Answers for Savvy English Book 1



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1 SAVVY ENGLISH BOOK 1 Edwin Soo Kim Seng ANSWERS Thesearesuggestedanswersonly.Someoftheseexercisesmayhaveother alternative answers. Accept any logical and relevant answers. Chapter 1 Pronunciation Exercise 2 ///i////u/// guard palm suave spleen penal cheek dwarf pause poor wound youth dude squirm churn perk Exercise 4 /e/////// friend egg men axe pack man cough sought sock ago above adieu Exercise 5 //////// ship women busy dot mock jog cook woman pull blood mum rum Exercise 7 /e//a////a/ phrase pain sleigh high idea isle oyster noise choice hour cow house Savvy English Book 1 2 Exercise 9 /////e/// solo snow photo beard severe wierd where aware repair tour insure impure Exercise 12 ///s////t/ thumb health author pass essay face cash chef wish cheese nature catch Exercise 15 ///z////d/ soothe within either was cheesy does usual casual decision judge object edge Exercise 18 1./iz/ 2./bnn/ 3./htel/ 4./n(r)/ 5./lets/ 6./ki/ 7./envlp/ 8./gzekjtv/ 9./mnden / 10./dskren/ Exercise 19 2.genuine 3.hotel 4.abalone 5.jewellery 7.hierarchy 8.salmon 9.comfortable 10. mayonnaise Savvy English Book 1 3 Exercise 20 1.bun 4.pull 5.walk 6.bake 8.bear 9.thanks 10. cash Exercise 21 1./ra/ 2./jt/ 3./prefs/ 4./pktresk/ 5./fsd/ 6./lez/ 7. /wenzde/ 8. /ntrprn(r)/ 9. /nfms/ 10./klig/ Exercise 22 1. /wer//wr/ 2. /grif//griv/ 3. /tel//tel/ 4. /ks//ks/ 5. /grn//grn/ 6. /(r)//(r)/ 7. /dn//dn/ 8. /lt(r)//lt(r)/ 9. /tk//ik/ 10. /pl//pl/ Exercise 23 1./i z s s/ 2./a lak t rid nvls/ 3./h gz dg evr mn/ 4./e(r) fevrt sbdkt/ 5./wt z j(r) nem ?/ Savvy English Book 1 4 Exercise 24 1.I live in a small house. 2.Why are you crying? 3.Do you know my cousin? 4.She is doing her homework in the library.5.Their mother is a beautiful young entrepreneur. Exercise 26 1.pessimistic 2.decision 3.immortality 4.stupidity 5.dichotomy 6.juxtaposition 7.noteworthy 8.acknowledgement 9.appreciation 10. cacophony Exercise 27 NounsVerbs NounsVerbs 1.address 2.compound3.conflict 4.escort address compound conflict escort finance 6.protest 7.rebel 8.refund 9.survey 10.transport protest rebel refund survey tran1sport Chapter 2 Grammar Parts of Speech Exercise 1 1.entrance 2.explanation 3.opposition 4.height 5.creation 6.advertisement 7.grief 8.variation 9.remembrance 10. interference Savvy English Book 1 5 Exercise 2 1.agreement 2.unity 3.offence 4.punctuality 5.expectation 6.assistance 7.service 8.freedom 9.qualifications 10. corrections Exercise 3 ErrorCorrection 1.yourselvesyourself 2.herhers 3.itsits 4.whichwhom 5.meI 6.hehim 7.whowhose 8.theythem 9.yoursyour 10.whomwho Exercise 4 1.acceptable/unacceptable 2.marvellous 3.painful/painless 4.dangerous 5.destructive 6.energetic 7.glorious 8.childish 9.proud 10. luxurious Exercise 5 1.enjoyable 2.national 3.wise 4.scientific 5.humourous 6.beneficial 7.talkative 8.considerate 9.skilful/skillful 10. anxious Exercise 6 1.boring long 2.interesting love 3.ugly round dining 4.short yellow silk 5.impatient young J apanese 6.long narrow winding 7.nice large modern brick 8.handsome short young fair 9.pretty tall slender Indian 10. elegant small red J apanese sports Savvy English Book 1 6 Exercise 7 1.lazier 2.latest 3.cleaner 4.selfish 5.worst 6.ancient 7.prettier 8.lesser 9.most thoughtful 10. tiniest Exercise 8 1.breathe 2.inform 3.tighten 4.decide 5.empower 6.hate 7.terrorise 8.think 9.liquefy 10. fertilise Exercise 9 1.criticise 2.simplify 3.sympathise 4.memorise 5.originated 6.apologise 7.produce 8.succeed 9.ridiculed 10. sympathise 11. rely 12. validate 13. solve 14. sharpen 15. visualise Exercise 10 1.enjoyably 2.rarely 3.comfortably 4.mysteriously 5.gracefully 6.persistently 7.gloriously 8.adventurously 9.necessarily 10. destructively Exercise 11 1.heavily 2.easily 3.recklessly 4.occasionally 5.satisfactorily 6.dreadfully 