Annual Report 2007 - IITA€¦ · Sc ent sts and project managers Abbrev at ons used n th s report...


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Annual Report 2007

IITAAnnual Report 2007


IITA Annual Report 2007


To be Afr�ca’s lead�ng research partner �n finding solutions for hunger and poverty.



IITA Annual Report 2007

Who we are

IITA �s an Afr�ca-based �nternat�onal research-for-development organ�za-t�on, establ�shed �n 1967, and governed by a Board of Trustees. We have more than 100 �nternat�onal sc�ent�sts based �n var�ous IITA stat�ons across Afr�ca. Th�s network of sc�ent�sts �s ded�cated to the development of technolog�es that reduce producer and consumer r�sk, �ncrease local product�on, and generate wealth. We are supported by over 30 �nvestors most of whom are part of the CGIAR.




Who we are


Research h�ghl�ghts

F�nanc�al �nformat�on


Graduate research completed at IITA �n 2007

Govern�ng board

Sc�ent�sts and project managers

Abbrev�at�ons used �n th�s report

IITA locat�ons













IITA Annual Report 2007



Setting new R4D standardsA ma�n 2007 h�ghl�ght �s the recogn�t�on of our Research-for-Development (R4D) model that addresses the major problems of hunger and poverty �n Africa rather than simply contributing to the body of scientific knowledge. The external evaluators found that “the R4D concept �s an effect�ve way to art�culate the challenges fac�ng agr�cultural research and to mot�vate sc�ent�sts to focus on pract�cal outcomes.”

We have tested the model for the last four years and �ts effect�veness �s �llustrated through our ach�evements �n sub-Saharan Afr�ca (SSA). Some typ�cal R4D model examples are:

IITA’s Integrated Cassava Program �n N�ger�a wh�ch �s �mplemented w�th�n the framework of the Pres�dent�al In�t�at�ve on Cassava, spurred the commercialization of the crop in the country, benefitting millions of farmers and br�ng�ng �n much needed fore�gn exchange.

In Mozamb�que, our Poultry Feed program produced cassava- and cowpea-based subst�tutes for expens�ve �mported feeds. Th�s helped enhance the l�vel�hoods of cassava and cowpea growers wh�le s�multaneously prov�d�ng a cheap source of feed that helped develop the country’s poultry �ndustry.

Our yam researchers have cons�stently worked closely w�th nat�onal research partners �n West Afr�ca to bu�ld capac�ty �n yam research and development �n the subreg�on. Yam breed�ng at the Crops Research Inst�tute (CRI) �n Ghana �s a good example. Our collaborat�on w�th CRI has lead to the development and release of three new �mproved yam var�et�es. We have also helped develop the sk�lls of local researchers �n yam germplasm collect�on, conservat�on and enhancement.

As part of our Cereal and legume systems project, we have rout�nely d�str�buted sets of �nbred ma�ze l�nes to nat�onal research partners �n the Democrat�c Republ�c of Congo, N�ger�a, Rwanda, Zamb�a, Tanzan�a, South Korea as well as to PANNAR Seeds �n South Afr�ca. The l�nes were released to collaborators on request for use as sources of genes for �ntroduc�ng comb�ned res�stance to Diplodia ear rots, gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf bl�ght, common rust and Maize streak virus d�sease as well as for other des�rable agronom�c tra�ts such as h�gh y�elds.

In N�ger�a, our research and advocacy work w�th partners led to the format�on of the Nat�onal Nutr�t�on Counc�l (NNC) �n 2007. The NNC �s tasked to �dent�fy problems regard�ng nutr�t�on, propose solut�ons and coord�nate act�v�t�es that address nutr�t�on �ssues. The NNC �s cha�red by the Pres�dent. Add�t�onally, our work has contr�buted towards the establ�shment of a School Feed�ng Program �n Nasarawa State.


IITA Annual Report 2007

In Borno State, we have been promot�ng the adopt�on of IITA-produced ma�ze, soybean and cowpea var�et�es for several years under our “Promot�ng Susta�nable Agr�culture �n Borno State” program. These var�et�es offer res�stance or tolerance to Striga, cons�dered to be the major agro-econom�c constra�nt to profitable farming in this area of Nigeria. We have also developed and promoted the use of technolog�es and cropp�ng systems to control Striga through a farmer-part�c�patory research and extens�on approach. Th�s has resulted �n the comb�nat�on of our technolog�es w�th farmers’ pract�ces thereby add�ng more value and relevance to research products. For more �nformat�on about our MTPs, please refer to the Research h�ghl�ghts sect�on of th�s Annual Report.

The R4D model �s un�que �n that (1) �t focuses on long-term development needs to gu�de our research des�gn and cho�ce of partners; and (2) �t �ncorporates two cr�t�cal elements absent �n trad�t�onal models: a m�d-process initial outcome and an expl�c�t phase-out strategy for IITA.

In response to specific development needs, we work with research and development partners to del�ver research outputs that are ach�ev�ng an initial outcome. We then use th�s research outcome to exc�te and attract more partners who w�ll ult�mately have to take charge of the up-scal�ng and out-scal�ng of the technolog�es by broaden�ng part�c�pat�on and �ncreas�ng the chances of success and ult�mate development �mpact. Therefore, we gradually phase out and devolve our funct�ons to these partners unt�l we ex�t ent�rely from the program. It �s th�s latter const�tuency of development agents, not us, which delivers the final and larger desired outcome that addresses the initially-identified development needs.

We w�ll publ�sh our R4D model so that our nat�onal and reg�onal partners can rev�ew �t for adopt�on and �nto the�r own agr�cultural research systems. IITA staff

2007 has also been a per�od of change for us espec�ally �n the manner �n wh�ch we �nternally operate and collaborate w�th our partners �n Afr�can. In November, we transferred our corporate serv�ces to WARDA �n Bén�n, to reduce adm�n�strat�ve dupl�cat�on. The process took almost the whole year. It was a complex and sens�t�ve exerc�se g�ven the legal and procedural requ�rements assoc�ated w�th our own staff streaml�n�ng and the h�r�ng of staff by WARDA. We hope th�s excerc�se w�ll �ncrease the operat�onal efficiency of both centers.

Our 2007 audited financial statements reflect a sustained sound financial health and stability of the Institute, and the prudent management of the financial resources. The Institute’s liquidity and reserve levels are above the CGIAR recommended benchmarks and reflect its continued ability to meet both long- and short-term obligations. The Institute’s financial risks continue to be assessed, mon�tored, and managed to the best advantage of our m�ss�on and �n the interest of our stakeholders and investors. A more detailed financial report �s g�ven �n the F�nanc�al �nformat�on sect�on of th�s Annual Report.

Th�s year, our sc�ent�sts produced or contr�buted to the complet�on of more than 200 var�ous publ�cat�ons, add�ng to the wealth of information and knowledge available to our beneficiaries and users. Specific information about these literature are listed in the Publications sect�on of th�s report.


IITA Annual Report 2007



1. Development needs: Identifi es societal, producer and consumer needs that require addressing. Guarantees research relevance.

3. Outcome: Defi nes scalable research outcomes and any advocacy activities required. A successful outcome entices partners to adoption.

2. Research design: Specifi es research problems that can be addressed by IITA with advanced research institutes and national partners. The design demands envisioning the potential impact.

development and research partners








t nee





Baseline / Ex-ante


Envisionedresearch impact


IITA’s research-for-development model


© 2006 IITA Hartmann

national and regional partners

African Union

Private sector




SuccessDevelopment IMPACT




t out




6. Further work: Development impact creates new challenges which are referred back to development needs.

4. Exit: Once the outcome is embraced by national/regional partners IITA exits implementation and changes role to monitoring the research outcomes.

5. Success/Development impact: Ex-post evaluations are carried and compared to baseline information to measure the impact on the ultimate benefi ciaries.

© 2006 IITA Hartmanncredible IMPACT


IITA Annual Report 2007

Research highlights

A bountiful cassava harvest


Banana and plantain systemsIn 2007, our work on banana and planta�n �n Afr�ca pr�mar�ly focuses on m�t�gat�ng the threat of Banana Xanthomonas W�lt and black s�gatoka. Sc�ent�sts est�mate that these d�seases could rap�dly w�pe out banana product�on �n the cont�nent w�th�n the next 10 years �f no adequate control measures are taken. W�th 30 m�ll�on metr�c tons be�ng produced �n Afr�ca annually, th�s w�ll adversely affect the l�vel�hoods and food secur�ty of banana-dependent commun�t�es as well as erode the genet�c base of Afr�can bananas. We are at the forefront of the battle aga�nst these destruct�ve banana d�seases.

Mitigating the threat of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt

S�nce 2001, a Banana Xanthomonas W�lt (BXW) pandem�c has been spread�ng rap�dly �n East and Central Afr�ca, start�ng w�th an outbreak �n Uganda, where an est�mated US$ 4 b�ll�on �n potent�al �ncome could be lost by 2010 �f BXW �s not controlled. Other affected countr�es �nclude the Democrat�c Republ�c of Congo, Rwanda, Tanzan�a, Burund�, and Kenya.

As BXW �s a relat�vely new d�sease �n the reg�on, the lack of knowledge on d�sease recogn�t�on and management �s cons�dered a major factor to �ts rap�d spread. To address th�s, we �mplemented the reg�on-w�de Crop Cr�s�s Control Project (C3P) �n partnersh�p w�th Cathol�c Rel�ef Serv�ces (CRS), B�overs�ty Internat�onal, and var�ous nat�onal partners. The program was �n�t�ated w�th two reg�onal tra�n�ng workshops �n September/October 2006 on the d�agnos�s and management of the d�sease and product�on of healthy banana plant�ng mater�als. Unt�l 2007, re-echo tra�n�ng after the �n�t�al reg�onal workshops has bu�lt the capac�ty of more than 31,000 farmers and extens�on/research staff.

In th�s year’s annual report, we feature selected stor�es that represent our major ach�evements �n each of our seven programs. These stor�es reflect our Research-for-Development (R4D) approach to address major development �ssues �n Afr�ca, part�cularly poverty and hunger. Unl�ke �n prev�ous years, we d�d not attempt a comprehens�ve l�st�ng of all our outputs. Instead, we chose research work that best �llustrated each of our crops and cross-cutt�ng themat�c areas: Banana and Planta�n Systems, Cereal and Legume Systems, Root and Tuber Systems, H�gh-Value Products, Agr�culture and Health, Agrob�od�vers�ty, Opportun�t�es and Threats, and the Systemw�de Program on Integrated Pest Management.


IITA Annual Report 2007

Our current approach to combat BXW �s to �mprove farmer-preferred banana cult�vars. In 2007, we �n�t�ated work to �ntroduce a gene for BXW res�stance from sweet pepper. We are �mplement�ng th�s �n�t�at�ve w�th Uganda’s NARO, the Kenya-based Afr�can Agr�cultural Technology Foundat�on and Academ�a S�n�ca �n Ta�wan. Pr�or�ty �s g�ven to the major local banana var�et�es Kayinja and Nakitembe.

We also carried out research on efficient disease management of BXW. Add�t�onally, our entomolog�sts are study�ng �nsect vectors of the BXW pathogen and have identified approaches for an Integrated Pest Management strategy.

Managing black sigatoka

Present �n West Afr�ca s�nce the 1980s, black s�gatoka, or black leaf streak d�sease (BLSD) has been caus�ng y�eld losses of 30–�0% �n banana and planta�n product�on �n south-eastern N�ger�a. For the past 10 years, we have been �mplement�ng a project on the “Strateg�c Improvement of Planta�n and Banana �n Afr�ca” (also called Strateg�c Musa Improvement Project, SMIP) to develop BLSD-res�stant hybr�ds that are also h�gh-y�eld�ng and produce h�gh-qual�ty fru�ts. For th�s work, we were awarded the 1994 King Baudouin Award for outstanding scientific merit.

In 2007, some of our BLSD-res�stant hybr�ds have been reg�stered and d�str�buted to nat�onal partners �n West Afr�ca where they are be�ng evaluated �n mult�-locat�on tr�als, w�th farmer adopt�on rate of �6% recorded �n Cameroon, Ghana and N�ger�a. Farmer adopt�on of our black S�gatoka-res�stant cult�vars �s mot�vated by the�r potent�al for rap�d mult�pl�cat�on through excellent sucker prol�ferat�on, h�gh y�elds, res�stance to other pests and d�seases and good taste and cook�ng qual�t�es. Farmers have reported net revenues of US$ 200 per season from the sale of suckers, on top of some US$ 8,000 per ha per year from fru�t sales. Th�s year, we undertook efforts to empower farmers to better part�c�pate �n the seedl�ng del�very process (management of reg�onal del�very hubs) to fac�l�tate the rap�d d�ssem�nat�on of BLSD-res�stant cult�vars through commun�ty-managed nurser�es. We conducted several capac�ty bu�ld�ng act�v�t�es a�med at promot�ng profess�onal�sm �n seedl�ng product�on and postharvest process�ng among farmers. The awareness of �mproved hybr�ds �n Cameroon has �ncreased due to on-farm tests be�ng conducted �n our project s�tes across the country.

In East Afr�ca, we completed on-farm evaluat�on stud�es on 4 of �6 black s�gatoka-res�stant EAHB-der�ved hybr�ds that we have developed. Farmers evaluated and rated these hybr�ds h�gher than


IITA Annual Report 2007


IITA Annual Report 2007


Cereal and legume systemsThe farm�ng systems �n the savanna reg�ons of Afr�ca have a h�gh potent�al for cereal and legume product�on. To real�ze th�s potent�al, we employ var�ous �ntervent�ons �nclud�ng the use of res�l�ent crop var�et�es, balanced nutr�ent management pract�ces, �ntegrated pest management, �mproved postharvest technolog�es, l�nk�ng farmers to better markets, and fac�l�tat�ng technology transfer us�ng part�c�patory methods and by strengthening the capacity of beneficiaries, partners and other stakeholders.


The past 36 years has seen a dramat�c �ncrease �n the adopt�on and use of �mproved ma�ze var�et�es �n WCA, result�ng �n more product�ve farms and an �mprovement �n the l�vel�hoods of m�ll�ons of people �n the reg�on dependent on the crop.

Up unt�l 2007, our work on ma�ze has helped more than �0 m�ll�on people across the reg�on. Th�s translates to about US$ 10 b�ll�on �n net benefits. The impact of our research work on this socio-economically �mportant crop �s h�ghl�ghted by the substant�al �ncrease �n the area under �mproved ma�ze var�et�es—from about 2.6 m�ll�on hectares �n the early 1980s to more than 7 m�ll�on �n 2007. Our �mproved var�et�es cover about 1.8 m�ll�on hectares. An �mpact assessment survey that we conducted �n n�ne WCA countr�es �n 2007 showed that the use of �mproved ma�ze var�et�es, along w�th good cultural practices, efficient use of farm inputs and accessibility to extension support serv�ces, has resulted �n ma�ze y�eld ga�ns rang�ng from 23% (�n Cameroon) to 30% (�n N�ger�a). Most WCA countr�es were able to rap�dly release these var�et�es for �mmed�ate use s�nce our ma�ze var�et�es need l�ttle or no further �mprovements for adaptat�on. Of the �mproved var�et�es released from 196� to 2007, about 44% came from our ma�ze germplasm.

In 2007, we �n�t�ated a Drought-Tolerant Ma�ze for Afr�ca project �n collaborat�on w�th CIMMYT an orgn�zat�on �n Mex�co, IITA and CIMMYT are also exchang�ng �nformat�on, �deas, and germplasm for the successful �mplementat�on of our ma�ze programs �n Afr�ca.

Th�s year, we cont�nued to work w�th un�vers�t�es and advanced research �nst�tutes �n the US �n molecular markers, genom�cs,

A banana bunch showing symptoms of cigar end rot disease in East DRC


IITA Annual Report 2007

proteom�cs and laboratory-based d�sease res�stance and nutr�ent stud�es. In Afr�ca, we cont�nued to l�a�se w�th the West and Central Afr�ca Ma�ze Collaborat�ve Research Network (WECAMAN) and the Sem�-Ar�d Afr�ca Agr�cultural Research and Development of the Afr�can Un�on (AU/SAFGRAD) �n d�ssem�nat�ng �mproved plant�ng mater�als for extens�on, tra�n�ng and capac�ty bu�ld�ng.


In Afr�ca, soybean �s grown on about a m�ll�on ha w�th an average annual product�on of one m�ll�on tons. The countr�es w�th cons�derable area under soybean product�on �nclude N�ger�a, Uganda, South Afr�ca, Z�mbabwe, Rwanda, DRC, Zamb�a, and Malaw�. In compar�son to As�a and North Amer�ca, soybean �s a relat�vely new crop to trop�cal Afr�ca. The product�on and ut�l�zat�on of soybean has expanded nearly 10-fold �n N�ger�a over the past 10–1� years. Major expans�ons have also been observed �n Bén�n, Côte d’Ivo�re, Ghana, Togo, Uganda, and Zamb�a

attr�buted, �n part, to the crop’s h�gh prote�n content (40%), and our efforts to d�ssem�nate su�table var�et�es and appropr�ate product�on and ut�l�zat�on methods.

In 2007, our work on soybean focused on �mprov�ng tra�ts such as max�m�z�ng n�trogen fixation and optimizing the product�on of stover, tolerance to phosphorus deficiency, resistance to major d�seases, pod-shatter�ng and lodg�ng, tolerance to drought, and capac�ty to st�mulate the germ�nat�on of w�tchweed (Striga hermonthica) seeds wh�le ma�nta�n�ng

Soybean mosaic


prom�scuous nodulat�on and �mproved seed longev�ty. We developed var�et�es that comb�ned these tra�ts w�th other des�rable agronom�c features, specifically high and stable grain yields that add nitrogen and organ�c matter to the so�l. Also, the h�gh stover y�elds are a source of feed for l�vestock espec�ally dur�ng the dry season. Farmers have expressed a preference for var�et�es w�th large seeds and cream color and these tra�ts are also be�ng �ncorporated �nto breed�ng l�nes.

From 2001–2007, we produced three new soybean l�nes that could fix 10% more nitrogen than the current best widely grown variety. This is �n l�ne w�th our breed�ng strategy that focuses on develop�ng l�nes that are capable of nodulat�on w�th nat�ve rh�zob�a, thus el�m�nat�ng the need for �noculat�on w�th commerc�al rh�zob�a at the t�me of plant�ng.

An �mportant tra�t that has been �ncorporated �nto our soybean breed�ng l�nes �s the �ncreased capac�ty to st�mulate the germ�nat�on of w�tchweed seeds, thereby contr�but�ng to the�r deplet�on �n the so�l. In 2007, we evaluated 209 soybean l�nes for th�s tra�t. Two l�nes st�mulated 31% germ�nat�on of w�tchweed seeds. The best soybean l�ne screened for th�s tra�t caused 36% su�c�dal germ�nat�on.

Th�s year, we �n�t�ated var�ab�l�ty stud�es of the rust pathogen and developed efficient and rapid methods to evaluate soybean lines for rust res�stance. These stud�es were based on an earl�er survey concluded �n 2006 that mapped the geograph�cal d�str�but�on of soybean rust (Phakpsora pachyrhizi) �n N�ger�a. These surveys have shown that areas affected by rust have been expand�ng.

Local var�et�es and released cult�vars �n N�ger�a are suscept�ble to the As�an soybean rust, wh�ch has been present �n the country s�nce 1999. In 2006, the disease was recorded for the first time in the DRC and Ghana, but was st�ll absent �n Bén�n and S�erra Leone. To control the further spread and to m�n�m�ze the adverse effects of th�s d�sease, we �n�t�ated �n 2007 a collaborat�ve project w�th USDA-ARS at the Un�vers�ty of Ill�no�s to develop l�nes res�stant to soybean rust. So far, we have rece�ved 100 soybean access�ons for rust res�stance screen�ng �n N�ger�a. After repeated evaluat�on both on-stat�on and on-farm, we identified several rust-resistant accessions, with two currently being used �n our rust res�stance breed�ng program. Th�s year we also cont�nued research to determ�ne the genet�c d�vers�ty �n the N�ger�an rust populat�on.


IITA Annual Report 2007


Our major research focus on cowpea �s to develop new var�et�es w�th a range of matur�ty dates, plant type, seed qual�ty, and comb�ned res�stance to major d�seases, �nsect pests, paras�t�c weeds (Striga gesnerioides and Alectra vogelii), and broad adaptab�l�ty. Some efforts have also been made to breed cowpea for end-use qual�ty attr�butes.

In 2007, us�ng convent�onal breed�ng tools, we developed new extra-early var�et�es that y�elded up to 2.� t/ha gra�n and matured �n 60 days. Th�s �s �n contrast to the local var�et�es that produced less than 1 t/ha of gra�n and matured �n 100 to 140 days. S�m�larly, we have also developed several med�um-matur�ng dual-purpose var�et�es wh�ch y�elded over 2.� t/ha gra�n and over 3 t/ha fodder �n 7�–80 days. Two of these l�nes also had 12 to 1�% h�gher stover y�elds than the local var�et�es.

The preferred local var�et�es for fresh and tender pods requ�re stak�ng to keep pods from touch�ng the ground to avo�d rott�ng. To reduce the add�t�onal cost and labor requ�red for product�on of cowpea as vegetables, we developed bush-type var�et�es wh�ch had 30-cm long succulent pods that could y�eld up to 18 t/ha green pods w�th 3 to 4 p�cks, start�ng from 4� days after plant�ng. These var�et�es were sem�-erect w�th extra-long peduncles, protrud�ng over the canopy and hold�ng

Maruca pod borer feeding on cowpea

the pods above the ground. Cont�nuous p�ck�ng of green pods reduces the we�ght on peduncles and st�mulates further flowering and pod sett�ng, result�ng �n a cont�nuous supply of green pods for up to 7 weeks.

Th�s year we also developed several l�nes w�th comb�ned res�stance to cowpea yellow mosa�c, black


eye cowpea mosa�c, and several stra�ns of cowpea aph�d-borne mosa�c. Some progress has also been made �n breed�ng cowpea for res�stance to nematodes and a few l�nes w�th good levels of res�stance were identified for further testing. For insect pests, we identified new sources of genes with resistance to flower thrips and bruchids as parents for mak�ng crosses.

In 2007, we made cons�derable advancements �n develop�ng cowpea l�nes w�th res�stance to two paras�t�c plants, Striga gesnerioides and Alectra vogelii, through hybr�d�zat�on. We tested several l�nes w�th comb�ned res�stance to these two paras�te plants across d�fferent countries in Africa. We also identified resistant varieties to two newly identified S. gesnerioides stra�ns. Our goal �s to pyram�d the selected res�stance genes �nto �mproved cowpea var�et�es, wh�ch w�ll �ncrease the�r adaptat�on to the d�fferent reg�ons �n SSA.

