grateful for the generous grant support received during this period, but space

limitations preclude us from mentioning all grants. Grant funders under $20,000 are

acknowledged in the Donor List.

2003· State of Connecticut Department of Economicand Community Development (History Is AllAround Us and other Old State Houseimprovements; $3,000,000)

· Hartford Foundation for Public Giving(History Is All Around Us and other Old StateHouse improvements; $390,000)

· Institute for Museum and Library Services(Hartford 4th- and 5th-Grade Social StudiesInitiative; $150,000)

· State of Connecticut Department of Education(We’re Making CT History; $86,864)

· Connecticut Humanities Council (Heroes,Heartthrobs and Horrors: Connecticut’sInvention of the American Comic Book;$60,000)

· Institute for Museum and Library Services(conservation treatment of oil paintings;$50,000)

· State of Connecticut Department of Education(Shared Stories; $42,770)

· National Endowment for the Arts (ConnecticutValley Furniture by Eliphalet Chapin and HisContemporaries, 1750-1800; $25,000)

· Edward C. and Anne T. Roberts Foundation(Connecticut Valley Furniture by EliphaletChapin and His Contemporaries, 1750-1800;$20,000)

· MassMutual (Heroes, Heartthrobs and Horrors:Connecticut’s Invention of the American ComicBook; $20,000)

2004· William and Alice Mortensen Foundation(William Mortensen Gallery at the Old StateHouse; $1,000,000)

· National Endowment for the Humanities(HVAC - Collections Stabilization; $650,000)

· National Endowment for the Humanities(homelife collections documentation; $180,000)

· Institute for Museum and Library Services(Interdistrict Programs; $150,000)

· State of Connecticut Department of Education(We’re Making CT History; $86,864)

· Institute for Museum and Library Services(conservation treatment of flags; $50,000)

· Connecticut Humanities Council (ConnecticutValley Furniture by Eliphalet Chapin and HisContemporaries, 1750-1800; $45,850)

· State of Connecticut Department of Education(Shared Stories; $42,770)

· Connecticut Humanities Council (Old StateHouse Audience Survey; $20,000)

· The Hartford (Old State House Education;$20,000)

2005· Hartford Foundation for Public Giving(HVAC - Collections Stabilization; $275,000)

· Institute for Museum and Library Services(collections storage; $150,000)

· State of Connecticut Department of Education(We’re Making CT History; $134,275)

· Connecticut Humanities Council (History IsAll Around Us; $80,000)

· Aetna Foundation (Old State House AudioTour; $75,000)

· State of Connecticut Department of Education(Shared Stories; $62,882)

· Greater Hartford Arts Council (Old StateHouse operating support; $50,000)

· Hartford Foundation for Public Giving(CHS/OSH Strategic Plan; $23,000)

· State of Connecticut Commission on Cultureand Tourism (September 11, 2001: ConnecticutResponds and Reflects; $20,000)

· National Endowment for the Arts (catalogKellogg Brothers of Hartford lithographs;$20,000)

2006· State of Connecticut Department of Economicand Community Development (HVAC -Collections Stabilization; $500,000)

· State of Connecticut Department of Economicand Community Development (Old StateHouse operating support; $200,000)

· State of Connecticut Department of Education(We’re Making CT History; $124,876)

· Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund at theHartford Foundation for Public Giving (cata-log G. Fox Collection; $78,250)

· State of Connecticut Department of Education(Shared Stories; $58,480)

· Greater Hartford Arts Council (Old StateHouse operating support; $50,000)

· Institute for Museum and Library Services(conservation treatment of silhouettes; $46,486)

· State of Connecticut Commission on Cultureand Tourism (September 11, 2001: ConnecticutResponds and Reflects; $45,000)

· Coby Foundation, LTD., (research for catalogof needlework collection; $40,000)

· The Larsen Fund (History Is All Around Us;$25,000)

· Connecticut Humanities Council (CollaborativeMarketing Plan; $24,000)

· Greater Hartford Arts Council & ConnecticutHumanities Council (Old State House EducationCoordinator; $23,400)

· Carrier Corporation (HVAC - CollectionsStabilization; $22,000)

· Comcast (Interdistrict Programs; $20,270)

· National Endowment for the Arts (research forcatalog of needlework collection; $20,000)

The External Affairs department

has had the great privilege to create

programs and special events that

celebrate today’s Connecticut,

bringing our members, funders,

supporters, and the general public

whom we serve together in celebra-

tion. Thank you for being part of

the CHS Community!

Leigh and Leslie Keno were the featuredspeakers at the opening of the exhibitConnecticut Valley Furniture byEliphalet Chapin and HisContemporaries, 1750-1800 in June2005. Photograph by John Groo.

A series of informative workshops andprograms were held in conjunction withthe Chapin exhibition. Photograph byJohn Groo.

WNPR’s Anne Garrels kicks off theNational Public Radio Series hosted atthe CHS in October 2003. Staff photo.

In June 2006, over 1,000 guests attendedThe Brew Fest at the Old State House.Staff photo.CO




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Donors & Gifts

2003$1,000,000+ State of Connecticut

$100,000 - $999,999 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Institute of Museum and Library Services

State of Connecticut Department of Education

$25,000 -$99,999 Connecticut Humanities Council


National Endowment for the Arts

$10,000. -$24,999 The Americana Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Estes III

Greater Hartford Arts Council

The Edward C. and Anne T. RobertsFoundation

$5,000 - $9,999 Guy Carpenter & Company, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dangremond

Discover RE Managers, Inc.

Ensworth Charitable Foundation

Furthermore: A Program of the J. M. KaplanFund

Hartford Courant Foundation

Marvel Enterprises, Inc.

Mr. Geoffrey S. Paul

Phoenix Foundation

Travelers Property Casualty Corp.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wilde

William T. Grant Foundation

Zachs Family Foundation, Inc.

$2,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Davidge

GE Insurance Solutions

George A. and Grace L. Long Foundation


Larsen Fund/Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Larsen

Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russell

Shipman & Goodwin LLP

$1,000 - $2,499 Advest, Inc.

Albemarle Equities, LLC


Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Copeland, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgibbon

Marty D. Flanders

Samuel S. Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth S. Grant

Shepherd M. Holcombe, Sr.

Mary Jeanne A. Jones

Kaman Corporation

Kohn-Joseloff Foundation, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kugelman

Mr. and Mrs. W. Harmon Leete

James B. Lyon

Hugh C. Macgill and Nancy T. Rankin

Maletta and Company

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Mowell, Jr.

Nathan Liverant and Son

Bichop and Linda Nawrot

New Country Motor Cars

Palmer & Cay Holdings, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Pearson

Pullman & Comley, LLC

Margaret A. E. Rankin *

John C. and Bernice A. Rieg

Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Schonberger

Theodore M. Space and Martha Collins

Trinity College

UBS Realty Investors LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wagner

$500 - $999 All Waste Inc.

Susan B. Aller


Mr. and Mrs. Newton C. Brainard III

Richard and Carla Bue

C. Sally Daly *

Elizabeth Ewing

Sue E. Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Goodell

Mr. David R. Harris and Dr. Merle W.Harris

Hartford Courant

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Higham

Aaron Hollander Fund

Simon Hollander Fund

David M. Kahn

Michael Konover in honor of James Tilney

David Pudlin

David H. Rhinelander

Mrs. and Mr. John H. Riege

Frances and Allyn Seymour

Society of the Descendants of the Foundersof Hartford

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Threlfall

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Tilney

Judith S. Wawro

Mark Lawrence D. Wawro and MelanieGray in honor of Judith Wawro

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Sal Zaffino

$100 - $499 Quincy S. Abbot

Mr. Theodore B. Alfond

Alstom Power Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan


Francis J. Asklar

John Avignone

Evelyn P. Beatty

Warren C. Blake

Phillip and Ellen Blumberg

Barbara P. Boucot

Mr. and Mrs. Iain Boyer

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Brainard

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Brown, Jr.

