Answer LOOK XI


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Stage 1Getting StartedA

1. Students may answer fish or whale2. Whale3. It lives on the sea4. It has babies5. Mammals

BWhales are (1)sea-livings mammals. They therefore breathe (2) air but cannot survive on land. Some species are

very large (3) indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meters in (4) length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like (5)a fish, but there are important differences in its(6)external structure; its (7)tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal (8)paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single (9)nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is (10) smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). It can be up to 30 centimeters in (11) thickness and serves heat and body (12)fluids. Find out

1. mammal.2. the blue whale can exceed to 30 meters in length.3. because they are sea-livings mammals.4. Whales : they are warm blooded

its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles They have babies

Fish : Fish are cold blooded its tails is vertical They lay eggs

C. 1. snout2. gill3. pelvic fin4. dorsal fin5. tail6. scales7. caudal fin

D (Accept any possible answers)

Ways to say it: Expressing surpriseE. accept any possible answer

Get It RightWays to say it :Expressing WarningA Accept any possible answers

1. Hotel / room2. Police department3. Public Park4. Street5. Bank 6. Auction place

B1. 1-e2. 2-a3. 3-d4. 4-b5. 5-c

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 1

C (Accept any possible answers)

1. Please be careful. The road is slippery. You are endangering everyone’s lives in this 2. bus3. Watch out! My bicycle’s brake does not work well.4. Watch your step mom. The floor is slippery5. Be careful with that ceramic. It is very expensive6. Be patient in dealing with her.

Ways to say it:AdvisingAsking for advice

Situation 1→What do you think I should do about it ?Situation 2→Student: what do you think I should do about my chemistry class? Should I drop it or continue with

it ?Student: What if she says I should continue with the class ?

Offering adviceSituation 1→Husband: Why don’t you try taking it back to the store ?Situation 2→Mrs.Wilson: I think it would be a good idea to talk with your instructor. Try talking with her about the

problems, and see what she suggests.D (Accept any possible answers)

E Find out:

1. She never has a serious relationship and right now, she feels that she is being used.2. Bridget told her to learn about the important lesson that she got from previous

relationships and she suggested Tas to save for a holiday and head to Queensland.3. She has split up with her boyfriend and that causes her lonely and confused.4. Bridget told her to replace the emotional loss with something else, such as a part- time study course or joining a

social club.

F (accept any possible answer) Example,

Dear Bridget, I am 23 years old and become success in my career but I never successful to have a serious relationship. Actually, I feel in love with a man in my office but I don’t know whether he loves me or not. Every time I meet him, he never says any single word to me. Do you think he loves me? What should I do?

Ways to say it: Expressing PermissionFind out:

1. The topic of the dialog is about Jimmy who asks his father’s permission to go to the movies2. Because Jimmy has been to movies twice this week.3. Yes, he did. “You can go with your friends but don’t be too late”.4. He was pleased.” I won’t dad and thanks. You’re the best”.

G (Accept any possible answers)

H (Accept any possible answers) Example,

Priyo : Bowo, would you mind if I borrow your typewriter?Bowo : What is that for?Priyo : I need to type my paper. My typewriter is broken. Bowo : Ok. But return it to me before next Monday, ok?Priyo : Sure. Thanks

Moving ForwardB

Uhmm....... do you know Arachnids? I mean, it is a spider. Spiders are not (1) insects. I mean spiders are Arachnids. Arachnids have (2) four bite pairs of legs but they only have (3)two body parts (4) but insects have three pairs of (5) legs and three body parts. The most surprising thing is that spiders have two to four pair of eyes. They can see (6)extremely well.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 2

Uhm .... spiders eat small (7) insects such as (8) flies and (9) mosquitoes and you know what ?They sometimes (10) bite people. When a spiders bites an insects, it doesn’t (11) kill the insect (12) immediately but a special poison passes through its fangs, and this poison (13) paralyzes the body of the unlucky insects.

Most spiders make their own (14) homes. They do this with a special substance produced by their bodies. In the corner of some rooms it is possible to find a spider’s (15)web where the spider is waiting for its next dinner guest.(Adapted from : Reading Practice, Unknown)

Find out: 1. a2. a3. a4. a

Hand in Hand (Accept any possible answers)

Independent Construction of Text (Accept any possible answers)Cultural Awareness

Social Behavior1. b2. b/c3. a/c4. a/b5. a/c

Classroom Behavior1. b. She was trying to show respect2. b. He wanted to be friendly

(accept any possible answer)1. a/c2. a/d3. c/d4. b/c/d5. b/d

Stage 2Getting StartedA

1. flood2. earthquake3. landslide4. drought

B1. is formed2. are scattered3. can be divided4. is built5. are composed6. may be extruded7. are composed 8. is ejected9. are built

C The solar system consists of a star (the sun), the planets, and a number of other bodies, such as satellites

and asteroids The sun is the center of the solar system. There are eight planets in all. It is called the moon. The body of an insect consists of three parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The thorax is the central part of the body.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 3

Grammar in Action A

1. are2. have3. are4. belong5. are6. is7. have8. have9. lie10. has

Bheat, feeds, crush, protect, glides, spread, stretch

Moving Forward

B1. Orchids2. B. the topic sentence is clear 3. Topic sentence

C1st paragraph Topic Sentence: Most monkeys live in forests Sentences that do not belong to the main topic:They swing from tree to tree2nd paragraph Topic Sentence: Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. Sentences that do not belong to the main topic :Giraffes have long necks and horns.3rd paragraph Topic Sentence:Human liver is the body’s largest and most complicated organ, and is shaped like a pyramid Sentences that do not belong to the main topic :Livers weigh more than 1.5 kgD

Find out:1. Report2. General Classification and Identification3. Describe the way things are4. General Classification or General participant and the Identification or Quality of Tornados.5. Present Tense6. Tornado7. No, there isn’t.8. Find some sentences in the text that use relating verbs

It is one of the most destructive storms on earth. A tornado is also called a waterspout. A tornado is a long cloud which comes down from the sky. It is shaped like a funnel and consists of wind. Weather scientists are unable to know exactly…. …..the tornado is not usually very big and it does not last long.

Hand in HandA. (Accept any possible answers)

BTitle: An Ordinary 8-foot wind wheel developsless than 1/10 horsepower.General classificationA windmill is a machine for converting wind energy into mechanical energy. A windmill is used for grinding grain, pumping water for irrigation and in the past few years forgenerating electricity.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 4

Identification A common windmill consists of a high steel tower on top of which revolves an air motor. The parts of the air motor are fixed onto the wind shaft and are automatically held into the wind or furled according to whether water should be pumped or if the mill needs to be protected from the severity of the wind.

CIt is possible to find mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely cold or

where it is very dry. During the summer, it is almost certain that you can find many mosquitoes near swamps, pounds, and lakes.Mosquitoes have an interesting life cycle. The female mosquito bites a person or animal in order to get some blood. She needs it before she can lay her eggs. Second, she flies to an area of water and deposits her eggs in the water. In a few days the eggs open and the baby mosquitoes, called larva, come out. In a short time, they will mature and fly away.It is interesting to note that only the female will beet for blood. She has a special moth which can go into an animal’s skin or a person’s skin. On the other hand, the male mosquito can only drink plant just with his mouth.

General ClassificationIt is possible to find mosquitoes in almost every part of the world except in the places where it is extremely cold or

where it is very dry. During the summer, it is almost certain that you can find many mosquitoes near swamps, pounds, and likes.Identification

Mosquitoes have an interesting life cycle. The female mosquito bites a person or animal in order to get some blood. She needs it before she can lay her eggs. Second, she flies to an area of water and deposits her eggs in the water. In a few days the eggs open and the baby mosquitoes, called larva, come out. In a short time, they will mature and fly away.

It is interesting to note that only the female will beet for blood. She has a special moth which can go into an animal’s skin or a person’s skin. On the other hand, the male mosquito can only drink plant just with his mouth.

Show It Off (Accept any possible answers)


Stage 1

Getting Started

A1. In the morning

In the skyOn the eastHeat, light, yellow, etc

2. At nightIn the skyRound / circleLight, beautiful, etc

3. BlueBecause it is reflected to the skyFish, shrimp, octopus, etc…Beautiful, dangerous, etc

B1. The Sun and Moon were in love2. They got married3. They invited ocean4. Ocean came with their friends5. Ocean and friends brought some gifts6. The house was full of the sea creatures7. The sun and the moon lived in the sky

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 5

Find out:1. They got married when the world was new.2. They lived in a little cottage near the ocean.3. Yes, they did.4. The Sun and the Moon.5. Yes, the Moon did6. Yes, the Ocean did7. The Ocean came with all his friends: the whales, the fish, the porpoises, the crabs and all the creatures that live in

the sea.8. No, it didn’t.9. They rose up into the sky where they have lived ever since.10. No (Accept any possible answers)11. No, I don’t like it because I think the ocean is selfish (Accept any possible answers) 12. No, she doesn’t like it because the ocean takes something that does not belong to him (Accept any possible answers)13. There will be no differences between morning and night because the sky will always dark

C Why do the Sun and the Moon live in the sky ?

( New Mexico Version )

Long time ago, there was no (1) day. It was always dark and always (2) summer. This was because the Kachina, a very (3) powerful people had (4) stolen the Sun and the Moon and locked them away in a box. In the (5) light, Coyote and Eagle, two friends(6) wandered the desert.

Coyote and Eagle had always (7)hunted together, but Coyote could not hunt anymore because he could not see at night. Coyote suggested that they go to(8) find the Sun and the Moon and make them light up the world. Eagle was worried. He (9) reminded Coyote that the Sun and the Moon were very strong and it was (10)dangerous to try to trick them.