Th�s year, our researchers evaluated 24� cowpea l�nes for the�r ab�l�ty to st�mulate the germ�nat�on of S. hermonthica seeds us�ng the cut root assay. Among these, five cowpea lines stimulated �0–70% germ�nat�on of Striga seeds. Such cowpea l�nes can be planted �n rotat�on or relay cropped w�th cereals to deplete Striga seeds �n the so�l.

The genet�c transformat�on of cowpea w�th Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) genes to control cowpea pod borer (Maruca vitrata Fabr�c�us), the most damag�ng �nsect for cowpea, h�nges upon a regenerat�on system. In 2007, we developed an efficient regeneration system for African cowpea genotypes us�ng cotyledonary node explants. Th�s �nvolved test�ng the shoot regenerat�on potent�al of s�x advanced breed�ng l�nes from our own cowpea breed�ng program w�th two cowpea landrace access�ons from N�ger�a.

To fulfill our cowpea research mandate, we continued to collaborate w�th var�ous �nst�tut�ons and organ�zat�ons, �nclud�ng Bean/Cowpea CRSP, advanced laborator�es �n the USA and Austral�a, Afr�can Agr�cultural Technology Foundat�on, Network for Genet�c Improvement of Cowpea for Africa, and Monsanto, specifically in our research to transform cowpea w�th Bt gene for Maruca res�stance. Add�t�onally, we cont�nued to work w�th the Un�vers�ty of V�rg�n�a to develop markers assoc�ated w�th res�stance to the d�fferent stra�ns of S. gesnerioides.


IITA Annual Report 2007

Root and tuber systems

Commercializing cassava in Nigeria

N�ger�a’s Pres�dent�al In�t�at�ve on Cassava of 2002 set �n mot�on the process of ach�ev�ng an annual �ncome of US$� b�ll�on from the process�ng and export of cassava over 3 to � years. To real�ze th�s object�ve, the country needed to d�vers�fy the uses of cassava and ma�nstream them �nto pr�mary �ndustr�es through the product�on of value-added products such as starch, ethanol, chips, and flour. In 2005, the first shipload of cassava chips was exported to China. Since then, N�ger�a’s export of cassava products has been act�vely pursued, w�th organ�c gari (or far�na, as the roasted granule �s known �n Lat�n Amer�ca) be�ng exported to Europe and the Un�ted States. IITA’s cassava commerc�al�zat�on program supports th�s In�t�at�ve.

Beg�nn�ng �n 2001, our strategy sh�fted towards a market-dr�ven technology transfer and commerc�al�zat�on approach �n several of our mandate crops, �nclud�ng cassava. Our cassava commerc�al�zat�on and

Grating cassava into strips. Processed cassava is fast becoming a big business in Nigeria

market development act�v�t�es �nclude the host�ng of the Cassava Compet�t�veness Workshop (2002), two subsector stud�es on cassava �n N�ger�a (2003) and significant �nputs �nto the NEPAD Pan-Afr�can Cassava In�t�at�ve and the Pres�dent�al In�t�at�ve on Cassava. Currently, we have two centerp�ece cassava projects �n N�ger�a: the Pre-empt�ve Management of the Cassava Mosa�c D�sease (CMD); and the Cassava Enterpr�se Development Project (CEDP).


Our CMD project focuses on us�ng a fast-track approach to bu�ld a defense aga�nst the v�rulent form of the d�sease by �ntroduc�ng, along the southeast and south-south flanks of Nigeria, CMD-resistant varieties. In 2007, some 4,6�6 ha are under cult�vat�on w�th the new res�stant cassava var�et�es and farmers can harvest about 2�.6 t of cassava per hectare, more than double the 12 t/ha average y�eld from trad�t�onal var�et�es. To d�str�bute these �mproved var�et�es, we collaborated w�th organ�zat�ons such as the Cassava Growers Assoc�at�on of N�ger�a and we also encourage and undertake act�v�t�es that enable farmer-to-farmer transfer. To supplement th�s project, we also extended tra�n�ng to growers and extens�on workers wh�ch �ncludes, among others, appropriate cultural techniques and field management of these improved CMD-res�stant var�et�es.

On the other hand, our CEDP supports m�cro- and small-scale agroprocess�ng act�v�t�es �n the cassava enterpr�se. From October 2006 to September 2007, the CEDP generated some US$14 m�ll�on �n �ncome, ma�nly from the product�on and process�ng of cassava by small- to med�um-scale enterpr�ses, mob�le grater enterpr�ses and m�cro-process�ng centers. Farmers and cassava enterpr�ses ass�sted by CEDP cumulat�vely earned well over US$11 m�ll�on dur�ng the same per�od. As of 2007, we have establ�shed and are support�ng 4�1 functional enterprises, which was a big leap from the end-2006 figure of 130. We have also ass�sted �n sett�ng up 30 small-scale equ�pment product�on plants �n seven states and formed a network of cassava equ�pment fabr�cators across N�ger�a. These enterpr�ses, as well as the various other CEDP-assisted activities, have benefited through d�rect employment more that 2000 people �n the project areas and have ass�sted women and vulnerable groups w�th m�cro-process�ng centers. The spillover is over ten times this figure.

The establishment of successful enterprises exemplifies our ach�evement. For example, the Aquada Enterpr�se, Ab�a State now exports Scintilla hyper-fine gari flour to Baltimore, USA, under the AGOA Initiative. It has already exported 11 tons of the flour valued at US$ 46,87�. Drena Farms L�m�ted �n Delta State, exports gari and fufu to London and New York. So far, the company has exported some 3� metr�c tons of products valued at U$22 ,400. Jon Tudy Foods, An�ocha South LGA, Delta State, has suppl�ed 2,700 20-pound bags of gari to the USA and currently has a stand�ng order of 3,000 bags per month.

Under the CEDP, we develop technolog�es to �mprove labor product�v�ty and �ncrease y�eld through mechan�zed product�on.


IITA Annual Report 2007

For example, we work �n collaborat�on w�th the Cassava Equ�pment Fabr�cators Assoc�at�on of N�ger�a, Flour M�llers Assoc�at�on and other reg�stered bod�es to develop and encourage the use of planters, harvesters, peelers, hydraul�c presses and dryers w�th a v�ew to add�ng value, remov�ng drudgery �n product�on and process�ng, and turn�ng cassava �nto an �ncome-generat�ng crop.

Through our �ntegrated cassava projects, we collaborated w�th national partners on finding new ways to utilize cassava from the bas�c food (gari, fufu, lafun) to �mproved food products such as h�gh-qual�ty gari, odorless �nstant fufu, and h�gh qual�ty cassava flour. In connection with this, we have produced and published over 37 �nformat�on books and booklets on cassava �n Engl�sh (2006) and �n French (2007).

In 2007, we prov�de techn�cal backstopp�ng and research support to a newly opened ultramodern glucose syrup factory �n N�ger�a that uses cassava as �ts major raw mater�al and wh�ch prov�des a secure market for 400 tons of fresh cassava per day grown by 20,000 poor farmers nearby. Bu�lt at a cost of N2.� b�ll�on by Ekha Agro N�g. Ltd., a pr�vate sector �n�t�at�ve, �n partnersh�p w�th the Internat�onal Starch Inst�tute (ISI) �n Denmark and several N�ger�an banks, the company w�ll produce 100 tons of glucose syrup da�ly. It w�ll �n�t�ally produce 30,000 tons of glucose syrup per annum, sav�ng the country about $1� m�ll�on on �mports. As N�ger�a currently requ�res 120,000 tons of glucose syrup annually, the factory �s set to meet �mmed�ately a quarter of nat�onal demand for the commod�ty, wh�ch �s used �n pharmaceut�cals, food and brew�ng. The factory currently employs �0 eng�neers and 70 agronom�sts who organ�ze and work w�th more than 20,000 cassava out-growers and cluster farmers who supply da�ly fresh cassava roots valued at about 2 m�ll�on N�ger�an Na�ra, or about US$1�,000. On the adv�ce of IITA, the company ma�nta�ns 3000 hectares of cassava farmland to supplement fresh roots from �ts contract growers.

N�ger�a �s presently the world’s b�ggest producer of cassava, w�th an est�mated 4� m�ll�on tons per year. S�nce 1980, the expans�on of cassava product�on has been relat�vely steady, ga�n�ng momentum dur�ng the per�od 1988–1992 follow�ng the release of �mproved IITA var�et�es that boosted farm product�on. W�th the Pres�dent�al In�t�at�ve on Cassava, and complemented by our research-for-development work on the crop, N�ger�a �s well on �ts way to becom�ng a major player �n the local and �nternat�onal markets for h�gh-value processed cassava products.


Enhancing productivity and improving nutrition through cassava

In SSA, over 240 m�ll�on people depend on cassava for food and �ncome. Cassava prov�des a cheap but r�ch source of calor�es. Producers sell the crop as fresh roots or as value-added products such as gari (roasted cassava granules) and starch, wh�ch are also exported to Europe and Amer�ca. IITA �s at the forefront of cassava research-for-development �n Afr�ca to help get to the “root” of successful development. H�ghl�ghts �n 2007 �nclude the development and release of new var�et�es w�th nat�onal and �nternat�onal partners to reduce producer and consumer r�sk, �ncrease product�v�ty and �ncome.

Cassava brown streak d�sease (CBSD) poses a major threat to cassava product�on across the cont�nent and urgent act�on �s needed to further develop and d�ssem�nate res�stant var�et�es. We collaborated w�th the K�z�mban� Research Stat�on �n Zanz�bar to develop four new cult�vars that are res�stant to CBSD. These groundbreak�ng var�et�es also have good cook�ng qual�t�es and h�gh y�elds, averag�ng 20 tons/ha of fresh roots.

In March 2007, Zanz�bar’s M�n�stry of Agr�culture released these new var�et�es as a result of strong producer demand. Th�s was the crown on four years of �ntens�ve farmer part�c�patory breed�ng tr�als. Farmers

and small-scale entrepreneurs, l�ke the members of the M�takawan� Cassava Process�ng S�te, a cottage

�ndustry that adds value to the cassava roots, celebrated the release of the new

cult�vars. For example, Mama Juma �s

tw�ce as r�ch thanks to IITA’s act�v�t�es �n Tanzan�a. The development of new cult�vars means the small-scale farmer now produces more cassava roots and has diversified into making flour. The flour sells for US$6 per 80-kg bag, double the pr�ce she would rece�ve for the roots alone.

She said: “The flour we make from them tastes better! We

are happy because the new hybr�ds not only g�ve us abundant

and steady harvest but also supply

Cassava brown streak disease leaf symp-toms in TME 14 showing association of chlorosis with secondary veins.


IITA Annual Report 2007

our small-scale enterpr�ses w�th cassava that has good process�ng qual�t�es.”

Th�s year, the All�ance for a Green Revolut�on �n Afr�ca (AGRA) granted funds for a three-year mult�pl�cat�on project to exped�te the d�ssem�nat�on of the groundbreak�ng res�stant hybr�ds. However, more needs to be done to prevent the spread of th�s d�sease, espec�ally to West Afr�ca where �t would devastate the product�on.

Cassava commonly grown �n the reg�on conta�ns low amounts of prote�n �n the storage roots, roughly only 2% of the plant’s dry we�ght. In 2007, we developed, �n partnersh�p w�th our partners �n CIAT, Colomb�a, var�et�es w�th up 14 t�mes more prote�n content (28% dry we�ght bas�s) than the convent�onal var�et�es. We are also work�ng w�th HarvestPlus to produce beta-carotene, iron, and zinc bio-fortified cassava. Aside from hav�ng more prote�n, these var�et�es are be�ng enhanced w�th essent�al micro-nutrients. Bio-fortified cassava could significantly address “hidden hunger” �n SSA, wh�ch, accord�ng to UNICEF est�mates, �s already cost�ng the reg�on’s econom�es some US$2.3 b�ll�on �n lost product�v�ty. Ex�st�ng practices don’t need to change to realize the nutritional benefits.

Yam pest threatens potato

More than 9�% of the world’s 47 m�ll�on metr�c tons of yam produced annually comes from SSA. Yam (Dioscorea spp.) �s the preferred staple food �n West Afr�ca. It �s �mportant for surv�val �n the reg�on as the tubers can be stored up to s�x months w�thout refr�gerat�on, mak�ng them a valuable resource for the yearly per�od of food scarc�ty at the beg�nn�ng of the wet season.

Potato �s cons�dered to be the world’s most w�dely grown tuber crop. It �s also the most �mportant commod�ty crop �n Southern Afr�ca, w�th about �0,000 ha planted to �t. Although both yam and potato are classified as tubers, the biotic stresses that affect their production and storab�l�ty have always been d�fferent from each other… unt�l now!

In 2007, our researchers observed symptoms assoc�ated w�th attack by a phytoparas�t�c nematode that �s known to be a major pest of yam on potato com�ng from the key N�ger�an potato-grow�ng area of Jos. Th�s major endoparas�te, Scutellonema bradys, or s�mply “yam nematode”, causes severe crop losses, subopt�mal y�elds and deter�orat�on of tubers wh�le �n storage. S. bradys transm�ts plant v�ruses through the�r feed�ng act�v�ty on roots, and makes them more prone to fungal and bacter�al attacks, e.g., dry rot and wet rot. Yam nematode reproduces and bu�lds up large populat�ons �n stored tubers and causes severe damage dur�ng storage. The largest populat�on recorded was 6200 nematodes/g of tuber.


The sample potato spec�mens from Jos showed crack�ng of the cortex, a symptom assoc�ated w�th an S. bradys attack. If proven, th�s case represents the first record of this nematode infecting potato. To confirm the discovery, we conducted yam nematode inoculation tests on local potato tubers sourced from Ibadan, N�ger�a dur�ng the same year. Potato tubers planted in sterile soil-filled pots were inoculated w�th about �,000 S. bradys, obta�ned from �nfected yam, two weeks after transplant�ng from sprout�ng beds. Plants �noculated w�th the yam nematode produced tubers w�th substant�al crack�ng of the cortex and ev�dent tuber rot. Other symptoms observed that are typ�cal of yam nematode �nfestat�on �ncluded scaly appearance, surface and deep t�ssue cracks and d�stort�ons, and sub-surface rott�ng. Morpholog�cal tests of the mature nematodes recovered from the so�l, roots and tubers of the �noculated plants were confirmed to be S. bradys.

As the findings established that potato can be infected by yam nematode, a better understand�ng of the pathology of th�s nematode �s urgently needed to determ�ne �f �t �s a potent�al quarant�ne problem that m�ght �mpact trade of tuber crops.

Yam tuber infected with nematode


IITA Annual Report 2007

High-value productsIn Afr�ca, tree crops and vegetables play key roles �n the poverty reduct�on strateg�es of many countr�es. Smallholder tree crop systems st�mulate export-or�ented econom�c growth �n rural areas through new investment and public-private sector partnerships, significantly contr�but�ng to enhanced l�vel�hoods and b�od�vers�ty. In urban and per�-urban areas, �nd�genous and exot�c leafy vegetables (e.g., cabbage, amaranth, Afr�can n�ghtshade, and lettuce), fru�t vegetables (e.g., tomato, pepper) and root vegetables (e.g., carrot) are v�tal �n the food and nutr�t�onal secur�ty and �ncome stab�l�ty of commun�t�es. We contr�bute towards the development of these h�gh-value products through our two centerp�ece programs: the IITA/SDC Vegetable IPM Project and the Susta�nable Tree Crops Project (STCP).

The IITA/SDC Vegetable IPM Project

In 2007, we �n�t�ated a farmer-part�c�patory collect�on of preferred vegetable crops �n Bén�n w�th the object�ve of �mprov�ng local vegetable germplasm. We prov�ded the Un�on of Vegetable Growers, composed of 22 farmers’ groups, w�th 3 ha of research land w�th �rr�gat�on fac�l�t�es

Pepper is a mainstay of African dishes

where farmers brought the�r preferred var�et�es for seed/seedl�ng mult�pl�cat�on �n a pest-free env�ronment. In Cotonou, we also �n�t�ated tr�als to opt�m�ze the dosage and appl�cat�on of farm yard manure to enhance so�l fert�l�ty and �mprove the v�gor of gboma (Solanum macrocarpon) and green amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) as components of an IPM approach �n small vegetable plots �n the Houéy�ho s�te.


Th�s year, we conducted �ntens�ve d�agnos�s of pest�c�de use patterns at 10 vegetable product�on s�tes �n southern Bén�n. F�nd�ngs showed that vegetable producers appl�ed at least 1� d�fferent chem�cal pest�c�des Across the country, cabbage, tomato, and gboma emerged as �nd�cator crops of harmful pest�c�de reg�mes �n the vegetable agroecosystems. In the urban and per�-urban s�tes of coastal Bén�n and Togo, we �n�t�ated research on pest�c�de res�dues to �dent�fy pest�c�des that have contam�nated product�on env�ronments. Through the project, we mon�tored pest�c�de res�due levels �n �rr�gat�on and ground water as well as assessed the pest�c�de d�ss�pat�on �n so�ls and from plant surfaces at harvest.

Botan�cals, wh�ch �nclude cassava and orange ep�dermal peels, were identified as viable alternatives to chemical nematicides in the control of nematodes �n Gboma and carrots. Our stud�es have shown that these botanicals were as efficient as Rugby10 (a chemical nematicide) and Paecilomyces lilacinus (an egg nemat�c�de) �n controll�ng nematodes.

Our IPM project th�s year also generated extens�ve basel�ne �nformat�on on the d�vers�ty, d�str�but�on, and econom�c �mportance of pests/d�seases and assoc�ated natural enem�es �n vegetable product�on, mostly �n Bén�n. The ma�n crops sampled were gboma, amaranth, cabbage, carrot, lettuce, on�on, pepper, auberg�ne, cucumber, green beans, and tomato. The basel�ne survey database cons�sted of a comprehens�ve pest l�st and geo-referenced d�str�but�on maps w�th accompanying graphs depicting location-specific data on economic damage for specific pests in each of the regions surveyed in the country. The database prov�des a bas�s to �n�t�ate the development of h�stor�cal profiles on the changing status of vegetable pest problems (e.g., the �mpact of �ntervent�ons).

In the search for b�olog�cal alternat�ves to chem�cal pest�c�des, our researchers have determ�ned that the fungus Beauveria bassiana �s a potent�al effect�ve m�crob�al pest�c�de for manag�ng Lep�doptera pests. To confirm this, we evaluated eight isolates of fungal pathogens for their respect�ve v�rulence aga�nst the D�amondback moth (DBM) larvae. Across the test s�tes, DBM populat�on dens�ty and mortal�ty were cons�stently h�gher �n plots treated w�th a chem�cal �nsect�c�de (Talstar) and �n control plots than �n those treated w�th the b�o-pest�c�de B. bassiana �6�3 (Bba�6�3). Add�t�onally, cabbage y�eld was at least 2.� t�mes h�gher �n plots treated w�th the b�opest�c�de than �n plots treated w�th Talstar or �n the untreated plots. These prel�m�nary results show that b�o-pest�c�des could be effectively used to control specific crop pests without the toxic dangers assoc�ated w�th chem�cal-based pest�c�des and at the same t�me potent�ally �ncrease y�elds.


IITA Annual Report 2007

L�fe-table stud�es on m�te pests of gboma and amaranth conducted under the IPM project prov�ded a bas�s to develop b�olog�cal control approaches aga�nst the pests. A number of predatory m�tes (phytose��d spec�es) observed on gboma could be tapped to b�olog�cally control P. latus on the crop.

In 2007, three sess�ons of tra�n�ng of tra�ners (ToT) comb�ned with farmer field school (FFS) in integrated plant production and plant protect�on of gboma, cabbage, carrot, and lettuce were completed. The tra�n�ng �nvolved 81 farmers’ group representat�ves (30% women farmers) who served as farmer-tra�ners of 43� vegetable producers at the�r respect�ve 28 vegetable product�on s�tes �n southern Bén�n. The ToT/FFS was �ntegrated w�th research and extens�on by commun�ty organ�zers to enable farmers to understand the need for correct and timely crop and pest observations coupled with field plot experiments as the bases for �nformed dec�s�on mak�ng for plant protect�on �ntervent�ons. Part�c�pants’ evaluat�on of the tra�n�ng and secondary transfer of the �nformat�on and sk�lls have shown some pos�t�ve changes �n the farmers’ product�on pract�ces.

Th�s year, a TV documentary about the project and �ts promot�on of the use of the b�o-pest�c�de Bba�6�3 aga�nst DBM was a�red. Farmers tra�ned under the project presented and d�scussed the�r exper�ences on using this bio-pesticide, specifically its importance and advantages over chem�cal pest�c�des.

The Sustainable Tree Crops Project (STCP)

The STCP promotes the development of the cocoa sector by strengthen�ng commun�ty groups, d�ssem�nat�ng related technology and research, influencing policy and implementing policy changes, bu�ld�ng market �nformat�on systems, and strengthen�ng labor and soc�al systems. We coord�nate and host the project �n collaborat�on w�th a number of partner organ�zat�ons �n Cameroon, Cote d’Ivo�re, Ghana, Gu�nea, L�ber�a and N�ger�a.

One �mportant ach�evement �n 2007 �s the recogn�t�on g�ven to the project by our partners, regard�ng �t as “an �mportant collaborat�ve �nnovat�on from wh�ch all stakeholders der�ve value. Th�s un�que partnersh�p has never before ex�sted for the cocoa sector, wh�ch �s the most �mportant tree-based commod�ty �n West Afr�ca.”

Br�ng�ng together nat�onal, reg�onal, and �nternat�onal expert�se, the project developed a h�gh-qual�ty, �nexpens�ve, and relevant farmer tra�n�ng approach based upon the learn�ng concept of FFS, part�cularly

A happy cocoa farmer. Small-scale farmers have been trained through FFS on maximizing incomes derived from this commodity crop



IITA Annual Report 2007

to ut�l�ze �nd�genous knowledge and technology opt�ons ex�st�ng �n the commun�t�es for manag�ng cocoa trees. Ut�l�z�ng FFS, commun�ty pract�ces on �ntegrated crop, pest, d�sease, and qual�ty management of cocoa has been successfully val�dated �n West Afr�ca. The approach was tested w�th 13,000 farmers �n four countr�es over 3 years. In the fields of participating farmers, cocoa yields were, on average, 1�% to 40% h�gher wh�le requ�r�ng 10% to 20% less pest�c�de.

Up unt�l 2007, the STCP has been �dent�fy�ng approaches to �mprove the effect�veness of farmers’ organ�zat�ons as a mechan�sm to enhance the farmers’ role �n market�ng and �ncrease the�r �ncomes. We have been test�ng these approaches w�th 1� large farmers’ cooperat�ves, complement�ng �t w�th tra�n�ng and prov�d�ng techn�cal support to potent�ally reach over 31,000 farmers �n four countr�es. Surveys that we conducted �n 2007 showed that through group sales and more transparent and d�rect transact�ons, farmers rece�ved �% to 1�% h�gher farm-gate �ncomes.