7.originally 8.carefully/carelessly 9.naturally 10. accidentally Savvy English Book 1 7 Exercise 12 3.on 4.since 5.from, to/until 8.for 9.during 10. in Exercise 13 ErrorCorrection 1.onin 2.InOn3.sincefor 4.atby 5.beforeafter 6.inat 7.onin 8.induring 9.sincefor 10.onin Exercise 14 2.between 3.from 4.on 5.under 6.on 8.on 10. against Exercise 15 ErrorCorrection 1.onin 2.onbetween 3.onin 4.atin 5.inat 6.inagainst 7.inby 8.onunder 9.onunder/near/beside 10.inon Savvy English Book 1 8 Exercise 16 ErrorCorrection 1.onunder 2.forsince 3.besidebetween 4.onat 5.within 6.overinto 7.induring 8.onin 9.byon 10.afterbefore Exercise 17 ErrorCorrection 1.yetso 2.soas/for 3.sobut/yet 4.noror 5.andnor 6.althoughbecause 7.orand 8.noror 9.andbut/yet 10.ornor Exercise 18 1.Ouch! 2.Wow! 3.Gosh! 4.Mmm! 5.Aha! 6.What 7.How 8.Oh! 9.Yuck! 10. What Exercise 19 1.rang 2.juicy 3.psychologist 4.criticisms 5.assignments 6.authorise 7.entertaining 8.saddened 9.description 10. truth Savvy English Book 1 9 Exercise 20 1.carefully 2.diligently 3.inspiration 4.manageable 5.clearly 6.loss 7.happiness 8.difficulties 9.willingness 10. appreciation Exercise 21 1.largest 2.pleased 3.happily 4.exposure 5.complaint 6.acceptance 7.solution 8.gradually 9.approval 10. loneliness Exercise 22 1.expensive 2.determination 3.glorious 4.briefly 5.better 6.lecturer 7.delighted 8.honesty 9.angrily 10. invention Exercise 23 1.tasty 2.personal 3.population 4.appointment 5.golden 6.completely 7.resignation 8.academically 9.charming 10. residence Exercise 24 1.soften 2.painful 3.silence 4.loving 5.information 6.rationaliseencourage 7.exhaustion 8.punctually 9.punishment 10. modernisation Exercise 25 1.boring 3.original 4.wealthy 5.promotion 6.confidently 7.mischievous 8.purify 9.noisy 10. respectfully Savvy English Book 1 10 Exercise 26 1.attentively 2.hurriedly 3.heighten 4.faithfully 5.chilly 6.disturbance 7.fortunately 8.occasionally 9.anger 10. courageous Exercise 27 1.donation 2.ability 3.proud 4.suddenly 5.persuasively 6.researcher/researchers 7.privacy 8.followers 9.thankful 10. natural Exercise 28 1.hungrily 2.luxurious 3.introduction 4.believe 5.acceptable 6.choice 7.lightly 8.tighten 9.classify 10. investigator Exercise 29 ErrorCorrection 1.athe 2.someany 3.thosethat 4.ana 5.ThatThose6.thesethis 7.aan 8.hisher 9.anysome 10.thisthese Savvy English Book 1 11 Tenses Exercise 1 1.washes having, have rising 4.wakes 5.goes, is taking 6.does not bark, are barking, walks 7.purrs, pets using sleeping 10. is waiting, are going 11. drinks, is drinking 12. is listening, are playing 13. is baking, bakes 14. does not rain, is raining 15. are washing, washes, is Exercise 2 1.has just arrived 2.represented 3.gambled, lost 4.has visited 5.bathed, were 6.has never been, have planned 7.has received, received 8.came, have stayed 9.has written, wrote 10. went, has not returned 11. have switched, checked 12. had, has had 13. have bought, bought 14. quarrelled, have not been 15. has completed, managed, gave Exercise 3 1.was listening, rang 2.saw, was driving 3.was crying, was preparing 4.stayed, were travelling 5.attacked, was jogging 6.was taking, was surfing 7.were chattering, walked 8.were sleeping, broke 9.were strolling, stumbled 10. was riding, knocked Exercise 4 1.had left, arrived 2.had switched, unplugged 3.arrived, had fled 4.refused, had explained 5.had worked, stopped 6.passed, had written 7.had completed, kept 8.had mopped, came 9.finished, had ended 10. returned, had set Exercise 5 1.will receive/is going to receive 2.will not join/are not going to join/will not be joining 3.will sit/are going to sit/will be sitting 4.will perform/is going to perform/ will be performing 5.will meet/am going to meet Savvy English Book 1 12 6.will have taken 7.will not go/is not going to go 8.will cry/is going to cry 9.will be taking 10. will have missed 11.will be sending 12. will