In the end, Eagle agreed to help Coyote. While the Kachina were sleeping, Coyote and Eagle (11)crept into their village, stole the Sun and the Moon, and headed into the hills.

Coyote told Eagle that he wanted to open the box containing the Sun and the Moon. Eagle said no. They must wait until after their travels and open it with their eyes closed. Coyote (12)grumbled. He couldn’t wait to see what was in the box.

Finally he grew so curious that he threw it open. The light of the Sun was so bright that it (13)blinded Coyote’s eyes. The sun and the Moon (14)laughed and flew far way, up into the sky where they are today.

Find out:1. The sky was dark because the Kachina, a very powerful people had stolen the Sun and the Moon 2. Kachine people locked them away in a box.3. Coyote could not hunt anymore because he could not see at night. Therefore, Coyote suggested that he and eagle go

to find the Sun and the Moon and make them light up the world.4. Coyote stole the Sun and the Moon back while the Kachina people were sleeping. 5. They headed into the hills.6. Because the light of the Sun was so bright that it would blind Coyote’s eyes.7. No, because he disobey the Eagle’s words ( Accept any possible answers )8. I like the Nigerian version because it is so funny ( Accept any possible answers )

Get It Right

A (accept any possible answer)1. If there were no stars, the moon would be lonely2. If there were no school, the people would not be smart.3. If I had wings and could fly, I would go around the world.4. If I were the President of Indonesia, I would send all the corruptors into prison.5. What would happen if you were the Ministry of Education?

If I were the Ministry of Education, I would provide school around Indonesia with internet.

6. What would happen if you were Jakarta Governor?If I were Jakarta Governor, I would build houses for the homeless.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 6

B1. If the children are healthy, they will learn to walk at about eighteen months old.2. If the trajectory of a satellite is slightly off at launch, it will get worse as the flight progresses.3. If light strikes a rough surface, it will be diffused.4. If they have a good sale, I will stop by on my way home.5. We will wait if you want to go.6. If Jim’s family meet Karen, I am sure that they will like her.7. If you made your bed in the morning, your room would look better when you got back in the afternoon.8. If you didn’t drink so much coffee, you would not be so nervous.9. If you didn’t go to bed early, you would be so sleepy in the morning.10. If I were her mother, I would let her go.

C (accept any possible answer)1. If I wrote something on the board, she would be angry.2. If I were the teacher of that naughty student, I would talk and give advice to him / her and so that he / she would not

be naughty.3. She would run round the classroom if I didn’t give what she wanted.4. She would kick me if I broke her car.5. I always give a reward if my children get the first rank in their school.6. The head of the school will punish me if I skip the class.7. She would throw things in front of her if she were upset8. The children are amazing if they were not fighting

Facts:1. I don’t write something on the board. She is not angry2. I am not the teacher of that naughty student. I do not give advice to him/her.3. She doesn’t run around the classroom. I give what she wants4. She doesn’t kick me. I don’t broke her car5. I don’t give any reward to my children because they do not get the first rank6. The head of the school because I do not skip the class7. She does not throw things in front of her because she is not upset8. The children are not amazing. They are fighting now

D accept any possible answer1. If I won a lottery of 50 million rupiah, I would travel around the world. 2. If my sister lost her job, I would cheer her up and try to help her to find a new job.3. If I were the President of this country, I would build many schools, public libraries, and public parks.4. If I met my idol, I would ask his / her signature.5. If I lost my memory, I would be a new person and did what I want.

E accept any possible answer1. Dialog 1

You : Sorry, but is a cheque available here?Cashier : Yes, certainlyYou : Thank goodness for that!

2. Dialog 2The Ocean : May I go with all my friends?The Sun : That’s a good idea. The Moon : I agree with you. Just bring your friends here.The Ocean : Oh, good.

3. Dialog 3You : I’m terribly sorry, I think I’ve broken itYour friend : It’s okay. The main buttons come out, that’s all.You : I’m very relieved to hear that.

F1. Because she thought Romeo is dead.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 7

2. Because Tybalt is dead.3. Romeo is not dead.

GAt the doctor’s ( Accept any possible answers )Doctor : Good afternoon, Miss Wiwiek. Come in and sit down. What

seems to be the trouble ? You : I got a fever last night. I can’t stand it..Ooh ! My head aches.

The pain is getting worse and worse. My throat is also painful when I swallow something.

Doctor : Please, lie down. I’ll examine your condition. Let me look at your throat. Say ‘Ah’. Ah, yes. Your throat is swollen. I’m going to give you an injection. It will hurt a little, but it’s all right.

You : Ouch !! Doctor : There you are.You : Phew….Thank heavens..Doctor : Well, Miss Wiwiek, I am giving you a prescription for some capsules. Take the capsules three times a day after a

meal.You : Thank you, doctor. See you. Have a good day …Doctor : You too. I hope you’ll get well soon in a day or two.

H (Accept any possible answers) They see something interesting with their family etc

I (Accept any possible answers)Dialog 1 (Accept any possible answers)

Janus : Hey, this is a good news. I’ve passed the entrance test at the university.I Made : Really? That’s wonderful. Your parents will be delighted.

Dialog 2Mother : Have you heard the good news from dad ?Son : No, what is it, mom ?Mother : Well, we’re going to our hometown for the coming holidays.Son : It’s good news. I’m very delightedMother : We’ll spend a whole week there.Son : What ? A whole week ? Fantastic!We’ll meet our relatives and old friends there.Mother : : Yes, this is great, isn’t it ?Son : Oh, sure, mom.

Dialog 3Husband : Have you changed your perfume, darling ?Wife : Yes, why ? Don’t you like it ?Husband : No, no. On the contrary it’s great. What kind is it ?Wife : ‘Bizarro’. It was a present from mother.Husband : By the way, what about the tie I’m wearing ?Wife : Wow, it’s wonderful.Husband : It was a present from your mother, too.Wife : Is it ? Great !

J1. h2. f3. g4. b5. d6. a7. e8. c

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 8

Ways to say it: Expressing Feeling ScaredFind out:

1. Watching movies at the Cinema2. Dono3. Horror film4. These three men raped her brutally.5. Because the girl was killed cruelly and her body was thrown into some bushes. Then, she could not rest peacefully.

Therefore, her soul turned into a ghost.6. The ghost took revenge on them.7. Look, the hair on my neck is standing up.

K (Accept any possible answers)Student 1 : Look, last night I had a horrible dream.Student 2 : Really? Tell me about it.Student 1 : Well, in my dream I was wearing a pyjama. I woke up at

night to get some drink because I was thirsty. Then, I heard someone knocked the door. I tried to open the door but there was no one there. After that, I felt someone touched my back but I didn’t see anyone there.

Student 2 : It’s frightening. What happened then ? etc

Moving ForwardA

Why do mosquitoes buzz?To begin with the story, let me tell you that long time ago, mosquitoes didn’t buzz, they talked and talked. Then one day when one of them talked to Iguana and didn’t let Iguana say one word. Iguana just grumbled and waved her tail until she forgot to say hello to her friend snake. After that everything was in a mass. Snake was so angry that he made rabbit, monkey, crow and owl get frightened. Finally the whole jungle was mad at mosquitoes and cried for the sun to come up and when it did, mosquitoes lost his voice.

B ( Accept any possible answers )1. Yes, I do. Because the story gives us information about the mosquitoes buzz and warns us to respect our interlocutor 2. Indonesia 3. Because the Indonesian histories are closely related to our life Rome / Egypt4. Hercules

C1. Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, was beautiful, intelligent, and fascinating2. Antony went to Egypt to check if Cleopatra had uncovered a plot against Rome.3. In Egypt, Antony spent lazy days with Cleopatra.4. Octavious got angry and arranged a political marriage between Octavia, his sister and Antony.5. Octavia and Antony got married.6. Antony could not forget Cleopatra and went back to Egypt.7. Antony went back to Egypt and joined Cleopatra’s army to fight against Rome.8. Rome’s army was so powerful that Antony and Cleopatra lost their armies in the battle of Actium.9. Being ashamed of the lost, Antony took his own life with his sword and Cleopatra killed herself with two poisonous


Find out :1. Because she was beautiful and intelligent2. The ruler of Rome.3. He went to Egypt to check if Cleopatra had uncovered a plot against Rome4. Because Octavious had arranged a political marriage for Antony and Octavia. Octavious was angry because Antony

spent time in Egypt.5. Antony took his own life using his own sword.6. She killed herself with two poisonous snakes.7. Sad ending.8. Yes, they are9. Narrative

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 9

DWhy Do Hawk Hunt Chicks?Situation: Ita saw a mother hen quickly gathering its chicks under its wings. Then, Ita looked up and saw a hawk flying up in the sky.Ita : Mother, why don’t hawks leave chickens alone?Mother: Hm….It’s a long story, ItaIta : Oh, please, mum, tell me. I’m curious.Mother: All right…all right. Don’t behave like a five-year old child, okay?Ita : Okay, now, what’s the story?Mother: Well, this is the story. Long, long time ago, a (1) hawk fell in love with a (2)

hen. The hawk (3) flew down from the sky and asked the hen, “will you (4) marry me?”You know what? The hen loved the (5) brave, (6) strong hawk in return and wished to marry him. But she said, “I cannot fly as (7) high as you. Then, we can fly together.” The hawk (8) agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show that you have (9) promised to marry me,” said the hawk.It is so happened that the hen had already promised to marry a (10) rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. “Throw that ring away (11) at once!” shouted the rooster. The hen was so (12) frightened at the rooster’s anger that she threw away the ring immediately.When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so (13) furious that he (14) cursed the hen. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, you’ll always be scratching the earth, and I’ll be always be flying above to catch your children.” said the hawk.