Improved product�on and market�ng techn�ques can lead to significant improvements in incomes. Preliminary impact studies of the STCP, conducted th�s year, showed that part�c�pat�ng households earned h�gher �ncomes from cocoa �n the range of 23%–��% compared to non-part�c�pat�ng households. Th�s was attr�buted largely to the comb�ned product�on and market�ng �ntervent�ons by the project.

Nat�onal programs have expressed the�r �ntent�ons of �ntegrat�ng the approaches espoused by the project �nto the�r own act�v�t�es. For example, the FFS approach has been adopted by the Nat�onal Cocoa Development Comm�ttee of N�ger�a �n the �mplementat�on of �ts nat�onw�de cocoa extens�on plan. Presently, the STCP prov�des techn�cal backstopp�ng to th�s nat�onal effort.

In develop�ng human resources, the project has tra�ned over 16,100 farmers and farmer-fac�l�tators �n Côte d’Ivo�re, Ghana, N�ger�a, Cameroon, and L�ber�a on FFS methodology for cocoa �ntegrated crop and pest management (ICPM). Add�t�onally, 46 farmer cooperatives comprising some 15 ,800 farmers from these five countr�es have been tra�ned on the use of ‘‘toolk�ts’’ for strengthen�ng farmer organ�zat�ons. A number of �nformat�on, educat�on and commun�cat�on mater�als have been produced, �nclud�ng over �0 pictorial fact sheets and poster flipcharts on cocoa ICPM for use in farmer tra�n�ng.


Agriculture and health

Our efforts �n agr�culture and health focus on sc�ence-based development act�v�t�es that cut across gender and soc�al strata to pos�t�vely �mpact the health and nutr�t�on of people �n SSA.

F�ve CGIAR Centers—IITA, ICRISAT, CIMMYT, IFPRI and ICARDA—are work�ng together w�th nat�onal and ARI partners �n develop�ng technolog�es to control mycotox�n contam�nat�on �n major Afr�can food crops and encourag�ng farmers to adopt them. In 2007, th�s collaborat�ve research produced new ma�ze, groundnut, wheat and barley var�et�es that are res�stant to mycotox�n contam�nat�on. Add�t�onally, a b�olog�cal control method �nvolv�ng the d�spersal of non-tox�c stra�ns of the fungus to d�splace the tox�c ones has shown potential for reducing aflatoxins in affected crops by as much as 99%. An ELISA-based mycotox�n detect�on technology was d�ssem�nated to and adopted by farmer organ�zat�ons �n Malaw� to �ncrease the�r exports of groundnuts to Europe. In Afr�ca, res�stant cult�vars were deployed and simple field management strategies to reduce crop aflatoxin contamination 90% have been disseminated to farmers. Further efforts are underway to �dent�fy cost-effect�ve technolog�es at cr�t�cal control po�nts along the foodfeed value cha�n to reduce the r�sk of mycotox�ns.

Mycotox�ns produced by ear rot-caus�ng fung� �n ma�ze pose ser�ous health hazards to humans. In collaborat�on w�th SRRC and USDA-RRC, we �n�t�ated �n 2007 a breed�ng project that produced several aflatoxin-resistant crosses and backcrosses from US and IITA �nbred l�nes. A total of 6� S� l�nes were developed from the backcross populat�ons and 144 S� l�nes were der�ved from the F1 crosses. Several promising S5 lines with high aflatoxin resistance levels have been selected for confirmation tests. Initial screening of 58 elite maize inbred lines using artificial field inoculation with F. verticilloides detected significant differences in fumonisin accumulation. The new inbred lines with high resistance to aflatoxin contamination and the elite lines with low levels of fumon�s�n can be explo�ted as potent�ally new sources of genes �n breed�ng programs.

An �mportant aspect of our breed�ng work �s the development of crop var�et�es w�th �mproved nutr�t�onal qual�t�es. In ma�ze, we cont�nued to develop cult�vars w�th enhanced levels of lys�ne and tryptophan (QPM), two essential amino acids that are deficient in the crop. In partnersh�p w�th CIMMYT, Mex�co and nat�onal partners, we are breed�ng extra-early, early-, and late-matur�ng QPM var�et�es


IITA Annual Report 2007

that are res�stant to the preva�l�ng major fol�ar d�seases and S. hermonthica, as well as are agronom�cally compet�t�ve w�th regular ma�ze. So far, 4 extra-early, 10 early-, and 9 late-matur�ng drought-tolerant and/or Striga-res�stant var�et�es adapted to the lowlands have been converted to QPM and are be�ng evaluated through reg�onal or on-farm tr�als. Streak res�stance �n Obatanpa, DMR-ESR-W QPM and Susuma �s currently be�ng �mproved and tested �n WECAMAN member countr�es for later release to farmers.

We are breed�ng ma�ze var�et�es w�th �ncreased levels of �ron, z�nc, and pro-v�tam�n A. Several stud�es that we conducted �n 2007 showed that el�te ma�ze germplasm can be explo�ted to enr�ch the m�cronutr�ent content of ma�ze w�thout reduc�ng product�v�ty. Prom�s�ng el�te ma�ze inbred lines containing high levels of pro-vitamin A (4.5 to 9.8 μg/g), iron (24 to 42 mg/kg), and z�nc (26 to 88 mg/kg) are be�ng bred and tested to develop breed�ng populat�ons and hybr�ds w�th �ncreased m�cronutr�ent content. Prel�m�nary results �nd�cate that some hybr�ds produced from these �nbred l�nes are agronom�cal compet�t�ve compared to a commerc�al hybr�d control. It �s expected that our ma�ze breed�ng work would result �n the development of var�et�es w�th enhanced amounts of essent�al nutr�ents.

Th�s year, our researchers have also assessed the b�oava�lab�l�ty of �ron �n selected ma�ze var�et�es us�ng an �n v�tro d�gest�on [Caco-2-cell] model. S�xty-n�ne late-early-matur�ng el�te IITA ma�ze var�et�es were grown under un�form cond�t�ons �n locat�ons represent�ng the forest and savanna zones of Afr�ca. Of the var�et�es tested, 11 showed 21–38% more b�o-ava�lable �ron than the most w�dely grown var�ety, TZB-SR. These var�et�es also had h�gh m�neral dens�ty and h�gh gra�n y�eld. The best three varieties are being further evaluated. To confirm the findings, we conducted evaluat�on stud�es �nvolv�ng human subjects of the in vitro �ron b�oava�lab�l�ty of two ma�ze var�et�es, d�rectly compar�ng the results w�th that of the earl�er Caco-2 cell tests. F�nd�ngs of th�s study w�ll be publ�shed �n 2008.

In cassava, screen�ng stud�es conducted by our researchers �n 2007 on w�ld spec�es of Manihot showed that some of them conta�n h�gh levels of prote�n and therefore present a potent�al source of breed�ng mater�al for cassava w�th h�gher nutr�ent content. Through hybr�d�zat�on of w�ld Manihot species, M. tristis and M. flavellifolia, w�th locally adapted germplasm as well as in vitro landraces and �mproved clones from our partners �n CIAT Colomb�a, we were able to produce cassava cult�vars w�th prote�n content as h�gh as 28% th�s same year.


Th�s represents a four-fold �ncrease �n the content of the basel�ne cassava local var�et�es wh�ch have only about 7% prote�n �n the�r roots and leaves. In add�t�on, CIAT and HarvestPlus shared w�th us the�r in vitro progenies of interspecific high-protein hybrids for introgession with Afr�can adapted genepools. These l�nes are be�ng crossed w�th h�gh beta-carotene clones ava�lable at our genebank to obta�n progen�es w�th enhanced levels of both m�cro and macronutr�ents. Our stud�es have shown that it is possible to incorporate high-protein and high-β-carotene tra�ts �nto a s�ngle cassava genotype through breed�ng.

Also in 2007, we identified a cowpea line (IT97K-1042-3) that conta�ns the h�ghest prote�n (30%), �ron (77 ppm), and z�nc (46 ppm). Our breeders are cross�ng th�s l�ne w�th other �mproved cowpea var�et�es to develop segregat�ng populat�ons for further genet�c �mprovement stud�es.

Banana is a major source of food and nutrition for many Africans


IITA Annual Report 2007


Our Agrob�od�vers�ty Project emphas�zes the long-term conservat�on and use of plant genet�c resources, part�cularly of staple and underut�l�zed crop spec�es, for food secur�ty and susta�nab�l�ty of natural resources.

Conservation and use of in vitro-propagated germplasm

For the last three years, we have transferred over 2,300 access�ons of cassava, �00 access�ons of yams and 2�0 access�ons of Musa from the field to the in vitro genebank. The in vitro genebank presently ma�nta�ns 4,186 access�ons of these crops. Some 2,3�0 of these access�ons have been sent to IITA’s Bén�n genebank fac�l�ty �n Cotonou for safe dupl�cat�on �n 2007. Dur�ng the same year, the w�ld Manihot field genebank has been rejuvenated in the field.

Dur�ng the past two decades, the genebank has d�str�buted over 60,000 access�ons. In 2007, 6784 access�ons were sent to 9 countr�es (Botswana, Burk�na Faso, Germany, Japan, Mozamb�que, N�ger�a, Republ�c of Korea, Senegal and USA).

To fac�l�tate the d�str�but�on of clean t�ssue culture plant�ng mater�al and botan�c seeds, we conducted v�rus d�agnost�c tests on cowpea, yam and cassava, employ�ng var�ous techn�ques l�ke v�sual observat�on, enzyme-l�nked �mmunosorbent assay (ELISA), and polymerase cha�n react�on (PCR). As of 2007, our Germplasm Health Un�t has more than 2,�00 access�ons of cowpea, Bambara groundnut, cassava, yam and Musa. V�rus d�agnost�cs �s v�tal �n ascerta�n�ng the health status of plants for the product�on of �n v�tro plantlets and contr�but�ng towards the on-farm management of d�seases.

Conservation and use of seed crop germplasm

Dur�ng the past 4 years, we regenerated and processed our Bambara groundnut seed collect�on, a total of 1,�97 access�ons, for med�um- and long-term storage. Other seed crop collect�ons that we have rejuvenated dur�ng th�s per�od of t�me �nclude 8,�00 cowpea access�ons, 876 ma�ze access�ons, 110 Afr�can yam bean, 9� access�ons of w�nged bean and 6� access�ons of green gram.


In late 2007, we sh�pped about 7,000 un�que seed samples from more than 36 Afr�can nat�ons to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a fac�l�ty bu�lt on an �sland �n the Arct�c C�rcle as a repos�tory of last resort for human�ty’s agr�cultural her�tage. Our sh�pment cons�sted of thousands of dupl�cates of un�que var�et�es of domest�cated and w�ld cowpea, ma�ze, soybean, and Bambara groundnut. The seeds were packed �n 21 boxes we�gh�ng 330 kg.

The process�ng of the seeds took several months. The seeds were sh�pped to Norway’s Svalbard arch�pelago, where the vault has been constructed �n a mounta�n deep �ns�de the Arct�c permafrost. The vault was bu�lt by the Norweg�an government as a serv�ce to the global commun�ty. The vault opened on 26 February 2008.

Describing the genetic diversity of conserved germplasm

Under a Generat�on Challenge Program-funded act�v�ty IITA sc�ent�sts have genotyped a representat�ve sub-sample (core collect�on) of the ent�re cowpea collect�on held at the IITA genebank. Th�s act�v�ty and subsequent analys�s of the molecular data has allowed the definition of a smaller collection; a mini-core or reference collection that represents the ent�re collect�on �n geograph�cal, phenotyp�c and genotyp�c terms. Reference collect�ons prov�des a manageable �nterface by wh�ch sc�ent�sts �nclud�ng breeders, genet�c�sts, patholog�sts and molecular b�olog�sts can assess and m�ne the great d�vers�ty present �n the genebank collect�ons for tra�ts of �nterest generat�ng a greater understand�ng of the potent�al var�at�on �n the global collection. Once interesting accessions are identified in a reference collect�on a sc�ent�st can request closely related access�ons from the genebank for further assessment. The reference collect�on for cowpea has been w�dely requested and d�ssem�nated w�th�n and outs�de of IITA and �s be�ng adopted �n stud�es on ab�ot�c and b�ot�c stress-tolerance.

Th�s year, our breeders sequenced over 40,000 ESTs from cowpea d�fferent�al cDNA l�brar�es, wh�ch were obta�ned from the roots, leaves and stems of drought-stressed, �rr�gated but drought-suscept�ble, and drought-tolerant cowpea l�nes. Th�s y�elded about 17,000 un�que cont�guous and s�ngle sequences. Add�t�onally, over 5,000 potential new markers were identified, including 3,226 s�ngle nucleot�de polymorph�sms and 1,806 m�crosatell�te markers.


IITA Annual Report 2007

A m�croarray ch�p �s also be�ng developed. S�m�lar genotyp�ng was conducted on 2,�7� cassava access�ons us�ng data from e�ght SSRs. These access�ons represented a global collect�on, w�th contr�but�ons from EMBRAPA, CIAT and IITA.

In 2007, we completed a study to assess the genet�c d�vers�ty and heterot�c relat�onsh�ps of �00 Afr�can local (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and 398 �mproved cassava germplasm based on quant�tat�ve and qualitative agrobotanical characteristics, molecular marker fingerprinting and heteros�s. The access�ons were also tested for res�stance to

Cowpea seeds on display at our gene bank in Ibadan, Nigeria

the cassava mosa�c d�sease (CMD). Cassava germplasm from Gu�nea and S�erra Leone were s�m�larly assessed for genet�c relat�onsh�p. DNA was extracted from cassava clones of 81 Gu�nea and 96 S�erraLeone cassava access�ons and genotyped at IITA Ibadan us�ng molecular markers. A dendrogram was obta�ned after generat�ng a s�m�lar�ty matr�x us�ng UPGMA. The result of these stud�es �s useful �n the select�on of clones for breed�ng, specifically to avoid �nbreed�ng depress�on and to �ncrease hybr�d v�gor. In breed�ng, d�stant clones are preferred over closely related ones.

Dur�ng 2007, we also assessed West Afr�can cocoa collect�on for genet�c d�vers�ty. A total of 68� cocoa


access�ons from Cross R�ver State of N�ger�a and Western Ghana were character�zed us�ng SSR markers and the PAGE System. The access�ons from both countr�es were ma�nly farmers’ collect�ons, w�th one access�on from breeders’ collect�on (des�gnated as AMAZ) from the field genebank of the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN). Prel�m�nary results showed that the genet�c base of farmers’ cocoa collect�on �s very narrow, mak�ng �t vulnerable to b�ot�c and ab�ot�c stresses. However, th�s could be addressed by �ntroduc�ng underutilized germplasm from our national partners’ field genebanks. The findings are important in designing cocoa-based multi-cropping systems that are more res�l�ent to stresses.

Transferring traits from wild/unadapted species and creating novel diversity

In 2007, we carr�ed out evaluat�on stud�es on the v�ab�l�ty of seeds derived from intraspecific and interspecific crosses of Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana; selfings of M. acuminata or M. balbisiana; and selfings or crosses between banana–plantain hybr�ds. From 24, 612 seeds extracted from fru�ts of Musa genotypes, �,0�6 “good” cand�date seeds were selected. About 3,760 embryos were exc�sed from these cand�date seeds and cultured. Some seeds were also sown directly. Viability was very high in intraspecific crosses of the AA and BB d�plo�ds �n both sown seeds and embryo culture, although some apparent �nbreed�ng depress�on was observed �n a few of the d�plo�d banana hybr�ds �nclud�ng h�gh rates of late embryo mortal�ty.

In develop�ng black s�gatoka-res�stant banana and planta�n cultivars, we conducted genetic analysis studies of intraspecific and interspecific hybrids. Results indicated that wild M. acuminata and landrace access�ons of P�lang L�l�n, Calcutta 4, and subsp. Zebr�na and Heva are res�stant to BS. F1 and F2 progen�es have been produced from these plants to exam�ne the effects of genepyram�d�ng for greater d�sease res�stance. Over �0 new seedl�ngs produced from these hybr�ds are be�ng further �nvest�gated for decreas�ng the poss�ble hybr�d�ty of ex�st�ng alleles for BS res�stance, part�cularly that of Calcutta 4.

Th�s year, we also conducted seedl�ng dehydrat�on stress tolerance tests on M. acuminata, M. balbisiana and interspecific hybr�ds. Seedl�ngs were subjected to dehydrat�on stress and


IITA Annual Report 2007

subsequently rehydrated to determ�ne the�r surv�val rate. Seeds of M. balbisiana Montpell�er, Butohan 2, Los Baños and M. acuminata were screened under normally lethal dehydrat�on cond�t�ons. Two plants from a Butohan 2 populat�on showed h�gh dehydrat�on stress tolerance and have been mult�pl�ed for further test�ng. Our breeders

constantly check on the health status of our in vitro conserved germplasm


Opportunities and threats

Empowering Borno farmers through sustainable agriculture

The major�ty of the people �n Borno State, N�ger�a, are farmers, herdsmen and fishermen. Agriculture is, therefore, the mainstay of their economy. The crops grown �nclude gu�nea corn, m�llet, ma�ze, r�ce, wheat, groundnut, cassava, beans and cowpeas. Others are vegetables, on�ons, okra and tomatoes. About 1.794 m�ll�on ha of land �s under crop cult�vat�on. However, food crop product�on and an�mal husbandry have been adversely affected by drought, desertification and infestation by �nsects and b�rds w�th alarm�ng regular�ty. Th�s has had a negat�ve �mpact on the �ncomes and l�vel�hoods of farm�ng households �n the state, result�ng �n food �nsecur�ty and w�despread rural poverty.

Our project on Promot�ng Susta�nable Agr�culture �n Borno State (PROSAB) a�ms to �mprove agr�cultural product�on and �ncrease rural �ncomes �n Central and South Borno by develop�ng and evaluat�ng strateg�es that promote susta�nable agr�culture, w�th the goal of empower�ng farmers for a better future. PROSAB promotes the �ntroduct�on and adopt�on of �mproved farm management pract�ces and technolog�es, �ncreased access to �nputs and commod�ty markets, influencing policies, and farmer capacity building.

The project adopts the Part�c�patory Research and Extens�on Approach �nvolv�ng (1) commun�ty analys�s to �dent�fy l�vel�hood opportun�t�es, constra�nts and entry po�nts to plan �ntervent�ons; (2) part�c�patory act�on plann�ng to address pr�or�ty problems; (3) the deployment and test�ng of a basket of “best-bet” technolog�es �n model commun�t�es; and (4) capac�ty bu�ld�ng. These strateg�es have been developed by IITA and nat�onal partners partners to address pr�or�ty problems such as Striga �nfestat�on, poor so�l fert�l�ty, drought and �nsect pests.

The basket of technolog�es prov�des farmers w�th v�able opt�ons such as the deployment of res�l�ent and h�gh-value crops (�.e., Striga- and drought-tolerant ma�ze var�et�es, and dual purpose soybean and cowpea var�et�es) as well as �mproved cultural pract�ces (�.e., appropr�ate plant�ng dens�t�es, ma�ze–soybean rotat�on to manage d�seases and enhance so�l fert�l�ty, proper and t�mely fert�l�zer appl�cat�on, and use of “green” �nsect�c�des).

In 2007, these pract�ces and technolog�es were extens�vely tested, evaluated and refined by and with farmers. Community-based seed mult�pl�cat�on and d�str�but�on fac�l�t�es have been establ�shed to allow access to �mproved plant�ng mater�als. Market �nformat�on system and


IITA Annual Report 2007

l�nkages to major food processors have also been set up to prov�de ready markets. Currently, large volumes of ma�ze and soybean are be�ng traded �n the project areas. Publ�c awareness act�v�t�es such as farmer field days and interactions with state policymakers have resulted �n the development of 12 pol�cy br�efs, wh�ch are currently be�ng rev�sed by the Borno State House of Assembly for statew�de �mplementat�on.

The project’s �ntervent�ons have also been scaled out and adopted even by non-part�c�pat�ng farmers �n and around Borno State. For example, small-scale traders from non-project areas have l�nked up w�th the model commun�t�es to buy and sell seeds. It �s env�s�oned that the results of th�s project would translate �nto a “technology toolk�t” that could be adapted and applied according to specific farming conditions not only �n N�ger�a but also across Afr�ca.

Marketing soybean in Borno state, Nigeria


Systemwide Program on Integrated Pest Management

Improving farmers’ lives through better pest management

The Systemw�de Program on Integrated Pest Management (SP-IPM) �s a global partnersh�p whose task �s to draw together the IPM efforts of var�ous agr�cultural stakeholders and to focus these more clearly on the needs of poor farmers �n develop�ng countr�es, part�cularly �n manag�ng pests, ach�ev�ng greater food secur�ty, and ra�s�ng the�r �ncomes w�th�n a health�er env�ronment. The SP-IPM’s pr�nc�pal cl�ents (farmers and R&D organizations) benefit from the program through access to technical resources and expertise, information, advice, collaborative field act�v�t�es, and capac�ty-bu�ld�ng act�v�t�es

We host the SP-IPM as �ts Conven�ng Center and Secretar�at. The program �s compr�sed of �nst�tut�onal representat�ves from 16 organ�zat�ons �nclud�ng The World Vegetable Center, The Internat�onal Centre of Insect Phys�ology and Ecology, CropL�fe Internat�onal (representat�ve), the World Bank, and the Internat�onal Assoc�at�on for the Plant Protect�on Sc�ences (IAPPS). Core donor partners of the SP-IPM are the Governments of Norway, Sw�tzerland, and Italy. Current pr�or�ty areas for �nter-center collaborat�ve research are: (a) Adaptat�on of IPM to cl�mate var�ab�l�ty and change; (b) Management of contam�nants �n foods, feeds and the env�ronment; and (c) Improved agroecosystem res�l�ence for so�l, root and plant health.

In 2007, the SP-IPM nom�nated a new Cha�r (from outs�de the CGIAR) and identified a new Coordinator and completed Beneficial Impact Assessment (BIA) of the Northern Gu�nea Savanna (NGS) site in Nigeria. The findings indicate that the SP-IPM clearly set the stage for the rap�d expans�on of ma�ze and food legume crops used as Striga trap. Farmers’ percept�ons demonstrated that w�th appropr�ate partnerships and community ownership of IPM processes, beneficial ma�ze crop y�elds are h�ghly probable �n h�therto Striga-�nfested land. Technology �mpact of the best-bet Striga management opt�ons offered farmers opportun�t�es to use land that would have otherw�se been abandoned for ma�ze product�on. This was expressed by highly significant shifts towards larger size maize farms. Trained farmers also reported significant maize yield increases with a net return of up to $540 per ha. The benefit-cost rat�o was 2.4, double the est�mate for 2001 basel�ne operat�ons for wh�ch a net loss �n return on �nvestments was est�mated �n cases of low market pr�ce for ma�ze.