Mrs. Robinson D. Buck

Harold and Joyce Buckingham

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bulkeley

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Chapin, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephan L. Christiansen

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chudwick

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clemow

Connecticut Agricultural EducationFoundation Inc.

Connecticut Coordinating Committee forthe Promotion of History

Connecticut Natural Gas Corp.

Connecticut Quilt Search Project

Connecticut Society of the Sons of theAmerican Revolution

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Connelly

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conway

Mrs. J. Noyes Crary

Joyce M. Cropsey

Lucy Bartlett Crosbie

Ms. E. F. Davis

Cornelia H. Dayton

Mr. Al DeTota

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dixon III

John and Barbara Donahue

Dalila Dos Santos

Ruth C. Douglass

Dr. John Rogers African American CulturalCenter, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Druckemiller

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Eacott, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jared I. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Engley

Mr. and Mrs. James F. English, Jr.

Faith Congregational Church/Rev. Dr.Barbara Headley

Mr. and Mrs. Benedict D. Flynn III

Ms. Anne P. Ford

Dr. Thomas Freund and Ms. Diane Mineck

Frances M. Gilman *

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley J. Godfrey, Jr.

John Green

Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Griebel

CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S 9

OUR GRATITUDE… The Connecticut Historical Society and the Old State House gratefully

acknowledge the generous contributions, grants, and sponsorships from our individual, corporate,

foundation, and government supporters. These donations helped make possible the important educational

offerings, special projects and programs, exhibitions, collection expansion and conservation, community

service, and capital improvements that are all part of our important mission to collect, preserve, and

interpret the history of the diverse people - past and present - who have made our state their home. We thank

all of our donors including those who, because of space restraints, cannot be listed here.

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hanuschak

Richard C. Harper

W. Ross Hatch

Anne Healey

John A. Herdeg

Roger S. Hinze

Sherry and Edward Holt

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Howard

Virginia W. Hughes

Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Hurwit

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ingham

H. K. Chris Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Johnson

Mark D. Jones

Joan J. Kohn

Georgette A. Koopman *

Nickolas Kotula

Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Kuckro

Michelle L. Kunzman

The Hon. Hernan LaFontaine and Mrs.Evelyn LaFontaine

Mr. and Mrs. John Langeland

Joanne Lawson and James J. King

Charles and Joan Leach

Jane A. Lennox

Billie M. Levy

M. P. Guinan Associates

Regina and James Madigan

Drs. Conrad L. Mallett and Claudia G. Mallett

Bruce H. Mann

Paul S. Marshall, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert U. Massey

Joseph P. McMahon

J. Bard McNulty

Rod and Pam Morgan

Marjorie E. Morrissey

Mrs. A. Henry Moses

Mary and Tom Mullaney

Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy

John M. Murrin

Elizabeth J. Normen and Paul H. Eddy

Felicia O'Keefe

Ashley W. Olmsted *

Edwin J. Prior

Millard and Claire Pryor

Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Putterman

James R. Reed, Jr.

Mr. William S. Reese and The Reese Family

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rettig

Gail-Marie Rogers

John K. Rudd

Appleton H. Seaverns

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Seymour

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sherman

Michael A. Shortell

Norman C. Smith

Robert H. Smith, Jr.

Elizabeth L. Snow

Sonic Rim, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Springman


Mr. and Mrs. Talcott Stanley

Mr. David A. Stansbury and The StansburyFamily

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stoddard

Mr. Michael Suisman and Mrs. Elsa DaspinSuisman

DeLois Traynum-Lindsey

William H. Tripp, M.D.

Heidi Tuttle

Barbara B. Ulrich

Mr. and Mrs. Gael D. Ulrich

Venora Electric, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Visintainer

Mark and Dawn von Mayrhauser

Joseph S. Ward

Paula M. Whitcomb

Roy Wiseman and Lisa Kugelman, M.D.

Ruth L. Woodford

Ann V. Wuelfing

Eleanor E. Zajac

Zysk Bros. Landscaping, Inc.

Armand Korzenik Memorial Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Merwin A. Adelberg

Susan B. Aller

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Bent

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Billyou

Barbara Bojonell

John L. Bonee

Eleanor N. Caplan

Virginia Costello

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Demuth

Beverly V. Dobbin

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Elsner, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Greenberg

Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Hook

Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Huntsman

Maxine Kates

Arthur J. Kiely, Jr.

Joseph and Bruce Korzenik

Ann Z. Leventhal

Stephen Lewis

Mr. and Mrs. Worth Loomis

Mr. and Mrs. L. Richard Lyman

Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Merin

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron J. Perlman

Eileen S. Pollack

Jacob Psutka

Elvia C. Strom

Michael Sudarsky

Mr. and Mrs. Abel M. Tangarone

Colonel W. A. Wilson

Ruth Blair Memorial Gifts Gerald M. Cruthers

Roger Hinze

Margery Lyman Izard

Frances E. Waltman

Bequests – 2003 – 2006 Raymond D. Cable

Gennaro J. Capobianco

Russell Cowles

C. Sally Daly

Mary W. Edwards

Rev. Robert Lansing Edwards

Juanita Ann Elwell

Eleanor Martin

Mary Munger

Elizabeth Ohde

Margaret A. E. Rankin

Margaret S. Rochford

Thomas L. Smith III

M. Allen Swift

Josephine C. Tilney

Margaret B. Zacher

2004 $1,000,000+ The William and Alice Mortensen


$100,000- $999,999 Institute of Museum and Library Services

National Endowment for the Humanities

State of Connecticut Department of Education

$25,000 - $99,999 Anonymous

Connecticut Humanities Council

$10,000 - $24,999 Mr. and Mrs. George L. Estes III

GE Insurance Solutions

The Hartford

Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection andInsurance Company

John L. and Marjorie P. McGraw

Zachs Family Foundation, Inc.

$5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dangremond

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Davidge

Discover RE Managers, Inc.

Guy Carpenter & Company, Inc.

The Estate of Paul Koda

Leigh Keno American Antiques

Northeast Auctions by Ronald Bourgeault, LLC

The Paul Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russell

Travelers Property Casualty Corp.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wilde

$2,500 - $4,999 Sue E. Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth S. Grant

Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs Company ofConnecticut, L.L.C.


Mr. and Mrs. W. Harmon Leete

George A. and Grace L. Long Foundation

Pullman & Comley, LLC

Shipman & Goodwin LLP

Judith S. Wawro

$1,000 -$2,499 Advest, Inc.

Albemarle Equities Llc

Morrison and Evelyn Beach

Cheney Family Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Copeland, Jr.

Lawrence and Nancy Dickson

Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgibbon

Marty D. Flanders

Greater Hartford Arts Council

Mary Jeanne A. Jones

Kohn-Joseloff Foundation, Inc.

Simon and Doris Konover

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kugelman

Larsen Fund/Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Larsen

James B. Lyon

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maine

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Marechal

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Mowell, Jr.

New Country Motor Cars

Palmer & Cay Holdings, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Pearson

David H. Rhinelander

Society of the Descendants of the Foundersof Hartford

State of Connecticut Commission onCulture and Tourism

The Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb MemorialCharitable Trust

Trinity College

Turner Construction Company

UBS Realty Investors LLC

Wenda C. Wilcox

$500 - $999 Susan B. Aller


Mr. and Mrs. Newton C. Brainard III

Connecticut Quilt Search Project

Mary W. Edwards *

Mr. and Mrs. Jared I. Edwards

Samuel S. Fuller

Mr. David R. Harris and Dr. Merle W. Harris

Hartford Courant

Shepherd M. Holcombe, Sr.