have cleared 13. will be laughing 14. will have put 15. will have done Subject-Verb Agreement Exercise 1 2.have 3.am4.does 6.has 7.Does 8.has 9.provides 10. enjoys 11. knows 12. is 13. requires 14. smokes 15. wishes Exercise 2 ErrorCorrection 1.areis 2.tastetastes 3.havehas 4.areis 5.belongbelongs 6.barkbarks 7.havehas 8.havehas 9.areis 10.havehas 11.werewas 12.aream 13.werewas 14.looklooks 15.areis Savvy English Book 1 13 Error Identifications Exercise 1 No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 12thingsthing 23inon 35thea 46isare 58puzzlepuzzled 69kindlykind 710beingbe 811invitedinviting 915drovedrive 1016forto Exercise 2 No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 13notno 24encounterencountered 36themit 48constantconstantly 510existentexistence 611amongbetween 712waswere 814anthe 915encourageencourages 1019conversationconversational Exercise 3 No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 12stretchesstretch 23gorgegorging 34perfectperfectly 45hashave 56believebelief 67atto 79healthyhealth 811wayways 913reducereduced 1014athe Savvy English Book 1 14 Exercise 4 No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 12beenbeing 24companycompanies 36serveserves 47presentpresence 59balancebalanced 610TheseThis 713countriescountry 814feedbacksfeedback 916onin 1018meetsmeet Exercise 5 No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 12atin 23thea 34givengave 45touristtourists 57interestinginterested 69bywith 710walkwalks 812thesethis 914gogoes 1018attractionsattraction Exercise 6 No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 13personsperson 24staystaying 36inout 47advanceadvanced 58indicateindicated 610meI 712significantsignificance 815helpedhelp 917atover 1018hashave Savvy English Book 1 15 Exercise 7 No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 12thea 24exceptionexceptional 36atto 48comprisescomprise 510skilfullyskilful 611lethargiclethargy 715areis 816customisecustomised 917simplesimply 1019feelfeels Exercise 8 No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 12drawdraws 25iswas 36slowslowly 48athe 510finishedfinish 611constructconstruction 715infrom 818havehas 919completingcompletion 1020buildingsbuilding Chapter 3 Cloze Passages Exercise 1 1.are 2.of 3.we 4.the 5.has 7.reduce/minimise 8.too 9.use 10. should Exercise 2 2.cigarettes 3.such 4.risk 5.feel 6.more 7.costs 8.a 9.but 10. who Savvy English Book 1 16 Exercise 3 2.into 3.him 4.appearance 5.a 6.not 7.if 8.about 9.funny 10. will Exercise 4 1.but 2.the 3.constructed/built 4.on 5.without 6.most 8.priced 9.of 10. has Exercise 5 2.about 3.a 4.because 5.either 6.become 7.but 8.words 9.women 10. are Exercise 6 2.a 3.was 4.with 5.had 7.her 8.prove 9.effects 10. what Exercise 7 2.shown 3.an4.that 5.of 6.effects 7.or 8.much 9.have 10. nor Savvy English Book 1 17 Exercise 8 1.from 3.pitch/set 4.the 5.beneficial 6.and 8.can 10. are Exercise 9 1.from 2.are 3.the 4.sight 5.good 6.practised 7.chopsticks 8.who 9.while 10. being Exercise 10 2.the 3.consists 5.against 6.not 7.and 8.friends 9.their 10. together Chapter 4 Summary Writing Exercise 1 1.selected 2.grateful 3.accused, squabble 4.cheated, faulty 5.harmful, quit 6.diligent, loyal 7.praises, responsibility 8.terrible, beautify 9.angry, naughty 10. tiredness, concentration, reprimanded Exercise 2 1.Presently, 2.consider 3.surrendered 4.audience 5.decide 6.loudly 7.spacious 8.childish 9.repeatedly 10. gracefully Savvy English Book 1 18 Exercise 3 1.My sister went to the market to buy some fruits. 2.Theaudio-visualequipmentwasfaulty,sothefamilycouldnotuseanyof them. 3.The residents were dissatisfied with the management because they have not repaired the lifts since last month. 4.Kelly was excited when her father informed her that they would be going to Hong Kong. 5.Duringthefestival,myfamilywillbringsomedeliciousfoodtovisitour relatives. 