IITA Annual Report 2007

In pursuit of its guiding principles on IPM, specifically its position on the use of pest�c�des, the program �n�t�ated stud�es on the use patterns and pest�c�de fates �n target agroecosystems. Vegetable product�on �n West Afr�ca served as the case study to assess the challenges posed by pesticides in IPM field programs as well as to investigate pesticide d�ss�pat�on �n so�ls and on plant surfaces.

For global v�s�b�l�ty, the SP-IPM Secretar�at served on the Govern�ng Board of the Internat�onal Assoc�at�on for Plant Protect�on Sc�ences (IAPPS) and on the �nternat�onal organ�z�ng comm�ttee of the XVI Internat�onal Plant Protect�on Congress (IPPC) co-organ�zed by IAPPS and BCPC-UK. The XCVI IPPC was held �n Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 1�–18 October 2007. The Congress featured a spec�al CGIAR/SP-IPM sympos�um on “Emerg�ng themes �n agroecosystem, health and food safety”. The sympos�um featured 1� papers enabl�ng CGIAR sc�ent�sts and the�r partners based �n As�a (Ch�na, Ind�a and Ph�l�pp�nes), Afr�ca (Bén�n and N�ger�a) and Lat�n Amer�ca (Peru) to showcase publ�cly- funded IPM research results.

Th�s year, the SP-IPM �n�t�ated the publ�cat�on of IPM educat�onal tools, with a pilot manual on “Practical plant nematology: a field and laboratory gu�de”. The publ�cat�on was authored by nematolog�sts from IITA, CIMMYT and the Un�vers�ty of Ibadan, N�ger�a. It was produced �n partnersh�p w�th Green Ink Publ�sh�ng Serv�ces Ltd (UK) and the Techn�cal Centre for Agr�cultural and Rural Cooperat�on (CTA).

The IPM Research Br�ef No �, produced by the program outl�nes the SP-IPM’s strategy focused on three key emerg�ng themes: adapt�ng IPM to cl�mate var�ab�l�ty and change; management of contam�nants �n foods, feeds and the env�ronment; and �mproved agroecosystem res�l�ence for so�l, root and plant health.

There �s ample ev�dence that �nvestment �n the SP-IPM w�ll y�eld returns in decisive contributions to the achievement of specific Science Council Priorities and related MDGs. However, in a scientifically-based program whose s�gnature act�v�t�es �nvolve man�pulat�on of organ�sms w�th�n the framework of soc�ety change at commun�ty level, susta�ned and targeted �nvestment w�ll hold the key to last�ng success �n program del�very. The SP-IPM �s also grateful to a number of other governments and donor agenc�es, �nst�tut�ons and persons who prov�ded resources, adv�ce, �nformat�on and mater�als �n the execut�on of �ts spec�al projects. For example, the first set of SP-IPM pilot site activities were initiated w�th funds from the CGIAR F�nance Comm�ttee and the World Bank; the SP-IPM project on farmer-part�c�patory research and learn�ng was


cosponsored by the Sw�ss Agency for Development and Cooperat�on, the Global IPM Fac�l�ty and the Systemw�de Program on Part�c�patory Research and Gender Analysis; support for the global Tropical Whitefly IPM project was prov�ded by the Dan�sh Internat�onal Development Ass�stance, the UK Department for Internat�onal Development, the Austral�an Centre for Internat�onal Agr�cultural Research, the New Zealand M�n�stry of Fore�gn Affa�rs and Trade, the Un�ted States Agency for Internat�onal Development (USAID) and the US Department of Agr�culture (USDA).

The fierce banana-eating grasshopper in Cameroon


IITA Annual Report 2007

Financial Information

Sholola Shalewa, IITA’s Chief Finance Officer


F�gure 1. Fund�ng: top 10 donors, 2006 and 2007

Funding overviewFund�ng for 2007 was US$47.443 m�ll�on, of wh�ch 96.3% came from CGIAR �nvestors (see l�st on page 4�) and 3.7% from other sources. Expend�ture was US$4�.367 m�ll�on (net of �nd�rect costs recovery of US$4.221 m�ll�on), of wh�ch 87.�% was used for program expenses and 12.�% for management and general expenses.

The governments and agenc�es that prov�ded the largest share of our fund�ng �n 2006 and 2007 are shown �n F�gure 1 (top 10 donors).

IITA`s 2006 and 2007 expend�tures by CGIAR system pr�or�ty and MTP projects are shown �n F�gures 2 and 3 respect�vely; wh�le the performance indicators, as prescribed by CGIAR, are reflected in Figure 4.


IITA Annual Report 2007

F�gure 2. Expend�ture by CGIAR System Pr�or�t�es, 2006

Expend�ture by CGIAR System Pr�or�t�es, 2007

1�.�%Improv�ng pol�c�es

3�.2%Susta�nable management of resources

9.6%Agricultural diversification

34.7%Genet�c �mprovements

4.9%Susta�n�ng b�od�vers�ty

1�.0%Improv�ng pol�c�es

33.�%Susta�nable management of resources

11.1%Agricultural diversification

31.1%Genet�c �mprovements

9.4%Susta�n�ng b�od�vers�ty


IITA investors (expressed �n US$ Thousands)

Afr�can Agr�cultural Technology Foundat�on 28�Austr�a 716Belg�um 1,4�9BMZ, Germany 1,233Canada 2,230Cathol�c Rel�ef Serv�ce 333Comm�ss�on of the European Commun�t�es 4,748Common Fund for Commod�t�es 127Denmark 693Department for Internat�onal Development, UK 1,362Food and Agr�culture Organ�zat�on 123France 17�Gatsby Char�table Foundat�on 297Internat�onal Fund for Agr�cultural Development ��6Ireland 878Italy 227Japan 293Korea, Republ�c of �0Netherlands 718N�ger�a 773Norway 1,�48Rockefeller Foundat�on �82Sasakawa Afr�ca Assoc�at�on ��Shell Petroleum Development Company of N�ger�a Ltd. 1,808Sweden ��0Sw�tzerland ��8Un�ted States Agency for Internat�onal Development 1�,113World Bank 3,4�2M�scellaneous Projects 2,807Challenge Programs 1,9�� Total 4�,704


IITA Annual Report 2007

F�gure 3. Expend�ture by IITA Program Portfol�o: 2006 and 2007 2006 2007Project Cost ($`000) % Cost ($`000) %Agr�culture and Health 2,723 6.2 2,0�6 4.�Agrob�od�vers�ty 2,202 �.0 4,339 9.6Banana and Planta�n System �,089 11.� 4,638 10.2Cereal and Legume System 9,028 20.4 9,218 20.3Opportun�t�es and Threats 2,249 �.1 2,066 4.6H�gh-Value Products 6,436 14.6 7,701 17.0Root and Tuber Systems 1�,434 34.9 13,926 30.7SP-Integrated Pest Management 1,0�7 2.4 1,423 3.1Total 44,218 100 4�,367 100


F�gure 4. Performance Ind�cators: F�nanc�al Health 2006 2007 Short-term Solvency (or L�qu�d�ty) 160 days 17� days

Long-term F�nanc�al Stab�l�ty (adequacy of Reserves) 160 days 17� daysInd�rect Cost Rates 20.4% 21.2% Cash Management on Restr�cted Operat�ons 0.22 0.07 Audit Opinion Unqualified / Clean Bill of F�nanc�al Health

The Finance Office team


IITA Annual Report 2007


Our publications cater to a wide spectrum of users - from scientists to students


Journal articles

ABELE, S. and M. PILLAY. 2007. Bacter�al w�lt and drought stresses �n banana product�on and the�r �mpact on econom�c welfare �n Uganda: �mpl�cat�ons for banana research �n East Afr�can h�ghlands. Journal of Crop Improvement 19, 1/2: 173–191.

ABELE, S. and T. DUBOIS, E. TWINE, K. SONDER, O. COULIBALY. 2007. Organ�c agr�culture �n Afr�ca: a cr�t�cal rev�ew from a mult�d�sc�pl�nary perspect�ve. Journal of Agr�culture and Rural Development �n the Trop�cs and Subtrop�cs Supplement 89: 143–166.

ADANGO, E. and A. ONZO, R. HANNA, P. ATACHI, B. JAMES. 2007. M�te pests of major �mportance on �nd�genous leafy vegetables �n Ben�n: the search for appropr�ate control strateg�es. Acta Hort�culturae 7�2: 311–318.

ADENIJI, T.A. and A. TENKOUANO. 2007. Effect of process�ng on m�cronutr�ent content of ch�ps produced from some planta�n and banana hybr�ds. Fru�ts 62: 34�–3�2.

AFOLABI, C. and P. OJIAMBO, E. EKPO, A. MENKIR, R. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2007. Evaluat�on of ma�ze �nbred l�nes for res�stance to fusarium ear rot and fumon�s�n accumulat�on �n gra�n �n trop�cal Afr�ca. Plant D�sease 91, 3: 279–286.

AINA, O. and A. DIXON, E. AKINRINDE. 2007. Add�t�ve ma�n effects and mult�pl�cat�ve �nteract�on (amm�) analys�s for y�eld of cassava �n N�ger�a. Journal of B�olog�cal Sc�ences 7, �: 796–800.

AINA, O. and A. DIXON, E. AKINRINDE. 2007. Effect of so�l mo�sture stress on growth and y�eld of cassava �n N�ger�a. Pak�stan Journal of B�olog�cal Sc�ences 10, 18: 308�–3090.

AINA, O. and A. DIXON, E. AKINRINDE. 2007. Genet�c var�ab�l�ty �n cassava as it influences storage root yield in Nigeria. Journal of B�olog�cal Sc�ences 7, �: 76�–770.

AINA, O. and A. DIXON, E. AKINRINDE. 2007. Tra�t assoc�at�on and path analys�s for cassava genotypes �n four agroecolog�cal zones of N�ger�a. Journal of B�olog�cal Sc�ences 7, �: 7�9–764.

AJEIGBE, H. and S.U. EWANSIHA, B. SINGH. 2007. Prel�m�nary evaluat�on of genet�c var�ab�l�ty for seedl�ng morphology among selected var�et�es of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (l) Walp.). B�olog�cal and Env�ronmental Sc�ences Journal for the Trop�cs 4, 2: 107–110.


IITA Annual Report 2007

AKELLO, J. and T. DUBOIS, C. GOLD, D. COYNE, J. NAKAVUMA, P. PAPARU. 2007. Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) vu�llem�n as an endophyte �n t�ssue culture banana (Musa spp.). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 96, 1: 34–42.

AKINBO, O. and M. GEDIL, E. EKPO, J. OLADELE, A. DIXON. 2007. Detect�on of rapd markers-l�nked to res�stance to cassava anthracnose d�sease. Afr�can Journal of B�otechnology 6, 6: 677–682.

AKINWANDE, B. and R. ASIEDU, I. ADEYEMI, B. MAZIYA-DIXON. 2007. Influence of time of harvest on the yield and sensory attributes of wh�te yam (Dioscorea rotundata) �n southwest N�ger�a. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 2: 179–184.

ALABI, O.J. and F. OGBE, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, A. DIXON, J. HUGHES, and R. NAIDU. 2007. The occurrence of African cassava mosaic virus and East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus �n natural hosts other than cassava �n N�ger�a. Phytopathology 97, 7 (Supplement): S3–S3.

ALENE, A. 2007. Unexplo�ted food product�on potent�als of new var�et�es: ev�dence from hybr�d ma�ze product�on �n western Eth�op�a. Outlook on Agr�culture 36, 3: 181–186.

ALENE, A. and V. MANYONG, E.F. TOLLENS, S. ABELE. 2007. Target�ng agr�cultural research based on potent�al �mpacts on poverty reduct�on: strateg�c program pr�or�t�es by agro-ecolog�cal zone �n N�ger�a. Food Pol�cy 32, 3: 394–412.

ALENE, A. and V. MANYONG. 2007. Ga�ns from h�gh-y�eld�ng var�et�es w�th and w�thout complementary technolog�es: the case of �mproved cowpea �n northern N�ger�a. Journal of Agr�cultural and Food Econom�cs 2, 1: 1–14.

ALENE, A. and V. MANYONG. 2007. The effects of educat�on on agr�cultural product�v�ty under trad�t�onal and �mproved technology �n northern N�ger�a: an endogenous sw�tch�ng regress�on analys�s. Emp�r�cal Econom�cs 32, 1: 141–1�9.

AMOAH, P. and P. DRECHSEL, R. ABAIDOO, A. KLUTSE. 2007. Effect�veness of common and �mproved san�tary wash�ng methods �n selected c�t�es of West Afr�ca for the reduct�on of col�form bacter�a and helm�nth eggs on vegetables. Trop�cal Med�c�ne and Internat�onal Health 12: 40–�0.

AMOAH, P. and P. DRECHSEL, R. ABAIDOO, M. HENSELER. 2007. Irr�gated urban vegetable product�on �n Ghana: m�crob�olog�cal contam�nat�on �n farms and markets and assoc�ated consumer r�sk groups. Journal of Water and Health �, 3: 4��–466.


AMUSA, N.A. and R. OKECHUKWU, B. AKINFENWA. 2007. React�ons of cowpea to �nfect�on by Macrophomina phaseolina �solates from legum�nous plants �n N�ger�a. Afr�can Journal of Agr�cultural Research 2, 3: 073–07�.

ASAWALAM, E.F. and S.O. EMOSAIRUE, F. EKELEME, R. WOKOCHA. 2007. Efficacy of Piper guineense (Schum & Thonn) seed extract aga�nst ma�ze weev�l, Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) as influenced by different extraction solvents. International Journal of Pest Management �3, 1: 1–6.

ASSEFA, G. and K. SONDER, M. WINK, C. KIJORA, N. STEINMUELLER, K. PETERS. 2007. Effect of var�ety and harvest�ng management on the concentrat�on of tann�ns and alkalo�ds �n tagasaste (Chamaecytisus palmensis). An�mal Feed Sc�ence and Technology 30: 1–1�.

ATHMAN, S. and T. DUBOIS, C. GOLD, D. COYNE, N. LABUSCHAGNE, A. VILJOEN. 2007. Effect of endophyt�c fusar�um oxysporum on root penetrat�on and reproduct�on of Radopholus similis �n t�ssue culture-der�ved banana (Musa spp.) plants. Nematology 9, �: �99–607.

BADU-APRAKU, B. 2007. Genet�c var�ances and correlat�ons �n an early trop�cal wh�te ma�ze populat�on after three cycles of recurrent select�on for Striga res�stance. Mayd�ca �2: 20�–217.

Cassava explants being prepared for in vitro conservation


IITA Annual Report 2007

BADU-APRAKU, B. and A. FONTEM LUM. 2007. Agronom�c performance of Striga res�stant early-matur�ng ma�ze var�et�es and �nbred l�nes �n the savannas of West and Central Afr�ca. Crop Sc�ence 47: 737–7�0.

BADU-APRAKU, B. and A. MENKIR, A. FONTEM LUM. 2007. Genet�c var�ab�l�ty for gra�n y�eld and components �n an early trop�cal yellow ma�ze populat�on under Striga hermonthica �nfestat�on. Crop Improvement 20: 107–122.

BADU-APRAKU, B. and M. FAKOREDE, A. FONTEM LUM. 2007. Evaluat�on of exper�mental var�et�es from recurrent select�on for Striga res�stance �n two extra-early ma�ze populat�ons �n the savannas of West and Central Afr�ca. Exper�mental Agr�culture 43: 183–200.

BANDYOPADHYAY, R. and J.H. WILLIAMS, P. OJIAMBO. 2007. Soc�al and pol�t�cal challenges �n the regulat�on of mycotox�n contam�nat�on. Phytopathology 97: S148– S148.

BANDYOPADHYAY, R. and M. KUMAR, J. LESLIE. 2007. Relat�ve severity of aflatoxin contamination of cereal crops in West Africa. Food Add�t�ves and Contam�nants 24, 10: 1109–1114.

BANDYOPADHYAY, R. and P. OJIAMBO, M. TWIZEYIMANA, B. ASAFO-ADJEI, R.D. FREDERICK, K.F. PEDLEY, C.L. STONE, G. HARTMAN. 2007. F�rst report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi �n Ghana. Plant D�sease 91, 8: 10�7–10�7.

BANFUL, B. and S. HAUSER, K. OFORI, F. KUMAGA. 2007. Weed b�omass dynam�cs �n planted fallow systems �n the hum�d forest zone of southern Cameroon. Agroforestry Systems 71, 1: 49–��.

BEED, F. and N. PAVELEY, R. SYLVESTER-BRADLEY. 2007. Pred�ctab�l�ty of wheat growth and y�eld �n l�ght-l�m�ted cond�t�ons. Journal of Agr�cultural Sc�ence 14�: 63–79.

BEISEIGEL, J. and J. HUNT, R. GLAHN, R. WELCH, A. MENKIR, B. MAZIYA-DIXON. 2007. Iron b�oava�lab�l�ty from ma�ze and beans: a compar�son of human measurements w�th caco-2 cell and algor�thm pred�ct�ons. Amer�can Journal of Cl�n�cal Nutr�t�on 86: 388–396.

BIRUMA, M. and M. PILLAY, L. TRIPATHI, G. BLOMME, S. ABELE, M. MWANGI, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, P. MUCHUNGUZI, S. KASSIM, M. NYINE, L. TURYAGYENDA, S. EDEN-GREEN. 2007. Banana xanthomonas w�lt: a rev�ew of the d�sease, management strateg�es and future research d�rect�ons. Afr�can Journal of B�otechnology 6, 8: 9�3–962.

BROWN, R. and A. MENKIR, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, T.E. CLEVELAND, Z. CHEN. 2007. Comparat�ve proteom�cs of near-�sogen�c ma�ze inbred lines to identify potential aflatoxin-resistance markers. Phytopathology 97: S14–S14.


BROWN, R. and Z. CHEN, A. MENKIR, T.E. CLEVELAND. 2007. Using biotechnology to enhance host resistance to aflatoxin contam�n�at�on of corn. Afr�can Journal of B�otechnology 2, 12: ��7–�62.

CHERRY, A. and P. ABALO, K. HELL, S. KORIE. 2007. Farm-scale tr�als to compare the entomopathogen�c fungus Beauveria bassiana w�th p�r�m�phos methy + deltamethr�n and essent�al o�l of lemon grass for protect�on of stored cowpea aga�nst Callosobruchus maculatus (coleoptera: bruch�dae). Annals of Appl�ed B�ology 1�1, 1: 1–10.

CHIANU, J. and H. TSUJII, V. MANYONG. 2007. Crop-l�vestock �nteract�on �n the savannas of N�ger�a: nature and determ�nants of farmer dec�s�on to use manure for so�l fert�l�ty ma�ntenance. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 2: 29�–301.

CHIKOYE, D. and J. ELLIS-JONES, T. AVAV, P. KORMAWA, U. UDENSI, G. TARAWALI, O. NIELSEN. 2007. Promot�ng �ntegrated management pract�ces for speargrass (Imperata cylindrica (l) Raeusch.) �n soybean, cassava and yam �n N�ger�a. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 3&4: 202–210.

CHIKOYE, D. and U. UDENSI, A. FONTEM LUM, F. EKELEME. 2007. R�msulfuron for postemergence weed control �n corn �n hum�d trop�cal env�ronments of N�ger�a. Weed Technology 21, 4: 977–981.

CORNET, D. and J. SIERRA, R. BONHOMME. 2007. Character�zat�on of the photosynthet�c pathway of some trop�cal food yams (Dioscorea spp.) us�ng leaf natural 13C abundance. Photosynthet�ca 4�, 2: 303–30�.

COYNE, D. and E. OYEKANMI. 2007. Symb�ot�c n�trogen fixation of two soybean genotypes as affected by root-knot nematodes and m�crosymb�onts. Journal of B�olog�cal Sc�ences 7, 7: 1221–1226.

CURLETTI, G. and J. VAYSSIERES. 2007. Note sugl� agr�lus curt�s del Ben�n (col buprest�dae). Lamb�ll�onea 2: 203.

DAVID, S. 2007. Learn�ng to th�nk for ourselves: knowledge improvement and social benefits among farmer field school part�c�pants �n Cameroon. Journal of Internat�onal Agr�cultural Extens�on and Educat�on 14, 2: 3�–�0.

DE MORAES, G. and I. ZANNOU, E. UECKERMANN, A. OLIVEIRA, J. YANINEK, R. HANNA. 2007. Phytose��d m�tes of the tr�bes Afroseiulini, Kampimodromini and Phytoseiulini, and complementary notes on m�tes of the tr�bes Euseiini and Neoseiulini (acar�: phytose��dae) from sub-Saharan Afr�ca. Zootaxa 1628: 1–22.


IITA Annual Report 2007

DE MORAES, G. and I. ZANNOU, E. UECKERMANN, A. OLIVEIRA, R. HANNA, J. YANINEK. 2007. Spec�es of the subtr�bes Arrenoseiina and Proprioseiopsina (tr�be amblyse��n�) and the tr�be Typhloromipsini (acar�: phytose��dae) from sub-saharan Afr�ca. Zootaxa 1448: 1–39.

DIXON, A. and M. AKORODA, R. OKECHUKWU, F. OGBE, P. ILONA, L. SANNI, C. EZEDINMA, J. LEMCHI, G. SSEMAKULA, M.O. YOMENI, E. OKORO, G. TARAWALI. 2007. Fast track part�c�patory approach to release of el�te cassava genotypes for var�ous uses �n N�ger�a’s cassava economy. Euphyt�ca.

DJOUAKA, R.F. and A.A. BAKARE, H.S. BANKOLE, J.M.C. DOANNIO, O. COULIBALY, H. KOSSOU, M. TAMO, H.I. BASENE, K.O.K. POPOOLA, M.C. AKOGBETO. 2007. Does the sp�llage of petroleum products �n Anopheles breed�ng s�tes have an �mpact on the pyrethro�d res�stance? Malar�a Journal 6, 1�9.

DUBOIS, T. and D. COYNE. 2007. Banane, un rap�de survol dans le contexte Afr�ca�n = Banana, a br�ef overv�ew w�th�n an Afr�can context. Car�bou.

DUGJE, I. and A. KAMARA, L. OMOIGUI. 2007. Assessment of farmers’ crop management practices influencing Striga hermonthica �nfestat�on and gra�n y�eld of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). N�ger�an Journal of Weed Sc�ence 20: 2�–3�.

EFOMBAGN, M. and S. NYASSE, O. SOUNIGO, M. KOLESNIKOVA-ALLEN, A. ESKES. 2007. Part�c�patory cocoa (Theobroma cacao) select�on �n Cameroon: phytophthora pod rot res�stant access�ons identified in farmers’ fields. Crop Protection 26, 10: 1467–1473.