Aaron Hollander Fund

Simon Hollander Fund

Virginia W. Hughes

David M. Kahn

Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Kuckro

Deborah A. Laird

Hugh C. Macgill and Nancy T. Rankin

Regina and James Madigan

Bichop and Linda Nawrot

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Peardon, Jr.

David Pudlin

Robinson & Cole LLP

Dr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Salner

Frances and Allyn Seymour

Theodore M. Space and Martha Collins

Lynn A. Szwaja and Douglas Crawford

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Tilney

Mark Lawrence D. Wawro and MelanieGray in honor of Judith Wawro

Gwen P. Weisberg

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams

Yankee Gas Services Company

$100 -$499 Quincy S. Abbot


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Avery

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Barnes

Luella P. Bartes

Arline J. Baum

Evelyn P. Beatty

Barbara J. Beeching

Warren C. Blake

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Blakelock

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Booth

Geraldine R. Boyd

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Brainard

Robert and Robin Brass

Dr. and Mrs. William R. Bronson

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Brown, Jr.

Mrs. Robinson D. Buck

Harold and Joyce Buckingham

Richard and Carla Bue

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bulkeley

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bush

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Byrnes

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cantwell

Blanche M. Capilos and David Biklen

Mr. and Mrs. Stephan L. Christiansen

Mrs. John H. Conard

1 0 CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Connelly

Joyce M. Cropsey

Connecticut Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History

Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

Stephen and Mary Beth Daniel

Ms. E. F. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeCrescenzo

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dixon III

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dobbins

John and Barbara Donahue

Dr. John Rogers African American CulturalCenter, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Driscoll, Jr.

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Druckemiller

Mrs. John E. Ellsworth

Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Engley

Mr. and Mrs. James F. English, Jr.

Joanne L. Eudy

Elizabeth Ewing

Robert and Bobbie Falk

Robert E. Fanning

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Ferrigno

Mr. and Mrs. Benedict D. Flynn III

Bob and Kathanne Fowler

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Franz

Jeff and Ruth Freymann

Friday Club

Roger J. Gay

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley J. Godfrey, Jr.

Mrs. Harry J. Gray

Joseph C. Haffey

Irma and Mort Handel

The Hark Family

Richard C. Harper

Sue B. Hart

Hartford Hospital

David M. Hatheway

Norman F. Hausmann

Anne Healey

Mary M. Heslin

Roger S. Hinze

Hog River Journal

Ann W. Humphreville

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hunter

Dr. and Mrs. Albert C. Hurwit

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hyland

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ingham

Alida R. Jewett

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Johnson

Mark D. Jones

Jeffrey and Llyn Kaimowitz

Marybeth Keene

Karen A. Kelleher

Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Kennedy

Killian, Donohue & Jaffe, LLC

Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Kosto

Mrs. Michelle L. Kunzman

Joanne Lawson and James J. King

Charles and Joan Leach

Marion and John Leonard

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Levere

Billie M. Levy

Maletta and Company

Mr. and Mrs. Michael McAndrews

Kenneth and Susan McClen

Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGoldrick

Bill and Susan McQuillan

Dr. Marylouise D. Meder

Beth Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Milliken

Mr. and Mrs. John Moore

Rod and Pam Morgan

Mary and Tom Mullaney

Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy

Elizabeth J. Normen and Paul H. Eddy

Charles and Lois Norton

Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael O'Halloran

Olmstead Family Association

Parisky Group

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Parry

Melissa and Christopher Pattacini

Sidney D. Pinney, Jr.

Gary W. Potter

William and Merrill Prachar

James R. Reed, Jr.

Regina Madigan Appraisals

Marion and Ed Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rosensweig

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Rowland

John K. Rudd

Saint Joseph College

Joe and Mary Sargent

Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Saunders

Frederick W. Sawyer III

Dr. and Mrs. Peter Schauer

Appleton H. Seaverns

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Seymour

Mr. and Mrs. Barry N. Sisk

Pia Sjolin

Earl M. Smith, Jr.

Robert H. Smith, Jr.

Elizabeth L. Snow

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Solan

Martha D. Soper

Ira Spar, M.D.

Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Springman

Mr. and Mrs. Talcott Stanley

Dr. Frank A. Stone

The Hon. and Mrs. George D. Stoughton

Mr. Michael Suisman and Mrs. Elsa DaspinSuisman

Charles A. Surko

Mr. and Mrs. M. Philip Susag

Chief Charles A. Teale and Mrs. Helaine Teale

Dr. Benjamin W. Thomas

Marie-Louise Trainer

William H. Tripp, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Van Dorn III

Mark and Dawn von Mayrhauser

Joseph S. Ward

Watkinson School

Virginia S. Way

Warren Brinson Weeks, Jr.

Dr. Nancy Weinstein and Mr. Robert Stiehler

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wilson

Susan L. Winter

Ruth L. Woodford

Yale University - Gilder Lehrman Center

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Yeisley

David and Nancy Zwiener

Zysk Bros. Landscaping, Inc.

2005 $100,000 - $999,999 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

State of Connecticut Department of Education

Institute of Museum and Library Services

$25,000 - $99,999 Aetna Foundation

Connecticut Humanities Council

Steven and Liz Goldstone

Greater Hartford Arts Council

$10,000. - $24,999 Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation

Mr. and Mrs. George L. Estes III

The Maximilian E. & Marion O. HoffmanFoundation, Inc.

Henry Luce Foundation

National Endowment for the Arts

State of Connecticut Commission onCulture and Toursim

State of Connecticut Department of Education

Zachs Family Foundation Inc.

$5,000 -$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dangremond

Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth S. Grant and theMarion Houghton Hepburn GrantPublication Fund

Hartford Courant Foundation

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kugelman

Museum Loan Network

Nathan Liverant and Son

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Riordan


$2,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan

Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Budd

Discover RE Managers, Inc.

Sue E. Fuller

Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs Company ofConnecticut, L.L.C.

Shepherd M. Holcombe, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Harmon Leete

Pullman & Comley, LLC

Shipman & Goodwin LLP

Skinner, Inc.

Judith S. Wawro

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wilde

$1,000 - $2,499 The Asher Family Foundation

Janet R. Bacon

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Brown, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Copeland, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Davidge

Du Bose Associates, Inc.

Marty D. Flanders

Paul S. Koda

Kohn-Joseloff Foundation, Inc.

Larsen Fund/Mr. and Mrs. ChristopherLarsen

James B. Lyon

Hugh C. Macgill and Nancy T. Rankin

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Marechal

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Mowell, Jr.

Nadeau's Auction Gallery Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Pearson

Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russell

Society of the Cincinnati in Connecticut

Chief Charles A. Teale and Mrs. HelaineTeale

Trinity College

Turner Construction Company

UBS Realty Investors LLC

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams

Winter Associates

Yale Friends of American Art

$500 - $999 Susan B. Aller

Alstom Power Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Newton C. Brainard III

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Chapin, Jr.


Connecticut Quilt Search Project

Mrs. J. Noyes Crary

Mr. and Mrs. Jared I. Edwards

Elsie A. Brown Fund, Inc.

Samuel S. Fuller

Mr. David R. Harris and Dr. Merle W. Harris

Hartford Courant

Aaron Hollander Fund

Simon Hollander Fund

Virginia W. Hughes

Mary Jeanne A. Jones

David M. Kahn

Simon and Doris Konover

Maletta and Company

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. McCullough

Bichop and Linda Nawrot

John and Alexandra Preston

David Pudlin

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riege

Robinson & Cole LLP

Frances and Allyn Seymour

Society of the Descendants of the Foundersof Hartford

Theodore M. Space and Martha Collins

Lynn A. Szwaja and Douglas Crawford

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Tilney

Anne H. and Frederick Vogel III

Mark and Dawn von Mayrhauser

Mark Lawrence D. Wawro and MelanieGray in honor of Judith Wawro

Gwen P. Weisberg

John M. Zak

Zysk Bros. Landscaping, Inc.