6.There was a massive congestion on the road. 7.Samsonlikestoreadwheneverheisfreetogainmoreknowledgeand improve his language. 8.J ames is a curious and talkative person. He is ostracised by his classmates because he irritates them by talking too much.9.J acky had diarrhoea after having dinner at an unhygienic roadside stall. 10. J ulius was scolding his sister for misplacing his favourite watch given to him by his father. Exercise 4 1.Among the many great inventions in the world, the computer and the Internet havechangedourlifestylesignificantly.Shopping,bookingofticketsand bankingtransactionscanbedoneonlineconvenientlywithoutleavingthe house.Importantcorrespondencecanbesentviae-mailsimmediately. Specific information can also be obtained using various online search engines conveniently.Wordprocessingismucheasierasdocumentscanbe amended, saved, printed and sent to anyone in the world. The computer has made our life easier. (80 words) 2.Organicfoodhasbecomeapopularchoiceforhealth-consciouspeople.It offersmanyhealthbenefits.Itisrichinnutrientswhichareretainedmuch longerinorganicproducethannon-organicones.Itsqualityisbetterthan conventionalfoodasnoartificialpreservativesareadded.Therefore,it contains more nutrients and tastes better than non-organic food. Furthermore, organic farming is environmentally friendly as no harmful chemicals that may contaminate our environment are used. However, it costs slightly more than non-organic food.(80 words) Savvy English Book 1 19 Chapter 5 Reading Comprehension Comprehension 1 The Best Show Ever! Lets Enrich Your Vocabulary Exercise A Column AColumn B 1. laboriousrenovation 2. matineea crazy person 3. refurbishmentupset 4. plushrequiring a lot of time and effort 5. soothingcaught 6. amissa movie shown in the afternoon 7. agitatedstrange 8. erraticrelaxing 9. lunaticvery comfortable 10. apprehendedwrong Exercise B 1. amiss 2. refurbishment 3. apprehend 4. soothing 5. laborious 6. erratic 7. plush 8. matinee 9. lunatic 10. agitated Lets Check Your Understanding 1.The writer was at the Tanjong Golden Village cinema hall. 2.The writer did it to indulge himself after completing a tedious project for the Interact Club. 3.The writer thought that the place has emerged as the hippiest place in Kuala Lumpur. 4.Thewritercouldhearsoothinginstrumentalmusicandincessantchatterof patrons. Savvy English Book 1 20 5.When the screen curtain was drawn open, a few movie trailers were shown. 6.A fellow patron who sat five seats away from the writer caught his attention. 7.Thepatronbegantothrowpopcornsatapatroninfrontofhimhalfway through the movie. 8.Theyknewthatbecausethatpatronbecameviolentandshoutedverbal abuse at everyone while shaking with anger. 9.The patron meant that watching the scene of the policemen overpowering the lunatic and violent patron was the most exciting show that he had ever seen. Lets Keep It Concise Suggested points: a mad patron suddenly threw popcorn at someonehe became violent and cursed loudly at everyone the cinema manager and two policemen tried to escort him out the lunatic patron retaliated the policemen apprehended him everybody cheered and clapped Comprehension 2 Go Places with English Lets Enrich Your Vocabulary Exercise A 1.fluency 2.increased 3.helping 4.a lot of 5.affect 6.alienated 7.negative 8.weaknesses 9.fear 10. well-known Exercise B 1. aid 2. renowned 3. hindered 4. proficient 5. flaws 6. phobia 7. magnified 8. ostracised 9. abundant 10. adverse Lets Check Your Understanding 1.The medium of instruction in most primary and secondary schools in Malaysia is English. 2.Malaysian students will experience a culture shock when they proceed to their tertiary education because the classes at colleges and universities are mostly Savvy English Book 1 21 conductedinEnglishandthesuddenswitchfromBahasaMalaysiain secondary schools to English can be challenging for many students.3.Students struggle with English more compared to Bahasa Malaysia because theyaremorefamiliarwithlearningtheirsubjectsinBahasaMalaysia,and theyweakproficiencyinEnglishmakestheirlearningmoredifficultattheir colleges and universities. 