EGESI, C. and B. ODU, S. OGUNYEMI, R. ASIEDU, J. HUGHES. 2007. Evaluat�on of water yam (Dioscorea alata l.) germplasm for react�on to yam anthracnose and v�rus d�seases and the�r effect on y�eld. Journal of Phytopathology 1��, 9: �36–�43.

EGESI, C. and F. OGBE, M. AKORODA, P. ILONA, A. DIXON. 2007. Resistance profile of improved cassava germplasm to cassava mosa�c d�sease �n N�ger�a. Euphyt�ca 1��: 21�–224.

EGESI, C. and P. ILONA, F. OGBE, M. AKORODA, and A. DIXON. 2007. Genet�c var�at�on and genotype x env�ronment �nteract�on for y�eld and other agronom�c tra�ts �n cassava �n N�ger�a. Agronomy Journal 99: 1137–1142.

EGESI, C. and T. ONYEKA, R. ASIEDU. 2007. Sever�ty of anthracnose and v�rus d�seases of water yam (Dioscorea alata l.) �n N�ger�a I: effects of yam genotype and date of plant�ng. Crop Protect�on 26, 8: 12�9–126�.


EKE, J. and S.C. ACHINEWHU, L. SANNI, I.S. BARIMALAA, B. MAZIYA-DIXON, A. DIXON. 2007. Seasonal var�at�ons �n the chem�cal and funct�onal propert�es of starches from local and �mproved cassava var�et�es �n h�gh ra�nfall reg�on of N�ger�a. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 3&4: 36–42.

ESSONO, G.G. and M. AYODELE, A. AKOA, J. FOKO, S. OLEMBO. 2007. Aspergillus spec�es of cassava ch�ps �n storage �n rural areas of southern Cameroon: the�r relat�onsh�p w�th storage durat�on, mo�sture content, and process�ng methods. Afr�can Journal of M�crob�ology Research 1: 001–008.

EWANSIHA, S.U. and U.F. CHIEZEY, S. TARAWALI, E. IWUAFOR. 2007. Morpho-phenolog�cal var�at�on �n Lablab purpureus. Trop�cal Grasslands 41: 277–284.

FATOKUN, C. and Q.N. NG. 2007. Outcross�ng �n cowpea. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 3&4: 334–338.

FATUROTI, B. and G. EMAH, B. ISIFE, A. TENKOUANO, T.A. ADENIJI, J. LEMCHI. 2007. Unlocking the profit potentials of an innovation: a case study of IITA hybr�d planta�ns and bananas. Global Journal of Agr�cultural Sc�ences 6, 2: 177–182.

FATUROTI, B. and M.C. MADUKWE, A. TENKOUANO, A.E. AGWU. 2007. A rev�ew of pol�cy acts and �n�t�at�ves �n planta�n and banana �nnovat�on system �n N�ger�a. Afr�can Journal of B�otechnology 6, 20: 2297–2302.

Yam is a staple in West Africa


IITA Annual Report 2007

FIABOE, K. and M.G.C. GONDIM, G. DE MORAES, C. OGOL, M. KNAPP. 2007. B�onom�cs of the acarophagous ladyb�rd beetle Stethorus tridens fed Tetranychus evansi. Journal of Appl�ed Entomology 131, �: 3��–361.

FIABOE, K. and M.G.C. GONDIM, G. DE MORAES, C. OGOL, M. KNAPP. 2007. Surveys for natural enem�es of the tomato red sp�der m�te Tetranychus evansi (acar�: tetranych�dae) �n northeastern and southeastern Braz�l. Zootaxa 139�: 33–�8.

HAUSER, S. 2007. Planta�n (Musa spp. aab) bunch y�eld and root health response to comb�nat�ons of phys�cal, thermal and chem�cal sucker san�tat�on measures. Afr�can Plant Protect�on 13: 1–1�.

HONFO, F.G. and A.P.P. KAYODE, O. COULIBALY, A. TENKOUANO. 2007. Relat�ve contr�but�on of banana and planta�n products to the nutr�t�onal requ�rements for �ron, z�nc and v�tam�n a of �nfants and mothers �n Cameroon. Fru�ts 62, �: 1–11.

HOUNTONDJI, F. and R. HANNA, M. SABELIS, B. AGBOTON, S. KORIE. 2007. Scal�ng up tests on v�rulence of the cassava green m�te fungal pathogen Neozygites tanajoae (entomophthorales: neozygitaceae) under controlled conditions: first observations at the populat�on-level. Exper�mental and Appl�ed Acarology 41: 1�3–168.

ILE, E. and P. CRAUFURD, R. ASIEDU, N. BATTEY. 2007. Durat�on from vine emergence to flowering suggests a long-day or rate of change of photoper�od response �n wh�te yam (Dioscorea rotundata Po�r). Env�ronmental and Exper�mental Botany 60: 86–94.

JAMES, B. and C. ADDA, K. CARDWELL, D. ANNANG, K. HELL, S. KORIE, M. EDORH, F. GBEASSOR, K. NAGATEY, G. HOUENOU. 2007. Public information campaign on aflatoxin contamination of ma�ze gra�ns �n market stores �n Ben�n, Ghana and Togo. Food Add�t�ves and Contam�nants 24, 11: 1283–1291.

JAMES, B. and I. GODONOU, C. ATCHA-AHOVE, I. GLITHO, S. VODOUHE, A. AHANCHEDE, C. KOOYMAN, G. GOERGEN. 2007. Extend�ng �ntegrated pest management to �nd�genous vegetables. Acta Hort�culturae 7�2: 89–94.

JEMO, M. and R. ABAIDOO, C. NOLTE, W. HORST. 2007. Alum�num resistance of cowpea as affected by phosphorus-deficiency stress. Journal of Plant Phys�ology 164, 4: 442–4�1.

JUNGE, B. and A. SKOWRONEK. 2007. Genes�s, propert�es, classification and assessment of soils in central Benin, West Africa. Geoderma 139, 3-4: 3�7–370.

KALYANI, G. and A. REDDY, P.L. KUMAR, R.D. RAO, R. ARUNA. 2007. Sources of res�stance to Tobacco streak virus �n w�ld Arachis (fabaceae: pap�l�ono�dae) germplasm. Plant D�sease 91: 1�8�–1�90.


KAMARA, A. and D. CHIKOYE, L. OMOIGUI, I. DUGJE. 2007. Influence of �nsect�c�de spray�ng reg�mes and cult�var on �nsect pests and y�eld of cowpea �n the dry savannas of north-eastern N�ger�a. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 1: 1�4–1�8.

KAMARA, A. and R. ABAIDOO, J. KWARI, L. OMOIGUI. 2007. Influence of phosphorus application on growth and yield of soybean genotypes �n the trop�cal savannas of northeast N�ger�a. Arch�ves of Agronomy and So�l Sc�ence �3, �: �39–��2.

KERAITA, B. and F. KONDRASEN, P. DRECHSEL, R. ABAIDOO. 2007. Effect of low-cost �rr�gat�on methods on m�crob�al contam�nat�on of lettuce �rr�gated w�th untreated wastewater. Trop�cal Med�c�ne and Internat�onal Health 12: 14–21.

KERAITA, B. and F. KONDRASEN, P. DRECHSEL, R. ABAIDOO. 2007. Reduc�ng m�crob�al contam�nat�on on wastewater �rr�gated lettuce by cessat�on of �rr�gat�on before harvest�ng. Trop�cal Med�c�ne and Internat�onal Health 12: 7–13.

In Uganda, beer bananas are put in a pit to enhance ripening before extracting the juice


IITA Annual Report 2007

KIKUNO, H. and R. MATSUMOTO, H. SHIWACHI, R. ASIEDU. 2007. Effect of sucrose treatment on root, shoot and tuber format�on of v�ne cutt�ngs of yams (Dioscorea spp.). Japanese Journal of Trop�cal Agr�culture �1, Extra �ssue 2: 69–70.

KIKUNO, H. and R. MATSUMOTO, H. SHIWACHI, H. TOYOHARA, R. ASIEDU. 2007. Comparat�ve effects of explants sources and age of plant on root�ng, shoot�ng and tuber format�on of v�ne cutt�ngs of yams (Dioscorea spp.). Japanese Journal of Trop�cal Agr�culture �1, Extra �ssue 2: 71–72.

KOLAWOLE, P. and L.A.S. AGBETOYE, A.S. OGUNLOWO. 2007. Cassava mash dewater�ng parameters. Internat�onal Journal of Food Eng�neer�ng 3, 1.

KOLAWOLE, P. and L.A.S. AGBETOYE, A.S. OGUNLOWO. 2007. Strength and elast�c propert�es of cassava tuber. Internat�onal Journal of Food Eng�neer�ng 3, �.

KOLAWOLE, P. and L.A.S. AGBETOYE. 2007. Eng�neer�ng research to �mprove cassava process�ng technology. Internat�onal Journal of Food Eng�neer�ng 3, 6.

KUMAR, P.L. and A. REDDY, R. SIVA-PRASAD, CH REDDY, F. WALIYAR. 2007. The first report of a tymovirus infecting groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) �n Ind�a. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 37: 132–133.

KUMAR, S. and C. SIREESHA, K. RANGARAO, G. REDDY, A. WALIAR, F. RAMBABU, P.L. KUMAR. 2007. Product�on of polyclonal ant�bod�es for the detect�on of nucleopolyhedrov�rus �nfect�ng Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner). Ind�an Journal of Plant Protect�on 3�, 2: 124–127.

LATHA, T. and P.L. KUMAR, S. DORAISWAMY, F. WALIYAR. 2007. Assessment of b�o-d�vers�ty of the m�te vector of p�geonpea ster�l�ty mosa�c v�rus �n Tam�l Nadu, Ind�a. Ind�a Journal of Plant Protect�on 3�, 1: 138–139.

LAWSON-BALAGBO, L.M. and M.G.C. GONDIM, G. DE MORAES, R. HANNA, P. SCHAUSBERGER. 2007. Food-type effects on l�fe h�story of the predatory m�tes Neoseiulus paspalivorus and Proctolaelaps bickleyi, cand�dates for b�olog�cal control of the coconut m�te. Exper�mental and Appl�ed Acarology 43: 49–61.

LAWSON-BALAGBO, L.M. and M.G.C. GONDIM, G. DE MORAES, R. HANNA, P. SCHAUSBERGER. 2007. L�fe h�story of the predatory m�tes Neoseiulus paspalivorus and Proctolaelaps bickleyi, cand�dates for b�olog�cal control of Aceria guerreronis. Exper�mental and Appl�ed Acarology 43: 49–61.


Farmers of Rakai district during training in macropropa-gation at Kyakkonda village

LAWSON-BALAGBO, L.M. and M.G.C. GONDIM, G. DE MORAES, R. HANNA, P. SCHAUSBERGER. 2007. Refuge use by the coconut m�te Aceria guerreronis: fine scale distribution and association with other m�tes under the per�anth. B�olog�cal Control 43: 102–110.

LOKKO, Y. and J. ANDERSON, S. RUDD, A. RAJI, D. HORVATH, M.A. MIKEL, R. KIM, L. LIU, A. HERNANDEZ, A. DIXON, I. INGELBRECHT. 2007. Character�zat�on of an 18,166 est dataset for cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) enr�ched for drought-respons�ve genes. Plant Cell Reports 26, 9: 160�–1618.

LOUMEDJINON, S. and I. GODONOU, C. ATCHA-AHOVE, B. JAMES, H. BAIMEY, D. COYNE, A. AHANCHEDE. 2007. Management of root-knot nematodes on Solanum macrocarpon us�ng botan�cals �n Ben�n. Acta Hort�culturae 7�2: �39–�44.

MAHALAKSHMI, V. and J. ATALOBHOR, D. OGUNSOLA, M. LAWSON, R. ORTIZ. 2007. Development of a West Afr�can yam Dioscorea spp. core collect�on. Genet�c Resources and Crop Evolut�on �4, 9: 1817–182�.


IITA Annual Report 2007

MAZIYA-DIXON, B. and A. DIXON, A. ADEBOWALE. 2007. Target�ng d�fferent end uses of cassava: genotyp�c var�at�ons for cyanogen�c potent�als and past�ng propert�es. Internat�onal Journal of Food Sc�ence and Technology 42: 969–976.

MENKIR, A. and I. INGELBRECHT, C. THE. 2007. Testcross performance and d�vers�ty analys�s of wh�te ma�ze l�nes der�ved from backcrosses conta�n�ng exot�c germplasm. Euphyt�ca 1��, 3: 417–428.

MENKIR, A. and J. KLING. 2007. Response to recurrent select�on for res�stance to Striga hermonthica (del.) Benth �n a trop�cal ma�ze populat�on. Crop Sc�ence 47: 674–682.

MESELE, G. and P. NTAWURUHUNGA, A. TESHOME, H. LEGESSE. 2007. M�nor �nsect pest becom�ng major threat of cassava product�on �n Amaro, southern Eth�op�a. Roots 10, 2: 21–23.

MLIGO, J.K. and B. SINGH. 2007. Reg�strat�on of vul�-1 cowpea. Crop Sc�ence 47: 437–438.

MOYIB, O.K. and O. ODUNOLA, A. DIXON. 2007. SSR markers reveal genet�c var�at�on between �mproved cassava cult�vars and landraces w�th�n a collect�on of N�ger�an cassava germplasm. Afr�can Journal of B�otechnology 6, 23: 2666–2674.

MOYO, C. and N. MAHUNGU, J. MKUMBIRA, I. BENESI. 2007. Challenges and opportun�t�es for �mprovement �n cassava and sweetpotato seed systems �n southern Afr�ca. Roots 10, 2: 17–20.

MSIKITA, W. and H. BAIMEY, B. JAMES. 2007. Sever�ty of Curvularia stem bl�ght d�sease of cassava �n West Afr�ca. Plant D�sease 91, 11: 1430–143�.

MWANGI, M. and M. MWEBAZE, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, V. ARITUA, S. EDEN-GREEN, W. TUSHEMEREIRWE, J. SMITH. 2007. Development of a sem�-select�ve med�um for �solat�ng Xanthomonas camprestris pv. musacearum from �nsect vectors, �nfected plant mater�al and so�l. Plant Pathology �6, 3: 383–390.

MWANGI, M. and R. BANDYOPADHYAY, P. RAGAMA, W. TUSHEMEREIRWE. 2007. Assessment of banana plant�ng pract�ces and cult�var tolerance �n relat�on to management of so�lborne Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum. Crop Protect�on 26: 1203–1208.

NAVI, S. and R. BANDYOPADHYAY, V. TONAPI, T. RAO, S. INDIRA, R. REDDY, P. TOOLEY, D. THOMAS. 2007. Prevalence of major fol�ar and pan�cle d�seases of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [l.] Moench) �n the deccan plateau of Ind�a. Arch�ves of Phytopathology and Plant Protect�on 40, 1: 19–3�.


NGAKOU, A. and D. NWAGA, C.L.N. NEBANE, N. NTONIFOR, M. TAMO, I. PARH. 2007. Arbuscular-mycorrh�zal fung�, rh�zob�a and Metarhizium anisopliae enhance P, N, MG, K and CA accumulatons in fields grown cowpea. Journal of Plant Sciences 2, 5: 518–529.

NGAKOU, A. and D. NWAGA, N. NTONIFOR, M. TAMO, C.L.N. NEBANE, I. PARH. 2007. Contr�but�on of arbuscular mycorrh�zal fung� (AMF), rh�zob�a and Metarhizium anisopliae to cowpea product�on �n Cameroon. Internat�onal Journal of Agr�cultural Research 2, 9: 7�4–764.

NKAMLEU, G. and R. TSAFACK. 2007. On measur�ng �ndebtedness of Afr�can countr�es. Afr�can F�nance Journal 9, 1: 21–38.

NKAMLEU, G. and Y. KEHO, J. GOCKOWSKI, S. DAVID. 2007. Invest�ng �n agrochem�cals �n the cocoa sector of Cote d’Ivo�re: hypotheses, ev�dence and pol�cy �mpl�cat�ons. Afr�can Journal of Agr�cultural and Resource Econom�cs 1, 2: 14�–166.

NTAWURUHUNGA, P. and G. OKAO-OKUJA, A. BEMBE, M. OBAMBI, J. ARMAND MVILA, J. LEGG. 2007. Inc�dence and sever�ty of cassava mosa�c d�sease �n the Republ�c of Congo. Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Journal 1�, 1: 1–9.

NWOKE, C. and J. DIELS, R. ABAIDOO, N. SANGINGA. 2007. Ut�l�zat�on of phosphorus from d�fferent sources by genotypes of prom�scuous soybean and cowpea �n a low-phosphorus savanna so�l. Afr�can Journal of Agr�cultural Research 2, 4: 1�0–1�8.

ODEDARA, O. and J. HUGHES, G. TARAWALI, A. ODEBODE, S. WINTER. 2007. Character�sat�on of a potyv�rus from Centrosema pubescens Benth. Trop�cal Sc�ence 47, 1: 3–1�.

ODENY, D. and B. JAYASHREE, M. FERGUSON, D. HOISINGTON, J. CROUCH, C. GEBHARDT. 2007. Development, character�sat�on and ut�l�sat�on of m�crosatell�te markers �n p�geonpea [Cajanus cajan (l.) m�llsp.]. Plant Breed�ng 126: 130–136.

OIGIANGBE, O. and I. IGBINOSA, M. TAMO. 2007. B�oact�v�ty of extracts of Alstonia boonei (apocynaceae) de w�ld stem bark aga�nst Maruca vitrata (lep�doptera: pyral�dae) Fabr�c�us. Advances �n Sc�ence and Technology 1, 1: 67–70.

OIGIANGBE, O. and I. IGBINOSA, M. TAMO. 2007. Insect�c�dal act�v�ty of the med�c�nal plant, Alstonia boonei de w�ld, aga�nst Sesamia calamistis Hampson. Journal of Zhej�ang Un�vers�ty - Sc�ence B 8, 10: 7�2–7��.

OJIAKO, I.A. and V. MANYONG, A. IKPI. 2007. Determ�nants of rural farmers’ �mproved soybean adopt�on dec�s�ons �n northern N�ger�a. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 2: 21�–223.


IITA Annual Report 2007

OJIAMBO, P. and R. BANDYOPADHYAY, M. TWIZEYIMANA, A. LEMA, R.D. FREDERICK, K.F. PEDLEY, C.L. STONE, G. HARTMAN. 2007. F�rst report of rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on soybean �n Democrat�c Republ�c of Congo. Plant D�sease 91, 9: 1024–1024.

OKOGUN, J. and N. SANGINGA, R. ABAIDOO. 2007. Evaluat�on of ma�ze y�eld �n an on-farm ma�ze-soybean and ma�ze-lablab crop rotat�on systems �n the northern Gu�nea savanna of N�ger�a. Pak�stan Journal of B�olog�cal Sc�ence 10, 21: 390�–3909.

OLARINDE, L. and V. MANYONG, J. AKINTOLA. 2007. Att�tudes towards r�sk among ma�ze farmers �n the dry savanna zone of N�ger�a: some prospect�ve pol�c�es for �mprov�ng food product�on. Afr�can Journal of Agr�cultural Research 2, 8: 399–408.

OMADACHI, U.O. and B. AHMED, V. MANYONG, J. OLUKOSI, O. YUSUF. 2007. Econom�c analys�s of balanced nutr�ent management technolog�es for ma�ze product�on �n Kaduna state, N�ger�a. Journal of Appl�ed Sc�ences 7, 1: 132–136.

OMOIGUI, L. and S. ALABI, A. KAMARA. 2007. Response of low-N pool maize population to nitrogen uptake and use efficiency after three cycles of full-s�b recurrent select�on. Journal of Agr�cultural Sc�ence 14�: 481–490.

ONITILO, M. and L. SANNI, I. DANIEL, B. MAZIYA-DIXON, A. DIXON. 2007. Phys�cochem�cal and funct�onal propert�es of nat�ve starches from cassava var�et�es �n southwest N�ger�a. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 3&4: 108–114.

OPOKU, S. and R. BHATTACHARJEE, M. KOLESNIKOVA-ALLEN, J. MOTAMAYOR, R. SCHNELL, I. INGELBRECHT, L. ENU-KWESI, Y. ADU-AMPOMAH. 2007. Assessment of genet�c d�vers�ty and populat�on structure �n West Afr�can cocoa: a case study on collect�ons from Ghana. Journal of Crop Improvement 20: 73–87.

OTEGBAYO, B. and J. AINA, L. ABBEY, E. SAKYI-DAWSON, M. BOKANGA, R. ASIEDU. 2007. Texture profile analysis applied to pounded yam. Journal of Texture Stud�es 38: 3��–372.

OYEKANMI, E. and D. COYNE, O. FAGADE, O. OSONUBI. 2007. Improv�ng root-knot nematode management on two soybean genotypes through the appl�cat�on of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Trichoderma pseudokoningii and Glomus mosseae �n full factor�al comb�nat�ons. Crop Protect�on 26, 7: 1006–1012.

PHIRI, M. and A. MHONE, V. SANDIFOLO, N. MAHUNGU, C. MOYO, S. JUMBO. 2007. Cassava silage technology officially released in Malaw�. Roots 10, 2: 27–28.


PYPERS, P. and M. HUYBRIGHS, J. DIELS, R. ABAIDOO, E. SMOLDERS, R. MERCKX. 2007. Does the enhanced P acqu�s�t�on by ma�ze follow�ng legumes �n a rotat�on result from �mproved so�l P ava�lab�l�ty? So�l B�ology and B�ochem�stry 39, 10: 2���–2�66.

RAJI, A. and T.A.O. LADEINDE, A. DIXON. 2007. Agronom�c tra�ts and tuber qual�ty attr�butes of farmer grown cassava landraces �n N�ger�a. Journal of Trop�cal Agr�culture 4�, 1-2: 9–13.

REDDY, A. and K. SUBRAHMANYAM, P.L. KUMAR, F. WALIYAR. 2007. Assessment of Tobacco streak virus (TSV) transm�ss�on through seed in groundnut and sunflower. Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology 37: 136–137.

SANNI, L. and B. ALENKHE, R. EDOSIO, M. PATINO, A. DIXON. 2007. Technology transfer �n develop�ng countr�es: cap�tal�z�ng on equ�pment development. Journal of Food, Agr�culture and Env�ronment �, 2: 88–91.

SHITTU, T. and L. SANNI, S. AWONORIN, B. MAZIYA-DIXON, A. DIXON. 2007. Use of multivariate techniques in studying the flour making propert�es of some CMD res�stant cassava clones. Food Chem�stry 101: 1606–161�.

SINGH, B. and H. AJEIGBE. 2007. Improved cowpea-cereals-based cropp�ng systems for household food secur�ty and poverty reduct�on �n West Afr�ca. Journal of Crop Improvement 19, 1/2: 1�7–172.