Ita : The curse seems to have come true, doesn’t it? Thanks for the story, mum.

Find out:1. The story of hawks which hunt the chicks.2. The hawk3. He saw the ring in hen’s finger.4. Yes, because she was frightened at the rooster’s anger5. The hawk was furious because the hen was lying.6. She’ll always be scratching the earth.

EFind out:1. To amuse the readers.2. a Yes

b Yesc Yes

3. Yes4. Problem 1: She can’t fly as high as the hawk

Solution: She will learn to fly if the hawk gives him time.Problem 2: The rooster was angry. He told the hen to throw the ringSolution: The hen threw the ring because she was frightened at theRooster’s anger

5. Paragraph 56. Sad ending7. Past time8. -9. Once upon a time and It so happened10. So, then, before, when11. Past12. Fell down threw, went scratch, gave saw

F1. Orientation2. Complication3. Resolution4. Complication5. Resolution

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 10

GAnne Boleyn

During the reign of King Henry VII of England in 1522, Anne Boleyn, the (1)daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn and a (2) niece of the Duke of Norfolk, (3)returned to England from France where she (4) spent her childhood. She became the Lady-in waiting into the service of Catherine of Aragon, King Henry VIII’s first wife.

She soon caught the eyes of the King. The King tried to make Anne his mistress but Anne (5)refused it. Her sister, Mary Boleyn had been the king’s mistress and (6) gained little from it but a scandal. She demanded that the King marry her. She waited (7)nearly seven years for Henry to obtain an annulment of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon. In 1532 Henry VIII and Catherine (8) divorced.

It finally took an unavoidable breaking with the Pope in Rome before they wed in the mid of September in 1533. A year later Anne was (9) pregnant, but she was unable to give the King the son he desperately needed for an heir. The King was so (10) disappointed. Their (11)marriage ended tragically for Anne. She was (12) accused of witchcraft, incest and adultery. On May 19th, 1536 she was beheaded at the Tower of London. 10 days after her death, King Henry (13) married to Lady Jane Seymour who was able to give the king a son, Prince Edward. But this didn’t last long. The young (14) prince died young. Elisabeth, the daughter of Anne and Henry VIII became England’s greatest queen.

Find out :1. England2. Sir Thomas Boleyn.3. King Henry VIII’s first wife4. He wanted to make Anne his mistress.5. No, because she saw her sister became the King’s mistress and gained little from it but a scandal.6. She demanded that the King marry her.7. 7 years8. No, Anne could not give the King the son. Then, the marriage ended tragically. Anne was accused of witchcraft,

incest, and adultery.9. She passed away because she was beheaded at The Tower of London.10. Yes, but that didn’t last long. The young prince died young.11. Elisabeth

HOrientationDuring the reign of King Henry VII of England in 1522, Anne Boleyn, the daughter of Sir Thomas Boleyn and a niece of the Duke of Norfolk, returned to England from France where she spent her childhood. She became the Lady-in waiting into the service of Catherine of Aragon, King Henry VIII’s first wife.

ComplicationShe soon caught the eyes of the King. The King tried to make Anne his mistress but Anne refused it. Her sister, Mary Boleyn had been the king’s mistress and gained little from it but a scandal. She demanded that the King marry her. ResolutionShe waited nearly seven years for Henry to obtain an annulment of his marriage with Catherine of Aragon. In 1532 Henry VIII and Catherine divorced. It finally took an unavoidable breaking with the Pope in Rome before they wed in the mid of September in 1533.ComplicationA year later Anne was pregnant, but she was unable to give the King the son he desperately needed for an heir. The King was so disappointed. Their marriage ended tragically for Anne. She was accused of witchcraft, incest and adultery. On May 19th , 1536 she was beheaded at the Tower of London. Resolution10 days after her death, King Henry married to Lady Jane Seymour who was able to give the king a son, Prince Edward. But this didn’t last long. The young prince died young. Elisabeth, the daughter of Anne and Henry VIII became England’s greatest queen.

Find Out :1. The writer wrote this story for amusing the readers2. During the reign of King Henry VIII of England and England3. I think King Henry was not a really wise man. He likes to hurt other women. Anna Boleyn was a poor woman

(Accept any possible answers)

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 11

4. Yes5. Historical story6. ( Accept any possible answers )7. returned, beheaded, give, died 8. During, soon, before, after9. Narrative

Hand in HandALong, long ago, mosquitoes didn’t buzz, they talked and talked. One day, a mosquito was talking to an iguana, telling him about his vacation. About every minute of his vacation, a mosquito would not let the iguana say one word. The iguana was so annoyed that he walked away leaving the mosquito Still talking, the iguana grumbled and waved her tail. She was still grumbling when she passed her friend, the snake, and forgot all about saying “hello”. The snake was feeling hurt. He felt so sad that he slithered down a rabbit hole. “Help!”, yelled a rabbit as she scurried out of the hole terrified of the snake. “What’s wrong”, cawed a crow. Monkey heard crow’s warning and took of through the treetops leaping branch to branch. When the monkey landed on owl’s barnch high up in a leafy tree,an owl’s nest tipped off the branch and fell to the ground breaking the owl’s egg. The owl was heartbroken so much that she didn’t hoot for the sun to come up and when it did the mosquito lost his voice. All he could do was buzzing in everyone’s ear. Zzzzzz! “Is everyone still mad at me?”Title: Why do Mosquitoes BuzzOrientation: Long, long ago, mosquitoes didn’t buzz. They talked and talkedComplications:

One day, a mosquito was talking to an iguana, telling him about his vacation. About every minute of his vacation, a mosquito would not let the iguana say one word. The iguana was so annoyed that he walked away leaving the mosquito Still talking, the iguana grumbled and waved her tail. She was still grumbling when she passed her friend, the snake, and forgot all about saying “hello”. The snake was feeling hurt. He felt so sad that he slithered down a rabbit hole. “Help!”, yelled a rabbit as she scurried out of the hole terrified of the snake. “What’s wrong”, cawed a crow. Monkey heard crow’s warning and took of through the treetops leaping branch to branch. When the monkey landed on owl’s barnch high up in a leafy tree,an owl’s nest tipped off the branch and fell to the ground breaking the owl’s egg.

Resolutions:The owl was heartbroken so much that she didn’t hoot for the sun to come up and when it did the mosquito lost his voice. All he could do was buzzing in everyone’s ear. Zzzzzz! “Is everyone still mad at me?”

B accept any possible answer Who was Robin Hood?The legendary outlaw of the 12th century in England, Robin Hood, may have been a mythical folk hero, but it is also possible that he was a real person, perhaps even an Earl of Huntingdon. In the legend Robin is outlawed for opposing the sheriff of Nottingham’s unjust ways. The sheriff is an ally of prince John during his rule over the country while King Richard the Lionheart is away on the Crusades. Robin takes refuge in Sherwood forest and gathers a band of ‘Merrie Men’ about him, including Little John, the archer, Friar Tuck, and Maid Marion, his beloved. He robs the rich to help the poor, is chivalrous, manly and fair and generally embodies the ideals of the English man. (Accept any Possible Answers)

Show it Off (Accept any Possible Answers)Cultural awareness

1. Yes, I have2. Si Kancil,etc3. In my opinion, they are not logic. For example, it is very impossible for the sun and moon to live in the sky because

they are disturbed by the ocean ( Accept any Possible Answers )4. To amuse the readers5. The logical side is taken from the behavior of the characters (Accept any Possible Answers )

Stage 2Getting Started

A accept any possible answer1. Yes, I have 2. Jalangkung, Mirror, Hantu jeruk purut3. I like watching horror movie because it can make me scream4. I feel so scared but at the same time I feel so curious about the whole story.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 12

B accept any possible answer

Indonesia English

hantu ghost

menakutkan scary


C.Find out:

1. At the graveyard2. To entertain the readers3. He would not die in peace4. Bad – tempered man, careless.5. His drinking habit.6. He killed Pluto.7. He decided to kill but he couldn’t find anywhere.8. Par 5 : I was terrified9. Par 7 : It terrified10. We must love animals (Accept any possible answers)11. Yes, I do. Because there are some invisible creatures live among us (Accept any possible answers)

D1. you see2. you spill, has3. is red4. see, you’ll have5. walk, open, throw, break, bad luck6. left, get

Grammar in Action

A. Conjunctions

1. Even though we persuaded and even begged her, she would not agree to do it.2. She is an intelligent girl but she failed in the examination because she is lazy.3. I was hot and tired because I had been walking under the Sun for two kilometers.4. Although Rommie fell off his bicycle and hurt himself, he did not cry.5. Although we started early, we could not come on time since there was a traffic jam on the highway.

B Relative Clauses

1. They cut down a tree, which grows in front of our houses so that the light can come in.2. The boys who needed the last goal to determine the winner continued the game although it started to rain.3. The bull, which was feeling angry, dashed at the matador but the matador quickly, swerved to one side.4. He was sitting under the tree where his faithful dog that had been more than a friend to him was buried.5. Edmund did not win the singles tennis competition but he tried his best and that is more important.6. The maid who was sweeping the floor found the key which was hidden under the cupboard.