$100 - $499 Quincy S. Abbot

All Waste Inc.



Morrison and Evelyn Beach

Bruce E. Bidwell and Roberta Roy

Mr. and Mrs. Sumner F. Bissell

Phillip and Ellen Blumberg

Barbara P. Boucot

Bourget Research Group

Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Brainard

Mr. and Mrs. David I. Brown

Mrs. Robinson D. Buck

Harold and Joyce Buckingham

Richard and Carla Bue

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bush

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Champe

Mark and Victoria Chavey

Colonial Consulting Corporation Inc.

Mrs. John H. Conard

Sandra E. Conlin and Joseph J. Puzzo

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Connelly

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Cook

David and Joan Cooney

Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Corcoran III

Connecticut Society of the Sons of theAmerican Revolution

Hildegard Cummings

Ms. E. F. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dixon III

John and Barbara Donahue

CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S 1 1

Dr. John Rogers African American CulturalCenter, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. William H. Druckemiller

Duncaster Residents' Association

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dunn

Mrs. John E. Ellsworth

Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Engley

Mr. and Mrs. James F. English, Jr.

Joanne L. Eudy

Elizabeth Ewing

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Ferrigno

Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Fischman

Mr. and Mrs. John Fiske

Carol Fitzsimons

Mr. and Mrs. Benedict D. Flynn III

Richard J. Flynn

Ellen C. Fredsall

Dr. Thomas Freund and Ms. Diane Mineck

Mary and John Gavin

Edward and Elaine Gladstone

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley J. Godfrey, Jr.

Greg P. Goguen

Roger Gonzales

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Greenberg

Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Griebel

David J. Gustafson

The Hark Family

Sue B. Hart

David M. Hatheway

Anne Healey

Al and Kathy Herzog

David M. Hinckley

Roger S. Hinze

Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Hook

Housatonic Valley Pomona Grange #10

Herbert G. Houze

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel S. Howe

Richard and Beverly Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jenkins

Alida R. Jewett

H. K. Chris Johnson

Mark D. Jones

Peter D. Joyce and Patricia McAnany

Dr. and Mrs. Philip Karanian

Dr. Nancy Kollish and Dr. Jeffrey Pressmanin honor of Robert Lionetti

Nickolas Kotula

Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Kuckro

The Hon. Hernan LaFontaine and Mrs.Evelyn LaFontaine

Landmark Facilities Group, Inc.

Joanne Lawson and James J. King

Charles and Joan Leach

Jane A. Lennox

Marion and John Leonard

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Levere

Billie M. Levy

Mr. Dana Linett and The Linett Family

Roger Loeb

Regina and James Madigan

Patti and Richard Broad

Kathleen Coville Marr

Kathleen P. Martel

Kenneth and Susan McClen

Paul R. McMahon, Jr.

Richard and Betty Merritt

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Milliken

Marjorie E. Morrissey

Mary and Tom Mullaney

Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy

Norfolk Historical Society

Elizabeth J. Normen and Paul H. Eddy

Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael O'Halloran

C. Roderick O'Neil

Paul J. O'Pecko

Borden Painter

Paul and Martha Parvis

Mrs. John F. Peckham

Bedford M. Pickup

Celia Ann Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rosensweig

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Rowland

Michele A. Roy

Jean C. Ryan

Paul Saginor

Joe and Mary Sargent

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Schoelwer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Schuldt III

Appleton H. Seaverns

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Seymour

Anne T. Shafer

Greg and Marzena Silpe

Lester Smith

Timothy H. Smith

Elizabeth L. Snow

South Glastonbury Red Hatters

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Springman

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Stein

Tora Sterregaard

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stoddard

Mr. Michael Suisman and Mrs. ElsaDaspin Suisman

Charles A. Surko

Mr. and Mrs. M. Philip Susag

Lorely E. Temple

The McAuley

Mr. and Mrs. H. Grant Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Siro R. Toffolon

Marie-Louise Trainer

Charles T. Treadway III

William H. Tripp, M.D.

Theodore J. Tucci and Nancy A. Hronek

Venora Electric, Inc.

Bill and Pat Vibert

Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Walworth, Jr.

Joseph S. Ward

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Watkins

Clarissa T. Watson

Warren Brinson Weeks, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Williamson

Keith E. Wilson and Marjorie Hayes

Susan L. Winter

Roy Wiseman and Lisa Kugelman, M.D.

Yale University - Gilder Lehrman Center

Arthur J. Kiely, Jr. Memorial Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Butterfield II

Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Cohn

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Cowles

Susan E. Gallagher

Gildo T. Consolini Post 3272, Veterans ofForeign Wars

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griffen

Leona Jurkiewicz

Sylvia Karotkin

Deborah J. Lehan

Mr. and Mrs. Hayden F. Loveland

Joan Margolis

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Prendergast, Sr.

Attorney Karen Renzulli Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Rozinsky

Helen M. Schuckman

Evelyn S. Shapiro

Mrs. George R. Spieth

Frank J. Sullivan

2006 $100,000 - $999,999 State of Connecticut Department of

Economic and Community Development

Shepherd M. Holcombe, Sr.

State of Connecticut Department of Education

$25,000 - $99,999 Anonymous

Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund atthe Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

Coby Foundation, LTD.

Connecticut Humanities Council

Greater Hartford Arts Council

Institute of Museum and Library Services

Larsen Fund/Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Larsen


State of Connecticut Commission onCulture and Tourism

Zachs Family Foundation, Inc.

$10,000 - $24,999 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan


Carrier Corporation

Comcast Foundation

National Endowment for the Arts

$5,000 - $9,999 C. Paul Beach, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Budd

The Rhoda and David Chase FamilyFoundation, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Dangremond

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Davidge

Grunberg Management, LLC

MetLife Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Russell

Mrs. Margaret K. Snyder

Judith S. Wawro

$2,500 - $4,999 Chubb Group of Insurance Companies

Connecticut Bank and Trust Company

Sue E. Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. W. Harmon Leete

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence V. Mowell, Jr.

Bichop and Linda Nawrot

John and Alexandra Preston

Pullman & Comley, LLC

Rogin, Nassau, Caplan, Lassman & Hirtle, LLCin honor of our partner, Edwin A. Lassman

Lynn A. Szwaja and Douglas Crawford

Chief Charles A. Teale and Mrs. Helaine Teale

Turner Construction Company

Webster Bank

Paul B. Zolan and Kate D. Steinway

$1,000 - $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle F. Barnes

Mr. and Mrs. Newton C. Brainard III

Mrs. J. Noyes Crary

Marty D. Flanders

Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth S. Grant

Greater Hartford Building Owners andManagers Association

Mr. David R. Harris and Dr. Merle W. Harris

Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs Company ofConnecticut, L.L.C.

Mary Jeanne A. Jones

Kohn-Joseloff Foundation, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kugelman

Marion and John Leonard

James B. Lyon

Hugh C. Macgill and Nancy T. Rankin

The Old Print Shop

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Pearson

The Pike Company

Mr. and Mrs. David B. Porteus

Anne T. Shafer

Mr. Michael Suisman and Mrs. Elsa DaspinSuisman

Charles T. Treadway III

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wagner

Gwen P. Weisberg

Mr. and Mrs. John H. P. Wheat

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wilde

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Williams

$500 - $999 Susan B. Aller


Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Brainard

Elsie A. Brown Fund, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chudwick

Mr. and Mrs. Jared I. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Engley

Samuel and Jane* Fuller

John Green

Robert and Darlene Hermann

Aaron Hollander Fund

Simon Hollander Fund

Virginia W. Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Mahoney

Marjorie E. Morrissey

Borden Painter

David Pudlin

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riege

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Sandford

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Schuldt III

Society of the Descendants of the Foundersof Hartford

Theodore M. Space and Martha Collins

Mr. and Mrs. DeRoy C. Thomas

Trinity College

Mark Lawrence D. Wawro and MelanieGray in honor of Judith Wawro

Susan L. Winter

Roy Wiseman and Lisa Kugelman, M.D.