Cooking gar�, a high-value cassava product


IITA Annual Report 2007

SINGH, B. and O. OLUFAJO, M. ISHIYAKU, R. ADELEKE, H. AJEIGBE, S. MOHAMMED. 2007. Reg�strat�on of ‘ngvu-0�-24’ cowpea. Journal of Plant Reg�strat�ons 1: 48–49.

SOBOWALE, A. and K. CARDWELL, A. ODEBODE, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, S. JONATHAN. 2007. Pers�stence of tr�choderma spec�es w�th�n ma�ze stem aga�nst Fusarium verticillioides. Arch�ves of Phytopathology and Plant Protect�on 40, 3: 21�–231.

SOBUKOLA, O.P. and O.U. DAIRO, L. SANNI, A.V. ODUNEWU, B.O. FAFIOLU. 2007. Th�n layer dry�ng process of some leafy vegetables under open sun. Food Sc�ence and Technology Internat�onal 13, 1: 3�–40.

SONWA, D. and B.A. NKONGMENECK, S. WEISE, M. TCHATAT, A. ADESINA, M. JANSSENS. 2007. D�vers�ty of plants �n cocoa agroforests �n the hum�d forest zone of southern Cameroon. B�od�vers�ty and Conservat�on 16, 8: 238�–2400.

SRINIVASAN, R. and M. TAMO, P.A. OOI, W. EASDOWN. 2007. IPM for Maruca vitrata on food legumes �n As�a and Afr�ca. B�control News and Informat�on 28, 2: 34–37.

SSEMAKULA, G. and A. DIXON, B. MAZIYA-DIXON. 2007. Stab�l�ty of total caroteno�d concentrat�on and fresh y�eld of selected yellow-fleshed cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Journal of Trop�cal Agr�culture 4�, 1-2: 14–20.

SSEMAKULA, G. and A. DIXON. 2007. Genotype x �nteract�on, stab�l�ty and agronom�c performance of caroteno�d-r�ch cassava clones. Scientific Research and Essay 2, 9: 390–399.

TENKOUANO, A. and D. VUYLSTEKE, R. SWENNEN. 2007. S�nk competition and desuckering effects on field performance of triploid and tetraplo�d planta�n genotypes. Journal of Crop Improvement 20, 1/2: 31–�1.

THAKKAR, S.K. and B. MAZIYA-DIXON, A. DIXON, M.L. FAILLA. 2007. Beta-carotene m�cellar�zat�on dur�ng �n v�tro d�gest�on and uptake by caco-2 cells �s d�rectly proport�onal to beta-carotene content �n d�fferent genotypes of cassava. Journal of Nutr�t�on 137: 2229–2233.

TINZAARA, W. and C. GOLD, M. DICKE, A. VAN HUIS, P. RAGAMA. 2007. Host plant odours enhance the responses of adult banana weev�l to the synthet�c aggregat�on pheromone cosmolure+. Internat�onal Journal of Pest Management �3, 2: 127–137.

TONAPI, V. and R.R. MUNDADA, S. NAVI, R. REDDY, R. THAKUR, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, S. VARANAVASIAPPAN, N. SEETHARAMA. 2007. Effect of temperature and hum�d�ty reg�mes on gra�n mold sporulat�on and seed qual�ty �n sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (l.) Moench). Arch�ves of Phytopathology and Plant Protect�on 40, 2: 113–127.


TRIPATHI, L. and J. ODIPIO, J. TRIPATHI, G. TUSIIME. 2007. Rap�d techn�que for screen�ng banana cult�vars for res�stance to xanthomonas w�lt. European Journal of Plant Pathology.

TRIPATHI, L. and J. TRIPATHI, I. VROH BI. 2007. Bananas and planta�ns (Musa spp.): transgen�cs and b�otechnology. Transgen�c Plant Journal 1: 18�–201.

TRIPATHI, L. and J. TRIPATHI, W. TUSHEMEREIRWE, R. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2007. Development of a sem�-select�ve med�um for �solat�on of Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum from banana plants. European Journal of Plant Pathology 117, 2: 177–186.

TWIZEYIMANA, M. and P. OJIAMBO, A. TENKOUANO, T. IKOTUN, R. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2007. Rap�d screen�ng of Musa spec�es for res�stance to black leaf streak us�ng �n v�tro plantlets �n tubes and detached leaves. Plant D�sease 91, 3: 308–314.

TWIZEYIMANA, M. and P. OJIAMBO, T. IKOTUN, C. PAUL, G. HARTMAN, R. BANDYOPADHYAY. 2007. Compar�son of field, greenhouse and detached-leaf evaluations of soybean germplasm for res�stance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant D�sease 91, 9: 1161–1169.

UECKERMANN, E. and I. ZANNOU, G. DE MORAES, A. OLIVEIRA, R. HANNA, J. YANINEK. 2007. Phytose��d m�tes of the subfam�ly phytose��nae (acar�: phytose��dae) from sub-Saharan Afr�ca. Zootaxa 16�8: 1–20.

VAN MELE, P. and J. VAYSSIERES, E. VAN TELLINGEN, J. VROLIJKS. 2007. Effects of the Afr�can weaver ant Oecophylla longinoda in controlling mango fruit flies (diptera: tephritidae). Journal of Econom�c Entomology 100, 3: 69�–701.

VAN MELE, P. and J. VAYSSIERES. 2007. Weaver ants help farmers to capture organ�c markets. Alternat�ves Pest�c�des News 7�: 9–11.

VAN MELE, P. and J. VAYSSIERES. 2007. West Afr�ca’s mango farmers have all�es �n the trees. B�ocontrol News and Informat�on 28, 3: �6–�8.

VAYSSIERES, J. and F. SANOGO, M. NOUSSOUROU. 2007. Inventory of the fruit fly species (diptera: tephritidae) linked to the mango tree �n Mal� and tests of �ntegrated control. Fru�ts 62, �: 329–341.

VAYSSIERES, J. and J. REY, L. TRAORE. 2007. D�str�but�on and host plants of Bactrocera cucurbitae �n West and Central Afr�ca. Fru�ts 62, 6: 391–396.


IITA Annual Report 2007

VAYSSIERES, J. and J.P. CAYOL, X. PERRIER, D. MIDGARDEN. 2007. Impact of Methyl eugenol and malath�on ba�t stat�ons on non-target �nsect populat�ons �n French Gu�ana dur�ng an erad�cat�on program for Bactrocera carambolae. Entomolog�a Exper�mental�s et Appl�cata 12�: ��–62.

YU, J. and E. GRAZNAK, F. BRESEGHELLO, H. TEFERA, M.E. SORRELLS. 2007. QTL mapp�ng of agronom�c tra�ts �n tef [eragrost�s tef (zucc) trotter]. BMC Plant B�ology 7, 30.

ZANNOU, I. and G. DE MORAES, E. UECKERMANN, A. OLIVEIRA, J. YANINEK, R. HANNA. 2007. Phytose��d m�tes of the subtr�be amblyseiina (acar�: phytose��dae: amblyse��n�) from sub-Saharan Afr�ca. Zootaxa 1��0: 1–47.

ZANNOU, I. and R. HANNA, B. AGBOTON, G. DE MORAES, S. KREITER, G. PHIRI, A. JONE. 2007. Nat�ve phytose��d m�tes as �nd�cators of non-target effects of the �ntroduct�on of Typhlodromalus aripo for the b�olog�cal control of cassava green m�te �n Afr�ca. B�olog�cal Control 41: 190–198.

ZUNDEL, C. and R. HANNA, U. SCHEIDEGGER, P. NAGEL. 2007. L�v�ng at the threshold: where does the neotrop�cal phytose��d m�tes Typhlodromalus aripo surv�ve the dry season? Exper�mental and Appl�ed Acarology 41: 11–26.

BooksAdvances �n root and tuber crops technolog�es for susta�nable food

secur�ty, �mproved nutr�t�on, wealth creat�on and conservat�on �n afr�ca: proceed�ngs of the 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, Mombasa, Kenya, 1-� November, 2004. 2007. Ed�ted by N. MAHUNGU and V. MANYONG. Internat�onal Soc�ety for Trop�cal Root Crops - Afr�ca Branch (ISTRC-AB).

Agrolyser for cassava; lessons learned: research from IITA, NRCRI, UI, Lagos ADA and Imo state ADP. 2007. Ed�ted by M. AKORODA and R. OKECHUKWU. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

COYNE, D. and J.M. NICOL, B. CLAUDIUS-COLE. 2007. Pract�cal plant nematology: a field and laboratory guide. Cotonou, Benin: SP-IPM Secretar�at, Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

DAVID, S. and S. AGORDORKU, S. BASSANAGA, J.Y. COULOUD, M. ADU-KUMI, I. OKUKU, D. WANDJI. 2007. A fac�l�tator’s handbook for conducting farmer field schools on cocoa integrated crop and pest management. Accra, Ghana: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).


Soybeans being sold in a market in Nigeria

Demand-dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Africa: proceedings of the fifth biennial regional maize workshop, 3–6 may 200�, IITA- Cotonou, Ben�n republ�c. 2007. Ed�ted by B. BADU-APRAKU, M. FAKOREDE, A. FONTEM LUM, A. MENKIR and M. OUEDRAOGO. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA); West and Central Afr�ca Collaborat�ve Ma�ze Research Network (WECAMAN).

EZEDINMA, C. and J. LEMCHI, R. OKECHUKWU, F. OGBE, M. AKORODA, L. SANNI, E. OKORO, P. ILONA, C. OKARTER, A. DIXON. 2007. Status of cassava product�on �n southeast and south-south N�ger�a: a basel�ne report. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

EZEDINMA, C. and L. SANNI, R. OKECHUKWU. 2007. Soc�oeconom�c stud�es on selected cassava markets �n N�ger�a. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).


IITA Annual Report 2007

EZEDINMA, C. and U. UDENSI, R. OKECHUKWU, S. IBANA, M. AKORODA, P. ILONA, F. OGBE, L. SANNI, J. LEMCHI, D. CHIKOYE, E. OKORO, A. DIXON. 2007. Cassava weeds and management �n N�ger�a. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

Improve your cocoa product�on: a gu�de for farmers. 2007. Ed�ted by S. DAVID. Accra, Ghana: Susta�nable Tree Crops Program (STCP), Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

QADIR, M. and D. WICHELNS, L. RASCHID-SALLY, P.S. MINHAS, P. DRECHSEL, A. BAHRI, P. MCCORNICK, R. ABAIDOO, F. ATTIA, S. EL-GUINDY, J.H.J. ENSINK, B. JIMENEZ, J.W. KIJNE, S. KOO-OSHIMA, J.D. OSTER, L. OYEBANDE, J.A. SAGARDOY, W. VAN DER HOEK. 2007. Agr�cultural use of marg�nal-qual�ty water resources presents opportun�t�es and challenges: comprehens�ve assessment of water management �n agr�culture. Ed�ted by M. QADIR.

SANNI, L. and B. MAZIYA-DIXON, A. OKORUWA, B. AROWOSAFE, J. LEMCHI, F. OGBE, C. EZEDINMA, R. OKECHUKWU, M. AKORODA, E. OKORO, P. ILONA, T. BABALEYE, A. DIXON. 2007. Cassava ut�l�zat�on tra�n�ng for bakers, caterers, and processors �n the south-south and southeast of N�ger�a. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

SANNI, L. and C. EZEDINMA, R. OKECHUKWU, J. LEMCHI, F. OGBE, M. AKORODA, E. OKORO, B. MAZIYA-DIXON, P. ILONA, A. DIXON. 2007. Cassava postharvest needs assessment survey �n N�ger�a. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

SANNI, L. and C. EZEDINMA, R. OKECHUKWU, J. LEMCHI, F. OGBE, M. AKORODA, E. OKORO, B. MAZIYA-DIXON, P. ILONA, A. DIXON. 2007. Cassava postharvest needs assessment survey �n N�ger�a: synthes�s report. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

TARAWALI, G. and D.K. ADEDZWA, C. EZEDINMA, R. OKECHUKWU, A. FONTEM LUM, A. DIXON, M. AKORODA, F. OGBE, J. LEMCHI, L. SANNI, P. ILONA, E. OKORO. 2007. Commun�ty analys�s of Ikot Etuk Udo, Akwa Ibom state, N�ger�a. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

TARAWALI, G. and J.B. AYOOLA, C. EZEDINMA, R. OKECHUKWU, A. FONTEM LUM, A. DIXON, M. AKORODA, F. OGBE, J. LEMCHI, L. SANNI, P. ILONA, E. OKORO. 2007. Commun�ty analys�s of Asa north, Ab�a state, N�ger�a. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).


Cowpeas play a major role in African markets and diets


RANDALL, N. SANGINGA. 2007. Evaluat�on of cowpea genotypes for var�at�ons �n the�r contr�but�on of N and P to subsequent ma�ze crop �n three agro-ecolog�cal zones of West Afr�ca. 401–412. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Spr�nger.

BEED, F. and S. HALLETT, J. VENNE, A. WATSON. 2007. B�ocontrol us�ng Fusarium oxysporum: a cr�t�cal component of �ntegrated Striga management. 283–300. New Jersey, USA: World Scientific.

BEED, F. and T. DUBOIS. 2007. The role of IITA �n b�olog�cal control of weeds. Cambr�dge, UK: Cambr�dge Un�vers�ty Press.

BHATTACHARJEE, R. and P.L. KUMAR. 2007. Cacao. , 6:127–142. He�delberg: Spr�nger-Verlag Berl�n.

EZEDINMA, C. and L. SANNI, R. OKECHUKWU. 2007. Market�ng of gar� �n Ben�n c�ty and Enugu, N�ger�a. 11–30. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

EZEDINMA, C. and R. OKECHUKWU. 2007. Cross-border trade �n cassava-based products �n Dawanau market, Kano, N�ger�a. 1–10. Ibadan, N�ger�a: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

HELL, K. and P. FANDOHAN, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, S. KIEWNICK, R. SIKORA, P. COTTY. 2007. Pre-and-post-harvest management of aflatoxin in maize: an African perspective. UK: CABI Publishing.


IITA Annual Report 2007

KIKUNO, H. 2007. Japan capac�ty bu�ld�ng program for agr�cultural researchers. �–99 Internat�onal Cooperat�on Center for Agr�cultural Educat�on (ICCAE), Nagoya Un�vers�ty, Japan.

MENKIR, A. and B. BADU-APRAKU, C. YALLOU, A. KAMARA, G. EJETA. 2007. Breed�ng ma�ze for broad-based res�stance to Striga hermonthica. 99–114. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing.

MIGNOUNA, H. and M. ABANG, R. ASIEDU. 2007. Yams. , 3:271–296. Berl�n: Spr�nger-Verlag.

NKAMLEU, G. 2007. Model�ng farmers’ dec�s�ons on �ntegrated so�l nutr�ent management �n sub-Saharan Afr�ca: a mult�nom�al log�t analys�s �n Cameroon. 887–899. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Spr�nger.

PAPARU, P. and T. DUBOIS, D. COYNE. 2007. Immun�zat�on by fungal endophytes: a novel pest and d�sease management approach for banana �mprovement. Pul�yur, Ind�a: B�osc�ence Publ�cat�ons.

PILLAY, M. and L. TRIPATHI. 2007. Banana breed�ng. Blackwell Publ�sh�ng.

TRIPATHI, L. 2007. Genetic modification of plants to enhance fungal res�stance. 1�7–179. Ind�a: Research S�gnpost.

WATSON, A. and J. GRESSEL, D. SANDS, S. HALLETT, M. VURRO, F. BEED. 2007. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Striga, athletes foot or ach�lles heel? 1–11. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Spr�nger.

Conference ProceedingsABAIDOO, R. and N. SANGINGA, J. OKOGUN, G. KOLAWOLE,

J. DIELS, and B. TOSSAH, “Genotyp�c var�at�on of soybean for phosphorus use efficiency and their contribution of N and P to subsequent ma�ze crops �n three ecolog�cal zones of West Afr�ca,” �n Demand dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Afr�ca: proceed�ngs of the F�fth B�enn�al Reg�onal Ma�ze Workshop, 3-6 May 200�, IITA- Cotonou, Ben�n Republ�c, 2007, pp. 194–224

ABANG, M. and R. ASIEDU, P. HOFFMANN, G. WOLF, H. MIGNOUNA, S. WINTER, “Ev�dence for h�gh evolut�onary potent�al of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, the causal agent of yam anthracnose d�sease,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, Mombasa, Kenya, 2007, pp. 602–613.

ADENIYI, O.J. and V. ADETIMIRIN, I. INGELBRECHT, R. ASIEDU, “Yam (Dioscorea rotundata Po�r. and Dioscorea alata l.) mer�stem culture opt�m�zat�on and phenotyp�c stab�l�ty of m�cropropagated plants,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 316–323.


The sale of grains is a thriving business in Africa

ADO, S. and F. SHOWEMIMO, S. ALABI, B. BADU-APRAKU, A. MENKIR, I. USMAN, U.S. ABDULLAHI, “Ma�ze research at IAR Samaru,” �n Demand-dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Afr�ca: proceed�ngs of the F�fth B�enn�al Reg�onal Ma�ze Workshop, 3-6 May 200�, IITA- Cotonou, Ben�n Republ�c, 2007, pp. 107–122.

AINA, O. and A. DIXON, M. AKORODA, E. AKINRINDE, “Influence of so�l water stress on vegetat�ve growth and y�eld of cassava genotypes under screen house cond�t�ons,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 329–33�.

AJALA, S. and A. MENKIR, A. KAMARA, S. ALABI, M.S. ABDULAI, “Breed�ng strateg�es to �mprove ma�ze for adaptat�on to low so�l n�trogen �n West and Central Afr�ca,” �n Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Conference Proceed�ngs, 2007, pp. 87–94.

AJEIGBE, H. and T. OSENI, B. SINGH, S. TARAWALI, “Effect of d�fferent cowpea-cereal row to row plant�ng systems and �nsect�c�de sprays of cowpea on the qual�ty of the crop res�dues,” �n Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Conference Proceed�ngs, 2007, pp. 10�7–1061.

AKINBADE, S. and E. AYO-JOHN, P.L. KUMAR, T. OBEN, “Determ�nat�on of the most effect�ve method for the product�on of polyclonal ant�bod�es aga�nst African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV),


IITA Annual Report 2007

genus begomov�rus,” �n Proc. 34th Annual Conference of the N�ger�an Soc�ety of Plant Protect�on, theme: Plant Protect�on Challenges �n the 21st Century. 17–21 September 2007, Nasarwa State University, Keffi, Nigeria, 2007, pp. 15–16.

AKINBADE, S. and J. MGBECHI-EZERI, T. OBEN, P.L. KUMAR, “Product�on of monoclonal ant�bod�es aga�nst cowpea mottle v�ruses,” 2007, pp. 187–187.

AKORODA, M. and A. DIXON, P. ILONA, F. OGBE, R. OKECHUKWU, “Manag�ng stem cutt�ngs of cassava for opt�mum y�elds,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 33�–341.

AKORODA, M. and A. DIXON, P. ILONA, F. OGBE, R. OKECHUKWU, C. EZEDINMA, L. SANNI, J. LEMCHI, E. OKORO, “Susta�nable commerc�al cassava cult�vat�on: the case of N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, Mombasa, Kenya, 2007, pp. 193–199.

ALENE, A. “Unexploited yield and profitability potentials of improved var�etal technolog�es: the case of hybr�d ma�ze �n western Eth�op�a,” �n Demand-dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze production in West and Central Africa: proceedings of the fifth b�enn�al reg�onal ma�ze workshop, IITA-Cotonou, Ben�n, 3–6 May 200�, Ibadan, N�ger�a, 2007, pp. 388–401.

AMAZA, P. and J. ELLIS-JONES, A. KAMARA, J. HELSEN, H. GAYA, “A part�c�patory adopt�on of �mproved crop technolog�es �n the savannas of West Afr�ca: emp�r�cal study from Borno, N�ger�a,” �n 8th Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Soc�ety Conference, 27–31 Oct. 2007: proceed�ngs, 2007, pp. 1369–137�.

ANDRADE, M. and A. NAICO, “Study on cassava and sweetpotato y�elds �n Mozamb�que,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 200–208.

ANITHA, S. and F. WALIYAR, C. REDDY, P.L. KUMAR, “Top-down strategy (TDS) to prevent the r�sk of human exposure to aflatoxins,” in Proc. 2nd Asian Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology ‘M�crob�al D�vers�ty for As�an Prosper�ty’, December 19–22, 2007, Osman�a Un�vers�ty, Hyderabad, Ind�a. Ind�an Soc�ety of Mycology and PlantPathology, Uda�pur, Ind�a, 2007,

ANITHA, S. and P.L. KUMAR, F. WALIYAR, “Development of polyclonal ant�body-based compet�t�ve ELISA for the est�mat�on of aflatoxin b1-lysine biomarker in humans,” in Proc. 26th Annual Convent�on of Ind�an Assoc�at�on for Cancer Research and Internat�onal Sympos�um on Translat�onal Research �n Cancer, 17–19 January 2007 Bhubaneswar, Or�ssa, Ind�a, 2007, pp. 196–196.


Yam mosaic

ARIYO, O. and A. DIXON, G. ATIRI, S. WINTER, “D�str�but�on of cassava mosa�c begomov�ruses �n N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC-Government sympos�um, 2007, pp. 373–379.

ARIYO, O. and A. DIXON, G. ATIRI, M. KOERBLER, S. WINTER, “Enhanced symptom sever�ty and pseudorecomb�nat�on of gem�n�v�ruses are �mportant factors �n poss�ble breakdown of res�stance to cassava mosa�c d�sease,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 711–718.

ASADU, C. and A. DIXON, “So�l nutr�ent and cassava y�elds var�at�ons under cont�nuous cult�vat�on of three-crop m�xtures �n eastern N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC-Government sympos�um, 2007, pp. 240–247.

ASIIMWE, P. and J.S. ECAAT, M. OTIM, D. GERLING, M. GUERSHON, S. KYAMANYWA, J. LEGG, “Catalogu�ng predators of Bemisia tabaci on a cassava mosa�c d�sease res�stant var�ety �n Uganda,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. �70–�73.

AYODELE, M. and J. HUGHES, R. ASIEDU, “Yam anthracnose disease: field symptoms and laboratory diagnostics,” in Procced�ngs of the 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007.


IITA Annual Report 2007

BADU-APRAKU, B. and A. MENKIR, A. FONTEM LUM, M. FAKOREDE, and O. IBIKUNLE, “Recent advances �n breed�ng for Striga res�stant extra-early ma�ze for the savannas of West and Central Afr�ca,” �n Demand-dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Afr�ca: proceed�ngs of the F�fth b�enn�al Reg�onal Ma�ze Workshop, 3–6 May 200�, IITA- Cotonou, Ben�n Republ�c, 2007, pp. 2�–42.