C Present Participle and Past Participle1. Tired of my complaints about the program, she turned off the TV.2. Sleeping in the next room, they were awakened by the sound of breaking glass.3. One day you will be sitting by the window reading my book4. Sitting in the garden, suddenly I got a brilliant idea.5. We saw the first star which was shining brightly in the darkness of the night.6. Weakened by his cancer, he felt sure that he would die soon.7. Tied to a tree, he tried hard to free himself and ran away.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 13

8. Uprooted by a storm, the tree blocked the street.9. Towed by a truck, the car was taken to garage for repair.10. Threw by a stone by his friend, he cried loudly.

D1. One night in early fall of 1980 on the highway2. to entertain the readers3. on the highway.

E1. on the book2. Rado arrived…

Rado arrived by train in London at 7 p.m. on Saturday Rado arrived in London by train at 7 p.m. on Saturday. on Saturday, Rado arrived in London at 7 p.m. by train.

3. Our teacher spoke to us… Our teacher spoke to us rudely in front of the class during the first session. Our teacher spoke to us rudely during the first session in front of her class. In front of the class, our teacher spoke to us rudely during the first session.

4. She went … She went hurriedly to school at 6 o’clock this morning. She went to school hurriedly at 6 o’clock this morning. At 6 o’clock this morning, she went to school hurriedly.

5. A bomb exploded…A bomb exploded loudly in this place at 5 o’clock on Sunday last summer.A bomb exploded in this place loudly at 5 o’clock on Sunday last summer Last summer, a bomb exploded loudly in this place on Sunday at 5 o’clock.

F Adverbs of Manner : flickered, heavily. Adverbs of Place : at a party, bedroom in the basement, Adverbs of Time : One day, five minutes, a minute, the third time, the

next nightMoving ForwardA

1. Mary Westmacott ( Absent in the Spring )2. Agatha Christie3. A detective story4. It is about a detective story. It is probably about someone who is missing in certain place. ( Accept any possible

answers )5. A private detective ( Accept any possible answers )

BFind out:

1. The searching of treasurers2. to entertain the readers.3. Sherlock Holmes was a famous private detective and Dr Watson was a retired British army doctor.4. They solved mysterious case.5. Miss Morstan received a beautiful pearl on the date her father was lost.6. They arranged to meet in Lyceum theatre.7. He got the treasure from Agra.8. He got a heart attack9. He told his son to send a pearl to Miss Mortan.10. It was kept in Pondicherry Lodge.11. An ugly face appeared in the window and killed Mr Morstan12. No, because the treasure was thrown into the river.13. ( Accept any possible answers )14. ( Accept any possible answers )15. Narrative16. Orientation, Complication, and Resolution

a. The orientation contains the introduction of the main characters, the place or the time of certain event

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 14

b. The Complication contains the problems that arisec. The Resolution contains the solution

17. From then on, one day, before, finally, as soon as, 18. came, accompany, greeted, died, appeared, killed, ran, arrived, chased,

shot, thrown, C

1. Title2. Orientation3. Complication4. Resolution5. Complication6. Complication7. Resolution

Find out: 1. Jabri and Halil2. A few moment later, suddenly3. Stop, started, turned off, ran, appeared, , grinned, opened, reversed, trembled4. To gain the reader’s interest5. Narrative 6. Past tense

Hand in Hand (accept any possible answer) Suddenly, there was a car coming over me and a tall man was got out of that car. I could hardly see that man because it was dark. His face was also covered by mask. I saw him bringing a knife. I was so scared. I was sure he would rob me. He tried to approach me and……….Help…….”I screamed “. Finally, I saw two officers. They had a fight and the robber was caught. I felt relieved. I was so glad that the officers could help me.

Show it Off A. (Accept any possible Answers)B. (Accept any possible Answers)


AYes, I have / No, I haven’tBoring, tired, stressful, etc ( Accept any possible answers )Business hours ( Accept any possible answers )Too many private cars, unorganized pedestrians, etc (Accept any possible answers)

B. Cars Should be Banned from Cities

Cars should be banned from the city. As we all (1)know, cars (2)create pollution, and (3)cause a lot of road (4)deaths and other accidents.

Firstly, cars, as we all know, (5)contribute to most of the pollution in the world. Cars (6)emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as (7)bronchitis, lung cancers and “triggers” of (8)asthma. Some of these illnesses are so bad that people can (9)die from them.

(10)Secondly, a city is very busy. (11)Pedestrians wander everywhere and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them to die. Cars, today, are the (12)biggest killers (13)on roads.

In (14)conclusion cars should be banned from a city for the reasons listed (15)above.

Find out:1. It creates pollution, causes a lot of road deaths, other accidents.2. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses.3. Pedestrians4. There is no statement about that.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 15

5. The prohibition of using cars in cities.

C accept any possible answer Traffic jam : unorganized five-foot-wide sidewalk, indiscipline pedestrians, etc. Solutions for traffic jam: strict punishment, etc

Get it right A Read and practice the dialogB.

1. Eric doesn’t agree / disagrees2. Rose disagrees / doesn’t agree3. Rose agrees.4. Eric disagree / doesn’t agree5. Rose agrees.

Ways to Say It: Expressing opinionsC & D ( Accept any possible answers )

Moving ForwardA (accept any possible answer)

1. Yes, I do / No, I don’t2. to promote / sell something ( Accept any possible answers )3. I think advertisement is useful for someone to choose a good product. ( Accept any possible answers )4. Yes it does / No it doesn’t

B1. Meatball2. Mr Meatball3. It can be used for any kind of food.4. We highly control the quality of our meatball.5. There is statement “Nothing compares to Mr Meatball; Delicious for all”, etc (Accept any possible answers )

CFind out:

1. The danger of formalin2. Komar is against the use of formalin in preserving the meatball.3. No, he didn’t4. I agree with Komar. The formalin is very dangerous for our health. It will destroy the vital body organs. (Accept any

possible answers)DFind out:

1. Yes, it was nice. She said “quite good”.2. Yes, the service was okay. He said “everything is fine”.3. He got a wrong size.4. No, the customer was not satisfied. He said “I am not satisfied with the shirt I bought yesterday in this shop”.5. I am not satisfied with my progress in learning English because I still have many difficulties in saying what I want to

say in English, especially the spoken form (Accept any possible answers)

E (accept any possible answer)Dialog no.1

Sari : Is everything ok?Dewi : I am a bit disappointed with you.Sari : Why? What’s wrong with me?Dewi : You always make this room dirty and you never clean itSari : I’m so sorry. I will clean it immediately.

Dialog no. 2Indra : Are you dissatisfied with something? You look so angryIman : I’m very dissatisfied with my watch. I’ve just bought it this afternoon but it doesn’t work well now.Indra : How much is that cost?Iman : It cost 100.000 rupiah

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 16

Indra : Wow…that so expensive. Why don’t you make a complaint to the store which you buy that watch?Iman : I did. Unfortunately, that store has already closed so I need to get there tomorrowIndra : Well, just be patient.

Dialog no.3Santi : Is the chicken teriyaki satisfactory?Lia : Yes. Just the way I like it. The spices are very good.Santi : Will you have anything else to eat?Lia : No, not at the moment

F (accept any possible answer)Full name : Ari WibowoRoom Number : 216Check in date : May 20, 2007Check-out date : May 23, 2007Contact No : 08159503496Correspondence Address : Jl. Malaka Raya No 52

1. I really like the services of your front office. They greet me very nicely and they offer me help to bring my luggage politely.

2. I am a little dissatisfied with the restaurant because I can only find fast food restaurant.3. (Accept any possible answers)4. (Accept any possible answers)5. (Accept any possible answers)6. (Accept any possible answers)

GInterviewer : Hey guys! Nice to see you again. Welcome back in the “Young Learners” Program. I’m Lala, your host. Guys, this time I’d like to interview a high school student, named Melissa. Good morning, Melissa.Melissa : Good morning, Lala. Morning guys. Nice to see you.Interviewer : Well, guys. In this occasion we’d talk about an interesting topic. Guess what it is…..uhuh…….it’s HOMEWORK! Okay, Melissa do your teachers always give you homework to do at home ?Melissa : Most of the time.Interviewer : Hm….really ? And what do you feel about that? Is it effective or ineffective ?Melissa : Well, I (1) personally think that homework is ineffective in developing student’s (2) skills.Interviewer : Oh, that (3)surprises me. Tell me about that.Melissa : Well, in the first place, homework is a (4)waste of time, because you’re just forced to (5)complete tasks

that you already know how to do.Interviewer : Wow, that’s an interesting point. And then?Melissa : Hmm….secondly, homework is ineffective because the tasks you do

(6) involve more memory than (7) discovery. Most of the tasks you do are just repetition and therefore you don’t discover or learn anything

Interviewer : Really?Melissa : Moreover, I would say that homework is inefficient because when most kids come home from school

they’re usually (8) tired from all the work that they have done during the day and they (9) probably won’t produce their best work for the tasks.

