“HOLY DOORS” in this “JUBILEE of...


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July 2016 Issue 31

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Fr Peter Cullen

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Let us pray for ourpriests as they celebrate

their birthdays andanniversaries.


July02.07.2011: Fr Anthony Ikeji

07.07.2007: Fr Robert Sinama

07.07.2012: Fr Ikemerika Azubuike

12.07.1969: Fr Gerald Gostling

16.07.1972: Fr Peter Cullen

17.07.2004: Fr Pious Ncube

18.07.2009: Fr Marcel Kazadi

19.07.2014: Fr Mark Jande

21.07.2013: Fr Charles Wangoie

23.07.2012: Fr Mthetho Ndlovu

August30.08.2008: Bishop Graham Rose


July14.07.1949: Fr Tom Tshabalala

16.07.1987: Fr Mark Jande

21.07.1957: Fr Solly Mokoena

24.07.1958: Fr Billy Croucher

August12.08.1977: Fr Pious Ncube

29.08.1939: Fr Gerry Oreilly

“HOLY DOORS” in this “JUBILEE of MERCY”Have you been through a Holy Door

this year?

The Holy Door is an essential part of

the Jubilee of Mercy Holy Year.

United with the whole community of

the Church throughout the world

every Diocese has several Holy

Doors through which everyone in

every parish is encouraged to go. To

quote the Holy Father, Pope Francis:

“…the Holy Door will become a Door

of Mercy through which anyone who

enters will experience the love of God

who consoles, pardons, and instills

hope”. Each Deanery in our Diocese

has a church designated by the

Bishop to have a Holy Door. Make

arrangements with the priest in that

parish so that you may visit as an

individual, or with your family, or as a

Sodality, or go as a group of friends,

or arrange a parish pilgrimage. It

does not matter how you arrange the

group you go with, as long as you get

to a Holy Door. There should be

advice from your parish about the

prayers you can say, and about the

beautiful and powerful symbolism of

making a pilgrimage of Mercy.

Praying for yourself that you will be

truly a person of truth and justice but

with love, with forgiveness, and with

mercy, and then reaching out step by

step in prayer for the whole world.

Praying for the conversion of those

who are responsible for so much hurt

and evil in the world. Praying for

reconciliation and peace, and leaving

“judgment” in the hands of God.

Many families have blessed the door

of their own home, and prisoners the

door of their cell, and then the door of

the hospital, the door of the home for

the aged, or the hospice, or your

office, or study room. Learners can

make themselves conscious that

when they go through the door of the

school or college they must be

witnesses of the reality of God, and

his mercy and love…so that the grace

of this Year of Mercy may not be

missed by anyone and may be lived

out and experienced every day in

every situation.

This Holy Year of Mercy should help

mould all of us even more, and the

Church as a whole, into people of

God’s Love and Mercy, so that it is

our way of life every day. We do ask

God’s mercy on the world, but we

ourselves have to be people of His

mercy. As the Holy Father Pope

Francis says in the document

promulgating the Holy Year: “Mercy is

the very foundation of the Church’s

life. All of her pastoral activity should

be caught up in the tenderness she

makes present to believers; nothing in

her preaching and in her witness to

the world can be lacking in mercy.

The Church’s very credibility is seen

in how she shows merciful and

compassionate love”.

Go through the Holy Door in your

deanery, and make every door in your

life “Holy”.

Fr Gerald Gostling

Ngabe usuke wadlula eMnyango

oNgcwele kulonyaka?

UMnyango oNgcwele uyingxenye

abalulekile yeJubhili yoNyaka

wesiHawu. Sihlangene nomphakathi

wonke weBandla emhlabeni wonke

izifundaBhishobhi zineMinyango

eNgcwele lapho kukhuthazwa ukuba

wonke aye kuleminyango. Uma

ngingacaphuma uBaba oCwebileyo,

uPhapha uFrancis: “...uMnyango

oNgcwele uzoba wuMnyango

wesiHawu lapho wonke umuntu

ongena khona ezothola uthando

lukaNkulunkulu olududuzayo,

oluxolelayo futhi olunika ithemba”.