4.AstudentsweakEnglishproficiencywillaffecthisorherreadingasthe libraryandtheInternetareladenwithabundantreadingmaterialsthatare mostly written in English, so they may not be able to do their research and reading effectively. 5.They need to read or refer to textbooks and other reading materials to help themtocompletetheircourseworkandtaskswhenstudyingincollegesor university. 6.Instructors will fell frustrated when they read students written work because it isfulloflanguageerrorsasaresultofthestudentsweaklanguage proficiency that hinder the instructors understanding. 7.Students who have a higher proficiency in English will belittle, ridicule or even ostracise those with a lower proficiency. 8.Somestudentswithdrawfromtheircircleoffriendsandgiveuplearning English as they do not like their weaknesses in English to be laughed at by others. 9.Itisimportantforstudentswhowanttofurthertheirstudiesoverseasto master English because the medium of instructions in overseas colleges and universities is English. Lets Keep It Concise Suggested points: to understand lessonsto complete assignmentsto do research and reading effectively to excel at examinations to communicate well not ridiculed by others to pursue education overseas and to seek employment Savvy English Book 1 22 Comprehension 3 Plastic Money Lets Enrich Your Vocabulary Exercise A Clue Word 1. attractT E M P T 2. with good judgementW I S E L Y 3. show something quicklyF L A S H 4. money a person owesD E B T S 5. developC U L T IV A T E 6. increasingS O A R I N G 7. follow strictlyA D H E R E T O 8. sufficientA M P L E 9. optionA L T E R N A T I V E 10. very expensiveE X O R B I T A N T Exercise B 1. ample 2. debts 3. exorbitantly 4. tempted 5. soared 6. wise 7. alternative 8. adhere to 9. flash 10. cultivate Lets Check Your Understanding 1.Creditcardsarebecomingpopularamongworkingadultsanduniversity studentsbecausecreditcardcompanieshavesuccessfullyattractedthem with the slogan buy now, pay later. 2.Inthepast,creditcardswereexclusivelymeantforpeoplewithhigher financialstatus,buttoday,almosteverybodycanownoneaslongasthey fulfill the requirements. 3.Using a credit card can increase a users debts when the user continues to swipe the card to the limit, carries a balance on his or her credit card with a Savvy English Book 1 23 minimum payment at the end of the month and uses the cash advance facility to pay off another credit card. 4.The users can be disillusioned as they think that by having credit cards, they can purchase everything they desire, but in reality, they may not be able to afford what they have bought or let alone settle their debts.5.When a user uses his or her credit card excessively, it may cause him or her to be in serious financial debts and this can potentially lead to bankruptcy. 6.Owning a few credit cards at the same time can increase the users financial burdens as each card comes with different interest rates or charges, and the user has to pay the annual fees incurred for each card which unnecessarily increase his or her debts. 7.The benefits of using a debit card over a credit card are the money is directly deducted from the account for each purchase, and there is a daily purchase limit for transactions. 