BAH, E. and A. DIXON, A. JALLOH, “Relat�ve growth performance of e�ght �mproved cassava genotypes and 4 popular �mproved checks �n 3 d�verse agro-ecolog�cal zones �n Gu�nea,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 341–3�8.

BAIYERI, K. and A. TENKOUANO, “Manure placement influenced growth and dry matter y�eld of a planta�n hybr�d,” �n Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Conference Proceed�ngs, 2007, pp. 38�–390.

BAMIRE, A. and V. MANYONG, I. SANUSI, D. AWOTIDE, “Ex-ante cost - benefit analysis of biofortification of cassava roots in Nigeria,” in Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 1–8.

BAMKEFA, B. and T. ONYEKA, A. DIXON, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, “Survey of the d�str�but�on and current status of bacter�al bl�ght and fungal d�seases of cassava �n N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 683–692.

BANDYOPADHYAY, R. and A. LOGRIECO, M. HAIDUKOWSKY, A. MORETTI, J. LESLIE, A. VISCONTI, “Fungal and mycotox�n contam�nat�on of cereals and legumes from N�ger�a, Ghana and Burk�na Faso,” �n Proc. of the XIIth Internat�onal IUPAC Sympos�um on Mycotox�ns and Phycotox�ns, 21–2�, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007.

BANDYOPADHYAY, R. and A. MENKIR, S. ASAAD, T. BAN, D. BERGVINSON, D. JEFFERS, J. MURAKAMI, R. ORTIZ, K. HELL, B. JAMES, P.L. KUMAR, S. NIGAM, H. UPADHYAYA, F. WALIYAR, “Consultat�ve Group on Internat�onal Agr�cultural Research (CGIAR) research-for-development agenda on mycotox�ns for enhanced food safety and trade,” �n Proceed�ngs of XVI Internat�onal Plant Protect�on Congress, 1�–18 October, Glasgow, UK, 2007, pp. 368–369.

BENESI, I. and M. LABUSCHAGNE, A. DIXON, C. VILJEON, N. MAHUNGU, “Genotype by env�ronment �nteract�on for nat�ve cassava(Manihot esculenta Crantz) starch qual�ty and �ts use �n the commerc�al sector,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC-Govt sympos�um, 2007, pp. 144–1�7.

CHIKOYE, D. and J. ELLIS-JONES, C. RICHES, L. KANYOMEKA, “Weed management �n Afr�ca: exper�ences, challenges and opportun�t�es,” �n XVI Internat�onal Plant Protect�on Congress: proceed�ngs, UK, 2007, pp. 16–17.


COULIBALY, O. “Strengthen�ng the capac�ty and �nformat�on exchange for food qual�ty and export promot�on �n Ben�n and Ghana (West Afr�ca),” �n Proceed�ngs of the Workshop on Promot�ng Best Pract�ces for Capac�ty Bu�ld�ng for Susta�nable Development, 10–13 October 2006, Tr�este, Italy, 2007, pp. �9–68.

DEMO, P. and M. AKORODA, R. ASIEDU, R. EL-BEDEWY, “Evaluat�on of the product�on potent�al of seed potato (Solanum tuberosum l.) tubers stored for d�fferent durat�ons �n d�ffuse l�ght cond�t�ons,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 21�–226.

DEN BREEYEN, A. and R. CHARUDATTAN, F. BEED, G. MACDONALD, J. ROLLINS, F. ALTPETER, “B�olog�cal control of Imperata cylindrica �n West Afr�ca us�ng fungal pathogens,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 12th Internat�onal Sympos�um on B�olog�cal Control of Weeds, 21–27 Apr�l, La Grand Motte, Montpell�er, 2007, p. 4�.

DIXON, A. and G. SSEMAKULA, F. OGBE, O. ARIYO, Y. LOKKO, P. ILONA, J. MKUMBIRA, “Cassava mosa�c d�sease �n sub-saharan Afr�ca: var�at�ons �n the pathogen, sources of res�stance and host-plant res�stance breed�ng for susta�nable control,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. �21–�2�.

DIXON, A. and J. WHYTE, N. MAHUNGU, G. SSEMAKULA, J. MKUMBIRA, P. ILONA, “Genet�c �mprovement of cassava �n sub-Saharan Afr�ca: cap�tal�z�ng on Afr�ca landraces,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. �11–�20.

DUGJE, I. and A. KAMARA, L. OMOIGUI, “Assessment of Striga infestation in crop fields in the savanna zones of northeast N�ger�a,” In demand-dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze production in West and Central Africa, proceedings of the fifth b�enn�al reg�onal ma�ze workshop, 2007, pp. 271–281.

EGESI, C. and S. OGUNYEMI, R. ASIEDU, “Evaluat�on of water yam (Dioscorea alata I.) genotypes for react�on to yam anthracnose d�sease,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 368–374.

EKANAYAKE, I.J. and A. DIXON, I. KASELE, and A. NOAH, “Plant water relat�ons and photosynthet�c propert�es of polyplo�dy cassava grown �n the N�ger�an savanna,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC-Govt sympos�um, 2007, pp. 210–217.

EKELEME, F. and A. KAMARA, S. OIKEH, D. CHIKOYE, L. OMOIGUI, “Effect of weed compet�t�on on upland r�ce product�on �n north-eastern N�ger�a,” �n Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Conference Proceed�ngs, 2007, pp. 61–6�.


IITA Annual Report 2007

ENI, A. and J.D’.A. HUGHES, R. ASIEDU, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, P.L. KUMAR, “Inc�dence and d�str�but�on of v�rus and v�rus-l�ke d�seases on yams (Dioscorea sp.) �n the Republ�c of Ben�n,” �n Proc. 10th Internat�onal Plant V�rus Ep�dem�ology Sympos�um, 1�–19 October 2007, ICRIST, Hyderadad, Ind�a, 2007, pp. 123–123.

EZEDINMA, C. and J. LEMCHI, R. OKECHUKWU, F. OGBE, M. AKORODA, A. DIXON, “Status of cassava product�on �n N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 183–189.

EZEDINMA, C. and P. KORMAWA, V. MANYONG, A. DIXON, “Challenges, opportun�t�es and strategy for cassava subsector development �n N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC-Govt sympos�um, 2007, pp. 627–640.

FAKOREDE, M. and B. BADU-APRAKU, A. MENKIR, S. AJALA, A. FONTEM LUM, “A rev�ew of NARES-IARC-donor collaborat�on to develop demand-dr�ven technolog�es for �mproved ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Afr�ca,” �n Demand-dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Afr�ca: proceed�ngs of the F�fth b�enn�al Reg�onal Ma�ze Workshop, 3-6 May 200�, IITA- Cotonou, Ben�n Republ�c, 2007, pp. 3–24.

GITHUNGURI, C. and W. KIMANI, I.J. EKANAYAKE, J. IMUNGI, “The relat�onsh�p between leaf area and cyanogen�c potent�al of tuberous roots of cassava planted �n a wet and a sem�-ar�d agro-ecolog�cal zone,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 226–232.

GNANVOSSOU, D. and R. HANNA, B. PALLANGYO, M. TOKO, E. NSAMI, O. MFUGALE, “D�str�but�on and abundance of cassava pests �n Tanzania with a note on the spiralling whitefly,” in Proceedings of the 9th ISTRC-AB Sympos�um, 2007, pp. 644–647.

ILE, E. and P. CRAUFURD, R. ASIEDU, “Is the yam (Dioscorea spp.) tuber-head and pr�mary nodal complex (pnc) and the or�g�n of the v�ne, feeder root and tuber? a m�n� rev�ew,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 23�–243.

JAMES, B. and P. BRAMEL, A. LAGNAOUI, E. ERISGEN, C. ASIABAKA, “IPM contr�but�ons to the ach�evement of m�llenn�um development goals of halv�ng hunger and poverty,” �n XVI Internat�onal Plant Protect�on Congress: proceed�ngs, UK, 2007, pp. 344–34�.

JEREMIAH, S. and H. KULEMBEKA, E. KANJU, B. CHIRIMI, R. AMOUR, “The role of commun�ty based organ�zat�ons, NGOs and farmers �n technology transfer,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC sympos�um, 2007, pp. 686–688.

JUMBO, S. and N. MAHUNGU, A. MHONE, C. MOYO, V. SANDIFOLO, D. SIYENI, A. NTHONYIWA, K. SICHINGA, “Adopt�on and �mpact of �mproved cassava and sweetpotato var�et�es on food secur�ty �n Malaw�,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 26–33.


Women farmers of Rakai district peeling banana hybrids for sensory evaluation

KAMARA, A. and A. MENKIR, L. OMOIGUI, I. KUREH, “Potent�al of drought-tolerant maize varieties in nitrogen-deficient soils of the Gu�nea savannas,” In Demand-dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable maize production in West and Central Africa, proceedings of the fifth b�enn�al reg�onal ma�ze workshop, 2007, pp. 180–183.

KAMARA, A. and D. CHIKOYE, L. OMOIGUI, I. DUGJE, “Cult�var and �nsect�c�de spray�ng reg�mes effects on �nsect pests and gra�n y�eld of cowpea �n the dry savannas of north-eastern N�ger�a,” �n Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Conference Proceed�ngs, 2007, pp. 179–184.

KANJU, E. and E. MASUMBA, M. MASAWE, S. TOLLANO, B. MULI, A. ZACHARIAS, N. MAHUNGU, B. KHIZZAH, J. WHYTE, A. DIXON, “Breed�ng cassava for brown streak res�stance: reg�onal cassava var�ety development strategy based on farmers and consumer preferences,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC-Govt sympos�um, 2007, pp. 9�–101.

KAPINGA, R. and D. ZHANG, B. LEMAGA, M. ANDRADE, R. MWANGA, S. LAURIE, P. NDOHO, E. KANJU, “Sweetpotato crop �mprovement �n sub-Saharan Afr�ca and future challenges,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC sympos�um, 2007, pp. 82–94.


IITA Annual Report 2007

KARIUKI, C. and R. HANNA, M. TOKO, B. NGARI, “The spread and pers�stence of exot�c phytose��d, Typhlodromalus aripo de leon (acar�: phytose��dae) and �ts effect on cassava green m�te �n Kenya,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 9th ISTRC-AB Sympos�um, 2007, pp. 693–704.

KUMAR, P.L. “Challenges �n management of plant v�rus d�seases �n sub-Saharan Afr�ca,” �n Proc. 34th Annual Conference of the N�ger�an Soc�ety of Plant Protect�on, theme: Plant Protect�on Challenges �n the 21st Century. 17–21 September 2007, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria, 2007, pp. 12–12.

KUMAR, P.L. and J. MGBECHI-EZERI, S. AKINBADE, A. ENI, R. ASIEDU, A. DIXON, C. FATOKUN, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, “The challenges and potent�al opt�ons for controll�ng v�rus d�seases of legumes and tuber crops �n West Afr�ca,” �n Proc. 10th Internat�onal Plant V�rus Ep�dem�ology Sympos�um, 1�–19 October 2007, ICRIST, Hyderabad, Ind�a, 2007, pp. 60–60.

KUREH, I. and A. KAMARA, “Effects of sole cropp�ng, �ntercropp�ng and rotat�on w�th legume trap-crops on Striga control and ma�ze gra�n yield in farmers’ fields in the Guinea savannas,” In Demand-driven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Africa, proceedings of the fifth biennial regional maize workshop, 2007, pp. 169–179.

LEMA, K. and A. DIXON, N. MAHUNGU, P. ILONA, S. NLUTA, J. KIMFUEMA, S. LUKOMBO, M. BIDIAKA, “Strateg�c cassava product�on rehab�l�tat�on �n the democrat�c Republ�c of Congo through accelerated germplasm development and deployment,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. �40–�47.

MANYONG, V. and A. BAMIRE, P. ZUCKERMAN, “Rural household expend�tures for roots and tubers �n south western N�ger�a: an almost �deal demand system analys�s,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC-Govt sympos�um, 2007, pp. 601–613.

MGBECHI-EZERI, J. and S. AKINBADE, J.D’.A. HUGHES, R. BANDYOPADHYAY, P.L. KUMAR, “Inc�dence of seed transm�tted v�ruses �n cowpea and soybean �n N�ger�a,” 2007, pp. 160–160.

MKUMBIRA, J. and R. OKECHUKWU, A. DIXON, “Breed�ng for root qual�ty tra�ts �n cassava,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 440–442.

MOYO, C. and N. MAHUNGU, V. SANDIFOLO, S. JUMBO, A. MHONE, P.T. MANGIRANI, “Invest�gat�ons �nto cassava stem storage and �ts effects on sprout�ng and plant growth,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 2�3–2�8.


MWANGI, M. and R. BANDYOPADHYAY, C. NOLTE, “The status of cassava mosa�c d�sease, bacter�al bl�ght and anthracnose as constra�nts to cassava product�on �n the Pouma reg�on of south Cameroon,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. �87–�92.

NEUENSCHWANDER, P. “Socio-economic benefits of some class�cal b�olog�cal control projects �n Afr�ca,” �n Proc. XVI Internat�onal Plant Protect�on Congress, Glasgow, Ta�wan, 2007, pp. �40–�41.

NEUENSCHWANDER, P. and R. HANNA, “B�olog�cal control and funct�onal b�od�vers�ty �n agr�cultural product�on: successful cases to �mprove food secur�ty �n Afr�ca,” �n Proceed�ng of the Sympos�um on Organ�c Agr�culture �n Development: the need for �ntegrated product�on for food secur�ty, 2007, pp. 19–24.

OBEN, T. and G. ATIRI, O. FAGBOLA, S. AKINBADE, P. OYIBO, P.L. KUMAR, “Occurrence and distribution of viruses infecting fluted pumpk�n (Telfairia occidentalis, Hook f.) �n Imo state, N�ger�a,” 2007, pp. 122–122.

ODERO, B.O. and H. OBIERO, P.J. NDOLO, J. WHYTE, J. LEGG, J. MALINGA, T. MAGUT, “Accelerated mult�pl�cat�on and d�str�but�on of �mproved healthy plant�ng mater�als of cassava var�et�es �n western Kenya,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 267–270.

OGBE, F. and A. DIXON, J. HUGHES, “Towards the control of a severe form of cassava mosa�c d�sease �n N�ger�a: d�agnost�c survey for cassava mosa�c begomov�ruses,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 13th ISTRC-Govt sympos�um, 2007, pp. 298–306.

OGBE, F. and A. DIXON, J.D’.A. HUGHES, and F. ALABI, “M�xed �nfect�ons by b�olog�cal var�ants of African cassava mosaic virus and the�r assoc�ated severe symptoms on cassava �n N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 639–643.

OGUNJOBI, A. and A. DIXON, O. FAGADE, “Genet�c d�vers�ty among Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. man�hot�s �solated from the western states of N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. ��7–�63.

OMOIGUI, L. and A. KAMARA, F. MASSAWE, M. ISHIYAKU, O. BOUKAR, S. ALABI, F. EKELEME, “Evaluat�on of cowpea genotypes for the�r react�ons to Striga gesnerioides �n the dry savanna of northeast N�ger�a,” �n Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Conference Proceed�ngs, 2007, pp. 273–278.


IITA Annual Report 2007

ONITILO, M. and L. SANNI, B. MAZIYA-DIXON, A. DIXON, “Var�etal d�fferences �n the phys�cochem�cal, funct�onal, past�ng propert�es and granule s�ze of starches from d�fferent CMD res�stance var�et�es,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 494–�0�.

OTOO, E. and R. ASIEDU, S. ENNIN, E. EKPE, “Yam product�on �n the der�ved coastal savannah zone of Ghana - past, present and future prospects,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 27�–284.

PALLANGYO, B. and R. HANNA, M. TOKO, D. GNANVOSSOU, V. MGOO, M. OTEMA, A. ONZO, F. HOUNTONDJI, E. NSAMI, O. MFUGALE, “B�olog�cal control of cassava green m�te �n Tanzan�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 9th ISTRC-AB Sympos�um, 2007, pp. �97–60�.

PATINO, M. and A. DIXON, C. EZEDINMA, J. LEMCHI, R. OKECHUKWU, L. SANNI, M. AKORODA, “Cassava small-scale enterpr�ses �n Braz�l: lessons for the cassava �ndustry �n N�ger�a,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 828–836.

REDDY, A. and P.L. KUMAR, K. SUBRAHMANYAM, F. WALIYAR, S. NIGAM, “Frequency of m�xed �nfect�on of Tobacco streak virus and Peanut bud necrosis virus �n groundnut,” 2007, pp. 1�9–1�9.

SAIVISHNUPRIYA, K. and S. AROCKIASAMY, P.L. KUMAR, A. REDDY, A. NALLA, F. WALIYAR, S. NIGAM, R. BEACHY, K. SHARMA, “Development and evaluat�on of transgen�c groundnut for res�stance to Tobacco streak virus (TSV),” �n Proc. 10th Internat�onal Plant V�rus Ep�dem�ology Sympos�um, 1�–19 October 2007, ICRIST, Hyderabad, Ind�a, 2007, pp. �7–�7.

SALISU, U.C. and M.O. AKINOLA, H. AJEIGBE, “Effect of �mproved crop-l�vestock system adopt�on on the product�v�t�es of farmers �n Kano state,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 41st Conference of the Agr�cultural Soc�ety of N�ger�a, 2007, pp. �61–�68.

SANNI, L. and B. MAZIYA-DIXON, R. OKECHUKWU, C. EZEDINMA, M. AKORODA, J. LEMCHI, F. OGBE, E. OKORO, P. ILONA, A. DIXON, “Innovat�ve process�ng and ut�l�zat�on technolog�es for cassava �n Afr�ca,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 836–841.

SANNI, L. and C. EZEDINMA, J. LEMCHI, F. OGBE, R. OKECHUKWU, M. AKORODA, E. OKORO, B. MAZIYA-DIXON, P. ILONA, A. DIXON, “Cassava postharvest needs assessment survey �n N�ger�a,” �n Proc. Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 746–748.


SANOGO, D. “Afr�ca’s food status: �mpl�cat�ons and challenges �n a chang�ng world,” �n Proc. Fac�ng up to food cr�s�s �n sub-Saharan Afr�ca: the challenges, gaps and role of agr�cultural pol�c�es, 2007, pp. 31–39.

SEDZRO, K.M. and K. APEDOH, R. CARSKY, “V�ab�l�ty and acceptab�l�ty of the Mucuna pruriens fallow for the conservat�on of so�l fert�l�ty �n yam product�on,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 249–2�2.

SHIVAM, C.V.B. and P.L. KUMAR, R. SINGH, “Evaluat�on of p�geonpea genotypes for res�stance to ster�l�ty mosa�c d�sease,” 2007, pp. 133–133.

SRIDHAR-KUMAR, C. and K. SIREESHA, G. RANGARAO, C. RAMBABU, P.L. KUMAR, “Development and evaluat�on of �mmunochem�cal tools for d�agnos�s and qual�ty control of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrov�rus (HANPV),” �n Internat�onal Conference on Emerg�ng and Re-Emerg�ng V�ral D�ereses of the Trop�cs and Sub-Trop�cs, December 11–14 2007, New Delh�, Ind�a. Ind�an V�rolog�cal Soc�ety, New Delh�, Ind�a pages 222, 2007, pp. 222–222.

SRIDHAR-KUMAR, C. and P.L. KUMAR, K. SIREESHA, G. RANGARAO, F. WALIYAR, C. RAMBABU, “B�olog�cal and molecular character�zat�on of a baculov�rus �solated from legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (noctu�dae: lep�doptera),” �n Proc. 26th Annual Convent�on of Ind�an Assoc�at�on for Cancer Research and Internat�onal Sympos�um on Translat�onal Research �n Cancer, 17–19 January 2007 Bhubaneswar, Or�ssa, Ind�a, 2007, pp. 221–221.

TAMO, M. and G. GOERGEN, C. AGBOTON, R. SRINIVASAN, “Putt�ng agro-b�od�vers�ty to work: the cowpea story,” �n XVI Internat�onal Plant Protect�on Congress, Glasgow, Ta�wan, 2007, pp. 3�4–3��.

TATA-HANGY, K. and J. LEGG, R. HANNA, M. TOKO, K. LEMA, A. DIXON, N. MAHUNGU, “Inc�dence and d�str�but�on of cassava d�seases and pests �n the Democrat�c Republ�c of Congo,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 9th ISTRC-AB Sympos�um, 2007, pp. 614–622.

TATA-HANGY, K. and R. HANNA, M. TOKO, K. LEMA, M. SOLO, “Changes �n populat�on abundance of the Afr�can root and tuber scale Stictococcus vayssierei R�chard (homoptera; st�ctococc�dae) on cassava �n the Bas-Fleuve d�str�ct �n the democrat�c republ�c of Congo,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 9th ISTRC-AB Sympos�um, 2007, pp. �74–�82.


IITA Annual Report 2007

TENKOUANO, A. and K. BAIYERI, “Adaptat�on pattern and y�eld stab�l�ty of banana and planta�n genotypes grown �n contrast�ng agro-ecolog�es �n N�ger�a,” �n Afr�can Crop Sc�ence Conference Proceed�ngs, 2007, pp. 377–384.

TINDO, M. and R. HANNA, L. WIJNANS, C. NOLTE, G. GOERGEN, A. NGUEKAM, J. NGEVE, “Pre-plant�ng removal of host-plant res�dues to reduce Afr�can root and tuber scale �nfestat�ons �n cassava fields in Cameroon,” in Proceedings of the 9th ISTRC-AB Sympos�um, 2007, pp. 633–639.

TOKO, M. and R. HANNA, J. LEGG, M. ANDRADE, A. JONE, B. AGBOTON, M. OTEMA, G. OKAO-OKUJA, R. OBONYO, E. MAMBO, “D�str�but�on, �nc�dence and sever�ty of cassava d�seases and pests �n Mozamb�que,” �n Proceed�ngs of the 9th ISTRC-AB Sympos�um, 2007, pp. 623–633.

TOURE, M. and K. AMAGBETO, S. DOUMBIA, A.M. KOUAKOU, R. ASIEDU, G.P. ZOHOURI, “Soc�o-econom�c determ�nants of yam var�et�es adopt�on: prob�t analys�s �n three major’s yam product�on areas of Cote d’Ivo�re,” �n Proceed�ngs of 9th ISTRC-AB sympos�um, 2007, pp. 1�1–1�8.

WALIYAR, F. and P.L. KUMAR, “Evaluat�on of advanced peanut breed�ng l�nes for res�stance to late leaf spot and rust,” �n Proceed�ngs, 39th Annual Amer�can Peanut Research and Educat�on Soc�ety (APRES), July 10–13, 2007, B�rm�ngham, Alabama, USA, Alabama, USA, 2007.

WALIYAR, F. and P.L. KUMAR, M. OSIRU, E. MONYO, B. NTARE, S. NIGAM, “Centenn�al of research on groundnut rosett d�sease: what �s known and what st�ll needs to be known to ach�eve effect�ve control of th�s menace �n sub-Saharan Afr�ca,” 2007, pp. 61–61.