Idinari nedinari kulesifundaBhishobhi

sethu inawo umnyango omuswa

nguMhlekazi njengoMnyango

oNgcwele. Niyamenywa ukuba nenze

izinhlelo nomPriste wasePerishini

enoMnyango oNgcwele ukuze

nikwazi ukuvakasha ningumndeni,

niwuMhlangano, noma nje niyiqembu

labangani, noma nihlele uhambo

niyipherishi. Akunandaba ukuthi

nihlela kanjani okubalulekile nje

ukuthi niye kuleminyango. Kungaba

neziluleko eperishini ezingaqondana

nokuthi nizosho yiphi imikhuleko,

nokuthi nizosebenzisa ziphi izimpawu

uma senithatha loluhambo.

Nizikhulekele ukuba nibe ngabantu

beqiniso, nobulungiswa, uthando,

ukuxolela kanye nesihawu emva

kwalokho bese umhlaba wonke. p.2


Photos of the doors:

Holy Rosary Cathedral, Ermelo and below: St Peter and Paul.

July 2016 Dundee Diocesan Indaba


from page 1... Nikhulekele ukuba kuguquke labo abenza ubuhlungu nobubi

emhlabeni. Nikhulekele ukubuyisana, uxolo kanye nokuthi sifunde ukuba

“ukuhlulela” sikuyeke ezandleni zikaNkulnkulu.

Imindeni eminingi ibusise iminyango yayo emakhaya, iziboshwa iminyango

lapho iboshwe khona, kanye neminyango yasezibhedlela, umnyango

waseKhaya labadala, noma lapho kuhlala khona abagulayo, noma ioffisi, noma

indlu yokufundela. Abafundi bangazenza ukuthi bakhumbule njalo lapho

bengena emnyango wesikol noma ecollage kumele babe ngofakazi beqiniso

likaNkulunkulu, isihawu kanye nothando ...ukuze kube wukuthi igrasiya

laloNyaka wesiHawu lingaphuthelwa muntu, litholwe futhi liphilwe kuzo zonke


LoNyaka oNgcwele wesiHawu kumele usisize usakhe sonke, kanye neBandla

lonke, usenze sibe ngabantu bothando kanye nesiHawu sikaNkulunkulu, ukuze

lokhu kube yimpilo yethu yansuku zonke. Siyaye sicele isihawu sikaNkulunkulu

emhlabeni, kodwa thina uqobo lwethu kumele sibe ngabantu besihawu saKhe.

Njengoba uBaba oCwebileyo uPhapha uFrancis esho embhalweni lapho

ayemisa khona uNyaka wesiHawu: “IsiHawu siyisizinda sempilo yeBandla. p.2

Konke okokwalusa kumele kukhombise ukulunga okukhonjiswa isihawu

kwabakholwayo; akukho ekushumayeleni kanye nasebufakazini emhlabeni

lapho kungekho isihawu. Isithunzi seBandla sibonakala ngesihawu kanye

nothando olunozwelo”.

Hambani niye eMinyangweni eNgcwele kumadinari enu, bese nenza yonke

iminyango ezimpilweni zenu “ibe Ngcwele”.

Konke okokwalusa kumele kukhombise ukulunga okukhonjiswa isihawu

kwabakholwayo; akukho ekushumayeleni kanye nasebufakazini

emhlabeni lapho kungekho isihawu. Isithunzi seBandla sibonakala

ngesihawu kanye nothando olunozwelo”.

Hambani niye eMinyangweni eNgcwele kumadinari enu, bese nenza

yonke iminyango ezimpilweni zenu “ibe Ngcwele”.

Pope Francis has announced a major

overhaul in the Church’s system for

granting annulments. This move is

considered to be the latest in Francis’

reforms in which he seeks to make

the Church more responsive to the

needs of Catholics around the world.

Without an annulment Catholics who

remarry are excluded from the

reception of Communion. This is, for

many, a painful exclusion from one of

the Church’s most important

sacraments. Fr. James Martin, SJ,

described the announcement minutes

after it was made as “an act of mercy

from a pastoral Pope who listens

carefully to the concerns of the

people.” An annulment is a finding by

a Church court that a union between

a man and woman, even if ratified by

a Church wedding, was lacking

because it did not meet one of the

traditional tests for validity – for

example informed consent. The Pope

said that he was streamlining the

process out of concern for “the

salvation of souls” but still maintained

the Church’s traditional ban on

divorce. Under the rules, Catholics

whose relationships break down and

who want to marry someone else in

the Church first need to obtain an

annulment. Many people have

experienced the process as lengthy,

invasive, complicated and, in many

places, too expensive. Pope Francis

says that a great number of synod

fathers (who met in October 2014 in

preparation for the Synod on the

Family in October 2015) emphasised

the need to make the annulment

process more accessible and less

time consuming. In two legal

documents, called Motu Proprio,

Francis has overhauled the process

in order to speed it up. In the past, for

example, annulments had to go

through two courts. One issued it and

another had to confirm it. Francis has

ruled that only one court is necessary

unless there is an appeal. Appeals

can now also be handled by the

nearest Archdiocese and do not have

to be sent to Rome. The changes

took effect on 8 December 2015, the

first day of the “Year of Mercy” Other

changes that the Pope has decreed

are the following: Only one judge is

needed to oversee the process;