John M. Zak

$100 - $499 Quincy S. Abbot

Ralph and Annette Acanto

Amaze Design, Inc.


Sandra E. Atkins

Rita M. Barredo

George F. Bass

Arline J. Baum

Morrison* and Evelyn Beach

Evelyn P. Beatty

Robert M. Bedard, M.D.

Bingham McCutchen LLP

Phillip and Ellen Blumberg

Barbara P. Boucot

Geraldine R. Boyd

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Brown, Jr.

Mrs. Robinson D. Buck

Harold and Joyce Buckingham

Richard Buel

Brian Burnell

Ellen Carey

1 2 CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S

CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S 1 3

James and Margaret Carroll

Robert L. Cerciello, M.D.

Frank Chiaramonte

Chinese Students Memorial Society, Inc.

Connecticut Quilt Search Project

Connecticut Society of the Sons of theAmerican Revolution

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Connelly

David and Joan Cooney

CTM Brochure Display, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dixon III

John and Barbara Donahue

Ruth C. Douglass

Du Bose Associates, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ellis

Mrs. John E. Ellsworth

Mr. and Mrs. James F. English, Jr.

Elizabeth Ewing

Wilson H. Faude

Robert M. Finch

Vaughan Finn

Mr. and Mrs. Benedict D. Flynn III

The Fricke Family

Alison Friedkin and Jed Carini

Howard and Sandra Fromson

David D. Furer

Garden Club of Hartford Inc.

Steven B. Gilson

Marc and Barbara Ginsberg

Mr. and Mrs. Dudley J. Godfrey, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Greenberg

Joseph and Jean Greene

Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson Griebel

Sheryl Hack

Robert A. Hale

Brooks C. Harmon

Sue B. Hart

David M. Hatheway

Anne Healey

Robert J. and Anne L. Heinsohn

David M. Hinckley

Roger S. Hinze

Rosemary Golden Hogan

Emily G. Holcombe

Gloria J. Holtsinger

Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Hook

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hunter

Robert and Jean Huston

H. K. Chris Johnson

Brooks and Carol Lee Joslin

Mr. Peter D. Joyce and Ms. Patricia McAnany

Jeffrey and Llyn Kaimowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Kaufman

Karen A. Kelleher

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klebanoff

Nickolas Kotula

Mr. and Mrs. Lee G. Kuckro

Landmark Facilities Group, Inc.

Cheryl Lawless

Ms. Joanne Lawson and Mr. James J. King

Billie M. Levy

Dr. and Mrs. William A. MacDonnell

Virginia F. Machon

Regina and James Madigan

Maletta and Company

Kenneth and Susan McClen

Joseph P. McMahon

Henry and Anne McNulty

Bill and Susan McQuillan

Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Milliken

Nancy L. Milnor

Jonathan White Montgomery

Mrs. A. Henry Moses

Timothy and Rosemary Moynihan

Richard and Sheillagh Mulready

Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy

John M. Murrin

Giuliana Musilli and Scott M. Schooley

Elizabeth J. Normen and Paul H. Eddy

Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael O'Halloran

Judge and Mrs. Norris L. O'Neill

Paul and Martha Parvis

Marylyn P. Pauley

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Peardon, Jr.

Mrs. John F. Peckham

Mr. and Mrs. Brewster B. Perkins

Karin E. Peterson

Thelma L. Pierce

Gary W. Potter

Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Prescott

James R. Reed, Jr.

Regina Madigan Appraisals

Marion and Ed Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Riordan

Celia Ann Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Roberts

Michael F. Robinson

Kenneth W. Rockwell

Gail-Marie Rogers

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rosensweig

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Sappington

David C. Sargent

Joe and Mary Sargent

Carl W. Schaefer

Dr. Marilyn Schaffer

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Schoelwer

Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Schonberger

Appleton H. Seaverns

Frances and Allyn Seymour

Shipman & Goodwin LLP

Robert and Nancy Shipman

Michael A. Shortell

Barbara Sicherman

Greg and Marzena Silpe

Janet S. Smith

Mark Douglas Smith

Robert H. Smith, Jr.

Elizabeth L. Snow

Martha D. Soper

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Springman

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Stein

Tora Sterregaard

Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Stoddard

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Tilney

William H. Tripp, M.D.

Trust Company of Connecticut

Heidi Tuttle

Barbara B. Ulrich

Dr. and Mrs. Dean Uphoff

Carmen D. Valentino

Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Van Dorn III

Alden T. Vaughan

Wadsworth Atheneum

Janet Horton Wallace

Richard and Betsy Olmsted Walsh

Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Walworth, Jr.

Joseph S. Ward

Robert M. Webler

Warren Brinson Weeks, Jr.

James Welling and Jane Weinstock

Stephen J. Wheeler

Keith E. Wilson and Marjorie Hayes

Dale and Susan Wolfe

Ruth L. Woodford

Rose Worobel

Richard T. Wright

Ira W. Yellin

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ziegler

Morrison Beach Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Acquaviva

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashcraft

Mildred H. Avery

Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle F. Barnes

Elizabeth J. Bassford

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Booth

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Cobrain

Mr. and Mrs. Allen V. Collins

CT Higher Education Supplemental LoanAuthority

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cooney

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Cowan

Mary V. Dumont

Mr. and Mrs. James F. English, Jr.

Norbert B. Flynn

Dawn N. Gowing

Edmund H. and Jeffrey J. Grandahl

Ellsworth S. Grant

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Greenberg

GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

Marion S. and Susan H. Hamlet

David E. Harper

Sue B. Hart

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Manchester

Thomas and Roseanne McAboy

W. E. McCellan, Jr.

John and Tedra McGuire

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meehan, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Elliott C. Miller

Jean H. Porter

Dr. and Mrs. Clair Rankin

Charles C. Roberts

Helen Roth

Jeanne F. Schoen

Robert H. Smith, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sterling, Jr.

Priscilla L. Toppin

Virginia S. Way

Laurie P. Whitten and William Voelker

Susan L. Winter

Every effort has been made to assure the

accuracy of this report. If your name has

been listed incorrectly, or if you discover any

misspellings or omissions please accept our

apology and call our Donor Relations

Manager at 860-236-5621, ext.223 so that

we may correct the information.

* Deceased

Collection Donations2003 Susan Little Adamson

Agua Fria Chapter ASDAR

Maryann Allcroft

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Allen II

Susan B. Aller

Mr. Sherwood L. Anderson

Judith Anderson

Scott Archer

Arizona Historical Society

Avon Historical Society

Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Barnard

Robert Bauerle

Pauline Bentley

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bernard

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Blakelock

Mrs. Jennifer Cushman Boghossian

Columbia Anne Botticello

Debra Dunbar Brown

The Estate of Raymond D. Cable

Thomas G. Capobianco

Dr. and Mrs. Leo Charendoff

John J. Chester

Jeanne Marie Christie

Audrey M. Clary

Dianne Marie Campbell Cobb andWarrington Crane Cobb

Mrs. Hope Cheney Learned Colt

Mrs. John H. Conard

Connecticut Historical Commission

The Estate of Russell Cowles*

Ms. E. F. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Davis

Delaware County Historical Society

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. DeMille

Descendants of Founders of AncientWindsor

Vincent DiCicco

Discovery Museum and Planetarium

Ceil Donahue

The Donohue Family

Kevin M. Doyle

Dr. and Mrs. Nathan I. Dubin

The Estate of Juanita Ann Elwell

Mrs. Marion R. Emmons

Vernon Enloe

Rev. Gregoire J. Fluet

Four Craftsmen Publishing

Beverly Jones France

Michael R. Gannett

Garden Club of Hartford Inc.