Interviewer : Okay, Melissa. So, what is your conclusion then?Melissa : My conclusion is that homework is ineffective and is not the best way to develop students’ skills.Interviewer : Guys, those are Melissa’s opinion about homework. Now, let’s see what others say about homework. Well, thank you Melissa. See you.Find out:

1. It’s about homework2. She thinks that homework is ineffective in developing students’ skills.3. I disagree. I think homework can help us easily memorize the lesson (Accept any possible Answers)

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 17

Hand in Hand

A1. It gives the desert protection from the shade of sun2. Baskests,ropes, and threads are made from its fibres3. Boats,housesand fences are made from its wood.4. Its fruit is an important food5. The juice is a delicious drink6. The tender leaves are eaten as salad7. In fact,no part of the tree is wasted

B. Accept any possible answer

Cultural Awareness2. Culture and norm, Di mana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung3. Be satisfied with something you have-Harap burung terbang punai ditangan di lepaskan4. Work-hard & opportunity, Hanya orang – orang gesit yang bisa sukses.5. Don’t waste your time, Bersakit sakit dahulu, bersenang – senang kemudian.6. Deep thinking, Berhati – hati –hati sebelum melangkah7. Work-hard-Jangan bangun siang- siang nanti rejekinya di patok ayam8. Don’t talk too much-Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya9. Think and act carefully, Karena nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga10. people with similar interest stick together-antah berkumpul sama antah,beras sama beras11. friendship –dua badan senyawa12. Don’t forget something special -jauh dimata jauh di hati

Stage 2Getting started

A (Accept any possible answers)1. Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Yes, it is useful for me 2. Yes, I do because I can understand the lyrics of my favorite singer / No, I don’t because it’s difficult. 3. I can have a good job because every company requires the staff to have ability in English, both oral and written. 4. I can understand English novels.

I can have a good job.Etc

BFind out:

1. Because English is an international language and English is also the key, which opens doors to scientific and technical knowledge. Moreover, English is a top requirement of those seeking jobs.

2. By adding some facts and explanations ( Accept any possible answers )3. It belongs many people’s idea because the global era has come and everyone needs to be able to speak English to

keep abreast with the information.4. To explain / argue about something and persuade someone to your point of view.5. ( Accept any possible answers )6. To emphasize someone’s point of view.7. Analytical Exposition8. Present Tense

CFind out:

1. 2nd paragraph2. 1st and 3rd paragraph3. Yes, it does4. Furthermore and In addition5. Yes, I do.

D1. c,e,g

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 18

2. dETopic sentence :The class wasted ten minutes because one of the student’s was late.Body :Yesterday, a student came into my English class after the teacher started explaining an important point. As

she came in, she hit the door against the wall. We all turned around to watch her as she squeezed past other students to get to her desk. When she sat down, she scrapped her chair against the floor, and we could not hear the teacher. Finally, the teacher stopped talking until the student was ready.

Concluding sentence: Coming late to class disturbs everyone.

F (Accept any possible answers)

Grammar in Action


Subject To be + Past Participle( V3 )

It had been believed

That drilling rights would be given

The oil companies will be required

Applications will be accepted

The oil companies will be asked

Some of these funds will be used

Some will be spent

Other kinds of fuel will have to be utilized

From the sentences above we get a passive pattern: S+to be +V3B

Simple Present is, am , are

Simple Past was, were

Present Perfect has been, have been

Past Perfect had been

Future will be, is going to be, will have to be

can, may, must can be, may be, must be

could, should, would could be, should be, would be

ought to, might ought to be, might be

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 19

Present Continuous is being, am being, are being

Past Continuous was being, were being

Present Perfect Continuous has been being, have been being

Future Continuous will have been being

Past Perfect Continuous had been being

C1. The classroom is swept before I arrive every morning2. The classrooms were swept yesterday3. The classrooms should be swept everyday / The classroom is swept4. yesterday.5. The classroom has been swept twice this week.6. The classrooms have already swept.7. The classroom is being swept8. The classrooms had been swept by the time I arrived.9. The classrooms had been swept before I returned home.10. The classrooms are going to be swept tomorrow

D1. succeed2. brought3. are tamed4. eliminateS5. makes6. are suffered7. comes8. are utilized9. is10. make

E1. It2. It 3. They, they4. He/she

F1. “Batik” refers to “this beautifully designed cloth”2. “here” refers to Pucang and Magelang. “This art” refers to “Horn Carving”3. “One” refers to “the life of the workers”4. “These studies” refers to “new studies on the moon”. “which” refers to “new studies on the moon.5. “This” refers to “how and why is one place on earth different from another”

G1. as2. Firstly3. however4. Another5. whereas6. finally7. on the other hand


Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 20

1. after2. at first 3. then4. next

5. finally6. after7. soon8. after

I1. and2. so3. but4. because5. so6. because7. and

J1. You brush your teeth before you go to the dentist for an appointment.2. Although Julie studied hard for the test, she did not pass the test.3. If you put the money into a saving account, it will earn interest every year.4. I don’t like to watch the broadcasters on television because they never smiles.5. the pilot refused to fly the jet because it hadn’t been checked by the mechanics.6. The doctor examined the patient in her office before she sent the patient to the hospital for more

tests.7. The little girl pretended to be sick so that she could stay home from school.8. Alex was reading a murder mystery while Sam was watching a murder mystery on television.9. I’d like to buy an oven because it cleans itself automatically.10. I realized I had locked my keys inside the car after I got out of the car.

K1. The luggage doesn’t weigh much. There is only clothing in it.2. The colony of ants keeps coming nearer.3. Each of these boxes contains ammunition.4. Both cars go very fast but one of them is quicker than the other.5. The exercise makes him feel relaxed.6. One of these estates belonged to my uncle in 1988.7. Although the old man was 80 years old, he stayed healthy.8. The way they dress portrays that they are from rural areas.9. This symbol denotes the high and low capability of this machine.10. The hijackers kept the hostages alive until their demands were fulfilled.

L1. a deadly gas that triggers asthma.2. because it is very dangerous and can cause someone to death.3. to persuade the reader toward the writer’s opinion.4. I might be influenced to believe the writer’s opinion. (Accept any possible answers).

M (Accept any possible answers).Moving ForwardB

1. If other heart you are too fat, your heart has to work harder and it may lead to a heart attack or to problems.

2. Extra fat can change the amount of sugar in the blood and it will cause serious disease such as diabetes. Furthermore, high blood pressure is also a result of being fat.

3. life4. to persuade readers toward writer’s opinions.

C1. c2. g

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 186

3. f4. e5. b6. a7. d8. h

D1. She wrote the application letter because she wanted to apply for the job as an accountant.2. 2 Statement of position, Arguments, Reinforcement of the statement of position

( reiteration )3. She can speak English and she is also experienced.

Hand in Hand

Aaccept any possible answerTitle: The Live Of Pop StarsPop stars today enjoy a style of living, which one belonged to rich people only. Once they are famous, they may enjoy the lives of millionaires in the first place. Wherever they go, people will greet them cheerfully. The crowd goes wild trying to catch a brief glimpse of their smiling colorfully dressed idols. Second, the stars are driven in Rolls Royce, private helicopters, or executive aeroplanes. They cannot enjoy the freedom of going alone anymore. Furthermore, they are surrounded by managers, bodyguards and press agents. Photograph of them appear regularly in newspapers, magazines and TVs and all their comings, goings and doings are reported. It is obvious that the lives of pop stars are so glamour (conclusion).

B and C (Accept any possible answers).

Show it Off (Accept Any Possible Answers)


A The first picture on the top left : Joko Tole The second picture on the left : Timun Mas The third picture on the left : Bungan Batu The first picture on the top right : Toba Lake The second picture on the right : Keong Mas The third picture on the right : Situ Bagendit


1. The legend came from Java2. The story happened in Daha Kingdom3. Her sister, Galuh Ajeng, was jealous at her and she wanted to jeopardize Galuh Candra Kirana’s

wedding.4. She went into the forest and the spell continued to work.5. She was stranded in the Dadapan forest.6. Old poor woman7. She was kept in the old woman’s big earthen jar.8. Galuh Candra Kirana met again with Raden Kerta Ibnu.9. The solutions to the Princess’s problems

Galuh Candra Kirana’s father got rid of her from the palace.Solution: She went into the forest and the spell continued to work.

The Golden Snail got stranded in the Dadapan forestSolution: She met an old poor woman and the woman kept the snail in her bigearthen jar.

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 187

The woman went home from the forest without food.Solution: There were delicious meals on her dining table and this happened for several days

The old woman was eager to find out who was preparing her meals.Solution: The woman pretended to go into the forest but on the way she returned home.

The woman was concerned about Galuh Candra Kirana’s misfortune.Solution: She felt sorry for her and prayed to God to help Galuh Candra Kirana

Raden Inu Kertapati was looking everywhere for Galuh Candra KiranaSolution: He met again with Galuh Candra Kirana. They got married and lived in Kahuripan Kingdom.

10. This is not a good behavior. Galuh Ajeng should not have done that. We have to accept that sometimes people that we love do not love us.(Accept any possible answers)

Get It Right

B Aristotle said that love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies Sean Bawden said that love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of. Flavia Weedn said,” I truly love you endlessly. Everyday without you is like a book without

pages. I love you, I will always do for the rest of our earthly and heavenly life.” Anonymous said that when you are in love never stop thinking of someone you love.

C(Accept Any Possible Answers)

Love is a blessing from God for all human beings. It can not be described in words but you can absolutely feel in your heart.

“ Love is not only accepting the good things of your partner but also the bad things “ D(Accept any possible answers) Examples1.

Teacher : Hi, why do you look so sad? I know you are not concentrating on the lesson. What’s wrong?

You : I’m feeling bad at this time. I need a lot of money to pay my school fees. and my mother is having surgery in a hospital..

Teacher : Oh, really?... I’m sorry to hear that..So, is there anything that I can do to help you ?

You : Well, I don’t know for sure.Teacher : Hmm….Why don’t you use ASKES to help you paying the hospital’s

expenses ?You : It might work out… Ok, I will try to prepare the documents that are

neededTeacher : And for your school fees….Hmm… I will try to speak to the Head

Master to give you clemency in the payment.

2.You : Hi, you look so sad? What happened?Your friend : Well, I split with Pandu last night. I can’t tell my pain and sorrow in

words.You : Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. May I know the problems?Your friend : Yes, I heard from my friend that he went with another girl two days ago.You : Oh, really? Have you asked Pandu about this? Did he really go with another girl?