under some circumstances the

bishop himself can serve as the

judge; if the annulment is “evident”

the process will be even shorter; the

process must be free of charge and

that a second appeal can be made to

the Vatican if necessary. In the past

the first appeal would have to go to

Rome – the first appeal can now be

made to the nearest Archdiocese. It’s

important to note that the grounds for

granting annulments have not

changed ­ it is the process the Pope

is overhauling. Pope Francis has,

again, reminded us that mercy and

forgiveness are key aspects of

Christian life. It’s a massive challenge

to us all.

Fr Russell Pollitt, S.J,

The Jesuit Institute.

Annulment Process ­A dramatic change

The harvest is rich but the labourers are few

so ask the Lord of the harvest

to send labourers to his harvest(Mt. 9 : 37)

Have you thought of becoming a priest?

Our diocese needs you

Talk to your parish priestor talk with me.Fr Mthokozisi KhanyileVocations Directorcell: 073 2080462office: 034 3126591e­mail: khanyile.mthokozisi@gmail.com

July 2016Dundee Diocesan Indaba


IDeanary yase Mnambithi ibe

nendumezulu yeVuselelo eqale mhla

zingu 17­19 kuNhlangulani (June )

2016 eZakheni kwaNina woMsindisi.

Ibiholwa ngezintshumayelo

nezinkulumo nguSr. Dominic Shezi

OP beno Fr. Angelicus Mchunu TOR

njengabaluleki bezokomoya kwi

Deanary. NoFr. UMbingo

njengomeluleki kwi Diocese yonke

uFikile wenza iMisa eliyiNgcwele

waqhelisa amalunga aseno 25


Isiqubulo semvuselelo esoze siphele

ngeMvuselelo elandelayo ngoJune

2017 sithi BABUSISIWE



Sibonga uMrs. Ngwenya onguDean,

isekela lakhe uMiz Mabuza nesigungu

sonke seDeanary nabaphathi

bemihlangano emaParishini

nasemagatsheni impela kubonakele

ukuthi abantu bangena entweni

ababizelwa kuyo neculo likufakazele

lapho bekhisazela okwezikhukukazi

namaqhude bethi:




uFr. Lukas Bambezela OFM oyiqhude

lendawo Parish Priest owayekhona

elungisa ebona ukuthi konke

kuyathola kala kuhamba kahle futhi.

Baba siyabonga umee njala.

Nezikhonzi neParish Council.sibonga

no Miss Bongi Cebekhulu ongu Dean

woMhlangano kaMaria kwiLady Smith

Deanary nomhla ngano ukubakhona

kwabo kulemvuselelo ebisezingeni

eliphezulu. Inkulumo kaSr. Dominic ­

Ukuhleleka nokuzihlela kwelunga

loMhlangano weNhliziyo. Siyabonga

weSr. Dom ndodakazi kaMaZimu

eMphithi! Kodwa usungoka Kristo­

Dominic esigodlweni eMontobelo.

Nezindela oSr. Joseph, Gloria bathi

ngeke sisale nathi sisauozibonela

eZakheni. Fr. Mchunu TOR­ IsiHawu

noMkhuleko. Abantu mabazi ukuthi

singobani. Abantu bathi ungubani?

Wena uthi ungubani? UKristo uthi

ungubani kuwena empilweni yakho?

UFr. Mchunu TOR, Fr. Bambezela

OFM noSr Shezi babe sebewuthuma

uMhlangano ukuba uyobonisa

eMindeni, eBandleni naseMphakathini

ukuthi ungoBani njengamalunga

eNhliziyo kaJesu ngokuphila isihawu.

Fr. Angelicus Mchunu TOR.