Mrs. Arlyne A. Garrison

Richard Gildersleeve and Rebecca Robinson

Gary Gloyd

Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth S. Grant

Claire Gregoire

James L. Griffin

Mrs. Anne H. Griffis

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson A. Grover

Ms. Marguerite E. Guinan

Louise Harvey Gunion

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Guthman

Clara May Hickox Harsh

Elizabeth Kingsley Harvey

Chris Hatch

Penny B. Havard

Heckman Consulting

1 4 CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S

Mr. and Mrs. John Hincks

Historical Society of Frederick County

Harvey Wadsworth Hobbs

James H. Holcombe

Mrs. Donna M. Hopkins

Stan Horzepa

Mrs. Nora O. Howard

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Hughes

Mrs. Alida R. Jewett

Jewish Historical Society of GreaterHartford

Mr. and Mrs. Brooks R. Joslin

Morton N. Katz

Florence Wendover Kerop

Arthur J. Kiely, Jr.

Mrs. Ursula G. Korzenik

George Kotowicz

Robert A. Kravecs

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kugelman

Lebanon Historical Society

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Leger

Harry L. Lichtenbaum

Charles E. Marchant

Barbara F. Martin

The Estate of Hazel E. Martino

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. McClen

McLean County Museum of History

Joseph P. McMahon

The McMahon Family

Mrs. Marjorie W. McMaster

Mrs. Mary G. Meskill

Montclair Historical Society

William Morcom

Mrs. Trice D. Mortensen *

Margaret H. Moser, Ph.D.

Musical Club of Hartford, Inc.

Mystic River Historical Society

Mrs. Mary L. Nason

New Mexico Palace of the Governors PhotoArchives

Gregory Norsigian

Anne S. O'Donnell

Ohio Historical Center

Natalie Scott Damon O'Neill

Orange County Regional History Center

Dr. Susan L. Palmer

Joy Parise

Gerald James Parsons

PastTimes Press

Robert and Joanne Peltier

John Penfield

Nancy Simons Peterson

Sandra Asor Piontek

Plumb Memorial Library

Gary W. Potter

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Preston

Joseph E. Provost

Dr. Dana Raphael

Readex Microprint Corporation

Donna L. Renninger

Mrs. Cordelia Richards

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rieg

Patricia L. Rowland

Dale Salm

Paula A. Scott

Thomas C. Secondo

Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick

Barbara Somers

Corinne Volpe Spinale

Andrew Stasik

Elliott Steckel

Virginia Ives Stephens

Penny L. Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stowers

Donald Strahle

Richard W. Sweet

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Temple

Dorothy Hathaway Shor Thompson

Myrth G. Thompson

Antonina P. Uccello

The Estate of Jospeh Vitkus

Paul Volpe

Mrs. John Wadhams

Mildred H. Wallach

Charles R. Weldon

Wethersfield Historical Society

Wethersfield Public Library

George Wildman

Geoffrey Wilson

Tracey M. Wilson

Mrs. Margaret B. Zacher *

Mrs. Kenneth M. Zemp

2004Quincy S. Abbot

Paige E. Adams

Mrs. Vivian Van Hoevenberg Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan

Dorothy Clark Archibald

Richard Barrett

Arthur R. Bauman

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith Beebe

Kathryn S. Black

Keith W. Bradley

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bulkeley

Blaine Butler

Blanche M. Capilos and David Biklen

Leroy G. Carte

Central Connecticut State University-ElihuBurritt Library

Ruth Berins Collier

Mrs. Georgianna A. Costa and Fred Costa*

Connecticut Historical Commission

Gregory R. Cunningham

Elizabeth W. De Noyon

Regina Dolan

John and Barbara Donahue

Henrietta Donato

Douglas Library

Ruth C. Douglass

Mimi Downes

Mary W. Edwards *

A. Lovell Elliott

Cyd Emmons and Elizabeth Fahl

Richard J. Flynn

John C. Fredriksen, Ph.D.

Anne Gatling

Gilcrease Museum

Ruth Hansen Goodale

Mr. and Mrs. Noyes P. Greene

Jeanine Guerette

Audra Taft Hendrickson

David M. Hinckley

Hitchcock Chair Co., Ltd.

Mrs. Helen Holroyd

Holiday Houck

Mrs. Nora O. Howard

Harold B. Hubbell, Jr.

Mrs. Mary Means Huber

Edward Ifkovic

Gladys Guida Janecek

Harrison Jenkins

Miss Virginia Jones

Boardman W. Kathan

Morton N. Katz

Arthur J. Kiely, Jr.

Alfred T. Kleszcz

Paul S. Koda

Mrs. Ursula G. Korzenik

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Leger

Lynn R. Lichtig

Harry LoGuidice

Anne Lombard

Maine Historical Society

Mrs. Alna S. Mathers

Barbara J. Mathews

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe

Paul R. McMahon, Jr.

Merrow Machine Company

Lynda Mikoleit

Henry O. Milliken, Jr.

Mrs. John S. Mix

J. J. Mueller

Mrs. Mary L. Nason

Hillyer G. Norment

Harold E. Olsen

Ovation Instruments

Rev. Louis W. Pitt, Jr.

Charles E. Platt

Plumb Memorial Library

The Estate of G. Phillip Pond

Gary W. Potter

Joy E. Power

David F. Ransom

Readex Microprint Corporation

Timothy Chapin Reeves

Mrs. Neva Reiner

Carl W. Rettenmeyer

Mrs. Lucretia Olmsted Rettig

The Family of Livingston L. Rice and Anna Chase Wood Rice

Eugene W. Robbins

Rye Historical Society

Herbert M. Schiller

Michael A. Shortell

John E. Silliman

Gerald and Rebecca Sisson

Skilton Family Association

Roberta M. Smith

Virginia Smith

Diane L. Stamm

Andrew Stasik

Donald Strahle

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Straub

Bernice Mable Graham Telian

Town of Wilton Bicentennial CelebrationCommittee

Veeder-Root Company

Alison Wallner

William J. Webb

Robert M. Webler

Wayne Hilton Webster

Charles R. Weldon

The Family of Esther Chase Wood

Raymond Zihala

Zion's Hill Cemetery Association, Inc.

2005Mr. and Mrs. Paul Accarpio

Paige E. Adams

Nancy O. Albert

Mrs. John A. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Arcata

Dorothy Clark Archibald

Janet R. Bacon

Mr. and Mrs. Sumner F. Bissell

Dr. James C. Bonnette

Columbia Anne Botticello

Timothy Bradbury

Donald J. Bruckner

James S. Brust, M.D.

Budd Drive Press

The Bulkeley Family

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bulkeley

Freida B. Cantarow

Gennaro J. Capobianco*

Allen J. Carlson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Carter, Jr.

Clarence Historical Society

CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S 1 5

Irene Clark

Michael Cohen

Mrs. John H. Conard

William H. Conard-Malley

Danbury Scott-Fanton Museum andHistorical Society

Ms. E. F. Davis

Susan Dean

Descendants of Founders of AncientWindsor

Donna Holt Siemiatkoski AcquisitionFund

Mabel C. Donnelly, Ph.D.

Durham Historical Society

Rev. Robert Lansing Edwards *

A. Lovell Elliott

Elizabeth Fahl

Prof. and Mrs. Rudy Favretti

Richard J. Flynn

Charles R. Ford

The Estate of Robert B. Fritz

Susan E. Gallagher

R. D. Gautier

Barbara Girard

Ezra Gorodesky

Charles Griffen

Anne M. Gruden

Connie Hall

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hallett

Dr. Cornelia W. Hamilton

Thomas B. Hammer

Hitchcock Chair Co., Ltd.