WALIYAR, F. and P.L. KUMAR, S. REDDY, K. SHARMA, S. NIGAM, “Current strategies and future technologies to combat aflatoxin contam�nat�on �n groundnut,” �n Proc. 2nd As�an Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology ‘M�crob�al D�vers�ty for As�an Prosper�ty’, December 19–22, 2007, Osman�a Un�vers�ty, Hyderabad, Ind�a. Ind�an Soc�ety of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Uda�pur, Ind�a, 2007, pp. 287–287.

WALIYAR, F. and S. NIGAM, P.L. KUMAR, “Integrated strategy for minimizing the risk of aflatoxin contamination in food crops,” in Proc. Internat�onal Conference on Br�dg�ng Gaps �n Agr�culture Research and Development Towards Susta�nable Development. Central Luzon State Un�vers�ty, Sc�ence C�ty of Munoz, Nueva Ec�ja, Ph�l�pp�nes, 2007, pp. 18–19.


WALIYAR, F. and S. REDDY, P.L. KUMAR, B. REDDY, K. RAI, A. ASHOK, C. RAVINDER REDDY, “Surve�llance for natural contam�nat�on of mycotox�ns �n sorghum and pearl m�llet gra�ns �n Andhra Pradesh and Maharastra states, Ind�a,” �n Proc. 2nd As�an Congress of Mycology and Plant Pathology ‘M�crob�al D�vers�ty for As�an Prosper�ty’, December 19–22, 2007, Osman�a Un�vers�ty, Hyderabad, Ind�a. Ind�an Soc�ety of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Uda�pur, Ind�a, 2007, pp. 294–294.

YALLOU, C. and A. MENKIR, V. ADETIMIRIN, J. KLING, “Comb�n�ng ab�l�ty of d�verse ma�ze �nbred l�nes under Striga �nfestat�on �n N�ger�a and Ben�n,” �n Demand-dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Afr�ca: proceed�ngs of the F�fth b�enn�al Reg�onal Ma�ze Workshop, 3–6 May 200�, IITA- Cotonou, Ben�n Republ�c, 2007, pp. 64–78.

YUSUF, A.A. and E. IWUAFOR, O. OLUFAJO, R. ABAIDOO, N. SANGINGA, “Residual benefits of soybeans genotypes and natural fallow to subsequent ma�ze �n the northern Gu�nea savanna of N�ger�a,” �n Demand dr�ven technolog�es for susta�nable ma�ze product�on �n West and Central Afr�ca: proceed�ngs of the F�fth b�enn�al Reg�onal Ma�ze Workshop, 3–6 May 200�, IITA- Cotonou, Ben�n Republ�c, 2007, pp. 138–1�4.

OthersAMAZA, P. and K. OGUNDARI. 2007. Production efficiency of

soybean farmers �n the Gu�nea savannas of West Afr�ca: emp�r�cal ev�dence from N�ger�a: poster paper presented at the �nternat�onal farm management assoc�at�on congress held at Un�vers�ty College Cork, Ireland, 1�–20 July 2007.

GOCKOWSKI, J. and S. DAVID. 2007. Farm safety �ntervent�ons �n the cocoa sector.

KUMAR, P.L. and V. VADEZ. 2007. The “ac�d” test! NWILENE, F.E. and O. YOUM, Y. SERE, M. TAMO, K. HELL, G.

GOERGEN, B. JAMES, I. INGELBRECHT. 2007. WARDA/IITA collaborat�on on �nsect pests of r�ce �n Afr�ca.

SONWA, D. and S. WEISE, B.A. NKONGMENECK, M. TCHATAT, M. JANSSENS. 2007. Structure of cocoa agroforest of southern Cameroon.


IITA Annual Report 2007

TRIPATHI, L. 2007. Demyst�fy�ng b�otechnology. WALIYAR, F. and P.L. KUMAR, B. NTARE, E. MONYO, S. NIGAM, A.

REDDY, M. OSIRU, A. DIALLO. 2007. Groundnut rosette d�sease and �ts management.

ProceedingsAccount�ng for losses of m�cronutr�ents from staple foods dur�ng storage

and process�ng. 2007. Assessment of past and present so�l conservat�on �n�t�at�ves �n N�ger�a,

West Afr�ca. 2007. Breed�ng crops for �ncreased m�cronutr�ent dens�ty: a case for ma�ze.

2007. Develop�ng and test�ng drought tolerant ma�ze germplasm �n West

Afr�ca. 2007.Fac�ng up to food cr�s�s �n sub-saharan Afr�ca: the challenges, gaps and

role of agr�cultural pol�c�es. Ibadan, N�ger�a, 2007. Infect�on of ma�ze and cowpea seeds and gra�ns by s�x �solates of

Fusarium verticillioides. 2007. Larval growth of two stemborers Sesamia calamistis and Eldana

saccharina reared on d�et w�th 6 �solates of Fusarium verticillioides. 2007.

Progress and ach�evements �n breed�ng ma�ze for enhanced m�cronutr�ent content. 2007.

Progress �n breed�ng for Striga res�stant ma�ze �n West and Central Afr�ca. 2007.

Strateg�c needs for controll�ng cassava mosa�c d�sease �n West and Central Afr�ca. 2007.

Technical reportMEENAKSHI, J. and N. JOHNSON, V. MANYONG, H. DE GROOTE, J.

JAVELOSA, D. YANGEN, F. NAHER, C. GONZALEZ, J. GARCIA, E. MENG. 2007. How cost-effective is biofortification in combating m�cronutr�ent malnutr�t�on? an ex-ante assessment. CGIAR., 2.

MWANGI, M. 2007. Respond�ng to banana xanthomonas w�lt am�dst mult�ple pathogens and pests. Kampala, Uganda: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).

NTAWURUHUNGA, P. and J. LEGG. 2007. New spread of cassava brown streak v�rus d�sease and �ts �mpl�cat�ons for the movement of cassava germplasm �n the East and Central Afr�can reg�on. Kampala, Uganda: Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA).


SWALLOW, B. and M. VAN NOORDWIJK, S. DEWI, D. MURDIYARSO, D. WHITE, J. GOCKOWSKI, G. HYMAN, S. BUDIDARSONO, V. ROBIGLIO, V. MEADU, A. EKADINATA, F. AGUS, K. HAIRIAH, P. MBILE, D. SONWA, S. WEISE. 2007. Opportun�t�es for avo�ded deforestation with sustainable benefits: an interim report of the ASB partnersh�p for the trop�cal forest mag�ns. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF); Centre for Internat�onal Forestry Research (CIFOR); Internat�onal Centre for Trop�cal Agr�culture (CIAT); Internat�onal Inst�tute of Trop�cal Agr�culture (IITA); Indones�an So�l Research Inst�tute; Braw�jaya Un�vers�ty.

Collecting seeds from a wild banana in Namulonge


IITA Annual Report 2007

Graduate research completed at IITA �n 2007

Striga infesting a soybean plant



Oyekanmi, Edward O; Male; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of IbadanSponsor: SelfResearch top�c: Screen�ng of selected m�croorgan�sms and ma�ze genotypes for Pratylenchus zeae management and �mproved y�eld of Zea mays L.


Akello, Juliet; Female; UgandaUn�vers�ty: Makerere Un�vers�ty, UgandaSponsor: BMZResearch top�c: M�crob�al Control of the banana weev�l us�ng Beauveria bassiana as an endophyte Cosmopolites sordidus

Okorogri, Elohor; Female; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of IbadanSponsor: SelfResearch top�c: Effect of length of pre-sprout�ng, concentrat�ons of colch�c�ne and length of exposure of colch�c�ne on plo�dy �nduct�on �n cassava

Olowu, Elizabeth F.; Female; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of IbadanSponsor: SelfResearch top�c: Opt�m�xat�on of �nv�tro propagat�on of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Popoola, B. Omowunmi; Female; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of Agr�culture, AbeokutaSponsor: SMIPResearch top�c: Banana nematodes pathogen�c�ty tr�al

Popoola, Jacob; Male; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of Agr�culture, AbeokutaSponsor: SelfResearch top�c: The morphology, cytology and reproduct�ve b�ology of Afr�can yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa (Hochst Ex. A. R�ch) Harms


IITA Annual Report 2007

Soyode, Folarin; Male; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of IbadanSponsor: SelfResearch top�c: Genet�c var�ab�l�ty �n sprout�ng ab�l�ty of 37 CMD res�stant cassava genotypes �n N�ger�a


Afolabi, Clement; Male; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of IbadanSponsor: SelfResearch top�c: Et�ology of Fusar�um stalk and ear rot of ma�ze (Zea mays) �n N�ger�a

Aikpokpodion, Peter; Male; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of IbadanSponsor: USDAResearch top�c: Genet�c d�vers�ty �n N�ger�a Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) collec-t�ons determ�ned by phenotyp�c and s�mple sequence repeat markers

Akinola, Adebayo; Male; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of IfeSponsor: BNMSResearch top�c: Adopt�on and �mpact of best bet nutr�ent management systems (BNMS) on ma�ze farmers �n the Northern Gu�nea Savanna of N�ger�a

Lawson-Balagbo, Emile; Male; TogoUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of Natural Resources, BOKUSponsor: Austr�a Coconut M�te projectResearch top�c: Development and �mplementat�on of a b�olog�cal control program for coconut m�te

Oben, Tabi Tom; Male; CameroonUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of IbadanSponsor: SelfResearch topic: Identification of pathogens associated with die-back disease of Musa spp. �n selected locat�ons �n West and Central Afr�ca

Onabanjo, Oluseye; Female; N�ger�aUn�vers�ty: Un�vers�ty of Agr�culture, AbeokutaSponsor: SelfResearch topic: Formulation of complementary foods from yellow-fleshed cassava roots and leaves.

Hardening banana seedlings in the screen house



IITA Annual Report 2007

Governing board

In vitro- propagated banana seedlings


Harvey Bryan (Cha�r) Plant Sc�ences DepartmentUn�vers�ty of Saskatchewan Canada

Balogun Oluwafem�V�ce ChancellorUn�vers�ty of Agr�culture, AbeokutaN�ger�a

Becker Barbara Manag�ng D�rectorNorth-South Centre, ETHSw�tzerland

Berge GunnvorAssoc�ate ProfessorNORAGRICNorway

Hartmann D�rector GeneralIITAN�ger�a

Karssen CeesGeneral Foulkesweg 69The Netherlands

Lew�s Dean Un�ted States

Mafuka Paul Mbe-Mp�e Faculté des Sc�ences Agronom�ques Gest�on des Ressources Naturelles RD Congo

Mara�te Henr�Faculté d’�ngén�er�e b�olog�que, agronom�que et env�ronnementaleUn�vers�té cathol�que de Louva�nBelg�um

Møeller B�rgerDenmark

Pepple A.I.Permanent SecretaryFederal M�n�stry of Agr�culture and Rural DevelopmentN�ger�a

S�mmons EmmyUSA

Tau-Mzamane NthoanaProjects Manager - Agr�culture Based ClustersOffice of the PremierSouth Afr�ca

Traoré AdamaCha�rCom�té Nat�onal de la Recherche Agronom�que (CNRA)Mal�


IITA Annual Report 2007

IITA sc�ent�sts and project managers dur�ng SP3 2007


Aba�doo, Robert C.

So�l M�crob�olog�st

Abass, Adebayo Busura

Coord�nator, SSCPP

Abdoulaye, Tah�rou

Coord�nator, KKM PLS

Abele, Steffen

Deputy D�rector

Ajala, Oyewole S.

Ma�ze Breeder

Aje�gbe, Hakeem A.

Crop L�vestock Spec�al�st

Alene, Arega D.

Impact Assessment Econom�st

Amaza, Paul Sambo

Agr�cultural Econom�st

Asare, R�chard

Cocoa Agroforester

As�edu, Robert

Deputy D�rector

Ayodele, Mar�a Awo

Plant Patholog�st

Badu-Aprasku, Baffour

Ma�ze Breeder, DTMA Project

Ba�yer�, Paul

Crop Management Spec�al�st

Bandyopadhyay, Ranaj�t


Beed, Fen Douglas

Plant Patholog�st

Boahen, Stephen

Legume Spec�al�st

Boukar, Ousmane

Cowpea Breeder

Bouwmeester, He�n

GIS Spec�al�st

Ch�koye, Dav�d

Deputy D�rector

Coul�baly, Ousmane

Agr�cultural Econom�st

Coyne, Dan�el Le�gh


Dav�d, Son��a

STCP Tech Transfer Spec.

Dav�s-Mussagy, Melba

Agro-enterpr�se Dev. Spec.

D�xon, Alfred G.

Cassava Breeder

Dubo�s, Thomas L.M.

B�ocontrol Spec�al�st

Du�ndam, Jelle W�lle

Starchy Crops Agronom�st

Dumet, Dom�n�que Jul�ette

Head, Genebank

Ekeleme, Fr�day F.


Ezed�nma, Chukwuma


Fatokun, Chr�st�an A.

Coord�nator, L.L.P.

Ferguson, Morag

Plant Molecular Genet�c�st

Fermont, Anneke Mar�jke

Legume Agronom�st

IITA scientist and project managers during SP3 2007


IITA Annual Report 2007

F�aboe, Kom� M.

Banana Entomolog�st

Ged�l, Melaku A.

Cassava Molecular Genet�c�st

Gockowsk�, J�m J.

Agr�cultural Econom�st

Godonou, Ignace


Goergen, Georg


Gyamfi, Isaac Kwadwo

Ghana�an NPP Manager

Hanna, Rach�d


Hauser, Stefan

So�l Phys�c�st

Hearne, Sarah Jane

Plant Molecular Genet�c�st

Hell, Kerst�n

Postharvest B�olog�st

Herron, Carol�ne Mary

V�rolog�st, Cassava BSD

Ihed�oha, Onyema Dam�a

Agr�-Process�ng Spec�al�st

Ingelbrecht, Ivan Luc

Head, B�otechnology Lab

James, Bra�ma D.

Entomolog�st/Coord. SP-IPM

Jonas, Mva Mva

Cameroon�an NPP Manager

Junge, B�rte

So�l Conservat�on Spec�al�st

Kamara, Alpha Yaya Savannah Systems Agronom�st

Kanju, Edward Eneah

Cassava Breeder/Patholog�st

K�kuno, H�deh�ko

Yam Phys�olog�st

K�m, Dong-J�n D.


Kolesn�kova-Allen, Mar�a

Cocoa Genet�c�st

Kol�jn, S�cco S.

Postharvest & Agro-Enter. Spec.

Kumar, Lava

V�rolog�st (W&C Afr�ca)

Legg, James


Lema, Albert

Coord�nator, DR Congo Cas.

Lorenzen, James H.

Banana Breeder

Mahungu, Nzola-Meso

SARRNET Coord�nator

Manyong, V�ctor A.W.

Agr�cultural Econom�st

Maz�ya-D�xon, Buss�e

Ma�ze Food Technolog�st

Menk�r, Abebe

Ma�ze Breeder

Mkumb�ra, Jonathan

Cassava Breeder

Muok�, Pen�na Ngusye

Food Technolog�st

Muranaka, Satoru

Crop Phys�olog�st

Murekez�, Charles

Project Leader, SPBCS


Neuenschwander, Peter

Emer�tus Sc�ent�st

Nkamleu, Guy Bla�se G.B.

Yam Econom�st

Ntawuruhunga, Pheneas

Coord�nator, EARRNET

Nz�guheba, Generose

So�l Fert�l�ty Spec�al�st

Odu, Babaj�de

Germplasm Health Sc�ent�st

Oj�ambo, Peter

Plant Patholog�st

Okafor, Chr�stopher N�ger�a Nat�onal P�lot Manager

Okechukwu, R�chardson

Database/Stat�st�cs Manager

Okuku, Innocent Emman

Assoc�at�on Dev. Spec.

Pay-Bayee, MacArthur

L�ber�an Nat�onal Project Manager

Raj�, Adebola A.


Rus�ke, Joseph J.

Coord., SSA-CP �n SADC

Sanogo, D�akal�a

Impact Econom�st

Sonder, Ka�

GIS/Data Management Spec�al�st

Ssemakula, Gorrett�e N.

Cassava Breeder

Tamo, Manuele

Insect Ecolog�st

Tarawal�, Gbassay

Project Manager (CEDP)

Tefera, Ha�lu

Soyabean Breeder

Tenkouano, Abdou

Planta�n/Cassava Breeder

Tr�path�, Leena


Van Asten, Petrus J. A.

Project Manager, SPBS

van Melle, Cathel�jne C.

Commod�ty Supply Mgt. Spec.

Vroh, B� Ir�e B.I.

Molecular Genet�c�st

We�se, Stephan F.

STCP Manager

Yade, Mbaye

Reg�onal Coord�nator, SAKSS

Yapo, Robert Assamo�

Cote d’Ivo�re NNP Manager


IITA Annual Report 2007

Abbrev�at�ons used �n th�s reportAVRDC As�an Vegetable Research and Development CenterCBO commun�ty-based organ�zat�onCBSD cassava brown streak d�seaseCIAT Centro Internac�onal de Agr�cultura Trop�cale CIDA Canad�an Internat�onal Developement AgencyCIMMYT Centro Internac�onal de Mejoram�ento de Ma�z y Tr�goCGM cassava green m�teCMD cassava mosa�c d�seaseCRIN Cocoa Research Inst�tute of N�ger�aCRS Cathol�c Rel�ef Serv�cesEACMV-Ug East Afr�ca Cassava Mosa�c V�rus-Uganda var�antEAHB East Afr�can h�ghland bananaEMBRAPA Empresa Bras�le�ra de Pesqu�sa Agropecuar�aESARC Eastern and Southern Afr�ca Reg�onal CenterFAO Food and Agr�culture Organ�zat�on of the Un�ted Nat�onsGIS geograph�c �nformat�on systemIBC IITA’s Inst�tut�onal B�osafety Comm�tteeICARDA Internat�onal Center for Agr�cultural Research �n the Dryland AreasICRISAT Internat�onal Crops Research Inst�tute for the Sem�-Ar�d Trop�csIFPRI Internat�onal Food Pol�cy Research Inst�tuteIIBC Internat�onal Inst�tute of B�olog�cal Control ILRI Internat�onal L�vestock Research Inst�tute MAS Marker ass�sted select�on MDG M�llen�um Development GoalsNGO nongovernmental organ�zat�ons NGN N�ger�an Na�raNGS Northern Gu�nea savannaNRI Natural Resources Inst�tute (UK)QPM quant�ty prote�n ma�ze QTL quant�tat�ve tra�t loc�PREA Part�c�patory research and extens�on approachRUVT reg�onal un�form var�ety tr�alsSARRNET Southern Afr�ca Root Crops Research NetworkSP-IPM Systemw�de Program on Integrated Pest ManagementSS Sudan savannaSSA Sub-saharan Afr�caWCA West and Central Afr�caWECAMAN West and Central Afr�ca Ma�ze Network


IITA locat�ons IITA-Nigeria

Ibadan (Headquarters)PMB �320, IbadanOyo State, N�ger�aTel.: (+234 2) 241 2626Fax.: (+234 2) 241 2221e-ma�l: IITA@cg�

Abuja Farm, PMB 82, Bes�de old water worksKubwa V�llage, AbujaTel.: (+234) 9 �239�98Cell.: (+234) 803 4023910

KanoSabo Bak�n Zuwo RoadPMB 3112, Kano N�ger�aFax: (+234 64) 64�3�2Telephone: (+234 64) 64�3�0, 64�3�1, 64�3�3, 624046E-ma�l: IITA-Kano@cg�

LagosPlots �31 & �32 WEMPCO Road, Ogba EstateP.O. Box 14�, Ikeja, LagosCell.: (+234) 803 4023913

Ma�dugur� Kwajaffa Road, off Gambole Road, GRA, PO Box 93�, Ma�dugur�, Borno State, N�ger�a Phone: (+234 76) 231732 Fax: (+234 76) 231732 Ema�l: ��taprosab@cg�

OnnePMB 008, Nch�a-ElemePort Harcourt, R�vers State N�ger�aFax: (+871) 682341882 (INMARSAT)Telephone: (+871) 682341880, 761841076 IITA-Ben�n BP 08-0932, Cotonou, Ben�nTelex: �329 ITABENFax: (+229) 21 3� 0� �6Tel.: (+229) 21 3� 01 88 E-ma�l: IITA-Ben�n@cg� IITA-CameroonMbalmayo BP 2008 (Messa), YaoundéFax: (+237) 2237437,Tel.: (+237) 2237434, 2237�18E-ma�l: IITA-Cameroon@cg� IITA-Democrat�c Republ�c of CongoAvenue des Cl�n�ques 13, Bat�ment INERA Commune de la Gombe K�nshasa, RD Congo Tel: (+243) 81� 316 268, 99� 386 236 Ema�l: ��ta_dr_congo@a� IITA-GhanaWest Afr�ca Seed and Plant�ng Mate-r�al Network (IITA/GTZ/WASNET)P.O. Box 9698, K.I.A, Accra, GhanaTel/Fax: (+233) 21 76��67Cell.: (+233) 24 329�31E-ma�l: IITA-Ghana@cg�


IITA Annual Report 2007

IITA-KenyaPlant B�od�vers�ty and Genom�cs Fac�l�tyc/o Internat�onal L�vestock Research Inst�tute (ILRI)P.O. Box 30709, Na�rob�, KenyaTel.: (+2�4 2) 630743Fax.: (+2�4 2) 631499E-ma�l: IITA-Kenya@cg�

IITA-Malaw�SADC/IITA/SARRNET ProjectCh�tedze Research Stat�onP.O. Box 302�8L�longwe 3, Malaw�Tel.: (+26�) 1 707014Fax: (+26�) 1 707026E-ma�l: IITA-Malaw�@cg�

IITA-Mozamb�queSADC/IITA/SARRNET/INIAP.O. Box 2100, Av. FPLM No. 2698MaputoMozamb�qu�eTelefax: (+2�8 1) 461610E-ma�l: IITA-Mozamb�que@cg�

IITA-Tanzan�aSADC/IITA/SARRNETc/o M�kochen� Agr�cultural Research Inst�tutePO Box 6226, Dar es Salaam, Tanzan�aTel.: (+2�� 22) 2700092Fax: (+2�� 22) 2700090E-Ma�l: IITA-Tanzan�a@cg� IITA-UgandaPO Box 7878, Kampala, UgandaFax: (+2�6 41) 223494Tel.: (+2�6 41) 22344�, 221009E-ma�l: IITA-Uganda@cg�

Internat�onal Ma�l�ng address (UK)c/o Lambourn (UK) L�m�ted,Carolyn House 26 D�ngwall Rd., Croydon, CR9 3EE, EnglandTel.: (+44) 020 8686 9031Fax.: (+44) 020 8681 8�83

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