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 188

You : Do I have to ask? I mean….I was really upset and I just directly broke upwith him.

Your friend : I think you should ask Pandu first about this. Maybe, your friend just didn’t like you and Pandu, so she wanted to separate both of you.

You : Mmmm……probably you are right. Well, I think I should talk to Pandu.Your friend : Yap, I think that’s a good idea.

3.Story teller : Once, on the coast of Western Sumatra near the mouth of the Batang

Arau River there lived a boy named Malin and his mother. They were very poor.You : I’m so sad to hear thatStory Teller : You’re right. You know Malin wished to become a captain of a great ship. So, Malin

went sailing.You : Well, go onStory teller : Years passed by. Then, a great ship came to Batang Arau River. It was Malin’s ship.

He had become a rich merchant and a ship. He also had a beautiful rich wife.You : How lucky he is.Story teller : On hearing that, Malin’s mother came to the ship because she wanted to see

Malin. She had missed Malin for a long time.You : What happened then?Story teller : But alas! Malin didn’t want to be recognized that the poor woman was his own

mother. He was ashamed of her.You : What a poor woman she is!Story teller : His mother was very sad and angry. She then prayed and asked to God to punish

her son.You : How unlucky he is!Story teller : Suddenly, there was a huge wave in the sea and it overturned Malin’s Ship.You : Oh, what a sad story!

EAccept any possible answer

This flower has no leaves or stems. It is white. It grows on a stone hill in the same direction.Respond: Oh, really ? That’s amazing

He saw a beautiful princess treating his wound gently. Then, she fed him with some hot soup`Respond : How lucky he is.

Moving ForwardB

1. happened2. had3. was4. named5. ordered6. went7. found8. did not know9. was10. turned

11. begged12. cared13. mocked14. planted15. pulled16. sprang17. became18. were drowned19. was saved20. helped

C1. T2. F3. F4. F5. T

Hand in Hand:Drama Performance

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 189

Show It Off (Accept any Possible answers)

Cultural Awareness

1. V-day is a Valentine ‘s day which falls on February 142. No, it isn’t. Because the commercialization of this special day has spread all over the world. The

day is also being exploited by printed and electronic media. 3. Chocolate, flowers, romantic poems, something that is pink colored, etc 4. Giving gifts and flowers, exchange chocolates, etc 5. It has been popular for ages in western countries.6. No, it isn’t7. I don’t personally celebrate Valentine’s Day. It is just an ordinary day for me. I think we can share

and express our feelings everyday.8. (Accept any Possible answers)

Stage 2A(Accept any possible answers)

The ant and the elephant The lion and the mouse The hare and the tortoise The fox and the Crow The grasshopper and the ant The lion and the elephant

BFind out:

1. The lion was asleep while the mouse ran up and down upon him.2. The lion that was awakened opened his big jaws to swallow him.3. He asked for an apology to the lion and said that he might be able to help lion if the lion had

problems.4. The lion was caught in a trap and the hunters tied him to a tree.5. The little mouse happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. He went up to

the lion and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the king of the beasts.6. “Little friends may prove great friends’. (Accept any possible answers)7. Aesop8. The lion and the Mouse9. Fables

C1. Humans2. The general and blacksmith (a fine tall woman)3. His horse stumbled and cast a shoe.4. There was a village just ahead, and the horse was led up to the door of a blacksmith5. He took it in his strong hands, and with one twist, he broke the iron like a biscuit.6. He gave blacksmith a coin.7. He took the coin between his finger and thumb, and with one pinch, he cracked it in two like a

wafer.8. Don’t be arrogant and always keep your promises (Accept any possible answers)9. Fables

D1. ( e )2. ( c )3. ( d )4. ( f )5. ( g )6. ( h )7. ( a )

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 190

8. ( b )

Grammar In Action

B1. The positive form of the past tense

There was once a man who lived in a small house in the country.….he left his house and went into the town.On the way he met beggar….the man asked the beggar….the beggar answered

2. The question form of the past tense Did you think before you said that ?What did you expect ?

3. The negative form of past tense …who didn’t wear clothes…why he didn’t wear clothes

C1. had gone2. went3. broke4. had been broken, stopped5. had not been met6. had planned


1. was coming, ate2. saw, was walking3. bit, was aiming4. was carrying, stumbled5. trapped, was going6. was killing, came

E1. was, would help2. sold, would buy3. met, would give4. could drink, would have5. would make6. would kill, stole

Fcalled, tied, break, untied, gave, broke, united, quarrel, broken


1. Thinking verbs He thought up a good plan Do you understand what I mean ?

2. Feeling verbs They disliked advice The farmer felt relieved

3. Saying verbs “Each of you, break this bundle of sticks!” said the farmer “There you are, my sons!” shouted the farmer

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 191

4. Complete the sentences with direct speech The farmer often boasted about his three sons to the villagers, “Look at my sons, they

were all strong and healthy”. The farmer always advised his sons,” If you remain united, you are strong. But if you

quarrel with one another, you will be broken one by one easily”. The farmer often complained about his sons, ”Each of you, don’t ever fight”. When they understood their father’s advice, they promised to his father, We understand

your advice and we promise not to have a fight anymore”. When they could not break the bundle of the sticks, they said, ”We could not break this

bundle”.Haccept any possible answer

1. RiverThe longest riverThe longest river in Africa

2. MeatImported meatThe imported meat from USA

3. DollA cute dollA cute doll on the table

4. PaperWhite paper that is given

5. CupboardThe new cupboardThe new cupboard in the kitchen

6. Mountain

A beautiful mountainA beautiful mountain that we see

7. PalaceBeautiful palaceThe most beautiful palace

8. KeyRian’s keyRian’s key that is lost

9. TeacherEnglish TeacherThe new English Teacher

10. RabbitThe cute rabbitThe cute rabbit on the park

IAccept any possible answer

1. The ant worked. The ant worked quickly. The ant worked quickly at the soil. The ant worked quickly at the soil this morning.

2. The crow ate a piece of meat. The crow ate a piece of meat calmly. The crow ate a piece of meat calmly behind the garden The crow ate a piece of meat calmly behind the garden yesterday.

3. The rabbit ran. The rabbit ran quickly. The rabbit ran quickly here. The rabbit ran quickly here two days ago.

4. The wind blew The wind blew calmly The wind blew calmly here The wind blew calmly here last night

5. The girl was carrying a pail of milk The girl was carrying a pail of milk slowly The girl was carrying a pail of milk slowly at the foot of the hill The girl was carrying a pail of milk slowly at the foot of the hill yesterday

6. The dog was walking The dog was walking quickly The dog was walking quickly in front of her house

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 192

The dog was walking quickly in front of her house last night7. The stork drank

The stork drank badly The stork drank badly in front of his house The stork drank badly in front of his house two days ago

8. The tiger killed a lamb The tiger killed a lamb badly The tiger killed a lamb badly at the forest The tiger killed a lamb badly at the forest two days ago

J(Accept any possible answers)Paragraph 1 :

1. Once upon a time2. fortunately3. then4. When5. No sooner than

Paragraph 2 :1. A few days later2. When3. Ever since than

K1 ….but his sons never listened to him.2 ….he tried to kill the dove.3 ….he could not reach the tree.4 ….he was sure that the lion would kill him5 ….they were too far.6 ….just ran from his master.7 ….we didn’t eat it.8 ….he killed the goose.

LThe Lamb and the Wolf

Once, a wolf was drinking water at a hilly stream. Suddenly, he saw a lamb drinking water at some distance down the stream. Seeing the tender lamb, the wolf’s mouth began to water. The wolf thought what a delicious meal the lamb would make. “I must catch and kill the lamb for my feast”. The wolf approached the lamb saying, ”How dare you make my water dirty?’ The poor lamb answered, ”No, Sir. How can it be! The stream is flowing down to me from your end”. The wolf got angry and snarling said “You are too arrogant to argue like this”, “Then, why did you rebuke me the last month”. The lamb said, “Excuse me Sir, I was not even born last month” “I’m just ten days old.”. The wolf replied, “Well, then it was your mother who rebuked and insulted me saying, “So, the wicked wolf pounced upon the little lamb and killed it for his food”.

Moving Forward

AAccept any possible answer

1. Fable is stories that point out lessons.2. It is fun and it also states the lesson or the moral at the end of the story. 3. Yes, I do because it can teach us how to be better in our life.

B(Accept any possible answers)Don’t ever steal people’s belongings.

DFind out:

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 193

1. The Mouse Deer and the Crocodile2. In the afternoon and in the river.3. Paragraph 14. Paragraph 25. Resolution :He wanted something to drink from the river and then he bathed and splashed about in

the water Complication: The mouse deer was startled and terrified as well.

6. Yes. e.g.The mouse deer was a very tricky anima;

Hand in HandThe Tyrant Who became a Just Ruler

In old times there lived a King, who was so cruel and unjust towards his people that he was always called the Tyrant. So heartless was he that his people used to pray night and day that they might have a new king.One day, much to their surprise, he called his people together and said to them, “My dear people, the days of my tyranny are over. Therefore you shall live in peace and happiness, for I have decided to try to rule justly and well.”The King kept his word so well that soon he was known throughout the land as the Just king. By and by, one of his favorites came to him and said, “Your Majesty, I beg of you to tell me how it was that you had this change of heart towards your people?’And the King replied, ”As I was walking galloping through my forests one afternoon, I caught sight of a hound chasing a fox. The fox escaped into his hole, but not until he had been bitten by the dog so badly that he would be lame for life.Returning home, the hound met a man who threw a stone at him, which broke his leg. The man had no t gone far when a horse kicked him and broke his leg. Here I came to my senses, and resolved to change my rule. ”For surely,” I said to myself, ”he who does evil will sooner or later be overtaken by evil.