8.Bringingalongsome cashinsteadofcreditcardsduringshoppingcanlimit ones spending with the amount of cash that they have 9.By planning the usage of credit cards wisely, the user does not have to worry about being in debts or paying excessive interest rates. Lets Keep It Concise Suggested points: get a credit card with the lowest interest rate do not own a few credit cards - increase ones financial burdens buy only what is necessary.use debit cards take only cash when shopping identify what ones true needs are Savvy English Book 1 24 Comprehension 4 Examinations Lets Enrich Your Vocabulary Exercise A 1c2m au ms3g a4u7thrills rneg alra 5hden aea6st v8restraining eihvc 9inherito nu gr 10yell d Exercise B 1. haven 2. yelled 3. thrill 4. mustered 5. camaraderie 6. inherit 7. gigantic 8. restrained 9. unleash 10. savour Lets Check Your Understanding 1.The writer will feel a huge sense of relief soon as the final examination paper is over and there will be no necessity to burn the midnight oil and to do rote learning. 2.Whenthewriterstepsoutoftheexaminationhall,heorsheisgoingto produce the loudest yell that he or she can muster. 3.The first thing that the writer will do after his or her examination is to spend time and enjoy his favourite milkshake with his friends. 4.Theydrinkmilkshakebecausetheiragedoesnotpermitthemtodrink alcoholic beverages. 5.Homewillnolongerbeaprison forthewriterto force himselfor herself to study but a haven for relaxation. 6.Thewriterwillclearawayanyremindersofexaminationsuchasrevision books or textbooks. 7.Thewriterwillgivethebookstohisorherneighboursdaughterassheis facing her examination next year. Savvy English Book 1 25 8.The writer is most probably a boy as he likes to play computer games which is what most boys like to do. 9.The writer believes in the principle of carpe diem or seize the day where he plans to live life to the fullest after the examinations. Lets Keep It Concise Suggested points: enjoy milkshake with friends clear away his school books and notes create a cozy room to relax in play computer games chat online with friends watch movies and read novels Comprehension 5 Holiday Lets Enrich Your Vocabulary Exercise A 1.made possible 2.affected 3.amazement 4.hectic 5.many 6.unstable 7.decreased 8.enjoyed 9.short rest 10. put oneself in Exercise B 1. innumerable 2. relished 3. respite 4. marred 5. plummeted 6. awe 7. fickle 8. immerse 9. chaotic 10. materialised Lets Check Your Understanding 1.ThewriterhadbeenexcitedaboutgoingtoItalyandtheFrenchRiviera because it was his or her first plane ride, first European trip and first holiday abroad with family. 2.Thefirstproblemthatthewriterandhisorherfamilyencounteredbefore reachingtotheairportwastheirtaxiwas15minuteslate,causing unnecessary anxiety on them. 3.The writer means that the infrastructure is of high quality but the attitude of the users is bad. Savvy English Book 1 26 4.When the writer and his or her family checked in for their flight, their flight had been overbooked, so they had to be seated separately. 5.Thewriterwasdissatisfiedwiththeflightpersonnelbecausetheydidnot serve him or her despite repeatedly pressing the service bell.6.The writer means that the flight attendants are giving preferential treatment to the foreigners as they are served or treated much better than the locals. 7.The weather was freezing cold in Italy with -6 degree Celcius. 8.ThewriterandhisorherfamilydidnotenjoythecoldweatherinItaly because they were unprepared and under-dressed for it. 9.It could be that the tour guide would get some commissions from the sales at these designated shopping stops. Lets Keep It Concise Suggested points:freezing cold weatherunprepared and under-dressed did not relish taking pictures or walking in the streets being rushed-limited time to enjoy places of interest but given unlimited time to shop at designated shopping stops no opportunity to immerse in the Italian culture Comprehension 6 Cosmetic Surgery Lets Enrich Your Vocabulary Exercise A 1.glamourous 2.performed 3.extreme 4.unhygienic 5.continuous 6.lack 7.remove 8.high 9.increased 10. change Exercise B 1. unsanitary 2. perpetrated 3. rid 4. alter 5. glitzy 6. exacerbated 7. persistent 8. hefty 9. lapse 10. drastic Lets Check Your Understanding 1.Peopleshouldbeawareofthenegativeeffectsofcosmeticsurgerybefore going for cosmetic surgery. Savvy English Book 1 27 2.People go for cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance and self-esteem. 