From May 28, 2016 to June 5, 2016,

we were privileged to participate on a

pilgrimage of priests to Rome, in

order to celebrate the Jubilee year of

Mercy. A pilgrimage is a journey of

faith, in which we walk closer with

God in order to discover moments of

grace and spiritual renewal. This

pilgrimage was organised by the

Southern African Bishops

Conference. Our group consisted of

Bishop D. Mpako, Queen’s Town

diocese, two deacons and 26 priests.

The purpose of this pilgrimage was to

seek to drawer closer to God during

this year of mercy in order for him to

teach us and show us how to live the

loving mercy that God has for us all

and for his ministers, how to be true

and authentic ambassadors of his

mercy. The highlights of our

pilgrimage were 1) entering through

the Holy Doors, 2) visitations to St

Giovanni Rotondo and Assisi, and

finally 3) concelebrating the Jubilee

mass with Pope Francis.

The Holy Doors

One of the central components of the

Jubilee year of Mercy was the

opening of the Holy doors of mercy in

Rome and the local churches. These

doors symbolise the open side of

Christ on the cross, leading to God’s

merciful heart. The open doors of

mercy also demonstrate that God is

open to welcome everyone into his

loving compassion proclaimed by

Christ. Pope Francis has called on all

Christians to make a pilgrimage to

access these doors of mercy. In our

pilgrimage we visited and entered

through the Holy Doors of mercy at

the basilicas of St. Peter, the

Lateran,St Paul outside the walls and

Mary Major.

Visitation to Assisi and

Giovanni Rotondo.

In the Jubilee Year of Mercy, the

church invites us to look to the saints

and how they embraced and lived the

mercy of God. Our pilgrimage, took

us to Assisi the place of St Francis

and St Giovanni Rotondo where

Padre Pio lived. St Francis in his life

lived a life of abject poverty and

reached out to the poor and

marginalised. On the grounds of

Assisi is a capsized immigrant boat,

to remind all the pilgrims of the plight

of thousands of migrants who die at

sea trying to reach Europe in search

of a better life. Assisi reminds us to

practise the spiritual and corporal

works of mercy.

In Giovanni Rotondo, Padre Pio’s life

is an outstanding ambassador of

mercy. Padre Pio spent 17 hours

every day in the confessional listening

to confessions. This is a great

challenge for us priests to make

ourselves available to the faithful for

the sacrament of reconciliation during

this year of Mercy.

Jubilee mass with Pope


The climax of our pilgrimage was

concelebrating the Jubilee mass with

Pope Francis on the 3rd of June, on

the feast of the Sacred Heart. The

morning was wet and we all got

soaked as we lined up to get into the

Vatican. Our spirits were not

dampened, we gladly welcomed the

showers as the work of the God of

mercy, cleansing us to worthily

celebrate the Jubilee mass. In his

homily the Holy Father considered the

heart of the good shepherd and the

heart of the priest.

The heart of the good shepherd is

mercy itself full of love. Our ministry

is full of projects, plans and activities.

Amidst these we need to ask

ourselves the poignant question,

“Where is my heart directed to, what

is it set on, what treasure does it

seek?”. The question that each of us

needs to ask ourselves is, where is

my heart directed to? The challenge

is to model our hearts on the heart of

the good shepherd.

We would like to thank Bishop Rose

for his support and according us the

opportunity to visit Rome and take

part in the celebrations of the Year of

Mercy. The pilgrimage was spiritually

enriching. We give thanks to God, for

his mercy will endure forever.Fr Mthokozisi Khanyile standing in St Peter's Square

Fr Andrew Moyo with some of the priests who attended the pilgrimage in Rome

Celebrating the Year of Mercy with Pope Francis

UPhapha uFrancis usememzele

izinguquko ezinkulu zemigomo

yokumisa imishado ingabi khona

semthethweni. Lona kubonakala

kungumyakazo wamanje

uPhapha uFrancis awenzayo

ukulethat izinguquko ukuze

ibandla likwazi ukuletha

izimpendulo kubantu emhlabeni

wonkje. Ngaphandle

kwalomgomo wokuthi umshado

umiswe njengongekho

emthethweni amaKhatholika

ashada okwesibili ayanqatshelwa

ukuba amukele iKhomumiyoni.