Show It Off (Accept any possible answers)


Getting Started

A Accept any possible answer

1. One person does not follow the dress code. He is wearing the wrong dress.2. A man3. I would feel embarrassed and did nothing 4. a, because everyone will laugh if I do this. No, I haven’t (Accept any possible answers)

BOkay students. Listen to me. I have a good story. The story is about a boy (1)named Michael. He

was ten years old. He was not a very good (2)pupil. Why? Because he didn’t like (3)doing his homework. What did he like (4)then ?Oh, he liked playing in his(5) leisure time. He liked football very much. Do you know why he didn’t like doing his (6)homework? Because he always made a lot of mistakes when he did it.

Well, one day, his (7)mathematics teacher looked at Michael’s homework and found that all his homework was correct. Wow, that’s a (8)good job! Of course students, the teacher was very (9)pleased and (10)surprised. So, he called Michael to his office and said to him, Michael,(11) you’ve got all your homework right this time. You’re doing great. Well done, Michael. Did your father help you?

“No, sir” Michael said, “Usually my father did it for me. But last night he was very busy. He had a (12)meeting. So, he couldn’t do my homework. Then, I had to do it (13)by myself.

Find out: (accept any possible answer)

1. Yes. Michael could do the homework2. Yes3. Michael

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 194

4. yes5. no. he’s honest

C1. There is misunderstanding between the man and the woman. The man actually

wanted to call the woman but the woman thought she would get a ring.2. The man wanted to call her

D1. The man orders fish but the waiter doesn’t bring his order because he still catches

the fish.2. The waiter and the curly George3. Yes, because the waiter should prepare all the food immediately.

Get It RightA(Accept any possible answers)Yes, I have experienced some embarrassing situations. I would be mad if my friends were laughing at my embarrassing experience. BAccept any possible answer

1. It really makes me angry. I should have washed my shoes first.2. You’re getting me angry. Why are you late?3. It really makes me ashamed.

C 1. R2. F3. F4. R5. F6. F7. F8. F9. F10. R

Moving Forward

BGreen,Pink and Yellow

Can you name the colors in English?Yes, you’re right. Blue, red, yellow and so on. By the way, I have a funny story about colors. Do you want to hear it?Okay,listen to me carefully

One day,an English teacher (1)was explaining about colors to his students. After he had (2)finished explaining,he asked his students “Who can make a sentence using the words (3) green, (4) pink and (5)yellow”.

James the (6) smartest student in the class, quickly (7)raised his hand and answered,”When the yellow morning sun comes, I see a beaitiful,girl wearing a pink (8)blouse walking through the green grass”.

(9)Excellent!James,you are a very good student” ,(10)praised the teacher.“Me,me,Sir” Johny,the (11)naughtiest student in the class said while raising his hand.And then he

said, “I heard the telephone (12)ringing”, then I pink the receiver and I said,”Yellow,who’s speaking there?”

Find out:1. The teacher and the students

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 195

2. In the classroom3. In English lesson4. Past tense5. At the end6. 3 events7. It makes me laugh8. To tell a funny story

CFind out:

1. The Curly George and his friend.2. In the pavement.3. In the morning4. Past Tense because most of the events happened in the past.5. 3 events6. The last part (Why, misfortune !)

Hand in Hand

AFind out

1. The disc jockey (DJ) and switch-board operator.2. In a club / a discothèque3. At night4. Past tense because most of the events happened in the past.5. A few minutes later the switch-board operator came in to say that three people had called to

apologize.6. 3 events7. Text structure:

Orientation : I am a disc jockey, and one night when I was at the controls, a record began to skip.

Events : Before I could react, the needle scraped across the entire song leaving me with ‘dead-air’ silence, a DJ’s worst enemy. I grabbed the mike and shouted over the air: ”All right, which one of you listeners at home just bumped your radio and made my record skip?” After my little face-saving joke, I played another song.

Twist :A few minutes later the switch-board operator came in to say that three people had called to apologize.

B (Accept any possible answers)

Show It Off (Accept any possible answers)

Cultural Awareness

Find out :1. Sometimes I cover my smile with my hand to show politeness because it is not good for women to

smile exaggeratedly. 2. Well, I think every country has different cultures and we have to respect each other’s culture.3. I think both of them are important because you need these two things so that everyone can

understand you better.

Stage 2

Getting Started

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 196

AAccept any possible answerFind out:

1. I think the pictures show funny stories.2. The first picture: a man is flying with balloons just to give the flowers to the woman. I think it is

difficult for people to fly with the balloons.

B Find out:

1. Yes, because it is impossible that a mother forgot/ didn’t know where she put her baby2. When the mother told her parents that her baby was missing.

CFind out:

1. Yes, I did2. The last part when the dumb girl disappeared directly when she said “I think”.

D1. dinner party2. wearing3. clothes4. a seat5. put on6. host7. offered8. offered9. best food and drink10. put off11. surprised12. best food

Grammar in ActionA

2. Ann and Jack were at the movie theatre.3. Mr and Mrs Smith were at the restaurant4. I was at home. (Accept any possible answers)

B2. was3. were not, were4. was not, was5. were not, was6. Were, was not, was

C1. was2. lived3. was4. came5. found6. had7. loved

8. said9. was10. sent11. spoke12. reached13. was14. said


1. became 2. froze 3. woke 4. wore

5. hurt 6. said 7. bought 8. sat 9. paid

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 197

10. held11. hit

Downa. blewb. foundc. caught

d. mete. drewf. spokeg. droveh. layi. hid

E2. Tom was at the street. He was driving.3. Jim was at the bus stop. He was waiting for the bus.4. Tim and Tina were at the park. They were talking.5. I was at home. I was studying. (Accept any possible answers)

F1. At 9:45, Baldy was washing his car2. At 11:45 Baldy was reading a book3. 9 o’clock, Baldy was having a breakfast.4. At 12:50, Baldy was listening to the music.5. -6. At 10:30, Baldy was swimming.

G1. was2. were waiting3. were expecting4. arrived5. were waiting6. were waiting7. took8. were carrying9. were keeping10. opened.

H1. he2. his3. her4. her5. she6. her

7. it8. him9. he10. his11. he

I1. suggested2. insisted3. inquired4. complained5. snapped6. whispered

7. boasted8. shouted9. explained10. pleaded11. demanded12. stammered

Kunci Jawaban Look Ahead XI 198

J1. He fell off his motorcycle when he was meeting a beautiful girl.2. His shorts split while he was looking for his wallet.3. He cut his finger when he was cooking for his mother’s birthday.4. The TV screen became unclear when he was watching the news.5. He lost consciousness when he was being given an injection.6. He approached an empty car while he was walking along the pavement.7. He combed his hair while he was waiting for his girlfriend.

K(Accept any possible answers)1 Possible events :

She was listening to the music and didn’t pay attention to her surroundings.The bricklayer was not putting the bricks correctly.She was talking to somebody along the pavement.

2 Possible events :We were celebrating our grandparents’ birthday party.We were having dinner.We were talking to each other

3 Possible events :I was not studying very hardThe professor was not explaining clearly.I was not really meticulousPossible events :I didn’t wash my clothes.Everybody was wearing new and beautiful clothes.No one told me about the dress code.

Moving Forward

A1. I will know the participants or the settings of the story.2. I will know the things that happened in the story.3. I will know the funniest part of the story.

B1. Because he was failed in his examination.2. His father went to see the professor and urged him to let Jack continue his studies the following year.3. The professor asked Jack about Napoleon’s death but Jack could not answer it.4. Jack’s father said “you see, we don’t subscribe to any newspapers in our house, so none of us even knew

that Napoleon was ill”.5. Yes, because Jack’s father is so innocent. (Accept any possible answers)6. a Jack, Jack’s father, the Professor

b went to see, studied, asked, died, answerc Adverbs of time : at the end of the year, the next day, the following year, next year, last month. Adverbs

of place : the university, our house d Past Tense

Hand in HandAAccept any possible answer

The Wonder ZooOne day, the old lion and the young lion were showing their powers in attracting the visitors’ attention.

“Lions ought not to behave like that!” the young lion said to himself, so he roared at all the visitors and tried to break the bars of the den.At three o’clock a man brought a big piece of meat and put it in the old lion’s den. Then, he put a bag of nuts and two bananas in the young lion’s den.The young lion was very surprised.” I don’t understand this”, he said to the old lion”. I behave like a real lion, while you lie there and do nothing and look what happens!”Well, I guess the big fortune can come from the small creature.

Show It Off(Accept any possible answers)


Stage 1

Getting Started

AAccept any possible answer

1. Yes, I have, around my neighborhood2. I feel angry 3. The government should provide an empty space for the garbage. This space should be equipped with high-

tech gadget so that the garbage could be treated properly4. In the garbage can, sometimes.5. They do not care about the environment6. Because they could not find the garbage can or probably they don’t care about the cleanliness of the

environment. It makes them throw the garbage carelessly. 7. Sometimes, I warn him / her in a good way so that they will not get easily offended. 8. Yes, because most of Indonesian people do not love their environment. It makes them throw the garbage


B1. Sarah suggests that maybe she should let the people who like to throw the garbage to do whatever they

want but when there are disasters like floods or disease, don’t help them. No, I don’t agree because we should be patient in warning the people who throw the garbage carelessly. We should help other people without any difference. (Accept any possible answers)

2. Tuti suggests that everything should be started from our homes. We have to clean our gardens and also keep our neighborhood clean. Yes, I agree because Tuti’s suggestions are simple and really useful. .(Accept any possible answers)

3. I think we should start everything from ourselves. We should throw the garbage in the garbage can and always keep the environment clean. .(Accept any possible answers)

Get It RightWays to say it: Expressing attitudesA. (Accept any possible answers)

b. I can’t agree to that. I realize that it is not easy but I think there should be good law enforcement to eradicate corruption. That’s why all the people from any background should support this way.

c I don’t think so. I know it’s difficult to eliminate corruption but everyone must do something to support the government and the police department to eliminate the corruption at least from the smallest thing.

d I agree. I think the president should be strict to all corruptors. They need to be put in jail forever and they should give the money to the people. There should not be consolidation between the police and the corruptors.