3.The effect of having cosmetic surgery in unsanitary conditions without the use of proper surgical tools may cause serious infections by mycobacterium.4.A patient should observe his or her food intake and limit physical movement for about six weeks after going through a cosmetic surgery. 5.If a patient does not take good care of himself or herself during the healing period,heorshemayfacewithpersistentafter-effectssuchasallergy, aches, skin irritation, redness, itching, bleeding, scarring and some darkening of the skin tone 6.Medications,postsurgicaltraumaticstresssyndrome,constipationfrom medications,lyingforlongperiodsoftimeinbed,disappointmentwiththe final result and other restrictions may cause depression among patients who have undergone cosmetic surgery. 7.Cosmetic surgery make people look weird and unnatural as they tend to be stiff and cannot perform simple actions, such as smiling naturally. 8.Cosmetic surgery is costly and there is no guarantee that it will be successful. Patients may need to go through several surgeries or treatments whichwill incur more costs and all these may contribute to patients financial burden. 9.Ifonehastoundergocosmeticsurgery,oneshouldconductin-depth researchintotheprocedures,findtherightdoctorandmakenecessary appointments to find out more details about the surgery. Lets Keep It Concise Suggested points: suffer medical complicationsmay get infections experience after-effects that can potentially lead to death may cause depressionmake people look weird and unnatural cause people to be financially burdened Chapter 6 Essay Writing Students own responses Chapter 7 Group Discussions Students own responses Savvy English Book 1 28 Chapter 8 Specimen Examination Paper Section A: Essay Writing Students own responses Section B: Grammar Part I: Word Formation 1.explanation 2.signature 3.latest 4.prosperity 5.shorten 6.continuously 7.various 9.instruction 10. grievances Part II: Error Identification No.Line No.ErrorCorrection 12includedincluding 23glamouriseglamourises 35forto 48showshown 59increasingincrease 610avoidsavoid 711infectiousinfection 813afterfor 914theirstheir 1016otherothers Part III: Cloze Passage 1.with 2.are 4.have 5.the 8.vent 9.effects 10. and Section C: Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary 1.TheschooltriptoUniversityMakmurwhichwasorganisedbytheschools Counselling Society will be etched in the writers memory for a long time 2.The writers irritation of waking up early quickly dissipated that morning when he met his friends at the school hall. 3.The sight of a group of unruly students clamouring for seats on the bus was the incident in the morning that affected the writers whole trip that day. Savvy English Book 1 29 4.The writer didnt rush for a seat on the bus like the other students because his goodupbringingand moralvaluespreventedhim fromjoiningthisgroup of students whom he called barbarians. 5.It meant that the reception hall was very crowded with a lot of students.6.The writer was impressed with the Olympic-sized swimming pool, the majestic sports complex and the five-storey library during the campus tour. 7.The setback that the writer and some of his friends experienced during lunch was that they were not provided with any cutlery to eat their nasi lemak. 8.Thewriterdidnotusehishandstoeathislunchbecausehewasnot comfortable using his bare hands to eat and he felt that it was unhygienic to use his hands to eat. 9.When it was time to board the bus at the end of the trip, the writer rushed for aseatbecausehedidnotwanttobeleftstandingduringthelongjourney back. 10. a) reduced b) rushing c) stuffy d) large e) led Savvy English Book 1