Howard Whittemore Memorial Library

Harold B. Hubbell, Jr.

Charles Kendrick

Virginia G. Kiely

Rob Knickerbocker

Dorothy B. Koopman

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kugelman

Jack E. Kuras

Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Laflin

Lebanon Historical Society

Edward H. Little

Scott Livingston

Marsha Lotstein

Lutz Children's Museum

Charles J. Lyman

James B. Lyon

Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Marx

Joseph E. Maselek

Fred McClafferty

Paul R. McMahon, Jr.

Michael Norman Cohen & Assoc., LLC

Anne Molod

Helen Neifelt

Katherine J. Neumeyer

Gregory Norsigian

Northern Indiana Center for History

Mrs. Richard C. Nylander

Rita Ortiz

Jill Padelford

Jean E. Perreault

Andrew Clark Pikosky

Plumb Memorial Library

Gary W. Potter

Harold Putnam

Mary Lou Raby

Artemis Ramaker

Readex Microprint Corporation

Bud Reese

Carl W. Rettenmeyer

Robert Reutenauer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin L. Rhods

Michael E. Riley

Rowayton Historical Society

Santa Fe Preparatory School Library

Mr. and Mrs. David Schwartz

Second Baptist Church

Mrs. Henry Seltzer

Helen P. Sheppard

Patricia A. Sieber

Skilton Family Association

Dr. James Slater

Robert D. Smith

Patricia Balfour Smith

Peter J. Smith

Verne R. Spear

Irene Stahl

Diane L. Stamm

Ann Sweeney

Dorothy Beckwith Swenson

Peter H. Taylor

Mrs. Stanley Taylor

Priscilla L. Toppin

University of Pittsburgh

Charles Utz

Carmen D. Valentino

Edna Williams

Geoffrey Wilson

Russell Wirtella

Richard P. Withenbury

Alan Witkower

Penny Wood

Richard Wright

Karl Zimmerman

2006Jane Allinson

Janet R. Bacon

The Bancroft Library

William R. Banks, Jr.

Arthur R. Bauman

Beardsley Zoo

Mrs. Frances Becker

Jane P. Bouley

Marshall D. Brainard

Mary and Bill Britcher

Timothy R. Brownell and Margie Waters

Mr. and Mrs. John Carr, Jr.

Mrs. Judith Cecchini

Elisabeth C. Childs

Mae H. Collins

William H. Conard-Malley

Connecticut Professional GenealogistsCouncil

Cunningham and Associates Ltd.

Ms. E. F. Davis

Donald Dickinson

Michael C. Dooling

Ruth C. Douglass

E. E. Mucke & Sons, Inc.

East Brooklyn Fire Department

Miss Edith H. Edwards

Rev. James D. Edwards

Linda Elsen

Mrs. Marion R. Emmons

Family and Children's Agency

Richard J. Flynn

Genealogical Society of Utah

Martin A. Gilman

Ruth Hansen Goodale

Richard Hart

Jane Ducharme Hoben

Mr. and Mrs. Seth P. Holcombe

Shepherd M. Holcombe, Sr.

The Holy Name of Jesus Church

Harold B. Hubbell, Jr.

Huguenot Society of American

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hunter

Huntington Historical Society

Sarah Jackson

Dorothy Johnson

Peter H. Judd

Kenneth Kahn

Kevin Kearns

Keefe, Bruyette & Woods

Harleigh Thayer Knott

Mrs. Barbara Lane

Lansing Historical Museum

Frederick J. Lea

James S. Lewis

Beverly Lindholm

Bruce Campbell MacGunnigle

J. Wickliffe Mallory

Albert Marceau

Paul R. McMahon, Jr.

Middlebury Historical Society

Zia C. Miller

Michael Miller

The Moore Family

Carol D. Murdock

Catherine Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. John O. Newell, Jr.

News Bank Inc.

Mrs. Margaret Brockway Ofslager

Dr. Susan L. Palmer

Terry Charles Peet

Mayor and Mrs. Eddie A. Perez

Mr. F. Stanley Phillips

Gary L. Pifer

Andrew Clark Pikosky

Betty J. Poltrack

Gary W. Potter

Mrs. Elizabeth Titus Putnam

Readex Microprint Corporation

Seymour Reitman

Robert L. Richards

William Ryan

Steve Schafer

Elizabeth A. Schiro and Stephen Bayer

Thomas Schmutzler

Donald J. Sharp

Society of Colonial Wars in State of RhodeIsland

Donald Strahle

Carolyn Suchecki

Myron P. Thompson

Wayne G. Tillinghast

Pamela Weiss

West Hartford Public Library

Guy Wolff

Anne Woodhouse

YMCA of Greater Hartford

p.14, Top Left: US Marine Corps combat photographer Arthur J. Kiely, Jr.,1943. Gift of Arthur J. Kiely, Jr.

p.14, Top Right: September 11 disasterrelief fund sign, 2001. Gift of the EastBrooklyn Volunteer Fire Department,Danielson, CT. Staff photo.

p.14, Bottom Left: Basketball shoesworn by Rebecca Lobo. Gift of HarrisonJenkins. Staff photo.

p.14, Bottom Right: SouvenirHornbook, Connecticut Tercentenary,1935. Gift of Ethel Davis. Staff photo.

Above Left: Inaugural gown worn byConnecticut First Lady Nikki O’Neill,1983. Gift of Natalie Scott DamonO’Neill. Photograph by David Stansbury.

Above Right: Photograph of a Twiggfamily member, early 20th century. Giftof Patrick and Carol McCabe.

Below Left: Portrait of Etha Town byNathaniel Jocelyn, 1826. Gift of thefamily of Livingston L. Rice and AnnaChase Wood Rice. Staff photo.

Below: Box of golf leaf made by Swift& Sons, Hartford, 20th century. Gift ofthe Estate of M. Allen Swift. Staff photo.