Lokhu kuzwakala kubabandlulula

esaskramenteni elibalulekile

kakhulu. uFr James Martin, SJ,

uchaze lokhukumenyezelwa

“njengokukhombisa isihawu

sikaPhapha owalusa kahle futhi

olalela lokhu okukhathaza

abantu.” Umgomo wokwenza

umshado ungabi semthethweni

ngokwenkantolo yeBandla ukuthi

ukuhlanganiswa kowesilisa

nowesimame, noma ngabe

kushadelwe eSontweni,

awuphelele ngoba

ungahlangabezananga nokunye

kungamasiko ebandla, for

example kungavunyelwananga.

uPhapha uthi wenza lesinqumo

ukuze “kusindiswe imiphefumulo”

kodwa ukwenza nje lokhu usafisa

ukuba kugcinwe imigomo

yebandla emayelana

nokuhlukanisa. Ngaphansi

kwemithetho, amaKhatholika

uma ngabe ubudlelwane babo

sebuphela, bebe besafuna

ukushada nomunye eBandleni

kumele bathole incwadi eshoyo

ukuthi umshado wangaleso

sikhathi usuthathwa

njengongekho emthethweni.

Abantu abaningi bayibone

lenqumo njengethatha isikhathi

eside futhi enemidanti eminingi,

futhi edinga imali eningi. page 4

Indlela okumiswa ngayo imishado njengaleyo engekho emthethweni ­ Kunoshintsho olukhulu

July 2016 Dundee Diocesan Indaba



0820811456 (sms only)

You are welcome to sms requests for prayers to our “Evander Prayer Line”.

This number is dedicated only for prayer. We have a wonderful group of people (praise God for each one)who commit themselves to pray for the requests. Each request is sent to all the members. This line has been

operating successfully for over five years with requests even from overseas. Jimmy Mutevera is thecoordinator, and Fr. Gerald Gostling is the Chaplain, and offers Mass for all the intentions. We can cope with

most African languages.JIMMY

Bishop's Calender

July02 Pomeroy ­ uMusa woMsinga

16 Wakkerstroom ­ Wedding

18­26 Pmbg ­ Durban on Holiday

26 Johannesburg St Augustine's

Board Mtg

30 Boksburg ­ Newcastle OP's


August01 Newcastle

03 Newcastle Elections

05­06 Maria Ratschitz Caritas KZNMtg

09­16 Botswana _ SACBC Plenary

17­18 Johannesburg CUC (Church

Unity Commission)

21 Dannhauser ­ Confirmations

23 Pretoria ­ Ecumenism

24 Ladysmith ­ Mtg with Anglicans

25 Pmbg KZN Council of Churches

30 Durban Caritas KZN

31 Durban Durban Metropolitan

....Isuka ekhasini lesine

UPhapha uFrancis uthi oBaba

abaningi ababehlangene naye

ngoOctober ka 2014 belungiselela

iSinodi yoMndeni yango 2015

bagcizelela ukuba lenqumo yenziwe

lula ukuze isize abantu abaningi futhi

ingathathi isikhathi eside.

Emibhalweni emibili yomthetho,

ebizwa ngokuthi, Motu Proprio,

uFrancis uyishintshe kakhulu

lenqubo ukuze ayisheshise. Kudala,

lezinqubo kwakumele ziqale

ezinkantolo ezimbili. Eyodwa

yayiyikhipha bese kuthi enye

iyiqinisekise. UFrancis uthike ilungile

inkantolo eyodwa ngaphandle uma

ngabe kufakwa esinye isicelo

ngaphezulu. Izicelo sezingabanjwa

isifundaBhishobhi esiseduze futhi

akusamele zidluliselwe eRome. Lezi

zinguquko ziqale ngomhlaka 8

December 2015, ngosuku lokuqala

“loNyaka wesiHawu” Ezinye

izinguquko uPhapha azimise zaba

semthethweni yilezi: Kudingeka ijaji

elilodwa ukubhekana nalenqubo;

ngaphansi kwezimo lapho

umBhishobhi engaba yijaji, lenqubo

ingathatha isikhathi esincane

kakhulu; lenqumo kumele ingabizi

mali, uma kufakwa isicelo sesibili

kuzomele siyiswe kwiVatican.

Kudala isicelo sokuqala kwakumele

sibhekiswe eRome – manje

sesingayiswa kusifundaBhishobhi.

Kubalulekile ukwazi ukuthi

imibandela yokunika lenqubo

iyakashintshi – uPhapha

uyasikhumbuza futhi ukuthi isihawu

kanye nokuxolela yizinto

ezibalulekile kakhu empilweni

yobuKristo. Lena yinselela enkulu

kithi sonke.

Fr Russell Pollitt, S.J, The Jesuit