B(Accept any possible answers)

b I can feel it is difficult but everyone must understand that we have a lot of debt. If we don’t pay the debt, there would be more problems that occur in the use of the water.

c If I think of our country’s debt, I must try to help the government. I can study better so that when I work later, I can help solving the nation’s problems.

d I think the city administration should find another way to pay the debt. They can not put the burden in us. It is not fair. They can take the budget from the officials’ salaries.

e I realize it is not easy but the foreign water company partner can give the city administration time consideration to pay the debt.

C1. good news2. oh dear3. it annoys me4. business5. I can’t stand6. but don’t be scared

Find out :

1. The tap water rate increases.2. “Read the issue more closely, mom.3. The money collected from the increase will be used to pay an outstanding debt of 938 billion rupiahs to its

foreign water company partner.4. Most of the users are low-income families. No, they aren’t5. Yes because they have a lot of money.6. Humans can not live without water. We use water for everything; drink, wash the clothes, take a bath, etc.

(Accept any possible answers)7. Because it is very difficult to find clean water because most of the water is polluted by garbage.8. The antonym of

Increase : decrease Automatic : complicated Foreign : domestic Low-income : high-income, the haves Suffering : happy Public : private

Moving ForwardAAccept any possible answer

1. No, I don’t. 2. Yes, I have. 3. You can buy and do anything with money. (Accept any possible answers)4. Sometimes, people are too greedy. They want to have a lot of money by using

all ways, even the worst ones, just to get rich. People who have a lot of money never satisfy with everything that they have.

5. Therefore, they tend to do the corruption

BFind out:

1. Jakarta2. Many people’s idea. From the most reliable survey.3. Punishing the corruptors and prevent the younger generations from getting a

bad mentality caused by corruption. 4. To persuade the reader to be involved in eradicating the corruption5. Yes, because everyone will agree that corruption is dangerous and everyone

should be involved in eradicating the corruption.6. To give recommendation of how corruption should be overcome.7. Hortatory exposition8. Present Tense

CFind out:

1. The police department said it in their reports last week.2. To fight crime a city needs police officers, cars, and guns. These cost a lot of money. 3. Many young people don’t have much hope for a better life. They only know one way to make a better

living for themselves. That way is to sell drugs or steal.4. Selling drugs is a felony.5. a Crime is a serious problem in big cities and it’s getting worse

b Police departmentc Criminalsd Many young people

6. To persuade the readers to fight against crime problems, especially drugs.7. 3 reasons8. Yes, they are9. The last paragraph10. Hortatory exposition

Hand In Hand (Accept any possible answers)

Show it off (Accept any possible answers)

Cultural Awareness(Accept any possible answers)

1. Impolite2. Impolite3. Impolite4. Polite5. Impolite6. Polite7. Impolite8. Polite / Impolite, depends on the situation9. Impolite

Stage 2Getting Started

A(Accept any possible answers)

1. Yes, I am. That is the picture of Dirly (the contestants of Indonesian Idol)2. I am not really fond of watching Indonesian Idols because I think the voice of the contestants are not really

good. Besides that, I also don’t like the way of judgment in Indonesian Idol. All the judges only give comments but the “sms from the viewers” determines the winners. (Accept any possible answers)

3. No, because everything needs struggle. Things that are started without struggling are not good.

BFind out:

1. AFI has offered a unique package for viewers; a combination between a reality show and a talent show.2. Yes, it does. The contestants do not have to struggle from the basic step. They just perform in TV and every

viewer can recognize them3. We should really think about the singer’s and the musician’s talents and train them appropriately so that

they can be a professional singer or musician in the future.4. To persuade the readers in giving opinions how to be a good singer.5. Hortatory exposition6. Yes, because I think everyone should start from the basic part to do anything.

C(Accept any possible answers)Thus, if we want to improve the Indonesian music industry, those who want to be singers or musicians should have good ability and great capacity to do that so that they can be a professional singer or musician in the future.

Grammar In Action


Can expresses ability to do something Should expresses suggestion to do something Will expresses probability to do something May expresses suggestion, permission to do something Must expresses obligation to do something

B1. strong modality2. moderate modality3. tentative modality4. strong modality

CFortress, assault, leadership, capture, imprisonment, trial, amnesty, movement, Revolution

D1. Demonstration2. Generation3. Corruption, difference4. Administration5. Government6. Discussion, distinction7. Fumigation8. Neighborhood

E Subjective opinion My professor told us that Brown and Raymond’s article is good because of how it has been put

together Objective opinion Brown and Raymond’s article is good because of how it has been put together Subjective opinion In my experience, these pieces of information are also easily found because the start of the piece

of writing gives a brief yet highly detailed outline of what’s in it. Objective opinion These pieces of information are also easily found because the start of the piece of writing gives a

brief yet highly detailed outline of what’s in it. Subjective opinion

I think the article is also good because it uses lots of evidence such as references and statistical data to back up what the authors say and you should always try to do that.

Objective opinion The article is also good because it uses lots of evidence such as references and statistical data to

back up what the authors say.

F1. Firstly2. Secondly3. I think the government should4. Should5. Should be6. Should be

Moving ForwardA

I think the advertisement is quiet persuasive for men because they can approach the women by only using this perfume. (Accept any possible answers)

BFind out:

1. Masarani S.W2. Newspapers, magazines, or other printed media. (Accept any possible answers)3. Editor4. To make complaints about the ads on TV.5. 3 reasons6. Hortatory exposition7. Paragraph 58. Yes, so that the viewers will enjoy the programs without any interruption from the ads.

CFind out:

1. The editor and the writer2. Present tense3. First, second, finally, for those reasons4. I think they should be stopped for a number of reasons, I think TV stations should stop showing ads.5. Think, sick of ads

I think they should be stopped for a number of reasons.Sometimes there seems to be more ads than programs.

….even though those programs may be someone’s favorite.6. I think TV stations should stop showing ads.7. …..they sometimes put a stop to people’s favorite shows.8. Hortatory exposition


Title: Fuel Cash Aid

Thesis : The government is now starting to distribute cash to the poor to help offset the effects of higher fuel prices. As expected, there have been some problems

ArgumentsA number of officials from the Central Statistics Agency were reported to have abused their positions by siphoning off the aid meant for the poor. In addition, it turns out that many of recipients were not really poor.


In my opinion, the government’s policy of giving money to the poor is not effective. I believe that it will be more effective if the aid is given to those who can’t afford to send their children to school. Untold numbers of children fail to get a proper education simply because they come from poor families. Consequently, sufficient funds must be allocated for education, which in turn would ease the burden on the poor.

Fuel Cash AidThe government is now starting to distribute cash to the poor to help offset the effects of higher fuel prices. As expected, there have been some problemsA number of officials from the Central Statistics Agency were reported to have abused their positions by siphoning off the aid meant for the poor. In addition, it turns out that many of recipients were not really poor.In my opinion, the government’s policy of giving money to the poor is not effective. I believe that it will be more effective if the aid is given to those who can’t afford to send their children to school. Untold numbers of children fail to get a proper education simply because they come from poor families. Consequently, sufficient funds must be allocated for education, which in turn would ease the burden on the poor.

Hand in Hand

A (Accept any possible answers)T itle: Rock Rocks!!

Thesis: Rock music has been one of the most powerful music in the world. Rock does not only concern with the music but also the life and fashion style of the rockers.

ArgumentsThere are those who do not approve of the way rockers dress and behave. Some go further and accuse rockers of Satanism. For example, Ozzy Osbourne, a famous rock star, often bit the head off small animals and drank their blood on stage. Many people considered such acts affiliated with Satanism.

There are also occasions where teen commits suicide after going to a concert or listening to music. Such cases strengthen the conviction of many people that rock music, such as heavy metal and underground music is truly a bad influence.

RecommendationFor those reasons, I think the rockers should give positive examples to the listeners because the listeners tend to listen to their idols instead of other people.

B(Accept Any Possible Answers)

Title: The Use of Pesticides

Thesis: Nowadays, the pesticides have been one of the useful components for the farmers in keeping a good plant.

ArgumentsUnfortunately, farmers commonly do not know how to use pesticides properly and they do not take enough care. They only think about how to increase the production and get as much profit as possible. This result in poisonings while they are spraying pesticides on their plants because the residues of the chemicals stay on the crops.Furthermore, we still find many improper practices in the use of pesticides. For example, in villages, pesticides sellers often sell them together with food.In addition, only a few pesticides sellers know how to use them properly so they can provide correct information about the use to farmers. Consequently, farmers often wrongly spray their plants within 2 weeks of harvesting.

RecommendationTherefore, the state officials should give agricultural extension or counseling to the farmers so that they can use the pesticides properly.

C (Accept Any Possible Answers)

Show It Off

(Accept Any Possible Answers)