1 6 CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S

Connecticut Historical Society & Old State House Volunteers

Ralph Acanto

Jonathon Ault

Paige Adams

Gulafshan Alavi

Mehboob Alavi

Steven Armstrong

Debra Beschler

Christopher Beeson

Catherine Belanger

Mike Biddle

Jean Bishop

Kathryn Black

Elizabeth Blakelock

Jeannette Blohm

James P. Brochin

Daniel P. Brown

Carol Bruce

Carla Bue

Ellen Carey

Marianne Carolla

Austin Cesare

Francine Christiansen

Tammy Christopher

Matt Cieslowski

Maggie Alston Claud

Barbara Cloonan

Connecticut Handweavers Guild

Carroll Conway

Henry Cooke IV

Michelle Cook

John Cooke

Francis Cooley

Donna Corio

Lucy Creevey

Helen Stark Cross

Caitlin Love Crowell

Mary Dangremond

Frances Davin

Amber Degn

Jacqueline Dixon

John Dixon

Robert Dixon

Gary Donato

Barbara Donahue

Edward Dorgan

Ruth Douglass

Diane Drugge

Julie Duncan

Elizabeth Dunn

Robert Eccles

Mary Elva Erf

Joanne Eudy

Peter Evans

Lawrence Farber

Jo-Anna Fischman

Vaughan Finn

Carol Fitzsimons

Marty Flanders

Ellen Flynn

Bob Freysinger

Denise Gammell

Doug Gibson

Janice Glass

Norton Glass

Stephen B. Goddard

Andrew Goldstein

Roger Gonzales

Theresa Goulden

Paul Grant-Costa

Evelyn Green

Lisa Green

Raymond Green

Fran Greenglass

Alan Greenglass

Terri-Ann Hahn

Gail Hall

Joyce Hamilton

Dick Harper

David Harris

Norm Hausmann

David Hayes

Anne Healy

David Heinlein

Harland Henry

Walter Hickey

Donna Hopkins

Debra Hopkinson

Frank Houghton

Jamie Howland

Marjorie Hurtuk

Judith Hurwich

Joan Hurwit

Margery Izard

David Jakubowski

Adam Johnson

Jeffrey Kaimowitz

Diane Kaplan

Nancy Karanian

Christine Kelley

Jack Kenerson

Melissa Kotulski

Alice Kugelman

Jack Kuras

Barbara Lacey

Kelsey Larson

Edward Lazaroff

Charles Leach

Anne Leonard

Suzanne Levere

Billie Levy

Pamela Lionetti

Robert Lionetti

James Lockett

Kathleen Luchs

Nolan Lushington

Gladys Macdonough

Regina Madigan

Kathleen Maher

Verne Mahoney

Erin Maloney

Lisa Marcinkowski

Becky Martin

Jennifer DiCola Matos

Josh Mason

Barbara Mathews

Lance Mayer

Quinton McCauley

Anita McCly

Marilyn McGoldrick

William McInerney

Johanna McKennerney

Linda Medura

Anna-Lisa Messier

Frank Mitchell

Danielle Moon

Meg Moughan

Timothy Moynihan

Don Muller

Michelle Murphy

Dean Nelson

Nancy Nevins

Richard Nevins

Elisabeth Nevins

Ellen Nichols

Flannery O’Brien

Armand Olbrias

Diane Oliver-Jensen

Casey O'Neill

Michele O'Neill

Megan O'Neill

Mark Overmeyer-Velazquez

Sean Owen

Jan Peake

Cathie Peitzsch-Gibbs

Bob Peltier

Eileen Peltier

Joanne Peltier

Karin Peterson

Pat Pinney

Elizabeth Porter

Raymond Provencher

Barbara Rau

Elizabeth Rectanus

David Rhinelander

Marion Richardson

Stephen Rice

Loretta Rivers

Reginald Roberts

Dana Robinson

Rachel Rogers

Lisa Romasanta

Charles Rothenberger

Katherine Roy

Robert Roy

Jeffrey Royx

Sharon Ruggiero

Beth Ryan

Bob Schug

Frances Seymour

Ruth Sheintop

Brice Shipley

Noelle Shipley

Michael Shortell

Lisa M. Sillitto

George Slack

Vi Smalley

Robert Smith

Carl Stenman

Karen Stockwell

Peter Stred

Joe Sullo

Janet Sweeting

Ellen Marie Swider

Jennifer Swope

Sharman Tait

Christine Takores

Joanne Thomas

Raquel Thomison

Darcy Topper

John Trainer

Fred Turner

Helen Ullmann

Barbara Ulrich

Cordelia Vahadji

Richard Vengroff

Dawn von Mayrhauser

Mark von Mayrhauser

Joe Walker

Lee West

Marsha Whitehead

Jennifer Whitney

Owen Williams

Margaret Wilson

Jennie Wittman

Jack Woodin

Walter Woodward

Stephen Yearl

Mary Yearl

Judith York

Cat Young

Nathan Zebedeo

Amy Zinsser

Paul Zolan

We would like to extend our most gracious thanks to the following individuals for their unwavering support during the last four years. Without your

generous donations of time and talent, many of the important programs that bring our mission to life and create the community of the Connecticut

Historical Society and the Old State House would not have been possible! Thank you.

CO N N E C T I C UT H I STO R I C A L S O C I E T Y M U S E U M & L I B R A RY 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 0 6 R E P O RT of A C T I V I T I E S 1 7

CHS Administration

Kate Steinway, Executive Director

Kevin J. Hughes, Director of Administration

Denise Jonnet, Accounting Manager

Jill Padelford, Network Administrator

George Prattson, Building and Grounds

Alicia Schlinker, Financial Assistant

Yvette Soto, Buildings and Grounds Manager

Janet Ward, Personnel/Financial Assistant

CHS External Affairs

Marion Leonard, Director of External Affairs

Lisa Miceli Feliciano, Public and Media

Relations Specialist

Susan Gallagher, Donor Relations Manager

Jane Ryan, Development Manager

Aaron Wartner, Marketing Communications


CHS Museum Collections

Susan P. Schoelwer, Director of Museum


Candice Brashears, National Endowment for

the Arts Kellogg Project Research Assistant

Nancy Finlay, Curator of Graphics

Karen Hudson, Museum Collections Manager

Katherine Hunt, National Endowment for

the Humanities Home Life Project Curator

Diane Lee, Collections Stabilization

Project Assistant

Richard C. Malley, Assistant Director of

Museum Collections and Curator of Technology

CHS Library

Nancy Milnor, Director of the Library

Barbara Austen, Manuscript Archivist/Cataloger

Cynthia Harbeson, Reference Librarian

Judith Ellen Johnson, Genealogist

Christina Moraza, Library Assistant

Kristina Nowakowski, Cataloger

Jennifer Pike, Cataloger

Sharon Steinberg, Reference and

Research Librarian

CHS Exhibitions

Andrea Rapacz, Director of Exhibitions

Anne Guernsey, Exhibit Developer

Elizabeth Lewis, Senior Exhibit Developer

and Designer

CHS Education

Rebecca Furer, Director of Education

Marsha Anderson, Museum Educator

Theresa Biagiarelli, Associate Coordinator

of Interdistrict Programs

Emily Dunnack, Coordinator of

Interdistrict Programs

Kate Ebner, Interdistrict Educator

Benjamin Gammell, Coordinator of

Teacher Services

Rebecca Gross, School Programs Assistant

Sally Kemmler, Interdistrict Educator

Janice Klein, Museum Educator

Stephanie Lush, Museum Educator

Walter McKenney, Museum Educator

Steven Morrell, Museum Educator

Mary Muller, Coordinator of Tours and

Outreach Programs

Gwendolyn Quezaire-Presutti, Museum


Tammy Richardson, Museum Educator

Maria del Carmen Trainer, Associate

Coordinator of Interdistrict Programs

Karen Young, Museum Educator

CHS Visitor Services

June Jones, Lead Visitor Services Specialist

Tiffani Jones, Visitor Services Specialist

Barbara Kittredge, Visitor Services Specialist

OSH Administration

Kate Steinway, Executive Director

Kevin J. Hughes, Director of Administration

Cynthia M. Brown, Facility Manager

Steve Ouellet, Security Lead

OSH External Affairs

Marion Leonard, Director of External Affairs

Karen Davison, Development and Visitor

Services Manager

OSH Education

Rebecca Furer, Director of Education

Robin Schuldt, Education Coordinator

Jody Badin, Museum Educator

Julia Baldini, Museum Educator and School

Services Assistant

Joshua Blanchfield, Museum Educator

Lindsay Randall, Museum Educator

OSH Museum Store

Linda Hali Zucker, Manager & Buyer

Stefanie Gannon, Store Coordinator/

Administrative Assistant

Sherry Leniart, Sales Associate/Receiving

Brianna Macklin, Sales Associate

Elaine Viseltear, Sales Associate

OSH Visitor Services

Michael Cicero, Visitor Services and

Events Assistant

Tammy Ginsberg, Visitor Services Substitute

Denise Morgan, Visitor Services Specialist

Tianna Smith, Visitor Services Specialist

(Our Staff as of January 1, 2007)

Connecticut Historical Society & Old State House Staff

Connecticut Historical Society and Old State House staffat Woodstock Gala, 2005. Photograph by Jeff Sobiech.

Old State House teaching staff in action. Photograph by John Groo.











Connecticut Historical Society. Staff Photograph.
